Candace Owens Confronts Destiny IRL

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they are not the most literate you think people that graduate withes can't read well yeah what I'm telling you is yes that's what I'm telling you they're not the most literate what would I look up verify to you got to do you got to do the research in your own thech Happ what do you what do you mean it's not true and I'm I'm going to tell you hold I'm sorry because I've done a lot of research on College deges been a lot of research on education and every single thing that you're saying sounds really good on like a culture War perspective but when you look at an actual economic perspective when you look at actual firms that hire people and when you look at the actual median wages converted people that even have some college education all of it that's great for you but for the average American that's just not true none of these numbers are found on average you will never find data that supports that High School earners on average are earning college degree earners every single person that I went to school with is not using the degrees that they paid for what did you what did you go to actually what I a journalism isn't that what you're doing right now what do you mean you're acting like you're a college dorm kid yeah and your catty insults towards people online make you seem like a high school meme girl what are you doing here what's going on I just did uh pbd Patrick back David they know you over there right are you laughing maybe I know I'm good do you know Adam over there yeah that's what I'm saying I just asked Adam he was like oh yeah yeah I know Adam me and Adam are cool I'm not as much sure about the PVD guy I'm pretty uh I'm I'm a pretty farle guy and I disagree with a lot of stuff they say in a pretty crazy way he they got both on that show that's why it's so great but I just did something with Chris Cuomo he couldn't be further left that's what I just did yeah I saw it well but they bring on left guest is usually to roast the [ __ ] out of them so no that's not what happened at all oh that might not have happened this time that's what I've seen when I had Anthony Weiner on it was that when I've seen other left laning guys go on it was usually like a break him over one of them is a left is on the left right which guy so um I thought I really thought that Adam just said I never voted for a republican but I might vote Republican I think Adam is fair yeah I think Adam is fair generally from what I've seen but he's like Center at best and I'm not even like a communist type guy but I mean like Adam is like pretty Cent like he's like a um I just don't think he's behind all the Trump stuff but why laugh if I'm like I just went Patrick back David it's like haha like what's that um oh sorry in my world there's a lot it's like it's there's always like a lot of drama on people hating each other so I just laugh cuz it's funny because I don't I'm not sure if those guys hate me or not I've been on their show once they seem like cool people but um the Patrick guy has said kind of weird things about me or my fan base before so it's kind of like a funny um it's just a funny thing there wasn't anything deeper to that I promise okay no I was just I was just curious I was like CU you would go on a platform with someone on the right presumably yeah of course okay cuz you said cuz I'm on the left when I asked you and I was like what does that mean like why people we need more conversations it doesn't need to be I'm on the left I'm on the right it's like what do you actually think you know what do you actually believe right I agree for sure yeah um what's your what are you talking about mainly over the past week or two what's the stuff that's captured your attention your eyes the most man I talk about everything on my show I mean obviously I think the biggest topic for me has been the Diddy lawsuit craziest thing that's come out I think since Jeffrey Epstein and it's definitely significant because a lot of the work I do is talking about just or I guess really asking the question is what's happened to Black Culture cuz this is not the Black Culture that I grew up with and the Diddy lawsuit potentially answers a lot of those questions so can you do you say where you grew up I grew up I was born in White Plains New York and I grew up in Stanford Connecticut okay um what can you catch yourself on the P didy lawsuit I haven't been in this area as much are you kidding my mind has been I've done Israel palese for the last four years or four months and then like a whole bunch of red pill stuff before that so my mind is not so in case you guys have not seen it you can go over to my YouTube channel I've been covering it but and if you're there definitely subscribe but um so essentially at the end of last year Diddy was dating that girl Cassie for a long time about 10 years okay and she started making allegations that Diddy was very you know very into into some very sexually deviant things that I would say Okay um and forced her to do a lot of things against her will or drugs whatever she files this lawsuit and basically over overnight I'm obviously being a bit hyperbolic but he pays her off so it ends and then Cat Williams kind of like makes alludes to the fact that more stuff is going to come out in 2024 and then a producer whose name is Rodney drops a lawsuit and he alleges to have you know hundreds of hours of footage backing up his claims and in the lawsuit he actually dropped pictures so it wasn't Justice because you can always have a frivolous lawsuit it can mean nothing and what essentially his lawsuit suggests allegedly allegedly allegedly just for protection here um is that there's a blackmail ring in Hollywood Diddy is a gangster on top of Diddy sits um Lucen Grange who is the CEO of universal music group that and this was for me one of the wildest Parts he tells a story about one night where Diddy got mad at somebody and just shot them in like the stomach and the hip he shows the pictures of the blood all around the bathroom cuz he was right there when the person got shot and he allegedly went to his knees and tried to help the person it was Diddy and his son who allegedly shot him but they said that there's one person that you call when something like that happens and that guy's name is like fem something and he will come clean it up the LAPD will write a fake police report and he shows like how the news them reported that the shooting happened outside and then it got wiped under the rug and what's interesting is that guy who you call the security guy was the same security person who was one of only two people there when Michael Jackson died so it's now reopened all the Michael Jackson stuffff uh super interesting a lot of stuff that I would say a lot of proof presented in these documents like I said there's a lot of photos included and if what he is spelling out is correct then it's basically a homosexual ring that works by blackmails they host these what he calls freak offs and they drug people and they get them to sleep with a minor or do something you know that you wouldn't want publicized and then they own you right because it's like well we have you on camera doing this and so you're going to say or do whatever I want so very much like the Jeffrey Epstein stuff gotcha are these in indictments or are these just like affidavits or to the media is any of the stuff like gone to court yet or it's the lawsuit that he filed so we're reading the lawsuit documents directly is this is a civil lawsuit I'm guessing yes he's suing Universal music group he's suing Lucy and grange per uh you know personally um he alleges that Lucy and gra and Diddy are in a relationship by saying it like they disappear into Diddy's room and for hours and like this is the stuff I've seen I was groomed for sex like essentially he wasn't a gay man but then Diddy found him when he was young these are the allegations he's making again a lot of photos like of other rappers he's list named uh like Kuba Gooding Jr who's a an actor it's a lot is there um has any of this stuff like leaked to the media in terms of like pictures or strong heart evidence or are these mainly just in the charging documents or the civil case document so far that's also what's really interesting is that the yes it's being covered but not in the way that it should be covered the fact that you don't know about it to me is crazy because we've never seen someone that with hundreds of hours of footage putting in photos like here's a picture of a drugs that I have to carry at all times to keep Diddy High here's the name of the woman that gets the drugs here's a drug dealer here's a photo of me with this person here's the blood on the floor at night it's like we've never seen this much proof to make those claims so it's definitely something to watch somebody said I just say in chat somebody said over 100 million to the first civil suit that got settled in less than 24 hours is that true what's that over 100 million to the first civil suit that got settled in less than 24 hours did that happen with this I have no idea I'm just might be talking about uh Cassie cuz that got settled pretty quickly and yeah that Diddy's basically just at the top of a gang um and the person that's above him is Lucy and gra which is just wild okay yeah what do you think um you made a mention that this might be an indicator to things that have happened with Black Culture what do you what do you mean by that I guess so there has been a just a very obvious corrosion in Black Culture like the music that I grew up in I was listening to Temptations Lauren Hill like it was all about like family love it was real talent and then something just really shifted and it all became about derogatory debased gangster rap and it's the change that I've noted in a lot of my commentary and you know I think other people have I asked the question there's there's a really in my view disgusting artist just in terms of the stuff that she published and the photos that she publishes named sexy red who they're now making a thing right who makes the decision to sign a sexy red you're telling me you have all the money and all the talent at your fingertips and you sign a woman who at her baby shower uh 9 months pregnant however pregnant she was was twerking and had her butt cheeks in like somebody's face was inside of her butt cheeks that to me is very intentional cuz you're not s you're not signing her based on Talent you're not signing her based on following you're sign in her because it's filth and you're perpetuating this filth into my community so I yeah I just this is something that I've noticed something I talk about often that are we intentionally being sold crack it feels like you know so I'm trying to think of which direction I want to go um any direction you want I'm an open book yeah you're fine there are there are okay so there are like two kind of different ways of viewing this um and I feel like you fall more to one side and I'll go my side and we kind of see if we can iron out or or figure where we are at I guess in the middle here um I feel like when you look at the evolution of when we say like degenerate Black Culture or degenerate black music I think we're generally talking about like the beginning of hip-hop and rap and then kind of the evolution of that going forward coming away from like the R&B singers and everybody like in the 50s 607s whatever right yeah um but hip-hop isn't always filth but yeah but that seems like um it feels like when I when I look at music or if I look at music that um people create often times the music is a reflection of their circumstances and you can see uh especially as America and the black communities became more conscientious maybe of the ghettos that they'd been kind of pushed into or the policing situations that they'd had to be a part of or drugs destroying their communities etc etc um and then those people turning to Crime that you also see the music and the art kind of reflect those conditions and then those pieces of art that that get created especially the music end up being like worldwide popular like the most popular genre of music in the in the world is like hip hop and rap so when I when I look at people pushing certain stuff today I'm like okay well um we got two really big in my opinion uh I went to school for music I the sax one or whatever so we had two really big contributions to the world of music from America one was Jazz um that came basically from the black community and then the second was like rap and hip-hop um these forms of Music become popular people see that it's popular they want to get involved obviously the money men the people on top they want to kind of continue to push this cuz it's popular and everybody around the world consumes it I feel like there are a lot of Market forces at work that kind of perpetuate this and keep this happening and that feels pretty satisfying to me to explain what's going on so when we ask like why is it a woman uh twerking with somebody's face in her butt cheeks because oh for whatever reason that's like what the worldwide culture seems to want to see right now and then on the other side um it feels like from people I want to just say conservatives but I say broadly speaking um I guess I'll say on your side in general it feels like there's this idea that there's this much more intentional or like malevolent Force working behind the scenes yes there is and and so I'm I'm I'm going to push back on what you're suggesting here you're suggesting that this is this reflects the community and this they're sharing their stories in a way that makes sense that's completely not true okay [ __ ] does not reflect the circumstances that black people are living in you know singing about your vagina and how hard it's getting pounded is not the circumstance of living in the hood I come from nothing it's not that that did not make me feel closer to the circumstances that I grew up in and unfortunately that's actually what people are telling black Americans like actually it's working the other way you're putting something you know your eyes and your ears are the windows to the soul and you're basically when you celebrate someone and I'm using cardi B here as an example because I think people are probably more familiar with her than they are with sexy red when you put someone like that on the Grammys stage which is again a decision being made there's when I was growing up the best most talented people were on the Grammy stage it was something you could watch with your family MH and you still had poor people you still had yeah you still had poor people you still had people that were living in the hood okay we didn't need somebody talking about their vagina uh in order to feel seen so what you're doing is you're setting the stage for younger girls who aspire to celebrities to say okay well if I mimic that behavior I too can become famous what you're actually doing is you're you're setting the idols that people are going to look up to and people are going to think this is what I should aspire to so it's actually working in the exact opposite way can question in that like evolution of things so if we look at like w in particular um hasn't it generally been the case that music is always kind of pushing these sexual boundaries so it might have been Elvis grabbing his crotch and dancing it might have been uh Michael Jackson's dancing is incredibly suggestive if you've seen that um it might have been in Woodstock all the loser hippies talking about love sex and rock and roll and drugs um wouldn't like [ __ ] just be kind of like the next Evolution at a chain of no pushing boundaries is not degeneracy okay and so here's what I'll say to you why don't you pull up the lyrics to W and read them read them right now well I don't why would I need to do that it's just Woodstock we're just pushing just pushing the boundaries a little bit you you you probably have never even read the lyrics to [ __ ] because I think I did because I think Ben Shapiro had a huge thing about it he couldn't have said he you may have seen him reading the sanitized version of [ __ ] not the one that is not sanitized like you the the sanitized one which is still bad that she can perform at the Grammys is what he read you should read the lyrics to w up before you make commentary that it's a reflection of what black Americans are living through or it's just somebody that's pushing a boundary it's not that how do you explain the fact that like [ __ ] was like a number one like worldwide hit them because what I said to you is that they are artificially creating artists at this point there's no question and by the way the Diddy Do which which I found to be a very compelling point was that Diddy said to the guy allegedly who was the producer that if he was willing to engage in homosexual Behavior with him that he would get him producer of the Year Grammy okay so what does that tell you it means that the entire system is artificial and by the way this is something that Kanye said 10 years ago or however long ago it was when he took the trophy from Taylor Swift and said like this is all fake this is not even based on Merit anymore and that is my point the industry is not based on Merit it's not based on capitalism it is based on selling ideas so is who do we want to artificially make the person that every black girl will look up to or who they will aspire to and so I I can definitely understand that like uh maybe award shows can be rigged or people can think different things about you know who's being awarded based on merits for the Grammys or something like that but like w was genuinely do you think it wasn't genuinely a popular song or do you think that music execs have the ability to manufacture that desire publicly the lad so if you start playing something tons of times on the Airways and the lad you can definitely make something there are songs that I don't even like that I've heard so much sric don't sing lyric to but it's just beened manys you put it everywhere you award the person you invite them to bizarre circumstance like there's absolutely no reason that cardi B is invited to sit down and ask questions to Joe Biden so I scar unless you are really making an effort to legitimatize this person and to make this person aspirational again this is not an insult too cardi I actually think that personality wise she she's got a ton of talent and she's interesting and I've said great things about her on love and& hipop Po and there are elements of her that make her a star but what I am saying is that a lot of that is manufactured and I I I just don't see how anybody when looking don't you think it's entirely possible or easily possible so like I feel like there's like so many things wrong with this so one is why wouldn't competing record labels start pushing Talent that's actually popular that people want to hear I think that would be a big question a second thing would be how can we explain the top- down domination of this type of media popularity through all of our reality TV shows all of our Tik Tok stuff all of our YouTube videos and the music industry and then how can you explain that all happening worldwide like it feels like that to try to explain this through um through people that are exercising control on these platforms would require more control than anybody has ever been able to exercise on any platform ever and they're doing it like on a multicountry multi-state level it's just called it's very easy actually it's a very basic concept pertaining to governments they need propaganda Hollywood is propaganda you should for those of you that are watching this live go listen to the conversation that Joe Rogan had with Cat Williams where he talked about all of this and he said I know you think that you're being entertained and this is somebody that comes from inside of the industry and he starts talking about the Diddy stuff the idea that in order to climb higher you kind of have to engage in nefarious behavior and how he was collecting all of his information and he was speaking out about what was happening inside of the industry and he said it is twofold you might be being entertained but they are making decisions about what will entertain you and a great circumstance in which he presented that as evidence of that is transgenderism and he asked a hold on hold on okay he asked a question which should be answered uh he said did Joe Rogan and he laughed about it he was like a guy wears a dress on the red carpet okay and then the media tells you how great he wore the dress and he's like if he said tell me one situation where he didn't wear the dress wonderfully when when he didn't wear the dress in a way that was amazing it's because they have all agreed that this is the narrative and then he talked about the fact that the record execs also own the Publications that are saying that something is amazing or something is not amazing and that is just plain old-fashioned propaganda so don't you don't necessarily need to detach what we're talking about from your concept of what governments are interested in it's always propaganda so I understand Cat Williams has said this I understand that Cat Williams was at one point in his life addicted to crack and I think he's famous for losing a fight to a high school kid I think this like benched his career for a while okay you can insult him but doesn't mean I'm not insting I'm say 2 I'm not insulting him I'm just saying that to like lean into his testimony who also we would both acknowledge has a lot to gain by giving like incredulous testimony like this like saying like oh my God these crazy things are happening right I don't know if I would just say well right he does you're the fact that you're talking about him and you're citing him and you know it right if anybody else was saying a similar thing we'd say well okay they're saying this because they have something to gain for it right he knows that this is going to be a hot take and he knows that it's going to go viral if he says it and he knows he's going to get a lot of eyes on him for it so I think it's good to call that into question uh I think the issue that I have when it comes to the the the the accusation that everything is some top down level propaganda is I feel like the conversation shifts away from the important stuff which is why are people attracted to this type of stuff why do people Vibe with it so much why are we replacing traditional better forms of media or more thought-provoking I don't know what you would call it fors of media with this type of stuff instead of having conversations about the culture and the society it's all fixated on some weird top down plot to like control media consumption I think you just like to be contrarian cuz I don't really I don't understand point that you're making here of course wait hold on wait wait let me restate that I'm sorry the point I'm making is very clear if I was going to um I've got a I've got a almost 13-year-old son in a few days okay if I was to see that he's consuming media my go-to would be like hey Nathan why are you watching this this is crazy we need to look at something else I need to like who are your friends what are you looking at online like we need to change your media consumption habits cuz this isn't working I would never think like I think that the school is involved in disseminating media towards him and there's no way that we can change this cuz I feel like on on your your of the story people are basically like we're hopeless there's nothing we can do no it's not hopeless but you if you want to be able to do something about something you need to be able to acknowledge the something right it's a conspiracy it's like no when I graduated high school there wasn't a single trans kid now you've got like more than 50% of kids that think that they're other that that that is obviously propaganda clearly there's just no it's just not possible that they that you didn't exist maybe there was one person and then all of a sudden everyone is that can only happen that can only happen through propaganda right suddenly being told an option they're kids right you want to experiment you want to be different you're looking for a way to stand out and so you hold on and in the classrooms you've got teachers that are reinforcing this narrative this narrative that is yes top down right it's like Hollywood in lockstep with the Department of Education that is making these options available if it was natural when I graduated high school there were gay kids there were lesbian kids there wasn't a ton of them it wasn't an identity that's another thing the identity the identity is interesting thing I agree for sure and so it shows you who are they emulating who are they who are they copying when they do this stuff because it's an option it's just being presented to you it's obviously not natural if it didn't exist naturally and but culture is a very complicated thing is not complicated so comp think govern that they have the amount of control over culture that you think they do there's no shot that anybody would be able to top down control that much stuff like I said there have been a lot of a lot of evidence that has come out whether you're looking at the Jeffrey Epstein case or you're reading through the 72-page document uh for the Diddy lawsuit that the government is involved even on the jeffreyepstein case like what's suggesting government involvement here what do you mean what is what do you mean what suggesting what part of the Jeffrey Epstein case is like oh my God the government is like playing a part in this uh well the fact that he had ties to the Massad and the CIA and that when they raided his home he had his face and about what was it six different passports who can who can issue passports sure but when we look who can issue you a different identity I different identities but for passports I imagine you can get that at Le or you can just get it from countries depending on citizenship status but but what I'm saying is that like for when we look at Epstein right Epstein was a billionaire right why was he a billionaire why I because of trading or whatever he did I'm not really sure no that's the question nobody knows why there's like a million different there's lots of people were I don't know how they made their money but to fill in the gaps of all of this with some no you should always know how somebody became a billionaire that's a very easy thing like you somebody should just like I became a billionaire and you have no idea how I'm sure there are tons of people who the product you know why Elon Musk has money you know why Jeff has money you should not say we can't connect the dots and how this person became a billionaire that was able to purch fings aren't always going to be public that like oh well I can figure out exactly why this person became a billi if they don't work in like public traded companies or something how would you ever know there's no way you're going to know that he did then what's the question the the the that's not a question it's just nobody understands why Jeffrey Epstein or his brother have billions of dollars well what you just said he did he have a ton of shares in publicly traded companies what do you mean did he have a ton like when we ask for inst like so here's a question do you know how Jeff Bezos made his money or how El musk made his money I know that Jeff Bezos created Amazon and I know that Elon Musk has created a ton of things Tesla you got starl okay kind of so not really Bezos made his money because of the appreciation of shares of Amazon that he had a huge stake in right and Elon Musk made a lot of his money initially was on PayPal and a couple other Ventures and then because he had a huge Equity stake in uh in SpaceX and Tesla especially that's where they made their money is ownership of stock of publicly traded companies that's why I'm saying we can look at those people we can say we know how they made their money so did I don't think Epstein had massive shares in publicly traded companies did he so he wouldn't have made did you actually look into the EP case or are you just cuz I can't tell right now if your thing is just to be contrarian okay hold on no I'm being serious no I'm asking you because it seems like you're just like whatever your position is I'm going to take the opposite and I'm going to say something really quickly and try to say well how do we know and it's like that's actually quite boring sure you know what I mean like it's like dude like like let's actually have a real conversation because tons of stuff is happening right now a lot of stuff is being exposed right people are for the first time able to grasp a theory that finally makes sense right it finally makes sense it makes sense that there is a blackmail ring operating in DC because we don't understand why we keep sending our politicians to DC and then it's like they completely serve somebody anybody other than the American people right so when that Jeffrey Epstein case got exposed and if you were following it and reading I follow it I read the entire document the 80 page report that came out from the government did a report on Theon where heed you're realizing how many artists have stood up and said this exact same thing was going on now you have somebody that has filed something with proof saying it's going on and then you just have like a destiny being like Oh what if it's not going on what if it's not oh maybe [ __ ] is just really just that amazing people just love talking about vaginas and like mopping the floor it's like you can do that thing but it's not interesting you know what I mean okay sure all right here's just an easy test question so I can get my bearings trait what do you think about the 91 or so indictments for Donald Trump what do you mean do you think that those are credible indictments that have credible evidence behind them well you speak to me specifically about which Indi you're talking aboute let's I actually haven't followed that one so I'm not going to push back on that I have follow given answer obviously we've never seen the media or justice system go after any president in the way that that doesn't matter you could say the same about P you've never seen the media go after a black artist like it didn't I didn't finish my statement what what do you why are you saying it doesn't matter why did you just say that I'm just it could be that nobody's ever done something this I before you're so contrarian that you haven't even let meish you haven't even you haven't even let me finish my sentence you said that doesn't matter it's like what do what do you you gave a point that was I know but like I don't understand what you're objecting to I you you said the media's never gone after somebody like this before you asked me a question I started to answer it by saying the media has never gone after anyone like this before okay and then you just said it doesn't matter like can I answer question or you just got to like contradict right away I'm not contradicting I'm just fighting the crazy narratives that prevent anybody from having a real analysis of any the things going on but you can lay after your whole thing about right then you know since you know my n even though you asked the question I wasn't able to answer it you can question you you defeat the narrative no we're good we're good I'm not going to have you ask I'm not going to actually have you ask a question and then cut me off and say that I'm parting a narrative when I haven't even told you what my opinion was that's not you being interesting that's you being obnoxious I think that you're trying to avoid answering the question by being cut off by you I said you can finish it if you want you're trying to avoid answering the question quite literally I was trying to answer the question and you cut me off so we're good on that we can move on and talk about something other than Trump and his 95 indictments I think it's 91 or '92 okay um okay well what what do we talk about that won't get you was triggered okay I I just honestly I like I said to begin this I said I am an open book I just I'm just curious what you think about the Trump and diamonds do you think that a civil suit that's filed where there isn't a grand jury that looks over it there's not like fed it's not like a da it's not like a federal prosecute you think that the Diddy stuff is like Rock Solid you think that's really really really important to look at but then when we look at indictments that have gone to grand juries that have then issued warrants or subpoenas or whatever I was just curious if you think that the credibility on that side is as heavy as the P didy stuff I was really happy to answer that question you like me to answer it sure so I would say that you are comparing two cases that are are not similar and I'll tell you why they aren't similar in the case of Diddy you have somebody that has no power that is filing this and producing evidence to say that the Justice essentially the same thing that people that defend Trump are saying the justice system is corrupt right that these people are responding and being motivated by things like the lapd's involvement that night in writing a fake police report if his allegations are true and he had photos and said that he was the person that said call 911 and then seeing the media report on it and lie about what happened at that studio is very scary it's scary if if if unless he faked these Blood photos which is a plausibility but it shows you that there are people that are sitting at the top that have a ton of power right so the people that are acknowledging that and then also saying that those same people that that same network of individuals that can make up allegations and make them go away with the media or stay or and make it a big deal because of the media are defending Trump and what's happening to him so this isn't they're actually these two things are not at conflict with one another what's happening with Diddy and what's happening with Trump it's actually um they complement one another in terms of what we're saying now the only case i' I followed two of them uh the fanny Willis one well can I ask a question about the LAPD thing yeah so if we're worried because in the P didy case it looks like the LAPD at the very top might have been involved with something if that's the if that's the claim I mean isn't Donald Trump at the very very very top if he's the president isn't he literally like the top guy in the world he doesn't control the courts and that's hold on on the point of exactly being is that if they feel that they have a person that they cannot control so if there is this blackmail ring that exists and it's starting to look like there is definitively and I very much believe that and I am not ashamed to say that I it is it is pretty much the only thing that makes sense in Hollywood is what I read in these documents um then it would be clear as to why it is that when you are existing outside of the ring or you are somebody that cannot be controlled you are somebody that is attacked now again we have heard many artists and I I like that we have this example in Hollywood because we don't need to go down the path of trump derangement we can actually talk about people that we don't feel any way about right Diddy I don't have an issue with Diddy you don't have an issue with Diddy we can look at this case more objectively because people I think do get so about Trump that you you can't just look at things objectively if what he that person is wait do you think that's what happened here I mean I I I you did jump I'm glad it's live and you can go back and watch it but like I didn't get the you ask me a question and then before I could answer my question you did say like narrative and I'm like okay that feels like the the Trump derangement trap I don't want to do it I want to have a productive conversation about the plausibility that people that are extremely powerful are blackmailing people and these people can't talk out don't can't speak out because whatever they have on them on camera is scary you know there there's Justin Bieber I think there's also something going on with him he is his uh Pastor said you know pray for them there are evil forces that in Hollywood kind of at the same time as this Cat Williams I know he used to do crack whatever has spoken out about this there's been a lot of artists that have spoken out about this Kanye West has spoken out about this about you know the control and the network that's happening within Hollywood so I think instead of um I don't know trying to dismiss these people as crazy or crackheads or whatever it is you want to dismiss them as when enough people say something including Michael Jackson who's dead maybe there's some truth to it like can we examine whether or not this might be true especially when somebody is such an underdog like a producer and does something like this I think analyzing who's saying what I think is important but I think that when we say somebody's an underdog so we're going to believe them because they give a story that we might happen to like or plays into something else that we believe I mean I would just be critical of the underlying material like if the sources are a few people like everybody stands to gain something when it comes to viral stuff everybody knows that you have CLA to make yeah and if he has evidence I think that's interesting I don't know it's for but like there you can always a rich person but I'm saying I'm also saying that like a charge is a charge or a claim as a claim or a filed case is file case it'll be interesting to see what ends up playing out in court and then we actually to see that I'm to see that that's what I want to see I'm not condemning the person I'm not a person that believes that you I I would hope and I obviously have L faith in in the court system in some ways but I would hope that it works the way it's supposed to work and that it will take more evidence and that he has to appear in front of people and and show us more evidence and show us more video evidence of what's going on but it what I will say is that it looks credible when you say that you've lost faith in the court system does that mean that if a guilty verdict is returned you'll think it was a good case but if a non guilty verdict okay well why would you why would you preface with I've lost faith faith in the court system because I have seen some circumstances in which things that should not happen do happen and a good example of that if you want to talk about the craziest case that I followed in a long while it was the defamation one where the jury awarded she was asking for what 10 million and they awarded her for 400 or 800 million just to like bankrupt Trump and her allegations had expired but they created a new law in New York so that she could bring them forth about something that she says happened in 1996 what does that whack lady's name she got and she she was so are you talking about when they extended the Carol EEG Carol statute of limitations to allow people to sue people relating to and then she got funded uh to reopen this they they changed the law and then she got funded by the person who is basic I don't want to call him a Democrat operative but he he obviously is very involved Democratic party the person that um started LinkedIn is the one that funded her to do this lawsuit I mean the whole thing was a crazy thing I've ever seen I just like making new laws wasn't this I thought this law was changed in New York a while ago I don't think specifically for wasn't nope it was specifically after she went on and was doing the rounds on uh and those were wacky when she was like I don't even know when he was like what is rape Anderson Cooper asked her and she was like I think most people think rape is sexy it's not someone jumping on you and you know it would be great for this if you could bring up Clips like that because it would be awesome for people to be able to watch it but she was so clearly clinically insane there's no she was so insane that even Anderson Cooper had to go to commercial MSNBC had to go to commercial so this is not a woman you know that was making what any person who can listen to Somebody interview about their rape would say are credible allegations but there was just such hatred for Trump that they just made it happen and in no circum I can't imagine what circumstan somebody ask for like 10 million and the judge is like no you're going to give you 400 million other than we hate Trump so much and we hope to bankrupt him was this a jury trial uh there were multiple parts of this lawsuit but uh it was cuz if we went to trial and if it was a jury then yeah it was it was jury trial yes does any have a link to that rape clue I'm curious if any it's rape we just got to look at it's so nutty and so crazy and they just kept going with it everywhere she went left and right people could not hold a conversation with her she was so unstable and she couldn't even Define what rape was she was just saying I think rape is just like you know when someone thinks you're sexy so it's like so did Trump just think you were sexy she had no witness I mean I've just never seen anybody able to get for or however many millions of dollars she got with absolutely not a shred of proof and a case that shouldn't even have been brought forward according to according to your own statute of limitations also people are saying that the 400 million is the that's for the business fraud case maybe the sorry yeah I'm mixing numbers what was how much was she awarded for you guys that are like yeah checking she was awarded they gave her more than she even asked for yeah they literally extended the law it was in the whole thing was so rotten to its core that makes you lose Faith right that makes you lose faith in the justice system that's not saying that there aren't cases there are different judges there are different you know different juries some with Trump it's hard because people are passionate about him one way or the other so you're it's it's going to be hard not to find a jury that is corrupt especially when you in New York but I don't see how any person can objectively look at what happened there wait what does that mean a corrupt jury like like emotionally corrupted because when it comes to Trump people tend to feel either I love him so much or I absolutely hate him and he's the end of the world so I think it's hard to get a jury that you know is going to be fair in that circumstance because he's so do you know where is P Diddy being suit at do you know the venue is I'm I want to say la I want to say la but definitely fact check me on that so I don't spread [Music] misinformation I'm only asking because I see a couple people oh so for this it says Rodney uh Lil Rod Jones New York that's right it is in New York that is correct does that mean that the the opening up of the statute of limitations for the Trump suit is the same same thing that's allowing this court case to go through then no no he you got to look at what he's suing them for this all happened recently the Trump thing happened in 96 just so you just so we're clear this happened in 2022 21 all of the allegations are recent yeah it just happened he was working on album that he dropped like last year or something it's not from 1996 oh okay I thought the way you were talking I thought these were early allegations no no no no no the guy this all just happened and he obtained a ton of proof because of it gotcha gotcha have you reached out to this guy to try to have a conversation with him or anything no I would hope that that would be I would I mean I don't I don't know if you would be able to while you're I don't know while you're in court I'm sure his lawyer would say don't speak until things are done and I'm my guess is that because of the powerful names that are listed in this lawsuit they're going to want to just settle it and be done with it but the photos that are pictured there it's going to be very hard I think to come back from it without some sort of an explanation um I mean he named names well I think the problem my imagination would be the problem is that even if the photos show sexual acts or whatever the difficult part is going to be proving that the these were part of a conspiracy of a blackmail or something like that right cuz just photos of people having sex or doing whatever stuff isn't probably enough unless you've got like text messages showing some pattern of yeah I think I think yeah I guess you what you're saying is that people could then say okay well they're all having sex but they're doing it willingly but what he's alleging is that Diddy's team gets these people drunk and high and drugged and then brings in women that are they know are minors this is one part of allegations and then these people have sex with them or they have have gay relations and like everyone's doing it everyone's doing it and then they do something that's like gay while they're high and then he owns them because he has this stuff that's on cameras now explaining yeah could you could you technically even after it's all exposed say like oh well maybe they all did it willingly sure you could always sure well I mean the burden would be on him to prove at least which is why I really want this to go through because there's just been a lot of artists who have said this over the years years that there's like some sort of gang that's operating in Hollywood and I would just like to see these allegations play out you know and I think everyone should want that by the way what do you think on a on a broad level yeah okay so you keep calling me contrarian um on a broad level the reason why I tend to fight back against the overarching narratives because I feel like they leave listeners feeling very powerless um so when I talk to my audience I want people to vote I want people to be politically active I want people to you know take an interest in their local city council stuff their local races because I think that people getting involved politically especially voting is a really important way to change the landscape of our country um on a local level or on a national level I agree um I also think that people talking to their friends and family and spreading ideas and messages I think these things are important as well but I think that the reason why I push back sometimes against the broader when I say narrative by the way I don't necessarily mean that it's like conspiracy the whatever but I the reason why I push back against like the more broader narrativizing of things happening culturally is because I feel like it leaves listeners feeling very disempowered I remember when I was in Austin and I asked Alex Jones on stage after he' done another one of his big rants about the St and blah blah blah I think I asked him like well what do you want your listeners to do and it was the first time I ever heard him be quiet for more than 5 Seconds cuz he had no answer so I'm curious for you um when you talk about this overarching stuff you want to bring people's attention to it what is like a Candace Owens listener supposed to take from that and what are they supposed to do in the real world I guess to like fight against some of the stuff yeah I mean I I always tell people what they can do like one of the biggest pushes is telling parents that they that they should be involved in their kids' education and you saw that that was that was conservatives who brought forth that movement of parents actually showing up and demanding changes um in the textbooks and finally recognizing how far things had gone because we allowed the Department of Education to just spike the ball uh for for decades you know actually paying attention to what they do I always tell people to get involved in local elections because they matter more um and I think that a lot of the corruption that's taking place in Washington DC is what we're what we're speaking about because it seems like no matter who we elect when we send them to Washington DC it's almost like their allegiance is to the lobbies and by the way I believe believe that lobbying should be illegal I I believe that we need term limits these are the things that um would I think affect change overnight and so I hope that in speaking to those things when people say what would be the first things that you would do if you were in office um I always say elect people that are saying those exact same things don't elect people that are then going to go to DC and make it their own business you know and want to grow the government because it's making them money and they're accepting money from lobbyists that's I always point to my favorite Congressman Thomas Massie because I think he does a really good job of actually representing Americans and American interests so um yeah I'm not a person I haven't taken the black pill as they is how it's termed taken the black pill and I'm like there's nothing you can do but we have to understand what it is that we're fighting and we can't be scared to recognize a conspiracy you know a lot of times we're just talking there's questions that we have we just say why is this person doing this like I said the Diddy lawsuit didn't make make me feel hopeless it actually made me go oh okay if this is what's actually happening in Hollywood then it makes sense you know what do you think for um when you look at black community stuff specifically um what do you what would you think are the big like two or three things that the black community in the United States needs to do to kind of save itself from the whole of you know fatherless children and Welfare consumption and abortion and everything else that they're kind of stuck in right now the first thing I think is is to educate yourself about where it's all coming from I think black Americans need to be educated on black history not in the Democrat textbook way but in the real way of understanding where all these initiatives came from because a lot of times black Americans are asking the government to solve what the government created which welfare programs obviously destroyed the black family and it was the intention of lynen Banes Johnson to do that because he was an AOW racist and spent decades in the Senate voting against every measure to give black Americans any measure of Freedom until he was basically forced with a figurative bullet to his head to sign the Civil Rights Act um uh to restore some calm nationally so I I think first of all everything begins with education and I think that people that are nefarious understand that which is why the 70% illiteracy rate that we're seeing across inner city communities is is in my opinion by Design 40% of students now can't pass the literacy exam excluding Black America when we say by Design who would want that who people that want to control you there's a reason why when we had slave codes um slaves weren't allowed to learn how to read when you're not educated anything I tell you becomes your reality if I I can understand that but like that but slaves like worked and did stuff right so do the American so so to Americans every day we go to work and our money gets sent overse but they have to like be literate to go to work right I feel like illiterate black people that are doing gang violence probably aren't serving any system very well now you are because you keep voting in the people that are taking more power from you right you think those people are voting much The Black Gang Bangers and stuff I think yes black people do vote and it's not wait wait wait hold on do you be very CL I didn't say black people cuz I don't think that all black people are like this I'm saying that like the specifically the ones that are illiterate involved in gang violence and are unemployed do you think that they're like out there voting in a meaningful way that's changing the the I guess the political landscape of the United States are they having like a meaningful impact on the electoral system yeah so even if people are fully illiterate they will vote if they have an emotional reason to vote which is what the Democrats very much understand I want to actually want to correct my language there and say because I think it's it's unip party at this point um that they will continue to vote emotionally so when you see something like you know black people rioting and looting in the streets because of what happened to George Floyd what you are dealing with is people that are being intentionally um misinformed about circumstances so that they are emotionally reactive because I mean look I have children I have a three-year-old I I know what it means to be ignorant my child can't read he is emotionally reactive and if you can turn an entire population into an emotionally reactive toddler that has no facts or no understanding of History you can make them do whatever it is that you want them to do so my it's interesting to because it feels like the most like we would say the most mind controlled people in America are actually like young white college kids and those guys have lots of literacy and lots of education so I don't know why we wouldn't send black people into like the colleges instead of actually no the but that's actually interesting I'm glad you brought up College because if you look factually speaking Americans have are getting dumber and dumber and dumber dumber and yet we have never handed out more degrees which is interesting like I mean when you say Americans are getting Dumber what do you mean what I mean the I mean talking about in terms of passing tests passing exams the level in America everything is actually going down and like SAT scores everything is going down and which is why they're now like let's just abolish the SAT the sort of a thing that they're which I think they've gotten rid of and brought back in some places but I mean like I don't know if the same people getting a literator are the same people that are going to college and get a degree we're handing out degrees and yet people so people think they're educated when actually they're just brainwashed Bots and they're quite stupid they are stupid and and that's the magic of a college degree is that it makes people think that they're smart right and and it's it's astonishing you you really should examine that how every decade within America people are getting dumber and dumber and dumber it's and one of the things that my colleague Matt Walsh did which is really incredible is he read a letter that was written by a civil rights Soldier who's like 17 was 17 years old or 18 years old had no education and it sounded like poetry like unbelievable the way people used to be able to speak and write before we created the Department of Education uh which in my view it is there just to exist to turn you into a Mindless bot that will serve the government's interests I mean we can say that but the reality is is aside from the cultural thing on the economic side America has like one of the most productive workforces maybe the most productive Workforce in the world when you say productive Workforce what do you mean by that um productive in an economic sense is how many how many like units of things are produced by one hour of Labor from a US worker and I'm pretty sure us worker productivity is higher than it ever has been I think that continues to climb it's one of the biggest complaints about lack of increase of wage growth for instance is that wage growth doesn't seem to attract to the massive increase of productivity of the average American worker or the median American worker um I just think that like if you wanted to control it just seems strange that we've got two completely and totally diametrically opposed ways of controlling Society one is to make black people specifically I guess illiterate so that they are easier to manipulate even though I seriously doubt these people even vote that much and then the other is to make people the most literate by sending them to college and have them read They're not the most that's what I'm telling you they are not the most literate you think people that graduate with college deges can't read well yeah what I'm telling you is yes that's what I'm telling you they're not the most literate what would I look up ver if I want to see you got to do you got to do the research in your own thearch true what do you what do you mean it's not true what I said as as an owner of a college degree median wage confer to that person because you own a you can go to college for 4 years and spend $100,000 getting a degree in gender studies please do not tell me that you believe that that person is educated more than half a degrees of wed are wed for STEM related things number one number two $100,000 is a way over the average for pay for anyg well that's what I paid so I'm just what did you go to school for the average Ann as as far as I'm you can look this up but if you are going to school you're probably spending in America about $30,000 a year minimally if you're out of state isn't the average amount of just look it up you got Google right what state are we in what state are we in Miami let's I mean let's go to look up University of Florida pardon what state are we in Florida yeah go to University of Florida out of tuition rates cuz what do you mean $100,000 sounds about right yeah but we're looking at so one this is for $28,600 corre yep so one this is the uh out ofate tuition what I number two hold on this is the sticker price nobody pays this for school you've got pel grants you've got different types of student AIDS you've got tons of different scholarship initiatives very very very very very few people right but you're trying to make me wrong so I I paid that price so and I paid back my loans so you're not going to convince me that very few people are paying this my sisters paid that price and they paid back though so you you're just saying like and yes my granted my school was more expensive it was I think $35,000 there you go the average 29,000 just say you right so 51% you're not going to get hurt so 51% of bachelor's degrees graduated with an average of $29,400 in student loan debt right so that's only 51% of people I guess that Acquire debt and then their average debt is about $29,400 not1 I don't get what the point is of you doing this the point say are you trying to say the the point I'm saying is that one the sticker price for an out of state tuition school is not what I would use as the median price you need to pay for a 4-e degree number one number two very few people actually P we didn't talk about that because I said this is the median price I said it is utterly absurd that people are spending $100,000 to come out with a degree we weren't talking we the med price sure but number one you're going for out of state if I'm in state my tuition is $6,400 I'm literally said out of state I I actually said out of state yeah but why do I care about that that number I don't get where you're going the point of when we started this conversation I was just saying that there are individuals that are going to school that are spending $100,000 right don't know what gend studies but we're talking about yeah I'm sure and I could probably find people with a million dollars student alone dead they got an even dumber degree than gender studies and basketball whatever but in general that's not the cost of a college degree and in general college degrees confer huge wage premiums onto the people that earn them these are like no they don't and that is the reason why you have so many young women that are and this is this is why you know I think that what you actually do here is harmful and I'm I'm going to tellish real hold I'm sorry because I've done a lot of research on college degrees a lot of research on education and every single thing that you're saying sounds really good on like a culture War perspective when you look at an actual economic perspective when you look at actual firms that hire people and when you look at the actual median wages convered people that even have some college education all of it that's great for you but for the average American that's just not true none of these numbers are found on average you will never find data that supports idea that High School earners on average are earning college degree earners or that 90% of people are going to school for basket leaving Lear learn a real why would you go to trade school please go to trade school please do not end up and I talk about this on stage the whole time and I'm and I'm on the universities I did two universities this year please if you do not know what you want to do do not go spend a ton of money putting yourself in debt to go into society already having debts that you need to pay off to make $225,000 a year in a career path that you didn't even know that you wanted to take $25,000 Desy like and and by the way I I am thank you saying she's right Desy I am so right please go to trade school and don't listen to this and and and listen to me because I got I bought into this rhetoric because I was in high school and you're going to it's going to be great you're going to go and you're going to take it blah blah blah blah and then when you get out on the r wall it's going to be great you're going to have better position you're going to make more money it is a lie that that I don't care what website he is looking on like to tell you that is a Lie the overwhelming majority of people I'm so glad people in the chat are saying that I am right because the overwhelming amount of people are shocked when the real world then smacks them in the face and that lie that dream that was sold to you by your guidance counselors in high school that's going to be so great and you're going to be able to make more money and you just start to realize that it is absolutely crap and I really would like to say Do not disrespect people that go to trade school cuz I I just disrespect anybody go to trade school what are you talking about why are we virtually signaling on this you shouldn't go to tr school because you go to college you make more money that's not true it's just not true what do you mean it's not true that's not true you can like quite literally you can be the person that goes to trade school and you will make so much money doing jobs at bring value to society computer programmers don't bring value to the society mechanical engineers don't bring value to society if if you want to be a mechanical engineer yes but if you know what you want to do and you know you want to be a chemical engineer I'm not saying nobody should go to college I'm saying too many people are going to college they are putting themselves in debt for things that they don't even know what they want to do and they get out into the world and they can't make any money and it is a struggle and they are they are suffering I'm watching these girls I know that people on the right like to mock these girls who are crying on t Tik Tok who are saying like you know I got out of college and here's how no money that I came make I didn't know this I actually feel bad for those girls because we have to just stop lying to people about what college is it's been inflated you are you look at like black community stuff isn't in in the black community isn't one of the reasons why women are starting to out earn black man is because they're going to school and they're going to college and they're actually getting degrees and they're getting real careers isn't that one of the biggest contributing factors I don't know that okay um okay final question I think by the way I think women by the way all across the board are graduating at higher rates than men but I I do want to say what cuz I I want to make a point about what you do because I did see that you you did a video and you were like taking the side of Hose like you saw this Candice did she say selfish bit I must have miss her selfish should should me not marry her holy oh I'm going to get triggered feel like I might lose my mind this episode I agree that these people can be cringe sometimes but you're saying she's a narcissistic that men shouldn't marry you're taking that so far it's a partnership it's a bond it's forever but there's no difference between D Mar there is a difference you just ignored it because you've got a dialogue tree and a narrative you want to push and you you're not going to engage with anything she's saying she gave you a perfectly legitimate answer it is a more permanent form of relationship it's solidified by law it's not something you just walk away from her break up from it's a commitment ideally for life she gave you a good answer you just don't like to hear it because it was a good one and you would expect to get rom only fans girl to give you one and now you're surprised at a bunch of girls that you thought we just going to be titty bimbos are actually giving you a run for your money you're still talking okay insecurity I'm out of it the women I today are very low value bash I'm not bashing hold on I'm not bashing the women are low value that they're going to have worse relationships and lives and they're going to be unhappy I not bashing them absolutely fascinating to see how someone's mind can be so warped you know in the same way that I think it's it's fascinating fat bro I've been respectful and listening to you know your lifestyle no you're not respectful I'm sitting down with ho on the whatever podcast and you did oh you were being so rude to that lady that made the Tik Tok oh my God I but the point is is that you then went through called her a [ __ ] you you then went through this video and just tried to justify these Lifestyles right I don't think I was trying to justify the lifestyle what I was doing was I was fighting it back against the insane judgment from one side to the other we live in America people should be able to live the lifestyles they want long as they're not harming other people I think everybody has the right to that and I just want to say to that to people that are watching this to anybody that you follow literally mhm you should take measure and really ask yourself whether or not that person is telling you that stuff because they believe it or whether or not that person is telling you something that ultimately it feels good because then it means that you can remove yourself from responsibility oh I see yeah it's fine I can be a hoe whatever whatever whatever but it's going to lead you to misery right and so I tell people you know I've seen a lot I've been through a lot I've lived through a lot very proud of myself where I've ended up and I'm trying to provide people the shortcuts and I'm trying to tell you that yes I understand that as a young woman if you jump on to only fans you can make money and you can make money very quickly but but I am also telling you that if you do that you will the overwhelming majority of people can you find an exception sure will regret that sort of a lifestyle and to these young people that are listening to you doing the like YOLO If It Makes You Happy don't I'm telling you like throw this out it is trash like you should only fans not be aspiring to relationship somebody that's just holding up a you know a mirror to tell you that you're great and you're doing amazing like it's you don't need that MH you're not great you can do better right you your life is worth more There are rules that work college is every single person that I went to school with is not using the degrees that they paid for what did you go to college actually what I journalism isn't that what you're doing right now what do you mean like journalism stuff you probably don't know my backstory so because my family was poor I had to take out loans to go to school my mom didn't even grad graduate high school so wait why if your family's poor why would you have to take out loans to go to school what I just told you if your family's poor why would you have to take out loans to go to school why would I have to take out loans to go to what do you mean I have to take out loans so my my family can't afford to pay to put me through school hold on was your family actually poor did you just lie what are what are you talking about if you go to school and your family has a low gross income you P you fill out the FAFSA and the FAFSA is going to award you a ton of Federal Aid assuming that you don't actually have the gross income from your parents actually go to school so if your parents are super poor I don't know why you had to pay full out ofate tuition to go to a university you think what do you mean did I lie I don't know how if your parents are poor if they have a low gross income how do you not qualify for the FAA okay well all I can say to you is that I had to pay 35 almost my school cost more and by the end of it and I'm also including because then I defaulted on my student loans and I had to pay it back so now I had to pay back the bank for not being able to pay them on time this doesn't something doesn't match up here okay well I'm telling you the truth so I don't know what to say I did you did you fill out a FAA yeah well I also didn't have parents that could help me fill it out I was a first generation college student my dad uh you didn't have a school the same school counsel you told these people to ignore you didn't talk to one of them and said hey I know like if you're trying to shame me for not do shame you the backgound does make any sense I'm not shaming anything I'm just like I don't get your point here like I'm telling you the truth there's I have no reason to lie about this my point is you complain about $100,000 in debt you told these people not to talk to counselors and you said that your family was you went to school for journalism you need fill out a FSA for any student a there's of M there I'm just saying like what what is your point in saying am I lying about it like because I don't understand how you came from a poor family and didn't fill out a f and get a ton of student aid I did fill out FAFSA and they didn't give you anything they I I maybe got in terms of a I remember getting a pel grant that was like $88,000 okay per but I'm telling the truth so I just I just want to be clear I'm telling the truth about my life like I don't know what to say to you and and I don't get why what was your question of saying like why did you take out a loan if you were poor I don't understand that question like I don't get it because the implication is that if you ped out if you filled out a FAFSA your parents gross income is used to heavily determine the amount of student a you qualify for and you're coming from an incredibly for family you usually get a ton of that's not what happened maybe that circumstance and please guys jump in the chat like if you if somebody said destiny that stupid I don't I don't think they just give you free college if you're poor that's not my experience did you go to university did you get free money um I did and I got some free money but I had to get married for it because my parents had a high gross income with a lot of debt so I didn't qualify as work from the FAA so I had to get married at 19 yeah paid back my student loans all by myself so I could tell you that I spent over six figures paying back my student loans to attend the University of Rhode Island and that is the truth I I mean and no I am not lying my family does not have any money okay um my parents don't own anything I don't I mean we don't even have a house like we don't even own obviously I don't mean like we're homeless I meant like as in like my family does didn't even own property so it's like no I'm not lying about that so I don't I don't know what R isn't the issue here then why would you go also I understand if you have to leave any time cuz he said you had a heart out at 3 at 306 so I don't understand why you would go to an out ofate school for a journalism degree and then turn around and blame colleges for being bad when it feels like I'm not blaming colleges for being bad I'm telling people the truth so that they can avoid making some of the mistakes which is don't go to an out ofate school for a degree that might not confer a high amount of money yes I probably should have yes I'm I'm sorry that I was you know 17 years old and I didn't have parents that were able to provide the economic you know the economic advising of course that would have been smarter and my sister you know two of my sisters went in state and but they still had really heavy loans so I don't know about this Fafa magic thing that you think happens that my sister paid uh about $220,000 a year um when she went in state so I I just I don't I don't know what I don't I just don't know what you're talking about at all with that because all of my sisters we all had to pay loans we my older sister just finished off paying her loans so I don't know like I I just don't know what you're talking about the FAA magic button maybe I if I if honestly if I missed the FAA Magic magic button and they were going to pay for everything then maybe I am just really stupid and I had no idea that they pay for hon difference in like areas or people that we talk to maybe because the high school I went to was like very oriented and trying to get you to college but when I was going to college like I think fastest St was like the most important thing like student aid I did I did fill it out I don't know if it's cuz we had my family had multiple children and we were all going to I I don't know what the circumstance is but I'm just telling you the truth is that I paid for my college and I do try to tell people that if you don't know what you want to do spending tens of thousands of dollars trying to figure that out is probably not the right move like you can always go to college you can go later you know try to figure out what you're good at get an internship I hire people that are right out of high school because I don't just believe this like you know there was a young woman that now works for me who was like I don't really know what I'm doing here I kind of just want to be a mom I was like do not spend and her out of tiation rate was $50,000 for an in for a Tennessee school okay and so I hired her I mean I'm not telling people like I said I tell people how I actually live and what I actually believe and I don't know and I don't know that you do that don't justify women acting like [ __ ] well I don't justify trying to prescribe Lifestyles to people what don't justify trying to prescribe Lifestyles to people it's not prescribing a lifestyle when somebody said that they would be happy not having kids you were like oh she sounds like a conceited [ __ ] or something that's not what she said that was the T CP you were responding to was not what she said and I can tell you exactly what she said was there was absolutely no reason to make a comment that suggests that people she was actually being insulting people that had kids she and she it wasn't just one video she makes multiple videos about how great life is if you don't have kids if I was making videos with my kids saying about how great life is if you just you know stop being a loser and get married you people would come after you because people hate the traditional Lifestyle on display wait but that's literally what you guys say get married have kids that's the only way to go otherwise you're a loser no we do not that is you're just making up words that have never come so wait so if somebody said if there was a young woman who she was like I'm 20 I think I want to go to a career um and and be a whatever I don't think I want to have a family I don't think that life's for me you would say okay well that's fine you should make that choice I would say completely normal at 20 years old that's most wait so then they should change their opinion later on what if she was 25 or 30 she like no I don't think I want to have kids would you be okay that's fine if she was a 20-year-old person and she was saying that I don't think that I want to have kids then what I would say is that's pretty typical because you're 20 years old and you're you haven't yet had the biology thing happen to you which like when they say that your biological clock starts ticking it's very real when you get into your mid 20 you have a totally different feeling woman is 25 or 30 and says I don't think I want have kids I think I like my CRI to stick with it you'd say okay that's fine SE twice yeah as long as that person isn't trying to and by the way I think that that person would probably be it would be unusual like it wouldn't be the majority of women I think do want to have families and want to Aspire to family and that's fine but when you try to create a brand of it and you say things like oh well you know if if you have kids then you can't just smoke pot and stay in bed and be naked all day this is actually something that like Seth Rogan just said okay what you're doing there is you're actually trying to you're 30 how old are you you're 35 years old yep okay so what what do you what is that what do you what do I do like if you were 20 millionaire I travel the world I get to research to talk about whatever I want I get to talk cool people like you and other people I get to I live in Miami and a highrise for 5,000 a month I mean I I think my life is pretty okay I mean what but no but I'm saying like what are you doing when you're trying to sell to people that you know being a hoe is cool smoking pot saying I don't necessar think being are you going to age out of that what I try what I you're 35-year old man right like and you're kind of doing the like I'm a college dorm kid and I'm trying to make everything sound cool but I just want to point out the fact that you're a 35-year old man and your words should matter and they should they should have weight like you I said if you were 20 I'd be like I get it when you're 35 you know say things with conviction say things that have things with conviction you know and like when I asked you what would you recommend to a woman at 25 and 30 I didn't start rambling about what a 20-year-old should do and how biologically blah blah blah blah I would say exactly what I would tell a woman at 25 and 30 I know but your behavior and and and I will appreciate that people that are younger won't understand what I'm saying until you hit 35 which is I'm going to be 35 this year okay you're acting like you're a college dorm kid yeah and your caddy insults towards people online make you seem like a high school mean girl I mean like what do you mean like we all have our our things but you're selling to them things that you know aren't good so you old like when I'm on the whatever podcast and I'm surrounded by women that are in their 20s and they're saying like you know the whole life is good the reason why I said to that girl that I'm going to pray for you is because I know that she's going to have a different perspective when she's older so I don't I'm not upset by that I don't feel like that needs to be attached when that woman when that young when those young girls are around me and we're talking about all of these topics when I'm sitting with a 35-year-old man okay and you think I'm sing people and you know better okay what do you think I'm selling people tell people be what I said when you were defending the lifestyle of being a hoe why are you doing that I don't think I defend the lifestyle of being a hoe you did you did a whole video basically saying that none of my points of me trying to tell these women that they essentially you can do something better you don't have to sell your body this was your like snazzy video comeback to it why are you making a comeback yes you can make a video and be like why can't someone do heroin but why would you as a 35-year-old man want to sell something to someone or make it seem okay or cool or relevant when you know it's harmful to them I don't get that because of your age yeah I so I don't understand I don't know what your takeaway from the video was if there are researchers that give you like talking points to my videos but generally what I talk about is when it comes to Lifestyle you have to analyze both sides of things if you grow up incredibly religiously conservative and you are like shamed out of sex and you don't have sex with anybody in your whole life cuz you're super you know hyper uh of your virginity and all of these like weird things and that's like coming from an unhealthy external Place say oh well maybe that's worth exploring on the flip side if you grow up like hyper liberal and youve [ __ ] like 20 guys by the time you're you know 20 years old and you just want to bang everybody you got like weird associations with men and everything I'd say hey you should probably slow down it's probably not healthy um I just encourage people to like explore honestly to have like conversations with themselves with their parents uh could be with priests could be with therapist could be whatever and to kind of figure out like what works for them and don't get pushed into one direction from a cultur side it could be the left encouraging people to be way too promiscuous or it could be the right for people that are shaming people for being promiscuous and saying that well this one lifestyle of family stuff is going to biologically be suited towards you as you get older I think both of these are equally stupid because it just pushes people in the other direction so you don't believe in anything is what you're saying is that what you got from that well you're not committing to I believe in actually thinking for yourself that's what I think I think that every human being roughly exists in this like Paradigm where if you [ __ ] 100 people by the time you're 20 probably not healthy if you've never had sex before and you're 30 probably not healthy and that you should probably like try to gravitate towards what are like human norms and then what are things that make you happy depending on your culture depending on your geography and then you kind of like explore in there and don't be shamed out of exploring from one side to the other don't be pushed into something because somebody like Candace Owens or somebody like St Bell tells you that you have to do a particular thing but just like kind of expl tell people that they have to do a particular thing but if I see somebody that's doing heroin I'm not going to be like you know it is whatever and it's just like whatever you're just heroin is comparable to recreational sex I am I am quite frankly I actually think a woman as the one that I sat across from when you were critiquing this video who says that she slept with up to what was it 20 men per night yeah it just is bad and I know that that has to be hurting her soul so I look at her as a human being hurting her soul what if she just has a different LIF no she what do you mean you know she's she's telling you she was very honest actually and that's why I appreciated her because she was very honest that for her it is just about money okay but when I see that individual when a young woman is saying that she'll sleep and see up to 10 to 20 clients per night that's a broken individual and just as just as when you see somebody who says that you know they're doing heroin or doing this they don't need the guy the cool guy at the party be like yeah man it's whatever like it's like no you actually like structure sure you need somebody to say to you you don't have to do this there you there is so much better potential within you you are young you have your entire life ahead of you let's figure out what it is that you're great at I understand the economic concerns it's a really tough economy and it's easy money but there's other things that you can do to make money that will give you better self- value and so that's why I say that I think that what you're doing as a 35-year-old man is you're you're lying you're just lying to people you think I'm telling women on average that [ __ ] 20 guys when you make videos and you're replying to conservatives who are rightfully saying that this lifestyle is not good which should be abundantly clear to every single person yeah what you're trying to do is lie in a clever way you're and ultimately like I said if you were 20 I'd be fine with it but when first of all I don't know why if I was 20 why that would make because because You' have the same influence in your audience regardless your brain is not developed when you're 20 number two so what your brain's always developing as you grow no your brain develops when you're 25 26 years old and so when you see a 20-year-old and they have a bunch of positions I don't hold them to it I I bra I think life experience I think you grow literally fact I know if you want to Google this but your brain develops when you're 25 if you really want to Google it factually the 25 number came from one study that was done like 30 years ago where they only measure brain development up to 25 and the reality is the plasticity of your brain and every other structure your brain continues to grow into your 30s that's technically that number comes from it's not true you can look it up later if you want the 25 26 thing is a misn number it's not actually true well like I said if you were if you were 20 I would but there there is such a thing as objective truth and people that Sher and and pretend that there's not and like everybody it's yeah no about about things that are harmful to people like objectively speaking so I'm wait what is the upper bounds on recreational sex that you think is harmful they're not harmful when you're selling your body and sleeping with old I'm not asking that I'm just saying what is the upper bounds on recreational sex that you think is like like healthy for a human being like if you go past this you're like clearly over the line I'm not going to say to a person this is a number that you should sleep with and this well don't accuse me of believing in nothing I'm not sing position you only most whatever I'm going to attack the same people that you do if some woman is on saying like oh you can [ __ ] 20 guys a night and do only you're 18 I'm going to say in general that's a pretty wacky that's a pretty out there position I argue with tons of people over this I don't encourage what is what is the what are you trying to do what purpose are you trying to fulfill when you as a 35-year-old man see me sitting down with these young women trying to say you don't need to do this you don't have to do this for money and you like attack it and try to be like canace is just a [ __ ] or like whatever like she's blah blah blah blah she's just being a high school mean girl it's like no I am trying to tell these women that they are worth more and when I said to that girl at the end of it which I don't believe you showed that I will pray for you and that you can do you can do much more than this that came from the heart actually that is the most condescending thing a religious person can say to a non-religious I will pray for you okay you can deal with your you know I I know that you went to a Jesuit school and you've got some issues with somebody issu but I meant that because I my school because for me to say like I meant what I said to her that I would pray for her like when she was describing tell her that you'll pray for her because I I did pray for her then do it privately why do you need to tell her that you're only telling her that because you think you got such a condescension about you you got such an air of superiority that you're going to pray for superiority because I said I would God forbid someone says they'll pray that's obviously an err of superiority because they're saying they're going to include you in their prayers literally something that my hus quite literally God forbid isn't there a whole story of a lady going to a temple and quietly putting like two per chents or whatever the [ __ ] in the about this if you say if you say I'll pray for you it's obviously you trying to be better it's like no what are you why are you even reacting to that I'll pray for you I'll pray for everybody that listens and watches this show when people say that they're going to pray for you they actually mean it you guys they just mean it there's no there's no double on Tandra thing going on there and anybody that can go back and watch that clip you will see that I was not speaking above her I actually genuinely responded to that girl cuz she was so honest and she was so forthcoming she was the I thought I actually wanted to do more stuff with her and we tried to reach out with her because she wasn't trying to lie or trying to pretend like her you know her life was for health she was clear that it was for money and she was like I'm not going to lie this is why I do this and I genuinely prayed for actually we we were not enemies that were sitting across the table so no it was not condescending when I said I pray for you it was a fact when I left I said I will keep you in my prayers because I have in my heart I want to see that girl in 10 years and know that she left that field and she is able to speak to women that are still within it and think that they have to sell their bodies for money and sleep with 10 men per a night I am going to continue to pray for that young woman because we need people who transform their lives to then show people that they can transform their lives and it's not condescending to pray for anybody ever so okay I will pray for you too then you yeah you should I hope you pray for me I want you to include me in your prayers I want every person watching this to in but I feel like our society has gotten so like Antichrist oh my God they trying to be con it's like no like I'll pray for you I will literally pray for every single person that I I think needs a prayer and I felt like she needed a prayer like she's like she's she could be there you know okay and you should watch it her and I had no like there was no beef between her and I well you're telling me I did watch it and I responded to it so I remember watching responding to you it was going over the Tik Tok clip I don't remember PR cool you guys just so you know it's super dope to pray telling other people you pray I'll for look at that but it's not it's not cringe there's nothing cringe about being a Christian it's actually never there was anything cring about being a Christian never said that at all the dopest thing you can do is PR pray in public you know talk talk about your faith and your Christianity there's nothing cringe about being a Christian there's nothing cringe about praying for others there's nothing cringe about getting on your knees and praying to God when things are wrong in your life and so that culture needs to come back and everything that's gone wrong in this Society is by people being like told that praying no there's nothing conent about it's dope it's cool this is this is the new uh this is the do you um this is the new wave well listen I disagree with everything you say I think you're harmful to America you think I'm harmful that's fine I harmful to America I just said that it is harmful when you do things like that um you know when you know something's wrong and you still try to like find a way out and I just think that we can all acknowledge that selling your body is not a good thing and we should encourage people to do it okay if people want to find you or if you want to direct them to anything that you're working on yeah where would they listen if you are a super not canens fan if you're like the biggest non canos ens fan I really challenge you to not believe the headlines that you've read and just watch one episode of my show you don't have to commit to anything just watch one episode and actually listen to what I say out of my mouth and not how it's being interpreted by other people and I know I've gotten so many emails from people saying I like they changed their lives uh because and because just so you know I am not better than you like I say on my show the whole time I drank with the best of them I took the most liberal route to conservatism that there ever was so I am I'm not better than anybody that I speak to I'm I'm speaking from the heart and trying to get people to avoid certain traps that you know I wish that I would have been able to avoid in my life and we can have disagreements but I I think if you check out my channel on YouTube check out the podcast listen to one episode you're probably going to be able to very quickly determine and see where my heart what up okay C's on YouTube thanks and again we're combative but I do appreciate the conversation no I do too I I Would by the way love to have you on my show we could talk about other topics as well but I I actually want to know what you think surek yeah if you ever want to just have MIT send me an email so yeah yeah all right all right thanks a lot I appreciate it bye
Channel: Destiny
Views: 587,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf
Id: OlDB5iynp9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 44sec (4484 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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