Twitch Mods Have Created a Platform of Fear and Toxicity

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recently twitches been make Wow I got out of the shower like a little less than half an hour ago and I am looking like someone's mom in an anime holy [ __ ] watch so much [ __ ] anime I've turning it into a character anyway to which he's been making a lot of mistakes recently pay money Wahby made an extraordinary video talking about some of the big mistakes they've made and I wanted to kind of expand on that and talk about something a little more in particular how the twitch bands then the moderation team lead to a culture on Twitch that both promotes the generous II and instills fear in both users and streamers now I stream pretty much daily at slash moist critical come stop by if you want to put a few extra inches on your penis and yesterday during a stream I said the word Jaeger when talking about Jaeger bombs which is alcohol-related but immediately after I said that the chat filled with banned Terms of Service [ __ ] like that and the reason for that is because the twitch Mon team have banned a bunch of streamers for innocent words that they misheard as the n-word or other racist or bad words so it's created this culture where people are constantly hearing racist words out of innocent words which is absolutely frustrating and [ __ ] up quick examples being League of Legends streamer TF blade said [ __ ] idiot one time and he said it fast and they thought he said the n-word so they banned him I think he was banned for a total of a week maybe a little less before they realized their mistake but that's a week of just taking away his income but not only does that take away his career for a week totally off of something they misheard it completely tanks his reputation for that week because there were articles written about this professional player being racist and saying the n-word and it's not what he said it was totally misheard by the twitch teams that ruins his brand image that ruins his potential on the team that's a huge deal League of Legends streamer named pink Ward said the word hikers and he was banned for 30 days and I actually don't think his band ever got lifted by the way so his entire twitch career was uprooted because they misheard a word he said so anytime a word ends in like a ger a ga are the [ __ ] streamer runs the risk of getting banned even if it's in totally innocent word like Jaeger and this is train the community [ __ ] Pavlovian style to immediately assume the most racist [ __ ] all the time when I said Jaeger a bunch of people in chat started spamming some racist [ __ ] question marks band Terms of Service you know [ __ ] frustrating that is they're training their community to be racist constantly hearing the in word and other really awful slurs and horrible things when that's not the word that was used so streamers have to fully articulate each and every word for fear of the twitch moderation team which is fully unknown by the way they're like a [ __ ] Illuminati there's not a single name on the entire moderation team that is public it by the way they're throwing that out there they're [ __ ] cowards and they'll put their names on some of the [ __ ] work they do for the company and the reputation that they ruin and wipe their ass with just just wanted to get that out there but you have to be afraid of these power-hungry losers because these are the ones that control your income they control your career if you're a full-time streamer you are fully at the mercy and have to grovel at the feet of this faceless loser team of moderators that are constantly jerking off their power just getting hard off banning people it feels like because their bands are totally random and there's no communication and there's never any repercussions because these people aren't publicly named look at any other position at twitch partner manager any level at which you can find those people they proudly they proudly promote that they are that position at twitch but you can't find that for anyone that controls the band's I've talked to a lot of people with twitch and everyone I've ever communicated with that twitch has been nothing but wonderful kind helpful I really have had nothing but a positive experience with the people I can and have talked to it twitch but it's the people you can't talk through this moderation team this [ __ ] discord HQ Wumpus infiltrated team of moderators at twitch that that's the problem they're degenerates that you can't communicate with and don't care about you they can ban you on a Thursday and since they take weekends off just unbanned you on a Monday and take away three days of income just for fun and there's nothing you can do about it that is totally within their power if they felt like doing that I've never been banned on Twitch for any length of time but I'm pretty sure that's going to change after posting this video because I feel like the twitch mod team is vindictive I know that the twitch team watches some of the videos that criticize them and I think that behavior is very healthy for a company to open themselves up to criticism and see what the community has to say but I worry for the way the mod team responds to it because there have been cases where it feels like the mod team went out of their way to find things to ban them for there have been cases where streamers got banned for a vaad that was months old at a very obscure point in the vaad where there is a single frame of a single pixel of a single tip of a penis that exists for a split second and they get banned temporarily for that it just seems like they really do try and find ways to ban streamers that they may not like but to be fair they don't have to do that they can literally ban you for no reason like in pay money webbie's case they banned them and then just outright admitted it was a mistake five days later they can absolutely ruin careers on twitch for no reason and never have anything happened that they're not at risk of losing their position they're not at risk of anyone coming up and you know reporting it because you don't know how to because you don't know these people only one person I've talked to it twitches had any communication with the mod team that is how isolated that groose group of people is from everyone else at twitch HQ I've talked to a myriad of different positions at twitch a bunch of different people and only a single one has ever had direct contact with anyone on their moderation team at least that he would share with me so it's it's silly to have this team so disconnected from the rest of the company which I genuinely feel do care about creators but this one huge component of the company the one with the most power directly on the platform is this rogue organization like the [ __ ] syndicate from Mission Impossible that just plain doesn't seem like they care about you or even in most cases just actively [ __ ] hate you and you don't even know what you've done to them because you don't know who they are I think there should be a lot more transparency with the maaan team the [ __ ] CEO embarrassed himself on stream for God's sakes why not a head of mod team like PR or something it's just extremely scary the environment in the ecosystem that this mod team has now created no it's not just the MIS hearing of words that has led to a toxic environment where people go around thinking they're always hearing racist or homophobic things out of words that have nothing to do with they also have turned a large portion of the community against female streamers I put that entirely on the mod team what I mean by this you know for the two examples we'll stick with miss hearing words everyone's favorite cat lady on Twitch illinit II has had cases where she said words that sound like she's saying the N word another streamer named amaranth I've had cases where she's saying things that sound like the N word in both of those cases they received a thorough investigation and no ban not at all why wasn't that same luxury and courtesy given to the two league streamers I talked about they investigated illinit II and amaranth and found they didn't say the words which they didn't so they rightfully didn't get a ban but why did they immediately flip the switch on blade in pink word when they didn't say the word they didn't investigate they didn't even bother that's a very clear bias there's clear favoritism from the mod team and that leads to the community turning against the people that are getting that special treatment even when they don't ask for it the the community saying things like oh how does twitch mod dick taste you're immune to the twitch mod ban hammer because you [ __ ] them and I don't think that's right I don't think any female streamers have ever exchanged sexual content for special treatment I think they're getting the special treatment without ever having asked for it and I don't know why the mod team can't see why that's a bad thing for the streamer in the community too because it turns the community against the female streamer for this special treatment they get mad about that and they accuse them of doing shady [ __ ] to get that special treatment when I truly don't think they've ever had contact with a mod or have done anything with the mods for the special treatment they've never asked for it they just get it that's led to a portion of the community hating some female streamers because I think they've done something behind the scenes to get special treatment and that's gotta [ __ ] suck now this is a band that happened a few days ago that I really want to talk about this streamer was being harassed by an [ __ ] in the chat who was donating to him just to insult him and the streamer got banned because he addressed that guy by his real name the interesting thing is the dudes real name was public already because he was donating under his real name he was putting his real name on display for everyone to see with every insult he made yet when the streamer addressed him by name to talk about him being an [ __ ] he gets a 30-day ban just for reading his goddamn name out loud that's [ __ ] I addressed by the real name on my stream sometimes some people tell me to address them by their real name they prefer it and I'm really good at remembering names so I address them by the real name does that make me susceptible to a ban tons of streamers address members of the community by their real name it's commonplace the what's the exception here because he was being an [ __ ] so then the streamer calls him out by his name for being an [ __ ] that's ridiculous his name was there on the screen in the donation he donated with his real name what does this show people this shows people that if you want to be an [ __ ] and troll a streamer you can make a donation in your real name and if a streamer addresses it out loud you can get them banned by saying they gave away your personal info that sets such a horrible standard this is a very easily exploitable way to get someone you don't like bandits so [ __ ] up today I was just made aware of this streamer on the platform that goes by the name of a torus a torus I'm not quite sure how to say it he got banned on Twitch because of a stalker fan mass reported his channel he's confirmed this through discord he even had a [ __ ] interview with the guy who outright admitted to everything that he was accused of and yet twitch hasn't even looked at his support ticket he got banned completely false just from mass reports from one obsessed garbage person and he can't get unbanned because no one bothers to check his reports because they don't care they don't look at these kind of reports another streamer named Saru recently got her second banned due to her drawings being a little too lewd now what's interesting about this is body painting is totally allowed on Twitch which is nude bodies that are being painted over and Sorrows drawings are clothed all being a bit risque she got one band earlier this year and was totally fine for three months but yesterday was banned with no communication from the team telling her asked why she got banned and she didn't even know she got banned until she saw a reddit post about it that's just absurd to me how you can just ban someone not tell them anything and they just can't even talk to you ever again the point being twitch has created this entire community of streamers that stream in fear of this mysterious [ __ ] gavel swinging judge jury and executioner mod team coming at them for any reason at all even if it's totally innocent [ __ ] you're saying and that leads to a community that constantly hears the worst things out of the most innocent things that's [ __ ] frustrating scary and unhealthy and also this [ __ ] about getting mass reported by an obsessed fan and you not being able to do anything about it do you not see why that's a massive [ __ ] problem that is so easily exploitable if a group of high schoolers get their goddamn anime club together to mass report a streamer they don't like the biggest streamer on Twitch let's say they'd get banned and they wouldn't be able to get unbanned if it's if it's during the weekend that [ __ ] could happen on a Thursday and they're not getting touched till Monday that is not acceptable under any circumstances it's it's outrageous even my dogs coming over here to console me she's upset with the [ __ ] moderation team in their garbage it's just so frustrating this is the reason why so many big streamers are totally fine leaving twitch not only because they got better monetary offers from other platforms but because it's a lot safer than them where they don't need to feel like at any moment their career could be jeopardized from this team of unknown [ __ ] axe slinging losers that could just completely nuke them out of the blue so hats off to the people that do escape off twitch with good offers but for most people it's where they call home and you created a super toxic environment in that home we're constantly twitch chat is hearing horrible things out of totally innocent things that was taught to them by the mod team now obviously a lot of that falls onto the individual edge lords as well but when they see that behavior from the top-level mod team that is enforcing these bans it's very clear that that has an effect on the community as a whole and how they respond to certain things thus it leads to a super unhealthy entire atmosphere that's just so [ __ ] toxic and yeah that's just about it I wanted to talk about the impact that bands like this in shitty moderation has on an entire community and that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,231,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h1mccGR65CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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