Quin's honest review of D͏i͏a͏b͏l͏o͏ 4͏͏͏ | Asmongold Reacts

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Quinn 69 this guy used to only stream Diablo 3. I was there the day and I believe season four of Diablo 3. were Quinn 69 hit 10 000 viewers for the first time he used to only stream with a black and white camera this guy is an OG Diablo streamer and player he hit rank one on the leaderboards multiple times here we go yo what's going on boys Quinn 69 here how are you guys doing today unless you've been living under a rock uh the Diablo 4 beta closed beta Double Down beta or I don't know premium non poor people beta has just ended uh there was three days and you got to play three classes that was the Barbarian the Sorcerer And the Rogue uh I've been playing they beta you know including two times about 16 hours a day yep and I've been trying out everything for like five itemization systems open world kissing all just look at the graphics the settings the control literally everything right I just been consuming as much just copious amounts of D4 to try and really um get a feel for the game and then hopefully give some good feedback and this is what that video is going to be right we're going to be hopefully Kevin you guys like my first impressions of the game and then maybe some feedback because that's what the beta was for right there with stress testing and then they're also looking for feedback uh so here we go here comes the feedback no I need to preface Diablo red it's not going to be happy about this one oh video with um depending on how you look at the game will massively change uh your you know you take you know you could either love it or you could [ __ ] hate everything about it yes um and that is because it's called Diablo 4. and you know what what is Diablo for what that's Diablo with a four next to it okay that means Diablo 3 so okay well then of course I'm gonna care for her to D3 and then there's Diablo two yeah okay these are all a RPGs are saying so yeah I'm gonna compare it and then oh what's the top aipg on the market right now let's compare it to path of excel which station and if you do this and you constantly make comparisons you're gonna find there's some massive disconnect there because you're going to be going look this game is this the other four doesn't even have that this camera is there T4 doesn't do this and that is because you are comparing um a digger that is just digging a hole and digging dirt uh to a [ __ ] lawnmower that is cutting grass okay they you know yeah D3 versus Poe you kind of like two lawn mowers okay D4 is doing something new um well it's kind of amalgamation of mini games but it is not trying to be uh the the Diablo with a new number on the end they are trying to make a new yeah it does I think what Quinn is trying to say is that Diablo 4 is not just your traditional arpg they have Incorporated other elements from other types of games such as battle passes different types of seasonal things and also MMO elements to the game and an open world it is a substantial departure from a traditional arpg that's what he's trying to say game they're taking a lot you know pretty [ __ ] big risk actually by doing this and you need to cast that constant comparison brain out of your mind and then you just sometimes Diablo 4 and a vacuum and be like wait am I enjoying this game like is this fun what's going on here and then on top of that different people have different scoring systems myself included um you know do you like to rate games on you know the level design the leveling experience the [ __ ] lore how hot the characters are you like a turbo nerd gamer who only doesn't care about any of that [ __ ] and only cares about end game itemization and crafting right um I mean a perfect example of this is uh I've been watching a lot of feedback videos I've been consuming a lot of DIY content um asthma gold he rated the game an 8.5 out of 10. I did um and I guarantee you if I gave him different weightings for what he thought it was important you know I said okay rate the game on these factors he would give me a different score um and now what I'm what I'm yeah of course yeah no that that's true he's totally right yeah it's like if you care about the story and like the you know like the the flow of the questing ETC uh you're gonna have a different score than if you only care about like the build optimization of course that's the same with everybody yeah different people like different things what I'm getting at is that I myself have massive biases right everybody does I know what I like when it comes to games and you know when it comes to irpgs especially I am a you know this game is not just I'm playing through the first story this is a 1000 I'm playing it to game and then play this game for literally thousands of hours yes so I'm sitting here it is looking at the systems and the fundamental seeds that are being sown like seeing am I is this gonna make you want to just log in and play this game forever and ever and ever so you know this is going to be that I'm coming from this kind of perspective looking at D4 as its own entity it's its own game and then but then kind of looking at the more hardcore aspects right of the game um now a lot of you guys are gonna be like how the hell are you gonna rate a game and it's systems based on a level 25 beta whenever you're on a level 25 and you can't you know what could you possibly know this is just the starting of the game okay no bro in the beta okay you have every skill unlocked you can see the open world you can see the dungeon system you can extrapolate you can extrapolate to a degree and if things are playing badly on the beta that doesn't seem good and also if the experience for the first few hours of the game is bad on the beta the odds are that that is a very bad thing because that's the first impression that everybody else is going to get you can see the you know the questing system the main quest the world bosses you get this you get a really good idea of what you're looking at right um and you know using a little bit of extrapolation and just basic logic you get a pretty [ __ ] good idea of what you're dealing with but there are pretty large unknowns like the Paragon uh board system oh yeah and a few things about you know like seasoned mechanics and other things that could massively change things which I will talk about later there is a lot of things that I want to cover uh this is an issue a very intimidating video and hopefully you guys will make it through uh but yeah there's going to be a category system we're going to talk about pretty much the entire game from acidics down to end game uh and we'll just do it one category at a time wish me luck boys okay you know I'm gonna do my best let's start off with something that Diablo 4 is doing right and that is the graphics slash Aesthetics okay and let me tell you they did not miss okay and I'm not some totally agree I like the Aesthetics the way the game looks is exactly what I would imagine a Diablo game to look like very true is that a shell uh but God damn the graphics of this game are just they're great stunning okay when it comes to arpgs honestly I don't think anything even comes close all right like not I mean that's that's just a fact bro just the Fidelity how it looks the Shadows the lighting uh you know the frame rate how smooth it is all that [ __ ] hey it looks amazing I mean you just zoom in on any part of the game and you'll see what I'm talking about I mean the the mechanics uh like you can walk around in the snow and it leaves like Trails you can literally draw [ __ ] in the snow uh you know all the critters you can smack them with your sword blood spot like splatters across the ground the bunny falls down the cliff yeah um and then don't even get me started on the Aesthetics obviously Aesthetics uh completely subjective you might like cute little bunnies and you might or you might like some stupid looking weeb trash where all the females have titties that are just enormous and they've got massive [ __ ] swords five times as big as their character they're clipping through the ground um you know hey and D4 let me tell you they still doing some [ __ ] you know they got they got they got characters that look really nice yeah they can even show some on the boob you know they could show some on the boob but they don't have all that ridiculous [ __ ] it just looks it's pretty grounded overall I would say yeah good um and and they don't and I don't go over kill either they don't go oh let's give people [ __ ] flaming masks uh with a [ __ ] thing rotating around them like that just just floating dildos going around you know all sorts of like [ __ ] huge wings that are flapping about with the Eraser Footprints I'm talking about by the bay style right they hit this really nice spot that aesthetically is honestly one of my favorite it's not cartoony either like Warcraft where you're kind of like or Diablo 3-esque it's it's kind of real but no it it's grounded like you could see the most of the people like if you go if you go under a bridge in Austin Texas you'll find The Necromancer if you go to Mr Olympia you'll find the Barbarian if you go to a craft beer convention you'll find the druid uh if you go to like some sort of bar or like some dancing bar with like male strippers you'll find the Rogue which one am I missing out on I think that's close enough right Doc and gritty and honestly it's my favorite acidic I'm I'm uh yeah you call me a vegan sort whatever if you go outside 7-Eleven and there's a guy that's arguing about cigarettes with somebody else you'll find the sork I love it all right and they absolutely did not miss yeah sork is the one watching in my opinion the only thing that would even come close to the acidic of this game would be something like War him or 40K and I get the same energy when you look at a really cool one of 40K figurine and you're like God damn look how well that's painted look how cool he looks and you're looking around and you're like holy [ __ ] like it just feels precious to even hold and even look at and you kind of get that Vibe just looking at your character in the game like you guys uh the sound design uh you know the atmospheric sounds as you're going around outside of a little bit of Jank going through zones and stuff is pretty damn good as well so you know it's very immersive uh you know as like the dark gritty kind of tone I would though be a little bit critical uh boss fight music bro for act one mid [ __ ] mid I didn't even know it was happening I didn't even know there was boss fight music I just learned there was boss folk music right now at this exact moment all right I don't even know even the final boss fight for X1 I don't want to spoiler or anything but God damn uh yeah that sound did he even have a soundtrack it was so unmemorable I don't think so maybe just question my question about question mark hopefully that's some [ __ ] that they've just got I will say that like you compare that to leoric I would say leoric was a lot better or a compare no no no uh to butcher compare it to butcher because butcher was the last boss in act one butcher was way better add in and it's just a beta thing um and I'll also add in um when it comes to like the return to Darkness maybe I'm maybe I'm a sick [ __ ] maybe I'm a little bit too morbid but in D1 and D2 they got dead naked people okay and I don't know what it is about that you're like God damn they're dead on a pike some and she's naked yeah like there's something like oh you know that and for whatever reason D4 they're gonna show me super ultra high fidelity blood everywhere guts literal torture scene they're stuck in a [ __ ] device where they've clearly been tortured but they just don't show the naked people why don't they because I feel like that would really take it to the next level of uh I think it would too I think you should always be willing to take it to the next level absolutely you know holy [ __ ] uh but other than that honestly dude graphics and Aesthetics D4 uh you can't really bro I don't think any anyone even comes close to that [ __ ] 10 out of 10. there it is cutscenes in the war here we go all right I'll be right back I'll be back in like two minutes and uh yeah no I totally agree with that a hundred [ __ ] percent absolutely like the the design of the game and everything and the the graphics I think are exactly what I had expected like looking at Diablo 4 that is exactly what I would want to see all right let's go let's start it uh you can't really bro I don't think any anyone even comes close to that [ __ ] 10 out of 10. all right now let's talk about the law and the cutscenes now you have to take into account that I'm not a law slash cutscene Andy um you know if I'm putting a you know more than a thousand hours into a game it's not because I just really want to play the story over and over again um but 100 a good cinematic for example the buy three they come that [ __ ] can get you hyped for a game and that's good you know blizzard aren't missing the cinematics like that by three that comes one is Top Notch has given me the chills I've watched it three times now still still [ __ ] amazing um you know the the new one where they have Lilith fighting and Arias that that this one was probably the coolest one in my opinion um yeah again really impressive really crazy stuff but hey what does it do maybe gives me a little bit of immersion and uh you know gets me a bit high for the game uh the they had they now have in-game character specific cinematics characters are literally inserted into like a cut scene itself yeah that's a really well done cut scene it's like it doesn't look like because you know like with a lot of games where you have the in-game cut scenes and the in-game cutscenes aren't very good it's just like basically the game but your UI is gone this is really nice but they have lots of uh you know facial expressions and emotion and uh you know it's it really is and honestly the thing where it puts your character in there everybody haven't got a really stupid looking character yeah um yeah it increases the level of immersion it's funny the story again I'm not a big story guy but I'm following along with the current you know act one story and it's pretty interesting uh they give you a bit of information about a few of the characters and they're really kind of developing the characters and you know they're posing a lot of questions um you know I don't want to do any spoilers but you know you want to find out like what's going on with Lilith like what is she even a good guy or a bad guy I mean she probably may be bad but yeah she's bad I don't know kind of getting some mommy energy from it you know what I'm saying uh the voice acting people have been criticizing it a lot and saying oh everyone sounds like they're from like Russia or somewhere from Eastern yeah no [ __ ] because that's the whole area because they're gonna have an area of people guess what a bunch of snow people sound like Eastern Europeans what a [ __ ] surprise I wonder how that happened no [ __ ] [ __ ] Europe and they think it's it's in one zone speaking as a kiwi you know whatever I think the the accents they they sound like they're all supposed to be from a particular region yeah and they sound like they're supposed to be foreign I don't think they're necessarily bad by any means um and of course they're gonna sound like they have they have a regional dialect why wouldn't they all sound kind of the similar you know it's like the bro it's like it brought all the trolls and wow so I'm the same yeah no [ __ ] I fully expect when we go to the other zones they're gonna sound we'll have different accents and different voice actors and not to mention uh the voice acting of some of the main characters is really good uh specifically hey whose voice acting Lilith because yeah that's pretty good it's pretty good I agree [Music] monetization okay now let's talk about something that's a tad more divisive monetization and Diablo 4. obviously this game is a game made by Blizzard Entertainment yeah who also just recently released a game called Diablo Immortal that's a good one uh that was a fun game that I played and yeah it had some of the most eight predatory and aggressive monetization I've ever seen in any game in my entire life I mean bro the game was literally worse than straight up gambling it was like gambling at least in gambling there's a chance you can win in Diablo Immortal you always lose except you can't even win you know as Anna's rooked against you and and if you do finally win 25 000 and and by the way this is New Zealand money so like in real money it's like probably only twenty thousand dollars but it's still twenty thousand dollars in order to get his five star echoing shade a [ __ ] poor okay uh now Diablo 4 is not Diablo Immortal obviously yes and they've said that it's not the same Diablo 4 is going to be uh quote unquote and kid around Cosmetics yes which got us a little bit scary in itself the fact that they have an outright said hey guess what guys this game will never be better whenever we're not going to make it I don't know if they can ever say like I I would never say ever because there's just no reason to say that however they have stated multiple times in plain English that it will not be paid to win and I feel like if people are not willing to accept that they're saying and they're like yeah but they're lying though like but yeah yeah yeah yeah but they're not gonna do it yeah but then they're gonna do it but they're gonna do it after that yeah yeah yeah but yeah yeah no yeah but yeah but yeah no I mean uh it's probably not though I mean like yeah I don't know yeah but no like at certain point you've got to think that maybe these people are just they've already made up their mind Diablo 4 is going to be pay to win in their mind and it's only a matter of when you're never gonna be able to tell them something that's gonna make them think oh no it won't be oh yeah that makes sense I'm gonna rethink my opinion that's not gonna happen and they just they're not saying that that they're they're doing this um diplomacy anything where they will literally put themselves in a position where you know what [ __ ] if later on down the track they feel like going and changing their mind and then just making the game paintable as [ __ ] um they could which which honestly of course they could do that but like how's that a bad thing if they make the game pay to win later I just stopped playing the game like that's the way live service games are there have been many times where games have come out and they've been good for a while and then they were bad like that's just how things go like whether it's a new patch a new expansion or some other [ __ ] monetization yeah you just move on yes me but for the moment they've been repeatedly saying that many times ever it's anchor around Cosmetics yeah guys it's gonna be Cosmetics don't worry it'll be fine so I'm gonna take them for their word and like currently the game's not paid to win it's not now the way they're monetizing the game as well uh where you had to buy the game yes then you also are going to have the option to opt into battle passes cosmetic only for the bought stuff of the battle pass there will be power in the battle pass but that'll be free you know oh so there's there is power in a battle pass then okay so then that means it's pay to win okay yeah see Quinn Quinn contradicting himself again yeah I mean come on free right because what they're doing is they're training me like a dog to go yeah but it's in about where they're going to show you your free thing you collect and then there'll be like a swipe here to uh you know unlock your you know look how much stuff you've unlocked that you could just get just by swiping your card right which okay they've got better passes and then you also purchase the expansion itself yeah um which is uh hey I mean at least then I'm making us pay a subscription fee as well and then selling it oh you know I mean hey oh right now that's what that yeah yeah I mean hey they're not doing that right now it's gold right because uh that would be insane it sure would be uh but it could be disgusting what I'm worried about is like is the battle pass money that we're gonna so we're gonna buy the game okay yeah we're gonna buy the expansions okay whenever they're making content for the game yeah are they gonna save all the good [ __ ] and then put that into the expansion box and then just give us like some shitty cosmetics and some mid season [ __ ] um you know is it like is the battle pass money actually are they gonna have a separate development team that's developing stuff for the seasons for the people who are spending money on the battle passes to support the game so then you know they're giving us all this extra content and then we also buy the expansion and we get even more content new I mean we know what is what is going to be glasses all sorts of [ __ ] yeah or is this just blizzard um just yeah just trying to extract as much money as humanly possible out of us I mean they were wrong I am all for a system where the game I am playing the live service game I'm playing is earning money and then because they're earning money they're like oh yeah this is a good investment let's keep adding it features to this game so people here's my viewpoint on this is that I don't really give a [ __ ] all the poe micro transactions are ridiculously [ __ ] expensive the stash Tabs are annoying but you only have to buy them once they have loot boxes in them I don't really care though because whenever I play the game the monetization model of the game doesn't affect my gameplay that is what really matters to me is does the monetization model of this game affect my gameplay and as long as that doesn't happen with Diablo 4 that's the only thing that matters Poe's free that doesn't what what does that have to do with it like it doesn't matter like if you have to pay fifty dollars for Poe I would still have the same viewpoint yeah I'm talking about like the playability of the game because as long as I'm able to play the game and the monetization doesn't [ __ ] the game up then I'm not gonna care it's literally that simple yeah it it doesn't matter getting a matters though bro if I'm gonna be honest okay if you're not able to buy a 70 [ __ ] game and have the if this is a mass and if you this is if you live in like the us or like a good country in the EU if this is like a [ __ ] South American person listening to this it's not about you if you have seventy dollars and spending this money is a big deal for you and it is that big of a [ __ ] deal that you like if if they add microtransactions you feel like you're not getting your [ __ ] money's worth you need to reevaluate your [ __ ] life because the problem is not microtransactions in video games it is a trajectory of your [ __ ] career because you need to [ __ ] reorient your life you need to get your [ __ ] together and stop [ __ ] worrying about this this is insane absolutely [ __ ] insane most people will probably get 70 to 70 hours worth of gameplay out of Diablo for over the first year that they buy it I think that if you value your your entertainment at one dollar an hour I think that Diablo 4 will probably be worth it for a lot of people that are fans of arpgs absolutely but don't go and [ __ ] tell me that oh wow it's seventy dollars like guess what to put in a game from 1998 into an inflation calculator and you're gonna see that they were basically seventy dollars back then too if you adjust for inflation it's always been expensive to buy these games that's just how it is and you just do it yourself I don't want to prove it to you go do it on your own more yes probably more yes reevaluate your [ __ ] life having optional Cosmetic microtransactions in the game this is not going to affect your gameplay there is a level in which it will of course but that doesn't really seem like it's happening it's crazy you keep giving us money so then you know it creates a loop of like you know we give you money because we're happy with the game they give us content back and then you know it keeps calling less people crazy and not just some some [ __ ] they add into the game to try extract all our money because you say well who cares at the Battle pass right it's you know it's only Cosmetics yeah okay well that's detrimental to the game right in my opinion oh yeah it would be better if the Cosmetics were in the game because it would give you more things to work towards but it's just in terms of the like the amount of people that are going to play the game the amount more people they're gonna play the game if that cosmetic is obtainable in game is not negliga it is negligible there's not that many more people that are going to play the game just because every single cosmetic is earnable so if you're trying to min max the game you're going to make some Cosmetics earnable some Cosmetics viable because that's what's going to make the most money yeah that's just how it is um if you can get a mount from a store or a battle pass or whatever oh there is also going to be a store by the way I forgot to mention that there will literally also be a store in the game where you can buy [ __ ] which again I you know I'm trying to cope I'm like surfing the copium and the hopium like oh yeah they're gonna use that store to fund content creation for the game right so they're gonna be making more [ __ ] right um but you you there's a massive downside there right so every time they add some [ __ ] into the store they add like a really cool looking mount in the store yeah that you buy the game that is now just devalued every Mount uh Cosmetic in the game by some amount some you know it's quantifiable I would say that personally whenever I see an item that's from the store I automatically it's like it's invisible to me like I see somebody with a store item and like I don't even I like it just could be a default Mount to me it's like they don't even count but how much but you just basically make old cosmetics in the game lose a bit of value and uh you gotta hope that they're using this money that they're trading in because they're trading in value in their game like literally they're reducing the fun of a cosmetic hunt um for money so you've got to just hope that they're then using that money to then create the game yeah imagine that ultimately I'm not poor so I don't really care um too much I think that if you're gonna put 200 plus hours into this game be honest with yourself if you're gonna put 200 plus hours into this game and you can't pay seventy dollars for it you need to reevaluate your wife that's the truth you really need to reevaluate your [ __ ] life I was in this exact same position 10 years ago and I re-evaluated my life do yourself a favor and do the same thing about like the [ __ ] all I care about mainly is that hey is the game gonna be better one as long as it's not better when I'm kind of okay with it now I can totally see how you know if you if you don't have as much money just behind me but like yeah whatever if you don't have as much money to spend it might be a little bit annoying to have to buy the game by the expansion and then maybe you're going to miss out in the battle passes and then maybe your friends have some Cosmetics but bro who cares bro some some guys walking around with this pay piggy armor I mean bro yeah who gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] it's just Cosmetics hey the point remains as long as the game doesn't go pay to win I think I'm okay with that but still I think that it really just depends on a seasonal basis like if if I go back and I play the game and I don't really like it I don't feel like the season is that much newer or that transformative or anything like that then I just don't play the season I still own the game so I can just come back next time and play it then yeah it's not complicated I mean I I really don't think I'll think about it a whole lot you're getting happy with streamers or stink garbage IRL bro every dumb message you type in my chat is not going to improve your life yours after you press enter you're still a loser it didn't change it it's it maybe maybe make another account and maybe if you just keep posting negative messages in my chat maybe one day you won't be a loser this whole man I I'm scared I'm I'm a little bit scared that I I think when there is a reality where they're like you know what we're not earning enough money from D4 you know how we've been talking about anchoring ah [ __ ] let's actually just anchor our [ __ ] to some pay to win so we can extract more money out of these little piggies and then they just go ahead and just trade in the you know the rest of whatever's remaining with the blizzard brand for as much money as possible Right yeah I have a I I don't think they're gonna make Diablo 4 pay to win because it would just make the company look really really bad now do they care about that I think that I I do feel like Diablo Immortal and dragonflight put together and shadowlands and like all the sexual harassment I I think that that is legitimately damaged the company to the point now where they can take a game that they use to charge money for give it out for free and remove loot boxes and everybody says how bad they are okay like I I absolutely think that there is a cost for that now let's talk about the user interface holy [ __ ] uh what the [ __ ] reception of dragonflight sorry Aesthetics and Graphics are a 10 out of 10 uh like supermodels super pretty Ultra nice uh the UI is a [ __ ] what transplanted on top of of a nose I I think I don't think the UI is that bad like I mean there are things that are bad about the UI I'm not saying the UI is is good I think there are a lot of improvements that can be made but I I am not like I I don't think it's that big of a deal personally like I I don't I may I just don't give a [ __ ] that much uh it is just yes there are improvements that I would make for sure what happened my character screen I I for a second there I thought what whoa whoa whoa whoa did someone just install uh Diablo a model onto my computer okay yeah it's right here to Legends booted up in the background what just happened uh why is one third of my screen covered in uh just useless [ __ ] information that I don't care about with the ultra bright colors and uh some sort of a console layout designed to be controlled with you know a controller right and the answer is because it was designed for consoles right Diablo 4 is a console game that they made for consoles and the entire user interface has made for consoles and they've got these huge uh Elements which you can navigate around with uh you know a controller and that's yeah I think that's good I'd rather have a game be playable on Console than have it like give it a better I I think that you can make the game you can make the UI for the game better without removing its playability on Console though it can definitely be improved but I don't really think it's that big of a deal either way I disagree with this argument people are using consoles uh as a reason for [ __ ] ux well no I I do think that having like a very ornate and complex UI is something that will make it harder to it will hurt readability on a console more because the way that you navigate between different buttons so yes I I do think the console argument exists but I still think they can improve it even then it's house designed like uh and then they've got that [ __ ] what's wrong with it and then I feel like if Diablo Immortal didn't come out people wouldn't have as much of a problem with the with the the UI I think that a lot of people's problems with the UI is because Diablo Immortal looks the same I just transplanted it onto a onto a PC and the net result is uh you get this really weird like juxtaposition between this awesome gritty dark cool the universe with this user interface that it just doesn't mesh well at all um like there's small little things like I want to open up my clan to see who's online on my clan right or something uh you know I expect to see like a small window up here with you know some some columns and rows with various characters their class that level all that [ __ ] and I can see it runs online and what's going on you know maybe a little scroll by that I can scroll down whatever okay not like a full screen blow up one clam in but takes up forty percent of my screen and coming I'm being hyperbolic yeah uh I can see three total clan members and I'm gonna like go downtown and runs me you know what reminds me of a surprise me whenever Windows try to like get rid of the Stop Bar and put everything to like some grid format oh it just feels like that's the whole game yeah even uh even even like doing various actions in the game uh you know like living a dungeon or something you have to bring up this radial wheel uh which is designed for a you know a controller uh to slay things instead of just yeah I I mean I don't know I I don't think I I personally don't think that's a big deal like I I don't know it's just not a big deal to me like for other people maybe it's a point of contention I I there are things I would want to see improved with the UI I'm not saying the UI is good I I'm not saying it it's perfect I think it is passable it is functional and I don't really care no just make a [ __ ] user interface for PC Gamers obviously this is coming from the perspective of a PC Gamer elitist yeah sure um you know some console goals or games are right you know but generally speaking PCS is way better give us a proper give us like a action bars like a second action bar where we can put on those various features not some radial wheel uh let us I'll be able to keep buying them or something hide elements I mean bro when I have my character screen I'm sound like I'm bitching right now but like God damn what the [ __ ] why why are you showing me like attack and defense with some life and some random troops I don't care look how come to see the stats that I actually want to see I have to open up a side menu then go this is that's dumb like I don't want to open it up and see my plants I wanted to open it up and see my my basic attacks and like all my basic stats here that that see like the and those are little things that I would want to see improved absolutely from my craft materials to like open up another menu to then scroll down past some other [ __ ] to then start actually seeing the stats that I want to see um again it's because it's they're designing it for a console and on top of that they also I think they're trying to keep it simple because they don't want to overwhelm people because yeah people like open up a character screen I guess and they see a lot of numbers and [ __ ] they're like oh my God numbers are scary my mind might explode if I see too many statistics yeah uh which I guess they're trying to hide and keep it simple you know so so it's not as intimidating again which because I guess I'm a hardcore gamer I don't give a [ __ ] about that [ __ ] hey just go ahead listen just redo the whole UI for computers okay come on come on just it would be nice if they had a more PC Centric UI but I don't think the UI will affect my enjoyment of the game like I I'm not going to to see the UI and the UI isn't good and I'm like oh I don't like the game now it's not that bad it's fine in my opinion it is fine it's not great but it's fine just redo it um other small things like uh I guess console Gamers they want to see their map right yeah um so whenever you bring the map up it's like a full screen map full color this is very minimal transparency when you look at the map at the top right it's zero opacity I haven't seen any opacity options just this block at the top right of your screen um like why can't I turn off elements of that map and have a transparent version so I'm sitting here like having a tab map the same as you do in Poe you can just like Tab and like Lost Ark has this too and you don't have to go to like a full map screen yes this would be an improvement on the game and there's no reason not to add it like Sam is Diablo 2 yes I mean like why are we why are we not implementing the feature that existed in the year 2000 or something like that why are we going back in time it worked then it still works in front of my uh ten thousand dollar computer with my you know monitor in front of me I can I I want to just have like an opaque uh map at the top right so I can see monsters behind my map while it's also knowing where I'm going you know um options like uh having a little the ability to turn on an obey it health bar of of like I want to see why it should absolutely exist the reason why is that I don't want to like it's like an eye tracker thing where like I I don't like here's here's the the screen right let's just say this is the screen I don't want to have to go from here to here looking back and forth I want all of the useful visual information to be as condensed as possible because it just improves my experience as a player and if I had a green health bar over my head I would enjoy that more than if I didn't it's that simple and my resources say like if I'm a rogue I want to say like a little green Slither above my character's head uh you know with another sliver to show me my energy and it's maybe some comma Point um comma points right Basics some basic stuff like that which would be good for computer Gamers obviously as a concert someone says less information is better great then just turn it off okay yeah it didn't just turn on then turn it off I don't want overlay map I always have it up and it takes away from the graphics I want to look at the action not the map um so you don't want an overlay map because you'll use it okay man if you like sitting back at the TV trying to see a little green box not going to be a big which is again why I think they didn't include it um it would be awesome instead of having the you know the console Dash key it's the same thing as like underneath the skeletons like for example uh this is a skeleton right there should be like a circle underneath the skeleton and there should be different effects that indicate different effects on the skeleton so like if they're buffed up by the 20 in power from the priest there should be like blue [ __ ] underneath them the same as like if the skeletons have haste and Poe it's green or if they have like a [ __ ] something else that's like red or something like auras you should not have to again any time that the player has to go from the middle of the screen down to the bars down here to see what's active and what's not I think that's a bad experience I think that everything should be visible in the middle of the screen if the player chooses for it to look that way it's just better lavaki um I [ __ ] hate this new idea that certain games have where let's not show you what's going on in the game yeah I know you can't look at debuffs no you can't see what that is I [ __ ] hate that I think that it should be off by default but you should be able to turn it on like a skill and then it just [ __ ] it gives it an additional skill slot stuff like that you know um just basic PC Gamer stuff um ah also the full screen pop-ups bruh it randomly comes up during the beta like pre-purchased Diablo now with it doesn't actually randomly come up it only comes up two times uh it only comes up right after you talk to the guy and he rides off and then it also comes up whenever you actually finish act one it only comes up two times or is it three I don't remember the third time just for these guys I guess we bought Double Downs to then purchase a game I'm really worried like am I gonna log into D4 and it's going to be a full screen ad battle pass seal 90 off like is it yeah that's probably gonna be there yep and then whenever the expansion comes out there's gonna probably be a picture of Lilith with like a chicken bucket on her head holding a triple down and it's like guess what guess what you need to play the beta guys that one is this is this gonna be happening because that's another element of the user interface that honestly scares me the fact that you guys have the ability to push these full screen ads whenever I log into my game uh mono I guess overall UI I'm gonna write that [ __ ] at a two out of ten I'll give it it's not the what two out of ten item itemization and Diablo 4. okay here we go upon logging into the default beta honestly my expectations were low so you know what I was pleasantly surprised to actually look at my weapon and then see on the weapon description hey it's got an attack speed you know that's nice it's got an attack range yeah oh that's cool and you know there's an affix there cool all right you know it wasn't just attack and defense although attacking defense absolutely is still in the game and they all they did was um you know just rename it from attack to attack power and defense to armor I mean it's literally just armors well that's the way it's always been I mean yeah things do more damage and they have armor I think that's fine I I don't know I think that's a big deal it seems fine to me it's like I wear a helmet I want to know how how many how many armor is the helmet if I wear a helmet I want to know how many strength does the helmet give me yep Trojan Horse containing defense it's just generic damn Direction they made up some IP story about defense um you know we wanted Amma to randomly mitigate like magic because we felt like it was unfair and we're just trying to protect you bro it's just defense okay blizzard stop with this fake news story yes it's attacking defense it is what it is but you know what hey I logged in I saw some damage range not wanting to immediately just close the game um so I'm continuing uh you know I'm getting items dropped on the ground up Arrow I equip it up Arrow equip it a few hours later still up Arrow you equip it you do less damage up Arrow equip it less damage up Arrow equip it your your build sucks now yeah just kind of like seeing up arrows I'm equipping it getting kind of bored don't really not really even looking at items at this point like there's just item power which just arbitrarily makes items um better like on average when they have item power from killing higher level monsters so you're just generally speaking if you haven't looted a pair of boots in like five levels when you you know you drop another pair of boots uh it's just a better version um now at the point where Rhea started dropping well they're not really rare once you get into the game you start doing dungeons uh you start getting items that have plaster skills on them which yeah it says like plus one two Hydra and then once you have to put the Hydra uh item guess what your Hydra skill goes up by level and now you just your Hydra does 10 more damage you're like hey this has got a plus the skill that I'm using on my character this is good for me in your cup it and honestly that feels good um now honestly that I think it does I feel like that's great however I do think that with that there comes a lot of traps because sometimes the up arrows don't account for every single one of those interactions so they can end up being a trap it says oh put this on it's got an up Arrow but it's actually not that's basically the only affix that I can feel like wow that feels good D3 didn't have that um at least I don't remember that well almost all the other fx's in the game I mean I know the ball of my heart but it's like increased damage to enemies that are far away increased damage that are close increased damage to healthy enemies increase damage you get the idea it's just lots of kind of generic damage increases that are conditional and you know generic but you know to the point where you maybe have like if you're playing a ranged character you might have a few different Netflix system the guy someone playing melee obviously you're looking for plaster skills and all that stuff but I will tell you that like just giving you more plus damage and having different types of plus damage apply to you and not it is kind of boring it's a good starting point but I it's it's not super compelling ultimately it was coming down to get an item that has the skills of using on it that's got high item power with decent roles and um I got really bored the atomization really fast and my feedback would be is make more affixes that are like the plus to skills yeah AKA things that work specifically with your bill that are obviously good for your build for example a role that said fire damage increase fire damage right so you're playing Hydro build and you want fire damage and damage over time let's say there's a there's an fx that just said fire damage that's increased by 20 percent damage over time um with fire skills increased or whatever okay and then you find an item that drops with three stats that work perfectly with your build big dick Hey Now You're gonna be like wow that's good for me or say you know you find another item that drops and I actually don't like the close and distant modifiers I find them to be annoying because in almost every circumstance I'm going to be close to the enemy because I'm I'm like [ __ ] clearing you know so I I don't like that it's annoying to me as ethics that are really good but for another build then you're like wow this might actually compel me to log in and play another build I feel like what I guess I'm asking for is just the generic affixes in general uh they should just scrap half that [ __ ] like half that whatever Destiny 2 console affix whatever the [ __ ] it is like the healthy and just put in some stuff that's more specific and more Obviously good for out of the builds yeah and it doesn't I'm not saying complicated crazy [ __ ] like Diablo 3 dude if you found a pair of gloves that roll with crit crit damage and cool down and then you're like damn that's a really good item oh yeah I could even roll the dexterity off the area damage now I gotta quad picked a pair of gloves you're like that's that's a little bit exciting you know you get a cool item and going wrong maybe the more I interact with these affixes and maybe higher levels there's new [ __ ] that's more compelling and maybe I'm just not playing I just haven't really like investigated to see oh wow there's actually massive differences but from what I've seen they're pretty generic if you have a build that's good they're not yeah I think that being generic is really the criticism is there a generic and I think they are boring but gear for a wizard uh from attacking fire away or whatever you generally gonna have to unspec out of whatever you're playing currently and just spec into something completely different and all that gear still works uh which then to me is just homogeneous and it's like what do you even like come on um legendary affixes okay some of legendary affixes I really like uh these ones that are they're generic and they can synergize you build like for example the one that says when you hit an elite for the first time in 30 seconds it gives you a barrier and this could synergize the bill that scaling barriers it wants a good barrier uptime for example big dick berries but then a lot of the legendary affixes fell awful and uh these ones or the ones I'm about to talk about are the ones that were just mandatory damage increases for whatever skill you're using an example would be you're playing a hydro build there's a p there's a uh FX that says plus one hydras literally just doubles your hydrogen damage output like you're playing a hydrate build hmm am I going to use those gloves yeah you're gonna use like you're always gonna have this to an extent where you have legendary affixes that are pretty much required like this is just always how I think a lot of builds go and I think that in Poe it kind of is the same way with this too but it's not as bad because of how customizable rares are there's loves okay you you you're going to equip this item because you're an idiot if you don't and guess what Poe doesn't have this not at all no um not even close in Poe well the reason why it's not even close is because there are so many different things that can roll differently and rare items that the the legendary items will never really be the full end game minus like a handful of them that offer some sort of unique utility but other than that I I think that having legendary items that are good that everybody is pretty going pretty much going to use it's very hard to avoid that without making insanely complex itemization to counteract that so I don't think that they're going to be able to solve this problem and all bbos uh bis unique items in Poe I mean to an extent uh you said it unique utility not 300 mandatory damage uh it's crafting and poe poe uh basically has nothing that goes to a specific skill being the big thing mageboard is not mandatory for any build but it makes 90 of builds better for example yeah exactly and so there are uniques that are like really really really [ __ ] good for certain builds or they're good for all builds based off of what they are and as I said if you want to make rare items as good as these different types of uniques you have to make rares probably really really complex like Poe has very complex rares or you make legendaries boring so I don't know what the right option is I think that probably what I would like to see them do is start scaling a little bit more complexity with rare items after like the first couple of seasons and see how players respond to it doesn't say x skill this 500 more damage I mean no of course not and that's why Poe isn't as accessible as Diablo 4. like you're looking at it from the perspective of somebody who plays video games like this all of the time the truth is that Diablo 4 isn't being made for an audience of people that are going to look up and do a math calculation of what the effective DPS of something is the moment that you have to go to like another website to figure out like okay what is this percentage increase how does this work exactly that's going to make things a lot harder yeah there's nothing to do yeah it Diablo 4 is not trying to be super complex where you have to compare a bunch of different items sometimes there are going to be items that are just very good I don't know what else to say it makes no sense for there to be a duration limiter to exist uh for a cast it has no CD and casting a new Hydra completely counters its functionality if they changed it to have the Hydra have a CD for the extra Hydra that would make more sense yeah sure they could change the way it works yeah I mean I don't have a problem with that like it's not about the specific legendary I'm just saying that having certain legendaries that are really really good I don't think is a problem I I don't and the reason why it's not a problem is that it makes the game more accessible for people that don't have a very high understanding of it and I understand that this isn't going to be an argument that people want to hear but the truth is that nobody wants to play a [ __ ] getting not nobody but a lot of the people that are you know they heard about Diablo 4 from a commercial on TV these people don't want to go and get an item and then it has like some percentage modifier that doesn't make a very easily to understand comparison with what they currently have it's hard to understand that's why Poe build guides are 30 minutes of a spreadsheet they don't want that that's not but that's not the goal so you can't say the itemization's bad because if you make it good in this context you're going to have spreadsheets and they don't want it to make the game die even sooner accessible equals dumbass friendly meaning less variety Less Fun um I think that there's obviously a middle ground so World of Warcraft was that middle ground uh EverQuest and like a lot of MMOs that came before that were way less accessible and way more complex but World of Warcraft wasn't and it was way more successful because of that so I I don't think that making the argument that anything that makes something more accessible makes it bad I don't think that's true it's silly the ability itself is balanced around these items existing so you're just literally it's just like a it's like a set bonus that's not a set bonus um which just feels bad because it doesn't feel like you're making a build you're just doing what the divs intended yeah a much well that's clearly what they're doing it's an all it's a more on Rails experience I understand that people might not like that but that's what the goal is like I'm sorry but like that's that's clearly what their goal is with Diablo 4. I don't understand why people are are malding about this it's just [ __ ] common sense all right since backyards game can be easy and well balanced you're pretending like balance is harder with less complexity the opposite is true balance is harder with less complexity the opposite is true well yeah that's why they have very obvious defining items that are the best items that's clearly why so people are mad they won't make the game complex for a small percentage of play Gamers that want to know Life the game and play for five years instead of making the game accessible the people who've never tried arpg yes and that's the smart thing that they should do because the truth is that Poe will always be a step ahead of Diablo 4. they will always be ahead because they are a smaller Studio they have a much more defined audience they are more in tune with their audience they're more agile they can develop faster and they will always be ahead of them in terms of catering to the hardcore arpg players so if blizzard tries to go into that realm they will lose and that's fine but that doesn't mean that they can't make an arpg that is more simple and I think that that's their goal again complex system doesn't equal complex gameplay poe2 and Diablo 4 will play mostly the same at the end of the day well I don't know about that I mean neither of us can really know that people are really not understanding the complex the game is the less players it will have well I think that a lot of people again Diablo 4 is being made for a casual audience a casual audience is somebody who will see an item that gives you double Hydra and be like oh that's [ __ ] awesome it's that simple people don't like the Diablo 4 dictates your build via these op items rather than yourself or nothing wrong with that opinion uh in my opinion because it's more boring uh yeah I think that I definitely think that they should try to avoid having items that are just so overpowered and so ridiculously broken that you have to build around them but I think that having one or two items like that isn't a very big deal and the truth is for a more casual arpg that's probably a better decision it's probably a better decision to have a couple of obvious good items that you go with it is better design would be something like you must use plus one to uh summon your units so it would work for anything else I don't know if there are only more summon unit skills but like say in the future they add in a new thing a new totem skill right which is a summon unit oh guess what this this summoning thing now works you know they don't have to create a whole new set of legendaries for that specific new skill there's all this legendaries that will be like a lot of them another example Whirlwind there was a whirlwind legendary that just said oh you can you just get more crit chance though another more it just scales your flat crit up to literally 80 more crit so you're creating 80 of the time zero investment while using well once I mean bro who's not using that when playing whirlwind pretty much knows that legendary not saying oh every second that you Channel skills you gain base crit and then this just works for everything and say they add in more channeling skills in the future now you've got more options and they're you know you're officially making a build and the devil I think they're just doing that because it's more simple to just say whirlwind I I feel like a lot of these concerns about itemization are I I think that they don't understand the goal of the itemization the goal of the itemization is to appeal to more casual players that's the same that's the simple truth they want to have a a simple easy to understand itemization I get Whirlwind Whirlwind does more crits boom this is not a game that's being designed to be played for a thousand dollars per season that's just not what they're doing telling you oh just you're you're playing this build then equipped the items that that have that thing on it now I'm less offended by things like let's say uh you know it's like non-damage so utility based things where it augments an ability to function differently that's less offensive to me but even then if it's possible for example uh there's one that said Whirlwind periodically sucks enemies towards you that's not as offensive ridiculously [ __ ] overpowered is so good oh my God if you don't have that one you are an idiot because you know you could just you could theoretically not use that but still you could again I would even argue that I think the suck is better than 80 crit I think it is [ __ ] ridiculously good it is so insanely good because not only you you've got to remember the suck no think about this it also interrupts actions so there's a lot of enemy actions especially long wind-up attacks that they cool that think about it like this right like I'm kind of going off in a tangent but we're gonna do it anyway um so the suck takes this long right but the enemy attack takes this long so there will be and there will never be a time or sorry uh let me actually do that again so this is the the time frame that the enemy attacks are and the suck will occur at least once inside of the animation which means that you effectively never have to deal with that attack if you have that legendary on because the legendary will CC them at a rate that is faster than the animation speed it's just infinitely [ __ ] better and not only that but it also CC's them so it allows you to scale with CC damage you suck things towards you so then it yes basically opens up many combinations and then it also simultaneously future proofs your game so that means when you're adding your ability in the future because I'm assuming you're going to do that right blizzard probably not gonna add more abilities in it right no but no then you've already got a plethora of choices and you know people will be like oh which legendary am I going to try first not oh let me just go equip the five legendaries that have the same skill name on those things and you know play the build the set bonus that you've made that's not a set bonus hey um item bases so there are some items that have like instead of so there'll be some a pair of boots they're all called boots and you might have a pair of boots that says increases evade uh cooldown recovery and another one that says gives you an extra Advantage they're like implicits like in Poe yeah okay that's um you know you'll have like various items that you know increase your health potion or make your health potion do stuff differently feel like there's definitely an opportunity there to actually make more you know different item bases that do different things depending on what you're trying to do um for example like various swords that are better for various weapons that are better for bleed so then not only are you looking for an item with like uh you know good roles and everything you're also looking for a base type that synergize as well so then it's like it creates that feeling of oh this item is really good for me or other item is really good for another build which you know again it just gives players another match another way to min max that character I think that's something they could explore after the game comes out for a while and see how that would work I I don't I don't know how that would work is something that would happen like right off the rip I think that again a lot of these itemization concerns add a level of complexity that I think will be off-putting to the target audience of Diablo that's just the truth and feel like they're really making a build because I feel like that's what Miss that's what's missing um also another thing I notice which this is probably going to trigger people maybe a little bit okay it's like when I'm playing an aipg I generally speaking your character is a problem okay what do I mean by that it's like okay I need to make a character and I need to have enough attributes to equip X I need to have some way to recover my life I need to have some way to um cap my resistances I have need I have some way it's basically you have to solve all these various things and then you know if you can also do that and then make it do damage and survive then you've won right you've effectively that's the fun part of like solving a character and what feels like in D4 is you're not really solving anything um there's no trivia requirements uh you know you've just got this Global defense that makes your character more tanky I feel like that could definitely give us like one thing which you have to solve per character uh because right now items just kind of make you better you know your character's good and it'll always be pretty good because everything's scaling to you which I'm going to talk about later and you're just kind of like making your character a little bit better and it would be nice if there was some problems to solve not I'm not saying like hey let's put everything and let's let's make mandatory [ __ ] I'm saying like hey you know if there was a tribute requirements or if there was um resistances or if there was certain things that like a check box that you had to take to like be like okay I have to have I think that this is only engaging if it's not binary so for example the reason why Poe resistances are not awful is because you can increase your Max resistances and if you have 90 Max res that's a lot different than 75. it's a completely different thing but whenever the whenever the problem to solve is just do you meet this threshold and if the answer is yes then you win and if the answer is no then you lose I I think that's trash this and then I can build whatever I need to make my character there's one item that I forgot to talk about as well and that is UNIX we have not seen those so we've had a couple of examples but they're supposed to be ultra rare items that actually build defining um and you know what from the couple that we've seen they look pretty decent and maybe you know what that could be some of the better itemization you basically get one unique yeah I think this is also going to be true where we're seeing these like these legendaries that you think are going to be build defining but whenever you get up to max level I think that a lot of the stuff that we see probably won't even be used at max level because there's going to be set bonuses these like ancient unique items or whatever the [ __ ] like there's probably going to be way way more crazy [ __ ] in the game item which you can equip that will augment and they'll be like build defining oh yeah that's pretty cool so I'm kind of looking I forgot they're not doing that how can I talk about atomization without talking about crafting so in Diablo 4 um I'm very tall or Not by the way yeah it's basically the same the same as yellow three you can get an item and then say there's an affix on the item that you don't like and you want to re-roll you take it to a [ __ ] person in town you put it into the window uh you cut it costs gold to roll it and also some resources from a higher difficulty that we didn't have access to yeah I don't know if that resource will be rare but effectively the gold cost will ramp up every time you roll it so if you're trying to perfect that item maybe it costs a decent amount of money so maybe a little gold sink um I was really hoping that they were going to give us some extra method for crafting like you know hey let us lock something in and roll something and then give us a bonus stats something great some something that was gonna give us the ability to have a little bit more control over what we're making you never know with Seasons they effectively could do a crafting mechanic you know that could be a thing so I think that's what they should try to do yeah like yeah just try it try it one of the seasons see what happens that's kind of like what I'm hoping I guess is maybe they're gonna they're just putting this in as a baseline placeholder and then they're gonna expand on them you know fingers crossed uh there's a jewelry crafting system again it's just Diablo 3 uh you get three gems you can make it go three to one you can then get those gems and make them into better gyms it's just like a big pyramid scheme I don't know what the best gym looks like but they all looked uh you know a symbol sort of thing you put the gem into your jewelry it does something different if you put it in your weapon it does something different if you put it I think gems are boring by the way I don't like resistances in Diablo I think they're stupid I think the game would just be better if it didn't have them and you know it gives you a little bit of customization which I actually like that it's nice I'm not I'm not saying it's a bad system like I'd rather have jewels and dual sockets than not have that because it allows you to kind of lean into your archetype just a little bit more you know uh they also give you the ability to extract the Legendary Power and then put it on to another item I think you do that you can do that one time so you can grab once you destroy an item you get a power aspect and you slam it onto a rare item and then it makes that rare item legendary which means yeah you basically have the legendary Powers you want um and again this is kind of like it's kind of like Diablo 3.5 in a way where instead of just getting a Legendary Power putting in the cube you're kind of getting a legendary power and putting it on your item well we might also have like you remember like kanai's Cube wasn't in the game on release it got added way later on um I'm not quite sure how I feel about it because it kind of makes items feel less special and it means literally every item you have is legendary as well so you know legendaries aren't really that legendary it's just kind of like the standard but hey that's just how the games are nowadays I mean like I'm sorry but that's just how how it is legendaries always drop and like every game has a bunch of them it is what it is uh the reason like I mean so with resistances I feel like it's a it's an unnecessary complication that I don't think is really going to add a lot to the game or improve people's gameplay experience I don't think there's gonna be a lot of men maxing for it I think that people probably aren't going to really play around it uh it's just going to be something that you have as a passive thing I I don't really see this being a benefit to the game I don't see it being helpful for the audience of players that Diablo is trying to attract it seems like an unnecessary complication that stands out whenever there are a lot of other much more simplistic things it is what it is it gives us an ability to customize again I'm not sure how I feel about it uh there's one thing that's a little bit scary here is that there's December the gold sink here with the crafting of the items costing gold and one thing is you can trade gold so I don't know if crafting is limited by gold heavily and gold is actually hard to obtain considering the amount of gold things in the game are we gonna have uh like rmt problems with people being able to fully trade gold uh if blizzard can't handle and deal with rmt then I just won't play the game if it's that bad like I am not going to like I I don't want blizzard to punish the entire player base because they are unable to moderate a 70 box price game economy if Path of Exile can moderate the economy to the extent that I don't feel like rmt negatively influences my experience while playing Path of Exile I will not accept a single excuse of why blizzard cannot do the same thing this is outrageous the solution to this is anything other than expectables or to actually do their job and uphold Integrity in their own game what a joke uh just putting it out there rmt is buying gold sorry yeah people now let's talk about build customization so Diablo 4 has a skill tree um it's kind of like Diablo 2 except a little bit easier to understand um which I'm totally okay with the tree itself uh you know it makes sense you start off it doesn't look with a bunch of stuff it's simple enough to understand you know you go through your spec stuff and there's a good Baseline to start from but my magic gripe is that can you add some more [ __ ] on there please um what I mean by that and because I see people saying why they do add more [ __ ] it's called the Paragon board but we'll see how how transformative that really is yeah you've got the Paragon board exactly complaining a bit you get a whole street it's way better than Diablo 3. okay bro they literally just got the skills from the skill page and they just put it onto a tree and then instead of getting five rooms per skill you get two rooms per skill steps Okay so I don't think it you know it's gonna over I mean was Diablo 3 too complicated no it wasn't it was simple all I really want is just you know get what they have on there now and maybe Beyond each skill they could just you know double the amount of options we have or even have a little mini tree behind each skill you could even I was even thinking about it you could even hide that component and so I feel like that's probably something they should do after release based off of how people react to the game I think a lot of these complexities it's better for the game to release in a more simplistic State and for them to see kind of how players respond to different systems and what they like and what they dislike rather than immediately come out the gate with like four different compounding systems hey when you hit Level 50 a new Mastery thing unlocks where you can Master like three skills and it unlocks a special talent tree for each skill where you can further augment the ability and how it plays to diversify your build from someone else's build um yeah now they may actually already have a system that kind of works like that uh whenever I uh interviewed Joseph pippiuro he said one of the league game designers at Diablo 4. uh he said yeah we want the skill tree to be simple they're not claiming that it's going to be crazy or anything again that's the target audience of Diablo 4. if you go into Diablo for wanting a Path of Exile complex experience you have played yourself they basically want to onboard Gamers and get them in that's playing the game and then slowly introduce small mechanics um now will the Paragon board be the Savior for the skill tree and from what I've seen no from what I've seen I've seen like a few screenshots of the of the of the powering aboard and this looks super generic just literal attributes and generic damage increases but that was old info and that could be placeholder and maybe we will get some sort of skill Mastery skill augmentation you know crazy [ __ ] that enables us to have you know thousands of builds um or maybe I'm just curbing yeah when it comes to classes and their masteries uh so Rogues get the ability to have uh the basically combo points which honestly feels like quite natural it honestly just feels like you just have common points all the time but whatever or something called in a site where it just randomly marks uh people and then as long as you know during a boss fight if you can hit the mouse guy a lot you just get infinite energy and it's kind of broken but whatever um I don't know didn't feel like I was customizing I'm pretty sure everyone's just gonna go you know the one that's best that's what the real problem is is that I don't think that all the itemization all of these issues and build problems are bad as long as the items or sorry that the Spells are comparable I don't want to be in a situation where if you look at the leaderboard 95 of The Barbarians are playing upheaval that's what sucks and especially if upheaval is the best in all situations for example there could be like in Poe for example there are builds that are really good for bossing builds that are very good for Speed clearing builds that are good for magic find builds that are good for like uh I'm trying to I think that those are basically the main the main ones right bossing speed clearing and like doing delirium but each one of those builds are not necessarily yeah delve too yeah so the point is that Diablo 4 if they want to have that the truth is that if you look at probably the fastest kills for like a searing X Arc or like the most effective DPS probably a lot of those builds are going to be the same but what saves it and what's make what makes Poe more interesting is that Poe has different forms of end game that you can pursue so if your form of in the game is being able to clear Maps faster then you want to play this type of content and you want to play this type of build but if your form of content and you what you want to do is you want to overpower and kill the bosses faster then you're gonna play something else so the concern is that if they only have some sort of Greater Rift system there will be a build that whenever you combine every [ __ ] thing together this is the best build that's it it's the best build like seismic trap I think was like that with a Poe recently I'm not 100 sure on that don't quote me on that but the reason why certain builds are like really really dominant in Diablo 3 I think is because there's only one way to play the game you have to give multiple types of end game and that will create build diversity because different builds will exceed or will excel at different things The Barbarians got like a uh an Arsenal system where you know your maces would have more correct and more damage and your swords would have a little more bleed damage so you could like level up your various things and you know maybe you would basically choose to build around certain weapon types to like accommodate your build which you know I like things like that where you can customize but honestly again it felt quite um passive and I don't know really how much different like a bob that's my spec is going to be my Bob that is sword spec uh you know so to speak yeah I don't know about that either I I feel like that's something they probably need to iterate on [Music] the sorcerer actually good game design I really like the sorcerer sorcerer the sorcerer's ability I think the sorcerer is the best design class where you basically you you pick one of the abilities that you have in your bar and you put it into a slot and then based on you know what it's been put into you know what abilities yours it'll give you a different effect that either could be packed it passive um that just like you know arbitrarily makes you do a little bit more ignite like in terms of the way that the class is designed especially like without legendaries I would say sorcerer is s tier and nothing else is a tier and then maybe Rogue is a tier depending on how you like it I would say Rogue is B tier and then underneath Rogue I would probably say Barbarian and Necromancer are about equal in terms of the design not the not the numbers that they do on the screen I'm not talking about the numbers I'm talking about how the class plays I think sorcerer Rogue Barbarian and Necromancer tied together and Druid at the bottom of the [ __ ] ocean image or it could be something that says oh you when you fall below fatal HP you cheat death effectively which what are we doing with cheat explicit come on don't do that but what okay regardless there was many options and it did genuinely feel like hey I can make a build that's kind of a little bit more unique here like bro straight up they could just make some new [ __ ] for wizards like making you just make some new Wizard [ __ ] and just give that wizard system to everyone because that's like honestly it's very that yeah that felt the best to make Builds on the wizard simply because the wizard mechanic yeah was the most interesting one um you know because you had actual choice to kind of feel like yeah you can really lean into a bill that you're trying to make yeah you can go between map clear or like boss killing I think the Book of the Dead for Necromancer did that but it wasn't as good all right now let's talk about something that blizzard does well gameplay uh how do I put this the gameplay is clean as [ __ ] boy it is nice when you try do the thing you're trying to do it doesn't it does the thing you're trying to do and what I mean by that is uh you know you can see a [ __ ] thing on the ground that's coming towards you you press your button to get out of the way you carry it gets out the way exactly you know you cast you're currently doing an ability and then while you're doing that ability you realize oh damn I want to move after this you can then press the button to move your ability still goes off and then you move um not where it feels like laggy or clunky I'll kill you but it just feels smooth bro and maybe it's because I've been playing so many indie games recently that may feel so smooth but God damn I honestly when it comes to the actual just game engine combat I think I think the elbow is looking pretty it's there blizzard has always done an amazing s tier job at game feel like OverWatch feels amazing to play Diablo 3 felt amazing to play World of Warcraft still feels amazing to play and it came out in 2004. good pretty top it's definitely top tier right top tier not to mention that yeah there's a lot of really good feeling abilities yeah right a lot uh for example on the Rogue uh you have the sink called Shadow imbuement which means your next two abilities are powered up and whatever you hit is in bu with Shadow and when you kill them it does like a big explosion uh and you can basically you know pull a bunch of monsters together generate three combo points and then do it Shadow and be you and then use like a big attack like a penetrating shot and then as it goes through boom boom boom boom boom [ __ ] explodes and they set up Channel it looks cool it feels good this is like every single time you do that that's like busting a nut on the screen that's exactly what you want to have it feel like same reactions and they make this huge clean like nice sounding oh and it really satisfies the autism of like uh you know doing that except it's not where you can just teleport one shot teleport one shot you know you have to set the [ __ ] up right which again is another thing that I like about the gameplay which is that the whole micro of actually playing the game instead of just being some macro like Cookie Clicker [ __ ] where you're constantly just teleporting one shoting there's a lot of microing which I I I like uh what can I say I'm a Diablo anti-jet when it comes down to a micro you know moment to moment combat that's big but now let's talk about some of the stuff that's not so good okay uh level scaling exists uh so I don't think level scaling is going to be that bad I think the reason why level scaling felt so bad in the beta is because people stayed in act one for the entirety of the beta the truth is that whenever you're leveling through the game and you're going to different environments and you're fighting different Monsters the level scaling isn't going to feel as bad because you're going to be going to harder areas like it mentally right it's going to feel like oh you're going to act two the mobs are harder in act two well they're not really it's just scaled up so I I don't think it's going to be that bad and also like the leveling experience is going to be very short I I I just don't think it's going to be a big deal speaking of trash right now level scaling is never a good idea yeah I think it's going to be fine I don't think it's going to be that bad because people are going to be going to different acts they're going to be progressing the game in like a more natural way they're not going to be spending the first 25 levels like fighting skeletons so they're not going to see that the same skeletons that we're fighting are now harder to kill because they're in a different area they're not comparing the same mobs it's just not going to happen it was very unique experience for Diablo uh Diablo 4 beta versus the actual game basically every time you level up the monster levels up with you and the result is if you don't like literally get a big level up where you get a decent pass back from your attribute the monster just got stronger than you yeah so you're actually getting weaker and weaker and then eventually you'll get a Garrett Grant you go up but then you know it keeps leveling up and it kind of balances back out again to the point where you kind of never really progress so um yeah I do feel like that will feel better whenever you go through the different Acts it might feel bad still but it will feel a lot better than it does now I get why they do it it's so you people who are playing couch Co-op like your boy who's like 20 levels lower than you can play with you yeah sure bro just [ __ ] that guy [ __ ] like screw him dude I was thinking about an alternative system where perhaps the lower difficulties of the game like the the noob mode where they could have level scaling enabled in that mode where [ __ ] anyone can play with anyone you can do whatever you want it's a clown Fiesta hey have fun but then as you go higher difficulties maybe a certain threshold it just disables level scaling so then you don't have that constant um feeling you know where you're getting weaker more like the more serious static level you kind of go through and you get stronger as you level up and the Monsters don't follow with you but you know what I really think the problem is I think the problem also is that some of the classes really suck to level up because the level scaling didn't bother me at all whenever I was playing Necromancer or Rogue or or sorcerer but whenever I was playing Druid and Warrior or sorry Barbarian Level scaling really sucked because I didn't like level scaling didn't bother me at all as a sorcerer this didn't bother me all as a necromancer so is level scaling the problem or are bad class is the problem I think it's mainly bad classes that suck to level up without legendaries that's what I think I kind of feel like that's kind of maybe a big change uh but maybe in the future you never know maybe maybe a big patch um another thing about the gameplay that I'm not a huge fan of is the you get like progression and gold and items and [ __ ] from like clicking stuff in your interface uh it reminds me of the the he's right but it does yeah it's like Lost Ark it's like [ __ ] every other gotcha game yes that's he's right about this I played a Harry Potter console game recently where you had to constantly go in and claim [ __ ] and it's the same [ __ ] where it's just it's artificial content where they create like a bunch of like uh they give you a bunch like you need to get 30 of these and 10 of these and 10 of those and once you get all these things then you get gold and a point I don't know can't we just get [ __ ] from killing stuff or doing quests or like no because the reason why is because get putting those goals out there makes people go out and do those goals for Content that's why they put achievements in World of Warcraft it's because it works why we got to do this mini like mobile phone [ __ ] interface panel [ __ ] and also like somebody mentioned a really smart thing in chat it makes you see the store Page yes a lot of things like this cause you to open up the menu and the closer that you are to having your button on the store Page and all you accidentally opened up the store oh man okay well what's on the store let's just take a look at it so yeah it's just again it that that's probably another big reason absolutely hey just said personal grab of mine uh there's a weird rubber banding issue whenever you go through zones yeah this is you like try and face and your character Just Dance I'm sure this will be fixed by release and it won't happen [ __ ] lagging out yeah there's and I'm assuming that is a part of the beta and it's not going to make it in but I I gotta put that all the feedback um another little thing is why are keybinds locked out at any points like their console players brains really going to explode if their keyblinds aren't like can we not you're limited by the amount of skills you have at the early game just let us drag our abilities to the keybinds that we want to have them on you know like God damn or even just have an option in the settings that says advanced mode you know you can drag your abilities wherever you want at the beginning you don't you're not like have to hit some random level before you can actually like change your keybinds I also I think this really matters whenever you're talking about Force move or sorry having move only so Poe there's like a basic attack you can put a basic attack you can put a barrier uh you can put anything on like your uh your left Mouse button but a lot of people just have that uh bound to uh to move right all it does is move Diablo doesn't have that option I think that's worse and I do I actually I don't think this is a petty complaint because it is a it it feels really bad whenever you're trying to click to move around something and you click on a mob and it attacks them it feels like [ __ ] uh there's also a small issue where the left click when you basically want to change the left click keybind yeah you can't have interact and force me from the same key which is just a massive oversight which I assume they're gonna fix that one but I got another solution to this is that wasd Movement Like You should have like I mean wasd is superior uh I I would enjoy the game more if I was able to move with wasd please add wasd put it in um there was a matter of literally doing quests uh that basically well not Quest doing events that were with raw I will also repeat myself any argument and any person who is against wasd is stupid you're just stupid I have not read a single good argument from a single smart person about why wasd is bad every single argument that I've read is just it just it's so [ __ ] stupid and it's immediately disprovable reward you with like bloodshots effectively to buy legendaries and good deal with and then you would teleport to town teleport back in it would reset and you do it again and do it again and do it again and do it again um and then quickly make you want to like um log out right so obviously I think they should totally disable the ability the ability to like repeatedly do the same event over and over again uh because guess what if it's efficient people will do it ah pecise inconsistency I don't want them to make every single [ __ ] room just stack of monsters yeah that's stupid because then it turns from micro gameplay like you want to see individual Telegraph attacks and actually Dodge and play the game right well you just see the mobs that way you don't have to do that certainly occasionally we should see big density and you right now as I'd like clicking shrines or certain events you don't get that Giga density I feel like you could totally have a little bit more juice you know in some of these Maps or what should I call them Maps but some of these uh Dungeons and then on top of that there's often times where you're like you walk into a dungeon and you've literally ran three screens and there's not been a single Monster and you're like okay what's going on here yeah feast and famine is a negative and it's like some of the dungeons like that one that I would Farm sometimes there's like six big boy rare spawns in the same area I think that's pretty cool but other times there's like nothing there yeah there's a huge discrepancy multiple times so that then you need to look into the code that is uh you know controlling the pack size in my opinion but I'm not saying Perma 24 7 density I like micro right I like moment to move in combat like don't get rid of that [ __ ] you know a few hard difficult enemies at the same time or even just one guy you know [ __ ] it uh difficulty what's going on the game is too easy uh even on the veteran mode at the very beginning I don't think the game is too easy I think the game is perfectly fine uh like on veteran mode it is plenty challenging it is more than challenging enough this is not meant to be a test of skill okay no gear nothing you can just stand in every mechanic the boss is doing and just chug health potions and just attack yeah and you will win like that's stupid uh come on wait veteran mode make it harder I'm not saying you need to make the easy mode harder you can have like the bright find the difficulty that the people who just want to go through and do the law can go through to the law I agree with Quinn on this I would be totally fine if they had a third difficulty option like a big dick difficulty option where everything was really really hard but it gave way better rewards I would actually like that well like one of the benefits of having multiple difficulty tiers in a game is that hey you can just easily tune that [ __ ] just straight up make better and mode harder they do we're talking about leveling we're not talking about like hardcore mode Inferno no those aren't in for leveling those are like max level stuff that's level 60 content um something that I felt like and a lot of other people also were saying maybe maybe this is just like a Reddit Andy comment though but bro can we just get another skill slot straight up it feels I would like to instead of having another skill slot I would like to have a separate button that is used for your ultimate ability because I feel like almost everybody wants to have an ultimate ability and it's I think probably a good idea to give people an ultimate ability and just have that be a separate button six spells is pretty reductive like all the builds I always wanted one more ability it was always like oh this is really good but now I don't even have enough room to get something for yeah my ultimate with all my other [ __ ] uh you know oh my bill will move so much better if I could have this one sure ability it would be pretty nice hey if we could have an extra skill slot But ultimately if you don't you don't it is what it is it's just another constraint which you know constraints are good sometimes you think console you think they can't you think that six buttons is fine but bro console bro you just can't swing it well you can't ask like how how can you how can you possibly have seven buttons on a console game how's that possible oh my God oh um a thing that [ __ ] made me aware of apparently is there's no Grace periods when you go through dungeons this is also a very very very good point I totally agree with Quinn on this by the way I was joking around with that Final Fantasy 14 has dozens of abilities that you can keybind on consoles there's literally no excuse because you can have six buttons versus seven this is the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever heard now the grace period I also totally agree with because there are going to be dungeons where you Zone into the dungeon and you have a bad computer and you could get killed by a mob closer to the beginning of the dungeon uh I don't know why they don't just have a grace period like Poe does it's an improvement on the game why not make the game better I don't understand what the problem is it's a massive problem for hardcore yeah where if you come out of a dungeon the game lags and there's a bunch of monsters outside then you just did or you just come out of a dungeon and just get instantly give by someone deliberately pulling monsters to the beginning of the dungeon to kill you or to kill just random players to basically troll yeah which is just stupid right we should have at least a 10 second grace period or just a grace period until we start moving just give people a 30 second or 45 second grace period and then as soon as they perform an action inside of the area then the grace period goes away that's exactly what Poe does it works perfectly fine there's nothing wrong with it I I don't understand yeah just do it exactly like poe just take take what they what they did and do that go in and out of an instance um the potion system that exists in the game where you basically can level up your potions or they just change your potions in like at random level caps they get better and you kind of you just pick up potions off the ground and like bosses drop potions instead in thresholds um I don't know if we had too many potions or if the game was just too easy but generally speaking the only time that it felt like Intense or fun was when my potions were low my potions were high like what I realized was oh wait a minute as long as I can just chug do enough damage to the boss or the mob that I'm fighting right to just constantly get another potion before I'm dead I can just sit here attacking yeah I don't think they should change it the truth is Quinn is like a [ __ ] s tier 10 000 to 20 000 hour probably more than that arpg player of course it's going to be easy for him like no [ __ ] but I think for an average person it will still remain challenging mob until I uh you know until it's dead as long as I just keep chugging potions which it felt like potions and maybe a little bit Opie um and I don't know if they need a little cooldown between each use or if they need to be slightly nerfed or you just need to make the game a little better in general uh I don't know it's an interesting system though it's kind of like a mix kind of like a kind of like a D2 kind of vibe open world all right here we go now let's talk about the open world of Diablo 4 yes Diablo 4 is an MMO as well as an arpg basically yeah honestly it's really mmo-ish like when you are not inside of a dungeon when you're not inside a instanced area and this is good by the way I'm a huge supporter of this okay it literally feels like World of Warcraft same energy like if you've kind of got to max level of World of Warcraft and then you're kind of running around you've got like World quests spawning around and you know oh [ __ ] I've got a world boss spawn like I haven't killed the world boss I need to log in uh yeah it's exactly that energy you're in town you can see people in town walking around just salvaging gear just putting stuff in the bank you can inspect their gear yeah that's so important being able to see people in the game I believe you will be able to talk to them because in the beta for whatever reason we couldn't talk in local chat I don't know why but we couldn't maybe it was just ocean Wally they didn't want to have the toxic Oceanic frogs talking with each other but yeah it's really in Maui the thing that scares me is the trappings of MMOs like am I going to have some [ __ ] that requires me to log in and do my more dailies and then Farm out my tour ghast and then go and oh my world boss cool down reset and then I've got to actually do my weekly heroics and then I've got you know all these chores to do effectively I I don't think that's really an MMO problem that's a blizzard problem and it's a Warcraft problem like Final Fantasy doesn't have that and also um what was it like new world doesn't really have a lot of that there are daily activities that you can do like it's definitely true that there there are still daily activities but I I think that with Warcraft it's like much more pronounced where it changes from a game to this thing which has all these [ __ ] artificial hooks yeah that try and keep you on the game like no you're not going anywhere because I hate that when I play MMOs and when I stop playing them it feels like I've quit a job and I have all this free time yeah when I play arpgs it never feels out there I can just log in I can gain when I want a game if I want to log out and go do some other stuff I don't feel like I'm missing out and that's the scary thing uh now whenever I interviewed um some of the Diablo devs we couldn't post a video Unfortunately they did say no we're not going to have all that [ __ ] you'll just have like the cool you'll see people in town you know when you're out doing an event you know you're going to have people interacting with you and to be a fair that's kind of what it felt like so I'm kind of I I feel like if they add dailies or something like that we'll cross that bridge whenever we get to it there there's no indication of that I feel like battle pass activities will function as that anyway so it probably it probably won't be necessary I think that the battle pass will function as dailies but like I'm open to it and honestly I like Willow Warcraft I don't mind MMO [ __ ] but I'm worried that it's gonna turn into some [ __ ] where we have I don't want to have to like log in and do three random dungeons a day like for example like I don't have to log in and make sure I get my world boss kill for the day yeah it's that I just don't want to deal with that dailies weeklies various things and I think another reason for that is because whenever you have that you create a system where people feel like oh because I'm not doing this I've like kind of quit the game like it makes people not want to come back because they've skipped lockouts and resets so it becomes like a it's a barrier to entry and it's also a barrier to re-entry you know we're just chained to the game so to speak yeah it's too much I didn't like this by the way about okay I didn't like that about Diablo Immortal either how they uh they [ __ ] what was it the date they like they time gated paragon levels so you couldn't just level all the way up in Diablo Immortal you couldn't just get the best gear you had to just wait for some arbitrary time period in order for you to actually complete things in the game it was stupid now let's talk about end game uh what will it look like so from what we can tell basically you'll finish your main story you'll finish your quests you'll go around and you'll kind of hunt all these little statues kind of like the Coco sees that are Lost Ark you basically look around and you finally these statues which gets you permanent Buffs all right there'll be various things you need to complete to effectively get your reputation or your Renown up to get other permanent account White Buffs and then from that point on you're gonna have world events uh and then you're gonna have Dungeons and then on top of that you have World boss and then you'll have you know the the nightmare dungeons which are effectively yeah I I I'm fine with that the completionism stuff I think it's great but I don't want to do it more than one season I I wanna after I get a Lilith statue I want to be done I don't want to ever get another Lewis that that same Lewis statue I don't want to be like oh I've got 28 Lilith statues new season comes out now I need to get the same 28 little statues and before you say well what if they rearrange them that would be worse than then then I can't just do it more easily it's not fun it's something you do once it's nice whenever you're enjoying the game a lot explore the map okay you've been there you've done that let's move on don't make people do the same stupid [ __ ] two times it's awful Dragon right yeah like dragon fight Renown is is pretty good with that um kind of like maps from path of excel if you're a Peewee gamer where it's a harder version of the current dungeons that exists and then because the harder they give you more rewards and as you go through higher ones you know they get harder and they even get more affixes we don't know what all the affixes are going to be as far as I'm aware uh the one in the beta but yeah you'll progress through a nightmare dungeon system effectively to the point where you get to uh nightmare dungeon 100 and then I guess you win at that point uh which is kind of a little bit scary as the dungeon system itself um The Dungeons don't feel very unique a lot of them feel very Sammy like they're just like a corridor with a larger area at the end where it's like a room and there's like a guy in the room you kill the guy and then there's another hallway there's like maybe a bat in the hallway and then there's a guy at the end of the hallway you have something you've got to interact with or do or you get to a door you can't get through and you have to run and get a box and then take the box to the other box and then I actually need two boxes so yeah and get that box and then bring it back up and then you get for the door and then hey guess what there's a boss there and you kill him POG champ uh sometimes it's like you have to destroy some altars and you know you destroy Alta one altar two and all the three I also think that dungeons being stale could be an outcome of us only playing act one because while they did have I think the number was like 28 dungeons or 20 something dungeons they didn't have 20 dungeons they had about four and there were about five variations of one dungeon so whenever we go and we play all of the acts and we have all the dungeons active that means that we're gonna have probably in terms of like unique tile sets maybe like 15 to 25 unique tile sets which is okay and then hey punk champ you can now go to through a door and there's a bus there and you kill him sometimes you get the same thing you kill all three and then it just says dungeon complete and there's no boss can be improved massively they're not very unique a lot of them are just annoying um and yeah really I don't know I don't know I don't know what I really hope that we can have a decent dungeon overhaul before the game is actually released live otherwise I think people might get bored of that [ __ ] really fast I don't know how bad it's really going to be because people are going to go from the different acts pretty fast and they're probably not going to go and try to complete every single dungeon in the act but again I think that these kinds of problems will like literally multiply if you make people repeat the same menial boring tasks every League one of the positives a good example of this is lab in Poe like oh my [ __ ] god like I'm so glad they improved it is that guess what you know in D4 there's a paragon system but it's gonna be kept so hey that's that's a that's a plus size so you won't have some infinite grind That Never Ends ultimately yeah so like there's I remember who is the guy whose brother um would sometimes plan his account and he was like Paragon like 25 000 or something like that uh I forgot who that was but yeah gabinator yeah I was Gabby yeah there it is and so it's like yeah it's like his brother plays on the account and it's you know hey it is what it is yeah your character up you'll level it up to the Paragon cap you'll get it kind of perfect you'll progress and then you'll kind of get to this point where it's done and then you'd be like hey I've completed that character and you can move on or you can do whatever ah what I think they need and what I hope they're going to include and we haven't seen yet uh and that is static content I want in-game um there is not a bigger true than this I completely [ __ ] agree with this more than anything else in this entire video static Benchmark big dick content deck measuring contest yes [ __ ] shaper a very hard boss that is very high like I'm talking like as hard as the the hottest yes nightmare dungeon except it's static and and yeah there's not an easy mode there's not a hard mode maybe those hard mode gets added in a year he's right there and you beat him you beat him you don't beat them there's no easy mode so if you've beaten it then everyone knows you've beaten that thing that's right Joe down the road if he's beating it you're like oh damn it's Joe that's what makes the poe in-game meaningful in my opinion I think that is so [ __ ] important to Poe endgame who's got a big dick he's beating that boss oh damn how do you even do that is it impossible can't even beat it so let's I'm talking static even maybe aesthetic dungeons some special dungeons that are the same that have some rewarding element like yeah some big long epic one with some crazy boss fights and [ __ ] that are static you know things that you can really measure like oh how's my character doing uh example would be you know I don't want to say path of excel they have some really nice static boss exactly uh look at the look at shaper for example great example very very good example to use totally agree with this really smart thinking on that one Apple um and then look at Elder look at Uber Elder things like this the maven you can you can basically do these static bosses and you know you can feel like damn my character's okay damn my character's not as good as my other guy what can I do to improve him all that stuff I feel like that would vastly improve the end game is if we have some sort of thing to measure our Benchmark stick measuring contests absolutely like it's like are you six inches or are you seven time to find out cue up to this boss characters with and then maybe I'm hoping too much but even some aspirational [ __ ] some giga hard Ultra bus Uber bosses oh yeah oh yeah oh you know what you don't need to put that in straight away though blizzard you can put that yeah yeah put that in later but then later in the season um there's also going to be a little bit of end game and that'll be cosmetic farming uh people are getting rare Mount drops so I mean I think I can think of someone in particular I don't know your boys [Music] and I'm sure that's going to be very entertaining you know like hey there's areas where you can Farm particular mounts from rare monsters I don't know maybe that can be pretty cool I am going to use the most degenerate [ __ ] methods to get these mounts to and then yup ultimately why am I not playing um some ampg right now why am I you know what's going to keep what keeps you playing a game like Path of Exile for example okay this for sure systems all this other [ __ ] but the main thing is content Seasons yes the big thing that could carry D4 and it's and it's end game could be the seasons and uh after talking to uh Joseph pipiora uh we did like a conversation again we couldn't post a video uh it was pretty promising I'm gonna paraphrase here but let me just read this off uh he quote unquote we want there to be crazy stuff during Seasons new that sounds great that's exactly what I want to hear from the developers what do you want during Seasons oh we want her to be like some [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] that happens okay good all right that's what I want to hear ways to get power completely new systems that make you rethink how you interact with your character Monsters uh oh it's character slash monsters for example uh augment how gems work yeah um and they're going to be completely designing Seasons where the butcher is in every dungeon that's right they can remove them after three months uh they don't want to bloat the game uh if there is a season mechanic that is very well received uh maybe they'll put it they could potentially tweak it and then reintroduce it into the game again yeah good idea basically again they don't want to add and tons of power and have Giga power creep oh yeah uh Seasons won't just be the seasonal feature they could do several of the following Spruce yeah 10 butchers like imagine if there's like a map and instead of like a bunch of treasure goblins it's just 10 of them fresh meat and there's like [ __ ] five butchers that just come at you I think that'd be awesome certain areas of the game yeah new quest lines new characters and Seasons new bosses new Pinnacle challenges that's what matters there it is new tile sets uh live events that could only appear a month into the seasons that's cool I mean hey that [ __ ] gives me actual hope as well because let's be real chat even if the game like somehow like flops on a bunch of these other facets if they put in good content and the game's fun to play I could totally save Diablo 4 right I mean it's not even need to be saved I mean the game's got to be good enough but this can make it really [ __ ] good which kind of like I don't know gets to be a little bit excited just reading that like Double Down Season new Pinnacle challenges what the [ __ ] does that mean another thing as well in terms of in-game just I wanted to add this in it's just on the bottom here a little bit janky but I was thinking hey we're never gonna get solo cell found in a [ __ ] MMO but how about this blizzard and ssf flag okay so I don't understand why you can't have solo self found why not basically your account is flagged For That season as it gets like a little solo flag as long as you never group and never trade providing your account hasn't traded or grouped entire season you could just have like when you view the profile and you know if there is going to be a leaderboard you could just see you could just filter by solo players and then that would allow um you know game is such a semester yeah that would be cool I'd be down with that self we don't want to be forced into like met a group gameplay to you know basically identify as a solo gamer and then you know you could look at the other solid games and then compare yourself to them instead of the group Solo Andy AKA uh micro ping gamers there it is if you've made it this far into the video then you've reached the end okay that is pretty much the major feedback that I wanted to give based on the beta now don't worry it's not over I will continue to give constructive criticism wherever I see it if I see something that you know I think is bad or good I will give feedback even if nobody wants to listen hey yeah I will be there to just scream into the void and I feel like to kind of wrap it up the video and conclude it like hey is this game going to be good if you're just a person who buys a game and then plays it for a bit and then quits like bro absolutely you're absolutely gonna get your money's worth like bro it's gonna be a triple A game it looks like a place like tlf was at least going to be a good game to buy and play through once I agree now the question of will this be true a forever game how are you gonna [ __ ] know that how does anybody know that like I don't know I want to log in and play for tens of thousands of hours and you're making crazy builds and you're doing insane [ __ ] and it's like always new content dropping and this insane in-game content you're trying to be okay that's ultimately gonna come down to Blizzard godspeed good luck blizzard and uh I'm sure it'll be great I'll see you on launch day all right well I think that's pretty fair I I think that pretty much everything he talked about was uh kind of kind of on point I I don't know about the itemization and difficulty things because I think that obviously Diablo 4 is being uh it's being marketed much more towards like casual Andy stuff I really hope and whenever you have casual Andes you're probably not going to have super hard difficulty really high complexity Etc so it's kind of hard for me to say that that's a good thing however pretty much everything else I would say is yeah I mean I I don't know and I think also they should they should release it with like without a lot of complexity and if players are like hey we want more of this this is the best thing about seasons is that Seasons allow them to try something and the thing that they're trying has like a guaranteed expiration date and if it's bad get rid of it and if it's not bad make it core that's what I think they should do it's a very good video by Quinn it's an hour long we watch this I'm very glad that I went through the whole thing this game's marketed to casuals what's this here uh games Market at the Casual doesn't give you excuse to make sure we Design Systems under the guise of simplicity uh yeah it is because what one person thinks is shittily designed another person doesn't and also be you thinking that obvious choices in builds is shitty design is your opinion I think that there are a lot of other people that want to have obvious choices because they're casual players it's that simple it's not bad design I just think balance is off but I like a lot of design yeah we're gonna have to see what things are like at in game and then we'll go from there I think that's what matters the most drone obvious choices aren't always the best yep sometimes that's the case I've heard many complaints about Poe skill tree from new players you're right absolutely and I think things like the poe skill tree can make it very um uh unapproachable for new players like I would say most of the people that I know that don't play Poe the reason why they don't play it is because of the skill tree a lot of people work for a living game takes 20 hours to get started and the end game is infinitely better than one that takes a hundred uh to get started most people don't spend more than 300 hours a year on a single game yeah exactly you don't just said sork is the most fun class to play and it's designs perfect uh it's for example the complexity that would be perfect easy to understand but in depth and intricate yeah exactly and there are obviously going to be like items that are really good in build defining and I don't think that's something that's bad what did you guys think of the video do you guys agree with this I feel like I pretty much agreed with everything minus of course the itemization stuff but it's not even really an agree or not I just think that they should start with simple itemization and then scale up from there and see how players respond to it yeah this is a very good video Quinn's been playing Diablo forever so uh I'm glad I'm glad to see it enough time to invest in Poe to understand anything it's like a full-time job well I don't know if it's a full-time job but it does take a lot of investment to be good at it you're definitely right about that for [ __ ] sure cares about balance level 25 when you'll spend an entire 11 minutes there yeah that's where I think they're probably going to think with the scaling stuff I don't think the scaling stuff is that big of a deal uh at least I don't think it will be that big of a deal [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 696,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 15sec (7515 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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