The Hitcher Deep Dive + Best Road Horror

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[Music] hey Ty I don't think he's going to walk anywhere because I cut off his legs and his arms and his head I'm going to do the same to you welcome back to tying that guy I'm John Wesley chadam and uh next to me is H Ty Frank he just had a root reader on his pee hole and he's doing all right he's recovering we're sending him our wishes get well soon we love you buddy you know you tell people that they're going to believe it they're going to think that [ __ ] is true that's the [ __ ] point we tell the truth we Bear all on this on this thing we don't do anything you're doing good for context we were just talking about uh [ __ ] up stuff we've heard that happens in the Navy I was never in the Navy one of us was in the Navy and it wasn't me oh what happens at C stay the see um I I am uh excited and by the way I'm sorry I screamed in everybody's ear I don't know why the [ __ ] I don't know why you tune in I'm so annoying when I do the welcome back I mean it's like I just picture and I know I've said this before and and I'm going to say it again but I just picture like you know one of our great Heroes like Kurt Russell or Steven Spielberg is like going like oh [ __ ] they're going to talk about Close Encounters of the Third Kind and I'm like welcome back they're like [ __ ] this guy and then turn the thing off you know what I'm saying I'm I'm sure that has happened yeah I'm when I when I meet Stephen spilberg I'm going to ask and I bet he's going to say that's exactly what happened right right he is a big listener of the podcast though that's why I throw him a shout out he gets flattered when we throw him a shout out on the uh on the on the podcast see that's why Harrison Ford didn't talk to you when you met him it's not because you were weird and awkward it was because he's like there's that idiot from that podcast not going to talk to that [ __ ] well you know what's funny is it matches our Theory because we have won the podcast Academy Award for the beginning of time and the end of time so even though it was before we shot the podcast Harrison Ford was a huge fan of the podcast which is pretty exciting what are we talking about today Ty well I I mean it is it's ruer Hower day we're GNA talk about Ru GH Hower man a little Jennifer Jason Lee too I mean he's pretty good we're talking about The Hitcher I I have a prediction and this makes me sad because you're you're my good pal but I think we're going to disagree a little bit today really yeah yeah because I I I've heard you uh and well I'll go ahead and I'll go ahead and kick us off how do you how do you how do you feel about that you're okay with it yeah okay so The Hitcher uh was a dis this was a big Discovery for me cuz I just watched it last night watched it with uh the lovely Jen Brown is this the first time you've seen it you've seen it before right I realized this is the first time I've seen it what we've talked about it before how can this be the first time You' seen it so it's it's one of those movies that was omnipresent in the 80s it was in HBO rotation so I have seen parts of that movie over and over again and I always thought that I've seen it unless I completely forgot about certain things because watching this from the first time I'm like I have no memory of this scene I have no memory of that scene so a lot of of the things that I do remember I've seen a ton of times and it must it might be like when I'm turning the channel and I see it and everything like that but my understanding of this movie like my image of what this movie was was that it was a not a very good b8s movie and had wonderful performances and wonderful moments right yeah and then I went and read the reviews and particularly Roger Ebert's review he he said it was he he it was not a good review he was very down on it yeah and reprehensible I think was the word he used so I'm watching for first time had very low bar very low bar and to the to the fact where I was like Jen you want to watch this movie but it's going to be one of those movies where you're like [ __ ] one of these old 80s movies whatever and I completely had I was I I completely changed my vision of this movie I [ __ ] La loved this movie I don't think it fully Works in what it intended to be but I have a tremendous amount of respect and I think in a lot of ways it was it was ahead of his time and the quality of certain aspects of this film was I mean it's in the upper echelon of the 80s B horror movies so you know what everybody knows I've talked about it I'm a massive fan of The Twilight Zone and me and my kids will watch when we go to bed like our bedtime story is we watch an episode of The Twilight on they've watched all those kids those kids are going to grow up messed up man I know I know I know so I sit down with Jen and I start this movie and it was above my expectations and ultimately like the journey when when um and I know we're going to get into like the specifics of the movie but just as a general overview when Rucker Howard gets in the car this viewing it always seemed like an allegory to me it always seemed ethereal it always seemed magical and so when I saw C Thomas how fall asleep even though I don't think this was the intention of the writer I do think it was the intention of the cinematographer and maybe the director I I felt as if he was in purgatory or in a nightmare it was Nightmare logic that he was now entering and Rucker Howard enters there and because some of the the my favorite character is like in Blood Meridian like the um judge Holden that that he terrified me and or Randle flag in the stand right or uh chur in um No Country for Old Men the personification of evil the Unstoppable force and we've talked about this with Terminator we talked about everything like that to me those terrify me because uh there is a supernatural element but it's so grounded in reality that you're almost like is this Supernatural is this not Supernatural but being locked in a nightmare the logic of everything made sense and and so I don't want to we'll get into the movie but I'm talking about my overall uh impression of the movie so the movie coming from the perspective of like oh he's in purgatory and this is a demon or Satan that is ultimately wanting to corrupt his soul to turn him into a killer and the first time that I saw Rucker Howard surprised in this movie is is when the only time is when he got see Thomas how threw him out of the car and and you see a smile come over his face and his eyes and there's something like that kind of turned him on about it and then and it's like then that's when his mission was created because I think that the creative team Rucker Howard the director and the cinematographer were making a different movie than the studio wanted them to make and I think that the way that the cinematographer shot this the scenes like it was a desolate unpopulated world yeah and the first gas station they come to was like a torture chamber it was like you know chains hanging water and it was the sand was blowing in away so aesthetically it's like this is a nightmare this is being trapped into a nightmare and I I was in and and I it might have been my conditioning from Watching Twilight Zone after Twilight Zone and there is a there is a famous Twilight Zone called The Hitcher that had some similar similarities to this so I was definitely pulled in and from this perspective because a lot of I completely disagree with with Eber and a lot of the reviews that I've read during the time of this movie um I think they missed the point and there's a lot of talk about the violence in this movie but I thought this the violence was done very artfully very Tastefully I I so this is a common thing with eert he used to have this review quite often he didn't like movies that he thought were mean that movies that were cruel he didn't like cruelty and so like mov could be violent but I think he kind of liked that he was much more into sort of that Indiana Jones violence where it feels a little more cartoony a little more comic Booky I when when movies felt cruel to him he he he had a really strong visceral negative reaction to that and that's the thing with The Hitcher is that it it is hory it is a nightmare and it is a cruel movie the Ruger Hower character is like the way you describe it as like Satan he is satanic in his cruelty um and whether he's a supernatural thing or just a serial killer who keeps getting lucky I don't know but but there is this like unrelenting cruelty to his behavior and it puts the C Thomas H character in a position where where the question isn't just is he going to survive but I think you made a very valid point is he going to survive with his soul intact is he going to survive with with uh without becoming as cruel as the rugger Hower character and uh I I think that sort of Darkness that sort of nihilism is something that eberton never liked in movies he did not like that sort of nihilistic View and I think this is a great example of a great actor making strong choices without the ex without the writing there like what Rucker Howard and you can read you can go online and read the script but what record Howard is bringing to this performance is so much more nuanced so much more interesting than what's on the page and when Rucker Howard gets into the car it's almost like he's exhausted and he's bored he's not interested there's nothing and uh when and see Thomas how has this quality that Francis copela saw in him especially and this is the tail end of this quality that he had but there's something really innocent and true and authentic about him like you know he is Pony Boy he he does have this gold golden thing in him and you know there's a when he walks in when he when he gets in the car it's almost like ruer Howard's bored with him like he knows it's going to be another killing it's like I could imagine a demon in eternity and he's the killing he's not getting off on it anymore there's nothing interesting about it yeah he's not getting the high from he's taking the drug but it's not getting him as high as it used to get him yes it's like a and even when he has the knife it's almost it's almost lazy and non-interested he's like I want you to stop me like give me something give make it interesting I want something to surprise me and there was something pure about C Thomas how in the beginning you know I'm doing a driveaway you know Mom says never pick up strangers you know and they get in the car and he and and he has that Essence and that quality and this is the the end of that but that what is the thing that he does very well and so in that initial when they're getting to know each other Rucker Howard becomes more and more interested and you see the way that he looks at him it sort of become starts to become sexual and I don't mean like like sexual like he wants to [ __ ] them maybe masochism yeah but but it's actually it's in in his case it's sadism yeah he's getting off on on watching The Suffering that he's creating and I think there is something sexual about that and I think I think that is almost universally true with serial killers that there is a sexual component to their violence yeah and I I I mean I don't know whether he wants to [ __ ] the SE Thomas how character or not but I think there is definitely a sexual element to the excitement he feels when when the game starts between the two of them when SE starts fighting to live and and doesn't just meekly go under the knife yeah like he he's like you said he starts at bored he starts to get excited then and it is and it is creepy it's definitely got it's it's definitely got a sort of creepy psychosexual kind of feel to it way more creepy than if it so if nine out of 10 actors that that come in and do that part they're going to play I'm a killer I'm a bad guy and I'm going to be threatening and I'm going to stare at you threatening or whatever but to add boredom and then a sexual interest getting peaked that's what separates a great that's why we're talking about this film today and that this film the images of this film even though I saw it in the background and it was like whatever they they're indelible you you you hang on to those things and so seeing the choices that Rucker Howard made and when they get to that first road Bo and he puts the knife to the to um C Thomas's house uh package and he says if you say anything we do this well you know this is the 80s so when the guy comes to the front it's almost like the director and the cinematographer wanted to push it as far it was as the studio would allow them that there this this thing is going going on because the guy the guy is talking trying to have sweet talk but then he realizes like his hands down his crotch and he's like all right get going sweethearts you know and then they drive through and so all of these interesting choices that are happening and I and I and I I don't want to jump to this moment but when C Thomas how pushes him out of the car and he rolls to a stop and he looks up it's the first and only moment that he's surprised and he's no longer bored and now he has an spark and an interest in his eyes and he smiles and that's and now he he has his mission before him yeah yeah it's it's the moment when the C Thomas T character goes from a perfunctory killing to the enjoyable hunt you know you you see him go oh I'm G to hunt this guy now this is going to be fun yeah and I'm going to systematically just eat his innocence I'm going to destroy because what he does at this this point is he torments him and then keeps knocking out support structures yeah so yeah he takes away all the safety everything you think of as I would do this to be safe he finds a way to destroy that you know he he creates a situation in which uh the police are no longer safe takes away the thing that you would normally run to to save yourself he's he's boxing the C Thomas hell character in where the only option that he has is his own violence right you can't count on them to save you you're gonna have to save yourself by by fighting me right and there's that great moment where he goes to that gas station and it's completely empty it's like an empty and Abandoned and the whole the life matches the landscape desolate wide open there's nowhere to run and there's nobody there unless he puts them there yeah and so when he when he walks into that gas station and that gas station is from a nightmare imagery the imagery the sand the the the Atmosphere by the way I think this is a good moment to just talk about how great the cinematographer is and this is John seal yeah and this [ __ ] shot Fury Road so this is like so cuz the car wreck in this and the helicopter crash you're like and I had no idea I I didn't even know who directed it when I'm watching it and I'm like Jesus Christ this is approaching Terminator territory in some of the wrecks it doesn't it doesn't you know it approaches it in certain elements it doesn't achieve the Terminator status because you're not as emotionally connected to the movie as you are a terminator and you know but this guy There's real talent behind this yeah I mean this this is a man who knows how to shoot a a a desert car crash clearly knows how to shoot a desert car crash and you know he worked on galipoli but I don't think he was a full DP at that time but uh and when Rucker Howard shows up and you see him in this in this like torture chamber thing one of this one thing that this movie does well when is the last time and you know this movie way better than I did but when is the last time you've seen an 80s movie even if you've never seen it before when is the last time you've been surprised right and this movie surprised me a couple of times and I'll tell you how so he shows up and he looks as him he looks at him as if like when I look at my when like look at my kid when when my kid gets pissed off it just cracks me up when my like or or it's so funny to me and and and me laughing just piss and I'm like I'm trying not to laugh but to me it's so endearing and it's so cute and so he walks up and he has this smile like he's looking at a child and he hands him the keys and it's like let the games begin and so now I'm like where how is this playing like where is this going how is this playing so the mystery first have the suspense the suspense of this guy he knows he's a serial killer he told him within two minutes that he's a serial killer and then the mystery of like what is he going to do to him now right yeah ultimately what is his game um because clearly it's not just to kill him because he could have done that multiple times so clearly he wants something beyond that but but the the SE Thomas Hall character doesn't know what that is and and because of that we the audience don't know what that is so we get to experience it with him the the sort of mounting Terror of the situation the mounting hopelessness because I think ultimately what the ruer Hower character is trying to generate for and and think the C Thomas how character's name is like Jim right but he's trying to generate for Jim is is hopelessness that he every every time he thinks he has an Avenue out every time he thinks he has an Escape Route Ruger Howard takes it away from him cuz he it's like you know it's it's the it's the cruelty of of the cat pulling the leg off the grasshopper right it's like jump all you want you're just going to jump in a circle around me and I'm just going to sit here and smile at you while you do it um and that's what he's doing to it it's it's it is and I think it's that cruelty that Roger Ebert responded to so negatively because I I think I think if you had just been like hi I'm a murderer and he tried to stab him and he ran away and then he's just chasing him trying to stab him you know then we're just in slasher territory then it's just Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers or whatever and I think then you don't get the negative review from eirt um I think this is is so far beyond that in the cruelty where it's not it's I'm not just going to hurt you I'm going to I'm going to taunt you I'm going to make you hopeless to take away everything that you try to do I'm going to take away all the safety Avenues it's I'm going to have fun at your expense and you're going to be a lot of fun yeah and you know when when he pulls up next to him with in he's in the car with the family and he's with the kids in the back and he has stuffed animal you know reading in some of the reviews and reading online they're like well how did the who family pick up and like if this is a nightmare this makes perfect sense this this is [ __ ] happens in my nightmares all the time where it's like the worst if I see him in the back with the kids and you're trying to get there you're like you know how many times in dreams when you're like don't go in there and they can't hear you they're like what and they're not listening and they even made it dream like he pulls up to the window and the guy's like what and they roll down the window there's something off with the mom and dad and the whole thing it reminds me a lot of Friday the 13th like that dream logic and I'm sorry not FR uh nightmare in Elm Street yeah and uh and and I think if Ebert was alive today and re-reviewed this I think he would have a different take and because you know people talk about the violence in this movie I thought it was art done when he walks up the station wagon and looks in the car and the blood is coming out of the thing and you don't see what it is and he runs away that's way more terrifying that's yeah we we need to see those kids torn up no we don't need to see that and there's so many moments in this movie and I'll go go through each one where I'm like oh here we go like the80s kind of exploiting certain you know things or whatever there's so many moments where I'm like I I was surprised by this because I was like oh he's gonna like don't show the [ __ ] and he goes up there and they don't show the bodies and I'm like oh that's interesting that's interesting that they did this in 1986 yeah right where where you know and and a lot of the reviews were so like what happened to Jennifer Jason Lee or whatever happened to these things a lot of the reviews are things that aren't in the traditional horror way that you know and so like no I think in some ways this movie was ahead of his time it did things that really really shocked me and surprised me yeah it has all of the trappings of a tradition slasher film without ever being a slasher film so it's in I think I think that's part of why it never really found its audience when it first came out is tonally it's hard to figure out what it is you know I mean what would you say it is like what would you say it is I mean it's it's it's a it's like a psycho thriller right I mean it is uh I I I agree with you that it it operates under sort of this nightmare logic I don't know if the intent is that it's a nightmare but it does seem to operate from that logic I don't think it's the writer's intent I think it's Rucker Howers and the director in the cinematographers I think that Rucker Howard's performance he's making choices well maybe it is the writer because when they when they do arrest him that he doesn't have fingerprints he doesn't have a they can't find him in any way shape or form and so that has that has that quality to it um right yeah because because he is kind of a gat yeah you know I mean when they when they can't figure out who he is and the and the way he seems to just sort of magically get out of things yeah know I mean there's there's numerous places where you're like oh he's caught now and then he just suddenly isn't caught and how he got out of it and not only is he not caught he designed the whole thing right it it reminds me a little bit of the Joker right it's like you think about the Joker always coming out on top in all these situations and the first time he is surprised is when they don't blow up the ships right and they don't they go over the thing and then it's the first time in the thing that he's surprised and like in this one it's the first time Rucker Howard is surprised is when he when uh uh C Thomas how is not boring like the other people right and and also the the bit actors in This were fantastic all the cops when they show up they're [ __ ] terrifying they're like the cop the cop who says you spit on my wrist wipe it off yes that is one of the most terrifying scenes in the movie yes yeah yes I was saying that cuz I was telling Jen I was like the reality is is the cops fulfill the antagonist Force most of the middle of the movie yeah because he kind of steps back he sets it up and he watches it and the people that are scaring the [ __ ] out of you are these cops yeah and it's kind of like if you think about Tombstone or you think about like Doc Holiday and you're like when somebody is a bad person you're like yeah [ __ ] get him doc H it's so awesome but then you're like what if doc holay was like mistaken what if he was wrong like what if he was like saying what if Doc Holiday is like spit on my wrist tie and you're like no no I'm not the one I didn't kill Wyatt no you know so there is like an element of that Macho Cowboy turn on its head you know like those cowboys in the thing turn on his head and let's talk a little let's talk a little bit about Jennifer uh Jennifer Jason Lee She threads the needle I think a lot of people watching this won't realize how hard what a good job she does and how much CH how hard it was for her to do that she didn't have much lines she didn't have much thing but you completely understand and believe who she is there's a purity of heart there's an authenticity in her performance she could play Sweet better than almost anybody from that era of acting right she and which which which really goes to show how incredibly talented she is because then later when she was in movies like Rush where she's playing very hard and and uh or like recently we talked about Fargo you know where she's playing very hard it really showes to show the incredible range she has as an actor because she always got hired to play the sweetheart like in these early this early part of her career she was always the sweetheart and and played it really well and like you said she she sort of radiated this innocence and and this sweetness um and that's really all this movie asks her to do which you know I mean she doesn't have a ton to do in this but she becomes sort of the Jim needs something that he's not willing to run away from yeah she becomes the thing that sort of anchors him into ruer how's plot so if you think about the job that she has in this scene which is the she wasn't supported I don't think in terms of of the writing so she has to come in show a connection to this guy that's strong to the point where in two scenes you believe she's going to pull a gun out to to defend him right and she almost pulls it off in the little bit of time that she has I don't I think the the moment's not earned when she comes out of the bus properly and I think it could have been so much better but by God nine actresses out of 10 would not have done what she done and so she shows up on the scene and it it's the same thing with Rucker Howard like you you want to like a talk about how a great actor contributes nine times out of 10 they even remade this movie and there was and there's another really good actor in that but Rucker Howard creates this he makes all these choices in this story that you can't take your eyes off of him because he's telling his information without Exposition you know like you like this is some kind of a dark lord who is playing the whole world is his playground and so Jennifer Jason Lee when she first sees C Thomas how when she stops and so what she makes a choice in the lines it's like hey we're closed we're closed we're closed right so and actress like we're closed we're closed and then okay come on in right her choice is we're closed we're Clos I see him I stop I change my tone okay maybe just this once open the door now you're like oh this really got his attention or that really got her attention and there's obviously a strong connection there and then this only works with C Thomas how because he has this innocence where you believe you see him and the cop was like this guy is not a killer so she sees him she connects to him and she mentions that she has a brother and so the brother's probably similar in age she he probably reminds her of the brother a little bit because there has to be a a reason that she's going to risk her life for him later she's truly believe that that he's innocent and that this thing is wrong so when she's talking to him uh about her family now nine times out of 10 an actress is going to tell them about the family it's going to be Exposition and everything like that but when you see how she's she brings his food and sis how caring it is and then she's connecting with him in the story and seeing how he responds and then she she notices him in the thing she's paying attention to him she's noticing him so you're seeing a relationship build out of the scene that's not really supported by the writing so by the scene's over no actors are building this on their almost on their own yeah because the writing is not like you said it's it's the writing isn't there for it yeah and I think it's even more her than C Thomas how I think C Thomas how is locked in his own Terror at that point and so uh her interaction so you know for a uh a a relationship seem to work you got to start to feel something for like I started to feel for her there's a goodness there's an innocence you going to California everybody's going to California and then when she realizes he's not paying attention she's like and my family's from Mars my brother's from Mars we're all from Mars and she's like you're not paying attention right so there's so many Charming cute things about that and when she leaves in the image you and I would not be talking about this movie this image cre is is one of the major contributing factors to this movie being so that pops right because this is the one thing that everybody remembers he's eating the fries eating the fries and he picks up a finger and he looks down as the finger and he drops it right there's something about that if you say The Hitcher even it and everybody immediately goes is that's when he ate the finger you know or like had the thing so there's when you have something like that that really grabs somebody visually that's what everybody that's what keeps that movie hanging on those sort of things those sort of moment yeah agreed um it that is that is one of the shock moments you know because a good horror movie and The Hitcher is a horror movie you know at his heart it is a horror movie it's a nightmare you know that it's this like you said it's this nightmare landscape that the character is moving through and a great horror movie needs some needs some Shock moments that's one of them what happens to the Jennifer Jason Lee character is one of them that moment I mean this is toward the end now but that that moment when the back of the ambulance open and Rucker Hower standing there is one of those one of those shock moments where you're like what the [ __ ] like um it's it's there's a few there's not a lot I mean it's not a movie with jump scares which I appreciate about it right because you know I'm so [ __ ] tired of jump scares uh but but it it has a few moments of genuine shock where the the plot Tak a big left turn and you were expecting it to go right and that and that that finger is one of them and and it also again it's that nightmare thing like how did he do that like it doesn't make sense there's no logical way that he went and cut somebody's fingers off and put it in the fries and nobody noticed until he was in the fries and then there was a finger like that doesn't make any sense but in the nightmare logic of this movie it makes perfect sense I I 100% agree how unnormal it is is what's makes it interesting yeah what makes it spooky right I think if if if he was a normal guy I would be so less interested in this movie I'm way more interested in the allegory right I think that they should have stayed together at this point I think parting ways with her and then coming back later I they didn't properly build the relationship to earn the moments at the end especially the big moment yeah even though I do think it's a really intriguing scene when the cops come so now it's like he's got this crazy [ __ ] that's torturing he's killing everybody around him now these cops think he's the [ __ ] one killing all these people they come and here's here is a nightmare you show up and you're like call my brother call the thing and the phone rings and rings and like I've had these nightmares and they put his ass in jail wakes up the next morning the jail cell opens he walks out and then a great moment this is a great like I would steal this Mo for a friendship basement we're going to steal this moment when he's walking and the dog just casually walks in front stops turns and looks at him and then casually walks by and then you hear like and then you're like what the [ __ ] and he's walking and he sees all these dead people and then he turns and that dog is eating that dude on the ground and now you're like what you know because as soon as the cops come and get him you're like okay the only thing I'm worried about now is him going but now you're like this there's no boundaries for this guy no he's omnipresent he's super powerful and there's nowh to hide there's nowhere to run and and you may I I can't remember if you said this already you may have already said this but there is an there is an element of Anton shagar to him yes yeah yeah where it's it is it's it's it's an Elemental Evil that doesn't seem to operate by the same rules everyone else operates by and and because of that it's terrifying like we we expect things to behave a certain way expect things to happen in a certain order and then you have these characters that just seem to not have to follow those rules or operate in in those ways and so you know do I believe that some random psycho killer could take out a whole police station full of cops without making enough noise to wake up C Thomas h no I don't believe that but in this movie I believe it like yes like if if Anton shur had walked out right you know I I would have believed it I'd be like yeah oh yeah that guy could totally do that right well he did it and No Country for man when he choked the guy with the handcuffs right and and there's something about like chur so chigur is my favorite part of of one of my favorite movies and that's No Country for Old Men uh and to me he fascinates me and so when he's when they're taking him to jail there's no it there's no registering that oh they got me I'm going it's like he's in complete control and then when it's time to kill him he [ __ ] kills him and he's sitting there with the blank FL like staring up at the wall and so this kind of it's like Munch from Fargo another way this movie surprised me when they so he he um ends up getting on a bus and he finds her there which I think works because it's set it up she takes the bus every day he um and there's that moment where he [ __ ] grabs her and throws in the bathroom the guy that's reading and he looks and he sees it and then he just goes back to reading his magazine and you're like this is the [ __ ] 80s man he's probably like he just beating up with this girl you know his old lady you know whatever it's like there's no way but then you know the cops come I don't think it was properly motivated uh for her to do what she did I don't think it was earned no it wasn't but that but we talked about how wonderful that scene is when he's like you spit on my wrist wipe it off and you're like he's going to [ __ ] kill him and then she comes in and does that but when they get to a hotel room this is when I'm like oh here we go here's the 80s you got to show some you know boobs you got you got to have the sex SC and I'm not I'm not AUD I'm not against the Rony scene but it has to work for the movie right and I was like oh here we going to do this and I was like this does not work I don't think that it's been set up I don't think they know each other well enough and there's a [ __ ] kill Killer killing them they did not going to work she just pulled a she just pulled a gun on some cops she's not to be horny right now yes and it and they didn't do it they don't do it and they don't do it they do it what if like and then he's there and he takes a shower and I'm like that's [ __ ] great I was expecting like them to force something that wasn't there and I'm like this is is way more interesting he goes and takes a shower and uh Rucker Howard comes and gets in the bed with her and he cuddles her and I in my mind I think he's already I think the semi is out there waiting when the ropes are all tied up I think he called the cops hey I know this thing da d d d da he walks in he plays with her a little bit to [ __ ] with her he put so I'm not even going to get there yet so then when he comes out and and he takes her I'm like where are we going to go here I have zero memory of any of this right he he walks out the cops come right this is the first defying expectation which is interesting to me the cops come and they go are you Jim Hy and he's like yeah they go come with me their their tone and demeanor is completely different right and you're like and you're like oh what the [ __ ] is going on where's this going they roll up and rocker Howard has Jennifer jley tied up to one semi and to another semi and he's on the throttle and you know he's like told the cops I'm only going to talk to Jim hos you you'll find him over there and bring him here cuz I want to [ __ ] talk to him and I'm like that this is a [ __ ] scenario and then and then he says why don't you why don't you take him out why don't you go over him he goes his his foot's on the clutch man if he we do that we let him off you got to go talk to him so he gets in the car and I'm like what a dramatic situation what a great scene like what a great thing and as he goes and sits in the car with him I'm like all right how they going to get out of this one you know they're not going to like CU if he lets off the clutch and this like how are they going to do this well they don't don't get out of it she [ __ ] he rips her in half and I'm like that's punk rock that's unexpected I didn't see that happening I [ __ ] care about her she's a great character and the fact that you did that because the Integrity is because the story is this evil is going to do everything he can to break C Thomas' house soul and turn him into a killer yeah and and and and this has to happen for the ending to happen well I I think it's either he's going to turn into a killer or he's just going to break and I think rer Hower is waiting to see which thing is going to happen I think that's what's interesting to him is like are you going to turn into a killer to fight back or are you just going to break am I just going to break you and and I think I think that's the game for the ruer Howard character the game is I'm going to put you through hell and I'm going to see what comes out of it I'm going to see which version of you shows up at the end well that's interesting because I it's interesting and and maybe that because I I see Rucker Howard winning at the end I think that where it should be cathartic in Revenge when he kills him I think this is what Rucker Howard wanted him to do and I think that by C Thomas how killing Rucker Howard it's like the the end of Deliverance where they just experience something that they'll never they'll never recover from they might be living and they might have survived D but they're ruined yeah inside and out and so yeah definitely ruined inside ruined dude yeah so anyway continue so I didn't mean to um no that that that I think again that you know we're talking about Ebert I think that scene is so cruel and so unexpectedly shockingly cruel I think that's one of the one of the scenes that probably stuck with eberton one of the reasons really didn't like the movie really hated the movie but I also think I agree with what you said it's the only scene that's honest I mean it's the only not scene it's the only choice in that moment that was honest to the premise of the film if they had if he had come up with some like clever trick to like free her so she doesn't get hurt and and then they go to their final battle or whatever it it would would have felt completely wrong it would have been so out of tone with the rest of the movie and it was the only time in a long time that I've been surprised and then when I was surprised and I go back and look and it's like oh no this isn't a choice just for shock and surprise this is what needed to be this is in line with the story like you said this is honest so if I'm shocked and they're not they're not deliberate and it's in line with what the story is then that's great you know that's that's that's you're doing a great thing now I do think they could have built that relationship deep deeper and been you know I think it could have had way more impact yeah than when it did I do like I think this movie is in the upper echelon of 80sb horror movies but I don't think it had the exact impact that it could have have and I think it had a lot to do with the studio that's just my instincts that's just I also think that it is it is a better movie than the script um and I think and I think the weaknesses that we're talking about here especially with the Jennifer Jason Lee character are script weak the the the movie doesn't know what to do with her other than to turn her into a victim and if this movie if this movie didn't have Rucker Howard or Jennifer Jason Lee um it wouldn't we would not be talking about this no no I mean I think I think and particularly Ru ghau and the cinematographer and yeah the cinematography is beautiful but particularly Ru gh's performance is what elevates this I mean C Thomas H is great he's fine um he's playing kind of character he always played at that time in that period in his career Jennifer Jason Lee is great she's radiant but she's playing the kind of character she always sort of played at that point in her career Recker Hower is such a wild card you don't know what he is like he's not he's not a type you know I mean you you compare this to the other stuff he's done and it like he's like he's so out of left field in in the choices he's making when when he when the when the doors open and he's killed all the guards and he's standing there and he just [ __ ] Swan dives through the windshield that's this is [ __ ] great man that's so badass he just [ __ ] swine dives through the windshield and he's having a good time yeah like how many actors like I'm a killer I'm psycho and I'm jump no he's having a [ __ ] blast yeah he knows what's going to happen and he's pushing this thing you know it's so great and and and builds up to that final moment where and I think see I I I think I think you're right I think Ruger Hower has won by The End by turning the C Thomas hell character into a killer but I also think he's not sure what's going to happen at the end I think I think the fun for him is like I don't I'm GNA do all this crazy [ __ ] and I don't know what's going to happen and and when when C Thomas pulls out the shot I mean when he gets the shotgun and unloads on him I mean I think he I think in that moment he's a little surprised I think he's like well oh interesting I didn't think you had in you look at you look at you you know yeah but well before we can't leave this without talking about the best scene in the movie when uh C Thomas how is like All Is Lost His Hands and his eyes and he's closing ruer Howard just gets in the booth next to him and he opens it up and rer Tower's there he's so compelling in that scene and he and he points the gun underneath the table and he's like oh like and he goes and looks underneath and he's like it's unloaded and you see that he's like pull it boom and it and he's pulling he just [ __ ] with him so hard in that scene and then what is that about putting the the the Pennies on the eyes I know Rucker Howard the actor that he is I know he M he understood why he's doing that yeah but it's so compelling who makes those choices and I know that was a Rucker Howard choice and you can read interviews about Blade Runner you read like he's very Hands-On like that Tears In The Rain I've seen things or whatever that's all him and so like I know he was like just just just keep rolling I'm going to do something something like all right and he [ __ ] pulls him up he licks these pennies and he puts them on his eye it's just [ __ ] like such a great choice it's so creepy yeah but he's he's a world class [ __ ] actor um anyway uh well I guess I guess we did see this eye to eye on this movie I thought you said you thought it was a bad movie no I I think it I think it is it is a b movie elevated it's a it's not a great script um it's elevated by how beautifully it's shot and by a couple of really Stellar performances the movie is not done any favors by its script but yeah it finds a way to be better than that uh even though uh Eric red wrote one of our favorite vampire movies of all time yeah no I'm not saying he's a bad writer you know I know I mean this this script I think didn't work 100% that doesn't mean he's a bad writer I mean everybody everybody's written scripts that they wish they could get back and take another pass on and and on top of that I I don't know the level of I I'm going to hear what you're saying about Studio interference I don't know the level of Studio interference I don't because when you write a script what actually winds up in movie theaters can be very close to what you wrote or it can be completely different from what you wrote so I I I mean I don't know how much their meddling with the story process perverted what his intent was I don't know you know they cut out over an hour of the movie I think that Robert Harmon I think he's talented there's talent in this movie and I don't think he fully recovered because the reviews were so vicious but he he did end up on top because you know who he's works with now I'm GNA give you a [Laughter] hint he's done all the the Tom celic uh Stone what is that the all the stone you know what I actually like the Jesse Stone movie Jessie Stone yeah I like the Jessie Stone movie so he's done everything Tom sel's done in the past 15 20 years wow they've done all their series all their TV movies and everything he's he's done all those things he's a he's a talented guy he's a really the cinematographer in this this movie was very well done and better than it had the right to be I think it was like $5 million was the budget yeah but that helicopter crash like how the [ __ ] like that that's like a million dollars out of the budget you know when you do the other thing um all right Joseph what's the top five I'm want to try to make this uh I promised you a 30 45 minute all righty well we have the best road horror movies let me get the list up here Road horror all right the Crim Dill Crim is duel in Road horror I mean du's du's pretty great you know I I know it's not objective a great movie but you know what movie I kind of love what California and mostly because Brad Pit is just killing it in that movie now are you are you a breakdown man because it's got your boy well you know Kurt anything with Kurt is gonna is is it's going to have to get in the top five um I do think that uh I did I mean I didn't I didn't love the movie but I love Kurt yeah you know I did think it was I I did think it was compelling the beginning where she just disappears and then the I think once he figures it out it's just kind of underwhelming yeah The Disappearance is like the mystery part of it is is the best part once once then he's just fighting with guys then it's yeah then it becomes sort of an underwhelming Thriller but the mystery at the beginning is is interesting I'm going to go ahead and go so there's one reason that I'm making this pick and you're probably going to be able to guess what it is but I'm going to have to go with death proof and the reason go with Death Proof you know why well yes you have a massive crush on Kurt Russell no I'm yes but I think that I think that Death Proof works on both of our crushes so yeah yeah your crush on on Kurt Russell and my crush on Zoe Bell and there's just something about the end of that when when the three uh when the three girls are kicking the [ __ ] out of Kurt Russell that I just really enjoy um do we have five yeah we do have five unless you want to move breakdown out of there since the Kurt Russell quota are you a are you dust hon fan I mean I there are many things about dust hon that I enjoy and most of those things are um sahayak oh but but yeah I mean I I can watch Dust Till Dawn it's it's uh it's it's super schlocky but uh I enjoy it so I I really like Wolf Creek I really Wolf Creek is Great Wolf Creek is a fantastic mov so switch that with breakdown because we got the Kurt Russell quarter yeah wolf creek Wolf Creek is legit terrifying yeah cool uh thank you guys for hanging out this is fun please like And subscribe um and hope you guys go see Pier we're I think it's still in theaters Ty and I are like locked in the past even if we try to do something that's current even if we try to do sh gun it's got It's like way behind the eightball you know it's like uh but Ty did see uh what was that that you saw recently I saw the first two episodes of fallout Fallout he saw the first two episodes of Fallout is that something we're going to do maybe are we going to try to be I I I thought the first episode was fantastic I thought they nailed the tone I thought the SE second episode was kind of terrible so I'm not sure yeah I'm not sure how did it take such a hard turn I don't know it did though it's it's yeah so I'm I'm curious is it salvageable I don't know I'm going to I'm going to go ahead and watch the third episode and see if the second episode was just sort of like an outlier so I'm kind of I'm kind of bummed I was really hoping Fallout would be good I'm going to watch the third one see if sort of makes a comeback for me but yeah after after the after the really cool pilot the second episode was really disappointing um okay well maybe not we or maybe we'll just do the highlight a fall out all right say goodbye Ty goodbye [Music] Ty let's go to work man let's go to work [Music]
Channel: Ty & That Guy
Views: 2,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Expanse, Wes Chatham, Ty Franck, Ty & That Guy Podcast, Ty & That Guy, Amazon, Podcast, Ty and That Guy, Amos, Amos Burton, James S.A. Corey, Expanse, ExpanseOnPrime, Attershow, Expanse Aftershow, the expanse season 1, Film Critic, Film Review, Film Reviews, Movie Critic, Movie Review, Movie Reviews, movie explained, cinephile, Naren Shankar, Clinton Shorter
Id: hXFLzz7lzTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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