TV Producer Dies And Encounters God And Eternity; What He Was Told Will Shock You (NDE)

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hello everyone welcome to Beyond the Veil today we hear from Bill Dolan a TV director whose life was forever changed when his heart stopped mid-flight to Nashville for a documentary project the profound encounter with the Divine that followed transformed his life and what he learned on the other side will leave you speechless January 28th 1999 is the day the changed my life and changed my life forever now I will tell you that like a lot of days that change your life life it's not one that I expected and definitely not the outcome I expected but one that has changed me and has made me better because on that day I died just so you have a little context you need to know that I grew up in the world of television and entertainment as a young kid I loved Motion Pictures and I loved storytelling and so as I got older I I recognized I I wanted to maybe be a television director and so I went to school for it and very fortunately was able to marry my high school sweetheart start a family and land a job in in television for one of the uh major networks that was so much fun and uh I will tell you every day going to work was a day when I got to learn I got to stretch I got to work with great producers great talent celebrities people from all over the world and it was one of those things that I just found myself immersed in and and I loved I truly truly loved and even today with our creative agency I love it well one of the thing that happens is when you're doing something that you love there is a price that you pay and sometimes the price you pay is the price that others that you love don't get all of you and sadly that's what happened to me after my wife and I had our first child and our second child and then our third and fourth child it was right around the time that my business took me all around the world and instead of being there and being the best dad I could be and be the best husband I could be I actually became somewhat of an absentee father and husband that wasn't intentional it wasn't intentional at all in fact if I can say this like probably like a lot of guys I was oblivious I mean very much oblivious to what was going on because I felt I was doing all the right things go out work hard do something meaningful and valuable something that brings joy to your heart and then bring money home uh pay for a nice house nice car private school all the things that you think that that people want and strive for not realizing at that time that maybe one of the most precious gifts I could give my wife and my children was my presence then an opportunity arose and a friend of mine was working in the motion picture industry and particularly had produced some documentaries that had been very successful and he asked me if I would be a part of another documentary project for him now keep in mind documentaries are cool and they're a different media form kind of like Motion Pictures in that you pour yourself into it just dive into it and then once you produce the product comes distribution and in the distribution you promote it you try to get it to as many markets as possible you try to see it through its its natural life and then you produce another one and then you do it again it's different than the production work that I was doing where I was on the road all the time this is something I could sink my teeth into and maybe be homeborn maybe be a better dad maybe be a better husband and it also was lucrative it potentially very lucrative so I began the documentary project and just as You' ever hope it's not just about by the way producing the documentary it's about distribution distribution is key and we found a distributor in Nashville that said come to Nashville we love your product we want to support you we want to get this out to the market and by the way I've got a big waiting for you hold on you know this this could work this could really really work so I remember that that morning January 28th 1999 I got on playing with my best buddy Timothy grenage who is like one of the greatest gospel singers in the world a great audio producer music producer he's worked with some of the biggest names in entertainment and so talented he was on his way to Nashville too and uh sitting next to each other and about 20 minutes into theor flight I started to feel strange now I couldn't put my finger on because it's so bizarre I was flying all the time so I was never sick for goodness sakes I was hardly air sick anything like that s that was strange and it was if things were kind of closing in on me it was like kind of tingling it was going in and out and I remember thinking to myself no no I'm not sick I'm not sick no I'm not sick no I'm not sick but something was wrong and it got so bad I turned to Timothy and I said Timothy something's not right and that's the last thing I said before my eyes rolled back in my head my body went limp and my heart stopped now at First Timothy actually actually will tell you that he thought I was joking you know I always I see joking what like the dead body on the plane you know joke that's an old one but the truth was he he he poked me and recognized know something was seriously wrong and uh so he didn't know CPR but he didn't know chest compressions so he began and Timothy's a big guy you know for for those that know me and my Irish heritage they might think I'm descended from leprechauns because I'm not a giant guy Timothy on the other hand looks like you know he's the lineman for an NFL team so he's a giant guy strong so gifted and he now begins doing compressions on my little Leprechaun is body it makes quite a scene but the sad part is nothing happened and he got really worried and and he picked me up and he put me in the aisle and he began doing chest compressions just chest compressions over and over again nothing was happening absolutely nothing and um as Timothy tells me he was just ready to to break my ribs so he pulled back his fist pulled back like okay this is it I'm going to break your ribs and as he pulled his his fist back I took a breath and I came too now for those that are kind of curious on the medical side what the what the heck happened to Bill they ended up making emergency landing cuz it made it made quite a scene and people recognize there was something desperately wrong and in fact my heart had stopped so they made an emergency landing I ended up eventually back in a a cardiac Wing where I didn't have a heart attack didn't have a stroke anything like that in fact when they first checked me out they couldn't find anything they just said you dehydrated but after further testing they realized that I have a syndrome or a disease not exactly how you define it called neurogenic neurocardiogenic Syncopy so and technically it's it's it's the kind that can kill you so they call malignant neurocardiogenic Syncopy and the the only way they know to address it is to put a pacemaker in your chest they don't know what causes it but ultimately it means that your brain and your heart get out of syn and your brain tells your heart to slow down or stop in my case it tells my heart to stop so needless to say that's not a a good thing and after putting in the PAC maker I have to be paced on the average about six times a day my heart rate drops to a dangerously low rate and it has to Pace me to keep me alive it's a curious feeling knowing that on any given day when you go to bed at night you might not wake up the next morning but I'll tell you it's a pretty powerful feeling when you get up the next morning realizing you've been given another day of life and that's just one of the consequences of having that experience now as for the plane you know Timothy was working on me he doesn't know maybe two three four minutes PR panicked but I will tell you that for me I had the most profound experience you could ever imagine for all practical purposes while in the dimension of time and space he was working on me for 2 three 4 minutes I may have been away for two three four minutes million years because it was in that second that blink of an eye when I crossed over from the dimension of time and space to the dimension of no time to Eternity I recognized I moved into a place where everything that ever has happened and everything that ever will happen has happened and it's a profound Revelation but without a doubt the most powerful thing I experienced was coming face to face with God now so you have a little context of why that's so meaningful as if coming face to face with God wasn't meaningful enough growing up my father was very ill and through most of my my growing up years he was actually supposed to die and he had a hideous hideous disease that caused so much pain in him that he constantly was lashing out and like a lot of people that are in pain you lash out at people that are near you that was me so I experienced a lot of of verbal abuse physical abuse and it was it was tough it was tough growing up but probably the worst part about that is that a lot of us will superimpose our perceptions of of God based upon our experience with authorities in our life particularly our parents and even though I grew up in somewhat of a religious household and look I could I could tell you oh does all the things that people say does God love you oh yeah God loves you does God care about you oh yeah God cares about you do you love God oh yeah I love God I could give lip service to all that stuff but secretly if you asked me if I ever wanted to come face to face with God no no no I was so convinced that if I ever came face to face with God he's going to take his finger and put it right in my face and let me know you failed you so disappointed me you never lift up to your potential you make me so angry and I hear the because of my father's voice superimposed over what I believed was the voice of God so if you said do you love God oh I I love God do you ever want to meet God no I'm not sure I could take it I don't want to be subjected to the horror of having the creator of the universe tell me what a failure I was and then I met him and I'll never forget that overwhelming sensation of being in the presence of the Divine and it's as if like a laser beam went through my head my and all of a sudden I understood I understood things that I never understood before I I felt things I hadn't felt before and whoever this was in front of me I trusted and I was overwhelmed with pure love and it wasn't like the kind of love like I love you you know I'm going to treat you with love or I'm going to act like I love you or do loving things I was in the presence of the total embodiment of love I was in the presence of the author of love I was in the presence of the source of love and it was consuming totally consuming it's as if if I tried to look to the right to say oh was there's an end to this no there was no end I could look to the left I could look up I could look God was infinite and the presence of God's love and who he was was as infinite and as deep and eternal as he was eternal and so was his love for me that changes you it changed me there was a point where it was time to come back and it wasn't as if we you know had this Divine talk and you know walked down Golden Rose it was nothing like I've read about other people saying or angels singing in fact I couldn't even tell you if I was in heaven per se there were no identification signs like welcome to Heaven any nothing like that I was in the presence of God and that's all that mattered that's all that mattered and then it was time to come back and a lot of people talk about the the tunnel experience as if when you die you go through a tunnel I mean when I died my heart stopped it was like literally transformed from the dimension of time and space to the time of of of of Eternity the dimension of of of Infinity coming back that was where the journey was it was as if every scene of my life had been cut up into tiny puzzle pieces and it was blowing at me like a tornado and I was blowing through that tunnel of seeing after scene after scene after scene after scene after scene after scene after and then I'm back I honestly wish everybody could die and then come back because it would change how you live first part among many is certainly the recognition that your life is a gift The Next Breath You Take is a gift it was abundantly clear that that even as I'm here with you now the breath I take I didn't earn it I can't say I deserve it the truth is the fact that we are here right now breathing together it's a gift it's a gift from God and it is a gift that doesn't just say I love you I acknowledge you it's a gift that says you're here for a purpose the gift you're about to take the gift you're the breath you're about to take and the gift that you're about to receive isn't given arbitrarily it's given because there is a powerful and Divine Purpose and just because you might not feel like you know that purpose doesn't mean it doesn't exist part of life is is walking in that Discovery process and learning that and discovering that and being patient with that and then celebrating that but without a doubt knowing that it exists I think the other piece just blew me away is that the the creator of the universe doesn't just know you doesn't just like you doesn't just love you but the creator of the universe is madly in love with you mad l in love with you and has hoped every hope with you has dreamed every dream has shed every tear has felt those moments when you've had doubts and concerns and questions he's been there with you the whole way and in fact it's not just loving you and not just madly love you but the creator of the universe is your greatest cheerleader your biggest cheerleader so when I think about the privilege of dying and coming back I'm reminded of a lot of lessons and I can tell you even though it's been several years there's not a day goes by that I don't recognize how powerful and what a privilege it was to have that experience but I learn something new about God every day and I believe that's hopefully prly a lesson that everyone will take that God is worthy to be trusted your life has meaning and purpose and if you're willing to show up that you're going to experience hardship tragedy Wonder Triumph but the most exciting page turning Stu story that anyone can ever live you're here for a purpose thanks for watching today's video if you want to learn how to create a profitable YouTube channel like this one click the link in the description and let us show you how [Music] [Music]
Channel: Beyond the Veil
Views: 412,220
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Id: 3XurduW72c0
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Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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