I Thought My Mom Was Saved, UNTIL God Showed Me This…

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>> Hello, my name is Marty Darracott and I want to share a supernatural story with you. I'd never heard the voice of God before. I gave my life to Christ in 1993. I grew up hearing teachers, preachers, apostles, evangelists. They all said, the Lord told me to tell you this, or God said, Or the spirit of the Lord told me to tell this to you. I didn't know what they meant. I didn't hear the voice of God the way they did. I thought hearing the voice of God was reserved for a group of supernatural, super spiritual elitists. I was just a normal guy, but I finally heard from the voice of God and it didn't come the way I expected. I want to share that story with you. My wife and I gave our lives to Christ in 1993, and in 1997, four years later, we found ourselves on a couples retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. There was probably 30 or 40 other people there with us, and it was on a Saturday evening and we'd just finished up dinner. Putting the dishes away. And this is what our Sunday school class. And so we put on some worship, had a moment of of of worship time with the Lord's prayer time. And we pull the lights down low in the cabin, and everybody was sitting on floors, sitting around on the floor, sitting in chairs, some people walking around and I remember they put on this worship song, and it wasn't too long after they clicked play. I'm walking around the kitchen table there and the room is packed. People on the floors and couches and chairs and things and and I'm minding my own business. I'm praying we're we're. Some people are singing softly to this worship song. And all of a sudden I hear within my spirit, not with my physical ears, but on the inside. This nudging, this prompting, this tapping from Holy Spirit, I guess you could say. I heard. Go to the kitchen window. Random. Go to the kitchen window. It was so loud on the inside of me. Go to the kitchen window. I literally looked around the room to see if anybody else heard what I heard. It was that real to me again, it wasn't with my physical ears and I had never heard the voice of God this way up to this point. So I believe it's the Spirit of God. Go to the kitchen window. I froze, I didn't know what to do. I looked around, nobody else seemed to hear it. I hear it again. But this time the voice of the Lord says, go to the kitchen window. I've got something I want to show you. So I very quietly, softly, gently walked over to the kitchen window. I remember putting my arms across the sink and looked out this kitchen window. And it was in the mountains of Pigeon Forge, and there were some trees in the front yard and a driveway kind of going up a slight hill, and it was very cold. It was, it was in January, February 97th. And I just remember putting my arms across the sink and looking out like, Lord, what am I? What am I looking for? And I didn't see anything. I waited and I waited and I was like, Lord, you tell me to come to the window and you said you were going to show me something, but I don't see anything but the trees. He said watch. I heard that one word. Watch. So he's having a conversation with me. Go to the window. Go to the window. I want to show you something. And then the voice will then says, watch now. As I'm looking out the window, I begin to see snowfall and I thought, wow, that's beautiful. But Lord, I've seen snow before. I don't understand what's going on here, he said. Watch the second time all of a sudden in that driveway snow coming down, I see my mother standing in the driveway with my physical eyes. Not in my mind's eye. I see my mother, but she's in like a hologram. It's it's like I can see snow going through her, but she's there. And I remember looking around the room again to see. Does anybody else see what I'm seeing? I literally saw it with my own eyes and she looked at me, smile on her face. She didn't say a word. She just kept looking at me. I was like, Lord, why am I? Why am I seeing my mother? He said, Marty, your mother knows about me, but she doesn't know me. I said, Lord. What do you mean? She doesn't know you? She's been playing the piano and the organ in the church since before I was born. She goes to church every Sunday morning. Every Sunday night, every Wednesday night, whenever the doors are open. My mother is always at church. What do you mean? She doesn't know you? He said she knows about me. But she doesn't know me. I'll begin to weep. This is your mother. I begin to weep at the thought of me being a Christian now. Me being born again, spending eternity in heaven without my mother. Then as quick as she came, she was gone. I didn't see her out there anymore. I looked, I panned from the woods to the trees to the driveway. She wasn't there. I put my head down and weeping over the thought of my mom not being born again. Then I looked back up, tears coming down my eyes. I'm wiping my eyes and I look and I see in the driveway again, almost where my mother was standing. But this time it's my brother. My brother is standing there. His name is Ricky. Ricky is standing there and he's hologram form. It's not. It's not his full body. It's not flesh and bone. It's like I'm seeing him. But he's like a hologram. It's like a spirit or something. And snow is going through him and light is shining through him. But I see him. I said, Lord, what do you want to show me about my brother? What do you want to tell me about my brother? And I didn't hear anything. But in my mind, the Lord took me back to where we were young teenage boys. I was about 14 or 15. My brother would have been 16 or 17. He was a couple of years older than me. Ricky loved to work. He worked multiple jobs. While going to school. He would leave school, go to football practice, leave football practice, go straight to work for an hour or two, bagging some groceries, doing some things. Then he would go to work at a restaurant till one 2:00 in the morning busing tables. He loved to work, he loved to earn money. And while I'm looking at my brother. In this vision, this, this thing. The Lord showing me. I'm reminded of when we were young and my brother had a ceramic Georgia Bulldog piggy bank, stood about two foot high, had a slot on top of its head where my brother would put his hard earned money into that piggy bank. Change coins, dollar bills. Ones, fives. Tens. 20s. He was always working hard and always saving his money. Whereas his younger brother. Had no work ethic, very lazy, very rebellious, and all my friends over the summer. I'll never forget. While the Lord is showing me this vision of my brother, he's taking me back to my childhood and I remember all my friends going to this community pool. But they charged $2 to go to the community pool, and I didn't have the $2, but I wanted to go to the community pool. But I didn't have the $2, but I wanted to go to the community pool with my friends. So I would go into my brother's closet and take a coat hanger and fish out quarters, dollar bills, whatever I could to be able to get money enough to go to my to go to my community pool with all my friends. Stealing from my brother wasn't born again at the time, living in a rebellious state, living in a rebellious state, living in sin. And I was stealing from my brother. And the Lord was showing me this hologram image of my brother in 1997, but took me back to 1984 when I was a 14 year old boy stealing from my brother. I said, Lord, why are you showing me this? You forgave me of all this. You forgave my sins and cast them as far as East is to the West. Your word says, you're never bringing my sin up to me again. You forgave me. You don't remember it anymore. And he said, no, I did forgive you. I don't remember those sins anymore. But your brother remembers them. I said Lord, but it's under the blood. I don't have to ask for for repentance for you. From that he said no. But you should confess it to your brother. What you did. Because I would take the money to go to the pool. And then it became video game money and then pizza money and then money for this and money for that. And I was estimating how much I stole from my brother in a matter of 2 or 3 years, I would guess easily a thousand, $1,500. Easy. The Lord was taking me back to that place. Not for me to confess to my brother to bring my sin up in remembrance again. But the Lord was reminding me. Hey, I'm trying to strip you of your pride. I want you to confess to your brother something that you've done that he blamed somebody else for doing while it was you. All the while. I said, Lord, I'll do it. I'll tell him. My brother fades out. The next image pops up is my father. My father comes up, and immediately the Lord tells me, your dad has no knowledge of who I am. Your dad is lost, and if he died tonight, he would spend eternity away from me in hell. That shook me to my core. I began to weep again. I just saw my mother, my brother, my father. In this hologram vision, the Lord speaking to me these things about my family. And I knew I had to come home and address it. That was on a Saturday evening. I got home, called my family. They came over on a Tuesday night. They're sitting in my living room. My brother, my mother, my father. I begin to tell them about this vision, how the Lord spoke to me for the very first time in my life. I finally heard from the Lord, and God showed me. My brother and I began to tell him what the Lord showed me. And I said, Ricky, all those years you blamed a next door neighbor from stealing from you. But it wasn't him. I have to confess, it was me. You have to understand, my brother loved to fight. My brother was a wrestler, a football player, a linebacker, very big, very strong. I was very scrawny, um, and my brother was struggling with some anger issues as a young man. And I knew if I confessed this to him, my brother will do to me what I've watched him do to other guys that threatened him or our family. He's going to take me out in the street or out in the backyard, and he's going to beat the brakes off of me. But when I began to share with my brother that night, the Spirit of God came into that room. And as I'm sharing with him and confessing to him what I did through that vision the Lord gave me, he begins to weep too. He stands up and I thought, here we go. He's about to knock me out. He stands up and he asked me to stand up. So I stood, preparing myself for a punch. My brother hugs me. He said, I forgive you, I love you, you're my brother. Thank you for confessing that. It's like it never happened. We're okay. I began to share with my mother and my father what the Lord told me about them. The next couple of years, my mother and father were born again. They're believers now, and they'll spend eternity with me in heaven. I don't know how you hear from God. I don't know if you hear from God, but I promise you, he's still speaking to you. He's still speaking today, and he wants to speak to you. John 1027 says, my sheep know my voice. My sheep know my voice. Then he goes on to say, he who has ears to hear, let him hear. So he's speaking and he wants you and I to hear. So if you're at the place where you don't hear from God or you don't hear from him frequently, let me encourage you with this. Find the secret place. It was in a moment of worship. It was in a moment of prayer. We had pulled the lights down. It was a darker place. It doesn't have to be a dark place, but it has to be a place to where the distractions are pushed back. Push the distractions back. Find an isolated space. Isolation is the breeding ground for a visitation from God that brings transformation. Until your life becomes a habitation of his glory and presence. If you don't hear from God frequently, if you don't hear from him at all, know that he wants to speak and he wants to speak to you today. If you want to hear from Heaven, pray this prayer, Lord Jesus. I know you still speak today. Lord, would you speak to my heart? I want to hear you. Lord. Speak to me through visions, dreams, your word, other people. It doesn't matter how you speak, Lord, just speak to me, your servants. Listening. Lord, I want to hear your voice in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
Channel: Supernatural Stories
Views: 355,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God encounters, faith, testimony, prayer, angels, Marty Darracott, Supernatural Stories, ISN, It's Supernatural! Network
Id: wm4Af32R06E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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