Doctor dies, talks to Jesus & hears heartbreaking message - NDE

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I am a Scientist I still am I was and I will tell you that I did grow up going to Sunday school but you know I grew up in that era when really Faith was more of a cultural experience you went to church on Sunday morning and then went back to your life on Monday morning uh and then I went off to college and medical school and did my surgical training and I would say that uh oh like so many people Faith was something that I would get to one of these days it was sort of an abstract concept but I was really busy I mean I had a full-time job a husband four little kids you know I mean Faith wasn't really something I I put at the Forefront of my life I certainly tried to be a woman of integrity and honest and ethical and all those things but you know I that's very different I was someone who was very self-reliant and accomplish and smart and I certainly didn't need God and I was just thinking about you know your experience in South America as your kayaking and suddenly you need God and everything changes can you share a bit about that story yes yes I went over a waterfall in my kayak and was pinned or stuck under eight to 10 feet of water and I didn't have any options I mean I was going to drown and it would be very easy to assume that I reached out out toward God only because I didn't have any options and I don't know how to explain it but I actually did still have an option I had a choice to turn toward God or turn away and that's always our choice and I made a very very active choice to ask that God's will be done in that circumstance regardless of what it meant and it was the first time despite saying the Lord's Prayer you know I don't know hundreds of times thousands of times in my life that actually meant it God your will be done on Earth in my life period not on my timetable not the way I wanted it to be done but truly it was the first time very actively I gave up trying to control or be the one in charge of my life and that started this incredible and wonderful adventure and an experience that I could never have imagined in my wildest imagination man like so many people I'd never really thought about death actually at that point in my life I had had patients who had died I had certainly been exposed to death but at that point in my life I had not personally known anyone who died I didn't know a grandparent or a parent or a sibling or a friend who had died and really I had a great life I hadn't really faced many struggles uh and I think that none of us really think about our faith none of us have our faith challenged until we Face struggle and especially when we Face loss Dr Neil as you were being held in the arms of Jesus God showed you the truth of everything you just said by giving you this Life review that allowed you to see painful things that had happened to you but also to develop this understanding of and empathy and the ripple effect of how humans hurt one another tell us a little bit more about that life review you experienced this Life review was looking at the most wounding experiences of my life and being reimmersed in them from a a point of understanding I understood everything about me and my life story my backstory that had brought me to that moment in time and I also understood the backstory and life story of everyone else involved and what I discovered is that it wasn't a matter of forgiveness because again in in our culture we don't understand forgiveness you know it's always a two-part thing like I forgive you but I don't ever want to see you again or I forgive you but I'm never gonna forget but God's forgiveness isn't that it it really is as far as the East is from the West it's complete it's absolute and I think it comes out of the fact that God knows us knows our story and what I realized in knowing everyone's story in these wounding situations is that I didn't have to forgive there there just wasn't room for anger or bitterness or shame or any of those destructive emotions because where God's love is present there's just no room and so it was really uh pretty remarkable because it's an experience that even though we may not think about it it's an experience that every one of us has had many times in our life we can look back and see many times where either we have been misjudged or we have misjudged other people and what we realize is that when you understand the backstory you don't have those destructive emotions you have empathy you have sympathy you have some other form of love and as God was giving you that perspective being held in the arms of Jesus having this Life review um he wanted to give you even more perspective and suddenly you were up above your body and you could see your um you know your your body there and your friends trying to resuscitate you um and God began to bring you up into heaven would you share a bit more about that Journey it was awesome um yes my spirit my Essence myself the true me whatever you want to call it did leave my body and rise up and out of the water and I have to tell you I never had the experience of being alive and then dead or conscious and then unconscious I had this experience of being alive and then more alive conscious and then more conscious all of my senses were intensified a thousandfold and it it was different in terms of time and dimension so that I could experience all of eternity in each moment I could experience you know it's like experiencing a thousand realities all at the same time yet independently and I know that doesn't make sense but you know there's sort of no way really to describe it and I was greeted by a group of uh you know people Spirits beings people who had known me and loved me as long as I have existed and people always ask do I recognize them and I did not because again at that point in my life I had not personally known anyone who died but I knew that these were people who had been important in my life story perhaps a grandparent or great-grandparent who died before I was born and I knew they were so Overjoyed absolutely Overjoyed to welcome me home and yes they took me along this incredibly beautiful path that to me was just exploding with color and flowers and the Aromas of flowers which is what speaks Beauty to my soul I'm convinced that God presents to each of us when we die the experience that will make us feel completely known completely loved and will speak Beauty into our souls and so they took me down this incredible path and toward this sort of great dumb structure of sorts and when we got to the end I was there for what felt like many many hours and had this incredible understanding of really the divine order of the universe how it all works how there can be billions of us on the planet but we are each individ individually known and loved as though we're the only ones and then how it works you know in terms of interconnectedness I mean we are all part of one whether it's humans animals the natural world world we are God's creations and we are entirely and perfectly intertwined and interconnected and then I was kicked out that's what I was gonna ask and then well right you asked to stay and um God said I was told it wasn't my time I had more work to do on Earth and that I had to go back to my body and when I objected I I was given uh a laundry list of things I had yet to do and many people ask oh well it was a premonition or a thought and I was like no I'm a very uh concrete thinking person and so it was basically a laundry list I was like okay here's your list so get back there and get to work and I might add that nothing on this list was something I felt excited to do nothing on this list felt like something I was qualified to do had time to do wanted to do Etc which makes sense again because the fact is none of us change or learn or grow when things are easy I have to say I mean there were a lot of things I questioned on this list uh certainly the most difficult uh was being told about the coming and Unexpected death of my oldest son who at the time was a healthy nine-year-old and there was no reason to think that he would would die young and when I asked the obvious question about that which is you know why why him why my son I was immediately returned to My Life review in which I had been shown again and again and again the truth in God's promise that there really is a plan for each one of our Lives that's one of Hope and the world I might add and that beauty really does come of all things and I was reminded that it is is always a matter of trust and with that then I was taken back to my body and reunited wow and Dr Neil some years later you did lose your son prematurely in a car accident yeah and that he was hit by a car and killed yes and that experience in heaven did that give you strength during the loss of your son well I would say say that uh first of all my experience with spiritual truth and my absolute Trust of God's promises is the only way that I could wake up every day wondering if that was going to be the day and it was 10 years later so that's a lot of days to wake up wondering if that's the day and I will fully acknowledge that my trust in God's promises did not protect me from loss and it did not protect me from the emotional Devastation of losing my son he and I were very close I loved him dearly I would give anything to have him back like any parent I'd give my own life for sure to have him back uh but I will tell you that because of my trust in God's promises even on my most sorrowful day I I simultaneously was able to experience incredible gratitude and joy because I think Joy is found in the moment and I think Joy is experienced each day and each moment when you're able to consciously make this choice to trust God's [Music] promises
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 1,236,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Crossroads, Christian, Christians, Christianity, Faith, Christ, Jesus, HolySpirit, Religion, near death experiences, near death experience compilation, near death, nde, life after death, top near death, close call, my near death experience story time, near death experience heaven, this is my near death experience story, near death experience reaction, near-death experience, near death videos, christian testimony video, christian testimonies, inspirational christian testimony
Id: 9G3Q1adWNpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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