Tutorial: Sewing Cloth In Blender | Beginners

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hello guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so today i'm going to be showing you how to make a 60 style dress in blender 2.92 i'm going to teach you kind of the basics from a beginner's point of view of how to make clothing in blender using the sewing function in the cloth sim so one thing i'm also going to tell you is i'm making this i'm going to try and make this blend file here without a dress just this original t post animated character which is my own that i just animated i'm going to try and make it available in the description below for free on freefreed.com hopefully they'll accept the model and when you watch this the link is available if it's not just wait a little bit hopefully it's there in a few days but you can download it and then you should be able to follow along if you don't have your own animated character in a t-pose which kind of works best for making clothing so if that said here it is i'll be making the finished blend file available on my patreon and i'll also be explaining towards the end some of the issues you may run into it like where it kind of shrinks up or falls through the character some of the things i get in the comments sometimes i'm going to try and touch on it a little bit and hopefully this is relatively beginner friendly so i think i've said enough let's get into this tutorial so with your character in the initial t-pose what we're going to do is we're going to get started by adding in a plane to our scene now you can see here i'm working from my front of graphic view so i'm not in my side view not on the right view i'm in the front of graphic view i've hit one on my number pad that's taken me into the front of graphic if that doesn't happen for you you can go to view and just go to the um where is it i haven't used it in a while viewport and then just go front and then it'll take you to your front view so once you've done that you need to also make sure that your cursor here is in the center because sometimes people get this a little bit wrong um this cursor here is this thing where if you go shift a and you add something into your scene here it'll add it into wherever your cursor is so if you want to set your cursor back just go shift s and just go cursor to real origin we want to make sure that little cursor there is roughly in the middle of your character okay so and the reason for that is because we're going to be working with a mirror and we're going to be working with symmetry so whatever you add and you turn it into a cloth you want to make sure it's symmetrical with the character so let's go shift a and the first item we're going to add in is going to be a plane so come here to your measure options add in a simple plane and if the plane here active we're gonna just move it up i've got the move tool here you can also just hit g and then z and just constrain it to the z axis that's what i usually do i don't really bother using this little gizmo anymore some people when they're kind of new to blender do but once you get used to the hot keys just using g and then using z x or y just it's a lot quicker so what we don't want to do because i just whenever i'm working a physics i don't think it matters as much with cloth but definitely when it comes to other types of physics we um try not to rotate in object mode over here okay so whenever we're going to do that we want to go into edit mode you can also hit the tab key as a shortcut and in edit mode with all of this geometry selected you can see here it's all active we can go r x 9 0 and hit enter so we've essentially just rotated it 90 degrees on the x axis and you can see here this little orange dot there it's our origin point and that's kind of roughly in the middle of the character here and that's kind of where we want it so while i'm in edit mode here okay i'm going to take this plane that i've just rotated 90 degrees i'm going to go g y and i'm moving it forward in my scene i'm moving it till it's just in front of the subject here but we don't want it to be penetrating so make sure far enough in front but definitely try not to go too far away just keep it relatively close and like i said we want to be working with some mirrors here so we don't have to model both sides so let's go over to our modifiers here add modifier and let's add in a mirror modifier this is going to make our lives a lot easier and what we're going to do is we'll come here to the edge select select this edge here on the left or your left and go double g so double g and just slide it over it you can see it kind of parting away like that then come over here onto your mirror modifier enable clipping and then go g x and move it back on x and it'll snap back in the middle there so because you've enabled clipping and now when you try and move that it won't go anywhere so now we've got one piece that's mirrored so let's start by so one good way not to overwhelm yourself when you're working with cloth is to make sure that you start with low low poly geometry and then add in detail progressively so let's start by taking the top edge here we've got our edge select option here in our front of graphic view we're going to go g and just kind of move it down and in this case i'm going to move it to about here but i don't want to move it in too much we want a little bit of overlap here under the armpits because it's going to be kind of be wrapping around the subject here and in this case because we're making kind of like the style of dress we're doing i'm going to take this edge and my front feet i'm going to rotate it up like that doesn't make much sense now but it will a little bit later and i'm just going to put it right here just underneath the armpit there okay that's exactly what we want and then we're going to select the bottom part of the dress here and this is kind of up to you if you want a really short dress you can keep it there but i'm going to go just kind of like to the knees and because this is kind of like a 50 style dress it's going to be a little bit more conservative anyway so i think just probably around the knees or lower would make more sense but once again really up to the style of dress that you're doing and once you have that basic pattern there right we'll get to the shoulder bits the shoulder straps later but for now we can actually add in some more geometry so i'm going to come here i'm going to go ctrl r so hover over this edge here if you go control r you should see a yellow line appearing and what you can do is roll your middle mouse button up and that's going to add more segments now i'm going to add in a specific amount i'm just going to go with something that looks like this okay so about this much don't go too low because we want us to have quite a bit of geometry so it deforms properly so i'm going to go with something like that okay that's about enough to get started with and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to hover over this edge now and i'm going to go ctrl r and i'm going to see a yellow line appearing then i'm going to roll my middle mouse button once again and add in segments till it kind of looks squared out so we have all of these little squares and now we have some geometry that can be deformed around our character which is fantastic so now we can go to our edge select here oh it's already enabled what am i doing and this is where we're going to kind of make the shoulder part so we don't want to go too far in it's going to look really weird so what you want to do is come about here where the shoulder starts on your character or your subject and you're going to come here and select an edge holding and shift just select the edges up to about this much okay and then you can go e to extrude and you can extrude it up to about where the ears are and i know it seems quite long but maybe just underneath where the bottom of the ears are on your subject and then you're going to go s and just kind of scale that a little bit but not too much then you can come hover over one of these edges go ctrl r and then once again roll in some edge some cuts okay so we're going to go with something like that we're trying to match the size of these squares up with these ones roughly okay and once we've done that um we can get into the next part so um there are two ways we can go about this um i'm trying to think about i'm so this is one of those things where it's kind of you can already grab this dress and you can extrude it out like this to make the back part but then if we already it might make a little bit more tricky removing some of the bits here that we need to remove to make segments um i'll just show you so let's just actually start then by extruding i think that's the approach we'll take so with all of this selected we're going to just go e to extrude and once again the exact same thing we don't want any sort of penetration here so just go and move it along the y once you've extruded it till it's at the back of the subject like so right and one thing we can already start doing is just selecting go to your face select option here and we're just going to select these faces in here in the inside here so holding and shift you can select all of these or you can just select this face and then shift control then click on this one it'll select everything in between so we want to grab these guys here and we'll go x and we want to delete those faces okay and then we want to grab all of these ones here like so all the way down to here all of these ones in the arm section here like this l shape here we want to select all of those faces hit x and delete faces and then we want to do the same thing with the bottoms anywhere where there is an opening you want to delete those faces okay so that's all for now and you can see here we've kept these sections here we're going to kind of delete them but we're going to leave the edges in i'm going to show you how to do that so select these guys here and also these guys here just select all of these faces on the side okay another easy quick way to do that if you don't know the shortcuts is just go to your right orthographic view and wireframe just drag and select and you should have all of those selected okay and once you do that you can go x and you can go delete only faces now it's super important that you only delete the faces because you want these edges here to be left and that's going to kind of tell the cloth sim where to pull verts together so the whole dress doesn't just fall apart into two pieces so once you've done that you can now decide where you want to kind of make the art details like the different sections i'm going to start roughly at about this i'm going to select this guy over here this face and then holding and shift and control i'm going to come down follow along here and click on this one and it's going to loop select or edge select all of these here and i'm going to go and do the same ones at the back so follow along and i'm going to holding and shift click on this one shift control and then click on this one make sure not to select the wrong one so just i think i've actually selected the wrong one so just these ones here so one easy way to look is just to go into your front orthographic view hit z and go to wireframe and they should line up okay make sure they're the same ones then you can go x and delete only faces very important and then we're gonna come here and skip two rows and we're gonna do the exact same thing come down here skip two rows like that go to your front of graphic view z wireframe make sure they line up hit x and delete only faces so we only have those edges kind of connecting them like that okay and that could be it for now if you want but i'm going to add one more little detail i think looks really cool and i saw this on a reference on pinterest i'm going to click on this face here and i'm going to go all the way down here shift alt click on this bottom one just trying to select a whole row down to the bottom then i'm going to go x and delete only faces it's going to kind of create this little floating island here which is what we want and we're not going to do it on the back so it's not necessary in the back just the front and then you this is optional here but i'd recommend it i'm going to try and make this a separate piece so just select these faces here and these faces at the bottom here hit x and delete only faces so now you only have edges connecting those like that and now we can actually get into our cloth simulation so we might come in here and tweak things a little bit for now just leave it so we're going to tab out of edit mode and one thing you need to know so you might already have a character that you've rigged and it's posed but you need to select your character mesh and you need to make sure that you go to your physics and you make sure that it has a collision if you don't have a collision the cloth isn't going to know to interact with the subjects you need to make sure to give it a collision it's also important that whenever you add a collision you need to make sure that when you go and select the subject and you go to your modifiers that it's always going to be underneath the armature here if it's above the armature it's not going to work so always make sure it's just underneath that like so and now this is going to know to interact with the mesh so make sure you're in frame one and then select the actual clothing you need to go to your physics as well that's where our cloth is and just give it a cloth now um if you were to actually hit the spacebar and play this it's not going to do much for you because we actually need to go and do a little bit more with the settings here so let's go over down on our cloth here and we need to go to the shape and under the shape here we need to enable sewing so or sewing okay so click on sewing and now if you go to frame one and you hit the spacebar that's kind of what we're looking for here and you can see that looks a lot better but it's not quite what we want and i'm going to show you it looks like really kind of more like a granny dress it's not very elegant so this is kind of where you can come in and do a little bit of editing and because we haven't baked this yet um it's fine we can just kind of drag back like this and go into edit mode and just kind of make it a little bit better so let's come over here to our proportional editing and then go here to your vertex select option and then hit z go into wireframe and now we can kind of just select so i'm just clicking here and dragging and selecting these verts and in the front of graphic view with proportional editing enabled we can just go g and move it and roll our middle mouse button to control the fall off and just kind of make it a little bit more elegant like just try and make it actually fit the pattern or order the subject a little bit better like this okay it doesn't have to be perfect so i'm just bringing it all in like this and then we're going to go back into object mode and on frame one we're just going to hit the spacebar again we're going to keep trying this till it looks right so you can see over here it's not looking quite right some dresses have kind of like a wider part here in the middle and the bottom but i don't quite like that so i'm going to tab out of edit mode and i'm just going to come and just select these verts here you don't have to do this but i'm going to do it i'm just going to select these verts here i'm going to go x and delete vertices just to get rid of that column and i'm just going to select these guys here and with that proportional editing enabled so just selecting these verts i'm going to go s roll my middle mouse button down and just kind of scale that a little bit and i'm going to do the same thing at the back here once again you don't have to do this it just really depends on what you're going for so just something like that tab out of edit mode go to frame one and then hit the spacebar and that's kind of how you do it so kind of a process of elimination you can see here it's a little bit too saggy under the armpit so just tap to edit mode select these two verts under the armpit go to your front view and just move them in a little bit closer tab out of edit mode go to frame one and hit the spacebar and this is all you're essentially going to do till it kind of looks right now at the moment it doesn't look too fantastic because one of the issues you're going to see here the dress kind of looks like it's floating here so we need to just go click on the subject here go to the collision and under here under the thickness outer and inner we need to make these values smaller so in my case i'm just going to go point zero one and i'm gonna make this one down here smaller point zero one go to frame one and now i'm gonna hit the spacebar and see if that gap is a little bit better okay so that's a little bit better so you can keep decreasing that number till it looks right but i'm just going to leave it at that for now then i'm going to select address and i'm going to go back to the physics and one thing we need to do to add more realism to this that is going to slow down a bit but we need to add in self collision so the dress can actually react with itself so we're going to go over here to physics go down to the collisions and click on self collision and we can leave the quality steps as they are right now and then just go back to frame one then hit the spacebar and that's already looking quite a lot better again so let's just quickly add a few more things here let's go to object mode with address selected enable shades move and let's also go over to our modifiers and on top of the mirror and the cloth or underneath it we're going to add a solidify modifier to give it some thickness and then we're going to minimize that and we're going to give it a subdivision surface modifier in fact just grab the subdivision surface modifier and put it above the solidify by dragging it so what we have here is the mirror the cloth the subdivision surface and then the solidify okay and make sure they're in that order for this to work and now you can kind of see the pattern a lot better so just let it play the animation starting at frame one and you should see a nice looking dress like that and remember this is a 50 styles dress so if it looks a little bit weird it's kind of not in this error so let's just kind of grab this dress and let's go down materials and this will just this isn't a shading tutorial but just so we can see things better i'm just going to add a material and i'm just going to come here to the viewport display i'm just going to give it a color okay any kind of color it doesn't really matter then i'm going to create another color go new i'm just going to leave the viewport as white tab into edit mode and then i'm just going to select some of these sections okay that i want to be a specific color um just that i can see them standing apart so i'm just selecting these verts like this i'm just gonna come here to solidify just grabbing these guys and then i'm assigning a different color you don't have to do this i just like doing it so you can see it the differences here just selecting these guys and adding a different material so this is something i'm not going to really go into too much detail because it's already so um simple so the main focus here is actually the cloth i might just scale that in a bit i'm not going to spend too much time on this anymore we're just going to get into the final caching but yeah that's all i did is just added that as an extra detail and yeah so let's just quickly um cache this out now caching is where we just kind of essentially you know make sure you save this file somewhere then go to your physics and with your cloth here selected we want to go over to our cache and in this case the our animation here mine in this case is 120 frames long so at the end frame value here under the cache i'll make it 120 because obviously i don't want the whole thing to run to 250 if the animation isn't even that long and we know that the animation is starting at frame one as we can see here so let's just leave it at frame one now we're going to come here and click on bake and it's essentially going to bake this cloth sim into our blend file here and then we'll save it again and i'll show you what it looks like so that's just going to take a few minutes and i'll get back and there we have it it's now finished caching make sure whenever you cache just to save the file and then go you know to frame one and let's hit the space bar and see what it looks like so there we can see we have a nice looking cloth simulation that is playing along with our animation now once again i did show you like you could spend some more time moving things around so i didn't in this case you can see i might have to um up the friction a little bit because the dress is kind of sliding off that's not quite what we want but you know you can kind of get the idea here so um it look it looks pretty good it's a nice looking dress so in this case if you do have it sliding off what you need to do is obviously just delete the bake okay so just delete the bake and then you have to come into edit mode and simply just move things around this case i can grab the in edit mode just grab these verts over here i have proportional editing enabled i'm just gonna go g and just kind of move them over closer to the subject like this so they're not kind of um out so much then i'm going to select the subject and i'm just going to go to the collision and i'm just going to go over here to the friction and it's on fire at 5 at the moment i'm going to make it something like 10. okay now if we go and select the cloth again make sure to save the blend file and go ahead and just click bake again and let's see if that looks a little bit better so i could redo this tutorial and not show you guys this mistake but sometimes that happens and then i'm just showing you what you might be able to do about it if you run into that issue so once this is done um let's see if that issue is better okay so it's now done caching in and let's go to frame one hit the spacebar and there we can see that looks a lot better um hopefully it doesn't slide off the arms this time and we'll see what it looks like okay so it's a little bit better but still sliding off but um anyway this is how you make a nice cloth simulation in blender and hopefully you guys enjoyed this i'm going to be putting this blend file on patreon and i'll probably work on it a little bit more just to make sure those sleeves don't slide off there's some things i'm going to do about that but what i'm going to do now as well is i'm going to just show you guys some issues you may run into when you do this in fact i'm just going to quickly fix that i think one thing i could do besides just upping the friction is maybe it'll not even look decorative i'm going to come in here and i'm just going to select an edge back here and i'm going to go e x and extrude it along the x until they snap together then i'm going to come over here ctrl r and just roll in some extra geometry like that and now if that little extra section there tab out of edit mode and i'm just going to delete the bake and just rebake it and hopefully that helps that out so let's just see what happens there okay so that's done caching so hopefully that little trick there will help this one thing if you're playing the animation it's a bit laggy just select address and go to your modifiers and you can just in the viewport here disable the subdivision surface modifier it'll still show under render and that should just speed things up a little bit so that's what i'm just going to quickly do and now you can see it's working the way it needs to work and i think it looks pretty cool so i'm sorry i had to do that i'm a little bit ocd about it it's sliding off i had to fix that so now that we've gotten that out of the way i'm going to quickly show you some issues you may run into so sometimes what happens is people complain oftentimes or mention in my comments that their dress just shrivels up into the body and oftentimes that's simply just because the dress is too small compared to your model so in that case you could just scale it up a little bit go ctrl a and just make sure to apply the scale when you do do that always apply the scale and that most of the time will help but another thing you might have to look at is actually going to your cloth and under the shape here actually when you enable the sewing make sure to kind of mess around with the max sewing force and the shrinking factor now i could go into what those are kind of but it's kind of irrelevant because i've always figured that found out it's always very different depending on what you do the character the scale of your scene so that's one of those things you're just going to have to experiment with and re-cache but in the most part if you just spend like a few minutes trying some things out you'll figure out what works for you and it's really not that hard and intimidating so if you run into those kind of shrinking up shriveling up issues make sure to look into that some people have said it just falls through the character once again make sure you add a collision to the subject and also make sure the collision is in the right place in your hierarchy that's a big mistake people sometimes make i'll be making this model available on my patreon like i said and i've got some other cloth examples on there from previous tutorials as well by the way and there's a lot of stuff on there and i really do appreciate the support i'm getting on patreon it really helps me to keep making this sort of content so i think that's enough said for now about making this sort of 60 styles dress i'll see you guys next time for another tutorial
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 555,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, Cloth sewing Blender, Blender sew cloth for beginners, Blender clothing for beginners, easy cloths in Blender 2.92, Blender 2.92 cloth simulation tutorial, Blender tutorial for cloth easy, Beginners cloth simulation in Blender 2.92, easy Blender 2.92 cloth simulation for beginners
Id: W9GDWKzf1mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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