Blender | Cloth Sewing | Basic Shirt Tutorial

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welcome back to another tutorial guys and in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to make a basic medieval style kind of shirt in blender so this one doesn't have a lot of fancy little bits and rims it's just as basic as a shirt can get and i'm going to show you how to make the main body part first and then i'm going to show you how to go into edit mode and add the sleeves as an additional thing the reason i'm doing that is just to kind of teach you a workflow to show you how you can add the different parts to the shirt even once you've made and model the main shirt you can always come into edit mode add different parts and just rerun the simulation so this is a bit of a different workflow than some of the other cloth ones i've done so if you think this is something you'd like to learn keep watching and as always i will be putting these little project files on my patreon which is also in the description below so uh let's get started i hope you guys like it as i've mentioned in the beginning if you are going to be using this on a human kind of character make sure that it's in a stationary t-pose to begin with if you're animating it or if it's just stationary so you just want it to be in this kind of t-pose arms slightly bending down to the ground you can see here this character is nice and central in the world here and i've got my 3d cursor here right in the middle of the character so when i do add in my plane i know it's going to be nice and symmetrical with the subject here so to get started i'm going to go shift a i'm going to add in a simple plane you can see it's in here and if your character is kind of like this small compared to the plane just scale it up try and get it more to kind of more realistic a realistic scale so i'm just going to something like that should be what you're kind of looking for so you're gonna take the plane and you're gonna go g z and you're gonna move it up to about the middle of the body up here and the upper half and if you go to your right view it should also kind of be in the middle like that you don't want your subject too much forward or too back so just something like that nice and even you're going to select the plane tab into edit mode and with all of this geometry active you're going to go r x 9 0 and hit enter so now it's up straight we're going to go g y and move it forward in our scene so now we're going to our front orthographic view this is what we should see so with this plane active we're going to go into our modifiers i'm going to give it a mirror modifier i'm going to go g to move it over to the side enable clipping and then bring that back and it should clip together so we're gonna bring it about here and you can see that these verts down here should be roughly here just underneath the crotch and then these ones here should be just underneath the shoulder here the the bottom of the armpit we ain't going to go e to extrude it up too bad here i'm going to go r to rotate it and then g to move it down just like that and once you have that done you're going to hover over one of these edges and you go ctrl r you're going to see a yellow line appearing that's a like an edge that's being added in i'm just going to double click and add that in and now you can see we have this i'm going to go to my edge select option and just select this edge over the shoulder by itself and i'm going to just rotate it slightly and i'm going to go e to extrude it up to here and we should have something that just looks like that now what we're going to do is we're going to select this edge down here i'm going to go e to extrude that one out to about here okay so so far you can see how it's all coming together now one of the issues here is that it's going out too far from the center part of the body here but at the same time we could enable proportional editing and bring it in like this but then it's going to be too narrow that this edge here is going to be too close to this edge here and we want to subdivide this in half night and have nice even edges faces so what we're going to do is we're going to just select this edge roof proportional editing enabled we're going to go g roll the middle mouse button and we're going to move it in but we want to make sure that we keep the spacing of those edges kind of even so we're going to go to something about that much and if any of these edges are kind of uneven just select them and just move them like this we want nice even spacing between these edges here so you can kind of see where i'm getting at here we're then going to go to vertex select option and we're going to select this vert here we're going to go g to move it down a bit select this root here and bring it kind of more closer to the arm grab this vert here bring it down and then bring this guy out a bit so just something that looks like that okay not too hard to do they're going to hover over one of these edges here we're going to go ctrl r and we're going to roll our middle mouse button just to add in about three cuts or so three edges and these should all almost look roughly like even squares right we don't want something that looks kind of like this you know you can see we have this face here but then compared to the face above it or next to it it's just way too long so make sure these faces are all kind of roughly the same volume and just roughly should be fine over here you can see these are a bit too long so we're going to hover over this edge ctrl r and just click that in so now these faces look a little bit more even so that so far it's going pretty well this is what we have it looks about right so we're going to hit a to select everything we're going to right click and we're going to go subdivide i'm going to go down to our subdivision tab and under the number of cuts we're going to bump it up to 2. and now we have more geometry to simulate here so what we're going to do now is we're going to hit with all of this active we're going to go e to extrude we're going to extrude it back and we need to extrude it back or move it back till it's not intersecting with any of the back geometry so just bring it out about this much and once you've done that come in here and with our face select option enabled we can select these faces in the inside here so i'm going to select this face here holding in shift and control i'm going to click on this face here and it should select everything in between and we're then going to come to the next opening which is under the arm here and we're going to select all of these faces i'm holding and shift clicking in this face and then shift and control and clicking on this face here and it's filling in everything in between then the next opening is going to be at the bottom so i'm going to do the exact same selection technique to select all of these faces and once i have all of the opening areas selected i'm going to hit x and delete faces i'm then going to come up here and select these three faces and i'm also going to select these faces here and what we're going to do this time is we're going to hit x but we're not going to delete the faces we're going to go only faces so the difference there is it does delete the faces but it leaves in our edges for us and that's going to tell which these vertices here which ones they need to connect with on the opposite side when it all kind of sews together in our simulation so what we can do now is tab out and don't worry about like if we run the simulation or anything it's not quite right at any time because it's non-destructive you could come in here and edit things so with this selected i'm going to go to object mode and enable shades move and also just quickly tab into edit mode hit a to select everything and just go alt n and just go recalculate outside because at the moment the back extrusion here has the faces or normals pointing inside and the same direction as the one we duplicated from which can give us some issues with our simulation and when we add a solidify modifier so just doing that kind of corrects the normals so they're all facing towards the outside of the geometry so go back into object mode and now we can make sure that if we select our character here we go to our physics make sure it has a collision so collision modifier is important and under your modifiers if you do have an armature or a mirror make sure the collision is at the bottom of the stack that's super important we can now select our shirt which it is at this point and we can go to our physics and we're going to click on the good old cloth simulation here and what we need to do is you know if we did hit the spacebar now you can see yeah nothing interesting so what we need to do is go to frame one and we do come down and we need to come over to under our physics and the cloth we need to come on down to the shape here and there's going to be this nice little option called sewing which we're going to enable and now if we hit the space bar from frame 1 look at that we have this awesome cool looking simulation and what you can do as well if you want to make it look even better is you can come over here to the self collision under the collisions and enable that as well go to frame one then hit the spacebar and it looks even better pretty cool and remember what i was saying earlier if you don't like anything you can just tab into edit mode and you can just adjust things because you know you have the ability to do it um so let's come in here and enable proportional editing and in our front orthographic view we can hit c and in wireframe mode i'm just going to select these guys under the armpit here and i'm just going to go g and just kind of move them up and in towards the armpit a bit more maybe select these guys here and i'm just showing you guys just how cool this is i mean really at any time i can just come in here and select these verts i can enable my proportional editing i can move them around edit them you know i got so much freedom with this and it's just really really cool it's very um forgiving kind of workflow so i'm just gonna maybe move these guys down a bit and the nice thing is we kind of already have the rough shape established we can just simply come in here and just customize it make it kind of fit our character the way we want it to you know and when we go into object mode again just go to frame one hit the space bar and re-simulate and that's pretty much it that's a really simple way of making a shirt let's just quickly add a few more things to this let's go over to our physic modifiers sorry and let's add a subdivision surface modifier to smooth things out and let's add a on top of that a solidify and now let's come to our thickness and just drag that out a bit and now we have some thickness to that and the cloth looks even better so with your cloth here you can go to your physics at any time and you can mess around with some of these physical properties like for example the tension the bending the spring and at the moment this does look a little bit levery so you could try you know bringing down the bending amount and the tension and the tension amount a bit so i might just take tension down to something like seven go to frame one hit the spacebar and that looks a little bit better but yeah let's also just quickly i'm just going to quickly just give this a viewport color here so i'm giving it a material just giving it a nice viewport color i just like the way that it looks pretty cool and there we have it i could quickly show you guys if you wanted to how you can add an extra part to this if we just tab into edit mode and we go over here to modifiers i'm just going to quickly disable the solidify just so i can see what i'm doing if you wanted to add kind of the part that goes out you know like the arm piece you can come in here and just select these edges in here and inside of the arm right here and you can get e to extrude them out s to scale them a bit and then e to extrude them out down to here s x and just flatten them a little bit r to rotate and then you can come in here hover over one of these edges ctrl r and roll your middle mouse button to add in some geometry then you can actually just select this whole new piece we've created like that and just so we can see it's its own piece i'm just gonna go to my materials click on a plus go new and assign and i'm just gonna make this kind of like just a bit of a different color like that right so what we're going to do now is we're going to go actually i'm just going to shrink the selection just by one row and i'm going to go shift d y i'm going to move it back to where the arms are back here um the back of the arm and i'm going to go to my edge select shift alt click on this edge to loop selected and in this inner edge here just to select all of these edges then if you go ctrl e you can go bridge edge loops and we've bridged them i'm gonna get this funny normal thing going on here so just hit a to select everything alt and and go recalculate outside and that should fix that normal issue and all you have to do now is just select these edges here these edges here and go ctrl e and just bridge the edge loops once those faces are active hit x and go only faces and now we have that all set up and that's just a really quick way to add in different parts so i'm going to select these bottom faces like that edges and then i'm going to come in here select these edges here ctrl e i'm going to go bridge edge loops and go x only faces and now those are all connected all we have to do now is go to face select shift alt click on one of these edges here and it'll select all of these faces in here and in these ones in here as well hit x and only faces so now we have all of those edges connecting the verts tab out into object mode go to frame one hit the space bar and then check out that simulation so yeah that is kind of how you can make a cool shirt and it's kind of more like a medieval style kind of shirt very basic so i'm going to go to my modifiers just enable the solidify and yeah that's what we have i'll quickly show you one i did earlier which is this one here which is kind of this medieval style shirt and yeah it just looks really cool it's really fun to play with and i hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and if you make something really cool with it i'll see you guys next time and stay safe you
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 12,269
Rating: 4.9768338 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender 2.83, Blender 2.9, cloth sewing, Blener cloth sewing, easy Cloth in Blender, Blender cloth physics, How to make clothes in Blender, CM Matetr, Ian Hubert, Blender guru
Id: -f5RgG_Yywg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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