How to Create a Low Poly Tree in 1 Minute

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control our and cut the default Cuban half moon scale up the middle and scaled on the sides with those top two faces selected start control right clicking to extrude up your tree scaling if you once in a while here we can split our tree extruding right with one branch and left with the other if you feel need for some reference add in an image background add some more loop cuts to make faces for more branches branch out here a branch out there and you got a decent looking tree using the images as planes and on importing the branch texture align the origin point up at the start of the branch and add in for loop cuts cut around that branch now and delete the excess faces add some variation to that flat plan create a new vertex group for that tree select the outer branches and a science weight paint mode for tweaking new particle system choose hair make that ten choose advanced under render choose object object is that branch select the vertex group we made Drew's rotation and global Z randomize to poles branches down some random phase and random scale and 300 branches now with an HDR loaded choose transparent for the branch material and an add shader and a translucent shader connecting it to the bottom connect up the color we have light passing through our tree and a bark texture for the tree unwrap with you smart UV project scale and movies up and in the specular and normal Maps and bike billowy guru tree
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 5,756,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tree, Tutorial, Easy, Blender, Free, Fast, Low Poly, 1 Minute, Beginner, Blender 2.8, Lazy Tutorial, mrbeast, teamtrees, game engine, Unity, Unreal
Id: y7PdiGXbrD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 1sec (61 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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