Blender | Sew Pants & A Shirt + Animation | Beginners Tutorial

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okay so you want to add pants and a shirt to your character in blender I'm going to show you how to do that step-by-step today so you can see this is pretty much what we're going to be doing and this is due to a very big amount of success I've had on the video I posted four days ago about cloth sewing that has almost 60,000 views now and I've had a lot of questions that people have been asking me how do I add pants and a shirt to my character how do I stop the pants from sliding off and how do you add it to an animated character that's been the number one question so this is what I'm going to be showing you guys how to do today we're gonna actually be importing a character if you don't have one I'm going to quickly show you how to set it up in blender how we're gonna quickly add a very quick animation to it and then how to add the pants and the shirt in this case it's like a sports style kind of apparel how to add it and you can see it's a little bit slow here but if I turn off the subdivision surface modifier this is pretty much it and this guy and another more advanced example I'm going to be making them available on my patreon for the free dollar tier or higher so go ahead check out the link for that in the description below but if you don't on patreon don't worry I'm going to be showing you where to download this free model on the internet don't need an account and then we're gonna just quickly animate it and add the clothing you can see this looks absolutely amazing and I'm gonna be step-by-step so hit like and subscribe and let's get into this really awesome tutorial I hope you guys learn something and enjoy it okay so first of all those of you who do not have a model to work with you're gonna go into the description below just gonna be a link to download this guy over here so when you open up the link it's gonna come to this it's gonna be free you don't have to create an account you're gonna come here and click on downloads you're then gonna click here it's gonna download this file and once it's down downloading you are gonna come to your downloads folder and you're just gonna extract that so he's going to go and use whatever extraction software you use so I'm just going to extract the file here and here you have this blend file so just take that blend file and drag it onto your desktop or ever you can accessorize I'm putting it on my desktop and then I'm just gonna open up a fresh scene in blender and I have reasons for doing this it's just so we get a fresh workspace and we're just gonna hit a and an X and just delete all of these objects in our scene we're gonna get a file and a pen and this is go to our desktop or wherever and this case I put mine on my desktop I'm gonna click on that blend file go to object and I'm just gonna grab all of these objects here and go append so here we have this guy now in a fresh scene there's a reason I'm doing it because if you just open up that blend file that you downloaded it's just it doesn't have to work space quite right so this is an easy fresh way of solving that problem so what we're gonna do is just gonna select the character over here by clicking on it holding in shift we're gonna select the armature here so you have both of these items selected then you're going to go control I or command I to inverse the selection you're going to hit X and you're gonna delete and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna select the armature over here and we're gonna hit one to go to a front orthographic view come over here to your timeline and we're gonna come to the end frame value and make it 100 and Ferdie and hit enter so we've got 140 frames work with they want to come here just drag this up over here make sure you're on frame 1 and on frame 1 of this armature selected when it go into our pose mode over here so just go to pose mode and we're quite simply just going to give this guy a t pose it's going to make things a bit easier so just grab the arm over here on the right this arm bone and then go R to rotate it out and then just grab this guy here and write it out a bit as well just like that and let's just then hit a to select all these bones and we're going to go eye and this is insert a location and a rotation keyframe here now this has come to frame Ferdie and the reason we're gonna have this T post just for a few frames is because when we initially model this cloth around T pose we needed to kind of snap to or simulate and collide with the body before we can have it animate so always have about 40 seconds associate and freely frames as they should work okay so on Fame fruity with all these bones selected we're gonna go I again and insert a location and rotation keyframe so now we're gonna help this hold here which we're gonna need in a T pose and then with something simply come to frame 70 or 80 so let's just make it frame 75 in this case so in frame 75 just do any kind of animation you want and this is just for demonstration purposes so nothing fancy just going to grab this foot bone down here at the back and just move it up like this go to the front or forget it for you and then just grab the hip just move it over a little bit so it kind of looks like he's doing something just like this doesn't have to be fancy just maybe something like that and grab the chest here maybe where I tended out a bit and maybe even rotate the head a little bit so just get something that you think looks cool so just to test out the cloth so I'm gonna maybe bring this arm up a little bit more then with that done I'm gonna hit a my just right at the hip a little bit okay so hit eight just like all of these buns and I'm frame 75 we're gonna go I want to insert a location and a rotation keyframe and then we're just going to simply come to frame 120 and we're gonna type in here this is hit F free on our keyboard that was gonna type in clear post transform so if you just type in clear pose and you click on cleared pose transforms it'll set everything back they're going to go I and insert a low location and rotation keyframe so this is just a little example animation so if we go to frame 1 we should hit the spacebar you can see we have this example little animation here so it's not meant to be a final animation or anything fancy it's just to demonstrate how you can add the cloth that we're about to do to sewing so as far as this character goes here I'm just also going to just tap into edit mode of it so just grab the character going to edit mode and just quickly enable proportional editing I'm just going to select there's a vertice here at the front build vertex and just move it back a little bit like this and just correcting a few things over here might just grab this guy bring that in a little bit and X mirror should be turned on said should happen on both sides and I'm just fixing some of these things up a little bit on the model and we don't want too much pointyness here which is something like this doesn't have to be too fancy maybe just bring grab a vertex at the back here and just bring it in a little bit just like this and then let's just also give this guy a subdivision surface modifier so give it a subsurf modifier and get rid of the original one that I just got rid of there and the reason we need is to have a nice smooth surface is because when we go over to our physics tab so our physics tab over here we want to give this mesh a collision so click on the collision here we can now see it has collision and the reason we want to be nice and smooth so when our cloth I'm in two acts with the surface it's not going to be a rough rigid surface so the smoother this is the nicer out our simulation is going to be found cloth selling so in this case I just get giving this guy a subdivision surface modifier and on top of that afterwards we gave it a collision so you should see any modifier stack an armature subsurf modifier and in a collision and once you've done that this guy is now ready to go so we can get into making our cloth now and I'm going to show you how to make pans and in a shirt and this is gonna be really fun like as a first of all this is organized our workspace a little bit so I'm just going to select the armature by click on it and let's just hit m2m key and we're gonna go new collection and this is called as rake and go okay click on OK and you can come over here - you've seen collections just click on the little tick box here and that'll hide that rig but it is still very much active you can also just hover over this just drag it down this is a little bit more real estate to here to work with and once we have an organized scene we can go into a front orthographic view and I'm gonna go shift a better measure options and just add in a plain weave this plane selected we're gonna tab into edit mode and if all of these vertices selected we're gonna go our X lines you're gonna hit enter if you have proportional editing enable just disable it and then we're gonna do is just give this guy a mirror modifier and then go a to select all this and go G X and just move it over to the side enable clipping and then go G X and just merge them together like this so just something like that should be fine so now if you go G and you move it you see they're merge together so this is tab out of edit mode quickly go G Z and bring this guy up to about the groin area here and then we're gonna tap back into edit mode and we're working in and out of edit mode so we can preserve this little origin point here so kind of don't want it to be sitting at the bottom here so in edit mode full of this selector we're gonna go G Y I'm just going to move these four vertices forward like this and I'm going to show you how to very quickly turn this into some pants so what we're gonna do is we're gonna select this bottom vertice or vertex first I'm going to go G and just move it up just below the groin over here you can go Z and go into wireframe if that helps select this vertex here and go G and move it over here and then I'm going to grab this vertex here and bring it in over here and then bring this one down a little bit so just something like this and if it makes things a little bit easier you can also grab your timeline here and drag it to frame 0 where our character is in the T pose so we don't get the arms here on the side I could make things a little bit easier okay so if that done what we're gonna do is move our mouse over here mouse cursor over here we're gonna go to control R and you should see this yellow line appearing so just double click and that's gonna add in a loop that loops select it go double G and it's gonna slide it over so we're sliding it over and they're gonna grab this vertex here and holding in shift we're gonna select this vertex here and it was simply going to go E and extrude these guys down and we want our pants to be about down here now obviously this is up to you it's your character so if you want really long saggy pants you could do that but I'm just going to go something like basketball pants almost over sport pants and what we can do now is grab this vertex is bring it out a little bit more and we do want to think about the width of this and even though this these pants look a lot wider than the character we want to give it a little bit of extra girth or curvature or a bit more volume because you got to account for it wrapping around this surface here so something like this or even a little bit more extended is okay you don't have to worry about it so now if we have these pants roughly done what we're gonna do is we're gonna add some geometry so without mouse cursor over here go ctrl R or command R if you're a Mac user and just roll your middle mouse button to add in some loops and about this many double-click and do the same thing up here control-r and then roll in some loops about this mini double click and then you can come over here at the top control R see the yellow line appearing roll your middle mouse button and add in some of these so we want these to love roughly look like a square grid we don't want any faces that are like almost like a rectangle like this there's more square you can keep them the nicer this is gonna work so I just keep that in mind and I like to add materials earlier on especially so I can see the color difference between dis mesh and the mesh it's working on so I'm just going to go down to the materials tab just click on the new here this is called as cloth one and simply go down to the viewport display and just make a darker and increase something like the roughness I just like the look of that in the viewport display personally click create another one just click on the little plus go and you and I okay you don't have to sign it but just call this cloth to and I'm just going to make this one red or something in a viewport display and increase the roughness so now in the front view what I'm going to do is shift alt click on this loop of vertices up here and go ctrl + to grow it twice and then I'm going to just go and just assigned a cloth to material and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go shift alt and click on this top drive vertices and go e-z and just extrude it up once more to about here and then I'm going to go to my face select and I'm going to go click on here to select a face and holding in shift and alt or shift and ctrl click on this space here and that's going to select everything in between they're going to go X but we're not going to delete faces we're only we're going to go only faces and essentially that's just gonna leave these these edges in for us now you could do it like this if you wanted to and then just duplicate over to the other side but you could run into some issues where it extrudes these edges as well so I would recommend not doing it this way though you could it'll just be a bit harder so I'm going to just go ctrl Z or command Z to undo that okay but you got to remember that this later on is going to be we're going to delete these over here but for now what we're gonna do let's do the same thing down here so we're just going to go shift alt click on these shift and alt you can click on these and faces here and they'll just loops like these faces and I'm going to assign that cloth to material and eventually we're going to be deleting these faces in between here leaving the edges but for now these are our pants so what we're gonna do so we're going to hit a to select all of this geometry and once you're happy with these pants you can get e to extrude them and I'm going to extrude back to about here right and once you've done that you can click on this face here and then or you can just hit the C tool and it's gonna bring up the C select tool and you can just select these faces at the top and go to X and just delete those faces you can also hit the C tool down here and just leave these select these bottom faces and go X and delete these faces and we don't need any faces in here because these are the opening areas of the pants obviously we don't need them there but what we need to do now is we need to click on this face here holding and Shift + Alt is a quick way just click on the face up here or shift in control and it's just select everything in between and once again you can also hit C and just bring up the C select tool and select everything in between so totally up to you how you want to do that and then what we're gonna do is go to our object out of properties here so click on it go to the vertex groups and we're gonna go + I'm gonna go and assign these vertices to this group here right and this is cool this sewing and it okay or enter and if we now hit double a to deselect all of this and we go select we should see all of these are selected by in that group which is what we want and then we're also going to go and ctrl and shift and just click inside of here and then click over here that's just gonna select everything in between and then we're gonna go if that group sewing group selected we're gonna go a sign and a good way to test this once again deselect everything you know if this selected we can go select and it'll show you what it is in that group well we also need to do now this with all of these faces selected out here and in the groin area we need to go X and we're going to go only faces so that's going to only delete the faces and the edges which is exactly what we want and then we're going to add this little detail that I told you about so going shift and alt when it click on here to select all of these faces shift and alt click on here and then in here as well so to select all of DS and shift alt click here it just liked all of DS all right and then what you're going to do is you're going to go X and you can go only faces but before you do that also just make sure to assign with all those faces selected then go X and just delete only faces so now go to your vertex select option and with the sewing group we're gonna go select and you should see all of these vertices in the sides and in the inside here selected and these guys here that have to kind of snap together where we have these different bits down the bottom and these different bits at the top but nothing in between that and nothing at the top here and nothing at the bottom sleeve every here should be selected and what's going to happen is where these vertexes vertices are in this group if there's a edge between them that's kind of where they're going to snap together without edges right that's why we don't want any of these guys added to this group like two inside ones here so just so you guys understand what's going on and you know what the issues are if they come up so let's tab out of edit mode and what we're going to do next is add a cloth simulation to this and make it look really cool okay so if depants selected what we need to do is go over to our physics tab down here so click on a physics tab now let's give this guy a cloth simulation or cloth modifier and first of all just under the cloth settings here at the very top we're gonna take the quality steps just bump it up to eight if you have some issues you could bump it up to ten eleven if you want some better quality but I find eight works fine for this sort of thing then simply just you can drop down this physics property so I'll just close it we don't need that we're just gonna simply go down to the shape for now and just enable sewing so that's obviously what does this about coughs owing so and able then we're going to get back to these two settings here in a second but then we also want to make sure the cloth can actually interact with itself that's very important so let's go to collisions here first of all just set the quality here to eight as well and we're just going to come down to the self collision option here and enable that now as far as this simulation guys if we just quickly plant-wide if you hit the spacebar on your own frame one you play it you're gonna see it's gonna run but you're gonna have some issues that we need to deal with and that is the depants going to slide off so if you remember earlier we when we just set this guy up we on our modifiers here we added a collision as you can see here we have the armature to subdivision surface and the collision that we added over here so just come over to the physics setting and we're going to with this guy selected under the collision settings here and we should want to come down to the friction and make that really high so I'm going to make something line something like 50 you can experiment with that but 40 50 should do the job then you can go to object just select the pants as well and just go to the object and just an April shapes move I just like the way that looks a little bit better but you can see now if we go back to frame 1 and we hit the spacebar it's not going to slide off so that looks a lot better now and once we have pants that are not falling off here we can get on to the rest of the thing but you can see just right up front just with those few settings like this this actually looks pretty good but some people have said that they get kind of like a big gap between the simulation and the object that you're working with so if some things you want to try everything that you have that that including the cloth and the thing that it's simulating on are applied so if you ever scale it an object mo just go control a and make sure to apply to scale that's also very important what you also want to do is with the character here selected is under the the collision settings you want to come to this thick thickness outer and you want to make it a bit smaller so you can make it point to 0 0 1 for example and that's just going to close the gaps in between here as well and I might make this 1.200 one on the inner value and you can also grab the cloth itself and under the collision settings you can come here to the distance and you can also decrease this number here if you're not happy of the cap so making them all really small turn back to frame 1 and then hitting the space bar just to play it you can see this is too much so point 0 1 might be better under this and back to frame 1 hit spacebar so just mess around of that you guys kind of have an idea what's going on there but what we also want to do is under the self collision if we have too many of these gaps that aren't closing we want to come to the self collision distance here we're going to decrease this I'm going to make my point 0 1 and then give that a shot I've got a frame 1 hit the spacebar and just till you get something that you like but for now I'm kind of happy with these settings over here but let's get back to our actual sewing so let's go it back up to the shape and under the shape we're going to go to the sewing and we're gonna go to the max sewing force and obviously as the name suggests the more you increases the more it's going to kind of like pull together so if I make this like point 1 for example and then go back to frame 1 hit the spacebar it's just not enough so what we're gonna do is we're going to take this this max sewing force and maybe gradually just increase it so let's give 5 a shot and 5 is okay but you can see it's still not quite where we want it so let's just maybe even try something like 12 and this is where you can just gradually go up and see what works for you so 12 seems to be okay maybe just bump it up in my case I'll probably go up to 15 and then what we can do is we can also come over to the oops our accident he made the friction over here 15 so just go over to the distance under the sewing here and make this 15 and this is see what's happening there okay so that looks okay and then also here the shrinking factor we can make that something like point one or point to but anything more than that usually it crumbles up so this is get out a shot okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to make the shrinking factor point zero five and then I'm going to make this max sewing force twenty one and I'm going to give that a shot so this is one of those things you have to mess around with till you get something that you like but in this case these settings over here seem to work quite well now what we're going to do is well of these pants while we have them selected this we're going to go to modifier stack just minimize this mirror and minimize this cloth and they're going to go and give this guy a subdivision surface modifier and then on top of that we're gonna add a solidify modifier just to give this a little bit of thickness and that just makes it look really cool and this looks really awesome you can see we have some nice wrinkles in here and it just looks like some really nice pants and that I'm quite happy with so I'm gonna quickly show you how we can cash this out and actually maybe not case yet I think next we'll actually just get started with this shirt and and this shirt is gonna be attached to this so we don't really have to change much more of the settings it should be okay but after that I'm going to show you how to cash it out and with the animation I guess I've already covered a shirt like I said in one of my earlier videos but I'm gonna cover it in this as well show you how to add it to this so let's just grab the pants here tab into edit mode and I'm in about somewhere between frames 0 and frame 10 so that's fine just so we get the pose where we wanted to be someone has tab into edit mode of these pants that selected and just any vertex on here selected just hit L or ctrl L and that's gonna select everything and you can just hit H to hide it okay so what we're gonna do next is model the shirt so I'm gonna go while we're in edit mode now and do keep in mind we are inside of edit mode so we're gonna go shift a in the edit mode I'm going to add a plane we're going to go our X lines you're hit enter we're going to go G Z and just move this guy up here and in a modifier stack we just want to disable the subdivision surface modifier and the solidify modifier then go into your write or for graphic view and then go G and just move this guy forward go to your front orthographic view and then just go G and move it over to the side just so they snap together and then bring it back in right so just something like that and for now I'm just going to go to my materials tab and this cloth - just so I can see it a little bit better just makes things easier and the shirt is even easier than the pants so what we're gonna do let's grab these two vertices at the bottom and maybe bring them down a bit to about here and then you're gonna grab this vertex here bring it down just under the arm bring this guy down to bed here control our double click double G just slide in a edge loop here and then I'm gonna grab these two vertices and go e to extrude them up then R - sorry R to rotate them and then control are once again in here to add an a cut click on these two vertices here and get e to shoot them up to here grab this guy over here and just bring it down like that it's already we're very quickly making a shirt as you can see here and we're going to come over here ctrl R just add in two cuts and control our just add in one over here and we simply want all these to be roughly looking like squares they're gonna hit a just like everything right click and we're gonna go subdivide and then we're gonna bump this up to about four should be okay so we have now four level of substitution Derek's just bring this down just deselect everything and now we have a shirt ready to go but what we can also do just to smooth things out a bit is we can go to our proportional editing here click on that and then your front view you select this corner of vertex here Gogi and just move it out and you can roll your middle mouse wheel as you're going so just move it out to here like that it doesn't really matter you can also hit a to select all of this and go to your smooth tool and just kind of smooth things out a little bit but you don't have to go too crazy so just go back up here okay so now we have our shirt quite simple what we're going to do is get to a face like option here and with all of these faces like we're going to E and just extrude it back to here and then we're gonna click on this face down here and in Shift + ctrl click on this face up here it's gonna select everything in between then go X and delete those faces and then the same thing in here just delete those faces and also the opening at the bottom you select them and delete those faces and now what we're gonna do is just shift and ctrl or shift the command click on these guys here these guys here so it doesn't matter how you select them just select them and disabled portion editing and then we're gonna once again go to our object data properties and remember to sewing group or create earlier we're just gonna assign those so assign them then go X and just go only faces then go to your vertex select option and then with this sewing group selected hit select and you're going to see those are the faces or the vertices that are selected so what I'm also going to do is just select all of these vertices at the back then go to materials tab and in fact just go ctrl I to invert the selection so all the ones at the front and then once at the front we're gonna give that cloth one material but all the ones at the back you will have that cloth two material so let's tab out of edit mode and then we're going to go to our front first keyframe again and then we're gonna hit the spacebar and it's going to run the simulation and see what it looks like okay that actually looks quite nice and once again with this selected just go to object and enable shapes move so you get some nice shape smooth shading on there that actually looks pretty cool and you can see that this shirt is going to be tucked in and the reason that is is because you go back to frame 1 it's kind of sitting just a little bit it's gonna wrap just a little bit faster because of how it is like it it just does a shirt always seems to wrap faster because it's wrapping faster and the pants a bit slower the pants are going to kind of wrap on top of that and because we have self collision enabled they should be interacting with each other because as far as blender is concerned and these are all part of the same mesh so you can go back into edit mode and you can go alt H and just unhide this if you want but yeah just if you ever get a little bit confused in here just select the vertices Pertex on any one of these hit L it'll select everything and you can hit H and then you can go old age so just a little bit of organization there but anyway so back to frame one just let that run a bit more and to see what it looks like so yeah I just think this looks absolutely fantastic and and once again and just to show you guys if you just select the clothes here and you go to your modifier stack you can anytime just enable the subdivision surface modifier and it solidify modifier anytime you want so that is so cool I really like it in fact you can see this a little bit of a hole in here and these some of these areas but and you could close them by messing around of your settings a little bit more but I kind of like it it just gives it some character I think you would see that on sports clothing sometimes so it's why I really like that but if you guys don't like it you can always come and increase the sewing force and maybe decrease the gap with the self collision as well a little bit all those things I've shown you guys over here just mess around with those settings but yeah so let's cache this mountain when I say cache it out means so instead of every time I open up the blimp file and having to wait for this to like run again if we have cashed out it's gonna be a lot better so what I'm gonna do is just simply with this cloth selected to go over to your cloth settings and just minimize some of these tabs here just to make things a bit more organized the only one we need to drop down right now is to cache and we don't want a case with 250 frames because we're only working with 140 so let's make this 140 frames and we're obviously starting at frame 1 and make sure to save your file please that is very important whenever you're working of simulations guys do yourself a favor and save before you simulate or bake say with that done I'm gonna hit bake and then we're gonna come back and see what this looks like okay so now it's done caching so let's have a look if we hit the space bar that looks absolutely amazing so we can see even with the animation it's all interacting and it looks pretty cool I think blender has a pretty good cloth um simulator and I'm really happy with it's not really enjoyed learning about it this is the stuff you can make and I just love these little read them details and wrinkles or to get where it's kind of join together and the pants kind of look like they're tucked in here it just looks really cool and if it's a little bit slow all you can do is select a cloth and go to your modify stack you can just kind of disable in the viewport so that should make it a little bit more real-time so you can see that's a lot faster but don't worry because you have the little camera enable there when you've rendered this it'll still render with the subdivision surface modifier but anyway this is the tutorial and like I said in the very beginning I'm going to be making some example blend files with one of my own models on my patreon and it's going to be on the free dollar-a-month tier as well that's definitely worth checking out guys if you like this sort of thing and it really supports your channel it helps me to do some research to look into things and just make really cool content for the blender community I really appreciate you guys and I hope you stay safe and look after each other and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 69,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sewing cloth in Blender 2.83, Sewing cloth in Blender 2.9, How to sew in Blender, Blender 2.83 cloth, Blender 2.9 cloth, Cloth simulations in Blender, How to animate cloth simulations on characters, Blender cloth simulation for clothing, Cloth sewing for beginners in Blender 2.83, Cloth for beginners in Blender 2.9, Cloth sewing Blender Easy, Add clothes to blender characters, Make pants in Blender 2.8, Make a shirt in Blender 2.8
Id: HPz5gk_AT6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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