Tutorial Inventor - 148 iCopy

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[Music] do [Music] hi my friends today we are talking about the icopic concept in inventor it can be used on many occasions one of them being the field of architectural constructions like this one i also placed human silhouettes yes to give you an idea of the proportions with this construction if we take a tour we see what is this about yes very interesting of course as always many ways can be used to achieve this particular construction however using the eye copy concept is one of the most effective let's see what is the procedure and be careful with the every step we start by creating the environments actually these two plates plane is x y and we draw a rectangle which has the midpoint in the center point and an arc between these two ends like this first dimension is very large 25 meters 25 000 millimeters home the radius of this circle is 22 000 millimeters and this dimension is 6 000 [Music] good we can delete this line and we apply the constrain finish sketch extrude 200 okay home or f6 this is the first plate the next one is placed at a distance of 4200 millimeters up we draw here another rectangle which has appropriate dimensions we project lines from the other sketch to make collinear the new rectangle on its sides we draw an arc again with a radius of 30 thousand millimeters [Music] the dimension is uh 3000 we can delete this line and we can apply equal between the sides it's the same thing and we make these two lines as construction lines finish sketch extrude 200 as well this plane is no more necessary and the last is a curve placed in a plane at 1 000 millimeters from the ceiling this is the floor and this is the ceiling yes to have names for them i create a sketch in this new plane and i project only this line f7 to and i make it construction line to create an offset of 2 and 500 millimeters the last thing here is to place on the same vertical ends of the arc this plane is no more useful i apply dimension visibility to have no dimensions here and i make something at the final i create a sketch here f7 with this two lines construction lines and another sketch up f7 rotate which has only one line normal line finish sketch what do we have here here we have three rails one two three and a path we'll use them to generate that structure we apply material concrete with aspect warm gray yes to have a texture like a concrete for the two plates this is the floor and this is the ceiling we save we save it under the name target pt because it is a part and we close it then we create an assembly where we place grounded at origin we save this under the name target assembly sc save now we have a target and we need to create a subject for i copy the plane is x z but in a specific position this one where we draw a triangle keeping control pressed we don't risk to make some lines perpendicular or constrained anyway i want to place a great dimension here 4000 home and i delete it in order to be at a scale finish sketch f6 this sketch must be adaptive and it must be as an export object you know the derived part we need to apply this specific option and then we place points at each tip of this triangle we save this object as a frame which is a part pt to uh remember save close next we create an assembly where we place the frame anywhere escape and we identify it this object which is free not constrained we constrain it to be on that three planes from the origin the constraint is made flush not made made why is that on why that apply x z with x z apply x y with x y apply we make this as an adaptive part then i activate the tool i copy author which is uh present only in the assembly environment not in the part environment and i see a dialog box without any tab if i select the object we have other tabs here the first geometry asks us to select the endpoints of each tip of this triangle by assigning a name to each one this is the button the next is upright and the last is up left then okay as you can see a new object is present in the browser i copy definition we save this under the name frame sc save we agree to save both and now we have all prepared we open the target target assembly and then we activate the tool i copy from this panel which asks us for the frame assembly as you can see we have to identify this triangle is now present here and we have to select which end of each rail corresponds to each point button is this one yes up right is this one and up left is this one okay they must be in the end plane all of them in other words all four starting ends of the rails must be in the same plane yes this is the first condition we go to the next tab we select you see we are waited to select the path and you see this plane which is really the end plane of the construction then we have to mention how many triangles to be created 26 and what is that offset the offset is one thousand millimeters we know that this is 25 meters and the offset is one meter so ah adding one at each end there are 26 as you can imagine next next we have proposed a lot of new elements which are to be created and they are created as you can see yes a lot of them i apply perspective to see better the situation as it was in the picture i presented before you see if you want i place also a silhouette here this one only one which can be constrained with its face on this face apply and with the align the bottom line the floor okay now you have a possibility to imagine what is the scale good and what next next is to select each lines from here to create to generate frames uh using what i presented in a tutorial the tutorial 141 okay how to do this i go to orthographic i i save this for the moment yes to be sure about the components okay we have to wait a little or a while there are many elements components there to be saved on the disk i select design insert frame square rectangular iso 160 with a wall of six and i'm expected to select lines one two okay frames with names okay other names you know from frame generator back to the tutorial number 141 and step by step frames are added as you can see to see better we go to view object visibility nothing to be presented and also neither surfaces sketches that's all we don't want to see all the details yes now i come back to perspective and as you can see we have a number of frames placed on each line here of course you have to apply notch or miter to make end treatments let's apply this miter to these two objects okay and you see now they are okay you have to do this to all frames here okay that's all for today thanks for watching bye [Music] you
Channel: Constantin Stancescu
Views: 2,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, Tutorial, 3D Modeling, Training, Beginner
Id: JgG4_5BLaEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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