Arbor Press || Autodesk Inventor Tutorial

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hello viewers welcome back to our youtube channel 3d parametric solid model ranks [Music] today we will create an assembly file of arbor press in autodesk inventor in this video you will learn the full modeling process of this model and its components we have used 10 power files and one assembly to make this model [Music] if you want to get the file of this model i have given the link address in the description of my video by visiting that link you can get it easy okay that's it so let's start the tutorial first of all we will create an arbor press frame like this let's start an inch bar file from here and click create okay that's it so let's start the 2d sketch command from here okay and now select the xy plane from the design window to start the new sketch okay create a line from the part origin and its length will keep 8.625 inches now draw another line from this point okay its length will keep 1.5 inches draw two more lines on here its length 1.5 inches okay that's it draw a vertical line from this point like this create another line on the upper side and its length will keep 2.5 inches apply the dimension between the upper line and the baseline okay it will keep 9 inches draw one more line on here its length will keep 1.184 inches now we will draw an arc between the end points of the line like this to connect the sketch now we will draw a vertical line from the end point of the line okay create another arc over the outside and its radius will keep six inches apply the dimension on the inside arc x radius will keep three inches okay fix the dimension on this line 3.125 inches apply the dimension 1 inches between these two center points of the arc fix the vertical constraint between this point and this point okay apply the tangent constraint over the inner arc end line okay that's it now we will fix another tangent constraint over the outer arc and line like this okay all right now my sketch is fully constrained on the design window so we will exit from the sketching environment now we will activate extrude command from here okay now see my sketch is automatically selected in the design window set the extrude distance value 3.5 inches and click ok now see here my first execute feature is created in the design window okay all right now go to the material panel and select the semi polished material okay that's it go to the view tab and select the two lights option now we will increase the brightness of the model by adding one more light okay see now my model is looking perfect save the power file with the name arbor press frame in the arbor press assembly folder click save okay all right now we will create a new sketch over the top face of the frame activate the project geometry tool from here and take the project of these three edges of the frame draw a horizontal line over the mid of this projected edge convert the entire projected lines into construction geometry now we will draw an an aligned line from here like this and create an arc between this endpoint of the line and centerline fix the radius of this arc 1.25 inches apply the tangent constraint on this line and arc okay fix the angular dimension 15 degrees between these two lines create one more line over the opposite side draw another arc on here its radius will keep 1.312 inches and fix the tangent constraint over the both ends of the arc now we will create a mirror of these sketch lines and arcs over the opposite side we will draw one more vertical line on here to connect the sketch okay finish the sketch now we will activate the execute command i will choose the intersect option okay okay and then next select the all option click ok to finish the command now you can see my shape is created as i want wow it looks great save the power file let's start the new sketch over the front face of the model now we will take the project of the outer edge of the frame okay draw a vertical line from here now draw two more lines on this bottom side like this apply the co-linear constraint over the edge end line give the dimension 0.375 inches between these two lines this line dimension will keep 2.365 inches now we will give another dimension of 2.434 inches between these two lines okay that's it now create an arc on the end points of the lines to connect it fix the radius of this arc it will keep 3.375 inches okay all right apply the tangent constraint between this arc and line okay now we will convert this curve into construction geometry and draw an arc on over it okay finish the sketch activate the extrude command and select the sketch profile now choose the cut option and fix the distance value of 1.469 inches click ok now see the result my slot is cut over the frame now we will start the new sketch over this slot phase okay now take the project of these model edges okay all right create a vertical line on here and its length will keep 1.984 inches and take the offset of this outer curve and line inside the offset distance value will keep 0.375 inches okay that's it create one more horizontal line over the end of the sketch okay activate the slice graphics command from here now we will trim this line on here okay we finish the sketch now we will activate the extrude command okay and select the sketch now we will choose the cut option fix the distance value 0.1 to 5 inches and click ok all right let's start the sketch over this phase now we will create a circle on here and its diameter will keep 1.75 inches take the project of this side edge okay and fix the horizontal constraint between the midpoint of the projected edge and center point of the circle create another line over the top edge okay fix the vertical constraint on this line and circle now we will draw some more lines on here something like this apply the dimension 0.375 inches between these two lines create one more line on here and fix the dimension 0.125 inches between this line and center point of the circle now we will extend these two lines on this circle okay and trim the circle like this create an arc on here and fix the tangent constraint over this arc now my sketch is complete so we will finish the sketch activate the extrude command ok choose the cut option fix the distance value 0.875 inches and click ok all right now see now we will activate the plane command from here select the front face and back face of the frame see my plane has been created here over the mid of the model now we will activate the mirror tool from here and select the two extruded cut features from the browser bar now choose mirror plane option and select the spine click ok to finish the command okay now see the result create a new sketch over this phase and take the project of this face create a rectangle on here apply the dimension 1.75 inches between these two lines create another dimension on here it will keep 0.375 inches okay finish the sketch activate the extrude command and select the sketch choose the cut option and select to next option click ok see now we will create one more extrude cut feature over this phase of the model in the following way foreign okay that's it now see my surface of the frame is cleared on here okay it is looking very nice now we will change the name of this frame name it as mid plane and start the sketch on this plane now we will activate the slice graphics command okay create a circle on here and its radius will keep 0.75 inches apply the dimension 1.184 inches between side edge and circle create two horizontal lines like this and fix the tangent constraint between these two lines and circle okay now we will trim the extra lines and arcs on here like this and give the dimension 0.5 inches between these two outer lines now draw one more vertical line on here to close the sketch profile and deactivate the slice graphics command now rotate the model in isometric view by selecting the view cube okay okay activate the extrude command and now we will cut this sketch region one inches both side from the midplane by using the symmetric option okay that's it now see my slot is cut on here save the par file let us start the sketch over this phase and take the project of this edge now create a circle from this center point apply the diameter 1.172 inches okay all right activate the extrude command and cut this circle up to the inner slot face okay now see here in the same manner we will create one more hole over the opposite side of the slot base the whole diameter will keep 0.75 on each s create a new sketch on this face okay and draw the lines something like this okay all right this line dimension will keep 1.25 inches now create an arc on here and fix the tangent constraint over the both endpoints of the arc okay finish the sketch now we will activate the extrude command and select the sketch okay now choose the cut option and enter the cut depth value 0.594 inches and click okay now we will create the mirror of this extrude cut feature over the opposite side of the frame activate the fillet command and fix the fillet radius point six to five inches now we will give the fillet on these two edges of the frame okay all right in the same manner we will apply the fillets over some more edges of the frame like this now we will create a new sketch on this inner face and take the project of the mid plane draw a rectangle on here fix the coincident constraint between the midpoint of the rectangle line and centerline now we will fix the diameter of this circle 1.063 inches okay set the dimension 0.75 inches between the center of the circle and outer edge now we will fix the tangent constraint on circle and rectangle lines like this we will trim the extra line and arc like this okay convert the center line into construction geometry activate the extrude command and cut the sketch through all over the body okay now see create a sketch on this face now we draw a horizontal and vertical line on the side edge okay and draw an arc on here its radius will keep 1.75 inches okay finish the sketch cut this sketch region 0.125 inches and click ok now we create a mirror of this cut extrude feature like this and apply the fillets on these four internal edges of the frame okay all right we will rotate the model in the back position let's start the sketch on the bottom face and take the project of the space now we will take an offset inside of this outer projected edge the offset distance value will keep 0.312 inches okay that's it finish the sketch now activate the extrude command and cut the sketch profile 1.1875 inches click ok now see the result start the sketch over the front face and draw a rectangle on here fix the width and height of the rectangle will keep 2.562 and 0.125 inches apply the dimension 3 inches between side edge and rectangle line fix the co-linear constraint on this line and this edge now activate the extrude command choose cut and through all option and click ok now see here my another slot is cut over the frame part create another new sketch on the bottom face now draw a rectangle on here fix the dimension 1.999 inches between this line and center point of the arc fix the height of the rectangle 3 inches apply the co-linear constraint between both sides of the rectangle line ok finish the sketch now we will activate the extrude command k rotate the model in this position and fix the x2 distance value 0.5 inches now see my feature is looking perfect create the sketch on the midpoint enable the slice graphics command now we will take the project of these two edges and draw an aligned line and draw an aligned line like this set the angular dimension 30 degrees between these two lines okay finish the sketch now we will activate the extrude command and select the sketch select the cut option and then next we will select the between option ok at first so we will select this internal face of the model rotate the model and select the opposite side face and click ok now see here my taper face has been made rotate the model in the rear side and activate the fillet tube set fillet radius 0.125 inches okay now we will select these four bottom edge of the part and click ok now see it looks great create the sketch over the front face okay all right now take the project of this face draw a vertical and horizontal line on the mid of the projected sketch like this convert the entire sketches into construction geometry now we will create two points on the both sides of the center line and fix the symmetric constraint on over it fix the dimension 1.25 inches between both the points apply another dimension 0.25 inches on this point and etch now we will create a mirror of these sketch points okay that's it finish the sketch now we will activate the whole command from here you can see here my sketch points are automatically selected in the design window select the tabbed hole option in the whole dialog box choose the distance option under the termination area thread specifications are the same which you are seeing here okay hold hold depth will keep 0.752 inches and third depth will keep 0.5 inches click ok to finish the whole command now you can see here my four holes are created on the frame ok it is looking perfect now we will create the sketch on this face and take the project of the whole edge draw a circle from the whole center point its diameter will keep 1.374 inches okay finish the sketch we will activate the extrude command and select the sketch region okay fix the distance value 0.375 inches and click ok create a new sketch on the top face draw a circle of 0.1 to 5 inch diameter on here okay and take the project of this edge and apply vertical constraint between this edge and center point of the circle give the dimension 0.188 inches between this edge and center point of the circle okay all right finish the sketch we will activate the execute command and cut this circle 1.355 inches okay that's it now we will start the sketch on this face draw a circle on here and its diameter will keep 0.406 inches apply another dimension 5.6 to 5 inches between these two center points of the circle this dimension will keep 0.75 inches okay finish the sketch now we will create a hole over this face by selecting this circle now we will create a mirror of this hole over the opposite side of the frame like this now we will create another small hole over the front side of the frame like this okay all right let's start the sketch on the front face draw a vertical line over the mid of these two edges now create a rectangle over this edge fix the coincident constraint on this rectangle to fix it its width will keep 0.749 inches apply the co-linear constraint between this line and bottom edge now we will create a slot by selecting this rectangle by using extrude command slot depth value will keep 0.752 inches now we will create a mirror of this slot feature over the bottom side of the frame like this rotate the model over the back side okay and start the sketch on this face take the project of these two vertical edges like this okay activate the execute command select the sketch and set the distance value 0.67 inches and click ok now see my face is plain on here in the same manner we will fill this oval surface in the following way okay that's it now my frame is looking perfect now we will apply the fillet now we will apply the fillet to some more remaining edges of the frame now we will create one more small hole over the top face of the model like this okay that's it create a sketch on the front face draw a rectangle on here and fix the co-linear constraint between these two lines okay finish the sketch now we will cut this sketch region 1.059 inches now we will apply the fillet on these edges of the frame okay the fillet radius will keep 0.125 inches and apply some more fillets over the inner edges of the slot face okay that's it save the profile finally my arbor press frame component has been completed here i hope you may like this model so now we will close this spar file okay and start the new inch power file from here now we will start the new sketch over the xy plane choose front view create a center point rectangle from the part origin and its width will keep 1.75 inches and height will keep 2.5 inches okay finish the sketch rotate the model in isometric view now select this line and activate the execute command okay set the execute distance value 0.5 inches and click ok now you can see here my first extrude feature has been created in the design window now we will change the material of the model as semi-polished okay and we will change the light of the model as two lights okay save the power file with the name face plate click save okay that's it let's start the new sketch over the front face now we will activate the project geometry command from here and take the project of exit plane and yz plane okay now see activate the point tool from here okay and create a point on here and select this point and this side h and apply the dimension 0.25 inches now we will select the upper edge of the model and this point it will also keep 0.25 inches now my point is fully constrained on here okay now we will activate the mirror tool from here okay and select this point click continue button select this vertical line click apply okay now we will select these two points okay select this line click apply button now you can see here my four points has been created on here now we will convert the entire sketches into construction geometry okay finish the sketch now we will activate the whole command from here okay now you can see here my four sketch points are automatically selected on here the whole preview is visible in the design window okay choose flat option under the drill point area under the termination area choose the through all option and click ok now see my four holes created over this part now we will activate the fillet tool and apply the fillet over the four corner edges of this extrude feature the fillet radius will keep 0.25 inches click ok now see my part is looking perfect now we'll start the sketch over this face and create a center point rectangle from the part origin its width will keep 0.875 inches and height will keep 1.5 inches ok finish the sketch choose isometric view by selecting the view cube now we will cut this rectangle 0.125 inches from here ok now see my slot is cut on here create another new sketch over this internal slot face now we will create a point over the center line and fix the vertical constraint over this point and the center point and apply the vertical dimension between these two points it will be 0.5 inches okay now we'll take the project of x y plane okay activate the mirror tool select this point click continue button select this line click apply now see finish the sketch now we will activate the whole command and select the tabbed hole option from here okay choose the distance option under the termination area now we will select the 0.19 hash 10 option under the size area under the designation area we will select the 10-32 unf option okay hold depth whole depth value will keep 0.75 inches and thread depth will keep 0.5 inches and click ok now see my two tabbed holes are created on this face okay it looks great now we create a new sketch on this face okay and create a circle from here its diameter will keep 0.73 inches now we'll apply the vertical constraint between the center point of the circle and part origin okay apply the dimension between these two points it will keep 1.472 inches okay finish the sketch now we will cut this circle through all over the body like okay now see my another slot is cut on here activate the filler tool and set the flat radius 0.125 inches okay now now we will select these four internal edges of the slot face like this and click ok now see here my fillet has been applied over these four edges okay it looks great now my part has been completed on here so we will close the profile now we will create a new power file name it as pinion shaft okay so we will create a new inch power file on here let's start the new sketch on the xy plane now we will take the project off x-axis okay and convert this line into construction geometry now we create a slanted line on here like this and apply the align dimension on this line it will keep 0.586 inches now we will apply the angular dimension 7.5 degrees between this line and center construction line okay now my line is fully constrained on here now we'll create another line over the opposite side like this and its align dimension will keep 4.404 inches now select this line and center line and apply the same angular dimension 7.5 degrees that we had done earlier now we will create an arc from this end point of the aligned line like this and set the angle of this arc it will keep 3.86 degrees its radius will keep 0.404 inches okay now see now we will create another arc from this arc end point okay and apply the tangent constraint between these two arcs like this now we will fix this arc angular dimension it will keep 86.695 degrees its radius will keep point zero two inches okay now see now drag the sketch like this create a line from the arc end point its length will keep 0.047 inches like okay apply the tangent constraint between this line and this arc now we will create an arc between this line end point and center line okay and apply the angular dimension of this arc it will keep 16.396 inches fix the radius of this arc it will keep 0.109 inches okay that's it now we will activate the document settings option from here okay go to the units tab and and change the angular dimension decimal value up to three places click ok now see the result now we'll create another r from this point okay like this and fix the angular dimension of this arc it will keep 21.8 degrees now we will fix the radius of this arc 0.268 inches now select the end point of this arc and center point and fix the dimension 0.583 inches okay now my sketch is fully constrained on here select this line okay and convert it to construction geometry now we will activate the mirror tool from here okay and first of all we will select the entire sketches like this select this one this one and this one okay choose mirror line option and okay select this construction line click apply button to create the mirror of the sketch now you can see here my sketch is mirrored on here over the opposite side of the center construction line now we will create one more arc between these two points of the sketch to connect it okay its radius will keep 0.586 inches okay all right finish the sketch choose the isometric view now we will activate the extrude command okay it will automatically select the sketch profile okay now see here my preview is visible here in the design window now we will choose the reverse direction button on here and fix the extrude distance value 1 inches and click ok now we will change the material of this model as aluminium polished okay now see my feature is looking perfect it looks great save the power file with the name pinion shaft click save okay all right okay so now we will activate the circular pattern tool from here in the features tab we will select this extrude feature from the browser bar okay now select the rotation access option okay we will select this edge okay all right now see my circular pattern preview is visible here in the design window fix the pattern count value 12 and click ok now see here my teeth of the pinion are created here okay it is looking very fine let's start the sketch over the rear side of the model and draw a circle from the center point its diameter will keep 1.172 inches activate the extrude command okay extrude the circle 2.813 inches from this phase okay that's it now we will create a new sketch over the front face draw a circle from the center point its diameter will keep point 0.748 inches now we will extrude this circle 1.187 inches from the front face activate the chamfer tool from here fix the chamfer distance value 0.0625 inches okay and apply the chamfer on all the teeth of the pinion and model edges like this okay now see it looks great now we will start the new sketch over the exit plane i will choose the slice graphics option draw a circle on here and its diameter will keep 0.515 inches now take the project of the top edge and fix the dimension 0.5 inches between this edge and center point of the circle okay fix the vertical constraint between these two points okay finish the sketch now we will create a through all hole over the cylindrical surface of the model by selecting this circle ok alright now we will create a sketch over the date phase choose different view and take the project of the edge of one tooth and outer circular edge like this activate the section view convert the outer edge into construction geometry now we will draw two arcs at the end of the project sketch fix the tangent constraint over these arcs like this now we will create an offset of the outer circular edge okay and trim the extra lines and arcs on here like this now we will draw an aligned construction line between the end points of the arc okay all right create another aligned line over the outside and apply the parallel constraint between these two aligned lines fix the dimension 1.575 inches between outer circular line and center part voicing ok finish the sketch now rotate the model in this position and activate the revolve command from here see here my sketch is automatically selected in the design window select the aligned construction line for the axis of revolution now you can see the revolve feature preview is visible here in the design window choose the cut option and click ok to finish the command now see my slot is cut over the cylindrical surface of the pinion shaft by using this tool it is looking very fine now we will activate the circular pattern tool from here okay and select the revolution one feature from the browse bar choose the rotation axis option okay and then next we will select the outer cylindrical surface of the pinion fix the occurrence count value 12 and click ok to finish the command now my model is looking perfect save the power file rotate the model on the rear side okay now we will activate the whole command choose the concentrate option at first we will select this face and then next select the outer circular edge okay now we will choose the tabbed hole option all the settings are the same on here i will choose the full length option under the thread area whole depth value will keep 8 mm and click ok now we will change the material of the model as chrome polished on here it is looking very nice okay now see my part is complete on here so we will close the power file now we will create another new inch bar file on here okay okay and now select the xy plane to start the new sketch okay draw a center point rectangle from the part origin its width and height will keep 0.75 inches okay finish the sketch extrude this square 7.75 inches on the front side okay all right and change the material of this model as chrome polished it looks great save the part with the name ram okay that's it let's start the new sketch over the front face now choose the front view create a sketch profile something like this and apply the vertical constraint between the midpoints of the upper and lower lines okay now we will add the dimension on here it will keep 0.937 inches the top line dimension will keep 0.192 inches and the bottom line dimension will keep point zero six one inches apply the angular dimension forty degrees between these two slanted lines okay finish the sketch now we will cut this sketch region through all over the body by using extrude command now see my slot is cut on here activate the rectangular pattern tool from here first of all we will select the extrude cut feature okay click continue button okay now we will select this edge for the pattern direction choose the flip side button okay and set the column count value 23 the spacing value will keep 0.262 inches and click ok to finish the command now see here my teeth are created over the ram model it looks great now my part is completed on here so we will close the par file okay that's it now we will create another new each bar file on here okay now select the xy plane to start the new sketch okay all right create a circle over the center point fix the diameter 0.5 inches okay finish the sketch now we will execute this circle 10 inches on both sides from the x y plane change the material of the model as flicked set in blue okay it looks great and save the file with the name lever or okay click save and close the file now create a new power file from here okay choose xy plane to start the sketch now we will create two circles on the center origin point and outer circle diameter will keep 0.75 inches and the inner circle diameter will keep 0.5 inches okay finish the sketch extrude this sketch region 0.625 inches in this direction now change the material of the model as smooth medium gray okay all right now we will apply the chamfer on the front edge fix the jam for distance value point zero three one inches click okay now we will apply the fillet on the back edge okay that's it save the file with the name handle cap and close it create another new each power file from here okay start the sketch over the xy plane now we will create two circles on here from the center origin point and outer circle diameter will keep 1.125 inches and the inner circle diameter will keep 0.75 inches okay finish the sketch now exclude the sketch 0.375 inches on here save the power file with the name caller apply the chamfer on the front circular edge now we will create the sketch on the exit plane take the project of the entire model like this and convert all the sketches into construction geometry draw a point over the center line okay fix the vertical and horizontal constraint over this point like this okay finish the sketch now activate the whole tool choose the reverse direction button select the through all and tap the whole option on here we will select the point 1 10 in the size area and select the 10-32 unf size under the designation area and click ok now see close the par file okay and let's start the new inch bar file create a sketch on the xy plane now we will draw a circle from the center point its diameter will keep 3.5 inches and extrude it to 0.5 inches okay now draw one more sketch on this face take the project of the model edge and y z plane create a circle on here its diameter will keep 2.25 inches and convert the entire sketches into construction geometry now we will draw a circle over the intersection point of the center construction line and the previous circle and its diameter will keep 0.56 inches now draw two vertical lines on the both sides of the circle and apply equal constraint over these two lines and tangent these two lines on this central circle now we will erase the extended line and arc by using the trim command and draw a center point arc on here to close the skate profile okay finish the sketch activate the extrude command and cut this sketch profile through through all over the body now we will pattern this extrude cut feature four times by using a circular pattern tool save the file with the name table plate now we will change the material of the part as chrome polished okay it looks great now we will apply the fillets on these four slot edges of the part like this it is looking very nice now we will create a small hole over the center of this plate okay now my part is completed on here so we'll close the profile next we will create two miscellaneous bar files which name is group pin and gib plate in the following way okay close the power file okay that's it finally all the power files of the arbor press model are finished here so now we will create a new inch assembly file in autodesk inventor click create okay that's it now my assembly design window is visible on your screen first of all we will activate the place component command from the component panel okay now we will select the arbor frame part that we had created first okay all right and place the frame in this assembly by choosing the place grounded at origin option this time my assembly is fully constrained here no needed to give any mates over this bar because this part is grounded okay all right save the assembly with the name arbor press click save now we will activate the place component command from the design window and insert the part face plate on here okay now we will rotate the assembly in this position activate the free rotate command from here rotate the face plate model in this position now we will activate the constraint command from the relationships panel in the place constrain dialog box the main constraint will automatically be selected by default okay now we will select the whole axis of the face plate and the whole of the frame okay and apply the axis made between them okay all right now see here and fix another axis mate over the opposite side holes okay now select this one and this one and apply the mate constraint between them okay now my part is fully constrained on here we will insert the pinion shaft in this assembly rotate the pinion 90 degrees two times along the y-axis in the following way and fix the shaft over the large hole of the frame like this now we will fix the mate constraint between the inner face of the frame and the inner teeth face of the pinion ok now see the result my pinion is rotating on the whole axis of the frame now we will insert the lever arm on here and apply the axis mate between the cylindrical surface of the arm and and the hole of the pinion now we will apply another mid constraint between the y plane of the lever arm and exact plane of the pinion okay now see the result now we will insert the thumb screw into the assembly rotate the model in the following way and fix the screw over the front hole of the pinion okay that's it now we will give the mid constraint between these two faces of the parts and fix the distance value 0.125 inches now we will apply another mate constraint between the exact plane of the thumb screw and why is it playing of the pinion shaft now we will insert the handle cap into the assembly and fix the cap over the both sides of the lever arm in the following way bye ok alright my handle is ready to move on and now we will place the table plate part in this assembly and fix the axis mate between the small hole of the plate and frame now we will apply one more mid constraint between these two faces of the parts to fix it now we will change the color of the plate as gray okay return to the assembly now we will fix the angle made constraint between the exact plane of the table plate and this interface of the frame fix the angle minus 24 degrees and click okay save the assembly now place the collar part on here and rotate the part on the back side apply the mate constraint between the hole of the collar and the outer circular face of the frame now we will fix one more mid constraint between this face and back face of the collar part okay all right now place the gib plate in this assembly and fix the mate constraint between the face of gib plate and inner slot face of the faceplate now we will hide the visibility of faceplate okay we will activate the constraint command and apply the flush mate between the top faces of these two parts and set the offset distance value 0.605 inches now rotate the assembly and fix another flush mate between the front face of the gib plate and frame fix the offset distance value 0.559 inches now we will insert the part grouping and fix the pin over the hole of the table plate now we will insert the ram model in this assembly okay now rotate the rampart in this position now we will fix the mid constraint between the front face of the ramp part and the inner face of the faceplate fix another made constraint between the side face of the ram and the inner side face of frame part now we will drag the ram model on here to check the result we will insert some more bolts over the holes of this assembly by using the content center par files so now we will activate the place from content center command from here go to the bolts folder and choose the nsi option in the size filter section now go to the socket head bolts folder and choose the hexagon socket head cap screw on here we will expand the table from here okay now we have selected 1 by 4-20 unc 7 by 8 size bolt on here and click ok to place the bolt in this assembly we will insert the four copies of this poll on here you will see also be seen on the browser bar okay now we will place the bolts by using the insert mate command in the following way okay now my four bolts are fixed on the faceplate activate the place from content center command once again on here we will go on the set square folder now we will select the bs4168 cap screw on here we will expand the table from here now we have selected a 5 mm size cap screw on here and place the two copies of the cap screw in this assembly ok now we will rotate the set screws in this position now we will activate the constraint command from here okay now we will apply the axis mate between this set screw and this hole of the plate okay all right in the same manner we will apply another axis plate over the second bolt and second hole of the faceplate okay all right now we will apply a flush mate over this face of the screw and face plate all right and fix the offset distance value 0.15 inches now my cap screws are successfully fixed over the assembly okay that's it now we will rotate the assembly on the opposite side now we will place the set screw over the hole of the collar part okay we have selected a 5 mm nominal size set screw on here okay now we will rotate the screw in this position and fix over the whole of the collar part okay all right now we will drag the pinion and ram component on here see here there is no relationship established between these two components both the components are rotating separately on here next we will link these two components to each other by using the rotational oblique translation mid command okay that's it rotate the model on the opposite side activate the constraint tool okay now we will go on the motion tab in the place constraint dialog box on here we will choose the rotational oblique translation mate command under the solution area we will select the reverse option okay now choose first selection we will select this face of the minion model okay next we will choose the second selection select the vertical edge of the ram part okay fix the travel distance value 3.142 inches and click ok to finish the mate command you can see this made to go on the browser bar okay now we will drag the lever arm to check the result now my lever arm and rampar files are simultaneously rotating on here by using this mate okay it looks great now we will show the animation of this model by using the drive constraint command okay all right let's go to the relationships folder and we will change this angle mate value minus point two four to zero degree on here okay that's it here we will give a new angle mate between the exit plane of the pinion shaft and this interface of the frame okay okay now select the angle mate right click and choose the drive option fix the end angle value 180 degrees okay now i will choose the clear screen option to view the full assembly okay click the forward button to animate the constraint okay now see the result it looks great now i will click the reverse button to the back position finally my arbor press assembly has been completed here in autodesk inventor i hope you will enjoy this video if you may like this video please like and subscribe to our youtube [Music] channel [Music] please share this video with your friends and colleagues ok friends good bye
Channel: 3D Parametric Solid Model Drawing
Views: 8,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arbor Press, Arbor Press Autodesk Inventor Tutorial, Autodesk Inventor part modeling, Autodesk Inventor Assembly modeling, Arbor, Press, Inventor 2018 Tutorial, Autodesk Inventor Tutorial, Arbor Press Tutorial, Arbor Press Assembly Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 59sec (6419 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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