Autodesk Inventor - iCopy - Samples and Tutorial
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Channel: Inventor Video Solutions
Views: 26,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventor, showcase, icopy, tutorial, cad, 3d, tool, autodesk, autodesk inventor, copy, parametric, tutoriales, guide, autodesk inventor 2016, autodesk inventor 2015, autodesk inventor 2014, autodesk inventor 2013, inventor 2014, inventor 2015, inventor 2016, inventor professional, help, manual, istructions, industrial design, guida, aiuto, istruzioni, inventor mando, advance, 3d modeling, digital prototype, digital 3d, training, solidworks, solid, drawing, Technology, Software (Industry), Data, Office
Id: P_m_jQVkqHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2015
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