Tutorial - Creating a TrueNAS server in Proxmox.

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[Music] thank you [Music] so today I'm building a server and uh that server is going to have a piece of software called true Nas and it's going to be a network storage solution to holds all the uh all the videos that we make so on the bench they're just using an old case and uh Kevin donated that to motherboard CPU and RAM and once this is all together I'm actually going to use a product called proxmox which is a type 1 hypervisor and if you're not familiar with with what a hypervisor is um it's essentially a small program that runs that allows you to build virtual machines in it and what's great about a type one hypervisor is that you can give direct access to the hardware with the VMS that you create on it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay so uh the computer was uh set up and connected to the uh peripherals I was uh to be honest too lazy to connect up my uh video capture so I ended up just filming the screen uh so here we're just gonna uh do the proxmox install uh you need to download the iso and then uh get that over onto a bootable USB you can use uh Rufus or uh belena etcher or whatever um anyway that'll get you your your bootable media so that you can get the uh the installer going and uh basically um you just pick your install disk we are using that nvme so that's going to be the drive that this is installed on and I'm just making sure there's nothing in there I need to see this obviously erases the entire Drive and you need to pick your location so for me Edmonton is always the closest because nobody ever puts Calgary in there give yourself a nice password for uh what will be the root user I'm not entirely sure if you really need to put an email address I just put our YouTube Channel's address in uh of course right now I'm scrambling to figure out what it was but there you go and here it just gives you a breakdown of what's going to happen all right so we got our first reboot I've always seen errors when prox MOX boots this isn't my first go-around with it okay so here we are booted into uh proxmox and we have to get it set up to uh to install true Nas so here you can see uh the host name of the uh of this node it it would have been called PVE had I not changed its host name uh I just wanted it to say something else in home lab whatever that's fine um so yeah this is kind of like the the main sort of screen of rocksmox uh right now I've got uh disks selected and it shows you uh you know all the disks that it can see uh the nvme is obviously the boot partition of that server where proxmox is installed and then here's the uh the six uh eight terabyte hard drives that we're gonna pass through to trunass now there's a little bit of work that's involved to pass these drives through uh trueness um if if you just pass these through uh it won't pass through the drive serial numbers and there's there's some work that we have to do uh in a specific file uh that's gonna pass through these uh serial numbers to Pro to uh truenast so that it doesn't uh complain so we're gonna go through that step right now we're gonna upload the uh truenas ISO so actually I will uh just pause right here uh the oxmox has uh a local um kind of like a resource or a repository uh and this would be on the actual boot drive so my boot Drive is a terabyte and uh in this repository you can put your ISO images of the systems that you would like to virtualize so obviously we're going to do trueness so right now I'm gonna upload the trueness iso into this repository so that we can use it later when we when we build the actual VM so I'll let this continue okay ISO is uploaded it's ready to use and uh we can create our VM was my first attempt so we need to give it a name we want it to start at boot we have to pick our ISO image that that the installer is going to start from and uh obviously I'm checking the document again we can leave um we can leave all of this system stuff as default that's totally fine uh the disk is uh I mean you could leave it at 32 gigs but I'm going to give it a 64 gigabyte Drive which is fine for True Nas and here I'm going to give it some cores so I think I'm choosing yeah eight cores on one socket for Ram I'm going to uh give it uh I think 12 gigabytes is what I did and the network stuff you can just leave it alone it's fine we're gonna not start the machine right now because we have to do some uh tasks with these hard drives okay pausing the video this is our new machine that we just created um I believe that proxmox always starts at 100 but when you create a machine if I was to create another new machine it would be 101 102 Etc uh just be aware that um when we update some config files you need to know what your number of your machine is right so it's 100 I mean I only have one so it's not that big of a deal okay moving on pausing uh this is the breakdown of the machine so notice that under hard disk there isn't six eight terabyte drives yet so what we're going to do next is we're going to pass those hard drives through in this particular VM I only need to pass the hard drives through I don't care about uh passing the physical video card or the physical network interface Etc I only need the hard drives okay so here's where we're going to uh install a piece of software um and it's uh it's a it's a piece of software that's going to help you identify your hard drives and their serial numbers um I'll just say right now it took me a couple of attempts to get this to install I'll show you the error it doesn't exist and also I believe I was using the Ron syntax in my command here I'm going to actually just edit that out uh this portion out because nobody needs to see me fumble around trying to install a piece of software and then we'll pick up uh once I have this uh this little utility installed okay so now that I have the correct syntax to install this uh this little utility we'll go ahead and get that done okay and then we'll run that utility so okay just pausing the video uh here this is listing um your storage devices all we're interested in is uh is seeing the drives and their serial numbers and we're going to uh modify one of the config files of proxmox itself and I'm going to include the uh commands that I typed in to do this by the way Okay so this long command which will be in the description uh this is going to show us um the devices the hard drives I believe it's their uh logical location and their serial number which is exactly the information we need for the next step yeah so there we go there's our uh six eight terabyte drives and that's our boot drive so starting from SDA b c d e f Etc uh this is the uh the drive the vendor and its serial number and so these are the Western Digital drives and these are the Seagate drives and there's the uh serial number information that we're looking for each of those so right here off screen uh I'm actually copying um I'm actually copying this information into a uh into a word doc so I can append it with other information because we're going to be pasting this into the config file that we edit okay so here we're um using the command um to set the hard drives and their serial numbers into machine 100. so I'm going to do this six times and that will um not only pass the drives through to the VM but it should up update their serial numbers so I believe I go over here and I check to make sure that it was correct and yes there is there's that first hard drive so uh actually I should specify something um the boot Drive is uh is scuzzy zero and the next Drive obviously is one and then of course it'll go numerically up from there uh in the command that I typed in to pass this drive through uh you got to make sure that you um increase this by one each time so here we'll go back to the console of the shell and do it again so I'm just I have these uh pre-filled out in a in a notepad document so you can see there's scuzzy too and that's the next disk okay and there's all five eight terabyte drives passed through to the VM so now we're going to actually let me just pause uh actually hold on for some reason it didn't paste right I got to fix that okay so what I'm doing here is the CP command I'm going to back up the machine's configuration file to another directory just so that uh I have a way to revert if need be okay so now we're going to use Nano to edit this file so in Nano you use the arrow keys to move around and then you can modify your data and uh and then you can you can write out with control o and then you can exit with control X so what I'm going to do here on these six drives is I'm going to append the serial number uh to this and this is what's going to pass through to truenas so that truenas will see the serial numbers of these drives uh you would think that this is good enough because these are the serial numbers but it's actually not so you'll see that in a sec here okay so there's the first drive and just verifying to make sure that the serial numbers match and of course I have this in a notepad outside of this uh recorded window so I'm just copying and pasting okay so now you're gonna press Ctrl o and It'll ask you do you want to write and you just hit enter and it will write that file okay and now you just do control X to get out of Nano and I think we can go back and uh check the disks in the VM and there you see the serial number information has been appended to each one okay and now we can actually start the machine and click console to see the output so this is going to be installing true Nas into the VM that we just built and we'll choose one uh be sure to select your actual boot Drive which is the 64 gig spacebar selects it tab down this is your last warning and create a root password I just chose to boot in BIOS I'm sure that's fine uh I have enough RAM I don't need a swap okay so now we can just reboot the system and let it boot for the first time so first boot it needs to do a little um a bit of more configuration you so while it's generating this uh this takes quite a while I'll just uh fast forward through this okay so I'll just pause uh this is done now uh you don't have to do anything uh on the options that are showing now you can just go to uh on another machine go to that uh that URL and uh and you'll log in and then we can continue on with uh the rest of the setup inside of true Ness so building uh the choosing the hard drives and building the file system and creating a share and uh yeah let's get to it okay so there's the uh IP address that uh true Nas was showing us um on its uh boot screen and you're going to put root and then the password you set in true Ness okay so this is your main screen in true Nas and it has some various pieces of information to help you monitor your true Nas so as I said before um I I gave it uh eight cores and it's probably going to end up being way overpowered so I'll I'll probably bump that down in uh proxmox on the virtual machine itself I'll probably bump it down later um I just gave it 12 gigs I don't know why I chose that number it just that's what popped into my head I'll see if I need to adjust that later at some point as well um yeah and then you've got your network interface and there there's some other uh items that you can use for monitoring um I am by no means a uh expert in trueness uh this is actually only my second install of it ever so uh and you know same thing with proxmox I I kind of know how to use it um I've used it for a few years but again not an expert by any stretch of the imagination uh typically with things like prox Mox um for instance passing through the the hard drive serial numbers to True Ness uh I actually didn't know you needed to do that so while I was researching getting trueness running on top of proxmox I read an article that stated that if you didn't do that you'd have issues so obviously I researched it and I uh found the process and the commands that I needed uh I obviously don't know those off the top of my head as a matter of fact I don't know who would but because that's honestly what Google's for as long as you know what you want to do and you know how to search for it you should be fine okay so at some point here we're going to set up uh the hard drives in true Nas by the way if you are wondering why I keep moving the cursor around the screen in the pre-recorded I actually had narrated this as I went I'll just pause it here I narrated it as I went but the audio quality after the fact when I played it back it was horrendous um so I'm doing a voiceover now because there's no way I could upload that with the way that the audio quality was okay so here's our uh disks under storage um the 64 gig boot Drive and then the six uh eight terabyte drives so we have to create a pool and this is where we're going to add our drives that we want so we'll give it a pool name I think I just called it home lab well not whom home oh home pool yeah and you have to add the drives you want so you just pick all of them and add them so here uh I actually uh stopped for a while and I uh looked up the different raidsy uh levels um the original raid C would have given me something like almost 37 terabytes however there's no fault tolerance and raid uh Z2 I believe I'm sitting at which is by the way the one that I went with uh I believe I'm right around 28 20 uh just 28.9 so 29 terabytes of space so I lost like seven terabytes going to uh raid C2 um I I chose Z2 because uh again you can lose up to two discs before you suffer data loss and then Z3 just didn't make any sense for me so yeah I'll start that start the video back up okay now we have to select all the disks and create the array or well the pool I guess raid arrays uh more old school okay so there's the pool so now we're going to create a share and I'm just going to use a Windows uh share for now okay so we have to tell it where is it going to uh where is the share going to be so our pool was called home pool and I'm just going to have it create a folder um by manually typing it here so I'm going to call mine ingest even though I'm typing YouTube right now and I just left the permissions uh the same or the default here we just turned SMB on and now we're going to do the uh the permissions so I think I chose the home uh uh yeah the home setting which is like a pre-baked in permission set I'm going to pause it here uh the pre-baked in uh quote Home permissions uh actually didn't work for me um like out of the box so you know even though it says that everyone uh can can Traverse um I still couldn't get to the share from my other computer so I don't have it filmed right here uh what I did to fix that I think I'll add another uh small video at the end of this but essentially I had to go to the accounts and I created a a user account and I then made that user account um like the owner of this share and then that worked for me all right so here I'm creating um a user foreign and then here I'm telling it um what I'm going to have access to and I'm just double checking this what just happened okay so the end result of uh proximox and true Mass configuration is to get my uh Network share up and running and as you can see I've got uh 28.9 terabytes of space and I've got some folders that I use um there's a folder just for me and I'm archiving um our YouTube videos uh actually the uh the uh raw footage is all archived here and uh I've got a folder where I can put in some resources that we use for the videos um yeah I mean I've got uh I think quite a few years of uh space [Music]
Channel: K&M Projects
Views: 12,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Proxmox, TrueNAS, Virtual machine, VM, Network sshare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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