Turning my Worst Enemy Into my Strongest Ally with One Minecraft Mod

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while you might be able to take life I could bring it back [Applause] [Music] friends I've been the dad I've humiliated them and stole them memorabilia yet despite all of this I'm not the one trapped here between her and twelve wardens all thanks to this one anchor on the back hi today we're making a Minecraft more for my worst enemy but why well recently that said enemy named Lux intros helped me take down my rival windsweep who used to be a close Ally of hers until he organized a masquerade to fit poison half of the server and while she did help we're still not exactly on great terms so I figured I'd make a mod to get her back on my side and make her useful Ally now if I were to Chuck it up to just that I wouldn't be lying but I think I owe you a little more context you see while we are enemies on the SMP Lux and I have been close friends for a few years now and she's helped me time and time again with projects being the main artist for most of my mods so when I heard she wasn't feeling great after the Masquerade and eventually helped organize heavily I just had to bring her spirits up and do something special for her however I don't think I'll be able to do this alone I need help enter diansu one of vlog's closest friends and also an artist after throwing many 80s in a cool together we ultimately decided to set our sights on making a custom Minecraft weapon for her dinosaur mentioning that lux does have a soft spot for giant anchors that can be used as weapons and she does want to make one herself eventually so after a few days dinosaur came back to me with a custom anchor item model oh I'm liking this looks really good we are gaming right now this looks so good I do not know how clutch strike this oh and it looks incredible in game two I mean look look at this now not only does it look incredible but it also sounds and feel that way now since anenko looks kind of like a pickaxe I mean the resemblance isn't candy here I also made it so you know it just did it acts like one and when you use it underwater I made it have a little bonus mining speed because you know you're using an anchor underwater it just makes sense now we have our base idea but we still have something else we need to think about before we go any further see on this Minecraft SMP some people really care about law now I'm not one of them but Lux is so given we're still enemies I can't just give her the anchor like that it feel out of place and she might not accept it but I know someone who can so here's the pitch lux's law relies on multiple universes with different versions of herself existing so what if instead of me giving her the anchor it was one of these alternate universe looks is let's say from an aquatic universe that we'll name nodalux we have Nautilus travel from her Dimension to the main one talk with lurks give her the anchor and then goes back to their Universe now you may be asking cool story rat but why are you white well Lux is streaming in a week and the idea is to surprise her with all of this then but in order to interact with her again I can't just be me mid Folly my admin account on the server a separate character that lux is on good terms with hi Mommy I'm sorry Mommy sorry Mommy and since Foley is pretty much An Almighty interdimensional goddess she's gonna be the one bringing no looks from her Universe to lurks talking of interdimensional powers check this one out that's right I have another plushie and just like the first one it's in my nature to promote it and sell it to you like my newborn child look at how cute she is look at how pretty her eyes are look at how judgmental she is with that tender yet smoke expression and look how details she is without two adorable rats this time in fully fledged three-dimensional Space Case hard cuddle display slam drop kick drop kick she's perfect for everything she's done unspeakable Horrors yet deserves forgiveness so let her into your home but you have to hurry she will only be available for three weeks after this video's release she shifts worldwide and should receive her for Christmas just in time for her to warm you by setting fire to your kitchen after that she'll be gone forever and we'll join little sister in the wonderful world of overpriced eBay result so head into the description follow the link purchase her and rejoicing the fact that God is not dead just a plushie then you own it now there's still a few problems we need to sort out like how I'm gonna play both Folly and knowledge at the same time but we'll deal with that later right now I want to keep coding all right so I've made the income throwable that works that doesn't that's not how you should land now there's also supposed to be a landing sound oh oh that sounds nice that that's that sounds really nice all right there you go I think yes all right perfect perfect look at this bang you can plan it on the ground there we go look at that okay pretty nice pretty nice now initially you can throw it on mobs for deal damage that that's a problem but you know right now it's it's a little boring it's kind of like a trident but anchors have chains and you can reel them in so let's work on a chain shouldn't be too complicated oh it kind of works but why are you stretched why are you animated you're not supposed to be animated why are you not attached to the right Point why are you attached to my head that's even worse why are you wide why are you even wider all right so now I made it so you can throw the anchor and uh it will come back to you if it goes too far and on top of that as you can notice uh it's fixed look at how cool this chain looks it looks amazing it looks glorious but you know what else looks glorious now you have a back slot and uh and the best thing about it is that you can put pretty much anything in it so uh I need to try so much random stuff ah the ball looks kind of cool actually crossbow also looks Wicked that's a that's a weird way to wear a chest plate and that's a backpack and this is a weird Ender Dragon cosplay now that's left is to add the functionality of reeling in the anchor okay that is not exactly what I was thinking it would do uh okay this works this works wait what it no mine no it doesn't okay I think I fixed it okay watch this gosh see no problem easy clutch easy clutch when it when it's actually coated to work this is really cool you can do some really really cool clutches with it I you just okay so if you aim it on the ground you just oh my God no no no please please please all right the ground issue should be fixed but at the same time I'm not sure if this is going to change any of the other code uh yeah this this works really well I like this a lot and you know naturally it also works really well underwater it's a nice alternative to the Trident it works completely differently but at the same time feels I guess the same Niche wait hold on would that be super cool to Glide with an elytra while anchoring around oh my no it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't no and you know all that is fun but now this is the issue that when you use it on man city it's kind of boring I think it'd be funnier if you had a massive knockback [Music] okay the value may be a bit strong but I think you get my idea and you know how knockback is boring and just sends entities on a horizontal plane that's boring so I think I went ahead and added my own version of it which allows you to send entities flying it doesn't take much either you just have to have the right angle but you know what this is nice and everything I figured I'd make an enchantment that makes it work the opposite way so yeah this is now what it does and the further you are from The Entity the can the closer it'll get to you and to make it make more sense I moved The Reeling grapple feature to the enchantment that reels in entities and now when you hit a block with the anchor by default it will actually create a Shockwave that repels entities which actually you can also use on yourself like this wait hold on that makes me think what if you have both of them it's what I thought oh you can make some sort of superhero Landing oh I didn't plan that but that's really cool now the mod is done but we we still have a lot of work to do remember we need to give the anchor two locks there's another looks a different version of herself from an aquatic universe but where would we do that how about our old base goromont see I learned that recently Lux accidentally blew it up and decided to move to a new one this is perfect we can fix it up and make it the place where she meets not Alex and since she abandoned this base she won't visit it before the stream and so with the help of other members that we secretly informed we started rebuilding it and patching it up with a more watery theme all right now time to redo this place why is there a frozen cat at lux's place oh this is looking so cool oh my God this is great oh it looks all veiny like a Snickers you know I put scaffolding for you all right hold on you know I'm gonna try this with shaders oh my actual God it looks perfect she's gonna be so happy about this I'm so excited now you may be wondering rat you still haven't resolved how you're gonna pass those looks but you'd be wrong see while we were working on patching up the base other modders from the SMP coded nickname mod dance who decided to work on an aquatic luck skin and I found the perfect voice changer that worked with that skin that way I could rename myself as looks look like an alternate universe looks and sound like an alternate universe legs and with everything coming together on the day of lux's stream there was one thing left to do test the mod which honestly we should have done earlier but here we are so Amy and I got online and started fighting to try the anchor blade out hahaha [Music] okay [Music] that is so much fun the bong is so good [Music] foreign [Music] totally not suspicious both of you look [ __ ] terrifying uh what plan do you time to stream tonight uh probably in like an hour and a half or two hours all right just let me know before you start I may have something planned for you but interestingly this is also where I learned that lux was working on a mod of her own I want to do this mod it's not a big mod I do have a lot of cool to explained with her stuff but the main premise is just being able to build in the dark without having to deal with Annoying mobs I actually think I've got an idea for an event as well now because I'm brewing things in my brain and after hanging out together trying the new back slot having a quick draw duel using it and messing around with the Folly plushie which you can get right now in the description for a limited time you know how putting the redmi plush in the grinder does this right what if we put a fully plushie in it yeah it was time for Lux to start a stream and after 20 minutes I interrupted hi hello what are you up to today because um recently I got approached by someone we have a guest nice to see you I dropped them off at gurramond I guess I'll see you there then uh okay whatever I was going there anyway I need to take out all my stuff wait what the hell [Music] what is that and now that she had reached gurramond it was done for some acting is this what they were talking about a new guest appearing what the [ __ ] Billy don't you don't you please don't you please don't you please don't shoot please what I know how it feels but I won't bother you rush I don't have much time to be here with you I get you I get you what what what do you want to tell me I'll keep this short and sweet my world is wrong my world is dead and I've had the hands in destroying it but mainly rats and in my world these are sea slug and I'm afraid of sea slugs so you know wait wait wait wait wait and let me get this clear in your world rather see Slug and he destroyed the world as a sea slug this moon is kind of Sunny when you put it like that so he has some reasons he will come around eventually I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry how would I come around to terms with somebody who is going to end the world you have to come around to town today it will happen and I have one thing to prevent it's very old very Rusty and it's a gift that some points in my universe when I wasn't on the best terms with threats another looks interests just showed up and they just gave me the sign to and apparently it's been a tradition but originally it was forged by rats and given to Luck's interests in a very distant universe and it's my time to enter this with an I can't teach you how to use it I can just show you really quickly what oh my God who designed this weapon probably knows more about it again wanted to have it it's all right goats tell me more about your wounds I do you did you have a father I had a father and rock killed them yeah all right I think it's time to go yeah is that it is that all that no hey what do you mean they wanted to know more I never even got to say thank you there's multiple worlds out there is this one meant to die what no that luck said that rat does it that rat destroys the world yeah uh we'll talk about that when it's time to talk about that in the meantime I got lunch with like Zeus or something I'll be seeing you around Lux goodbye what the [ __ ] I have this now oh my that is uh uh uh what is going on I'll be for real right now I didn't even like I had no idea this was gonna happen I've always liked the idea of an anchor as a weapon yo this is awesome this looks so cool oh my God the sound the sounds and after looks was done getting excited of her new weapon she made her way to my base in order to meet me just like not looks advice not to this place where it looks way too beautiful for such a you go maniacal person okay never mind you protect he attacked but most important Among Us you could totally just kill me right now but I have something to tell you oh Lux how's it going this change is nothing but I need to inquire about something because something really strange just happened and uh I have this now does that look familiar in any way yeah it does and I'm kind of not sure how you got your hands on that how the hell did you get this okay yeah can you can you give it hey can you give it back to you look how good it looks on my bag that's yeah hell yeah calm down calm down now given looks we're still getting equated to the Anchor I needed to teach her so we made our way to the top of the mountain surrounding my base to reach my training grounds oh that is ironic oh that is really ironic okay uh welcome to the training grounds you see that funny boy hit him [Music] now do the creeper oh my God but the thing is it also works as grapple so if you where did you oh my god oh I get what you said this is still alive yeah you get it now all right now to get you used to your weapon in combat oh wow that is hard oh that is so satisfying you give me a weapon like this I'm gonna become Unstoppable [Music] oh wait I just gotta what the hell that is so cool oh the sound effects I'm glad to hear that I'm glad to hear that that was that was pathetic whoa nice one it might take some oh my God it might take some getting up can I finish my sentence ouch it catches me by surprise every time oh that is good that is really good I I'm not gonna lie I like getting oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God you're popping off finally now what looks was getting better and better using her new anchor she was still nearly not good enough to qualify as my strongest and to be fair that wasn't my original intent but little did I know this gift would end up having much bigger repercussions than I initially planned a few months later Lux showed up on my front door again in order to show me the new mods he had been working on could you brew that up for me foulness you sure you want to drink this you here's the thing you know we're gonna test it out don't don't do that don't no not not stop stop oh I completely forgot I want to give you a gift since I'd say ever since the Masquerade I feel we've been on better terms there you go I think you'd like it [Music] beheading okay and there she also invited me to a new base market for an event called The Market opening but before we could attend we had two things to take care of one get quote something special for the Market opening and two follow lotion Compass we both receive from windsweep the player we elected against the demasquerade to see where it LED and so I followed Lux to get what she wanted for more remember the Expedition rat we're gonna go Warden hunting today I thought this would be a bonding experience between you and I all right okay uh let's just get a bed first because you know so we have a respawn point foreign while trying to get wool I'm not ready yet oh my God all right bed here now okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I I think this strategy is somebody works as baits and the other one's doing the killing I think it's getting angry at your rats or it might be me wait [Music] I think one of the rats picked it up no I got ta keep that one let's try to get a few more what we're gonna do you have the cocktails right yes we're gonna summon multiple wardens and we're gonna splash the cocktail on only one of them hopefully that will allow us to do our job way more easily okay so Joey just smash him yeah yeah splashing with it okay we're trying be careful don't mean oh I missed oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's two of them here there's two of them here okay okay take two take [Music] it oh oh oh it works yes yes oh no that's my stuff thank you very much okay so it it just killed it also you are just okay that Warden should be very low now yeah okay just keep going it's gonna hit me okay there we go I'm feeling die already how much HP do you have swimming it's for me it's for me just keep going just keep going you got it yes okay I did it let's go nice nice nice nice nice nice all right that was uh that was fun fun that was the kindest thing well I mean we managed to get to Warden heads I'd say that's a win in my book and with the warden hit secured we decided to follow second objective the lowest and Compass we received oh wait oh my God I'm literally flying what the hell yeah this is insane oh wait what is this is this it I think this is it yeah it's their graves I see now you may see these two graves and be a little confused which I don't blame you one bit after being defeated by me and looks when sweep went into hiding and was livid sometime after that he got his hands on an item that could ban players on kill which he ended up using on two other server members that were very close to him as an example allegedly he got the item from a deal with a ghost named mouthpiece that's been roaming around the server for a long time that man's got insane laws got insane it's complicated oh wait for whoever find this huh final words do you know what it's like to have nothing as they sit at these Graves I know my stories one of failure one of betrayal and one of Revenge my course was set as soon as I organized that party I knew that if I was seen in a powerful light I might have some respect I was wrong everybody turned their backs on me getting back on topic I made sure to bring you both here hopefully you stand side by side I'm going to take everything from you check your backs because one day you might not be able to I mean at least he gave them a grave gonna see things on the right side of things like things are not always so nice but even when things are in the shadows just like we are currently there's always something to make the world a little brighter even if it's just a bunch of fireflies floating in the night sky sorry I went from crazed maniac to uh poet uh I'm not exactly sure what happened there the fault is that you you know yeah I don't care this is not going to scare me we're gonna stop him are you with me oh yeah I'm with you all right let's let's let's let's bring a smile on that face even though you only have two eyes we have a Market opening to attend to so finally Lux showed me around her new base shared her plans for the opening as well as her worries that windsweep would show up to ruin everything well I might have initially planned for a completely peaceful opening and I still do I have a fear that Blake will come along and I don't want him to ruin that so I joined I'm going to prepare some oh okay you plan something you'll see okay what The Show Must Go On so after everyone convenes let's welcome them to Market with a little speech welcome welcome to the market everybody I organized this today because I for a long time I've wanted to do something good for this server I've kind of been tired of people organizing these Grand events only to end up killing out the people I'm sorry I'm sorry some people have learned their lessons all right I'm so glad that everybody's here let's show nothing begins [Applause] [Music] and with the opening ceremony out of the way it was time for the tour bugs it forget it everyone through Market showing the different shops bakeries restaurants as well as everything how am I contained but still very wary that winter would show up I stayed on the lookout shown in the barrels and has a sign that says about it really really cool nothing nothing this is just an example of yeah I was just kind of getting ready to come to my part-time job but despite me being tense everything was going along great until we reached the last stop of the tour I want to showcase one last thing so if y'all follow me we're going to the bank oh I get it this this is where we all die now here we are no I wouldn't do that to y'all this isn't a free boat situation now is it [Music] so why did we get wooden heads for if you have so many here oh those ones are being put up for auction these ones have another use okay and I reckon everybody should probably stay at the start here okay here somebody was here that wasn't supposed to be here somebody that wasn't invited all of you you're all welcome but there's a person here that has done something Unforgivable a few days ago Blake I know you're here oh hello oh hi hello a few days ago we found Blake at the Airship I tried talking to him and we went somewhere we went to a far away place where we found a ghost by the name of mouthpiece somebody that rat had tried to kill once before that ghost has nothing good planned and Blake despite knowing all of that made a deal with it in which he'd be able to permanently kill off multiple people he killed off void and zombie they're gone that's why you haven't seen them around you know aside from the fact that they weren't playing yeah I was gonna say the reason we didn't see that in the first place is because they weren't playing but you know you know okay okay oh my God what Blake how could you I kind of can't be stopped anymore it's not gonna happen because you can't live no you can't wait I can't win huh I know I know that I'm not that good at PVP so I thought of something else right can you uh block off the interest please oh um Blake you killed off void and zombie and the difference between you and me is that while you might be able to take life can bring it back oh my God [Music] oh my God yo oh my God what run run run run he's gonna shoot him he's gonna shrink us I'm making a hole for you please get out please [Music] okay okay okay okay okay I mean Lex will be fine Lux will be fine she'll just respawn oh I'm I'm shaking what the hell they're just munching on each other I think foreign we held an auction to sell the many Goods we had including the warden heads we collected and had a great end of our day but little did we know we were about to encounter our greatest foe yet like I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this I need to get changed if you violated any ocean regularly [Music] Machinery open without any warning signs that's a violation wardens in your basement that's the violation
Channel: doctor4t
Views: 2,026,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, but, minecraft but, minecraft mod, mod, cursed, difficulty, custom, custom difficulty, cursed difficulty, minecraft cursed, minecraft custom difficulty, rat, minecraft rats, minecraft rats mod, minecraft rat, custom mod, cursed minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft code, change code, mod minecraft, fundy, doctor4t, speed run, speedrun, speed runner, speedrunner, minecraft 1.17, minecraft 1.16, minecraft java, mods, minecraft mods
Id: s4POfzRYx3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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