Making a Furniture Mod to Trap my Worst Enemy

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the difference between you and me is that while you might be able to take life [Applause] is the story of how I was forced to turn my mod into one of the deadliest weapons on this server and why I did it to stop the most problematic player on it starting with one innocent idea better look nice that was nice if you could summarize content SMP in one sentence it would be this we make our own mods for the server to kill people but what if that wasn't the case what if for one day we could get the whole server together in an event that wasn't themed around murder but capitalism instead you see I'm planning on founding my own nation which players can visit to trade and Shop without risking being murdered so to prove the peaceful nature of this place I wanted to host an opening ceremony where nobody dies now this might sound easy but trust me it won't be especially with the problem I have meet Blake win Suite who is my closest Ally for the longest time until he broke my trust by poisoning my friends who he thought to be his enemies thankfully with the help of a player named rat we stopped him before he could hurt anyone else but in doing so I put a big Target on my back and if he were to come back this event would be the perfect time for him to strike emphasis on if if I were to think about his arrival too much I'd end up making a mod meant to take someone down and I would ruin my goal of hosting a peaceful event okay so what's this mod gonna be about think about the most harmless action a player can do in this game building how could we enhance that how about fixing the nighttime annoyances of it the most annoying thing that happens to me about building is when Phantom swoop into knocked me off or when skeletons shoot me to knock me off or when creepers not only that but generally when trying to build them areas they very quickly become accidental mob Farmers this is where I decided to add two new types of candles the first one allows you to mob proof areas without emitting light and the second one allows you to peacefully coexist with these mobs by making them neutral now as for how you obtain these new types of candles we couldn't use honeycomb because they're already used to make normal candles so I had to make them out of a new material in real life candles can also be made out of lard which is a type of animal fat so we added it in we could make pigs drop lard but that's boring how about we make their nether counterparts drop them when using a new weapon don't worry we'll talk about that later normal lard makes wording candles and rotten lard makes ghost candles another mob that you can butcher for a new item are contagious spiders which drop cursed yarn that are used for cushions cushions are pretty straightforward the right click you sit but mobs can also sit in them as well as long as they're pacified using the cursed candles aside from that I also added a few more miscellaneous building blocks that fit within the dark Academia theme such as coffers placeable books Lumen which is a new type of plant found in the dark oak forests lard and rotten lard blocks as well as their respective fires I think it's time to address the elf in the room no not you and this cool knife I stole from a Vindicator it can be had most Undead moms if you ever wish they could hang a Huggle has a trophy in your fancy little Minecraft mansion it's like a rat did here now you can but it's just hotlands we got zoglins no piglets I mean villagers husked drowned stray first off it's not a knife it's called a cursed Cleaver and second off how'd you get in here say what you did right off his back door open oh also didn't you say you aren't going to add any ways to kill people in this mod because there's like a lot like one Vlog the cursed Cleaver is not a weapon it's a versatile tool meant only for the finest Craftsmen you can cut trees or strip logs but if you're more of a cook you can use it to chop your Meats okay cool well that's a security effect that only applies to players that hides their health bar and effects is that something a tool would do a lot [Music] oh right Knox also forgot to mention that the cursed Cleaver can behead players which is a pretty neat feature in my opinion anyways the mod finally finished I think it's time to prepare for the event okay first things first my nation needs a physical location and I think I've got just the right place for that welcome to my base at least the beginnings of it this is the main tower but it has absolutely nothing inside of it and this is the main street but let's be honest it looks more like ancient ruins than the center of a town if I want to host my event here I'm really gonna need a better looking area than this so it's time to start building [Music] oh no I ran out of building materials thankfully this building Montage was sponsored by our local Silicon Valley philanthropist eight-sided Square who also helped me make this mod alongside Amy mealy check them out in the description [Music] and we're done well except for the bank's fault but before we can get to building it I need to go on a little side quest remember Blake he's been hiding for a while now and rumor has it that he's been planning to make a grand return but his only remaining allies zombie and void had enough of him so they invited anyone that could come to Ambush Blake before he could get his plan in order Bon you do not look combat ready they told us to bring weapons [Laughter] he's asked me to go to him for his next plans but I'm done this is it this is where we take him down and I need your help on aiming I'm in let's take down the son of a he's at the ocean follow me there it is here's the door okay don't go in here 10 seconds later he said as long as 10 seconds no look shut up hi there Blake you betrayed me after all you betrayed me and YouTube do you not remember what you did at the Masquerade like let's be honest you've brought this upon yourself so this is your grand plan you're gonna come here and take me out what's in parole hey hey Blake it's it's Apple so after him get him get him get him oh he's running away get him get him we've got nothing this time Blake no beacons no I'm right [Music] at the masquerade come over here I'm gonna take you down myself [Music] he's enjoying it you know what I enjoy this too get over here I've wanted to do this for so long poop up on him don't let him get away with my friends I cheated in a game of musical chairs and you thought but the best sort of action was to kill me no fun [Music] we need to group up on him [Music] no Sylvia God damn it oh my God damn oh he's getting away chase him chase him I don't see him God damn it he got away while I was looking for Blake I kept thinking about how I felt while I was hunting him I was enjoying it and that scared me while my team regrouped at a nearby place I decided to stick around in hopes of finding Blake not to kill him but to talk I see you you saw what I just did I do not want to do that why do you want to cause more harm to the server I mean I haven't even Tatsu I was just I was just laughing be honest with me okay I have been lost for the last couple weeks okay after losing to the masquerade I took my first l in a long time but after that I feel like my luck is finally changing follow me look what I just I just look what I just found on me to kill this child look did you ever see this place what is this I don't know I just kind of mined up after after falling Down the Bones bro I was like okay damn how about this do you have a look we go on a classic Lux and a windsweep adventure okay I've just got these chords from the secret room and I'm gonna go to it you can come with me or no here's the book what are your powers await the Bold let that ambition run wild that totally doesn't sound suspicious at all but you know what I'll give him the benefit of the doubt besides if he tries to pull any tricks on me I can just leak his coordinates to the rest of the server but I'll be honest I did not expect what would happen next okay these are the exact ports hold on I'll like dealing with a drop test so they like Drop s yeah you'll go down first okay safe I think I think maybe we should get out the ladder right yeah probably looks I'm not very concerned what the hell stay close this could literally be everything why wait no no there you are I'll skip the details this is mouthpiece a player that's been haunting me and the rest of the server for the past few months and they just offered Blake a deal that would allow him to permanently kill three players I mean after Blake had made his choice clear I decided to regroup with the rest of the team in order to prepare for a fight and he arrived soon after I have an Iron Man that probably kills you fully you are gone there is no respawning there is no going back you die you don't deserve this none of you do do you after what I did after helping that monster okay you might have helped him poison a bunch of people but like look man look I nobody deserves to die permanently listen if worst comes to worse then we die permanently then you are the last line in defense but we got this right wise I would leave really good luck to you too thank you nobody wanted to risk being permanently killed so one by one we backed off from the fight leaving only zombie and void against him no this is no oh my God [Music] no within a matter of minutes they were both completely wiped off the server they fought Blake by themselves while I ran away like a coward I'm gonna give you a chance to run go tell every single person you know about what just happened today I want you to tell her I want you to tell everybody that this this is what I'm capable of now there's no more denying it peace is no longer an option and as much as I didn't want to do this I had to come up with a plan to kill Blake When Suite this wouldn't be an easy task though as Blake is incredibly good at PVP so trying to fight him fairly would only result in my death we're about trap then a trap knocks our mod is a glorified furniture mod what are we gonna trap him with cushions lemons mobit Knox you're a genius I I didn't say anything sure mop heads are harmless on their own but what about the mobs themselves what if we could trap Blake in a room full of mob heads and then revive all of them at once leaving him at the mercy of a thousand mobs okay but what are a bunch of zombies or Hollywood's gonna do to Blake Brenda Sharma than that how about Warden heads we're gonna lure Blake in a room full of warden heads and I know just the right place to do it at I haven't finished my Vault yet so he could totally repurpose it to work as a trap one small issue though Warden Stone obey orders if I were to spawn several of them under my base there's a pretty high chance that at least a few of them would focus not on Blake but on me or other players and uh given I'm not a genocidal Maniac I came up with a feature to deal with this concern Palace is a potion effect that makes any neutral or hostile mob Target The Entity affected by it which means that if I were to Splash Blake with it the wardens would only focus on him hopefully great so how do we get a bajillion Warden heads lesson my tech you are not a warden Hunter don't tell me you're gonna get wrestled I'm gonna get rat's help how do I ring this hi rat your doorbells aren't working properly I I have a question do you have a brewing stand around here I have quite a few all right yeah so what's up what's your what's your dream how about uh pig fat I'm scared what did you add so I'm guessing another wart first anyway how you been since the Inca I've been doing pretty well I've been working on my city oh you have a city yo I'm actually opening up today and uh I I wanted to invite you if there's nobody hunting me or spawn yeah I'd be down you got those cocktails ready yeah it's in my inventory foulness you sure you want to drink this you're really sure like I'm not gonna be the one drinking it I'm sure it tastes wonderful well I mean I gotta have one at least we're gonna work don't don't do that don't no not not stop oh I completely forgot I want to give you a gift all right since ever since the Masquerade I feel we've been on better terms yeah I'm sorry for killing your dad pointing fingers left pointing figures right my bad I agently didn't think I would kill him permanently though here you go yeah anyway so um what's the thing you got to take care of before the Market opening well um I need to get a few heads follow me okay I'm not that good at giving head though oh get a nerd I got some mobs to the Head um yeah remember the Expedition rat we're gonna go Warden hunting today you got the cocktail I got the cocktails what about it we're gonna summon multiple wardens and we're gonna splash the cocktail on only one of them okay there's literally no wardens I'm walking over the shriekers tell them to bring out the whole Wardens oh okay okay never mind never mind oh I summoned another Warden okay now I really don't goofed I I hear even more wardens okay I I just hear just tremendous sneezing it's right here yeah I know there's I think it's getting angry I think you should be careful here um why did you punch me um um yeah yeah splash him with it be careful don't mean did you miss I got him I got him uh you Splash it on me ouch yeah you might want to review your recipe [Music] wait they're going at each other I think are they no that's you they're not yeah I'm gonna get absolutely destroyed right now wait I can distract it did that work that's the thing okay so there's a bunch of them right we've established that yeah they need to be in the same spot though why there's two of them here if this one gets a little close I can Splash both of them do it [Music] okay that that Warden should be very low now okay just keep going don't get in radius I'm getting radius yeah yeah it's gonna hit me okay there we go I'm feeling come on how much HP do you have you just fought another Warden I can I can take it down we don't have much time anymore though I'm gonna try to get this one down die already how much HP do you have [Music] okay you got it yes okay I did it let's go oh my gosh oh it looks so cool all right it looks so cool no no no please please please please there's only one world ahead you can like make a lot more money this way obviously yeah you can just like do a bidding that would be really cool that would be actually I actually do want to hold an auction you've heard it folks the final counter for the amount of Wharton heads we got in an entire hour what does one if I want this trap ready in time for the event I had to think of a way to quickly get more worn heads thankfully our front 8 has got our back again because guess what since the start of the server he's been collecting a stack of every single item both vanilla and modded including an entire stack of warden heads so I called him up and offered to make a deal hi hi hello hi hi where are you oh my god there you are and is it my favorite philanthropist how's it been call me Jeff Amazon thank you so rich anyways I got the goods and you can be the head of the game Sorry how many do you have I got 16 we discussed four emerald ore each so that'll be about a stack oh that is my entire wallet you know what sure okay you can have it and the wallet too it's premium leather wow genuine rabbit hide all right have fun Take Care thank you I won't forget this I will [Music] [Music] we should [Music] logged in just in time for me to show him around for a bit oh that's just a spider here sitting that's kind of cool what is this undertale yeah maybe it is all right oh wait this is just a shopping area yeah yeah this is I've literally opened up you have not realized until now yo Kendall's shop oh candle shop nah this is the foul Tower this has basically every single buffel feature yo that is um really cool one Emerald all the 16 books I love it you know it's nice and all killing each other every once in a while this is so sweet nice room yeah this is my room I praise the stone cutter this is the most amazing Block in the entire game oh my God you have a rating yeah it's a really nice it's changed a little bit since I destroyed the last time uh sorry about that too this is just a giant water taken here oh yeah Villa that's crazy he doesn't have a partner though he's pretty alone so I mean I could I could give you a fish for it yeah that would be great that would be great you're stuck I have a few fish does Jenny care about looks um I'll be honest well I might have initially planned for a completely peaceful opening I have a fear that Blake will come along and I don't want him to ruin that so I want you to be on the lookout for him if you spot him tell me and I've got something prepared for him okay let's go welcome to people hello everybody hello follow me follow me to the portal welcome to Market welcome everybody take your seats take your seats welcome to the market everybody I organized this today because I've wanted to do something good for this server and I've kind of been tired of people you know organizing these Grand events only to end up killing off the people sorry I not calling any names uh I hope everybody brought uh emeralds because we will be doing a lot of shopping today flick the lever right hippie all right well follow me if Disney world was all about capitalism wait it actually is uh well welcome to Disney World then this is Amy's grindery Amy it's pretty small in here we have you know travel and grinders and concrete you know if y'all ever need building materials you can come to Amy's shop and you know she'll even grind it down for you I'm pretty sure there's Grinding Services down below I was gonna say something but then I realized I'm recording it right I swear to God Amy do you want the Fulton surgery [Laughter] this is my bakery um as you can come in we we accept guests of all species this is really cool this is really nice anyways the third shop here is a restaurant which is almost full capacity but no worries if you shift right click uh on a seat you can make the mobs you know dismounted welcome to foul Tower uh excuse me what are these papers they are basically like chess but they are blast resistant combine your entire book stock all right let's go upstairs next up we got the trophy room yo drone heads oh my God I'm getting the only drone head I love drown oh my God all these mob heads you know they might be very interesting but it's not necessarily super impressive that you've killed off a hogland or a zoglin so uh Rat show them uh what what is it what [Laughter] that is incredible you smell nice oh yeah we died so many times to bring it so the starting price is probably going to be yeah the first items for sale are Cleavers it has a new effect that it applies you cannot see how many hearts you have it deprives you of information so it's a pretty good tool for combat the starting bid is just two Emerald doors I bit a pig step that's not emerald ore but close enough three Emerald or to eight I love you four Emerald lever too your own if you want me I can sign the cleaver huh can anybody go higher than this an enchanted bottle of mods all right first curse Cleaver sultanox rat you're a better salesman than me can you hold the rest of the auction now we've got two Wooden Heads now a beautiful and amazing decoration item can go anywhere above your chimney above your double bed 32 2 30. do we have more [Music] [Music] [Music] the first Warden head oh my God not wasting your money good sir you made a purchase of a century um Lux yeah did you notice this over here or huh it's a known thing uh oh great Blake's here now this graffiti might not seem like much but that's because I've been emitting a few details from you you see after me and rat went to the deep dark we also followed a compass that we received from Blake leading us to a strange place there we found the graves zombie and void and a book meant for us do you know what it's like to have nothing because I don't think you do I want you to read this book and know what's coming next for you as they sit at these Graves I know my stories one of failure one of betrayal and one of Revenge my course was set as soon as I organized that party I knew that if I was seen in a powerful light I might have some respect I was wrong anyway getting back on topic I made sure to bring you both here hopefully you stand side by side I want you to look at what I'm capable of I'm going to take everything from you check your backs because one day you might not be able to so Lake thinks he's in a movable object huh I think it's time to give him the a wake-up call he deserves well we do have something to show for the bank I want to showcase one last thing so if y'all follow me uh you're you're all heading the wrong way because the real thing is here okay oh guys I get it this is where we all die now here we are no no I wouldn't do that to y'all [Applause] like I had a special order yeah wait so why should we get modern heads for these ones have another use okay I reckon everybody should probably stay at the start here aside from one player that has done something unforgivable a few days ago like I know you're here I heard you show yourself I have milk buckets oh hello hi there bud oh my God he's headless hi there I guess I'm here come with me Blake do you want to tell all these people what you did a few days ago you see that I've invited even rat to market today right a few months ago me and rat we would have been sworn enemies but after the Expedition he exiled himself and he changed I appreciate that people can change you know I gave you a choice between Redemption and crossing the line and you made your choice very clear looks let's be honest here you've seen what I'm capable of you've seen what I can do okay but here's the thing you're gonna humiliate me it's not gonna happen no it's not because you can't live I can't win huh I know I know that I'm not that good at PVP so I thought of something else right can you uh block off the entrance please what's going on oh um Blake you've killed off void and zombie I can never forgive you for that the difference between you and me is that while you might be able to take life I could bring it back all right everybody run so you think you've achieved it peace in our times I think so how are you but listen I can explain [Music]
Channel: Luxintrus
Views: 824,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3g5Nrb_8W4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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