Turning More Then Trailer Into Family Home ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody R Master welcome back to more house flipper 2 and we are back at the more than a trailer house um I'm going to sell that all right so this house I wanted to try something in particular I've I've seen several comments and I've seen a couple things about the more rooms we have the more money we make so while I do think people people there there there's I get I get so many different suggestions on what to do and so many different ways to possibly do things um fix this I don't like this why are you like that stop that go normal like I don't care about keeping the picture frame that's fine but yeah so I I I want to keep all the rooms as they are it like I would probably remove this uh I would definitely remove this wall normally but this kind of sections off and so it adds more rooms to it so I think I'm going to leave the rooms as they are except for downstairs I think I'm actually going to add two rooms downstairs so it could potentially net us more money oh there's so many little pieces I crouch down and just kind of all right get all this stuff but yeah I wanted to sell this place uh I know there still like the one job to do for our parents or whatever uh I don't want to that right now I want to take care of this first and the other video hasn't even gone up it actually goes up here I think in just a few minutes hopefully maybe I don't know I'm still really confused it's been a weird day planning on streaming but stuff happened and well it just it just wasn't a possibility anymore uh maybe I don't know I don't know this is just something weirdly cut then you know that I had to stream if I streamed on Friday then you know I had to stream all depends if house flier actually wants to be uploaded longest uh waiting waiting for upload I've ever had on a video or processing that's what it is all right you are good got to vacuum up all the garbage on the ground what I think I'm going to do is I think I'm going to separate this basement into two rooms down here well actually it'll be more than two rooms I'm going to leave this here I think I'm going to put a wall up kind of here so this is a hallway then we'll slice it in half one room in one room that that that should give us more of a room count and if it actually is set to the amount of rooms I mean this should be perfect to test whether or not that actually is a thing like if if if this is an insane huge profit based on us just removing stuff like that it it'll be amazing all right all right hate the paint in here this is that non stucco paint looks weird is that actually that's something I wanted to check too somebody had said that like it may be a different it's maybe different price so right now this is considered stucco if we change it to this no okay so it's a CH it's same price it's just a different kind of texture okay well that was that was one the many things I've been wondering hey it's just a matter of trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with everything I think I just want a giant kitchen uh I mean we could shrink the kitchen I guess and make the living room a little bit bigger big kitchen's fine well I mean I guess we could do kitchen and dining room that could work I think I like that idea all right and then this the windows over there and over there don't I have uh maybe not do I not have anything that's not just a Long window nope all right Windows um not 6 by seven I know that 5x6 maybe yep yep cancel don't filter God calm down he yeah there's no I don't I don't want a window cill in this I don't need [Music] one 5x 6 7 by 8 that works I like that open it if you really wanted to okay so yeah for down here I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to sell this sell these okay and then I know like what's what's the hallway wide up here 4X 8 okay 4x8 puts it to right about there okay take this to right there bring it up to the I can't cuz the light's in the way I mean I can at least bring it up to right here I can remove that light that'll be fine and keep picking up speed all right I I love how fast the building is I don't know why I find it so entertaining but I do we going to move you over here you over here here yeah over just a little bit more there we go there we go okay then I just put the last layer on here all right there we go then I just need to add doors me doors haven't done any of the interior doors yet I mean I'm okay with [Music] this oh the one downside is I don't know exactly where the halfway mark is oh what do we got oh not that stop what is it it's 24 okay so if we go to I mean this is as close as I'm going to get 248 okay so yeah if I do 12 right here this should be the Midway Point all right you go up nice and quick we go know how much money I'm spending on this in total but this should be fine okay so we got that we got that all right I'm happy with this um I do actually want to add a light in here too so go ahead or not a light but uh this what fine what was that was that looking into I guess underneath the the stairs yeah okay it's just a tiny little spot there weird all right uh let me put a doorway in a few places I'm not going to probably put doors and all these different spots and everything I'll probably put some door frames up in a few spots just cuz it feels like it'll work better uh the door itself in here and we will change the type of wood to later on oh can you please just oh that was weird all right so the doors are in everything uh it's a big old break from where we were I'm going to copy copy this is this right I feel like these aren't the right colors all right well I guess before I do this I want to kind of I want to figure out a paint down here uh for the rooms I want to make some colorful rooms rooms kind of want to do two opposite so we're going to go for surface finishes we're going to go for paint we're going to go for a pink how VI do we want I don't want a darker pink really dark pink the color I see here and then the color I see when I place it very different how is this how does this look no no that's not what I'm trying to do just there we go all right I'm fine with that and then over here I want to do a [Music] blue put you up there F I can stay in here this so go back byon blue actually you know what yeah I'm okay with this color pink yeah that's fine all right so I have a pink and blue room uh for the hallway I don't know I don't know I do like this floor by the way so I am actually going to copy this take this and we are going to place the floor in here go I want this bathroom to stay somewh some I don't know I really like the color scheme that they have in here I don't think it's bad I think just going to replace it then I want this to go over here like I'll keep this here this is fine we just kind of need to think I'm going to change the paint I don't like the paint at all right um yeah I'll even go into here bring the wood in I like it okay we're all good inside here this is fine uh the front entrance yeah and I'm just going to mat I'm just going to mat put this here we have that mat there that is not a mat that looks like it belongs outside do I want to put this outside no no but I am going to put this in I don't like Stone floors inside there we go okay okay uh then right here look this down here as well on a surface area not a problem I'm hoping this is going to be enough think I may have to buy one more uh trying to get the most I can yeah there's no way I'm going to need to at least buy one more more this is not going to work yeah I know all right buy one more put it right here hoping I could save on some money by not doing this but there's not really much of a choice right give me all this I'm actually kind of amazed on how much this takes so then there is there was another thing that some suggested that they were using for carpet kind of want to try so let's go in here real quick go back I think they I think they said they used other this right here and then you can paint it any color oh no it's I don't think this is it maybe it's in panels tiles in tiles possibly um I don't know what it would be I mean it won't be conrete right no cuz I can't paint [Music] that I I don't I don't remember maybe it's the maybe it's this I mean you could I can change the color of this no no no no that's the smallest size okay I don't know I thought maybe that would work but it looks it just it just looks too weird we're just going to go with wood floors Uh custom panel polished wood I don't want polished wood Rift wood go with Elm I guess [Music] and got a little bit darker no I don't want rotation cut [Music] pattern uh I mean I'm not opposed to this in here and just change the size of it all right there we go we got this room pretty much good I think I'm going to put this in the other room too the rest of this I thought about putting this in there but eh I like this more no tell me I didn't okay I over floated into the hallway so that's why I'm trying to like be careful where I place this I don't want to flow into the other room and I also don't want to waste tiles cuz I don't fully know how this works like when it runs out I don't know if it's based on it's not based on how many times you click I know that much all right all right so we're all good here can I change this he change it off concrete augy no dark Beach oh I think we're what we're using right now is European Walnut so let's go with that firm kind of like the stone flooring of it though mean Walnut all right there we go it Blends pretty well yeah I don't know something about that stone texture I like that okay okay so we just have to paint the rooms and we're done with that in here I still need stuff I also need to turn some lights on cuz it looks like it's going night time outside and we also need this oh wait actually I saw this earlier copy this right here don't like this don't like this at all you all right right uh give me the full tile there we go I want to put this all the way up on the sides out here I don't know why this doesn't have it it's [Music] weird okay bring it over here bring it right there there we go like this is Brick feels like this would be it would just make sense to put here I almost want to even bring it inside but I want to finish this first I can't believe I'm I'm not out yet you there we go all right finish up this side right here that NOP right there okay we have this all set up here all fixed up now right right there wait that doesn't even matter I just realized that doesn't even matter that is yeah I think I'm going to leave it like this yeah I did it again garbage can right here is really weird no I just want to close you okay there we go is this dirty all right you know what I'm just going to sell that you have it out front you don't need one in here anything just some shelving in here would not be a bad thing uh okay so give me this let's finish putting this stuff up I do like this room there we go okay you know what I'm actually I did I removed this I know but you know it it just I'm going with the stone in here I'm going to bring the stone in here okay there we go that's fine okay okay so this this looks fine in here I still need to figure out a color for down here factor that downstairs I kind of want a brighter color I think we're just going to kind of go with the white wall for this doing paint gray scale it's literally just white we can just do this part I don't have to worry about painting anything cuz there's nothing to paint we go come back over here finish this up go be nice and bright down here I thought about removing these pipes but you know what I kind of like them I don't know if I can like refurbish the pipes so they don't look like they're all old and gross but so we'll find out oh I don't even I I think the bathroom is mostly done too so I don't think we have to do much in here [Music] right oh like where's the freaking light switch holy crap this is why I want to paint it all so I can [Music] see uh do we want to just paint it white this is this is basically like if I if I'm painting somebody's like you should paint it realistically if I'm painting things realist I istically then we are just going to have every single wall white that's that's everything that I have seen in my life has been White Walls only white walls and that's it so it's like I don't want I like the colorable houses I don't want to paint things realistically right there we go and there we go and I'll even do this one there we go okay get the rest of this I just God bless it I went too far I wanted this one I wanted this to be a little bit higher but I didn't mean to go that far down so I'm going to have to actually buy that again to fix it oh it's fine you copy this wait hold up it's terra cotta tiles okay I change the color if I'm buying them I'm G buy some and I don't know make it a little bit more colorful yeah I'm fine with [Music] this right and right there okay you know what I should probably finish painting just in case I screw up again there we go okay and then just finish up here I'm out of paint I actually thought I was out of paint when I pulled the thing out didn't look like there was any paint left on there all right there we go and I just need to finish this real quick yeah see I like this cuz it's a little bit brighter something about the green just I know Green in a bathroom just makes me think uh that bathroom seems very dirty okay you this steel is there copper copper right and then we copy paste paste there we go I like this okay good I can I was hoping I could just do this make them look a whole lot nicer I didn't mean to do that but that's fine I'm trying to change this okay here we go ah it's so much nicer now okay cool everything shiny on you okay all right I'm happy with that then let's go back in here so I mean as far as in here think I think is to I just wanted to make sure it wasn't oh that these seem fine uh I could add bathroom products and a toilet and toilet paper thing we need toilet paper the one thing I kind of missed from the original game is I miss I mean like there there's like Tower Racks and stuff but there's no hand drying towels things like I don't see one for that there's not really like this this is too big this is too big for that I mean there I guess there's a wall hook for like this so you could potentially put one on there but we don't I don't think there's Rags I mean there's coats I can hang up there's jackets office supplies living aids kitchen accessories groceries like I don't I don't even know where that no CU this is groceries would it be in kitchen accessories where's the little thing that they had us put on yeah like one of these this is what I was looking for so there's this towel this towel is not going to work out here that's the only towel that I I've seen I change it at all not really hoping I can change the size it's it's really small so it doesn't like work for a towel to put in like a bathroom or anything but bathrooms don't have towels so it's just it's the thing I hope that eventually comes out I would love to be able to I mean if they have it for one then you know I would have it for these ones be awesome but I guess I guess that's what we're doing we'll just put that there I don't know what else to do give me the soap there we go so we got soap in here okay we're all good let [Music] me that right and then we can finish our hand stuff why is it what's happening with the light here by the way what is this very strange and I don't I don't I don't get what's happening right last that right there I can just go all the way down to the end of the wall I I missed I am amazed on how much paint I can use in one roller see and it's like I like this method of painting I do I find this extremely satisfying but I will say that this it's one of the reasons why I I have to cut it out in all reality I probably end up cutting out some of the painting in this cuz it's going to take a long time to do all the painting um it definitely takes longer than the original House Flipper to do this painting I think it's just because it's more meticulous which again isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just it definitely takes longer okay yeah this is I I want to get rid of this paint in here I don't like this paint in here at all so I have this no oh you suck I was just thinking wait a second these things I think I can paint I don't I don't I don't want to paint these I'll leave this as is for that one that's fine did no I don't want this I need this thing to fix it I have to buy this for one actually you know what I'm going to replace this with it well that sucks grab uh cut rotation there we go buy this just so I can put these things on there we go I not can I there we go I don't understand how that happened but sure why not oh cuz it's the wrong one dang it okay now we're good then I crouch and I can do the bottom part okay I didn't know if I was going to be able to get that one or not all right cool I dig it um I guess I'm done with all of you then mean do I could replace that part right there I guess I guess okay go ahead and do this go all the way down I me what I should I put it here then too all right well it looks like these are changing wasn't the plan but you know what I already did it over there so now we're going here all I'm happy that's fine okay uh go ahead put this away take this thing get on copy style that on there paste that on there paste this on here he we need a door for here which I still have not done so doors and this is it's an exterior door so but it's not a big one don't want one of these huge Wide Doors steer door here we go it's still a huge door crap is that a big door too they're all big doors I mean I don't really work super well there something on this wall I don't see anything I guess I just put a normal door on here there door with a lock no I mean I guess this one looks like it has a lock guess we could put this on here yeah this one has a lock on it all right copy paste oh so they all have locks on them from the outside H that doesn't seem good uh I'm going I don't yeah you know what flip that around cuz that that seems weird I mean it's still I don't know I think this is the way it should be opening right shouldn't it open in I don't know fix this at least oh what is up with the lighting it looks like that entire section there is an entirely different color and then I come in here and it's not that way now it's fine what is going on [Music] all right all right weird things are happening okay so this bathroom is all done I'm happy with this bathroom uh the hallway we could use a decoration on the sides probably Happ oh you I need cell okay there is lights out here right holy crap where is the freaking okay got that that's for there there we go holy Darkness okay lights no light up here that's got to change we got to do something about that uh want to get myself some lighting I want a wall lamp no not a wall amp wait how is that that's a I guess we could use those on the wall can't we not exactly what I picture as a wall amp though first use something like this and then we just got to wire it [Music] up okay it's at least some lighting up here oh you know what I didn't sell that did I oh crap I think I did not I think I did not want to sell the white paint this is gone though I didn't sell that good I don't need this do need the paints okay uh what What's Happening Here I don't even know what I did there okay forgot that I didn't finish this I'd run out while I was doing it here we go the inside is fine concrete makes sense that's generally what you would have I like this so I'm definitely not going with those again actually you know what I wonder what happens if I copy this does it actually still show up like that H why would you do that I mean I'm okay with going like [Music] that wait can I hold up okay so yeah no it's not cracked anymore uh pattern rotation size okay so it's it is only one color I didn't know if I could like split it up or not all right so we'll just quickly fix this [Music] up [Music] right I like it it does I will say significantly darken it in here the only thing I I would say I'm not super fan of but that's fine that's fine I'm not I'm not opposed to it either I don't think it looks bad that looks bad that needs to get I need to sell that one o CU some things are like some things are recoverable in this house there's a couple things most of it though feels like it's all non-recoverable I mean we sold every single door it's been a long time since I've done that all right and yeah so this house I I seen a couple people make a comment that like you know like I don't have to put everything back the way in the place it is this one I'm kind of trying to be I want it to kind of be like that like I want I want to make it somewhat similar cuz I want to see how much it's going to get on here because I end up going back for like generally for thumbnails on these on a second run which I've mentioned before and so like on that one I'm actually going to have a big old open floor floor plan and I'm going to I'll probably put it in a video when it I end up finishing it but I want to do a big open floor plan on that which should be nice what I want I want to see if it's going to sell what the difference is going to be with more rooms here compared to opening it up and having it be a lot less rooms but I'll do like a walkthrough recording of it just for a couple minutes or it' be like a minute or something a video in the future I don't know I've done it on so far every house that I've gone through already once or we did it here and then I bought it on that so I could do and then I just did the house differently okay [Music] um I don't think this tile is bad think I'm okay with this kind of like this as like the entry way I just don't like this here we go okay in here yeah all this needs to be replaced first I was thinking oh it'll be fine but no it's not fine that how high it is which I could tell I think so right here so you know how I can tell I do this move this thing over for a second I can't cuz if I do that then it changes everything crap all right never mind can't tell that's too high yep all right well whatever I'm going to paint up this area anyways this is fine turn the light on in here I want this to be a laundry room right there we go I mean the kind kind of the point of this house is just making it like a big family home multiple rooms for people to have uh I think this guess it's just the two rooms downstairs isn't it not as much as I thought it was I mean that's fine yeah cuz there's not really anywhere else well my plans are slightly changed from the way they originally were but it's fine okay and then okay can I I'm going to go to this I'm going to change the material to this it it's blue yeah like that's what I thought I thought it's blue I mean I'm slightly color blind but really good with blue want to kind of put this in like right right above both these room the same color right go ahead and go crazy up all over here can't I can't squeeze this through here H it's fine little one okay a paint it's kind of hard to tell what it's the same color which one again but yeah I really don't like whatever kind of paint that is such a weird texture we come in here and do the same [Music] thing yeah and it is the same colors so like I do think it is a good color for here that's why I don't want to change this it's just a nice like calm and cool color oh I think it's going daytime now too it's one thing I do hope I do hope comes back and I think somebody said something about it is on the list which is the always daytime like I don't mind nighttime too much in games I don't mind it on my own ever it just whatever it's it's never too bad generally there's a game option that I could see but YouTube compression does not like Darkness so having all having the ability to have it be all the time daytime is is is nice for that purpose what is happening here this is this dirt what am I looking at don't understand like a weird crease right there I think it it must be the Shadows it is it's 100% the Shadows I turn that off and it disappears Shadows are weird in this game okay this is a nice chill color out here H don't know so I mean this is originally the kitchen right here there's a little spot right there so I could do a small kitchen and make this like the main parent room type of thing downstairs kid room and I I'm kind of thinking about continuing that just no big family room is the only issue like that's that's like the only problem I really see with it I could could knock out this wall entirely maybe seal it off like right here instead this be the big living room area yeah I don't know I don't know really really torn know what to do here you know what this I do hate I'm not going to lie this this is coming down I originally said I wasn't going to do this but I I I don't like this at all like this it it doesn't make any sense and that's that's my issue right with it it if I can look at it and be like okay logically I can understand this this I don't understand logically like what's what's the point of having that sealed up it doesn't feel like it does anything okay go ahead and give me this I can go fix this now right you and you there we go okay yeah it feels so much better just removing that cuz I just it doesn't I don't I don't get it I don't understand it um potentially shrink this room down some all right also I did want to because I really like how this looks uh you I need to move this over one I think okay you know you're right there move you I just want to move you over one why you moving over two okay you know what we're going to do then we're going to do this I seal this part up and then it'll go over to and it'll be fine all right I want to paint out here anyway so uh grab this [Music] again there we go all right to duplicate this this up here happened before that's right cuz I had to remove like two right here right uh change it hey duplicate right there there we go but yeah I really like that okay I think I'm going to do this I think I'm going to do this I think it's just going to be a small kitchen it just is what it is um give me cabinets I so I do like this style I do really like this style so I'm going to go home front Okay we're going to get ourselves an oven put it like right on the end down here you have a fridge I I didn't expect it to be so much this is all home front oh my gosh I just wanted cabinets all I really wanted didn't know it was going to be this insane you get yourself a nice skinny sink right right here out of my phase right I mean I I need I need appliances I need to get a bridge first I don't want a huge one I mean this is a skinny one put this right here that seems like a bad combination that close but you know what think it'll be fine maybe if I swap what if we put the sink on the end I'm really trying to fit this in cuz I really want to have three bedrooms okay and then H okay cabinets uh I don't I don't know how I want to do this do I want a corner piece can't fit it in there is the problem even this even this is over too far oh Lord all right so let's get ourselves just a cabinet like this I guess open that yeah I can open it little bit of a tight [Music] squeeze such a weird place for the sink it's fine it's perfectly fine 100% need freaking cabinet it's up here uh give me just one of these I guess wait what did I just do how did it even do that no I need a bigger one something like this that's too big maybe something like this no see that doesn't really have much shelving space do this and 100% need this above the thing I mean if I can get one small one right here on the side we go so there's I mean there's an okay amount of space here still very cramped the fancy one you know what I'm actually going to get the small one put that right in the middle there we go this is enough space to get a microwave okay okay I like the small little like little kitchen there I mean this is for like a a three-bedroom house definitely not really uh quite the size you would hope for but it's fine all right um I hate this wall I hate everything about this wall so I really want to change this oh God I just realized how long it's already been on recording oh we're not getting this house done today there ain't no way wood paneling no I don't want wood paneling on the wall there too much wood paneling already wallpaper you want to go crazy with just a full wall of wallpaper I haven't really used much all the wallpaper is so intense go with this black and white actually not opposed to black and white I kind of like that see how this looks all the way down yeah I'm okay with this something it's it's it's a nice change I actually I'm going to keep this is cuz I like that I terrible no okay I think I need to clean my monitor my God sometimes I think it's like dirty but I think just need to clean my monitor it's been a minute since I have normally do that like once a month right oh do I want to paint the wall over here n cuz this is like a different room it's fine okay out of surface area think I can at least finish this maybe uh we're just going to do this you tell me this is just the lighting right now right that's not we just where's the switch for this one I don't know where the switch is for this one that's so once we're out there I don't no was it on was it on a wall I destroyed what are you connected to it is it's right here no no no no no give me my hand trying to pick you up H I think it's better over here okay that answers my question yes it's just that weird thing there okay there we [Music] go like what I thought didn't I not just copy it must have changed something I don't know what definitely different right out of paint that's fine this happened huh really confused I am really confused what have I done did I just Oh e I didn't dip it in the paint first all right well now I'm just sticking to this one cuz I like it more this is the blue that's over there like wait a second something ain't right here how did that just completely change all right whatever it's it's fine I'm going to sell this one um no no no I want to sell this and Lord there's so many different options that it just doesn't want to compute this not did I just sell the wrong one again ah ever man it's all blue in this corner here you go weird corner all right we're all good here fine with all this I can stay over there all right this is all [Music] fine do I need to yeah I do okay right here just thinking I I did I did just make this adjustment so I probably have to repaint all that and you [Music] too we go okay really like these windows okay so if we're out here um give me this give me storage TV cabinet but I want a small one something like this I think this is a smaller one right yeah okay well you're going away so I want to put it like right right about here I think big old TV slap on the wall bam all right and then a big old couch so give me auto nope I want sofas oh isn't this huge I'm trying to think of like the what what ones are big I think this may be one of the bigger ones I think I was very wrong on that yeah this okay so yeah this is a huge one oh see how do I want to do this I kind of want to have it like right about here really close then I could put what's happening there we go see it just doesn't it's not much space this window sill here kind of creates an issue right I was thinking put it in a small table like in the wall right there kind of cool let's see I don't want a desk I mean I guess I could put a desk back here there a small desk enough place to do that no not really maybe get a smaller one desk okay I mean this will work U Electronics just give me the laptop this is a small area so we'll we'll just go with something small oop okay and then [Music] seats so a little chair here not not going to go with that I like this one all right we go so we have a little spot back here for a desk think it's somewhere for a table but I mean we could potentially put one right here table accent table not really what I was thinking console tables dining tables it just like a small dining table and like so right here I mean it could work as like watching TV God this TV is too big I'm actually going to step it down this TV here we go right yeah that's a bit better not going to strain your eyes okay then we have this um seats chairs benches and chairs [Music] tools all right one right there one right there okay there's two spots right there you got to all right all right I mean it's a little cramped don't get me wrong but and also feel like I use this space pretty well got space back here for like any sort of computer stuff going on uh some decorations I am past my time I got to stop I got to stop here oh God it's just never enough time put a little thing up there all right well we got a lot of it done uh we're going to have to finish it next time though but yeah I'm I'm pretty happy with how this is going like the I like the rooms and how everything is changed in here but hit the like button leave comments let me know your thoughts uh yeah this is this is this is going to be interesting downstairs I'll probably paint up down here real quick and then I'll paint here too uh the rest of it I feel is mostly done there's still just a little bit of paint left to do here and there but yeah thank you for watching hit the like button I said all that thank you for having this series do so well I'm having so much fun with this game bye-bye for [Music] now
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 16,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, moon, base, House Flipper, update, new, 2023, December, release, hammer, destroy, build, rebuild, January, 2024
Id: jK7c8emJNc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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