Buying "Normal" Cabin In The Woods With A Cryptid ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody I'm R Master welcome back to more house flipper 2 and we are going to keep going on in this keep making sure to hit the like button leave comments game is so much fun and I want to do it all do it all so we're done with this place yes yes yes going remember which place we were done with uh we still have a new one here beach house we didn't we we've been we've been working on a lot of beach house I want to go to the forest that looks like a good I think this looks like a good house cuz I'm also looking at like what house we could buy okay so run down forest cabin uh fixing holes in the walls taking out the trash buying some furniture all right all right make it fresh coat of paint seems like it could do pretty well just like a place just down in the middle of the forest let's grab this I'm assuming I need to yeah sell sell all this stuff like how we don't sell the big branches we sell the little branches get rid all the tiny little branches and stuff but we don't sell the big ones and apparently we don't sell the little ones in the backyard yard or this entire side of the house covered in bushes all right man you do you okay am I selling anything else out they're just straight up hole in the ground here all right give me all the garbage oh what was that freaked out all right how's it going what's the answer hey Jaden here I finally know what my movie's going to be about and I couldn't wait to tell you just listen it's going to be a silent piece honoring the simple life imagine long static shots capturing the most mundane activities nobody would expect it from a movie set in a forest cabin am I right so your crucial task is making it look inhabited the last time I was there only a ghost would consider moving in and that was like years ago whoa what is this this movies about a ghost why didn't you take care of it over movies about a ghost no no no that's not what I meant the movie is about a person who is very much alive I told you I don't want anything super or maybe what if they are a ghost but they don't know it and live like a regular person and them being a ghost is revealed at the very end you know what you may be on to something I'm going to work it into the grip right away thank you for the inspiration oh okay you're you're welcome wait how do you but there huh how I get down here I'm really confused how do I get down there just saw some garbage pop up there it is how do I get down below I mean there's clearly a Down Below I just don't know how to get to the down below all right well you know what let's just sell stuff for right now hey you want me to get rid of all this stuff all that stuff is [Music] staying okay get rid of all this this stuff is staying that's getting out of here hey there it is okay super confused like I know that there's a Down Below I could see it I need to like remove this what am I doing here give me all the trash let's take care of you first okay we got a trash bag we got to get out of here so yeah I figured we would do some jobs today in part because I really wanted to buy a house in the woods and the fact of that I I like this house so we may end up buying this one after we're done with it doing the job cuz I am intrigued to see what we could do with this let's go downstairs uh got a little bit more garbage garbage right here garbage bag right here so we're obviously going to have to repair the holes in the ground cuz there's a bunch of those uh this place is also incredibly dirty so do I just need to like move this clearly we need to get back here am I not selling all these radiator man what heartwarming Radiance okay this is a thing that's happening I yeah okay are we leaving this here it just says to build doesn't want me to remove any of this so that's fine I guess we're just going to clean the stains up here clean up all this stains right here obviously need to rebuild that there you go no what have you done why would you do this hedgehammer I didn't mean to do these ones try do that that's all I was trying to do here we go okay I'm am I not am I not putting anything here we're done down here that's all you want me to do all right man whatever you freaking crazy person all right so we got lots and lots of stuff to clean up up here wait you're still tell me this garbage up oh cuz there's a little piece of garbage right there there's still something up here right there there it is okay H and I think it's saying that I need to clean something all right just keep slamming the freaking spray button we got all kinds of stuff cleaned all right I mean honestly this is cleaning off really quick and see this is I feel like it could be a house that we could flip pretty fast all right cuz it's not a huge place I was thinking this could be a nice place to knock out all the walls to but to be honest they're already mostly all knocked out anyways the only thing that's not is the bathroom and I I feel like the bathroom should be its own own room all right let's keep cleaning all right I think we're good no we got over here is there stuff on the side of the house no okay looks like the sides of the houses are fine I need this to repair this part and apparently there's still garbage here all right there you go and finally actually you know what that should be making it cost less right or it goes faster oh no I clicked on the there we go that's what I want yeah right there and just like that all right okay I'm assuming you [Music] want this right here all right there we go clean up that one little piece of trash okay this one's already done I I didn't expect this place to be super long because it looked like it was going to be small but you never know what you're going to get into here you go go ahead and build up with that real quick all right take care of this oh there we go all right little last part right here and we just have a tiny bit of dirt to clean up all right so whole thing is done we got to finish cleaning off all the rest of this stuff I think that's it though no there still oh the windows I don't know what else is left come on here we go it's Corners this may be one where where this would be better oh until you get to the center there we go all right cat is sitting on my lap right now watching this thing Zips zip back and forth and she's losing her mind it's hilarious all right there we go take care of all of this feel like that's giving me more leeway than normal is it still the same there 29 stain oh my goodness I get the stuff that's directly behind here it's not directly behind here and it just looks like it is I got a little bit more right up here got a little bit more right up there here to clean off and four stains oh there still the windows right there we go there which one am I missing then still saying four stains oh there's something hidden behind here that's two I think I can think is it there oh wait is there one in the back of the door yes in fact it's too and there we go all right sweet all right what about the bathroom yeah the bathroom's all nasty of course right take care of all this stuff window itself though you can't really see out of much of it okay so we're all good with the stains it says that there's garbage in here still somewhere oh up here all right and that's all of that that uh we're going to sell these that it wait am I done this this is weird we're not really doing a whole lot with most of this stuff like obviously this I'm going to need two panels so go ahead and get this what what do what did I click by then this too this is for the wall the other one's for the floor here we go fix a repair job wait what hold up I just see I guess that's it all right and then we were done downstairs right yeah we didn't have anything else to do down here either weird okay wow that came out of nowhere sorry about that oh God I can't wait to L over being sick all right boom you mean they want this chair this table so we'll stick this table over here right under the window I think that's great get these three different chairs you right here you right here you right there okay there's that one obviously need one for over wait we need a bed in here all right this is being moved this is coming over here now right flip your around but you right there okay if you want a bed we're going to put it over here in the corner it's like no nightstand no nightstand for you guess this is where your chair is going I don't know this is a really weird and shape place what do I do with this oh right here okay and then there is all that's left is something out here surfaces where oh outside cuz we put the wall up I'm like I don't know where this is supposed to go but you didn't do it bye there we go place right place on the oh then you got two them all right I think this is the fastest job we have done holy crap this job was fast all right cuz we're done that's it that's all three stars we only got 8,900 that was a really crapp paying job because it was so fast all right um I don't even know I don't even know that was what 14 minutes all right uh we do another one I mean there's another one available no it was four already oh okay you know what let's let's see how much that house is let's see if we can flip that house real quick that's why that's the ones I've sold so it should be o 177,000 it's pretty cheap oh oh it looks so bad oh it's so much worse oh I love it h it is so much worse than it was originally did I click CL I keep clicking cancel I mean to do that go to house all right so this is the place this place looks great straight to delete all that um we kind of get rid of some of these bushes along our pathway specifically like I'm okay we're in the forest I want to leave some bushes but I hate that log so glad I get rid of these big logs oh look at the logs go away ah I hated them dumps all right you get out of here that's not what you want to see what what am I looking at here there's no railing here at all or anything okay I can also clean up the bushes hanging off the side like that just screams not taken care of oh my goodness what what what not even sure what I just sold I'm actually really confused can I like just yeah no flipper tool can I change this and make it so it's not gross I mean that's still gross that's still gross no I don't think I can I think I just have to sell it all right get out of here now give me this I can pick this thing up at the very least we can place it here guarantee we're going to need place to throw trash there is a lot of trash here right go and finish selling these I'm trying I'm trying to do it slow so I don't accidentally sell my windows I I mean I could readjust that without having to sell it don't like the kitchen like this place is wow this place is so different from the way it was I I like the Open Floor why did you make it not open all right all right you know what's happening right now we are actually going to do the open floor plan thing that I've been wanting to do in a house somewhere it's going to be this house here I don't like this at all all right they got all of you what's happening right now all right whatever whatever it's being weird it won't let me remove all of it at once all right take care of all that going to leave two pieces there we go I love the size that it covers but at the same time up leaving these like one little like panels go right remove all of you that takes us downstairs this is I'm going to I'm going to make this the bathroom still I almost want to kind of keep this one going I want mind the kitchen being separated everything else you know what yeah I'll keep the kitchen there everything else we're going to remove yeah this is like unnecessarily compact for no reason remove all this stuff off here I missed the two pieces on the bottom all right I'm actually going to make the downstairs I think the bedroom I see no reason not to I don't want your beams don't need any structural support in here it's fine who that just break that no there we go okay I got to start selling stuff I got to start selling stuff there's just not enough room and I can't tell what's what all the like like I can't some they do a good job I can't tell what what's a panel and what's a the floorboards on some of this go ahead and get rid of all this there we go windows are fine yeah I think I'm going to keep the kit I think that's the only thing that's going to stay with walls rest of it definitely getting removed there we go all of that this thing they take care of all the gross in here and the stuff in here is just St shattered okay give me the garbage pick up all of you the vacuum take care of this okay there we go we're all done with the leaves any other leaves yes there's a whole bunch of stuff over here wait a second am I looking at Bigfoot we got Bigfoot foots what is this don't slip drivers once again caught unaware by winter it what am I looking at man did you trap Bigfoot in here what you did I feel like that's what I just walked into was a place where Bigfoot was at look at the ground all right I love it this is why there's a hole in the wall Bigfoot knocked a hole the wall to get out of here all right this is uh I love the story this place is telling all right uh we got garbage over here oh okay there was more to vacuum glass shards to vacuum up what's this oh it's a light switch right going go back to garbage another light which is sitting here speaking of sell the rest of these I'll redo them myself all right give me the hammer time to smash more stuff did I get didn't I get a perk in something and I don't remember what it was possibly I did hear down here we got a't even more all right care of you care of you one just hanging out all right all right we at least took care of the main thing that I wanted to do tell you you you remove all this stuff I find I just F this super humorous it's like this like this is just Bigfoot you know just normal thing in the woods right get rid of all this stuff got a tons of jars see if I can line myself up so I can just click like crazy H what am I looking at here why is there a cake in here I don't understand anything that's happening in this house very strange no I still need to sell stuff I see these okay um just Hammer all right wait there's a hold up is this no no no what hello does this actually go anywhere is just a door to Nowhere very confused by this the Bieber is a lie like the cake is a lie okay this is a really weird place this is a really weird place let's let's go up here I'm going to go put this outside o there you go okay so it's not Bigfoot it's a giant Bieber there's just a random duck in here all right I can dig it starts on what what what I don't understand why that's still there I don't even see this I can't smash that stuff I mean yeah I'm going to break this one down for sure all right go ahead and break that part of me does not want to destroy this one I almost want to leave this as like a bathroom it's like a secondary bathroom our bed right here seal this thing up right right here no God bless it why doing the bricks I do feel like it's it it has a mind of its own oh definitely don't want that there right there we go stop being weird game this one go okay so that's all removed I need to fix this right here okay that's fine I that one I don't even have to do anything for it's like yeah we're good okay same thing here right okay so we're all good we're all done uh I need this floor to be repaired yeah I think I at least have it sealed up down here and sell the cake I understand this doesn't open so I don't think there's actually a room here especially since I can't destroy it all right whatever man I don't know what to make of it a super weird place down here definitely sell those don't need that down here on keep that duck all right we're going to take care of all the rest of this all the leaves over here all right and then we're just going to clean it up we'll just pretend like there was never any evidence of this person talks about in the future we'll just be like no they're crazy there was never anything down there look how nice this place looks it seemed like there was a big foot here um I can't get rid of Bigfoot's foot don't know what to do about that I see it but it literally won't let me remove it that's a problem that's a big problem oh maybe I'll try to do it from the side no nowhere nowhere has any sort of oh that's not good guess they just going to be a big foot in the in here forever all right uh let's do this okay is that it there we go I do actually want to do one thing too I I I didn't realize where I destroyed this at I actually want this here all right and up we go boom there okay we still need to keep cleaning stuff move all this everything all this this upstairs is going to be there's there's so much to clear upstairs I'm just making sure I get a little like tiny pieces remove that there we go right so we're all good in here let we walk out here where it's just like BL everywhere out here is BL right so this isn't even this green is actually just the color of the walls gross I thought that was all just like mold and stuff that needed to be removed but apparently not apparently that's just the color they went with okay clear off all the dirt on the Windows uh that are still remaining all right that one's already clean these ones however are not are they both clean I guess they are okay this blot over here to remove and then there's a bunch over here I got down here to clean okay that's it right oh we got some over here I was literally standing on it right behind me all right sell that uh there's still a little bit more up here on the ceiling pretty sure I just saw something no I guess that's it oh no right here swear I just saw some over here get the bathroom okay I think we're actually looking pretty good out out here far as like garbage goes we're almost done get out of here [Music] um yeah do I want to remove this yeah I do I like it right place red there that's one little one here we go all right all right I like that let's go outside let's see how let's see how outside looks I know outside needs a good cleaning oh it's also just straight up nasty out here in general really okay surprisingly nice so what I'm kind of thinking give me this give me the copy how would this look if we did the entire building like this I don't think this looks bad for the outside yeah I think it actually because it's already matched up on the bottom I'll leave the wooden beams in the corner and we'll just redo them with a different kind of wood but I think all in all this looks really nice yeah I like that go straight up the thing definitely going to need more than this all right you know what there's still stuff hanging out here Bo okay what if we do this let's go to here first uh let go and close you we need to change this left or right St on left that's fine change the base I want wood uh I'm kind of thinking Oak wait can I really not adjust this out of this nasty if I change it into a different one we'd be good no all right then never mind we're just selling this thing hello I don't know what to make of what I just did hello it's not here do I need to restart my game I think I need to restart my game I think I just broke something is that how all of them are I can't change any of this no I can change this that's fine what I'm thinking is this is going to be an Oak Place okay so now we can go here we can go copy paste paste quick refurbishment to the things here we just get Oak beams what I think that's something I just need to sell all right there we go we at least have that all flipped around real quick yeah I don't know what to do about the door here it's super weird that that needs to be sold can I change this thing off the grossness there we go that's fine simply just doing that enough uh no I want this see changing this wood is fine I don't know what happened there look at that now it's all good all right whatever man so I need more of this go ahead and I I still need this one then buy more of this stuff La this all up right here all right yes I was like can I stand on top of the garbage can would make it so much easier and I can oh I mean I guess it's fine that I covered it up I'm be putting something else there anyways that wood is gross there we go okay set up all of you all right there we go I even like that this it actually seems textured I didn't think it was going to be textured right right here out of finish uh Boop and Boop and then we'll just switch over to this side I'm okay with this part this part looks fine maybe not so much that part though that looks gross all right I mean this whole thing though yeah I really do like this on the outside compared to what it looked like before for sure I think that was it that was in there yeah all right so we'll just do this you buy buy one more buy one more what's happening shows it shows green I I hear the sound effect and then it just doesn't do it yeah then I still have to do this too I hope that's not coming through but I have a cat sitting here cleaning himself on my lap sitting here and chewing on himself so upset that that just happened like the building in this is mostly fine but if you click too soon when you think you have it oh you're doomed right there we go that one actually worked out oh this is just click click click all right now I got to break this part H you and you there we go all right then I also want to go back cuz I I mean is it still on surfaces it is okay where's the oak want oak oak panels natural would by no I don't want the natural we we need to adjust this I do want the pattern want to cut pattern of this I want the size this is not as big as it can be but second dude killing me with the inability to place on the ground game all right and then we'll just kind of go along the whole floor here I don't know why am I not making it bigger all right there we go I put you right here it wasn't a back balcony right no no no no I think I'm getting some inside hopefully not but I mean I guess it doesn't matter I need to do the floors inside anyways okay so if we shrink it down we start nope that does not look good this however looks fine can I get up there I mean it works long as it works jump on the garbage can again there we go okay sweet can I get a little bit higher top part I'm out no no I'm not he making it seem like I'm out all right come on there is a trick I learned I don't know if I can use it here though it Crouch no no it's not working dang it I was really hoping I can get up there still see it yeah so if you're crouched and you fall off something you fall down really slowly it's like you have slow fall really weird okay I mean I guess this works right is there for as what second and I can't reach this side so that side I don't know what I'll do I just maybe move it closer oh that's not going to work okay so we're all good here and this [Music] one yeah no it doesn't work there I can use it here here though boom we can use it here as well boom okay I like the look at that that makes it look a whole lot nicer probably on this side as well me I'm okay with this yeah just go ahead and cover here that yeah be in a straight line oh I saw it there we go I was going to separate these but I mean I'm going to use the same wood so I guess it doesn't really matter too much go okay I do need to do this and do the rotation like so there we go and this is how we have had to actually set these parts up I mean you don't I don't feel like I need to do this but I do feel like it looks better I like the I like having that wood like outline frame thing right there that's right these ones are weird down here I forgot about that one too we all right look how much nicer this place looks from the front now already this is great all right let's go straight down here want to go all the way down I kind of do yeah yeah I like that right just kind to draw it down same thing on this ins side I'm only going to do the edges of the house though not going to mess with any of the rest of it oh I may have to get scaffolding for one thing here that's going to suck all right we're all good with you okay so I'm going to do this now just hope it's not placing it inside and I was going to do that I was really hoping that was wasn't going to happen either had a feeling it could as far as stuff goes I feel like this is actually faster than PL than than painting which is weird because in the in the original game until like the most recent update type of thing before this came out where they actually changed the way tiles worked but tiles was I I I hated doing tiles I hated doing tiles because it was so tedious and it took forever to do and then they had an update came that came out that made it so it was kind of similar to this on how you put Tils up and it was so much nicer so much easier to deal with we're all done over here we're all done over here but yeah I feel like this this is so much faster than painting cuz you can put up these big chunks at a time cuz I don't know if I'll show it in I may show it on a stream at some point but I actually I in order to get the thumbnail for the last video and sometime a couple of thumbnails I have a second game running where I buy the same places after we've done them so I can do like the before and after picture for the thumbnail and I I did a pure black and white one cuz I was just bored um that T I was like I don't know what what am I going to do well let's I need to get this thumbnail let's just uh I got to read do the over the garage house because that's what I bought for the thumbnail of over the garage house and uh yeah it it I was like I'm just going to make this thing ugly and then by the time I was done I was like wow this actually looks really really good like I kind of did the black and white house before but I went I went like super hard on that one I thought it looked it looked amazing by the time I was done I don't know if I'll put it in a video though I think I'll probably just show it on stream at some point I did record walking through it because I thought it was really cool looking that's all I did I didn't do anything other than just record walking through it all right I think we're done with the frames like this did need to fix this up here here we go oh I hadn't done any of this part yet either oh no I did most of it okay I need scaffolding for the back anyway so I guess that's fine need to fix that one up um pretty happy with how this goes all right let's put this away I'm going to take this copy the style from here slap that up right there okay don't like that I'm going to have to restart because I don't like this door showing up as it's still here uh let's see here is there any other still gross wood on here window sill Oak oak oak okay I just want to make sure that it's all fixed copy that style paste that style paste that style paste the style paste the style the style paste the Style Style see there shouldn't be anything down here okay try to open the door the door doesn't exist the door is a lie just like the cake all right uh you sell boom still stuff in this one yeah rid of all these things that are actually empty okay so scaffolding store backies I'm just going to buy the single one I don't think I need the double house isn't that big give me this or not yeah say cuz that that's that's all I needed it for was that right there and we need to take this to the front can just place it because man I want to get to the you move so slow carrying this stuff all right okay I I don't even have the stuff on me I need this one right here you that's the wrong one that was the wrong one that's the wrong wrong one this confused on which one it is right wait a second what am I seeing here there is a hold up installation surface finishes inst structural elements is there any way to oh there's no way to do like an attic stairs I don't know how this [Music] works okay I mean I feel like it should work mostly got a little space up here right so go ahead and just you know what just give me this okay so can I do this I mean like if I if I can kind of come oh yes see here you go floating down super weird okay so I mean o I don't know how to get up here is the problem what I need to do can't just move this right no so I need to sell this so if I go the opposite way take it from like right here okay all right now I can get up here this I mean this works it just isn't what I was expecting I didn't realize that there was going to be an atct in here Attic in here it'd be cool if we could just like have like a small little thing though but whatever it's fine I'm okay with with this all right front door is driving me nuts let's go to you give me copy this a there we go all right I mean like look at the outside already look how much nicer this place looks already this is nuts just from simply just doing this all right then we got the inside I kind of like that but at the same time I don't don't want to do that all right so downstairs is going to be the bedroom let's first off Surface vishes PES panels I'm doing Oak kind of thinking we go with some natural European Ash for the floors me the cut [Music] pattern I'm going to go with this maybe no no no no no let's go with this one pattern size make it a little bit bigger yeah I like this keep it nice and bright down here cuz we're in the basement not a surface area not a problem we can fix that honestly I think I'm going to bring this upstairs too I don't think this looks bad at all I like the look of this it there right get some more all right that I'm going to probably change cuz if we put a firl back which I kind of want to I mean we are in the middle of the woods I think I'll probably put Stone floors down there but we can we can we can work with what we have right now is not going in the bathroom or the kitchen however there we go care of all of you all right we're all good cuz I can play so much at one time the surface area that we have runs out very quickly okay I'm going to want to do different for the bathroom goe and sell that let's go to tiles what do I not really I mean I haven't really used much of the Granite I like the granite let's let's put that in let's let's do the bathroom ran it going to straight up cover up Bigfoot's footprint apparently funny I'm doing the opposite opposite thing I wanted to do for the rest of it which is keep it bright but that's the thing is we're going to switch this thing up actually you know what I'm even going to do that in here I'm going to redo this room too yeah I'm going to redo this room can I just place a door without having to have something there or do I have to have no I can just place a door right there we can build around it okay I got to just sit here wait till it's fully built oh my God I'm almost already in an hour H this game I lose track of time because it's so much fun I thought maybe we'd be able to get this whole place done but there's so much to do to it I was not expecting the degree of stuff we needed to do to it okay and what I mean this room immediately I can tell you what I'm I'm thinking with this and we could just set it right in here home appliances I need set washer and a dryer in here and this this seems like a perfect room for you know a wash a washer washer dryer room not like you're going to run it while you're sleeping anyways o it's shiny get the duck out of here for a minute and oh yeah there's something that I did different something that I I finally got working I I obviously I can't really get too much up of it but I do want to showcase that we can do it not this what's happening oh this is in the way why can't I go up the stairs what did I do wrong actually can I it's with this right yeah change the base oh I actually no you know what says purple marble I don't feel like that's purple but think that looks really nice in in opposition of the wood all right uh let's go back to stop random things you're trying to do this so I set pictures up finally so now we can have pictures we can have the pictures of the old cats Mushu and Dax Mushu Mushu in his last few weeks with Katniss hea when he was a baby for some reason is sideways same with this one Katniss sleeping Katniss portrait and then just some of the backgrounds I use for my actually this is the background I I think I still have for a lot of my monitors um but yeah I can I can actually just use some of this stuff I thought was so cool like just straight up put like a nightmare picture on the wall right here almost I love it I love it I have some of them it didn't take some of them for some reason but yeah I'm going have to leave it here for now cuz I'm over an hour so hit the like button leave comments let me know if you guys want what you guys want to you know what you guys are thinking of this and what we should do next I mean I don't should I do a job next time too and then work on the house some more should we just try to finish the house I don't know I don't know what place should what job should we do next should we do the forest or should we go to the last beach house but yeah thank you for watching uh I'm glad you guys are enjoying this and I I very much am byebye for now [Music]
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 66,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, moon, base, House Flipper, update, new, 2023, December, release, hammer, destroy, build, rebuild
Id: T87vj_lNdMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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