Turning From The Ridiculous

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hmm [Music] um [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so um [Music] do [Music] [Music] me [Music] yes yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah jesus hallelujah come on somebody give god praise in this place come on give god praise in this place hallelujah i will bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name hallelujah come on let's give god praise in this place the order of today is praise the order the order the order of today is praise i will lift up my hands and give you glory and honor and praise hallelujah to his name we're going to prepare to go before the throne of grace to be seek the presence of the lord in this place how many of you need something from the lord this morning amen and i'm gonna ask even as you even if you have your mask on as you you're covered i'm gonna ask you to pray with me and pray unto god earnestly this morning we want we want we need how many you need you haven't i need i need a i need a i have a 911 emergency i need i need god to do something special for i want everybody under the sound of my voice as we go before the throne of grace to bombard heaven hallelujah jesus thank you god thank you jesus god we bless you this morning god we honor you today god we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise we worship you we are sending judah into battle for us first you are the king of kings and you are the lord of lords you are the lamb of god you are the ruler you are the sustainer you are the waymaker you are our everything you are our battle axe god you are the one that was there in the middle of the night when nobody else was there you are our comforter you are our soother you are a soon-coming king you are the righteousness you are our warfare so we bless you so we open up our mouths and we give you the fruit of our lips god the enemy would like to us to shut our lips but we've come god full of praise this morning we've come god full of admiration this morning and full of honor and full of glory and full of worship and full of praise and now holy spirit we need your power today we need your presence today we need your unction and your anointing today we need you god to walk up and down these aisles and begin to minister to us and begin to minister to our minds and minister to our hearts and minister to our spirit we can't do nothing without you but holy ghost if you fall today holy ghost if you rest today holy ghost if you abide today then we know that all of our needs will be met we understand god that many people did not make it to this morning but you have saw fit that we are here and we are in the land of the living so god now that we've come here now that we've got gotten dressed up and put on our clothes we have come to give you honor we have come to give you glory we have come to give you majesty we've come to celebrate you so we've asked and pray that your power and your glory and your unction and your anointing would rest in this house move us out of the way we pray that flesh today would decrease and that your spirit would have free course to move that your power and your unction would have free course in this place dear god we ask and pray for the minstrels of music as they begin to minister as they begin to sing as they begin to play we pray that they would sing and minister and play under an unction god that would make unclean spirits not comfortable in this house that they would pray under an unction that would make unclean spirits not settled we pray that they would sing and minister and play until they prepare the climate and the atmosphere for the preached word of god and now god we ask and pray that you would bless your manservant your set gift as he stands behind this holy death look upon your shepherd look upon your bishop dr jerome stokes god we pray that you would strengthen him this morning god that you would give him a special unction this morning to minister the word of the lord to minister in power to minister in grace to minister in auction to minister under the anointing strengthen him in his body strengthen him in his mind comfort him god anoint him god and god as you anoint him anoint us god as you heal him heal us god as you strengthen him strengthen us god as the oil flows down from aries beard touch him right now in the name of jesus bless him god oh father we thank you and god we know that the enemy of our soul is upset and he's frustrated and he's intimidated and he's annoyed because he tried to kill us this week he tried to stop us this week but god we're praising you because you empowered us to show up we're praising you because you empowered us to overcome we're praising you because you empowered us to be a victor and now we stand in the authority together of the holy ghost and we bind and rebuke every unclean spirit that would like to rest in this atmosphere and we send you back to the pits of hell you have no place here and we lose in this house today an atmosphere of healing and atmosphere of deliverance and atmosphere of miracles and atmosphere breakthrough and because we believe the word of the lord we collectively we collectively open up our mouths and we shout for the victory and we shout for the miracles and we shout together for the breakthrough and we praise you for the action and the anointing and the oil that you shall release [Applause] [Music] is [Music] father comfort us where we're weak strengthen us where we're sad comfort us where we're heavy ah holy ghost you said you never leave us but you ascend the comforter now god comfort us comfort us in our pain comfort us comfort us in our pain comfort us in our pain strengthen us empower us like only you can source of our strength strength of our life the source of our strength strength of our life we lift our hands today and we receive strength all over this sanctuary we lift our heads today and we receive strength we lift our hands collectively to the king and we receive source of our strength strength of our life source of our strength that's it strength of our life give it to a source of our strength strength of our life source of our strength [Music] we can't make it without you we can't deal with this without you we can't walk through this without you but with you all things are possible with you with you with you [Music] all things are possible we love you we thank you we gonna bless you today anyhow [Music] we gonna praise you today anyhow we gonna celebrate you today anyhow praise shall be the order today i declare a shaman declare prophetically praise today shall be the order today and the atmosphere shall be the order today today today in jesus name in jesus name amen amen thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah we're going to ask we're going to ask that you turn to isaiah 61. we're going to be reading responsibly verses 1 through 7. isaiah 61 we have the word say amen amen amen it reads the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound ready to appoint unto them that mourn in zion to give unto them beautiful ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified read and strangers shall stand and feed your flocks and the sons of the alien shall be your plow men and your vine vine dressers read [Music] all together for your shame you shall have double and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in in their land they shall possess the devil everlasting joy shall be unto them give god praise for the reading of his word [Music] praise the lord see our realm praise the lord see our own it's good to be in the presence of the lord on this morning i will bless the lord at all times i will bless the lord at all times i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall always be in my mouth we came to give god glory on this morning we came to give god glory on this morning we came to give god he's a good good father [Music] he's a good lord he's a good good father yes and we came to give you glory [Laughter] [Music] we [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the praise is due to your name all the praises do to your name all the praise is still to your name all the praise is deal to your name all the praises due to your name all the praise is due to your name [Music] yes lord yes lord we came to give god glory on this morning no matter what the situation or circumstances he deserves the glory will you help us on this morning will you help [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name us the glory of the lord let it rise let the glory of the lord let it rise among us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] rise among us [Music] yes lord forgive your glory let your boys [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we [Applause] [Music] we give our cry with hearts to you lord [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign is oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] let it rise [Music] here holy spirit [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we love your [Applause] we're spirit for you on this morning that we won't leave until we find your lord yes [Applause] can you help us on this morning [Music] all of heaven frozen me sing louder [Music] [Music] [Laughter] the sound of heaven how [Music] the sound of heaven the sound of heaven [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] break our walls down we need you to heaven come down oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause we're [Music] we want to see your kingdom here [Music] [Applause] and we're hoping [Applause] [Music] we can't live without you so we turn our hearts toward heaven on this morning in great anticipation for the things that god has for us we give glory to the name of jesus on this morning there's no hurt there's no suffering there's no bondage that can tangle us up so much that god cannot take care of it that he can't handle it he already promised he can do every single thing but fail that's the god that we serve he does all things well can we acknowledge that on this morning open up your mouth and declare the goodness of god declare the graciousness of god the mercy of god the love of god he loves you that much that he's not going to do anything that disrupts his plan for you and your life can we open up our mouths and declare that on this morning we love you jesus we thank you jesus can we take a couple more seconds to give god what he's doing this morning he deserves praise open up your mouth and declare it on this morning [Music] that can outlive the grace that you freely give it's the raging flood that covers us for the thoughts that come to decay you sent love to strip them away and you left the truth [Music] [Music] is broken there is [Music] there's no shame oh [Music] broken [Laughter] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] championships [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] any longer i am [Music] see i am free praise the lord i'm no more chains holding me my soul is resting yes [Music] every day [Music] praise the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] see i am [Music] [Applause] my soul is [Music] there it yeah [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where the spirit of the lord is when the spirit of the lord is there is freedom that is [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am free [Applause] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many how many free people do we have in the building this morning how many free people i am free praise the lord [Music] i'm free no longer bound no more chains holding me praise the lord [Music] praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah [Music] i'm free and he whom the son has set free is free indeed it's free indeed hallelujah hallelujah so i can i can praise him free i can rejoice free i can walk in my power and authority free i can operate in my calling free i can hear what he says and what he speaks to me free hallelujah hallelujah come on sing just a little bit more of that if you don't mind come on lift up your voices with them lift up your voices everybody on your feet let's do it together i am free come on come on sing it come on [Music] [Applause] my soul [Music] [Applause] let the [Music] i'm praising him [Music] come on and open up your mouth and give the king the praise open up your mouth lift your voice and give the king the praise give him the glory give him the honor open up your mouth and give the king the glory and the worship and the honor and the majesty i didn't have to be here today but it is because of his grace it is because of his mercy it is because of his loving kindness that i am here in this place this morning to give the king it's not about anybody else today it's about the king to give the king the praise to give the king the glory to give the king the honor to bow before the kesha to bow before the king to submit before the king [Music] he is the king he is the king he is the king the king the king he [Music] [Applause] [Music] reach over and tell somebody with your master and say you don't know my story you don't understand why i had to praise him this way because it hadn't been left up to the enemy i would have been destroyed last year i would have died [Music] in 2020 but since he saw it that i should live i've got to praise him again with your mask on tell somebody next to you give me some room give me some room i've got to praise him i've got to praise him i didn't come i didn't come to church to look cute i came to praise him i came to give a praise i came to give him glory i came to give him honor [Music] glory to your name jesus glory to your name jesus glory to your name jesus i feel the hollywood into my spirit glory to your name jesus briefly listen we got three types of people in here this morning abe a group b group and c group a group walked through 2020 and and and believed that it was because of their own goodness and intelligence that they made it through 2020 and they're here this morning sitting spectating and just watching all of us give god praise then we have b group which is many of you who are saying to god i made it through 2020 and the pandemic was intense it was traumatic i might have suffered some grief some loss in various ways but i i believed to see the goodness of the land of the lord in the land of the living that's the b group and then you have the c group which is like like i am who was fully vaccinated in in in march and then went away on the west coast and contracted coven in june and the enemy said to my mind you're going to die and not live but how many of you know that the devil is a liar and god is the victim that some of you are in the c group for those of you that are in the b group and the c group i dare you with your mascot to break out in an exuberant phrase and if you don't have no praise if you're in the age group just sit there and look cute but i know that it was nothing but the hand of god that brought me through tell somebody say i am a covet survivor tell somebody else i am a covet survivor if you survive 2020 give us 60 seconds on the clock i feel a breakout dance if you survive 2020 take a few moments and [Music] for you survive [Music] this is my survival practice this is my survival praise i shouldn't have made it but i did i shouldn't have survived but i did [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the balcony where the praiser's at where the praises asked where the praises at we're the praisers after i've come to praise them i've come to break them i've come to rejoice because [Music] together come on clap like you mean it clap like you need it clap like you mean it clap like you survived clap like you made it through clap like you survived i survived i survived [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right all right y'all didn't come to him no church ah i came to him church this morning hallelujah [Music] sing it i'm gonna live to [Music] that's it i got to live the reason i couldn't die when i contracted covet after full vaccination is because my destiny ain't fulfilled yet and god said i got more for him and and the lord just spoke to me and said the reason many of you didn't expire in 2020 because your destiny not fulfilled yet so i dare about 10 people to praise him praise him for fulfilling your purpose for fulfilling your destiny come on somebody come on come on come on come on help the neighbor next to your appraiser help the neighbor next to you praise him [Music] never ever lose your priest [Music] never ever lose your praise hold on to your praise my praise is what saved my life [Applause] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you see this [Music] on your way down on your way down tell somebody don't judge me you don't understand this phrase you don't get it you don't get it not that you don't get it go your way down tell them don't don't judge me here don't judge that don't judge me you don't judge me i got to pray this is a survivor's praise don't judge me don't judge me [Music] please sit down come on sit down [Music] i don't mean to harm i come to church to have church amen i come to church to have church this is the atmosphere the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness when i don't feel like praising him when i'm hurt when i'm offended when i'm lost i've got to praise him all right i'm moving i'm moving come on i need y'all to help me move help me help me move i got to move i got to move [Applause] [Music] shot [Music] [Music] this is the praise this is the prank [Music] hallelujah jesus thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you for your presence thank you jesus i praise praises praise is therapeutic worship will make you feel better and be seated please in the presence of god i told you after the opening prayer the order the order of today is praise and worship hallelujah thank you jesus don't ever let the enemy shut your mouth even though you got a mask on i'm gonna praise him through the mask i'ma rejoice through this [Music] i'm trying to come out jesus all right come on thank you thank you um [Music] i'm not gonna stop here i'm from the old school i just believe in the move of god i'm not gonna stop you if you wanna jump up and dance dance if you wanna jump up and run run i don't care go ahead and give god your best praise give him your best praise give it to him give it to him give it to him [Music] go ahead while he's staring the pool jump in the water while he's staring the pool shove in the water the spirit of the lord is here the spirit of the lord is here i said the spirit of the lord is here [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we honor we honor the basha we honor the spirit of the lord in this house hallelujah and his presence is the fullness of joy at his right hand their pleasures forevermore thank you jesus jesus jesus jesus this is what we came for and the word amen this is what we gathered for hallelujah we want to take a moment while the spirit of the lord is moving [Music] while the spirit of lord is moving in this place we want to take a moment to welcome all of our visitors who are here in person or watching us on live stream let's thank god crl for all of our visitors [Music] as you see we are lively group we are energetic group and we don't mind as long as it's in order uh blessing god and praising god rejoicing at any point in the service amen because we want god to have his free will and free move in this place this morning hallelujah thank you jesus we're going to prepare our hearts and mind to worship through our giving through our seed sowing so we're going to ask everybody that's under our voice even as you are basking in this presence to prepare your tithes and your offerings to give unto the lord because we we understand that just the way we just got finished dancing and worshiping that giving is a form of worship as well hallelujah so when you have gathered those gifts your ties and your offerings we're going to ask everybody to stand up on your feet all over the building [Music] and we want to help you understand that we have five ways to give unto the lord there are five ways to give unto the lord if you're watching us online you'll see them on the screen and you'll see the five ways behind me on the screen here in the sanctuary and you can choose which way that you want to give unto the lord everyone standing we're going to pray a collective prayer amen with your gifts in hand let us pray father we honor you right now we thank you for this time for this moment for this opportunity to give god to sow into your house we worship you we bless you we thank you for enabling us many of us to have employment during this time thank you for employment god during this time so many lost their jobs during this season and god you have graced us to have steady employment and even those of us that lost our jobs god you have always made a way you have always been a provider god hallelujah bless us as we give these tithes and these offerings even right now into your house into good ground we bless you we honor you we adore you we thank you in jesus name we pray amen please follow the directions of the ushers [Music] you are my strength [Music] straight like no other reaches me [Music] you are my strength strength strength [Music] you lift me [Music] [Music] is [Music] straight line [Music] you are my strengths [Music] reaches me [Music] god we thank you for being on strength this morning [Music] and this morning god we thank you for being a miracle worker god we thank you for being a miracle worker this morning hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] you're the god of signs and wonders we believe in your power we believe in your power [Music] i [Music] [Music] me [Music] you are the miracle of the world yeah [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we believe in your power [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] i'm [Music] i believe in your power i believe i believe i believe hallelujah hallelujah [Music] signs and wonders we believe in your power we're busy thank you jesus i believe god i believe god i believe god will do just what he says trust [Music] no other way i believe i believe god [Applause] i believe god [Music] i believe god will do just what he says [Music] trust there's no other way i believe i believe [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you god let's give the lord praise [Music] we thank the lord for you we're grateful today that the lord has blessed us to come together [Music] we're giving him thanks thank you pastor brown for presiding today and as we're honoring the lord [Music] we would announce for some of you who may not know the passing of lynette pelzer [Music] she is a long long time member of this church she's one of those that i feel real close to because she grew up here i mean in the sense spiritually and was a major major kingdom contributor to the work of the lord and we're going to be sharing more with you as we move along but when they're mighty warriors and they go to be with the lord [Music] their healing is taking place already and not only that they're in a much much better place i mean just glad that you're saved we thank the lord for you i'm going to ask that you bow your heads with me this morning i come with something that god has laid on my heart father we give you honor and praise we thank you so much for this time we thank you for the gathering of your people thank you for all you do and all you've done what a great god you are you're a keeper of your people a lover of your people protector of your people and we're so honored to belong to you and to be in your family i pray that you will look upon us as we proceed now that you were blessed that you will speak this word today we know dear god that it's coming from you in the name jesus amen [Music] you may be seated second samuel 13. give me a little bit of highs ii samuel 13 and i'm going to read verses one through five second samuel 13 1-5 and it came to pass after this that absalom the son of david had a fair sister whose name was tamar and amnon the son of david loved her and amnon was so vexed that he felt sick for his sister tamar but she was a virgin and amnon thought it hard for him to do anything to her but amnon had a friend whose name was jonadab the brother of shamia david's brother and jonah dad was a very subtle man he said unto him why art thou being the king's son lean from day to day will thou not tell me and amnon said unto him i love tamar my brother absalom's sister jonah dabb said unto him lay thee down on the bed and make thyself sick when thy father cometh to see you say unto him i pray thee let my sister tamar come give me meat and dress the meat in my sight that i may see it and eat it at her hand the subject that i'm going to give you is not apparent from these verses i want to speak from the subject turning from the ridiculous turning from the ridiculous tell somebody i'm turning from the ridiculous [Music] i wonder how many of you as you've carried out your life and as you continue to live down through the years or whatever you've come to realize that there were many days you looked at situations and circumstances and you made the statement that's ridiculous how many remember ever saying that maybe you said he's ridiculous or she's ridiculous but you utter those words there are so many things in life that can happen things that transpire that could posture us in a manner that we would utter these words so much so that there's even a television program called ridiculousness on that program they look at the ridiculous things that people do in society just little things it's a waiter was told to fill the salt and pepper shakers and place them on the table he took packs of salt and packs of pepper and and forced them down into the shakers and set them on the table how ridiculous an act that he performed before losing his job there are many things that we encounter in life that make us say that's ridiculous instead as it is to say i in looking at things now and checking things out in life i've come to a place where and even in looking at the church looking at church now the way things are flowing more and more i'm finding myself saying that's ridiculous that's not god's way that's not that's not biblical but but nonetheless these things are happening the things that are ridiculous are things that are extremely unreasonable when you say that's ridiculous you're saying that's unreasonable you're saying that's senseless or illogical you're also saying that that's very foolish or stupid it's foolish or stupid to do some of the things that we see going on my focus today by god's direction is not upon the ridiculously comical things but the things that are going on in our lives and the things that are being done in our lives that basically affect continually our lives in ways that are very very serious and that can bring great harm to us those conducting their lives from what i call ridiculous boulevard are destined to have lives that are unreasonable that are foolish that are crazy ask your neighbor are you living on ridiculous boulevard think about it for a moment as we proceed it's important to understand and i share with you that the ridiculous things in our lives can manifest in different ways when we look at situations that come up and i'm going to take my time with this because i definitely need to get this across the ridiculous things can manifest in different ways in our scripture setting it was manifested in the life of david absalom the son of david had a fair sister she was good looking you know what they call it today eye candy she was nice to look at just really a beautiful woman and her own brother amnon her half brother was attracted to her and he plainly stated plainly stated he wanted her he wanted her so bad and he was so vexed about what he wanted to do with her and he could not that he felt the bible says he felt sick and tamar at this particular time was a virgin that's commendable you don't see a lot of that now i remember there was a time when it was something good when when a woman or man would say i'm still a virgin it's quiet in here my god is it quiet in here but but but you you understand that nowadays if if a young person says to another young person that oh no no i'm a virgin you you can get you can get mocked and you can get ostracized and people laugh at you that's why it's important when we stand for the lord that we be equipped and prepared to deal with what's coming because we're living in a day in the time when you make a stand for the lord it's going to be different it already it already is different he he wanted her but he felt it would be hard to do anything with her after all she was his half-sister and though some in that particular day did things like that they basically kind of figured in ways it was unlikely that david their father would approve it and this is further proof that we should not put confidence in our flesh we look at this and and we can see it it was a ridiculous situation because somebody in this family had a sex problem and it's very difficult you know some people flow with sex some people most people enjoy sex other people are driven with it and and at any cost sometimes they they will go after the one that they want rain reports that's r a i n n reports that every 68 seconds an american is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds ages 12 to 34 are the highest risk years for rape and sexual assault in america listen one out of every six american women one out of six has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime one in 10 rapes involve a male being raped and 94 percent of the women who are raped experience symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder because this devastating thing that happens that we call rape now david has some sinful episodes in his life and it's a clear example here that what we want our children to be it's incumbent upon us to be examples of that and many times if that's not the case things can can really go astray when david should have gone to war let me just run through this when david should have gone to war against the ammonites he stayed behind he watched a beautiful woman named bathsheba as she bathed any man in here no you asking for trouble you're not gonna be real this morning do any of the men in here know you're asking for trouble if you stand somewhere looking at a woman nude bathing suit you're asking you're asking for trouble but this was david's mode of behavior he sent for her slept with her she became pregnant after learning that she was the wife of one of his soldiers david sent to get her husband uriah from the battle to bring him home see he called him from the battlefield in hopes that uriah would come home and he would get intimate with his wife and uriah would think the baby was his but the baby was david's the plan was unsuccessful both times this man uriah wanted to be on the battlefield with his friends he would not take the time at all he would sleep on the step outside the palace rather than go home and and as a result of that david could not you know run his plan through and and so failing to deceive uriah in the sleeping with his wife he arranged for uriah to go on the battlefield and to be killed ultimately for those of you who know scripture david david uh mary bathsheba she had a baby and that first baby god was not approved of this whole situation that first baby died and and the bible lets us know that god indicated that trouble was going to come into david's house because of what he did and the episode that we're looking at today is a part of that trouble that came into his home it's important to understand a lot of people today think that they can do whatever they want to do people are acting like there's no such thing as the bible they're acting like there's no and i mean people in church they're acting like they have forever and a day and and they act like i can do all the things that i do and whatever i do is my is me true you can god made you a free moral agent but the lord let david know that a lot was going to come into his house not only because of his ridiculous behavior but others would be manifested in his house with also uh ridiculous behavior you see dysfunction produces dysfunction if i'm a dysfunctional parent and you're a dysfunctional parent and we bring up little ones we'll be bringing up dysfunctional little ones so it's important for us to look at situations and circumstances in our lives and to look at how things are flowing are you all with me it's important to be mindful of this let me ask you how is the ridiculous manifesting in your life what is it in your life that you're looking at what is it in your life that you may have looked at that caused you to to utter the words that's ridiculous is there molestation and sexual abuse in your family like the family that we're looking at has one of your relatives raped another relative were you raped by a relative and are you currently being pursued by another relative has a close friend of yours taking a friend away from you are you being accused by people who know how you are what what ridiculous stuff is happening in your life have you ever been evicted because you had the money but you spent it you're quiet have you been wrongly recently fired from a job are you continually making large purchases that you know you cannot afford look at somebody and say ridiculous oh you're not going to like me today are you are you currently in a situation where you've been physically and mentally abused but you're still there ridiculous but you're still there are you hearing me are you currently confused about who the father of your child is ridiculous are you still holding grudges against somebody and it's five or ten years later and you're still holding grudges whichever way the ridiculous activity arises in our lives we have to move quickly to get it out so the ridiculous is going to manifest in different ways also listen to me listen apply wisdom to situations it is amazing how many people walk with god but don't have wisdom and don't ask for wisdom and don't pray for wisdom so as a result they're not applying wisdom to their lives see we must not look at our ridiculous situations and assume that they're going to go away they're not going to just go away they're ridiculous and they're there and they will linger unless we do something about them in many cases they'll become increasingly worth so so you got to apply wisdom but look we just read it amnon had a friend and cousin named jonah dad and jonah dab looked at him and he observed you know his mood and and his behavior and he inquired you know in other words hey bro i've been noticing you you did something wrong man you're not acting right what's going on with you and amnon responded i love tamar my brother absalom sister my half sister you know i love her and listen you know some people impart wisdom other people impart information that's ridiculous jonah dad told him why don't you pretend to be sick you want to talk to a man make pretend that you're sick and when you pretend that you're sick get her to come in and look after you and and and feed you and and and then you have an opportunity to talk to her to do what you want to do ridiculous advice and you know what amnon heeded that ridiculous advice so he started taking ridiculous actions see you got to know who you talking to who you're dealing with when you're seeking wisdom in situations you can't just talk to any and everybody because if they give you ridiculous advice you're going to have a ridiculous situation because the whole approach to your problem is going to be a ridiculous approach to the problem i didn't come to preach at you today i come to talk to you if you're ridiculous today i'ma give you something to think about if there's a lot of ridiculous stuff in your life and you're leaving it there i'm going to give you something to think about today he heeded his advice and he arranged listen for tamar to be alone with him in his bedroom the advice given by jonah that was not wise it was foolish but but he was going to follow it see the ridiculous situation in our lives must be wisely handled when you look at your life and you see stuff in your life that's crazy and i'm not gonna ask you to raise your hand but some of you know there's some crazy stuff around you there's some crazy things going on in your life that's been working your nerve and the whole activity is ridiculous but you let it ride you let it ride so when you realize that there's a a ridiculous situation that you gotta you gotta sit down and talk to the lord take it to the lord sit and talk to the lord determine the root cause of the situation why is this here you know and god will give you guidance deter consider if the actions uh that determine if your actions contributed to the problem determine what you're doing and what you need to change and go in looking at yourself and then not looking to blame somebody else if the blame is there you'll see it eventually determine the path that you're going to take to get resolution carefully determine who you can receive wise counsel for because sometimes you may not be able to get it and every crazy situation is not easy to get out of our lives are you all still with me i'm hitting some nerves this morning with dance and i was so glad i was so glad we could praise god and jump and rejoice in here i say because lord this word is going to sober up some people this word you've been jumping down and running this is going to make you plant your feet but this is where strength this is where the growth will come are you all with me he heeded the unwise i'm going to say something just give me a little time he heeded the unwise advice given by jonah that when king david came to see him he said you know my sister tama can she come and make me a couple cakes and fix a little bit of food for me because i'm sick and i'm and i'm not feeling well david sent word to to get tamar to tell her to come and and to fix some food he put all the men out of the room and told tamar to bring meat to the chamber so he could eat and she did so and then when he she brought the food he told him come in with me my sister you got to understand this listen you got to understand this and it's very strange there's something different and something that is utterly ridiculous and off base when people are going after their own relatives it's a devastating thing i told many of you and you may have heard me say it i had a couple in the office one time 21 and 23 something like that and they came for marriage counseling and when they came for marriage counseling we got to the third session i believe it was and at that third session they came in saying look in this distress and i said what's wrong they said we did a background check we we ch we we tracked our lineage and we found out that we brother and sister they were in my office in the third pre-marital counseling session they said the reason we didn't know is because we got separated and we went to separate foster homes and when we tracked it down the young lady sat there crying you know they they weren't members of the church and and they were considering but they hadn't even gotten saved they just wanted some counsel they had been together in every way and and and to voluntarily go in and and i was reading some statistics the other day i was saying lord i don't know what america is going to come to now because they they even indicated that they had discovered when brothers and sisters come together the probability of something happening with that child because their brother and sister is true is only two to three percent i say my god what's going to happen now so this was a this was a bad situation and and he was following through see tamar you know told him you know you know she was saying she didn't want to be forced into this but but how many know that's what rape does that's that's how rape is taymon told him no don't force me no such thing should be done in israel don't do this how many of you know when people are ridiculous in their actions the ridiculous can be sinful in their actions i remember years ago when when i was working full-time and going to school full-time it was a saturday night and i was just tired and my neighbor next door he had a party going i knew him and and i could hear the music and everything but i was going to get some sleep because i was run down and i was single and i was and i was tired and i went through the living room and i went to my back room and when i got to the to the back room of into the bedroom and i was laying there at a point in the evening i heard a woman screaming and she screamed so loud that i got up and when i got up i ran to the door and i went next door i said hey man what's going on over here woman over here hollering and screaming and and then out of the back room out of the back room this lady she comes running out with something wrapped around her and she ran to me i didn't i didn't know her and she ran to me do you know what these folk did this girl was high she was high she had drank some liquor and she was high the one man that owned the guy that owned the apartment went with her into the bedroom had sex with her crazy rascal you know what he did after he had sex with her it was dark in the room and she was like not clear in her hair he eased down off the bed on the side and one of his homeboys eased back in the band he did that with three people three after he finished each one of them when they finished with the girl they eased themselves off the bed and then another guy came back on this woman she was out this is ridiculous this is ridiculous how could you do this to me she was going off and it was that day it was that day that i said god it and i wasn't even in church at the time but i got the most significant feel for what it's like when somebody has been abused and i know i know with all you ladies in here some of you know exactly what i'm talking about and i'm here to let you know that god is a healer and god is able to touch and god will touch and god will make a way are you all with me she told him it's gonna it's gonna bring shame so see since he didn't apply wisdom then thirdly listen you've got to be mindful of the potential harm of this in spite of all that tamar said and did he wouldn't he wouldn't hearken to her voice and he raped her he raped his own sister his ridiculous act caused great harm and emotional damage to her then listen and the bible said listen now after he did this he immediately hated her where was his love in the first place the bible says he immediately listened hated her he said to her get out after he got what he wanted he said get out that's why that's why i always tell young people and people when they're in the church or they're out of the church take the time to be sure that you get to know people one of the greatest kind of guys you can meet is a guy that want to discover your character want to know your character want to know who you are he knows how you look but it's great when someone want to know your character but look what he did after he got what he wanted he said get out tell you something i've seen some things over the years at one time years ago there was a lady at this church she came into my office talking to me she was going through changes and she said ah there's somebody here that that that i see you know i've been seeing it she said i went over his house i went to his house and when i and when i went to his house we spent the evening together and she said i i'm sorry she said i got carried away and we had sex i just i said go on go on go on with the story and she said she said after after we finished it was like we were sitting there and it was like two o'clock in the morning she said i thought he was saved he turned around to me after he got what he want at two o'clock in the morning and he looked straight at me and said get out she said you don't live in the best neighborhood i i'm nervous my car is a few blocks down the street a so-called save brother say get out and she had to walk that late now after giving up her you better watch who you give it to i know nobody's talking about it because everybody's afraid you're a valuable person you better watch who you give it to you better watch who you hook it up with that's why i tell people i tell people give it some time even if it's somebody you like don't don't be coming up don't let anybody tell you before i buy the product i gotta test it the devil is a lie the devil is a liar who you work for you're going to be testing me that way somebody say hallelujah that's why it's so important it's so important and i and i met this lady here and i came my wife and i came to realize before i even met her i came to realize how great and wonderful and how important it is to get to know the person because there will come a time in life because you need to understand when you get married you don't live in the bed when you get married you don't live in the bed when you when you get married you go to bed but you conduct your life outside of the bed so that's not the thing that that that you should dwell on solely and completely by itself what is what good is it if a person don't know how to treat you know how to love you don't know how to care for you that's why i always say if somebody really cares i'm a man i'm a man i'm all man and if i care for you and i want you and you tell me no i'm not going anywhere cause i want you because i love you because i care for you if he can't get it and he run you come on to church and get in the praise with elder uh with with pastor brown and let's just rejoice and thank god that he left i'm not gonna play with this thank god that he left because all of this stuff all of this stuff is going on in church it's going on in church it's no wonder nobody wants to come and nobody wants to rejoice and nobody wants to to come to the house of god because there's too much nonsense going on and and it's not going to help you if i just stand here and act like it's not happening [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i feel this in my spirit somebody say thank you jesus somebody say thank you jesus you got to look at this and you got to understand this you know people coming to you and talking to you and flowing this is a sex driven society i don't hear i look at television i i i follow things and i look at other ministries people don't talk about sex people don't talk about adultery they don't talk about fornication they don't talk about none of it and that's what's going on and they know it's going on but let me tell you something i was praying this morning and god god shared with me god said you let them know that i'm still god and that i change not that my statues are as i spoke them as i moved upon the writers let them know that a day of reckoning is coming the whole church world is acting like it's okay no matter what you do once you say a few words the lord is in your life now you can do whatever you want to do and god got you covered the devil is a liar the devil got you deceived i can't do anything i want to do i can't jump in any bed i want to jump in [Applause] i can't treat people any kind of way i want to treat them god still has a standard and i saw it and i saw it just as clear i saw it just as clear god was god was saying son let them know that they're going to have to come and they're going to have to stand before me and they're going to have to give an account of the things done in their flesh and i'm telling you right now don't you play like you have a lot of time a whole lot of you in here may not even ever get to anywhere near my age because god is soon to come and if the god doesn't come back to rapture the church he may come back for you it might be your time don't play don't play with this this was ridiculous we go through life we're hurting people we're slandering and we're we're saying all kinds of things and we're doing all kinds of things like it doesn't even matter thank god i thank god for keeping me somebody say hallelujah tamar had a garment of many colors and when the king's daughter wore the garment of many colors it signified that she was a virgin but she put ashes on her head to signify her grief for what had befallen her and tore her garment and and laid her hand on her head and she just cried and she just cried she was she was really hurt now absalom her brother and also amnon's half-brother attempted to comfort her and if you go in and you read the bible and absalon some years later set something up to arrange to have amnon taken out you see what i'm talking about when ridiculous situations exist in the life not only will it cause problems in your life it can even cause somebody to die are you with me somebody say hallelujah see the ridiculous the ridiculous is is harmful it hurts the cause of ministry it causes frustration in the lives of god's people it's a major opening for in the enemy to come in and to attack god's people it promotes quitting all of the foolishness in our life it can cause disappointment it can cause depression it's a major cause of failure in whatever we're trying to achieve ridiculous stuff are you all with me are you with me i sat down and i looked at this and and this is this probably won't make you love me anymore today but this is what god gave me ready or not here it comes you know you're saying you know and i sat down and it's like to god the lord starts feeding my mind feeding me he said it's ridiculous that some have walked with me so long but they haven't grown how can someone walk with god so long and don't grow it's ridiculous it doesn't make sense especially in this church because i make sure you get the word [Applause] and i shared with some recently i even had some disappointment in in a number of our young people because i know what they've gotten over the years and i know what i put in them and i'm saying maybe i was wrong maybe i wasn't putting it in them i only thought they were receiving it but everybody that sit in a pew and everybody that come to church not taking in the word they're saying amen they're jumping they're running the aisles but they're not growing and they're not developing and they're not putting any word in them so then they're not able to stand against the things that come against them it's a shame that the lord has blessed so many with jobs and with cars and with homes and with families and they won't even tithe how in the world can you have a job and be situated and god is blessing you with all of this and you not peel off his part oh you don't like me but that's all right somebody say hallelujah it is amazing that god has touched and god has healed so many and those that he's touched and he healed now that you're healed you won't even go and visit somebody else that's sick church is all confused all of that is not only the function of the leadership that's not just the function of elders and ministers every one of us in here has a responsibility to pray to stand and to support one another somebody say hallelujah it is amazing that some are greatly blessed to be able to sing and play instruments but yet week after week they come and sit in a sanctuary and do not use the gifts that god gave them that is utterly ridiculous that is disgusting after god has put all of that in you you won't even use it for him yeah thank you somebody say thank you somebody say thank you after all the biblical instruction that's given it is amazing and it is ridiculous how many people in the church get married and break their marriages just get married and let them in and neither one of them are fighting for the marriage or they're just letting it go my righteous indignation is stirred this isn't god's way this is not god's way this is not what god preordained this is not what god intended god has blessed us in so many different ways that we're not even using what he has given to us it is amazing that after god has forgiven some they still won't forgive others it's ridiculous well i don't care look look at our lives we were sinners completely separated from god and he forgave us but yet for years we come to church and we carry grudges and we won't forgive people and we let things go let me tell you something anybody in the world and i'm gonna say it anybody in the world can talk about the old church as much as you want talk about the old church talk about how we did stuff yes it might have been unlearned and it might have been ignorant in some situation but one thing i did find that a lot of the people had a heart for god they were concerned about the things of god they made up their mind that i'm gonna serve god and they walk to serve god let me tell you something this isn't a cake walk this isn't some something that's always a lot of fun there's gonna be some tough days if you try to do it right now it's not gonna be hard if you're playing games but if you're trying to do it right you're gonna have some fights on your hand somebody say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah it's amazing that after all that god has done for some people they won't even be faithful to him won't even be faithful to him after all that god has done for so many people they sit back and they act like he hasn't done anything for them it is amazing to me that after all the teaching and everything that saved persons will marry unsafe people in spite of what the bible says they'll still do it anyway they'll they're quickly unequally yoked anyhow are you hearing what i'm saying somebody say hallelujah it is it is a shame to me i'm talking about me that as the temples of god that some people who say they're saved they contaminate their bodies with addictive substances and beverages and it doesn't matter to them i told the adjutants today i shared with them this body belongs to god i'm not you may do things whichever way you're going to do it but i'm going to watch what comes out of me i'm gonna watch what goes into me because this body belongs to god we are the temples of the holy spirit somebody say hallelujah it is amazing that after some believers have been picked up by god they work to put other believers down is amazing that that some disrespect god's house even while they in worship they play they eat they text they scroll they do everything but worship in the house of god i'm not talking about you that use your phone in your pad to take notes i'm not talking about you you're only a part of the group i'm talking about those that'll be sitting in a church and scrolling on facebook looking to see what people are saying and what people are posting in god's service get yourself up and go home don't come here for that because when we come together in god's house we coming to worship god and to bless our god and to honor him is not a playground it's a spiritual house there's a time and a place for everything we don't come here to scroll on social media that's why so many are not here today that's why so many have fallen by the wayside because instead of hearing god's word they were distracted with all the good that social media is is it's really good you got to be careful because it's highly addictive [Applause] i know because i've been out there i've been scrolling i remember i remember a time when i was scrolling and i looked at my watch and i said my god i've been doing that that for for an hour [Applause] a hour had passed like nothing we post everything we post everything we put out we embarrass our pastors we embarrass god we embarrass our pastors we embarrass our ministry with some of the the crazy things that are posted i don't want to see your body sprung all over social media [Applause] hallelujah we are holy people we are a righteous people we are a godly people we are unique we're special to god we're not like everybody else and even though it's tough sometimes to get my flesh under subjection it has to come under subjection because i must obey the words of the bible i must obey the word somebody say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah listen brothers and sisters you got to understand hallelujah it's ridiculous to know you're saved and don't serve him to know he's your provider then you don't serve him to do little or nothing to take care of his house to stay in all these abusive relationships come out of them to abuse your children and to damage their lives forever to go and rob somebody because you broke to walk out of your marriage because of a few bumps to have unprotected sex in a sex-driven society when in god's house we don't engage in all of that stuff improperly anyway i'm sorry i apologize i don't i don't i know this is going to shock some of you it's going to be a shock to your system but anybody thank you lord thank you anybody who knows god who walks with him who communes with him you can feel the that he's grieved you can feel the grieving of the spirit because there's so much more that that should be and so much more should be accomplished and achieved that's not are you with me are you with me how in the world can you keep company with people who are hindering your spiritual growth and development we make major decisions we do all kinds of stuff and we never once talked to god about it we pick people that are around us we pick friends those who we're going to date and everybody and god is not even included in the process we just don't care anymore we don't care anymore when i come here i'm concerned and everybody who sings and everybody that does anything up front should be concerned i i have a certain way [Music] that i like to wear my clothing i'm not putting on anything that's tight that's gonna cause a problem i'm not gonna wear anything that's you know that's gonna give him proper bulgings let me talk now you got to listen listen you got to understand when you come up here whether you're singing praise and worship or whether you're preaching you're in an ideal position position that the devil like to be a major distraction let me let let's be real people saying well if you love god and you're in the church for the right reason you won't know yeah but if that girl pants are too tight it's gonna trouble somebody it can stir up some stuff that don't need to be stirred up people don't like this yes i scroll i go all through youtube and i see praise teams all over america and they're going all over america this is not club 77 or whatever it is it is god's house hallelujah hallelujah you are here to do praise and worship i'm not interested in your behind i'm not interested in your breasts i'm interested in what's coming out of you as you're honoring god and glorifying god don't be a distraction hallelujah i might as well say it a lot of people are not going to say it a lot of people are not going to say it i'm going to tell you y'all might say oh you're just too detailed years ago i had a big watch a real nice watch that was given to me a brightman he was big and that watch was expensive and i got rid of it after a while but i never whenever i put got ready to come to church to preach i would not wear that watch because every time i do this everybody saw that watch i don't want to be a distraction i want my clothes to be right i want my approach to be right don't need bling bling all over me that's gonna take attention from the word of god i am god's man and when i get up here i'm up here to preach and to teach the word of god and not to be a distraction to what god is trying to accomplish hallelujah and i'm only saying what you know is true come on let's talk let's talk you know you sit there sometimes and you look at churches and even in here and you look and say oh my god look at that look at that that oh lord jesus you know you say it and you're going home in the car and you saying it pastors need to say something to them no you don't have to say anything to me god talks to me and when god tells me to speak it i'm going to speak it hallelujah when you see it can you see it this is serious business and this this this is god's house this is god's house so so i got to look right up here like my wife said when she went to get some clothes she gave the clothes the praise test being a woman if i how is this outfit going to look if i'm in god's house and i bend over how is it going to look if i raise my hands how is it going to look if i turn left or if i if i lean over to the right how is it going to look most people don't do that [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah and nowadays and nowadays it's amazing people don't people don't want to follow guidelines you know you tell me how to dress we're not telling you how to dress is that choirs and groups have a dress code you go to work every day they have a dress code and if and some have strict uniforms that you wear every day when you go and you get annoyed with wearing a uniform on one or two sundays a month in a church something's wrong with that picture tell somebody that's ridiculous [Applause] are you with me are you with me you got to understand listen you got to understand all of this all of this is going on all the time and we've got to overcome all of this when we come to god's house we have to overcome all of this we have to get through all of this i want you to know listen listen get it in your spirit there's there's a remedy to all of this listen and there is deliverance for you tell your neighbor there's deliverance for you at your turning point tell them let the day be your turning point god and god is sending this message to to get it across at the turning point that's where you say enough is enough that's the point at which you make up your mind that you have to change that's when you say goodbye to all the ridiculous activities it's your turning point it'll save your life i remember years ago when a friend of mine before i was passed through he said come on jerry let's go out on the boat i got a craft i want you to pilot my crap i'm gonna show you how to do it took me out on this boat it wasn't much really big just a 25 to 30 footer and and he was telling me he said i want you to understand he says couple things i want you to know when you when you're going and you're at this high speed and you're moving and then you look up and another boat is coming in the same direction towards you he said when you respond you always turn to the left you're going this way you turn to the left they come in this way when they turn to the left you'll miss it he said but it's very important it because it's at that turning point listen that you prevent collision it's where you're going to prevent collision in other words some of you that have come in here today you've been dealing with all of this ridiculous stuff and god is saying you have to understand if you don't have a turning point you're going to collide and it's going to cause damage to your life it's going to cause damage to your life are you with me are you with me somebody say hallelujah somebody say hallelujah goodbye to all of this stuff thing about it the lord saw fit to call all of us before the foundation of the world he puts up with all our foolishness he puts up with all of our nonsense he keeps on blessing us and delivering us over and over and over and over again he placed a hedge of protection all around us he's blessed us with spiritual gifts and abilities he's placed callings upon our lives and bless us to function in them and to operate in our calling he has set purpose in our lives there's so much that god has done for us we he deserve better i didn't come to hoop i didn't come to holla i come to lay this down to you because i'm telling you right now if the church world don't get it together some things are going to start happening this pandemic showed us where a lot of people were not [Music] showed us where a lot of people were not and i'm telling you when i walk up in god's house that's why the bible said keep your foot when you go to the house of the lord in other words and and i'm sharing with you all and i'm closing when you come to god's house you're coming to a sacred place i can't speak for every place but when you come to crl you come to a place where we strive to honor the lord and give him glory let's do his name and to do things in a way that honors him [Applause] i realize that i came to worship service i'm not at a movie i'm not at a musical concert so when i come i'm not a distraction i don't come through that door i don't come with my office from the side with my big soda and my popcorn and my potato chips that is not what this place is for this is god's house it's a house of prayer it's a house of worship it's a house where we honor god where we praise god hey jesus hey jesus and as i close i'm just saying this i was just talking the other day to my sister she's she's ill you're not expecting her we we believe in god but we sat there and as we talked and as we shared the lord carried us down a path and we started running down through history about all the good things god had done for us and how god had blessed us so wonderfully and so bountifully you know and i shared with her i said we're working and i looked at her and i said i'm i'm expecting god to lift you up and and to bring you up i said because i've always said i said i've always said that i want to go i want to go before you and i say but whatever god said one thing i do know we're both saved and we love god and we're standing with god and we're both gonna be with the lord let me ask you this before i take my seat y'all put those down a minute couldn't you just stop just put that down a moment i'm trying to get something across grab a seat right there thank you it's important it's important it's important that you understand that god has done so much for you and he's still doing good things for you let me ask you what kind of a believer are you going to be are you going to be hypocritical are you going to be weak are you going to be lukewarm are you going to be double-minded are you are you going to be are you going to be somebody that's going to stand and be strong and be firm for god if you want to be firm you're in the right place if you don't you won't be here long either because i'm i the lord wants this to be a testing house of your stability and god said if you preach that word they're going to be tested and if they're not strong enough to pass the test if they're not genuine and they're not sincere with me they're not going to stay he said but i need that to be a holy place a haven of rest when people are going through all kinds of things they can come into my house there i want crl to be one of those places where they can come and get deliverance and get breakthrough and get healing hallelujah [Applause] what's the sense of all of this what is the sense of the church if nobody's getting healed nobody's getting delivered nobody's getting saved nobody's getting breakthrough [Applause] oh a whole lot of people come church is all over they coming from everywhere but they're not getting rooted and grounded how do you know because they're not preaching a word that will root and ground people you will not get rooted and grounded if i always tell you and myself how wonderful we are yes we are wonderful but we also know that the word of god has to get up in your face and sometimes it feels like it's hitting you in your head it looks like it's knocking you further and further down but god is only stabilizing you [Applause] thank you god thank you god thank you god all of the gifts all of the gifts in you all all of the gifts that are lying dormant and not being used because some things are not going to come out of us will be revealed to us until we get serious with god [Applause] god said i would that thou art hot or cold but because you lukewarm and you need a hot or cold i'm going to spew you out of my mouth he doesn't like wishy-washiness [Applause] he likes solidity people that are strong if you're saying you're a christian as we call it be one if you say you're a mighty woman of god be one if you say you're a mighty man of god be one get rid of all that ridiculous stuff in your life like i have to do [Applause] [Applause] thank you god thank you god thank god for you thank god for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my come on everybody stand lift your hands to it lift your voices to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can have [Music] you can you can [Music] you can what is singing if you don't know the lord will give you opportunity to come if you're not saved [Music] you need to be you need to take the steps that are necessary [Music] confess your sins ask the lord into your life repent baptizer and water in the name of the lord jesus and god will fill you with this holy spirit there's no sense in making this step if you're not serious [Music] no sense of making this step if you think everything is going to be easy this will be the most challenging experience of your life walking with the lord but it's the most beautiful and the most blessed it'll do the most for you [Music] if you're here you have opportunity to come [Music] thank god if we're all saved [Music] hallelujah [Music] tell somebody turn from the ridiculous [Music] lifting your hands father we honor you and we thank you this day we thank you for all who have come for those who have joined us by live stream we love you and we thank you so much we appreciate your involvement in what we do we love you we want to see you honored [Music] and the life that honors you is the biblically based life help us god to become more biblically based in our personal walks with you [Music] that we will grow to better places in you that all of these trivial matters that are ridiculous all around us god will be removed and we will not find ourselves conducting our lives in ridiculous manners we thank you so much for your word i thank you for these your sons and daughters i thank you lord for their response to you today [Music] we thank you so much we understand lord that you challenge us because you want us to be better and you can bless us more but more importantly you can use us more i thank you right now now to the one true and living god beside whom there's none other this great great god that enables us to turn from the ridiculous to you lord be glory strength power and dominion it's forth now and forever lord i love you i honor you [Music] thank you for my turn from the ridiculous thank you for everything give me the highest praise hallelujah in the name jesus amen god bless you tell somebody turn from the ridiculous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: CRL TV
Views: 575
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 42sec (9282 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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