Acrylic Pouring On Vases Live

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zooming in a little okay good we're gonna have some fun with vases tonight i'm excited all right so there is a lot going on right now i can't tell you guys all about it let me go ahead and get the stream pulled up so i can see those comments then we'll have some fun there it is okay hey veronica hey linda hey dan hey julia yeah so funny story i grabbed these from the my uh office but um i accidentally grabbed extra large instead of medium i don't know how i did that i literally was like oh there's the medium box and i grabbed it and this is what happened so we'll make do it's okay all right so i was asked to do acrylic pouring with my paints on bases and we're going to do three tonight because it's been a minute since i've done vases so i think these two which aren't my favorite shape but that's okay i'm gonna go ahead and do on one canvas hey mitch yes we're live and then this one i'll do on its own canvas this is like my new favorite vase shape hello hey lori okay so let me grab the canvas i'm gonna do those two on a 10 by 20 canvas here and for anyone watching this on the replay i always say this now because it's gotten to be kind of annoying um this is a live video the whole purpose of the live video is for me to chit chat with everybody so if you're not here if you just want a straight up tutorial this is not the video for you all right let me see math math so i'll need about 12 ounces or so for this i have a 16 ounce cup here i'm just going to go ahead and use that and let's go ahead and fill her up hey tina um i'm gonna use actually maybe i should do warm versus cool that could kind of be cool because it's going to be on one canvas so scratch that i'm going to set that aside i'm going to use two smaller cups i'll go ahead and add this one to my leftover paint pile yeah i like doing the warm versus cool all right so we've got white there i'll do a series of blues and greens over here this is whoopsies hold on primary blue um we've got turquoise mary i feel like i've sent you the link for my split cups a few times but you can find them currently either in my etsy store or on my website i need to update all the links now on my youtube this is the pearl violet also well amethyst now i just need to make new labels [Music] yeah so guys pretty much everything is now transferred over to mixed into my store a few of the bigger paintings i haven't yet because i'm as i'm transferring everything over i'm reviewing all the listings and the shipping and all that stuff because on the new website the shipping's included so okay uh oh we got teal and deepsea i'm just doing little layers little layers i am definitely aware of the fact that i have like 15 blues but that's okay because i really like them all right that was pacific blue deep sea teal we got everglade green in there meadow green a lot of colors um let's go ahead and throw in some of this electric lime why not hey jerry jerry your clock is done it is going out in the mail tomorrow or friday i did the final resin layer yes these are pre-mixed pouring paints so these are in my shop you don't need to mix them with anything all right there's my cool color cup oh you know what i'm going to put a dash of silver in there okay and now let's go ahead and do warms and i'll use black for this one i know right i think you can never have too many blues that's what i say all right black and red orange yellow i got lots of metallics too y'all probably know i love metallics no problem sorry it took me so long so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to go live next wednesday you guys oh i already have a pink tulip open says pink tulip yay julia um because next week i don't remember what i'm allowed to tell you guys exactly but i will be filming a tv show uh here's some gold so i don't know how i'm gonna go live next week if i will be able to i don't think i will be able to um i think i have if i counted correctly i believe i have 29 colors right now as i get a little excited uh and i did just come out with a couple new colors as well this one is truth be told not one of my colors it's an arteza color that i mixed up but it's a pretty pink that i want to use copper yeah uh 29 colors that's a lot and then uh two new colors which aren't available yet they're just in a kit like i just came out with a coral color and then a gray and then i have a couple more in the wings and so many exciting things you can get the paints on my website that's so much easier to say than my etsy store i'm gonna throw a little royal purple in here i think the royal purple could really go on either side but it is a warmer purple so there we go all right we've got warm and cool okay now never just set your vases on the canvas like this you'll have no way to remove them so i use cups to raise them up two pinks i think oh yeah only two if i had the hot pink i'd be using that one the electric pink but i don't these are mixed media girl paints thanks wings all right so we want to put these up on cups i have these really old cups that i rotate you just have to make sure you can grab the bottom i'm going to tighten up the back of this canvas real quick because these vases are kind of heavy and that will help it's pretty tight actually but i think spraying them i spray the back with water if it's at all loose and that just pulls the canvas very tight yes you have encouraged me to join the pink side all right now i had an idea here which i think i am going to go with i keep accidentally turning on my cup turner's okay i was thinking and tell me what you guys think about trying a bottle bottom on top of these vases maybe the smaller one i have to find some more though i know you guys can't see that so let me move it let me move it i'll move it closer to me and may have to adjust the camera a little bit oh that didn't work at all that was the wrong direction that's like that's ten times worse you know i don't get a lot of sleep these days do it okay let me see if i can find one more bottle bottom i have them all over the place just so i have two that are the same size come on marcy oh there we go i knew they were there okay i think i'm gonna go for the medium ones no small the medium one just hangs over the side just a little bit so i'm a little worried that that wouldn't quite work oh this is gonna be fun hey tish you may have to rotate them in order to get full coverage that is a really good point okay well let's start with the cool side we'll see what happens um these vases too they do have a little bit of a dip in that bottom so we'll have to work around that a little bit but let's go with these small ones they're adorable but you do have to pour slowly so the medium and the large are definitely a lot easier i will say okay rotating yeah this may not be super practical but you know you never know until you try let's rotate again i mean it's definitely making a cool design lots of green in there but i think other colors are going to come out and just remember when you do vases whatever colors you put in the cup first those will be the ones that ultimately end up on the base and the colors that you put in later will be the ones that end up on the canvas thank you becky yeah no we're not supposed to be practical and yes tina it might have made more sense to put a solid coat of color first but i think this is going to work it just is going to take a little bit of patience i may actually try that medium one on the second one okay it's also hard to see the other side i'm gonna use my uh finger real quick to just fill in some spots and help it along this side looks awesome i can't tell how the other side looks i'm obviously pouring it unevenly unfortunately i gotta get a little better at that because the backside looks super duper awesome but look at this pattern we wouldn't be getting that otherwise so don't worry i'm not ruining it at all this is just gonna help the paint flow okay i'm gonna try to pour more towards this direction but that will help right there get that coverage the base it might also not be totally level so that may be part of the unevenness okay let's give it another rotation why not all right and so if i can't go live next week which i'm 99 sure i won't be able to um i think i will still try to at least um pre-record like a premiere so i can do a premiere with you guys okay that took forever all right let's go ahead i'm gonna switch out this other one for the medium size let's see i think that might go faster a couple more spots here to get okay and let's go with the warm side [Music] hopefully this doesn't slide off because it's kind of just on that peak there um veronica for whatever reason i have not moved those over that is a really good point and i'm glad you brought it up uh the bottle bottoms are still in my etsy store though i'm trying to get everything done as much as possible but there's so much going on that i can't even tell you guys about yet that's like super duper duper duper awesome stuff so the next i mean the last few months have been crazy the next couple months are going to be even crazier so well this is definitely not making the coverage easier i think i'll just keep rotating it let's try that okay nice yeah that green one would be gorgeous with the diamond dust [Music] um these aren't muddy at all actually the colors are quite vibrant i think i'm definitely rotating this one more can't really see the back side hopefully we're getting decent coverage yeah in the end definitely tell me guys which one is your favorite the warm or the cool colors oh no okay i gotta wipe my gloves off yeah it would probably help um because the paint likes to flow where there's already paint you know what i mean so uh annabeth i'm glad you asked the album is officially done you guys um so now i just have the process of actually putting it up online um and i'm running out of time i had wanted it was done with the recording like a couple weeks ago and i went to texas and stuff so um yeah i need to get that done and i'm really sorry you guys i mean i'm probably more excited than anybody and it's just been crazy yeah different patterns too because of the the bigger slots there help this out here uh but long story short the album is done and i will be putting it up in the next few days to but it's like a pre-release because it takes time to get it up onto like itunes and all that stuff but for anyone who pre-ordered it you'll have it really soon man i really like these colors i feel like i might need to add just a little bit more to the warm side it seemed like i put the same amount of paint in there but maybe not okay oh thank you yeah i can't wait to see what the canvas looks like too um and guys feel free to super chat super sticker everything helps that's i think one of the things holding up the album on my end to be honest is i haven't finished paying for it so my producer isn't using that to stop it or anything but for me i feel bad because i haven't finished paying for it quite yet all right let's go with a little bit more warm colors um get some more metallics in there don't think i'll add more black purple looks great though okay all right thank you jerry you're amazing cool i think that's plenty so these are large gloves they're too big i'm taking them off for now oh my goodness all right let me get everything out of the way before i start knocking things over yeah there's more pink showing so if you're ever doing a vase and you're not totally happy with it feel free to add a little more to your cup and just go ahead and pour some more on it so this uh cool colored one has been dripping for a while this may actually uh the fact that this was covering this bottom may actually help because now that paint can move and fill in that hole all right this there's not a lot of room here so i've got to be careful okay excellent faith uh which paint are you talking about i'm not totally sure what you're talking about this is a canvas underneath here so we're gonna do that next it's not this is not runoff paint this is two projects in one so if that's what you're talking about yes we'll be using it in just a second i'm just rotating this make sure i got everything okay good now this is three projects in one and this bottom isn't covered at all i think i'll leave that like that so it can kind of drip on it and then we'll be careful okay all right here we go these colors are gorgeous you guys know that i really like blues but that's these are so pretty all right i gotta get these bases i'm gonna move them to the other side of the table before i knock my arm into them and yeah please guys thumbs up i already got two thumbs down from some awesome people and feel free to super taunt super sticker that's like a virtual tip jar you know no worries jan so everything helps everything helps okay let's scooch things out of the way can you zoom in yeah well i'm gonna adjust things a bit here anyways i just gotta make sure not to bump into these guys okay and yep yep yeah a little more this way okay let me try to zoom in just a little bit okay i want to zoom in too much because then when i do the next vase i'm gonna have to zoom back out again to get the whole thing in there all right everybody close your eyes the zooming is a little bit finicky aha not bad not bad you should be nervous about that blue face i'm shaking some of this runoff and putting it on the bottom of this warm color base there we go okay here we go that gave time for these holes to close up too you guys thank you d owen you guys are so awesome i feel like i don't often enough tell you all how much i appreciate you but i really really do you are the entire reason i do everything especially you guys the like live video fan club wow this is so interesting thank you jan it's like gonna have a big reveal in just a second because you guys can't see most of it okay there is one little dried gloopy here okay bring the cool side back just a little bit there we go that's awesome right was not quite expecting that the lines and everything on here are amazing uh for another note by the way i have been i've done this a couple times now so i've got this brown paper under here i don't often use that but for videos sometimes it helps um but even these runoffs i can literally just cut out a circle from the brown paper and glue that right into the jewelry with the paper as a backing so okay let's go ahead i'm gonna hit these corners and then adjust this that's so cool okay i'm gonna bring you in for a close-up up gonna shake for a second here we close your eyes it's already zoomed in so i don't need to go too much of a close-up but i'm trying gonna show you guys some of these details in here candace that's a great question i generally sell the vases and the canvases separately yeah i think this is so cool yes the pattern so we we did like if you see here we got that um bottle bottom like we did get the bottle bottom kind of pattern on here which is so cool hawaii 505 on the blue side yeah all right sorry for the shaky shake camera's going back it's gonna shake even more close your eyes oh okay whoops sorry guys hit disconnected for a second there okay is everyone back it did a weird thing all right let me move this to safety and then we're gonna do one more vase and on the last vase i've already decided i'm gonna do beach i'm gonna do beach colors i'm in a beach mode i had a beach class yesterday it was awesome so move this to safety all right on the next vase i'm going to do an 11 by 14 canvas because that's literally like the last size that i have i need to restock sandy colors too yes i will definitely keep doing the live auctions and thank you jan if your bait is starting to go gloopy and you don't have flotrol can you use water in some cases yeah um if it gets man i wish i had bronze if it gets to be too old though it just doesn't work floetrol or not uh but yeah you can add water so much for the gloves right so 11 by 14 canvas ah thanks michelle yes i will definitely um the painting takes about uh a day to two days to dry it depends on the humidity and temperature and everything is anyone else getting the circle of death i'm gonna refresh real quick okay good nope just me okay all right so this is currently like my favorite face shape i went to a school right before mother's day and i did faces with the kids for their moms and they came out so awesome we used this shape such a fun project okay now ideally you don't touch your vase after you clean it i'm not going to stress too much okay let me move it more forward so you can see i am zoomed in yeah the kids man they love paint pouring and they loved it on the vases okay so i'll put it up here for when we do the vase and then i'll move it back for when we do the canvas i'm going to put on gloves again i don't know why just for fun days and now i'm going to go ahead and use i'll use this cup that i put some white in earlier all right so i'm going to go now if you're doing a beach so keep in mind we've got the the vase and the canvas and we want to get both of them ideally kind of the same colors so i'm going to do a lot of i'm i'm just going to start with that white a lot of layering okay a lot of little layers so i'm gonna go with gold which will basically be like my sand color oh i'm gonna use i wish i had a brown or a bronze very annoyed that i don't i do have some of this brown i think it's a little dark but i'm gonna use just a smidge of it it's a little dark in terms of sand color that's okay yeah bronze would be gorgeous now i'm gonna put just a dash of white and just a dash more gold okay i'm gonna do real little layers here and i'm gonna use a ton of blues so we've got their turquoise we've got primary blue i do have this metallic blue that i mixed up yesterday that i'm going to use also this is um artist loft metallic blue because why not and then we'll go with some of the darker colors the pacific blue team rose gold okay okay i can put that in the next layer we've got to get the teal in there of course and the deep sea and then we're gonna go back through so back to white so gold i do have rose gold so we'll go ahead why not little rose gold and i guess i'll put just a dash more of that browns in there browns i called it browns that was the mixture between brown and bronze but it was just brown it's not bronze browns that's a new word okay uh dash more white and then back through the blues again i get that metallic blue in there teal oh this is a gorgeous cup if anything i did a really good job on the cup okay that should be plenty i was not paying very good attention as to how much paint i put in there yeah drop a white in the end okay new color browns yeah rose gold i agree rose gold surprisingly goes with like everything surprisingly all right here we go and i'm just gonna do my normal pour on this so a bit of a tree ring basically i think either way this is gonna be gorgeous i don't know if it's gonna come out like a beach but it'll definitely give some beach vibes and it will be gorgeous that is all i know there's that browns coming through that's pretty that is gorgeous okay we're gonna let that run i know right so exciting yeah so when i do bases i usually will let them run for a couple minutes and then put them off to the side they'll drip a little bit more but we want of course most of the paint to go onto the canvas not onto our mat or whatever so yeah i like this already does anyone have any questions while it is running and guys if you have not yet please please please check out my new store and feel free to also go to my etsy there's a few things left on there and everything right now is on sale while i finish the transfer it's so weird having only like 30 items up in my etsy store so the majority is definitely on my new website and i sent this out to my newsletter list but i will tell you guys too on my new website whoopsies oh veronica you beat me to it on my new website you can um use the code email for 10 off of everything jan i don't but that's a good idea so charlotte you can actually resin this like this like upside down on a cup i don't prefer to do that because you'll have to sand off drips so i usually um sand i will resin it on a cup turner the website's mixed here i'm going to post the link to the shop here but it's pretty simple and i gotta go through and update all of my video descriptions so can we share the coupon code say one live stream you haven't sure so the coupon code is email 10 off for anything on my new website yay all right so you'll be able to tell when it's really slowed down dripping you could leave it here for longer but that's quite sufficient this vase is stunning i'm just saying this over here yeah can't go wrong with blues and gold and you can totally see that rose gold in there so i like to let the hole fill up by itself otherwise that will affect your design so i give it kind of just a minute to settle into there and i said i used the restylane crystal clear to seal one and you got a lot of bubbles no that's not normal i wonder you might have had a bad batch of paint or sometimes also maybe you didn't mix it well enough especially if it's cold or something you might need to mix like shake your your your can even more now if anyone was in that my beach class yesterday that brown that i used was pretty chunky yesterday and it seems okay today that browns i'm just gonna keep saying that someone's gonna come along with a video later and get all annoyed but that's okay oh this is so pretty [Laughter] i swear guys this job never gets old it just doesn't i'm hiring right now so that i can just go back to doing this all day and not like shipping so but hiring takes time veronica you need to hurry up and come on over that is awesome trippy that is a great question question is how do you ship canvases um veronica can grab you a video on that i have a an entire playlist of videos on packing and shipping canvases on my the business of art youtube channel okay noelle uh how long does it take for the paint to dry so that depends on the temperature and humidity but one to two days on it on the canvas and usually less than a day on the vase because it's a much thinner on the base it keeps moving so all right i'm going to go ahead and move the vases over and then i will we'll do a close-up on all of these i'll show you the earlier vases i'm not going to show you the earlier canvas because i already put away but i'll show you how much these guys have changed if i can move them without messing them up it smells a little stuck they get that wet paint suction i did not get perfect coverage on this one with the warm colors i'm a little sad about that but i still think it's gorgeous so if i ever do try the bottle bottom technique on the vase again i will do that idea of pre-painting it and then pour that will definitely work better do paint pores require a hot gun i'm not sure what you mean by hot gun exactly i did not use anything other than what you saw here i get a lot of bubbles on my cup turner base after it starts to dry any idea why in the in the paint itself do you mean or in resin in paint no that's not usual it might not be bubbles actually it might just be it's not mixed in well enough that's my guess i sealed the vases with resin and i don't know why the paint doesn't all fall to the bottom of the vase i'm going to give that one to science and i prefer definitely resin over the spray i do have a video charlotte on how to resin them veronica if you're able to grab that that'd be great so noel what i recommend is i have a playlist it's called getting started with acrylic pouring um so if you on you're on my channel obviously if you go to playlists that has videos on everything how to mix your paint how to the the products and tools you'll need and basic techniques and things like that so i would just go ahead and check that out all right i am going to go ahead and do a close-up here on all four of these guys just wiping my hands off real quick so camera's gonna shake i'm gonna go as smoothly as possible noelle at the top of any channel on youtube it says videos playlists um community about should do another vase class yeah shipping the vases was so stressful for me though all right no i'm not going to try to rotate that but that's so pretty here's the first two you can tell how much they've changed there but still some really awesome designs okay and then this canvas which i love and definitely beach beach vibes right so we do have that pattern in here though that gives us that [Music] that look yeah okay you have a lot of questions noelle [Laughter] so the canvas is okay with no base down first yep totally fine i never almost never put bases down on my canvas unless the technique specifically recalls qualifies for it which is only like great your questions are great great questions okay so to wrap these up um i raise the canvases up to dry i don't leave them flat like that or you'll have a total mess on the bottom um the vases i just leave exactly like this for a couple days those will dry no well i'm not sure i understand your question on what do i stand the vases on are you asking what they're on right now they're on plastic cups if that's your question um so i leave these like this for a couple days i will let everything dry for at least a week the vases i say at least a week and then um i'll seal them with resin yeah there we go cool um any last-minute questions before i head out and grab some dinner the canvas i put up on these um i always forget what they're called painters triangles i guess you get them at home depot lowe's amazon down in the description i have a link to my amazon store so you can check out pretty much everything painters pyramids that's what they're called painters pyramids all right you guys thank you so much for joining me we'll see what happens next wednesday i'll keep you up to date in the loop uh chef johnny's not in the kitchen he is uh actually out of town until thursday and so i'm on my own [Laughter] thank you all so much for joining me you guys are the best i will see you all next time have a great rest of your night
Channel: Mixed Media Girl
Views: 222,419
Rating: 4.8340497 out of 5
Keywords: acrylic pouring, pour painting, mixed media girl, stone coat countertops, resin, resin painting, resin art, fluid art, tree ring, mmg, how to acrylic pour, how to mix paint, mixed media, acrylic pour art, epoxy, epoxy art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 50sec (2870 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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