Turning Classical Music into Paintings

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I have an idea! Woah! Oh my god! OooOooOHhhH! Oh. I think I painted, like, twice in my life, by the way. Hello! Welcome to TwoSet... Bob Ross. TwoSet Painting, TwoSet Art. We're now branching out to all the art forms, 'cause we are... I don't know. Van Gogh. In today's video, we're going to paint a painting. Classical music and visual art and poetry:  they've always influenced each other. There's a lot of beautiful associations if you look into the history. And so today, we decided to pick a piece. We're going to go with Dvorak No. 9. Mm-hmm. Beautiful symphony. If you don't know it, you can listen to it with us today. Yeah, I think we're gonna listen to the first and second movement, which will be around 20-25 minutes. And just paint. Exactly. Give me a sec, sorry. I'm really excited to see where my creative juices flow out from this paintbrush. Magic. You might just be able to see the world we live in. Well, you know, a very common thing they say is like... Exactly! So I might just do a bit of spiccato like... Articulation, right? - Brett: Okay. - Staccato and long strokes... Yep. The gears we have here: a painting... Whatever you call it. It's a very nice and wooden aesthetic. Blank canvas and in case you guys can't see here, there's also a bunch of colors here. These are pretty cool paintbrushes. But anyway, just... Lots of different... What do you call it? Bristles? Bristles, yeah, bristles. Lots of different bris... Lots of different bristles. Let's play some music. I think I've painted like twice in my life, by the way. Oui oui. Oui oui! Oui oui! I mean, Dvorak is Czech, not French. What inspiration? OH! I have an idea! There's a golden ray. Golden ray. What's this for? Do you actually paint with this massive thing? Or is this for like home renovation? No, I think you can paint. Okay. Both: Woah! Woah... Dude, I have no idea how to paint. I have an idea. It all starts from one idea. Alright, you know what? Whatever. I'm just gonna YOLO it. Look at these colors. Verde de Phthalo. Van Gogh said... - Really? - Nah, I just made it up. I feel like this is sacrilegious. I'm just mixing it straight on. Like that. How do you even mix paint properly? What's the correct technique? Oh. - Oh! That was so good. - Okay, that was really good. - Oh! - I'm gonna give that a stroke of color. Did you guys hear that in the orchestra? Oh!... Oh! It was really well played, this recording. Like a tree here. Alright, this is a landscape. A tree. There's gonna be sun rays. I'm just gonna... Go for it. Yeah, look at it. I'm just going for it. I think we're running out of time, man. First movement is already almost at the recap. Oh, no. It's alright. It's gonna be the whole symphony at this rate. Ugh! Oh, it's so good! Nice! Oh, you're going for like nature stuff! What are you going for? I don't know. Let my unconscious flow. You know what? I need an image as a reference. Oh, I wish I Googled this earlier. I'm way off. You know what this is? What? Guess. The Bohemian River. Why is my green so aqua? I just want actual green. I'm hearing tragedy. You know what, I think it's time for this. Ohhh, let's go! What the hell is that! They did that for the third time. But it's still so good. Such a consistent artistic interpretation. Yeah, I think the inspiration I'm going for is... The New World Symphony was when Dvorak was in America, and he's in this new land, but he kind of misses home, which is Czechoslovakia. And it's one of... the beautiful hallmarks of his style, is just this hint of nostalgia and beauty in that sentimentality. Yeah, same here. Oh, here we go. Green for this music. Oh, look at that, that's beautiful. Look at that green coming out from my paintbrush! It's definitely green! Hiya! Oh... S***. - Brett: Oh, OH, OHH! - Eddy: Oh my god... Oh! Oh no... NoooOoO! I'm gonna let it drip. As Andy Warhol says... What? Yeah, nice! I like that blue. Wow. That just looks like poo. Dude, look at my poo! Oh, it actually literally looks like... Woah, that's actually really good! Poo-poo. Dude, I like it! Yeah! The duality. - That's some like contemporary genius s***. - Yeah, yeah. Should've went for contemporary, damn it! Yes. Not some realistic painting. - I'm gonna sneeze. - Oh, that's so interesting. You know those TikToks where they just spray paint in like a pattern? Yeah yeah... And sell it on eBay for like... - This is the next... This is NFT, guys. - a thousand dollars? Articulation. Woah, that kind of looks sick, bro. Oh, nice! Oh, I discovered a new technique, guys! Trees by the river requires articulation! Oh, articulation! Those three dots are houses. There's a little settlement there. Just trust me, that's what it is. See with the color black, you don't have to worry about mixing it. 'Cause it's all gonna go black anyway. Alright, now, how do I do the sky? Wow, I'm gonna mess it up. Whatever. YOLO! Yeah, I feel like I'm gradually just getting all my colors... - Making everything brown, right? - Look, look at this... It's all coming together. Like Bob Ross said... And like Bob Ross said... Both: Oh, WOAH! Oh... Eddy: It coincided with the music. The D flat major. Brett: Ohhhhhh, okay. Brett: I might need some... Eddy: You alright? You need help? Brett: The paint hit the wall, too. Eddy: Oof. My dotted technique, it's like spiccato, guys. Spiccato! Woah, OH! Dude, the staccato shook it. How do you show like something is floating? Uh... Shadow...Beneath it? Right? If you have a shadow beneath something... I guess the clefs are floating out of the pond. How long do we have? Oh my god! It's 7:30! Oh, crap. Uh... Is it 7:30? Yeah. We got so carried away. Um uh... Yeah. I have a feeling painting is one of those things... - The time just flies. - Time just flies because you get so into it. I kind of like it. I'm not like... Obviously, it's not good, but I Iike it. The clefs are starting to come out. Do you want to finish it? Last minute to finish. Finishing touches. Oh, I like it, dude. Awaken your creativity! This is the "Dvořák New World" by Chen, 2021. My inspiration was, he's exploring. There's a sense of exploration. But there's also a sense of nostalgia. Like I said, he misses home, Czech. Sentimentality. I tried to capture that feeling of what I imagine a Czech countryside'll be like. That's meant to be a little village there. Like that kind of sentimentality. And I think we both heard as well, something about the music, especially in the beginning, there's a sense of golden-ness. - Like a golden... glow to the sound, right? - Brett: Yep. Something to do with his instrumentation and the harmonies he used. And I love the f— you can see the flow  of the river with the white and blue. Ye. And is that the tree? That's the tree in the foreground, but I kind of failed it. Looks like a really soft tree. Hmm, it's Impressionism! Done! - Your turn. - Nice! Oh, wow. I love that. To be honest, I started with one idea and I kind of changed it halfway. But as with music, it changes. So, the glow actually started here. That aura, that warm aura. Then, I go, "Wow, Dvořák... maybe you've got another side to you," so I drew that out. Eddy: Okay. And then, there's like— I feel like it eventually got really magical, so I decided to put a pond here so the music can come out. So the water... The aura glows to more one side. And this side... Not quite sure what happened. I was about to pull out some, you know, - English class level... analysis... - Oh! You know how like in English class, it's always like, "The author used the blue curtain to..." Yeah, the blue curtain... I do feel, each part is meant to  represent a part of someone's psyche. Knowing us it's also just... My lack of artistic skills. I actually like painting. - Yeah. - Yeah! I wanna get lessons. Yes, I wanna learn. Wasn't Hilary learning painting? Yeah, she was! We should paint. Yeah, we should paint! You have painting genetics in your family, right? Yeah, it just hasn't been awakened yet. It might take a while. Alright, hope you guys enjoyed it! This is it. We'll be selling this...! Just kidding. Please accent the like button, legato the subscribe button, and comment what you think! Bye-bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 264,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: YiwOC3fap4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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