K-Pop that Sampled Classical Music

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Attention! Attention, please. TwoSet Violin has a new I N T E R E S T I N G episode. And today, we will be reviewing K-Pop that is inspired by classical music. Ooh... K-Pop! - Mm... - Mm, that's right. We recently did one with pop music. And we would like to review together with you some K-Pop songs that... - feature... - Sounds... or that feature classical music. - Yeah. - And let's see if we can identify them. Tsk, tsk, tsk... As always, before we start... Simp Sibelius! Oh sh**! I forgot. Simp Sibelius! Alright, let's go. First one is a song by... - Road to Kingdom? Or is it by T.O.P.? - Dude. I don't know. - I can't read Korean. - Yeah, I can't. Bro, that split! Yeah, that split was pretty crazy. Yeah. So if you guys don't know already, maybe if you're new to the channel, that was Tchaikovsky. Swan Lake. But yeah, it's um... It was one of the best ballets. It's so good though. So it goes from C minor. And then it goes into... - Like, A major, F# minor. - Oh, yeah. But that passage is meant to... be in B minor. - Yeah, B minor, B minor. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh... man. - But it's K-Pop, so... Yeah, so, it's okay. It's... - I think his leg split made up for that, to be honest. - Yeah, leg- It's like the leg split at the end is like... - The tone changed. Yeah, yeah, yeah! - "You forget everything." - "Forget about the key change!" - "Forget-" - Hypnosis! - Woo! Nothing happened. That's cool though. And it seems like... Tchaikovsky Swan Lake has been - very influential in a lot of pop stuff. - It is. It has. What's that ballet- not ballet. That media? - I don't know. - The Black Swan? Oh, I think so. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, they use it. And then there was the... - BTS had a Black Swan moment recently, right? - Everyone- yeah. Yeah... that's- - Everyone uses it. - Yeah. Dude, Tchaikovsky, man. What about the Nutcracker? Yeah. I want a K-Pop song about Nutcracker. - It's gonna come soon. Yeah. - They dress up as nuts. Alright, next one. "Twinkling of Paradise." Oh, that's what they're called. Interesting. Oh, that's so weird! It's so weird to me. I don't know... - That's Tchaikovsky if he was a modern day, like... - Yeah. ...like playboy. If Tchaikovsky was alive, he'd be like... ♪ Neh~ nEh-NeH-nEH-Neh-neh ♪ I mean... ♪ I wanna be your paradise! ♪ It's cool though. I think it's cool that... - they're taking inspiration from classical music, - Yeah. and Tchaikovsky music deserves to live on. As long as people know the original form. I know. Yeah! They're gonna go "Oh, that's like..." no. Imagine like one day they lose Tchaikovsky's original manuscripts, and they're like... They teach this in school that - this is Tchaikovsky Swan Lake. - Ohh... Oh, it's straight from the beginning. Whoa! What is that piece? I forgot it. - I know it! - Mozart. - Is that Mozart? - *sings the melody* - *plays the melody* - *sings the melody* Nah. - *plays the melody* - *sings the melody* Is that Mozart? I think so. "The concept was Mozart vs Salieri." Oh really? Oh, that's why there's a battle. Yeah... - Oh, and that's why this guy has a wiggy hair. - Oh, pink hair! - That's Mozart! - Yeah... - All cocky and Salieri being all like... angry. - Yeah. I was gonna say, it... It looked like a wig. - That was I N T E R E S T I N G ! - What is the Mozart though? - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah! Oh... No. 25 I prefer this. Same. It's more... It's just... It's just not... tainted. - I think it just sound- - All jokes aside though, like- I think it sounds nice. - It sounds more stylistically cohesive to me. - Yeah. Yeah. - The other one was very confusing. - It was confusing. And again, I felt like the harmonies felt forced. - The way it got incorporated. - Yeah. - It wasn't- - It made it too... almost too heavy as well. - Yup, I think so. - It sounded like... all over the place. I was like, I just want to hear... ♪ Duh duh-duh-duh duh-luh duh... ♪ The Mozart and their singing and their rapping to me was like- It was... - Like I was listening to two things together. - Yeah, one ear is classical, - and one ear is like some beats slapped on. - Yeah. Yeah. Alright. So apparently, some people have been saying that the BTS... ...was inspired by... by the composer Manuel de Falla. Oh yeah. I like him. Let's listen to... What the Internet- Some people have been claiming it to sound like... I mean... I guess that motif... *sings* But... - Nah, I don't- To me that's too far. - It's too far-fetched. Yeah. You could any- you could- Any guitar could be doing that. It is very very very possible to me that Jimin or whoever wrote that song... came up with that motif without even thinking of Falla. But to me, that's a bit obscure. - Yeah. - It's a bit like the... Bruckner in the last video. - Yeah... yeah. - It was like, "ehh... yeah." - It's like, uhh... - Yeah. Close. Nah, I mean, not really. Nice try. Don't come at Jimin like that. Ha hA Ha hA ha...!! - Wait, they did a Shaun, like just Melodyne thing. - Bro. That sounded like- - Yeah, that sounded Melodyne. I was gonna say. - Yeah... - ♪ oH-Oh-OH-oH-oh-oH~ ♪ - They just- I know how they did that. Yeah, we can do that too now! *K-Pop music playing* That was... - autotuned Beethoven. - Yeah. Oh... Oh... - It just shows up every now and then, just that note. - Yeah. ♪ duh-luh-luh...dun ♪ But actually, I will say... - that one blends better than the others. - I think so. I was gonna say. Yeah, I agree. And it sounded like if... - Yeah, fit it better. - It fit it. It sounded like a song. - Somehow it fits better yeah. - Yeah. Alright. What's this one? I don't know the Schumann work enough to know. Yeah. - Let me check. Yeah...! - I can hear the string part, right? I'm like... *sings melody* I was like "I don't know what..." Let's check. Okay, so apparently, some people on the Internet claimed that there's this bit that claims... to be taken from Schumann's Dichterliebe. But is it that bit? Maybe we're listening to the wrong bit. *upbeat K-Pop music playing* Okay... *plays Dichterliebe* I don't hear it. *plays Dichterliebe* - I don't hear it. - I don't hear it. I'm just enjoying this. Okay guys! I think that's it for today. Did you guys hear it? We heard- definitely heard some, too. It's great that classical music is still living on. Alright, that's it. Did you guys hear it? Did you guys follow along? It's interesting. I love it. Thank you guys so much. Please accent the like button. And we will see you guys next time. Oh yeah, check out our merch. Mm...
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 985,752
Rating: 4.9678702 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: FMY4Cuaoe_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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