Add Any Pattern to Clothes in Photoshop!

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hi there this is unmish from pics imperfect and today i'm going to share with you how to take a piece of pattern and apply it to any shirt t-shirt or any kind of cloth in photoshop so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of photoshop and the first thing you need to do is to download this photo if you want to follow along using this photo you can use your own photo if you wish now the second thing you need to do is to create a pattern or download a pattern of your choice so here i have a pattern that i downloaded from envato elements if you guys are interested check the links in the description but you really don't have to do that you can use any pattern of your wish create your own pattern this is just a simple tile if you have a look at it and you'll be able to download a sample photo of this in the description now all you got to do is to open that separately in photoshop as a new document don't drag it and drop it over the canvas so simply drag it and don't drop it over the canvas in the same document just drop it right there this will create a separate document why are we doing that for two reasons first of all to create a pattern that's obvious secondly we want a transparent pattern so to create a transparent background first of all we need to make a selection based on colors so we need to select this color right there and how do we do that very simple go to select and then color range now it already makes selection perfect for me because i had already done it so let me show you how it's done let me just change everything so all you got to do at the top you will see the select drop down and from there you got to choose sampled colors decrease the fuzziness all the way to the left one or two or zero will do two now change the selection preview to none so that you see everything with the first eyedropper right over there let's click on the color of your choice all right change the selection preview to grayscale now white are the areas which are selected black are the areas which are not selected right now it's so pixely right slowly and gradually increase the fuzziness it's getting less and less pixely but we don't have to go so high that other areas begin to get selected as well so we need to find a place we need to find a happy place right over there so i guess for us it would be about 42 ish or something now once we have this selection we need to fill it with something so simply create a solid color adjustment layer by clicking on the adjustment line icon and then choose solid color let's choose white in this case now we can change the color to whatever we wish using a clipping mask all right so now let's turn off the background now we have a transparent press controller command a to select it all and then let's go to edit and then a define pattern let's name this tile one all right now i had already created that pattern so there might be three or four instances of the same all right press ctrl or command d to deselect that now that we have the pattern let's come back to our image the next thing here is making a selection of the shirt or the piece of cloth or whatever you want to place the pattern in this case to make a selection you can use whatever method you wish you can use your favorite method so you can use the quick selection tool right there to start making a selection you can use the pen tool for more precision so i took the liberty of already creating that selection so let me load that up because this is not a selection class you already know that if you don't there are lots of videos on making selections in our channel all right now once you have made the selection let's apply some color to it to add a color let's click on the adjustment icon and let's choose a solid color wow black really looks nice in this guy all right let's choose a dark color so i'm going to choose something like this now i've already decided what color i'm going to choose so i'm just going to type in the hex code right there 5 eight one five zero a i was kind of experimenting and this color stood out while i was practicing before recording this so this looks nice hit okay now have you ever printed or got something printed on a piece of regular white paper i'm talking about regular print none of that fancy mug printing stuff whatever you insert that white paper inside your printer whatever the printer does is basically darkens it the printer never brightens anything so let's say in your image you have some bright area and you try to print the whole picture with your printer so what happens in those bright areas the printer just doesn't print so if you try to print an absolutely white image you already know what happens right you insert that paper without doing anything that paper straight comes out so what does this tell us whatever the printer does is darkening because it cannot brighten the bright even more it's already white how brighter can it get that's the same in this case he's already wearing a white t-shirt now whatever we do on it place a pattern or place a design it's only going to darken it now what is the blend mode which darkens multiply so simply choose the blend mode multiply right here so that's the whole concept behind the story now if you have a look at it the sunlight is just beaming onto the shirt but there is still no boost to it so to apply that boost let's apply a light shade to apply a light shade let's name this dark shade for reference so click on the adjustment icon and then choose solid color and for this you're going to choose a lighter shade i already have figured out what i'm going to choose right here it's going to be f8 c6 8 b all right it okay now in this case we don't want to use the blend mode multiply because we are not darkening it we are just boosting something and we only want to apply it in certain parts of the highlights for that we can use simply blend if so double click on the right hand side of the layer now what did we say before we only wanted to apply it in the highlights okay in other words we can also say we wanted to take it away from the dark areas or take it away from the shadows right and that's exactly what we're gonna do using blend if we're just gonna take it away from the shadows and thus applying it only in the highlights so once you open up the layer styles dialog box in the blender section take the slider off the underlying left from left to right it takes away the dark areas of the underlying layer or the layers which are lying under it from the current layer all right so let's take it a little more now as you can see this is very harsh so hold the alt k the option key click on the slider to break it apart and break it apart accordingly i'm gonna go one one eight or one one nine that looks nice hit okay now we only wanted to plant on the shirt not anywhere else now there are two things we can do we can definitely copy the mask right there or the better solution here is put both inside a group and have one mask for the group why do i suggest this well we're gonna add a lot of adjustments for the patterns for maybe a little bit of curves maybe a little bit more adjustment and if we have to copy the mask again and again to different layers to seven or eight layers it can really get inefficient right and there can be glow around the edge and that really doesn't look good also if you have to make changes to the mask if you make changes to one mask you have to just kind of repeat it to all of these six or seven or eight other adjustments so instead why not have just one mask for all of the adjustments wouldn't that be more efficient right so put both of them in a group select the first one hold the controller command select the second one press ctrl or command g to create a group out of it and let's name this printed t-shirt okay organization is important my friends all right let's just drag this mask mask and drop it on the group and that way we don't have to create a dozen different masks right here everything is inside the group now i still feel there needs to be a little bit of boost right there the sunbeam isn't looking very convincing because if you have a look at the hand there's so much brightness the same needs to be on the shirt to do that create a curves adjustment layer so click on the adjustment icon and then choose curves any picks imperfect tutorial is always incomplete without curves if there is no curves well that's not a pixel perfect tutorial so i'm just kidding create a point in the middle and take it up just like this now i'm taking it up excessively because there's a reason to it because we can apply blendif here as well we don't want it in the dark areas so double click on the right hand side of the layer again let's do the same thing we only want it in the beams of the sunlight so let's take it from the left hold the arc of the option key click on the slider to break it apart and just let's take it to about 94.95 ish that looks alright and on the left hand side let's go with 16. okay hit okay let's look at the difference so here was the before absolutely plain not interesting not realistic here is the after just look at it now it's time guys it's time for us to create the pattern but before we do that let's group all of these so select the curves hold the shift key select the bottom most adjustments that is for coloring the t-shirt select all of these three press control or command g so it's a group inside a group and let's name this color this is again for organization after this we're going to create a group for the pattern so for the pattern let's create a pattern adjustment layer so click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose pattern and in here we're going to choose our tile pattern that we must have added right over there all right now this looks crazy because it's too big we need to make it a little bit smaller now for a moment you can just turn off this printed t-shirt mask by holding the shift key and clicking on it it won't do it because this pattern fill option is open hit ok hold the shift key click on the mask to turn it off all right and also turn off the color for the movement now open up the properties of the pattern fill by double clicking on the symbol of the adjustment layer once you do that let's decrease the scale because it's too big let's make it smaller depending upon how small you want to make it so i'm going to keep it at about 20 how do you feel about that um you can adjust it to your liking this is absolutely up to you as to what looks or feels good to you so for me i'm just going to go with about 22 hit okay once you're satisfied with that and then you can just turn that mask on by holding the shift key and clicking on the mask again you can also turn on the color now if you want to conveniently adjust the pattern in that shirt area i would recommend rasterizing this so right click on it and then choose rasterize layer now this is rasterized but we only want that small area so select the rectangular marquee tool and give it a little bit of space so that we can adjust it move it mold it we have a little bit of freedom with that so let's select a little bit of that area you can also select an extra area if you want to but that's going to be enough for us i guess once you have a selection well just press ctrl or command j so that that area is on its own layer have a look at it so if i turn off the mask you'll be able to see that area is on its own layer well now you can just delete it now you have a pretty good pattern now of course we want some color to it so click on the adjustment icon again and then choose solid color and what did we learn before we can change the color with flipping mask so you can choose whatever color you wish i'm gonna choose a specific color that i like okay hold the alt k or the option key and click on the line between these two layers so that you limit it just to the pattern now as we adjust the pattern we don't want to lose the details in the pixels and also we want the ability to adjust the positions later as well as we warp it so for that we need to convert the pattern into a smart object so right click on it and then choose convert to smart object let's name this pattern all right and then you can adjust it accordingly but before we do that let's blend in the highlights in the shadows and the best way to do it is you already might have guessed it by now blend if so double click on the right hand side of the layer you want to take it away from the dark areas just so that it blends in better so take the slide off the underlying layer from left to right again this is very harsh hold the alt key the option key click on the slider to break it apart and break it all the way apart and take it to the right if you take it all the way to the right it becomes more and more realistic but then again it gets lighter and lighter so it's up to you as to how much you want it to be so i'm going to keep it at about 132 ish that looks right and it already looks realistic and fantastic right but if you look at the pattern it's also straight right it can't be it has to fold according to the dress and according to how he's standing for that we need to make adjustments here and that is why we converted this into a smart object so press ctrl or command t now you can adjust it the way you want it so right click on it and then choose distort first of all that's the first thing i do and then let's just adjust according to his address and accordingly how he's standing this is cool but we need to go a little step further and that is warping it right click on it and then choose warp now you can create your own point so if you go to split you can just create your own points and create one more you can create your own lines and splits and then adjust it accordingly i'm not gonna go that complex for simplicity i'm just gonna create a three by three right there so if you click on the grid option right there drop down just choose three by three now you can go custom you can click on the drop down and then choose custom you can have about 10 by 10 whatever you wish hit ok and then just adjust each point according to your desire you can do all that you can spend the whole time to do that but i'm just going to go three by three because you can't really tell what we are doing here so let's adjust the curve right there as he would be standing you want to make it even more faster there's a lot of inbuilt presets to make it even faster so if you go to the warp options right there let's choose arch see it's already getting better the bottom part we can arrange it and from there you can go a three by three and then you can adjust the bottom so i'm just going to bring it down like this and bring this point up like this so we have that kind of curve now i know what you're thinking this looks like well let's say c-r-a-p so we need to adjust these handles to make it look a little better okay all right now that looks better now let's adjust this handle as well all right now you can take it at the top a little bit see we are going along the curve of the shirt now you can push it a little in so that it just blends in nicely see that curve we are creating there similarly you can adjust the curve on all of the other areas according to your wish see how it's curving along the arms similarly let's do it on the other areas as well once that is adjusted according to your wish hit enter or return now here's the great part you can always press ctrl or command t again right click on it and then choose warp again and everything will be intact that is the advantage my friend of smart objects now this looks almost done right now some of you also might be wondering that on if i zoom in there are little folds here and there that needs to be adjusted as well well you really cannot tell but if you want to adjust those little folds here and there there's a way to do it first way is displacement map now it's not going to work in this case because there are sun beams here right it's going to bump on those sun beams so i really am not in favor of displacement maps the second way is liquefy it's really going gonna work here all you have to do is to apply a liquify filter on this pattern and just adjust it according to these folds maybe if you have time at the end i'm gonna show you but you really have don't have to do this because if you zoom out you really cannot tell now the next step is creating texture and details now you might ask what do you mean by that well have a look at some bright areas there are just no details in there partly because we darkened a white t-shirt there was already no details so it just looks so bad when we darkened it and there are details in some dark areas have a look we have details of the fabric so we need to create those details in this bright area to make it look more realistic and convincing so let's make a copy of the background layer press ctrl or command j place it at the very top on top of the printed t-shirt group let's collapse this group to make things simple to just make it appear organized now press ctrl shift u command shift u to desaturate it take away all the colors let's go to filter other and then high pass 4.5 value seems nice if you go beyond that creases of the shirt is also going to show up we don't want that 4.5 4.6 is all right so let's go for that hit okay all we need to do is to change the blend mode from normal to overlay now it also enhances the texture and the detail of the areas which already have the details so we don't really want that we'll take care of that later right now we just need to create details in these areas so what do we do we select the clone stamp tool right and choose sample current layer we only want to sample from the current layer blend mode normal opacity and flow at 100 make sure you take a soft round brush and then just take a sample and start painting so hold the alt key the option key take a sample from an area which has details and start painting right there have a look you create that detail similarly you can take details from any section you want so i'm going to take a sample from right there something from here and just start painting you will have more and more details see all the fabric details that we have added here's the before here's the after look at the difference now it's not much i understand we'll take care of that later just make sure every area which needs details are covered once that is done you can hold the alt key or the option key and click on the mask button this creates a negative mask then you can take the brush soft round brush white as the foreground color and just paint on the areas which needs details that way you don't end up enhancing the areas which already has a lot of details let's take a look at which areas we have painted there are some areas that needs a little more painting great we accidentally painted on the beard areas we don't want it there this looks alright now to enhance the details even more just duplicate it so with the background copy or let's just name it details press ctrl or command j do we have enough details not much press ctrl or command g again now we have a ton of details in that area now you can group all of those so select the first one hold the shift key select the last one press ctrl or command g and let's name this details in this case also you could have just one mask for the entire thing so you can just drag and drop this mask right over there and delete the mask of the rest of the layers just makes it a little more convenient if you want to paint details in some of the some other areas so let's delete it let's delete this one as well all right here you have it now if you think that is too much of course you can decrease the opacity so for this one we're gonna keep it at about 70 percent and there you have your pattern on the shirt now there's still something that needs to be fixed can you guess what that is it relates to ambience you see if you have a white shirt or a t-shirt placed right there the light falls on it and because it's white it reflects more light it lets more light pass through as well through a cloth so if you look here the light coming through right there is very very high so if you look at the original photo i'm going to show this to you because it was white there was some light coming through in the shadow once we darkened it it this area just doesn't look right so we need to add some additional shadows right over there we need to correct the ambience here okay to do that first of all let's make a selection just bring on a selection of the shirt we already have it right there hold the controller command and click on the mask of the shirt right there and press ctrl shift i okay now it's on the opposite side i can take the brush just start painting with black or the other thing you can do here is create a curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment icon and then choose and bring it down stop it where at the point where it looks all right so i'm going to stop right over here and then for the curves again i'm going to create one more group press ctrl or command g so that we have one more mask inside that and in this group hold the on key the option key and click on the mask button now when you when you paint it won't get inside the shirt so with a soft round brush let's paint with white right here as simple as that i'm going to make the brush a little larger and remove it from the outside areas of course so this area is where we didn't need it all right there you have it now you can decrease the opacity of that so let's increase it slowly and gradually to the point where it looks all right so for me i'm going to keep it at about 70 as well similarly you can do a shadow in this area too just to add a little bit oomph to it also there's one more thing you can do you can just darken the highlight areas so just above the background layer we can create one more curves adjustment layer just darken it like this select the mask press controller command i and then let's just paint with white in these areas in the bright areas see it begins to look a little more realistic with a lot more details be careful let's decrease the flow to about 10 percent so that we don't do too much and there my friend you have some more details back now before we finish do not forget to name the layers organization is very important so this one was darkening the high lights and this one was just ambience let's name this ambience we were creating a little bit of shadows maybe we'll darken the background a little bit more as well that's up to you once you look at the pattern first of all let's group the pattern too so select the pattern layer hold the ctrl r command select this color fill layer press ctrl or command g to group it and let's name this pattern uh if you wanted to do liquify once this layer is selected go to filter and then lick v5 alright now inside of liquify if you want to see the background and just the background you can choose show backdrop and you only want to use the background layer so choose the background layer and you can have it at the back and then adjust it according to the contours so you can just adjust it you can also turn the pattern black and then adjust it if white is not very visible and keep adjusting it it's all as easy as that i just adjust this small area once you're happy with it hit ok and have a look we just adjusted it according to the folds of the dress but once you zoom out you really cannot tell so that's why i didn't include that step but now you know how to do that if you want to and by the way if you want the pattern to be even more brighter you can always change the blend mode to a brighter blend mode what is the blend mode which brightens stuff screen so change the blend mode from normal to screen it'll be even more brighter we have to make some adjustments inside of the layer styles to suit it a little well so let's increase it to about 137 okay that's even more brighter if that's your taste so that is how to apply a pattern to a t-shirt or any kind of cloth in photoshop all you have to do is to first of all create a pattern just open up a tile or just create your own pattern and then go to edit define pattern create a pattern out of it and then once you have your image open in which you can apply that first of all you need to choose whatever color you wish or if you directly want to apply the pattern you can do that as well so in this case we applied a couple colors so first of all we chose a dark shade and we chose the blend mode multiply you know why because anything we are trying to print on a white shirt is actually darkening it we are not brightening it even more we are darkening it so multiply is a blend mode which darkens so we added a lighter shade after that and also a curves adjustment layer to add that little boost once we had that we added the pattern we rasterized it just added it in that particular area of the shirt and then using warp we just molded it accordingly we changed the color of the pattern using a solid color adjustment layer applied with a clipping mask that way you can change the color to whatever you wish and then we also later changed the blend mode as a pattern to screen also blend if is required to blend in the highlights and the shadows of the pattern with that of the shirt once you do that after that we created some highlights and some ambience details and some other finishing touches and that was pretty much it i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials i would love to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep fixing perfect free for everybody forever thanks so much for watching i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 1,300,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piximperfect
Id: UG0-V95qmPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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