Match Color with 3 Major Clicks in Photoshop!

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[Music] either this is animation fixin perfect and today I'm going to show you how you can use three clicks see as you heard it right just three clicks to match the subject with that is the new background it's so easy that it's unbelievable but once we understand the concept it will all start making sense we will also learn two more additional compositing and color grading tricks to make your composite much more seamless and make them blend together so much better so without any further ado let's get started [Music] Before we jump into the video I have a challenge for you so here's an interesting image that we randomly picked and your challenge is to edit the image in the funniest wittiest and the most creative way that you possibly can and guess what the best edit will be featured in our next week's episode along with your website Instagram or Facebook page to participate in this challenge all you need to do is to go to PSD barrels comm and sign up for free it's an excellent platform for taking part in Photoshop battles or starting your own creative battles once you are signed up click the link in the description to take part in pixel-perfect challenge your image will be weighted and ranked accordingly by other creators from all over the world so let's get back to the video so here we are get in the magical world of Photoshop and if you are aware and download this as a starting PSD check the link in the description keep in mind the subject is already cut out so here we have the background and on top of it we have our subject Lee if I turn that on the subject will show up it's already Kara by the way if you want to learn how to cut out subjects there are lots of videos on that in this channel so check the link in the description for that as well all you need to do is this very simple create a curves adjustment layer we are still using three major clicks so click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves now whatever we do inside of the curves adjustment layer will affect the whole image make sure the curves adjustment layer is clipped to just the subject and to do that we need to create a clipping mask just click on this button in the curves properties and now whatever you do inside of curves will be limited just to the subject alternatively what you can do you can also hold the alt or option and click on the line between these two less it also creates a clipping mask now coming to the trick right all you need to do is to look at the bright area dark area and the mid-tones of the background that's it the highlights the shadows and the mid-tones off the background not the subject but off the background and set them to those three eyedroppers that you see right over here easy right so have a look at the eyedropper with the black tip which means it stands for shadows so double click on that make sure the sample is current and below and sample size 555 or 3x3 pick the darkest color in the background so what is the darkest color this one right but it's picking white why is that well cancel it and make sure the curves adjustment layer symbol is selected not the mask but this symbol and then many pick it it will pick the right colors so black tip dark area sample the dark area this is fine here okay and do you want to set this as default now if you don't set these colors as defaults so next time you create a curves adjustment layer or maybe come back to this curves adjustment layer later and check the colors the colors will be reverted back to the previous defaults so for the moment let's set these as defaults once you're done you can set the defaults back to whatever they were before and by default it's usually black white and gray so let's select yes and now we have set the black point to this color to the black point of the background just hit OK with that now with the white tip double click on that one and pick a color which is the brightest in the background so in the background this color is the brightest that's fine and hit OK and let's save this as a default double click on the middle what would be gray in the background now let me ask you a question if the background was lit with neutral colors what area would be gray the mountains right so let's pick the mountain color this color is fine or maybe a little lighter color right there that is OK just hit OK right there yes now we have all these three droppers mapped now all you need to do is very simple just click on the highlight shadow and mid-tone of the subject just three clicks and you'll just set it up very quickly so let's select the white one with a white tip eyedropper tool and select the brightest area of the subject which is this so I'm going to click on this area fixed select the one with the black tip and click on the darkest area of the subject fixed you might want to try clicking on some other areas as well and the mid-tones what would have been gray if it was lit with neutral color or click on any mid-tone maybe this area fixed maybe you might want to just try different areas just zoom out and try yes that works amazingly have a look at that before and after this is done so here is the before here is the after so easily we have matched the subject with that of the background with just three clicks more than three clicks but we used those three buttons now you can do a lot of things to make the composite blend even better one of my favorite ways is adding a global effect just like the color lookup adjustment layer so click on the adjustment layer icon and let's choose color lookup now people apply this both to the subject and the background let's apply late sunset so there it is but it's too heavy and I don't like the color so much simply change the blend mode let's try a soft light click on the blend mode drop-down menu and choose soft light there you go and it looks great let's decrease the opacity to somewhere around 35 is fine here's the before here's the after now let's add some warmth to it let's create one more color lookup adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose color lookup again and this time let's choose crisp warm to add some warmth now it's also making the dark area stalker which we don't want to do so double click on the right hand side of the layer just right here this will open up the layer Styles dialog box and then take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right just like that now we need to separate the slider so that we get a smooth transition so hold the alt or option click on the sliders to set them apart and now separate them easy and hit ok now let's decrease the opacity it's too much about 52 is or 51 is fine now let's have a look at the before and after so this was before not matching at all we added the curves adjustment layer we added two color lookup adjustment layers it's looking amazing now let me show you one more trick how about using depth of field to make the composite even more realistic that would be fun first of all select the background layer make a copy of this one by pressing ctrl or command J now let's convert it into a smart object go to filter convert for Smart Filters and then hit OK that way we can change the values of the blur later now we will apply maybe to shift blur so let's go to filter blur gallery and then tilt shift now in tilt shift blur anything between these two lines are at blur zero from this line that the dotted line the blur goes from zero to whatever number you choose so 0 to 15 from this line to the dotted line and after the dotted line it's 15 so let's zoom out and let's place the middle point right there so we wanted to blur gradually from 0 to maybe something like a higher number let's choose something like 80 pixels that's fine or maybe let's choose 75 that's great if you want you can add a little bokeh effect here and there you can do that but in this case it will be a little bright spot so let's not do it and hit OK right there it's looking amazing at this point but then again we have to add some blur to the subject as well because the subject is looking very hard and the background is soft so to do that first of all let's convert the subject to smart object as well so for the subsidise selected go to filter convert for Smart Filters and then hit OK and in this one we will apply field blur so let's go to filter blur gallery and then field blur with field we'll take this blur point to her face we don't want her face to be blurred and therefore we'll just decrease the blur to zero pixels now we want this area to be a little more blurry so let's add a point right there and then let's click to add a point and increase the blur a little bit that blur is fine maybe a little more blur over here let's click a point there and add some blur easy let's do a little bit over here as well let's add some blur nice maybe here less blur because it's in the same focal plane so zero pixels and here at the top a little blur that works fine maybe we'll add a little on the side as well great just make sure the eyes in the mouth are in focus now once that is done once you're happy with the results you can always hit OK but I think I will decrease the blur over here it's kind of too much ok hit OK once you're satisfied and let's have a look at the before and after so now with the blur it looks so much more realistic so without the blur and with the blur it's matching with that of the background even in the background without the blur and with the blur it looks so much more better so here's the before and here is the after so that's how you match the subject with a new background with just three clicks inside of the curves adjustment layer we set those eyedroppers and we map them to the backgrounds shadows mid-tones and highlights and then we click on the subjects shadows mid-tones and highlights and one thing I prefer personally is that I do the shadows and the highlights first and then click on the mid-tones right while you are doing it on the subject now once you have done that if your subject still not matches but it gets closer towards the color of the background you can always manipulate the curves accordingly to get it even closer or maybe add more curves adjustment layer but in this case it was not required and after that you can also use a lot of other techniques to make the subject blend even better with that of the background in this example we used color lookup adjustment layers to apply a global effect the whole composite and after that we used shallow depth-of-field to make it one so that was all I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep Dixon perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for all your support thank you for watching I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 1,370,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: match color, compositing, photo manipulation, color grading, color correction, change background, curves, blur the background in photoshop, background blur, blend images in photoshop, match subject with background, color match, photo effects, blend modes, blend-if, adobe, photoshop tutorial, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: SoWefQNcIyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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