Turn Images into 3D Models | Blender Beginner Tutorial

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in this video we are going to turn this image texture into this 3D model with actual depth in the 3D model and with realistic glass that is reflective let's go okay so now that we have open blender let's also open the website textures.com on this website you can sign up for free and you can download tons of different types of images so let's browse the library we are going to make a building today out of an image texture so let's first search for an image texture of a nice building let's go to buildings first let's press on 18th century European and let's search for a nice looking image I like this image so I will download the medium version for two credits free now that we have done that let's go back and open up blender again in blender let's make sure that you have the import images as planes add-on turned on this is basically a plugin for blender which comes pre-installed but you have to turn it on first so let's go to edit preferences add-ons and search for images as planes if it's not checked yet make sure that you check it okay so first let's delete this Cube and let's import the image that we just downloaded go to add image images as planes and search for your image okay now that we have imported it you can see our image but it's fairly small so I will scale this image by pressing s and dragging my mouse like this and to view the image we will need to go into the material view up here now you can see our image with the building on it but we can also see the sky and some other buildings so let's fix this image let's go into edit mode and go into the front view by pressing the X here now let's press K to get the knife tool you can zoom in and move exactly how you would in normal blender and let's cut the building out of the image you can be as precise and as rough as you want if you mess up like this you can always press Ctrl Z and try again to finish and go out of the knife tool you press enter okay now that we have done that we want to delete all of the faces that aren't our building main phase so let's select for faces press the move tool and click on the faces that we want to delete and press X faces okay so now we have created a simple cutout of the building on the image but the building is still very thin so let's fix that go back into edit mode press a to select everything and press e and extrude the building like this okay so now our building is bigger but as you can see it is transparent and we don't want that so go into the material properties scroll down and change Alpha blend to Alpha hashed like this okay but how can we improve this well let's make the glass of our building actually glass and reflective so let's do that click on the building and scroll up in the material properties and add a new material we will name it glass okay so now let's go back into edit mode and in the front view press k for the knife tool and let's cut out all of the glass in the building okay so now that we have done that let's select all of the faces of the windows so go into the face selection mode shift select all of the faces go back to the material properties click on the glass material and press assign now you can see that the faces that we just selected have been assigned to the glass material okay so now that we have selected all of the window faces and assigned them to the glass material let's open up our Shader editor you can do this up here but I'm going to create a new workspace like this let's change this to Shader editor let's press n to close this and make sure that you have your class material selected this is the Shader editor this works on a note basis like you can see right here in the beginning it might look a little bit frightening but once you understand it it can really help you to step up your game in blender so let's delete this principle bsdf by pressing X now you can see that the faces which have been assigned to the glass material have gone dark so let's add a glass bsdf and drag the bsdf note to the surface node of the material output now you can see that we have given our Windows a glass material and you can see that it's reflective okay so now we have created a simple building out of an image texture and made its Windows reflective so how can you improve this let's click on our building again let's go to the material properties go to edit mode and with the glass material selected press select now it has selected all of the faces which have been assigned to the glass material normally the windows of a building aren't exactly on the surface so now press e and let's drag them a little bit inwards like this this already looks a lot better normally you can also see these things right here normally they extrude out of the building so let's also make them do that let's go back into edit mode into the front view let's press K again and let's cut them out just like we did with our windows okay so now that you have cut them out you can select all of their faces like this and you can extrude everything that you want to extrude by pressing e don't extrude it too much just a little bit to give it to give it more depth you can also do the same for the door so let's cut it out and then extrude it by pressing e okay let's end this simple tutorial right here I hoped that this helped you in some way or has given you at least a little bit of inspiration so go use these techniques in your scenes and make some beautiful runners bye
Channel: Twan Oligschlaeger
Views: 130,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d, blender tutorial, 3d tutorial, image texture, blender image texture, blender beginner tutorial, blender 3d tutorial, blender image building, blender building tutorial
Id: cvDGCc32FMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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