TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine - Review - Part 2 - Game Sack

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I'm glad they're doing this. There's enough interesting content in the pce's library that this series could easily go on for another 2 episodes.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

Of course I click to a random point in the video and he is playing the one game I remember playing on that console, Bonk. It was pretty fun really.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/RscMrF 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

Glad to see the kid got out of the well at the 1 min mark. I was concerned for a fraction of a second. Shes done an interview recently. The link contains an autoplaying video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Davidg7732 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello and welcome to game sack this is the turbo graphics 16 part 2 in fact part 1 was six years ago six years ago six very long years I've actually been wanting to do another turbo graphics episode because it has been long and of course we put some games here and there but nothing completely dedicated to the system like this one today but as we did in that first one Joe did an overview of the system we're going to have you do that again but this time I imagine you're going to want to open the thing up which you didn't do that and the first time a screw let's check it out [Music] you may know the turbo by several different names the turbo graphics 16 the PC engine or even the turbo duo released in Japan in 1987 it was designed to compete with a Nintendo Famicom but when it was released in the US and 1989 it was shoved into the 16-bit era competing directly with the Genesis and eventually the Super Nintendo the system was versatile enough to compete in both generations with an 8-bit you see 60 to 80 cpu running at 7.16 megahertz a 16-bit graphics processor and six channel stereo sound it was also the very first video game console to feature a cd-rom peripheral there was also the super graphics an upgraded version of the PC engine with four times the memory and a second graphics chip this console only received five exclusive releases but it could play every single PC engine game all in all nearly 700 games were released for the PC engine and the turbo graphics but only 138 of these ever came out in North America in Japan the system outsold both the Nintendo Famicom and the Sega Mega Drive for a time but sadly it never gained much of a foothold in the West [Music] alright Joe another great overview as usual and I do all right I'm not done yet anyways a lot of people probably like that just as much as I did but let's get right to the games because that's what you're here for right indeed the game [Music] here's Tiger Road originally from Capcom imported to the console by Victor musical industries in this side-scrolling action platformer you take control of Lee Wong from the Olin temple and Lee Wong was travelling his temple was ruining the sacred Scrolls were taken you must now fight to regain the sacred scroll so you can use a double-headed tiger fighting technique this is a fun part of the arcade game but it can be frustrating at times your character controls well but your enemies will piss you off they like to jump and attack you and mostly try to land on your head it seems this wouldn't be a problem if you could just attack upwards you have three weapons that you can collect throughout the game and only the axioms the land hits on enemies coming from above the Fallen chain is a good weapon and fun to use the sword on the other hand is the worst and you'll feel like you're handicapped when you're using it so I suggest just avoiding it besides the platforming stages there are others where you float upwards avoiding enemies or spikes to get to the exit even get to fight a boss while floating around and that's cool the boss has an easy pattern but be careful because he feels mega damage and takes half of your life bar with one hit there's tons of stuff to collect in this game from power-ups to extra points to bottles that replenish your life the developers thought it would be pretty funny to add these yellow bottles that'll drain your life but after you collect them a few times he'll pretty much learn to avoid them overall it's a good game with solid action and decent music [Music] this is samurai ghost from Namco released in 1992 you take control of the undead samurai kikuchiyo who's risen from the dead to defeat his old enemies which of course save the earth from invading spirits I really do like the art style of this game with skeletons skulls and death everywhere I like in certain levels where the Sun and the moon rise in the background I died a few times in the stage and the Sun in the moon were different every time that's cool at first glance your character looks like he's a marionette like Ernest Evans by the way he moves luckily he doesn't control that way and to be honest the control is pretty good the sword takes a bit of getting used to with its stiff motions but once you get the feel for it you won't have many issues the difficulty level is up there mainly because they throw a lot at you but of course once you start to learn the level it gets easier you can also collect weapon power-ups like a projectile or a stronger sword slash but these are right now quickly it would have been nice if they just last a little bit longer with good artwork lots of parallax scrolling and a worthy soundtrack samurai ghost is a nice game for your collection [Music] we got to mention bonks adventure right he was originally intended to be the mascot for the system but found his way out to other consoles as well you smash your enemies with your head but that's not the only thing that you can use your head for you can bounce on these colored florets which give you fruit for points and health and even meat eat enough meat and you get super pissed off and rage attack all of your enemies for a limited amount of time you can even flip through the air if you turn on the turbo switches on your controller and bypass nearly half of the stages most of the stages are actually pretty long I really like the colorful cartoon style graphics the bosses all look especially coolness really fun to fight them I also really dig the music overall it's a pretty damn good game the next year we got bonks revenge and it was mostly more of the same the stages are all new and everything is very lively and colorful but there's now an occasional mid boss and some tougher enemies to fight throughout the stages bonk also has a couple of new abilities like being able to breathe fire when he's powered up on meat and now it's a bit harder to bypass the stages by floating across them but most stages weren't designed to be wide open enough to do that anyway it feels like they took a little bit more time planning the stages of this one out the graphics have improved quite a lot don't make the world feel much more lively not only that but the music has really improved too [Music] and nearly two years later we got bond three bonks big adventure again it's mostly more of the same the gimmick with this one though is that if you eat a piece of blue candy you grow into a huge ass bonk and you can really cause some damage or if you eat the red candy you shrink into tiny bonk and you're able to gain access to new areas these are kind of fun and do add a bit of freshness to the series the graphics really haven't improved but the music is completely different this time and it's still fairly good there is also a CD version of this game released believe it or not besides the music this is actually the inferior version of the game when your giant bonk there's far less animation on the CD version and sadly the U card and the CD are both crazy expensive these days with a CD over $300 and Hugh Card even more than that Japanese versions cheaper though but be careful because there is a repro version of the CD and people even like to sell that for high prices online for me the first two games are my favorite with the original holding a special soft spot but the second one is probably the best playing and best design bought game on the system but no matter which one you go with you're going to get a good game [Music] here's gyum Ola speed by eupl released in 1990 only in Japan in this action puzzle style game you must collect the body parts of your snake once you do this then you enclose your body around these orange things which are food and when you've done that the exit opens up and off you go to the next level it's actually a bit tougher than that when enemies are thrown into the mix if they touch your body segments will fall off and you have to collect them again if they touch your head then well of course that means you're dead so don't do that because it's not good for you okay your character controls very well considering all you have is the d-pad if you had an analog stick I think it would make the action a bit more enjoyable I'm surprised this hasn't been remade for a current system that supports analog control spending five minutes with this game will get you hooked and you'll want to keep playing to see the next board plus the music is actually pretty good not every track is amazing but it really goes well with a game play so if you can play Japanese few cards and it's worth a purchase [Music] let's take a look at a few more japan-only games this is Allison Wonder Dream a pretty solid action platformer that was released in 1990 by faith it's a good-looking game that's very colorful Alice has a couple methods of attack firstly she can yell at her enemies and it works pretty well except that you can only have one yell on screen at a time but you can charge up that yell for a more powerful shot she can also jump on her enemies just like Mario as you play the game you acquire magic like this ability to reveal hidden items the game is difficult and it has some hit detection issues but luckily it has an enjoyable high-energy soundtrack to keep you interested [Music] here's liquid kids by Taito released in 1992 in this single player action platformer you take control of hippo Po and you set off to rescue your girlfriend hippo has water bombs for weapons he can throw multiple at a time or hold the to button in for a slightly larger bomb enemies don't die when hit with a water bomb but they do freeze once you touch them then they flap the screen and they die horribly I presume if you're good enough you can chain enemies together for higher points there's lots of little icons here in there to collect 4 points as well the game is very fun and how popo controls really well even though he can't change his direction during a jump the graphics are nice and colourful and the music complements the gameplay definitely it came to having your pc engine library [Music] sonson - is a side-scrolling action platformer from Capcom released by NEC Avenue you play a sunset and you're trying to save your friends from a mysterious shadow figure that was shown in the intro your staff is your main weapon and it's quite useful you can also get magic from shops like these peaches that you can throw at your enemies these are kind of a pain in the ass is you have to hit the one in two buttons at the same time to throw them you'll collect a lot of fruit that enemies drop and that are hidden in walls the fruit is used as currency in the shop so collect all the uCam I'm not going to lie this game is tough what I've been having a lot of hard times with these games job the enemy placement seems cheap at times and when you die it's game over unless you purchase to continue from the shop all in all is still a fun game though [Music] you know Davis amazing the kind of games at the turbo graphics and the pc engine have i mean a lot of people you know they totally ignore the system but it has a lot of fun game it has a ton of fun games and that's the whole thing is like why in america why was it Sega Nintendo in turbo on the outside when it has all these quality titles let's take a look at some more of these quality titles and some maybe not some bloody wolf is a cool overhead running gun it's two-player simultaneous in the arcade but at single-player only here you begin the game with a mission to rescue the president who's been kidnapped by the enemy who exactly this enemy is we never really know but we sure as hell like blowing them away so it doesn't matter you have a machine gun and grenades and both of these weapons can be powered up you'll definitely need a controller with a turbo switch for this one and I cannot imagine playing with that one in the game you'll need to rescue hostages to get items and information the game can be tough until you learn two patterns but you do have unlimited continue so it shouldn't be that huge of an issue [Music] there is a hell of a lot of slow down here and it gets pretty bad still the game is enjoyable with average visuals and fun music [Music] last alert for the cd-rom is another cool overhead single player running gun this one is experience based and you gain more life in weapons as you commit more and more murders this one has a lot more stages than bloody wolf and they're bigger too but of course being a CD game you'd expect that since CDs have limited orange however the game as a whole is a little easier especially since it saves your progress that's ok though because it's still really fun to play through multiple times some missions have you running all over the place planting bombs or even rescuing hostages in those the graphics are kind of plain but good the music is really cheesy but still somehow very enjoyable of course the standout feature in this game is the comically bad voice acting guy Kazama if you don't want the hostage killed you should keep quiet ok the stealth bomber is in the back of this Factory it doesn't get much better than this overall based on the gameplay alone I think I prefer this one over bloody wolf but if you add in the thick layer of cheese that this one has then it's no contest don't get the Japanese version you need the English version it's a great game and one I definitely recommend if you have a CD system who almonds already been taken away well then all I need to do is that you tell me where he is [Music] [Music] shadow of the beast even got a Cortana do though the game only calls itself beast this is a fairly fun part of a game that's based mostly on memorization as there's lots of running around to do keys and power-ups to find and enemies to defeat the game design can kind of seem a little bit weird at times I mean there will be spikes or branches that come down on you for no reason whatsoever or random thrusters here for no reason other than just to harm you I mean why else would they be there to launch the ceiling into space you're in an underground cave oh well that's ok that was the way European game design was back then no rhyme or reason doesn't mean it can't be fun and yes of course being a European game the water drops will hurt you so avoid them anyway like I said it's still fun though and the scrolling and the outside portion is outstanding for the turbo in fact the graphic detail everywhere is actually quite amazing the standout feature for me though is the music hell the game is worth getting for the soundtrack alone [Music] it destroys the soundtrack in the 2016 reboot game and the gameplay here is tighter than it is on the genesis version [Music] who says that the turbo doesn't have absolutely the best sports games ever to grace a console well actually pretty much everyone says that but it does have John Madden do OCD football I mean this is clearly all you need check out these insane full motion graphics here GTI presents the latest in digital video technology John Madden football for the turbo duel and look how happy John Madden is to be on the turbo he can't contain himself as a game it's ok I love sports fans you're about to experience the most intense action ever felt in a video game it plays like the genesis and the Super Nintendo versions for the most part but sadly there are no passing windows but what they did put in the game is lots of full motion video of the referee telling you how it is first down you also get the occasional shot of the massive crowds cheering for you and if you make a touchdown some highschool player in a different uniform comes in to spike the ball out of all two football games on the console this one is the best first down [Applause] Bell Kirino Densetsu is an action-adventure game released in Japan by Namco earn am cot or whatever the hell they were calling themselves back then you play as a Valkyrie sent from Valhalla to save the country of marble land as you can see the game is played from an overhead view your character can shoot in eight directions which is nice but sometimes those diagonal shots are kind of tough to pull off you make your way through each of the seven levels killing everything in your path you'll meet people along the way that will give you items like this rainbow ball thing that fills your magic meter magic is easy to use if you just have to hold in the - button for a few seconds eventually you'll make your way to a boss fight these are fun and typically not too difficult the game looks great and I like the art style of your character in the enemy sprite the music I found to be really enjoyable and it only adds to the experience do try this one you will like it [Music] Godzilla is a fighting game by alpha system that was released on CD for the turbo duo in 1993 in the single-player game you fight as Godzilla and you can choose between two different battles at the start of each round this is good because it adds some replayability the bad part is that you can only fight as Godzilla if you're able to play with two players then you have the option of picking other monsters the gameplay is pretty sluggish in Godzilla controls just like you would expect a 25-ton monster - so I guess I should say that is spot-on instead of sluggish graphically it does have some nice character sprites and the backgrounds are interesting which is always a plus in fighting games the music is good but you know it doesn't seem to fit the action [Music] this is poppin magic which of course was only released in Japan from telenet this 1 or 2 player game plays on a single screen and it might remind you of some of Tytos stuff you know like bubble bobble or you know one of those this one doesn't seem to be related to magical popping on the Super Famicom as far as I can tell anyway basically you shoot the enemies with your wand and this imprisons them in a colored bubble you can then shoot the bubble a bunch of times to destroy it or you can pick it up and toss it into another bubble to increase your rewards and power-ups be careful not to toss the bubble into the same colored bubble though as the enemy will reappear and he'll be all pissed off and stuff honestly though instead of tossing bubbles into each other I usually just try to destroy them with my wand it's tedious as hell but it's honestly the safest way eventually you'll get to a boss encounter and I feel that these are the best parts of the game between each world our cutscenes and the characters sure have a hell of a lot to say to each other oh my god skip the graphics are very saturated and I like how often the scenes change the music is OK nothing really stood out very much for me I'm not very good at these kinds of games but I always end up playing this one for quite a while [Music] superstar solder is the second game in the star soldier series this vertical shooter looks plays and especially sounds a lot like blazing lasers also on the turbo graphics you've got some cool weapons and the music is decent when you get hit your weapons drop a level until they bottomed out at which point you die otherwise honestly this game kind of bores me to tears it's not that this is a horrible game or anything there's just nothing really special about it [Music] thankfully things got a lot better with final soldier as you guessed this is meant to be the final soldier game ever sadly this one was only ever released in Japan the gameplay feels a bit smoother the stages are much more interesting and overall the game is just really really fun you can even choose how you want your weapons to work before you start the game the options you get that follow you around can be sacrificed for a really cool special weapon the stages can be kind of long but you know what that's ok because the music is outstanding hell I wish the stages were even longer than they are Plus being the final game in the star soldier series you get to see how this epic saga ends [Music] [Music] turns out that final soldier was all a big lie because then we got soldier blade this one definitely has the best graphics of the bunch there are some nice colors even a few parallax effects and overall it's just very well drawn and fortunately it plays really well too you can still sacrifice one of your options for a special attack but your options here depend on your weapon so each color has its own type of special what's cool is that you can stock three of them at a time though only one of them follows you around on screen the action is very intense and as always it's pretty easy to power yourself back up if you get hit or die and lose everything and it goes without saying that the music is fantastic though not quite as good as that in final soldier I like the sound effects as well with some smooth panning of your weapon fire as you move left and right across the screen this is a series that really improved over time and the last two games on the system here are outstanding [Music] [Music] my god we've talked about a lot of teams are we done you Joe oh hell no Dave I mean there are a lot of great games for the system let's take a look at a few more keep rolling [Music] or dine from Namco the port of an arcade shooter and it was released in 1990 don't worry folks I won't call it a cute uma because the term is starting to get old and a bit annoying but it is very cartoony and very colorful and cute you play as dr. tamari trying to rescue his girlfriend in a key that she's wearing around her neck that can unlock the or dye nuclear reactor I wonder which one he'd like to have back more the key or his woman I think the key because without it they'd both begun I like that his ship has no canopy which lets his hair blow freely in the wind and also let's bug splat on his face your basic weapons are your main gun in a bomb you can interrupt that appears a few times during a level and by weapon power-ups and speed boost which makes it kind of like fantasy zone in a way this would be really cool if whatever weapon you bought would last more than a few moments what's worse is that they start immediately when you leave the shop so you can't even save them for a boss fight just flip your turbo switches up and use the default weapons the graphics and music are fair but sadly this one had to be scaled back from the arcade quite a bit this is a decent shooter that can bring a bit of enjoyment but is far from amazing [Laughter] [Music] cotton is a super CD shooter that was released for the system in 1993 by Hudson soft the play has cotton riding your broom around even lots of pain and death small fairies will accompany you and can help you a little bit in battle enemies will drop crystals that you can shoot to change their color each color will help cotton when she collects it by giving her experience which will upgrade our weapons they also will give her magic attacks that are very helpful on bosses to do the magic attacks you must hold in the fire button for a couple seconds it's quite easy but you'll want to play with the turbo buttons on for rapid fire so when you want to do a magic attack you have to turn the turbo buttons off it's slightly annoying because it's an extra step but you know what are you gonna do the graphics are amazing I've always loved the backgrounds and the enemy sprites with skeletons and evil-looking trees and whatnot the soundtrack is also exceptional and this is just a fun game to play [Music] [Music] and how about a little Galaga 90 from Namco this is a really nice part of the arcade game which was called Galaga 88 in the beginning you can choose from a single ship or a double ship right off the bat the action starts off feeling very similar to the original with enemy streaming in from the size of the screen the play mechanics are the same as you can only go left and right on the bottom you can still get your ship captured and then rescue it again I like how some of the enemies blow up and make fireworks at the same time eventually you'll open up a warp dimension which I guess takes you to the 90s the screen now Scrolls vertically as you fight a few ragtag enemies that come on screen eventually the enemies will just appear all information there's also music now where there wasn't before the dimensional warp and there's even boss fights it truly is the 90s this is a great addition to your turbo library so get in now why it's not overly expensive and before people start accusing us of driving up the price [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's Hana taka daka released only in Japan in 1991 by Taito yes it's another very bright and very colorful shooter don't let the aesthetics fool you though because this is not an easy game or this that I just suck at shooters there's plenty of enemies that come at you at all times and lots of them take multiple hits Plus everything that you kill turns into a raccoon and falls from the screen and that can be very distracting and yes I know it's tanuki but hey but luckily you can collect power-ups that will really help your weapon once you do have a weapon powerup just quickly charge up your power meter and unleash it these are very helpful but only last while you're big when you take hits your character shrinks and you'll have to resort to firing your weapon with the turbo switch is on still it's a fun game with a decent soundtrack and it's definitely worth a try [Music] this is bose at amour for the super CD and it was only released in Japan this game has so much potential to be awesome you play as this sexy lady who's trying to save the world from demons or something I don't know it doesn't really matter your main weapon is a whip which you can fire off in any direction except down if you press the jump button again while you're in the air your whip fires up and can attach to a platform kind of like Bionic Commando you can collect three different colored special attacks which happen if you press down an attack at the same time but only if you're in the air and you can use this an unlimited amount of times like the ghouls and ghosts once you get hit your armor flies off get hit again you become naked and of course being naked means instant death you have many chances to get your armor back throughout any given stage though the visuals are for the most part excellent and really well drawn where the game fails however is the stage design there's rarely ever any need to use your special Bionic Commando style moves really the game should be full of this stuff the stages are also slow and the checkpoints are very few and far between ghosts and goblins and ghouls and ghosts got this aspect right but this game just gets boring what brings it down even more is the extremely repetitive soundtrack seriously just put on your own music honestly my favorite thing about this game other than its potential is the music in the title screen this game could be so awesome but it ends up justing yeah kind of good [Music] the turbo graphics even got an exclusive adventure island game called new adventure island that's right this is brand-new still it's based on the old adventure island actually the oldest adventure island with its gameplay style that means you've got to keep getting fruit to keep your health bar from draining you got to get weapons from eggs and try not to get hit because you die in one hit regardless of the familiar gameplay style there's still plenty of new weapons stages and boxes here to keep it fresh I mean how can it not be fresh this is new adventure island it's new the graphics and music are both good but to be honest I did expect a little more from a game that appeared so late in the consul's life it's still worth having if you can find it for a few bucks which of course you can't want to see the true power of the turbo graphics 16 then look no further than Falcon spectrum holobyte you're a hothead err jockeying you get to choose your own weapons in this adrenaline-pumping action fest take off and get ready to blow up the enemies all of which happen to be right near the base where you just took off from hell yeah the combat is so real you'll even feel the g-forces as you spin out of control yes it's Falcon on the turbo graphics 16 from spectrum holobyte this is why you game on a console and not a PC equally as powerful if not even more so is gunboats your put where everyone wishes they could be and that's in the middle of the Vietnam War get briefed by your CEOs arm your gun bow and then get ready to destroy Charlie the graphics are almost too real the game is so lifelike that you'll be treated horribly by society after you're done playing as you attempt to deal with the terrors that you've seen and yes seriously both Falcon and gunboat are quite terrible this is Marcin maze from Namco and as you can guess it was only released in Japan it's an overhead action game where you take control of Alice you play the game on board suspended high up in the air Alice can shoot bubbles at our enemies which will knock them back in off the sides of the level holding the to button in will produce a slightly bigger bubble which will knock our enemies back even further but be wary because your enemies will do the same thing to you if you get knocked off the sides you have a reserve of two balloons that will bring you back up to the playfield it gets pretty hectic at times with lots of enemy shots coming at you from all directions the game is generally fun and is definitely tough but are you tough enough I guess you'll have to play to find out the graphics are like the music which are passable but not amazing [Music] here's final lap twins by Namco released in 1990 if you like RPGs and you like racing games then this title is for you as it's a mixture of both genres there's two ways to play this game the first is like any old racing title is advancing from one circuit to the next the races in this game are always split-screen but there's more than meets the eye with this game there's also a quest mode here you can walk around town and get information you can buy and equip new parts to your car and of course what RPG would be complete without random battles which are actually just races when you're walking outside of town you'll get accosted by random people that want to race you if you win this one lap racing you collect a nice sum of money and move on from where you are if you lose the race and you get sent back to your house where your dad console's you and gives you 300 bucks so either way you're still making money the game is fun and it's definitely challenging until you start building up your car stats it's a novel idea and a refreshing take on the racing genre [Music] [Music] let's take a quick look at all of the super graphics games I mean why the hell not 1941 counter-attack is a port of the arcade game from Capcom this is how the 1940 series of games were always meant to be lots of fast incomprehensible action going on all over the place and even an annoying alarm when you're near death who doesn't love that now the scrolling isn't always smooth but at least the music is pretty much always excellent it's not the best game on the poor super graphics and it doesn't really show off much of the consul's power but it's still not bad at all [Music] all dines is the horizontal shooter for the super graphics it's okay I mean again it's not horrible or anything but it's not outstanding there is some decent parallax scrolling in this one though you can generate a little shield to block bullets remove small obstacles and destroy weak enemies but the problem is that you have to disengage the rapid fire switch to use it and you're not going to want to do that the music is again really really good though [Music] Grands org is a pretty good action-platformer during the gameplay you can switch between one of three robots at any time of course each one has their own unique powers and weaknesses you'll need to use each in different situations the super graphics powers are used here for true overlapping parallax scrolling in every direction and generally the game looks pretty good the music isn't bad but it's not really anything noteworthy either no pun intended overall the game is enjoyable and it's rather challenging but it's certainly not the most in-depth game of its time the best game on the super graphics is the port of die Makai mora or ghouls and ghosts as it's known here in the West this one has more memory than the Genesis game and as a result tends to be more faithful to the arcade with the exception of the scrolling layers here which somehow they messed up compared to every other version that's ok it doesn't break the gameplay or anything the game is incredibly fun as well as challenging I've always thought ghouls and ghosts was the best game in the entire series that's right I like it better than super ghouls and ghosts deal with it this version offers only a limited amount of continues though yes you have to go through the game twice to properly finish it and yes of course I beat it it truly is a fantastic game and if you have a super graphics you absolutely have to have this one [Music] this is battle ace the one super graphics game we couldn't review in our super graphics episode well here it is and you fly an aircraft shooting down enemies while avoiding their attacks and sometimes other things floating in the air you have a regular gun as well as lock-on missiles both of which have an unlimited supply the stages are pretty long but eventually you'll get to a boss you'll also encounter challenges like trying to fly through these stupid rings be careful because one hit and you're dead and it seems like it takes 8 minutes to finish dying you see I'm still dying generally this one's rather boring to play if this uses the power of the super graphics I'm not sure how I mean it's fairly unimpressive the music isn't bad and it's probably the best thing about the game sadly there's really not much more to say about battle ease [Music] the only other super graphics compatible game is Darius Plus this is just a pc engine game but when you play it on the super graphics there's a bit less flicker since the super graphics can put more stuff on screen at any given time it's pretty hard to tell the difference though if I were you I just go play ghouls and ghosts instead alright now we are done with episode number two of turbo graphics indeed and the turbo graphics is an awesome system especially when you're able to play the imports and stuff like that there's a lot of shooters out there if you like that kind of thing is the system for you it really is so what other games are out there because you know the library in Japan is way huge so let us know what other games we should be looking at and in the meantime thank you for watching games [Music] you we do [Music] I'm stuck Joe oh hi Dave check out the turbo graphics 16 it's a video game console that has many great games to play especially when you factor in the ability to play Japanese imports [Music] Joe I'm sorry but you're an idiot I mean look at it you've got so many choices here he's not even on he said you can't make a choice you have way too mediator this is just ridiculous I'm sorry [Music] what now Joe I'm a busy guy I don't have time for you to show me another video game system we have way too many games to choose from and you never actually get around to play anything oh hi Dave check out the super graphic this video game console which has not more than five games [Music] now this is more like it with such a limited selection you never waste any time sifting through a massive library of games from many prolific developers to many choices can be overwhelming and with the super graphics there are only two genres represented there's 1941 which is a shooter there's Aldean's which is a shooter there's Baddeley's which is a shooter there's ghouls and ghosts which is a platformer and there's grandeur which is also a platformer there's no need to even turn on the TV because it's simply easier to choose not to play since there's not much available only the super graphics respect the burden of too much choice placed on modern society and what's cool is that the super graphics can also play the entire library of PC engine games what
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 286,502
Rating: 4.9238777 out of 5
Keywords: sega, turbografx, gameplay, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, system, hidden gems, duo, turbo graphics, turbo grafix, hudson, soldier blade, revenge, bonk 3, overview, gamesack, supergrafx, ghouls n ghosts, sonic the hedgehog, TurboGrafx-16 (Video Game Platform), history of the turbografx-16, Turbografx-16 launch, launch of the tg16, tg16 launch games, tg16 launch lineup, history of the turbografx 16, turbografx-16 documentary, Turbografx documentary, pcengine, pc engine, turbografx video
Id: 2oaRXlpCLxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.