Console Crunch #2 - Game Sack

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Hello and welcome to game sack that's right we're talking about the Sega Saturn this time good times ahead Well as a Nintendo fanboy, I really don't know a lot about this header And so maybe Joe here can fill me in and you people out there that don't know a lot either, okay Let's take a quick look at the system The Sega Saturn The Sega Saturn launched in Japan of November of 1994 and everywhere else in 1995 The US launch surprised the hell out of everyone But you can bet I pick mine up right away and loved it The system had a whole bunch of processors making it pretty tough to program for While most people considered it inferior at 3d It was in fact a 2d monster The console also had a cartridge slot which could be used to increase the amount of backup RAM for saving your games In fact most games could save directly to the cartridge There were also cards that increased the memory of the system But we'll talk more about those later in the back of the system behind a panel You can access the internal battery and also add an MPEG video card These cards were only available in Japan and allowed certain games to display MPEG 1 quality full motion video The Saturn had in my opinion the best controller ever and they later released a cool analog controller as well All in all the Sega Saturn sold around nine and a half million units total with nearly 600 released games Joe that was some really informative information on the Saturn there, but you know, I don't know what That's all right. I guess what do you mean? It's all right. It's all compared to the ultra 64, you know, I don't know Walter 64, I can't believe you're still calling it that well, I like that name. Okay Anyway, we got some games to show you and yeah, you picked the first one I did a lunch title as a matter of fact, so let's take a look Clockwerk at night was a release title for the saturn in 1995 back Then it was refreshing to see a new platformer showing out the prowess of a new system back in 1995. This game looked fantastic To me. It was like donkey kong country taken to the next level in terms of graphics as all the game sprites look great Everything's very colorful and the levels had the perfect atmosphere. The gameplay is good Although pepper chew or whatever the hell that nice name is kind of control sluggish You can move quickly and attack enemies just fine, but something isn't connecting in terms of control It's nothing major mind you and the game is still very playable There are no checkpoints in the levels and if you run out of lives completely you've got to start from the beginning of the world And not the stage you were working on the music in this game is well. Well, it's not good Seriously, just turn down the volume to minimize the oral pain playing this game again for this review I felt that while is still very playable. It just doesn't have the same appeal to me as it did in 1995 Clockwork night 2 came out in the same damn year talk about a fast turnaround I guess it shouldn't be surprising as all the controls are exactly the same with nothing new added in this department There are new levels to play through of course, some of them even have forced scrolling Graphically is similar to the first and there are some nice effects here and there again The music is really really bad and it even shares some of the same Tunes with the first game The only thing they really added to this one is a boss rush mode You can fight all the bosses in a row if that makes you feel tough Psychic killer taromaru is a side-scrolling action game by Time Warner it was released only in Japan and is one of the more Hard-to-find titles and if you do find it be prepared to pay out the ass for it Anyway, the game mostly uses polygons for its backgrounds and sprites for everything else It takes place in ancient mythical Japan and everything is really creepy You have a little thing As your targeting system get close enough to an enemy and it'll lock on while you mash await the fire button or hold down for A more powerful attack you can change nearby targets with the L or R buttons This game throws a ton of enemies and attacks at you But you can deflect many of them with a shield which you get by pressing the Y button Even so you're still probably gonna get hit a lot Once your life runs out you turn into a log because of course, you know That makes sense If you choose to play as the other guy you turn into what I guess is a brown tomato on a stone when you die The gameplay here isn't awful. But really it could have been much better Sometimes it's kind of frustrating but they give you a ton of continue. So if you're willing to use them, you'll probably beat the game What I do like is that the game goes almost completely uninterrupted from the beginning all the way to the end boss the only time the screen breaks away even for a second is when you get swallowed by this giant frog You find yourself inside his stomach and you're still battling him. Oh look even as tapeworms want to take you down? The graphics are all pretty good I think they could have been a little better if they stuck with 2d instead of polygons but for the most part everything works to give you a really creepy vibe the music is Appropriate with a lot of Japanese sounding stuff but here and there it gets kind of good So is this game worth the price? Definitely not. However, if you can get it for $50 or less, don't pass it up, but that's just not gonna happen Pebble Beach Golf Links is in my opinion One of the most fun golf games I've ever played you laugh, but I'm serious this game introduced one of the coolest features to a golf game that I just love and I'll get to that in a second the Game stars the ever exciting Craig Stadler. I'm Craig Stadler. It's a great day for golf and there's no place like Pebble Beach And you play on the only course available in the game, Pebble Beach? playing the tournament mode you're treated to a Flyover of each hole and a description of the hole and how it should be played by the very famous Craig Stadler Hit the ball over the gorge near second relatively easy birdie You tell him Craig you choose from one to four players in a caddy and it's off you go The digitized characters look pretty goofy these days but back when this game was near they looked amazing Setting up and hitting your shot is very simple and you'll get the hang of it right away Now to the feature that I love the most and even to this day still enjoy It's the ball cam After hitting your shot the camera follows the ball through the air and as stupid as it seems I can watch it endlessly For you people that don't care for such things You can turn this off in the options menu as you play and make great shots Craig will come on and tell you how he feels great shot right down the middle You will even tell you at times Think you can get it inside mine Well, at least I thought he was taunting me but now I feel that he might be prepositioning me for something though I'm not quite willing to do think you can get it inside mine. Haha. Please don't ask me that anymore. Mr. Sadler Anyways, graphically the game is what you would expect from a 1995 golf simulation It's still very playable mind you but it's just not nice to look at anymore The music is great I like the soft jazz soundtrack and it really fits the game If you want a golf game for the Saturn you can't do any better than this one I'm not too comfortable with this one thing that was cool about the Saturn was its ability to use cartridges and CDs a couple of games came on both cart and CD and both were required to run the game an Example of this is the King of Fighters 95 It's a port of the Neo Geo game where you can pick teams of three fighters the cartridge contains all of the background graphics But the sprites and music are all loaded off of the CD This helps to reduce loading time a bit and also helps to keep the level of animation pretty high Obviously if you want to play this game You're gonna need either a Japanese Saturn or a region modified console as your cartridge based region bypasses won't work This game was pretty cool But it needed to load every time you change characters during about Then there was the one megabyte ram cartridge which effectively allowed the saturn to have three Meg's of RAM Quite a few games used this like the King of Fighters 96 and King of Fighters 97 another game that required the 1 Meg Ram cart was Metal Slug Which is a pretty darn good port from the Neo Geo Unlike the wimpy PlayStation version that can fit the entire level in without having to stop to load. Oh Look at that. It keeps going without pausing the action. Hell, yeah Many games could optionally take advantage of the RAM car to increase animation or whatnot For example all versions of Marvel Super Heroes will let you enable a three mega diff a card is inserted Here's the game without the extra memory notice the hawks animation Now here's the game with a ram cart notice that there's more frames of animation And when Sega and Capcom got serious they came out with the four megabyte Ram cart Which allowed the Saturn to have a whopping six? Megabytes of RAM the first game to use this is one of my favorite fighting games x-men vs. Street Fighter The game is for all intents and purposes Arcade perfect. The character animation is awesome and the stages often have multiple scenes There's next to no loading at all. When you're playing this game. I do wish it had more stages though Capcom then came out with vampire Savior aka Darkstalkers 3 Which required the cart this helped make the game the best version of Darkstalkers on any console in my opinion Street Fighter zero 3 also known as Street Fighter Alpha 3 also used a form a Graham cart This is a great version of the game and you know what? It might just be the best version And of course let's not forget Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, this is another great one though I feel it takes too many elements from the x-men game The backgrounds are all almost identical and I think they could have worked a bit harder on that aspect, but it's still an awesome game You can also use the four megabyte Ram cart to play games that used a one megabyte cart But be careful some games like King of Fighters 96 can get some glitchy graphics when using the four make card games like this require that you use the one made card Here's a list of all the RAM cart compatible games I hope you can read fast or know how to work that pause button because and it's gone Saturn Bomberman is pretty much what you'd expect from a Bomberman game and that's quality I absolutely love this series, even though there's probably more of them than Mario games But the thing is you probably only need to maybe have two or three of them in your collection That's because they all have almost identical gameplay with the only major difference being the backgrounds of the levels Saturn Bomberman stands out in this respect as it has one feature that really makes it different. I'll get to that in a minute So if you haven't played bomberman shame on you, it's a great game and you should feel really bad right now anyways the object of Bomberman is to blow up your enemies and obstacles by Strategically placing bombs to blow them up as you blow up obstacles They'll randomly release power-ups which make you stronger such as bombs speed kick extending the length of your explosion and more It's a really great idea and that's why the series has gone on for decades The single-player mode has a story and you must traverse through levels destroying lighted pillars to open an exit eventually ending in a boss fight It's fun, but anybody who's played bomberman knows multiplayer is where the real fun is So what makes this game different it supports 10 players simultaneous battles? All you need are two multi taps 10 controllers And of course 9 friends having a room big enough for all these people helps. Also this mode is extremely enjoyable The game map is stretched to a wide mode and all the characters are super small. It's really fun And you should try this mode. If you ever have the chance one of the better games on the Saturn if you ask me Oh Man I wish I had nine friends I could play that with no you don't they just be mooching off you and asking you to borrow all your great games Like hey, can I borrow radiant Silvergun because you know, I know you're talking about okay? Yeah, let's take a look at radiant Silvergun. And no you cannot borrow it Radiant Silvergun is one of those pricy games that get a lot of attention Well in my opinion it definitely deserves the praise it gets This is a vertical shooter by treasure. And as you might have guessed is pretty unique for one There are no weapons to collect or power-ups in the game at all You have seven different weapons and any of them can be used at any time simply by pressing a different button on the controller You'll find that they each have their uses What's kind of cool is that in the Saturn mode your weapons get stronger the more you use them Besides that the game just feels different than other vertical shooters It may be a bit off-putting to some but not to me. In fact, it's probably one of my favourite vertical shooters ever as With most treasure games you fight a ton of bosses Some of them don't really even look like anything other than a collection of random shapes Others will even require you to high to avoid getting shot The game as a whole is a blast if you're a score Junkie, you can chain your attacks to get the highest score. You can it probably goes without saying that the graphics here are fantastic Definitely some of the best on the system the music is also great giving the game a very intense and futuristic feel Unfortunately, they only released this one in Japan which should come as no surprise since Bernice Tolar is an idiot and killed the system before This game even had a chance, but you can pick it up on the Xbox 360 if you don't want to break the bank Die hard arcade is a beat'em up game that's loosely tied to the die hard movie series It's known as dynamite deca in Japan in Europe. It's a fun beat'em up with a few aspects that I kind of find annoying I've said it before and I say it again the 32-bit era is not known for good-looking 3d games This game looks pretty bad and everything seems to be low count polygons. I mean look at the wheel on this car Tell me that looks fine. I dare you Secondly, the game is made up of tiny areas where you fight a small amount of enemies after the enemies are dispatched then the game Loads a new area. There's no wandering around down pass or hallways, which kind of makes the game seem a bit unfulfilling Between some of the levels you will have a QuickTime event where you have to push a button This helps add a bit to the game, but not really by much. The controls are pretty good Well as good as they get for a 32-bit polygon game Punching kicking and jumping are all well done If you want to turn a different direction there seems to be a small lag, which can get you killed The game will turn around in the end. Shut up Craig Stadler. Your input is not welcome here Okay, after all that griping, I do admit that I had a good time playing this game It would be nice to see what this game would play like today on a current system if newly developed by the same team Also included is a game called deep skin, which seems way out of place on this disc This is strange pre 8-bit looking game where you try and blow up submarines nice diversion, but I don't get it Virtua cop by Sega is a light gun game included with the bright orange stunner I like playing light gun games every once in a while. So I really enjoyed this one Basically, you just need to shoot down the bad guys and not shoot the civilians You can choose between three stages and each of them is fairly long It's a decent port of the arcade, but the graphics and textures are all pretty plain The music is fairly good in spots and overall This is a fun game to play when you're in the mood for a good light gun game Virtua cop 2 came out not long after it's pretty much more of the same But this time the graphics are much more varied with higher detailed textures They definitely figured out more about the Saturn by the time they made this one The game lets you choose your route midway into the stage and that helps add a little replayability The game also seems to move at a faster pace than the original and the levels are definitely longer Unfortunately, though the music isn't as good as the original Still if you like the first you'll definitely like this one Of course, you can play with a control pad or the light gun and both games are two-player simultaneous And that's really fun if you've got two guns The original House of the Dead came out towards the end of the Saturn's retail life time to blast some zombies Hmm. Apparently this game is perhaps a bit too ambitious for the Saturn. I mean can the texture resolution possibly be any lower? Oh, well, it's still half of the Dead so that helps make it cool and Damn is this game hard? The game stops to load several times per level and your arm and wrist will definitely be glad about that still it's kind of fun to play if you're a House of the Dead fan I Often hear and read on the Internet's that Guardian heroes is one of the best games on this header It's a beat-em-up type game and to make your experience more fulfilling they've added RPG elements your character can level up certain attributes between stages with points are earned during the stage also as certain points of the game you can Choose different paths and even moral choices all of which will bring you to one of the multiple endings Obviously this makes for a huge replay value in the story mode another new addition to this style of beat-em-up is fighting planes There are three different planes you can fight on in this game It adds a bit to the strategy of fighting enemies in especially bosses when an enemy is throwing magic your way You could switch planes and move around the attack which is key to surviving longer Some people don't really care for this multi plane of fighting, but I found it to be interesting in not too difficult to learn Vs mode is a crazy six person battle. Royale. That's quite fun to play it's completely hectic and your hands will be killing you from all the button mesh and you'll be doing there have been many times playing the story mode and even the versus mode where you've lost my character on screen because there's so much going on and the Saturn does all This with very minimal slowdown. I'm actually impressed The music in this game is really good There's a lot of great tracks in here and some nice mix of synth and guitar that really gets my blood flowing Graphically the game suffers a tad while the game is full of color There are lots of really ugly graphics here character sprites have rough edges There's lots of pixelated backgrounds that have been blown up and put into the foreground which just looks wrong As we all know the Saturn can in fact do with transparencies but this game doesn't a lot of bushes and other things have a mesh of Because the developers just couldn't be bothered to make this game. Look as good as it could app But this is a minor complaint as the game is super fun to play and if you can find it Be sure to pick it up Sega made some great 3d fighters for the saturn like Virtua Fighter. This one was packed in with the system on launch day It was fun to play for its time. But as pretty glitchy and looks kind of bad still though It's the Virtua Fighter experience at home and the music's not half bad But Sega must have felt embarrassed about this because eventually they sent all registered us Saturn owners a copy of Virtua Fighter remix For free this game played exactly the same but now the polygons are much more stable and the game even had some texture mapping It looks so much better as a result But as good as this was it was nothing compared to Virtua Fighter 2 running at the highest resolution Any console was even capable of at the time this game really improved on the first in every single way possible It looks great. The music's great and the control and moves feel much better The jumps are still a bit floaty though Sega followed that up with fighting vipers this game had some quirky characters battling it out inside of a caged ring The fighters each have armor and it's represented by the green symbols in the upper corners of the screen if you're good You can smash the armor off and that'll make each attack to that area even more effective. It's a good game Just not quite as memorable as the Virtua Fighter series Speaking of that they had to milk Virtua Fighter once more with Virtua Fighter kids Nothing like a game or a bunch of children beat each other up This game is basically a kiddie version of part 2 The graphics are bright and colorful But the characters heads are so big that it makes me feel like I have absolutely no reach at all it plays Okay, but I really don't see any reason for it to exist One game I rarely ever see anyone mention is last Bronx This is a weapon space fighter and it's actually pretty cool like all the 3d fighting games. We've talked about so far It's based on the Virtua Fighter control layout now some of the characters kind of remind me of Soul Calibur, but other than that It's a pretty good original fighting game. I recommend picking this one up because it seems like most people haven't played it And of course, we've got to talk about fighters megamix Sega took Virtua Fighter and fighting Vipers and smashed them into a single game most stages from both series are represented There's no ring outs here. You've got a fight to the end You can pick from a bunch of different characters and unlock even more Now some of the new and unlockable characters include bark as well as being from the arcade game Sonic the fighters you can play as a couple of Virtua Fighter kids a Weird bear thing that doesn't even animate or as Seba a reject that was left on the cutting-room floor of the original Virtua Fighter Perhaps you want to play as rent a hero a genesis RPG woefully left in Japan You can play as any of these and more like the car from Daytona. Wait what? That's right You can play as the car from Daytona how badass is that? It's hard as hell to control But who cares that is hilarious? Anyway fighters megamix is awesome. Overall. It controls a lot quicker than the two games It's based on and it clearly doesn't take itself very seriously. Let me tell you this is a must if you own a Saturn All right, and there are a ton of great Saturn games way more than we could cover in a single episode But you know what, we're gonna try to get as many in there as possible So let's take a really quick. Look at a bunch more great Saturn games These are games from the US or import games even so yeah, and we're gonna do it in what a montage Joe. Yes I love montages. We haven't had one forever. Yeah, so let's go Yeah Where's the crystals And there you have it the Sega Saturn of course, you know I kind of hope we were able to cover some of those games in a little bit more detail in future episodes Depending on the subject matter, but you know, you never know. Yeah, exactly Well take a look for him, and I don't know about you, but I learned a lot about the Sega Saturn today Thanks to Jill here. Don't touch my Sega finger. Okay. Yeah, and thanks for watching Haha I can't believe Jill forgot solar eclipse one of the best exclusive games for the system. What a dork The real battle starts right now Craig Stadler, what the hell are you doing in here? Don't you have your own game? Get out of here? Jerk? You play better than I expected well, of course I do I'm a pro Get out of here, I'm not telling you again you jerk a Small mistake can affect your entire game Stadler. I'll show you show me what some pressure starting to get to you Oh my god, I'm starving. Yeah, I can do it you can count on me cuz I know I can make it Hello and welcome to another left in Japan episode of game sack, we're gonna start out by looking at the sharp twin Famicom Which itself was left in Japan just like the Nintendo disk system. Yes, and this is a great piece of machinery That should have been brought out of the country. I think it's totally awesome. Yeah with the disc system. Yeah. Yeah Well, let's take a look at the sharp. Twin Famicom The twin Famicom was released by sharp in Japan in 1986 it combined the regular Famicom which we all know is a Japanese version of the Nintendo Entertainment System as well as a Famicom disk drive, which never saw official release outside of Japan So what is a Famicom disk drive think of it? Like a Sega CD except that it plays proprietary floppy discs instead of CDs The loading times are much longer and it hooks to a Famicom instead of a Genesis The floppy discs stored 64 kilobytes of data per side for a total of one mega power per disc simply Unbelievable, at least it was for the time this allowed for much bigger and more involving games at the time and even let you save Your progress instead of using a pesky password as with the original Famicom The controllers were hardwired to the console itself with a generous cord. That was nearly two feet long Control of 2 even had a microphone built-in for certain games that used that sort of thing The system even had an accessory port so you can hook up your light gun or whatnot The sound quality is a bit more muffled compared to a regular Famicom or even an NES due to some sort of filter applied internally check it out The disk drive also features some extra FM based sound channels that some games use Graphically the system looks great and it was the first Famicom system to offer composite video built-in to play this games You must flip this switch to lock the cartridges out. Let's check out some of these games Yeah, some of them have been released in the US but these disk versions offer some differences The first disk we're gonna look at is Castlevania. Now as far as I can tell this game is mostly identical to the u.s Cartridge version added is an area to input your name and save your progress. Not that it's really necessary in a game like this However, it's still a great game. But as an added bonus you can now experience loading times and side switching who wouldn't want that So throw away your instantly loading cartridge and track this version down Castlevania to Simon's quests or Dracula to nori no fun or something like that as it's called in Japan. Definitely Benefits from being a disc game for the most part Firstly you can save your progress to a disk instead of typing in a dumb old password this games quite long. So it's very beneficial However, the game is in Japanese and that can kind of hinder your progress Also, the sound uses the extra channels built into the twin Famicom or Famicom disk drive So it sounds a bit different than what we're used to in the US Oh and the loading times suck, let's exit the town here Oh man, this is gonna be great, I'm sure whatever's loading is gonna be an awesome level. Oh Cool I'll just kill these guys damn it Okay, I won't be going that way again Here's kid icarus now besides saving your progress. I think this game is identical to the u.s. Cartridge version I don't really know cuz I've never really played this game much I enjoy the music a lot, but that's really about as far as my interest ever got with kid icarus It's not a bad game, but I just don't feel like i've been missing out Ah The original release of The Legend of Zelda as you can probably imagine being able to save your game here would be extremely beneficial Well, it is just be careful of that kill mode, which I assume he raises your saves This game also takes some advantage of the extra sound chip Now supposedly there's a part in this game which uses the microphone on controller too, but I haven't seen it yet But other than this, it's the Zelda, you know and love with lots of Japanese text And Here's Metroid Once again as you've already guessed the main advantage here is being able to save your progress instead of writing down a password But that extra time you save is gonna be spent waiting for the disc to load I think this game uses that extra sound chip a little as well. It's really hard to tell for me I'm sure hardcore Metroid fans will be able to tell right away And the final game we're gonna show for the Famicom disk system is bio miracle beaucoup de ba or something like that by Konami This game didn't see a release outside of Japan So it's actually fitting for this episode you play as a baby and you can inflate enemies with your rattle Which makes them float away you can also use these enemies as platforms or even weapons if need be All of the visuals are pretty good. The game is full of cute things that babies love such as candy and cake World one two bears more than a passing resemblance to Dig Dug, which I thought was kind of cool World 2 to submerges our heroine fintan at least 300 feet of water without even any kind of breathing apparatus Good luck little baby The music is upbeat and catchy though. I'm not sure if it takes advantage of that extra sound chip or not It sounds like the plain old NES to me Now you think a game that stars a baby would be super easy But it's not you've got to use some strategy in the stages and the boss fights in order to progress Overall I say the game is pretty fun and definitely challenging I guess nobody in the West wanted to play a game starting a baby But this game did get released on the Wii Virtual Console. It's listed as an import Okay, and that was a look at the sharp twin Famicom, um I'm a little upset show because that should have been my segment I think I mean that it's in Nintendo, but I'm the hardware guy. I know about hardware. You don't know. Well, that's true But I still think I should have done it this is Nintendo - oh, well, I mean well, well maybe if we do the you know the Sega Mark 3 Hello and welcome the game sack today we're taking a look at the Neo Geo X portable system I bought the Neo Geo X from Amazon for 129 dollars with free shipping. That was deal I could not pass up to I had to bite So I'm thinking let's take a look at this thing and tear it apart and see if I got my money's worth. Let's do it The Neo Geo the Home version of the powerful arcade system that let you play the exact same arcade games at home Later on the Neo Geo pocket color allowed users to play water down but still fun versions of games plus many original new titles Now SNK has designed the Neo Geo X portable system, which plays real Neo Geo games well kinda released right before Christmas in 2012 and distributed in North America by Tomo and by blaze in Europe the Neo Geo X runs emulated versions of the original games It has a 4.3 inch widescreen LCD, which stretches game video by default But you can press one of the new buttons on top of the portable to get it back to its proper 4x3 ratio the four face buttons on the front are laid out in a very similar manner to the Neo Geo control pad and the joystick has A micro switch similar to but not quite as nice as the Neo Geo pocket color Game selection is done via a menu You can select from any of the 20 built-in games or insert an official SD card to run other Neo Geo games You can hook up the included composite analog or HDMI cables to play the games on your television and when you hook the Neo Geo X up either via HDMI or composite AV out the left and right stereo channels are reversed for your enjoyment If you just plug in regular headphones, you're fine with the composite AV out You can just simply switch the left and right around but with HDMI you're kind of screwed Included with the limited Gold Edition is a really nice docking station Which replicates the look of the Neo Geo AES almost exactly Plugging the portable into the docking station lets it charge and also allows you to hook up a USB. Joystick Which is the exact size of the original sticks, but it feels perhaps a bit cheaper and it's much louder And no you can't use other USB controllers, unfortunately, we hooked up to your TV The video quality is far from great. This is what the system looks like in composite Obviously that is unacceptable The HDMI output is much better you get some decent 480p video But there's lots of edge enhancement or sharpening which creates halos around the edges of the video If you look close here, you can see exactly what I'm talking about This actually reduces detail and makes the image look much worse This is what a real NeoGeo looks like an s-video derived from the RGB output much better Also, the NeoGeo ex has very poor emulation, there's lots of screen tearing since the refresh rate of the emulator isn't locked to the 59.94 hertz video output The NeoGeo X will currently cost you around $200 in the US and 175 pounds in Europe Well Joe I'm I like what you did with the system there and um, but I'm not so sure I got my money. Oh, yeah So far, it's just kinda I don't know. I don't feel very good about my purchases Well, then, let's take a look at every single game that came with the system. I think that's a good idea That's the only way we're really gonna give this thing a fair chances by looking at the games King of the monsters by SNK is a great fighting game Or is it a wrestling game? If you've ever wondered what it'd be like to control Godzilla then this is the game for you - Godzilla But there is a Godzilla like monster here and I'm sure the other monsters are all like other monsters maybe from Godzilla I don't know anyways You pick one of the six months was to battle the others each stage you fighting is completely destructible inside the electrical quarters in fact You get more points for the more destruction that takes place The game is easy to play in is just fun in general. I loved the level of detail in this game You can pick up tanks and even snatch helicopters from the air and use them as weapons The match is awarded to the first monster to get a three-count on a downed enemy The music is pretty enjoyable while playing the game, but I wouldn't want to listen to it on its own Overall this is a fun game. And I'm glad they had it in the first batch Alpha mission 2 is the eagerly anticipated sequel to the NES smash hit alpha mission There's really not much going on in this game You collect and store your weapon upgrades to use at a time of your choosing. Other than that. It's pretty standard I did notice a lot of lag in the controls as I was recording the game for this review. Check it out I have the real cartridge and it definitely isn't this bad Here's the real cartridge on a real system on the same TV now not everyone will be able to tell much of a difference but Believe me, you can sure feel it The graphics are nothing special at all and the backgrounds are very repetitive The one thing I do like about this game though is the music on stage one Hell that's the reason I bought this game on cartridge good thing it was cheap But really you won't find anything here that the Genesis turbo graphics 16 and even the Super Nintendo. Don't do a hundred times better World heroes perfect world heroes perfect is it's far from perfect after playing this fighter for a while You know what? I am not impressed while there's lots of characters to choose from the majority of them are all rather Well, uninteresting, not only that but they all seem to have extremely annoying voices that end up just grating on your ears very quickly The actual fighting is OK and the game controls decently, but that doesn't make it a fun game The music is below average and poorly emulated. The graphics are colorful, but the backgrounds are very unmemorable This will be one of the least played games on this Neo Geo emulator for me. In fact, I'm probably never gonna play to get Fatal fury was the first one-on-one fighter ever for the Neo Geo It was actually designed by the same guy who did the first Street Fighter for Capcom In this game you pick from a whopping three fighters and an exciting story is told between each match. This game's gimmick Is that you can jump between the foreground in the background probably because SNK demanded that the scaling feature be used somehow It doesn't really add too much to the gameplay in my opinion The game itself is pretty stiff and it came out around six or seven months after Street Fighter 2 So it's really no wonder that crowds passed it by I've never really been good at performing the moves in fatal fury games My favorite thing about this game is how the backgrounds changed from day to night during each bow It actually makes me want to play all three rounds on each stage just to see everything League bowling is a decent bowling game It is very simple to pick up the controls as there are only two commands you have to input After you pick your ball size in your left or right-handed miss. It's off to the lanes Position your player hit the a button to determine your curve and then hit the a button again to determine the strength of your throw It's easy to control but not easy to throw strikes every frame. There are three game modes to choose from regular bowling flash bowling which gives a point bonus based on a randomizer that picks between one and five hundred points if you get a strike or a spare Finally there is strike 90, which is the regular game but gives you 60 points for a spare and 90 points for a strike It's nice and it adds a bit of replayability to this game I like the color for graphics And even the scaling looks nice, the music hasn't occurred though as it's very repetitive and just not enjoyable It's a decent game, but I would much rather had neo turf masters Fatal fury special is an updated version of fatal fury - Lots more characters in this one compared to the first game and the animation is better But it's still kind of stiff This game has combos like other popular fighting games of the time But I've still never really been very good at pulling them off in this game Some of the backgrounds seem really busy to me and it's hard to make out certain details as things just kind of get lost in The cluttered visuals now, this is a good game. But I think it's still lagging behind what Capcom was doing at the time Magician Lord is a staple for NeoGeo fans. It's no surprise that it's included here Oddly, they included the arcade version rom instead of the AES version as such the intro is completely missing and when you die you respond at the exact same place Unlimited continues will allow you to walk right through this one This game has some great graphics and music. Unfortunately any sound made by the FM part of the hardware sounds really bad I mean just listen to that It's still a great game Now this is more like it real about fatal fury special is actually the sixth game in the fatal fury series and it shows The gameplay is much faster with a large emphasis on combos that even I can sometimes pull off Your timing doesn't have to be right on the nose to pull off the moves like the other two fatal fury games in this collection And I like that the faster and slightly less precise gameplay really helps me to enjoy this one It really is like night and day compared to the other fatal fury games on here It retains a dual layered fighting in the changing backgrounds and I still can't emphasize how much more intense this game is The graphics are very well-done with great animation and a much better background design Even the music is worth mentioning this time as it's pretty damn good Out of the included fatal fury games this one will see the most play by me If you want a great arcade-style baseball game then is hard to be baseball stars, too This game has tons of Charmin what I like best about it is that it's a quick game to get into and you can play A full game in about 30 minutes the controls are responsive and easy Graphics are colorful and all the players are drawn with lots of personality size and great animation There are a total of six teams and all of them are fictional There's not a lot of variety in the players and each team has the same players just with a color swap The music in this game as well is just average with lots of repetitive melodies, but you know what it works well for this game And the game announcer sounds realistic although he sounds a bit repetitive This is just a fun game to have in a great addition to a small library of games currently available for the system Cyber lip is an early run-and-gun game for the system which we've talked about before cyber lip It takes place in the future where robots are trying to take over the world It's a moderately fun game that controls decently enough. This game turned a few heads in the arcade mostly due to the stage one boss I remember saying this a big red thing at a pizza place and it made me think that the Neo Geo is just awesome the Music really isn't anything worth remembering and surprisingly the FM audio in this game is emulated fairly Well now this game does have unlimited continue So the only thing stopping you from finishing the game the first time you play it is yourself There are some branching paths that will offer a couple of minutes of replayability It's a decent game I guess Oh Man Dave, I don't think we've covered that minigames in a single episode for a while Oh, Joe. You are exactly right I am anyways, the only time we've really done that is in the montage, but we're not doing a montage We still have eleven more games that we were gonna talk about crap. You're right. I forgot about those So, yeah, so be quiet and let's get going Ardeth fighting was released in 1992. I really had a fun time with this game The controls are simple with only four buttons to use a punch kick throw in a ton button I had some problems throwing fireballs and pulling off special moves at times, but maybe that was just me or maybe it wasn't Graphically the games pretty good with large character sprites and decent backgrounds I like the effect of the screen scaling out as the fighters are further apart and scaling back in as they get close again There's even some interesting minigames to play after a couple of fights in the story mode speaking of the story mode You can only choose between two fighters which the story revolves around to be able to play as the other fighters. You must play multiplayer The music is good for the game. But nothing tremendously special. It's a fun game and I'm glad it was included in the initial lineup Metal Slug, of course. No Neo Geo compilation would ever be complete without Metal Slug This is one incredible run again And I personally think it's the game that helped keep the neo deal alive for so long since it was so amazing you play as some guy and he's got to rescue a bunch of Long-haired hippies while destroying anything and everything that even looks like an enemy You've got a bunch of different weapons that the POWs give you after you rescue them as well as grenades But let's not forget the Metal Slug itself, which is a tank Which you can get into in order to kick some serious ass It can take a bunch of hits while providing some intense firepower The graphics were the most detailed in any neo geo game ever at the time and still stand out today I mean, there's tons of stuff always blowing up everywhere. It's awesome Unfortunately, this is the u.s. Home version here. So instead of red blood we get gray sweat when we kill an enemy Yeah, this is good I'm sure we protected tons of innocent children as a result Red blood is bad and horrible to look at but seeing people on fire burning the depth. Yeah, that's completely okay The music is pretty good and goes great with the game, but the few FM sound effects sound cheesy due to the piss-poor Emulation still this will be again you want to spend a lot of time with? Mutation nation is a great beat-em-up brought to you by SNK Unlike a few other beat-em-ups. There's no woman to rescue here instead It's your job to clean up the slums of mutated life-forms before they spread across the nation in the year 2000 xx. I Like this idea and it turned out really well There's lots of different types of enemies and also lots of the same types of enemies but is still fun beating everything up Instead of picking up objects, like baseball bats and dynamite you pick up one of four icons Which gives you a super screen filling move, which can take care of just about anything in your way The control is really good. And there's a nice variety of moves. You can pull off. The music is good and if it's the game's kind of eerie atmosphere a Great addition to the Neo Geo X King of Fighters 95 takes fighters from various NeoGeo fighting games and crams them together you can fight as teams Which means you have three fighters and so does the enemy all three enemy fighters have to lose for you to win I've only ever played this game on the Sega Saturn before this and it seems mostly identical except. There aren't any loading times but they did add some occasional screen tearing due to the poor emulation and I don't know what it is this version seems much harder than the Saturn version Maybe it's because I'm using the Neo Geo joystick instead of the glorious Saturn control pad, but you know what? That's just me because I'm more of a control pad kind of guy All in all I think I'd rather play the Saturn version or at least the real Neo Geo version But I think that should go without saying Puzzled has got to be one of the least fun Tetris ripoffs I've ever played Firstly it has a storyline and you know, what a puzzle game just does not need a storyline. It just needs to be fun so the whole idea Here is that you must unlock a balloon trapped at the bottom of the screen by eliminating the blocks around it so it can fly Away, and be free The game would actually be kind of fun if it didn't have a few problems Firstly the control is horrendous Unlike a good Tetris game in which you can rotate your piece in both directions This game only lets you rotate in one direction This makes it impossible to fit pieces when they are dropping fast, or if you are backed up to the top of the screen It's also hard to judge how far you need to push the joystick for your piece to fall where you want it I always felt like it was pushing it too far and ended up not pushing it enough Secondly, the distribution of pieces is uneven lots of times you will end up getting the same pieces 5 or more times in a row I mean this does happen another Tetris games, but it seems to happen way more in this game The music is nothing great and is just there in SuperDuper repetitive while it's nice to have some diversity in games available for the system. I would have prefered puzzle bobble or magical drop Here we have three-count bow You know, I've never really liked wrestling games at all probably because I completely suck at them. This one is no different You know, I like the presentation with all the flamboyant entrances and all that, but I don't really like playing the game itself I want to play it as a fighting game, but it doesn't work That way the game also keeps asking me to use wrestling techniques. What the hell is that even supposed to mean? This might be a fun game to watch other people play but like most wrestling games It's really not one that I personally ever want to play again Nom 1975 is a great action game with a steep learning curve lots of heavy action hearing You need to stay alert to see everything that is going on tough controls will make for a quick game over as it's hard to get used to not being able to run and shoot at the Same time The music in this game is really dramatic and it helps you get into this great game But once again the FM sound emulation can be a little rough Soccer otherwise known as football is the most popular sport in the world. So I guess they had to include super sidekicks here The game itself is ok. I found it really hard to control the ball when I was on offense You often can't see your teammates? So you need to pass the ball blindly as there's no on-screen map of other players locations When you're on defense you automatically switch to the player closest to the ball without warning So overall I'd say this game is kind of hard. I Was actually able to score some goals just not when I was recording this I've never been able to win a game though The graphics are decent and there's lots of cool scaling effects going on The music is ok, but the same tune plays through the entire game and it gets all pretty fast It's a decent game I suppose but not likely something. I'll come back to often Personally I think samurai shodown - is one of s in Kay's finest fighting games I really like this game as it has a certain feel to it. That just makes it unique I'm not sure if it's the horrible Engrish or the blaring sound effects But I just like this game all of the characters are memorable and fun to use and that's pretty rare enough fighting people I really like Alfred and his dogs every fighting game should have a character with a dog in Cal furred He keeps saying rub my brain, at least that's what I think he's saying Backgrounds in this game are beautiful to look at and the music sounds very minimal and Ethnic Japanese and I like it it fits this game really well If you play in the USA mode the blood is green Put it in Japan mode and the blood is red but detectives in Japanese This is a great game for the system that will get many hours of play Last resort is SNK s response to our type. I guess this game has tons of potential but I never really got into it It's just too damn hard from the get-go for me to care about taking the time to learn it and get better I mean I can be are tight, but I can't even get past the third stage here Even the excessive slowdown doesn't help very much. Oh well, but the graphics are great, even if they did rip off Akira It's hilarious how a lot of the enemy pilots fall out of their ships when I shoot them down The music is well, it's not bad. And of course, it's got the typical blaring Neo Geo PSG sound effects I think their PSG sound effects anyway You know, I can respect that this game tried to be something special but it's not Ninja masters is the first game to come on an actual SD card and I'm glad they included it on the limited edition packaging The game is really enjoyable and a lot of fun to play It's somewhat similar to samurai shodown with a little twist At any point during a match your character can pull out or put away a weapon This is interesting As a lot of the moves will change depending on if the weapon is in or out Each player has a power bar at the bottom of the screen that can be used in different ways If you wish you can activate a hyper mode, which makes your attack stronger and you can use as many superpowers as you want Also, you can do a super combo finishing move and there are even desperation moves if you're almost dead The characters are all really well drawn and animated I really like the backgrounds and the music is very fitting for this game and it feels like medieval Japan And there you go that is the NeoGeo X for you and you know, it's I'm not too happy with it because of the emulation issues if they fix the video issues and the sound Emulation issues and stuff like that. I would have probably really liked it because I was able to record lots of games from it So yeah, right. I'm hoping that's what happens cuz I don't mind playing on the handheld I mean it you can still see the Tearing of the video and one done, but it's not as noticeable just because it's a small screen I'm hoping this firmware update that they've talked about coming will fix these issues, but they say it's coming. We haven't seen it yet I'm a little worried that they're just gonna Let it go and just kind of let it dissolve into nothing. I don't you, you know, they don't say anything. So it leaves you You know nothing's gonna happen. So and maybe this will just be you know Curiosity someday, but you know, hopefully it'll be supported and fixed. And in the meantime, thank you for watching game safe Hello and welcome to this mini episode of game sack where we're talking about the Neo Geo X Firmware update that day recently applied to his minute That's right a nice bite-sized episode for you on what happened when we updated the firmware Indeed and we're also gonna look at the games. Dave got when he bought his firmware update. He was a cheap bastard He didn't get the mega pack. So we only got three games. We're gonna talk about here. So yeah, let's take a look The NeoGeo X firmware update changes a few things for example the icons in the menu are now a bit more plain looking big deal Composite video quality is now slightly worse than it was before and it was horrible before However, HDMI video is now cleaned up and looks much better and no longer has any of the edge enhancement or sharpening effect Thank You Tomo Unfortunately, the screen tearing hasn't been addressed at all. Maybe they don't know how to fix it Maybe the hardware is incapable of running without vsync issues We don't know but we know they didn't even try to fix it. The audio has been improved and it does sound better It's still insanely quiet out of the composite AV jack though They did change something with the sample rate on the HDMI output, but maybe your setup will be affected Maybe it won't it usually sounds fine. I'm disappointed to report that they did not fix the backwards stereo Now when you change the aspect ratio with the l1 button it now stays that way even after powering off That's cool games that use a memory card save feature will now actually save properly they also supposedly improve the lag But I don't notice the huge improvement that they're boasting of when I play alpha mission 2 here Maybe it's a little better, but it's still pretty laggy Anyway now let's check out the games Dave has The King of Fighters 96 is a fun game I'm not great at King apart those games because I played the Street Fighter series more but I can see the attraction to the characters The matches can get a little long with three characters to defeat. This is a game I would like to play more of an hey, well, I can now since I own it sweet Blazing star is a cool little horizontal shooter Obviously this game was really inspired by Donkey Kong Country because it has lots of pre-rendered graphics But I guess that was difficult for the time unlike Paul Starr This one isn't only for the elite players anyone can enjoy this one It's your typical shooter in most respects during each stage You can collect different letters until you spell the word lucky. I guess maybe this is for extra points I didn't feel very lucky for doing it Anyway, both the graphics and the music are great and they really do add to the game The sound effects could use some work though. All you hear is some anime chicks hanging bonus again and again and again, Other than that This is one of a small amount of shooters on the system and one of even fewer that are actually worth playing So yes, this one does come recommended This is my first time ever playing Kizuna encounter, so don't judge my gameplay alright I found the game to be pretty interesting with the twist of tagging out only in certain parts of the stage Also, the matches are quick with having to only defeat one opponent. I Did like the scaling backgrounds in they were colorful with lots of detail the game controls pretty well And I do look forward to spending a lot more time with this one And there you go, those are the things that have changed with the neo geo X firmware update I hope that was informative for you. Yeah, definitely informative and obviously I'm upset on a couple levels chiu-hung Firstly having to buy an actual game to get the firmware update is pretty pretty bad business. Yeah, and secondly, the actual update really didn't fix a lot, you know in terms of Video output quality and the vsync the tearing of the screen, you know stuff that really needs to be fixed So that right there is why I probably bought just the three games instead of the mega pack Yeah, you know 75 bucks and this is what was 25, so, but hopefully hope there's still hope in the future that you know They'll make one more from where update and I'll have to buy three more games to get that one They've made promises before so I guess we'll see. Yeah. Anyway, thank you for watching this little micro episode of game sack You Hello and welcome the game sec this time around We're taking a look at the Sega Master System, and I am excited to talk about this one I am NOT as excited as you are because it's not a Nintendo system. But let's take a look. Give us a lowdown Joe I want to hear about it. Ok, let's ben. Smith. Let's take a look at the system itself the Sega Master System Originally known as the Sega mark 3 in Japan, it was redesigned and released in the u.s. In late 1986 and in the UK in 1987 at the time we simply called it the Sega system over here It was the system designed to compete with the mighty Nintendo Entertainment System The Master System is renowned for its box art which is basically clipart. I mean, how can you not love it? The hardware was fairly impressive for the time it used as z80 processor or zet 80 if you're a broad running at the same clock speed as the future Super Nintendo would and It even had a few more colors than its main rival Perhaps the system's biggest flaw was putting the pause button on the console as opposed to the controller Speaking of the controller is very similar to the one on the NES except It doesn't have a Start button or a select button and the d-pad is kind of squishy The games themselves came on small cartridges and even smaller credit card sized cards But generally they stored more data than Nintendo games It also had a sleek light phaser a trackball called the sports pad and some nifty 3d glasses Heck it even had a built in game called snail maze in Japan an external module enabling FM sound Capabilities could be added to the mark 3 and was even built into Japan's version of the master system Once the redesigned the unit was released over there, unfortunately Nobody outside of Japan ever got FM sound capabilities But it can be added to non Japanese systems today with an attachable board and a bit of soldering Many US and UK releases still have the FM sound built into them Some of these games were never even released in Japan in this episode We'll be listening to the FM sound of any games we show if it's available Sega eventually released a cheaper version of this which was no longer compatible with the card games or the 3d glasses overall, the Master System was a really cool little system with tons of potential but despite all this Sega wasn't even able to make a dent in the Nintendo juggernaut only 114 games came out for the system in the US with around 318 total releases in all regions it was however Extremely popular in Europe and Brazil, maybe even more so than the NES Thanks to this the Master System sold between 10 and 13 million units worldwide All right, Joe, well, I'm a bit more convinced that this system has something going for ya no, now I'm gonna need to look at some of the games didn't yeah, it was my first system that I ever bought and Well, you must have liked it. I did man. It was great. It introduced me into the world of Video games I mean I played the Atari before that. But yeah, this was my my own First system. Yeah that I bought with my own money, right? so well Let's take a look at some of the games because we all know games are make up the most important part of the system Yeah, let's do it One of the first games I purchased the same day I bought my master system was Space Harrier I was really excited It was a port of a cool arcade game. It had twice the mega power and it was definitely gonna be fun and it was They did change the graphics around everything seemed bigger than it was on the arcade But it was fairly accurate for the time and learning this game allowed me to easily beat the arcade version as the enemy patterns were the same I also Fell in love with the music to this game and I still loved the music today This is also the first game that I had beaten ever. I remember feeling so accomplished when I did it There were some strange credits in this one Yeah, oh and even colonel qaddafi contributed to this game. This is still one of my favorite games on the system Unfortunately Space Harrier 3d didn't fare quite as well I was super excited when this came out, but it was twice as slow and twice as choppy and About five times as hard. I've still never beaten it The other game I bought the day I purchased the system was choplifter I absolutely love this game For some reason the thought of flying my helicopter picking people up and transporting them back to the base really clicked with me I did like defender on the 2600. So maybe that's just one of my weird Idiosyncrasies. Anyway, this is my favorite version of the game Even the sequel games on more powerful systems don't control anywhere near as well as this one Does you start out each stage with two lives and reserve? extra lives do not carry over if you make it to the next stage you start out with three lives total period You need to rescue at least 40 hostages out of a total of 64 to clear the stage But if you get shot down all the hostages on board will die. You can also kill hostages by shooting them landing on them or even chopping them to bits with your blades by blocking the exit from the building they're in if 25 or more hostages die. It's game over The scrolling in this one is really nice and it provides a great sense of depth It's actually because of this game that I started noticing parallax effects in real life and now I'm obsessed with such things Yeah, I'm weird who cares this game even has Superman and et in it Just make sure you own this game if you have this system Deep duct trouble starring Donald Duck was released in 1993 Naturally, this game was only released in Europe and South America the USA only got it on the gamegear and not the Master System It's a shame too. Because this is a great platformer. This game is extremely colorful and the backgrounds are just great I really like the small details in this game, too. For example, Donald sweats in the volcano stage and shivers in the ice stage Donald controls well for the most part I did have a few problems jumping at certain points in the game But it wasn't a huge deal Those hot peppers are back from quackshot. And when Donald he's just won he becomes invincible and moves very quickly in one direction I like these peppers, but they're placed in some rather useless spots there is only one actual boss battle in the game on every level except for the last you're running from something and if you make It far enough you win the stage This is a great addition to your Master System library and really shows off the graphical capabilities the system hand Golden Axe came to the master system pretty much the same time it appeared on the Genesis. It's really chopping You can only choose ax battlers your character. At least I think that's his name. You can choose between the different magics though Anyway, the most notable thing about the game is that there is no sprite flicker anywhere But that's because the game doesn't actually use rights all the background tiles being animated However the best Golden Axe game for the system is actually Golden Axe warrior This is a straight-up Zelda clone through and through as far as 8-bit games go I think this one definitely one up Zelda. The graphics are nicer the game seems more snappy and controls much better Ok, ok, the music certainly isn't as epic, though Anyway, Death Adder is back and he even killed your parents So now you're on a quest for vengeance and if you can restore peace while you're at it, that's cool Pretty much everything in here is taken straight from Zelda the overworld the dungeons the overall progression of the game. It's really fun to play However right next to this game on my shelf is Gove Elias This game is also a Zelda clone of sorts. In fact, I think I might actually prefer this over golden axe warrior This one doesn't just stick to the normal overhead views though The dungeons are actually side-scrolling levels or even sometimes forced scrolling overhead levels Now while this adds a lot of variety to the game It does remove the aspect of finding keys or switches and the boss dungeons still though It's great fun and it has a lot of its own charm And of course, it's full of that old English style text that Sega of America loved so much. I Really like the music in this one? However, this is one of the few games where I'm not sure if I like the FM track better or the normal PST track I think the PSG track definitely has some of the better sound effects But either way I find that this game is really enjoyable We've talked about the original fantasy zone before and you should all know by now that it's a game that I love The Master System version never really blew me away compared to the other versions But fantasy zone 2 up holds the good name of this series and doesn't disappoint Like the first game you need to destroy enemy bases on a side-scrolling level that loops over and over The levels are smaller this time around but new to this version are warp zones Blue warp zones will take you to a different area in the same stage kill all the enemy bases Use the money you've gained in the shop to upgrade your ship and then enter the red warp zone to fight the boss As you can see the game could not be any more colorful than it is everything from the backgrounds to the enemies look great I like how the different areas in each stage all have their own unique backgrounds too as with the other games the enemies move in Unsuspecting ways and it takes a while to actually learn their patterns Controlling your ship is sluggish at first until you buy speed power-ups But once you die, the powerup is gone and you have to buy it again The music is great, but it's a bit too whimsical to listen to outside the game. It's truly a good sequel to a great game Fantasy zone the maze takes the series in a different direction and it's not the right direction This time around you play in a pacman style game where you control Opa Opa collecting coins to buy power-ups and shoot down enemies who? Are in your path you do this over and over on different mazes that aren't even very fun to look at The music is still enjoyable in this game and sadly That's the only thing that will keep you playing as the game itself gets dull very quickly. I wouldn't really recommend this game to anyone Galaxy forest is a pixel-perfect translation of the smash hit arcade game with four mega power In fact, I doubt you can tell the difference if you put this version in the arcade version side-by-side Yeah, anyway moving on you're supposedly saving the Junos galaxy from the evil fourth empire but that's not the way it looks to me Instead you begin by choosing a planet to invade You fly around shooting everything you see and you ward off the defensive efforts of the local civilians Then you fly through a tunnel leading to the planet core Make it through and then boom you've just destroyed the planet. Yeah, I honestly believe that you're the bad guy in this game Not that I really have any problem with that Anyway, the music is good, but not really memorable and the graphics will kill you. I'm not kidding It actually says that right on the box. I don't know. I think that's false advertising if you ask me I'm still a lot. Maybe I should sue though. I do feel like I died a little on the inside after playing this game So maybe not Still is interesting that sega made this game, but left it to activision to actually publish Did you turn the camera She did would you turn we're not ready? Yeah, I mean, we're still talking about keen to look back to games. Yeah One it is one of the many great light phaser games for the master system I've got to admit when it comes to the gun games Sega easily beats Nintendo and that's saddened beat deep inside Take wanted for example. This is a third-person light phaser game that takes place in the Old West Every level is just full of awesomeness that pulls you in and you won't want to stop playing Great colors and animation with lots of destructible set pieces I like being able to shoot random things in the background like the bottles and paintings in Mary's saloon. Sorry, Mary I'll pay for that later, but I'm getting rid of this bad guy So actually you owe me Not forgetting to mention the accuracy of the light phaser and you're gonna need it as this game is not easy I think the main reason it's not easy is because the clothing store in this game only sells one cowboy outfit Everyone is dressed exactly alike and you have to wait a quick second to see if they're friendly before you kill them If you hit an innocent person then you lose a chunk of your life bar This isn't good because at the end of most levels is a boss that takes nine shots to kill You'll need all of the life you can get because as you're battling the boss You still need to kill other villains that pop up on screen? Set in between the stages are bonus rounds, which you can shoot bottles or coins to try to up your score What a great game. I had a lot of fun with this one Let's not forget Wonder Boy, we have an episode comparing this series to adventure island But you need these games If you have a Master System, the first game here is pretty good I guess but when Wonder Boy and monster land came along is when they really started getting good Now the game has a far more adventurous theme and you need to upgrade your weapons and collect other items to help you This game really gripped me in at the time. It's really engrossing But even better is wonderboy three the dragons trap picking up right where monster land left off this is probably the best wonderboy game period It has fantastic music and each animal you change into has different abilities that help you get further in your quest This is absolutely a must-have game and one of the best on the system There is also wonder boy in Monster World, which is the fourth game in the series It's good. But the Master System version is a bit neutered in content compared to the genesis version of the same game Kung Fu kit is a great game that is loaded with enemies in action Weird enemies - what are those little bouncing guys that are in every stage? It controls really? Well with super human floating chumps the game, isn't that tough? But it's still fun to play once you learn the game's patterns The music is good. Thankfully since it seems to repeat in every stage. Oh wait, it's different in the stage Amazing, but really it's a good game that most people never talk about There's even a port of ghouls and ghosts for the system it's not a straight up port though Now there are shops where you can obtain Upgrades to your equipment better armor to take more hits boots to run faster and jump further and stuff like that The graphics have taken quite a hit and the game runs really slow, but it's an interesting port nonetheless It's pretty damn hard to Cloud master is a fun shooter released in 1989 You play as Mike Chen who is a hermit studying to be the cloud master? Evil forces like these devil turtles are trying to stop you from reaching your goal. Oh my god. They're pure evil This is a very colorful game with well drawn backgrounds characters and enemy sprites. Your character sprite is fairly large So avoiding enemies shots can be kind of tough at times especially before your character gains speed Each stage has a mid boss and an end boss Once you kill the mid boss a door opens up, which lets you choose one secondary item This can be a shield or a bomb that you can use for a limited time or until you die This is a great game. And this was remade for the Wii and I will get to that in a future episode Streets of Rage was even ported to the system in the UK Unfortunately, it didn't come out in the US, but I guess I really can't blame Sega at the time Anyway, it's a surprisingly good port. You can pick among the same three characters. But this time it's only a one player game That's okay as dave is my only friend and I don't like them. Anyway, I Was really impressed at how they got each stage in here without changing them too much I mean there are changes such as stage 6 having electric beams instead of hydraulic presses But otherwise, it's almost all here. This boss here is unique to this version though. I don't know. I don't really like them Since the master system controller only has two buttons You actually have to pause the console and then press a button to call in your car backup attack kind of breaks the flow But it's there if you want it. You just got to sit really close to the console Use a Koshiro, even though the music himself for this version. It's a pretty fun port even if the stages do seem kind of long Later that year. They also ported Streets of Rage 2 to the Master System I don't think this one turned out quite as well The graphics seem a lot more rough and the control is really loose in this one you though did return to do the music though It's not a bad effort, but it could have been better No master system episode would be complete with how Alex Kidd in miracle world This was Sega's attempt at a mask a style game similar to what Nintendo had going with Mario Your primary weapon is your fists and you break blocks to collect money and other things There are shops to buy power-ups or even small vehicles you can use at the end of some levels You have to play rock-paper-scissors to advance to the next stage the game of chance, really? This shouldn't decide if I can progress to the next stage The music is good, but the tunes are short and repeat on most levels if you can look past these annoyances The game is pretty enjoyable. It also became the built-in game on master systems in 1990 Alex Kidd in shinobi world is my favorite Alex Kidd game on the Master System or any system. He was on Originally, this was supposed to be a parody of shinobi Sega decided to add Alex Kidd And I think it worked out great the game plays very much like shinobi But adds a few things like the ability to swing around poles to launch yourself as a fireball and bounce off of walls Or even collect a powerup that turns you into a tornado Controlling Alex is perfect. I had no problems playing this game. The music is great, and it's all based on shinobi The only bad thing is that the game is pretty short. The game is starting to get rare So you better find this one if you can Yeah, we couldn't talk about every single master system game there was but we can take a look at some of the ones we missed In a section. We like to call a Montage the montage where you can make your own Opinions about the game showing instead of us telling you what you should and shouldn't like. Yes, so let's get to it All right, Dave so now what do you think about the master system the master system Joe I like it I actually really really do like the system has some quality games on it. Yeah, it does really fun game Yeah, and I love the hell out of it. I mean, I've owned the thing for what like 26 years like I said It was one of my it was my first system and it always has a special place in my heart and you know It's the one system that I really want to try to collect a 100% Commun us set Yeah, that's gonna be an awesome goal and should be attainable and I will gladly help you out on some of your games Yes, very I don't know. I'm sure. Yeah. Anyway, thank you for watching game set Hello and welcome to game set. Yes, that's right. We're talking about the 32x this time around Am I excited I bet you early monster QX Yeah, it is and it's been out what 15 years and I still don't own one or something like that Yeah, so well, you know convinced me joke show me what this seems. Okay, let's take a look at the 32x itself The 32x was an add-on for the Genesis released in late 1994 which was marketed as giving the system full 32-bit power Launching it 150 dollars with its own unique library of games The 32x is perhaps one of the most hated add-ons in gaming history Hooking it up to the Genesis required special cables and even its own power supply These aluminum clips for the cartridge slot in this spacer for the model 2 were also recommended but neither are necessary The 32x itself was powered by two 32-bit CPUs running at 23 megahertz each with a total of 32,000 768 colors almost everything the 32x did was written into the software It had no specialized hardware support for things like scaling and rotation All in all there were 40 games for the 32x and it sold around 700,000 units worldwide Joe I I can see where the things going but and what sig was trying to do I guess but I I just don't see any reason for its existence really. Well, come on. Is there two exits it is it was cheap It was only like what 150 bucks? Yeah. We have a great library of games. Yeah and an extra power supply Why didn't need a power supply? Yeah, well 32-bit power Dave, I guess Anyway, we're gonna talk about some games now and you've got the first one. It's actually a pretty good one that you actually Anyway, let's take a look Colibri is an interesting game. I guess it's supposed to be a shooter a really weird shooter so anyways You're a hummingbird and it's your job to rid the world of all the disgusting insects and bugs that everyone hates in real life Things like wasps and hornets and flying beetles centipedes Well stuff like that the first pictures I ever saw this game blew my mind The graphics are easily the most enjoyable part of this game. They're very pretty with lots of color and detail There's also some cool scrolling in some of the levels The gameplay is alright, but there are times when you don't know exactly where to go or what needs to be destroyed There's lots of weapons for you and you can change that many times throughout the levels Thanks to these crystals that keep belching out an Arsenal for you to choose from The music is kind of strange. It's not bad, but it's not good either and as all sounds kind of scratchy It's an interesting Experience and probably one of the better games for the 32x sadly but given the size and quality of the system's library That's not a difficult thing to achieve There are three open space polygonal shooters for the 32x first up is Star Wars arcade now This was a launch title and it definitely shows you start out by flying around trying to destroy a whole bunch of Thai fighters You can choose either cockpit view or external to you by simply pressing the mode button on your six button Genesis controller I prefer the outside views it makes me feel like I'm playing more of an action II arcade game rather than a boring old simulation game but to each his own Anyway, after the TIE fighters have been dealt with you fly into a super stardestroyer trying to take it out This is not fun and I've never been able to get past this part. I find the whole game really really hard The graphics are ok, but the sound is just awful and every way imaginable Next up is shadow squadron in this one. You can pick from two different ships I like the look of the blue ones since I'm a guy but the girly pink one is actually much tougher This one actually lets you choose an autopilot if you want so you can play the game kind of like a rail shooter It really does make it a lot easier But if you choose to control the ship yourself You can fly around aimlessly and you will open space shooters are generally pretty tough to get orientated to anyway You fly around space and blow up the big ships and other large devices That seems to be pretty much it. Once again the mode button toggles you between your cockpit and external views I think the graphics are better than in Star Wars arcade, but they're still fairly primitive Especially with so much of the screen being black this time around some of the music is actually pretty good In Japan and Europe this game is known as stellar assault and there's also a really cool Saturn version in Japan Maybe we'll take a look at it in a future episode Finally there's a mega expensive Dark Side, which was released only in Europe I guess you're supposed to pronounce it dark side, but I'm calling it dark side Anyway, this game is a bit different because the graphics are actually textured. It's fairly impressive for the 32x You gotta admit and the music's not bad either. It's just too bad. It's really quiet Unfortunately, the gameplay doesn't quite hold up You basically just fly around blasting asteroids into pieces and then blast those pieces and smaller pieces again, and again until they're gone So basically, it's just like asteroids on the 32x Occasionally you'll blow up an enemy ship But no matter how much stuff I blow up and no matter where I go. The stage just never seems to end In fact, I've never even made it past stage one. It just goes on and on It's too bad too because this really could have been a great game Knuckles chaotix is the closest thing you're never going to get to a Sonic game on the 32x But in this game you're connected to a second character all the time with your eens This just feels weird and takes a lot of time to get used to in fact Most people probably turn this game off only after a few minutes in frustration I can't say that I blame them but Joe seems to like this game. Well, he likes it a lot more than most Yes true I do but that's because I gave the game a chance You've got to be patient and learn how to game works And I know that's counterintuitive to a Sonic game, but that's what you've got to do here You've got to learn how to best use your partner to get to new places and access new areas I will admit however that the rubber-banding does feel weird Anyways, the graphics are pretty damn good and the music is actually excellent The 3d bonus stages are pretty fun to play. But overall. I would rather have just a proper Sonic game I wonder why they didn't do that Bird racing Virtua racing deluxe is a launch game and it's my favorite homeport Basically, there's not much to Virtua racing at all You just race around the track and even if you win you get a game over screen But still it's really fun I don't know why but it is The big deal about this game at the time is that you could select one of four different views at any time You want that just blew people away back. Then the music is really cool. And I love the voice whenever you pass a checkpoint Anyway, this game was originally ported to the Genesis, but it looks pretty bad as you can see despite using an FX I mean an SVP chip in the cartridge the 32x version gives you better and smoother graphics as well as two exclusive tracks and two new cars to race as Yeah, yeah, I know about the Saturn and the ps2 versions of this game, but there's just something about this one That makes me like it the most Blackthorne is easily one of the shiny stars of the 32x library With a dark and gloomy atmosphere full of long hair heavy metal looking guys I really fell in love with this game the gameplay similar to say Prince of Persia or the odd world series At first it feels awkward learning where you need to be to jump or even let yourself down from a higher plane But after a short time you'll be playing through it and having a good time as I did you basically need to take things Nice and slow and decide when best to use your items I have the Super Nintendo version and it's one of the more memorable experiences. I've had on the system The 32x version is the same, but it has slight Enhancements to us graphics and sound the graphics seem a bit sharper and colors are a bit more vibrant The sound is great with a bit more range than the Super Nintendo version If you want to see how it stacks up to other versions Be sure to check out episode 22 where we dared to compare them all Virtua Fighter was even released on the 32x. Yeah, it's kind of watered down, but it played pretty well This version even has an anamorphic 16 by 9 widescreen mode, which was amazing for the time. So let's use that Anyway, as you can see the polygons have been simplified, but for the 32x They're actually pretty damn good the control and the gameplay are tight and responsive And all the moves are there If you know how to pull them off even the voices are all there and the music isn't half bad either Virtua Fighter, especially the first one here is kind of an acquired taste So if you're used to Tekken 38 or whatever, you probably won't like it, but hey, I'm telling you I'd rather play this than any of the other fighting games on the 32x We'll get to those in a bit you Suzuki's am too division ported this game themselves. So it's no wonder that is pretty good Metalhead is a seek and destroy game where you play as a mech Basically, you just walk around and find the enemies and then destroy them real tough, right? Your mech walks extremely slow in god it can be painful at times. Why is this so slow? Fortunately, I found the go fast button and this makes a game a lot more tolerable You can change the view to suit your deeds even a complete overhead view if you really want it I like blowing up enemies in this game I especially like blowing up a jeep full of soldiers and each one of them explodes when they hit the ground That's sweet. Overall. The game plays well enough, but the stages seem too long and Fordham can said in real quick The 3d graphics are good for the 32x. But there's a lot of pop up everywhere unless you decide to play using the overhead view The music isn't good at all and it actually sounds very abrasive like a kazoo made at a high grit sandpaper And you know what else the voices and the digitized pictures of your boss are pretty silly Remember to pick them all out This is your only choice if you want a mech game for the 32x Tempo is one strange platformer by the developers of bonks adventure You play as a bug and the entire game is a TV show What is it about bugs and TV shows and movies? anyway well You're a super hip bug you even got your own rap song and you're off to get the ratings sky-high or something like that I don't know. You can kick enemies or even toss a note at them But that only stuns them but the best way to defeat an enemy is by bouncing on their head Of course I felt that the control is pretty slow and the collision detection is just awful The goal simply seems to be to make it to the windows logo, which means you complete the stage But obviously the big draw in this game are the trippy backgrounds and yeah They're quite trippy the character design and the graphics are all done. Really well There's music stuff everywhere and you'd think for a game with such an emphasis on music that at least the music would be good It's okay at best. It sounds like a bad Genesis game, really? There's really nothing special to hear here except for the poorly digitized rap in the intro It's too bad that this game just isn't very fun to play I think with some tweaking it could be a sequel was released in Japan on the saturn But I haven't cared to try it yet, maybe in a future episode. We'll see Zak's ons mother base. Mm is supposedly a sequel to the time-honored zaxxon which everybody remembers fondly You know, it kind of looks like starfox on an isometric plane. Look you're even shooting a bunch of our wings from starfox I see you Sega pretending to kill starfox It plays kind of like zaxxon which is fine But everything feels kind of clunky Instead of being able to adjust the height of your ship like in a real zaxxon game You just have a jump button here and you can't even shoot while you're jumping Controlling your ship works well enough I guess you can jump on enemy ships and take them over which is kind of a cool aspect But don't forget to jump back out when you're damaged. Otherwise The hit detection isn't so hot. It seems like you died Well before you actually get hit by a bullet or an enemy or even the background the enemy in character polygons are on par with stunt race FX on the Super Nintendo and the pre-rendered backgrounds are a bit repetitive the Music is strange and feels almost like it belongs in a nightclub or something still if I ever do own a 32x Which I never will this would probably actually be a game I'd want in my library You couldn't even get past the first stage and Zach's ons motherbase mm I was sad, dude I wouldn't say I couldn't get past the joy. Like I didn't want to get paid Yeah, I mean, you know, what's the big deal area as I mentioned those ships look like are we? Fuck. Oh, yeah rubbing nintendo fans the wrong way, right? Whitesnake is shooting down that yeah anyway We've got a lot more 32x games to talk about and we're gonna cover them in a brief manner because we are covering all 39 Games, so don't fall asleep Let's check them out Star Trek Star Fleet Academy starship bridge simulator is a not one you play as a cadet training at Starfleet and you go through a series of Simulations you can chat with others eat even play a game of billiards Sadly, this is the closest thing to an RPG is you'll likely get on the 32x Overall, I think it's kind of boring. It's too bad to as everything else is fairly well done The graphics are nice and the music is nice. Well, actually the music can kind of get annoying. So be sure to turn it off This is World Series baseball 95, it's okay As far as baseball games go the behind the batter view is kind of cool after getting a hit The field is nice and large with some occasional scaling but the player moves a bit on the slow side The announcer sounds pretty good and the reverb sounds close enough for a large stadium The crowd noise on the other hand is horrible. Hey, Joe. Did you leave the water running? There's also no music at all, which sucks because the game really could use some The other baseball game is RBI baseball 95 This one is more Arcadian less simulation like the game seems to have a faster pace, which I like The audio is also a bit better as there's more play calling from the announcer and also the crowd actually sounds more like a crowd There's even music here, even though it's not very good. The graphics are darker and seem a bit more murky overall It's a decent baseball game There were a couple of great sega arcade translations on the 32x One of them was space area a game. I was very excited for you See this was the first time that a nearly arcade perfect port even came to a home console Let me tell you I was stoked and this game really delivers There is a bit of slowdown here and there the frame rate is now at 30 frames per second and the game has even been Letterbox slightly to improve the performance, but it still rocks Everything else was arcade. Perfect, and that includes the sound in the music I had a great time with this one and I still do whenever I play and it's by far my favorite game on the 32x You're doing great The other sega arcade port was Afterburner to complete This is also the first time a near arcade perfect port of this game Came home at least in the US the game now runs at 30 frames per second And the scaling is a little bit blocky err in some areas But otherwise it's perfect. Now while I don't like this game as much a Space Harrier, it's still a blast to play Everything moves really fast and there's always tons of stuff on-screen the 32x has no issues Replicating the arcade sounds and music. In fact, it kind of makes me wonder why so many other 32x games sounds so pathetic WWF WrestleMania, the arcade game for a car version. The game is fun, but it has some problems I think this is because you're trying to pull off moves and you can't but you keep trying and in the meantime Your opponent is handing down the punishment. The moves are easy to do on the Saturn version But why the 32x game is different is beyond me. I guess just lazy programming. The sound is alright It's missing a ton of voice that the arcade has but it's nothing you can't live without If you really need this game for your collection then get it, but I'd get the superior Saturn or PlayStation version instead The other wrestling game on the 32x is WWF raw, this is definitely a different type of game It feels more like a simulation and less Arcadian than WrestleMania This game has 12 wrestlers and can support four player simultaneous gameplay The control isn't easy and it has a lot of button mashing, especially when the meter appears above your heads The moves are difficult to pull off So you'll be doing a lot of grappling with very little outcome the crowd noise. Sounds good But the game just gets boring fast as there are much better games to play even on the 32x FIFA soccer 96 was released only in Europe as far as I know That's fine by me is this game just really isn't very interesting at all You can select from a bunch of different camera angles and that's about as exciting as it gets I found it hard to control and confusing as to which player I was controlling and even which way I needed to go Like I said, the 3d field is neat, but it's just not very fun Cosmic carnage is a goofy fighting game You play as weird monsters who wear armor this Hummer effects the moves you can do and also your defense There's some scaling effects here that I really don't think are necessary But I guess they had to show off the extreme power of the 32x as I'm playing the game I feel lots of intermittent slowdown at times. The characters are all colorful for sure. Even if some of those colors are kind of bizarre The music is good in this one and it's definitely the highlight of this game for me In pitfall the Mayan adventure you play as a son of the hero from the first game Your dad gets kidnapped and it's up to you to save him You know, I think I'd rather let him die than traverse through this vomit-inducing game The graphics are just so very ugly and the scrolling is really choppy. The gameplay sucks, too Just trying to grab on to anything and even get out of the first stages easier said than done. No. Thanks. Sorry dad Brutal Unleashed is another fighting game for the 32x But in this one you play as cartoon animals I found this one really tough to control and everything seems like it moves too fast Ah slow down take it easy the graphics animation and music are all pretty good though Well, actually maybe the music could be a bit better NFL quarterback Club is an American football game which allows you to play as some of the great quarterbacks of the past It's an OK game I suppose but it's not as good as the Madden games of the time work The field does look good though, and it has a nice scaling effect However, I wish I had passing Windows like I had in Madden, but oh well I can't really think of much else to say about this one Team ik is a port of an atari first-person tank arcade game It reminds me of stellar fire or stellar 7 where you roam around shooting things only This isn't anywhere near as good not like stiller fire actually was mind you Anyways, you shoot your rivals down and move up in the league. I guess. It's all some sort of sport So here you go another sports game for the 32x great Mortal Kombat 2 came to the 32x it's one of those digitized fighters with silly characters that tries to be extreme I guess this is better than the Genesis version and maybe the Super Nintendo version But yeah, I really don't know. I've never been able to get into the game So I really really suck at it and playing it for this episode I'm not exactly enticed to give it the time to grow on me. Sorry guys Primal rage is another digitized fighter. But this time with Dinosaurs, you know, what dinosaurs like pyramids piss me off I don't know who they think they are, but the earth is ours now so they can just go straight to hell Anyways, I can't figure out how to do any special moves in this game and nothing about it is very good I imagine the big selling point of this game was that farting gorilla So if you haven't hit puberty yet this game might appeal to you DC racers as a cartoony kart racing game the characters are from the exciting chuck rock universe of games. Yeah You remember chuck rock? Wow, I'm surprised how many of you raised your hands and actually remember anyway This version is probably my least favorite version of DC racers It was also on the Sega CD an the 3do The Sega CD version is the best in my opinion in this one You can only attack in one direction and everything seems kind of choppy in comparison plus the sound and music is downright horrible I actually sold my Sega CD copy to get this one because I thought it'd be better but you know It turns out I'm just an idiot Tough man contest by EA is a weird fighting game. It has butter bean on the cover It plays kind of like the arcade version of punch-out only much much worse Much much worse. The controls aren't easy to figure out and I'm really not sure what the 32x adds to this game Except a number two, it's library Doom was another launch game for this system like Star Wars arcade. This game was supposedly rushed through development. But what can I say? It's doom albeit with a few missing levels. It also has a weird border around the screen and the music pretty much sucks I've never really been a huge fan of any version of doom So I'm not tremendously good at it, but I can understand the appeal I guess your goal is to shoot things collect stuff and move on. It moves at a brisk framerate But really that's about the only positive thing I can really say about this game Joe talked about the super rare spider-man web of fire in our rare games episode But this time I'm here to tell you that this game sucks and you know what you can trust my opinion You play as spider-man swinging around with awful control and horrible collision along to some really really bad music you can rescue daredevil So he can help you out who cares and why is there a clothesline on top of this building? Don't these people have a clothes dryer? Romance of the three kingdoms four is the only Japan exclusive game for the 32x It's a strategy game where you play the role of a ruler trying to take over parts of China I really don't know what I'm doing here I have no clue what any of these buttons do and I don't think I'm gonna be figuring it out anytime soon But honestly even in English these games have never really been for me Motocross championship is exactly what you think it is and that's another bad 32x game I guess the movement of the hills and stuff might look cool at first, but once you actually play the game You'll never want to touch it again Joe played it the first time we showed this on game set and now he forced it on me Oh cool, Joe the control the sound everything about this game just screams why the 32x was not attractive at all the consumers NBA Jam tournament edition stormed onto the 32x with intense basketball action. Well, it's two on two action I generally don't care much for basketball, but this game is actually kind of fun one of the big selling points of this version is that there's now scaling applied to the players that they run to and away from The screen that's cool. It's even advertised on the front of the box Yay, scaling the game itself plays really fast and smooth and the sound effects are very rkt This is a good time even with one player It might get kind of confusing with four players simultaneous, but I'd like to try that someday. Good job. Iguana Hello, I'm Fred Couples welcome to Golf Magazine's 36 great holes Golf Magazine presents 36 great hole starring Fred Couples is the best golf game on the 32x It's also the only golf game on the 32x as a golf game. It's not very good It's really slow and quiet. The only music you ever hear is during the menu screens The golf action itself is imprecise and it's really hard to be accurate in This game is how Fred Couples will forever be remembered by history. Ooh Just too hard Supreme warrior is one of the five games that required both the Sega CD and the 32x and the Genesis in the middle by the way the trifecta It basically just uses the 32x to make the video look better since it had many more colors But the games themselves all remain pretty bad This one is a fighting game And sometimes it almost feels like you have some kind of control, but you don't really at least I didn't think so It's pretty much your typical FMV game, but it could be worth watching for some of the bad acting fight the easiest first and the hardest last Night rap was ported to almost every system that could handle it at the time Basically you control traps in the house in order to catch people wearing black pantyhose over their faces I didn't think it was exciting originally and I still don't if you like night rap, then this version isn't bad, I guess Control we're going in Hi I Was so afraid you decided not to come Fahrenheit is a CD game where you play the role of a firefighter you wander around a burning house looking for people to rescue Basically you just decide in which direction you want to go? I got bored before I got any further since no matter how hard I looked I never found anything and if there is actually anyone in This house that needs rescuing. Well, sorry you're gonna die because your burning house is boring Watch your time guys those air Slam city with Scottie Pippen is a 32x CD game which tries to make you think that you're actually playing one-on-one basketball You can eventually play Scottie, but you need to beat all of his minions first, and that's easier said than done You want some of this? You've got it whether I make a shot or not seems completely random I wonder if Scottie got a free or at least a discounted 32x for making this game Hopefully it came with NBA Jam instead of this And Finally corpse killer is a game where you shoot zombies We showed this exact version in the very first episode of game sack. It still sucks Even in this episode that the quality of the FMV is actually pretty good. The gameplay is boring though Just shooting down ugly zombies on a jerky background. It supposedly uses the Menace or light gun, but I couldn't get it to work And that's the 32x for you every single game actually Dave we did miss one it's called surgical strike It was released only in Brazil on the Sega CD 32x. But who cares? Yeah, really? Who cares? I mean just like this episode who cares. Oh, come on, man 33. It's a good good. Well, it's not good system It's not as people think it is. Yeah Well, it didn't cause Sega's downfall no matter what anybody thinks fans are pretty forgiving and and well You know what it actually I gotta say this. It makes that the the 32x makes a Virtual Boy look good oh dude, you just do you take Oh Hey, oh Hey, check out my new Sony Playstation 3. It has a video gaming system, which is technically advanced Well, yeah, but look there's only two wires one for power one for audio and video combined How am I supposed to be impressed by something? That's so unimpressive. I consider you my friend no more So I'd better not be as bored as there was last week when he showed me that piece of ancient technology I've got something new this week witness two Sega Genesis CD 32x Wow now, this is very impressive the sheer number of wires required indicate an extremely high level of technological advancement not one not two but Count'em three power supplies show that the system is so advanced that it needs more electricity than any other item Which humankind has ever invented there must be many fantastic games for this wonderful system like cosmic carnage It is much better than this system the PlayStation 3. It does not have enough wire So it cannot be very advanced at all. Same goes for this Xbox 360 system and this wee system You are a great friend here is $20 So impress your friends and loved ones today with a Sega Genesis CD 32x Hello and welcome to game sack as you probably already guessed we are talking about the retro duo Portable for this episode. How could they guessed it? I mean unless they just saw it in your hand in now They probably guessed by reading the title forever. Oh, yeah Everything yeah So yeah, quite an interesting little thing here This is just yeah, it is, you know play Super Nintendo and regular Nintendo games in Game Boy Advance games Well, if you have the adapter with you dumb and Genesis games if you have the adapter But since there's two of us We figured there'd be two reviews and as always because I'm the best of the duo I am going to go first and there's nothing you can do about it. I will save the best for last like we always do Okay, I three people who like you Joe will be happy that you're go first Okay, let's see what I think of the retro do a portable version 2.0 The retro do 0.0 buy a retro bit core Edition this handheld retails for $89.99 and it plays Super Nintendo cartridges so far. It seems to work with everything. I've thrown at it from Turtles for to even starfox Overall, the emulation quality is pretty good The screen looks good, but it seems to be just composite video quality still all of the text is definitely readable The sound is decently emulated from what I can hear and I didn't notice much of a difference between this and my real Super NES But the speakers on the unit are really Tinian. They don't sound good at all However, if you put on headphones the sound quality is much improved and it's even in stereo. There is a slight 60 Hertz buzz though Holding the unit itself can take a bit of getting used to the on/off switch Ness right into your palm and for some reason the LNR buttons are in front of the cartridges and to me I think it would Be better if they were back behind the cart instead and if you've got a super Gameboy, yes You can use it here to play your Game Boy games Oh, yeah, and it can play Super Famicom games as well. And that's always pretty cool Well, it's nice is that you can hook the unit up to a TV with the included AV cables composite video only Here's how it all looks and sounds on screen And here's how the same game looks and sounds on a real Super Nintendo in s-video Included as an adapter that lets you use regular Super Nintendo controllers for one or two players You can also get a controller pack which comes with two controllers for 12 bucks Also included is a giant adapter that lets you play NES games on the retro duo Portable the games look and play good for the most part, but the sound quality isn't very accurate Most of the NES games I tried just sounded kind of wrong Some games like Castlevania three don't even work once you get past the title screen I really don't think NES games were meant to be portable I mean come on if they were Nintendo would have made the cartridges smaller than a freaking aircraft carrier Sold separately our adapters which let you play Sega Genesis or Game Boy Advance games on the innit, you know Just in case your Gameboy dances a little bit too portable Anyway, the super retro advanced adapter which retails for $45 plays Game Boy Advance games And it seems to do it really. Well the image looks good on screen except for that composite video quality. Yeah, I know I'm a Composite snob the adapter even has that link jack so you can trade Pokemon stuffer or whatever it is you Gameboy people do with it Unfortunately, it won't play your Gameboy or gameboy color games, but even more impressive is the retro gen adapter to play Genesis games Which is only 25 bucks, you know, I'm really surprised at how good this thing is so far It plays every game I've thrown at it except for a Virtua racing and that one contains a special chip Yes, you can play Sonic 3 & Knuckles on it. You know, I wonder how good the emulation really is though I know let's plug in the power base converter and try a Master System game. Let's see will it work? Yes, it works. It does work You can play Master System games on the retro duo portable and it couldn't be more comfortable or more portable You'll be the coolest kid on the bus for sure and while the 3d games run and the glasses Activate the screen itself is too blurry to make out any 3d image at all. See Oh, well outrun 3d here has a few weird graphical glitches But beside Morris 3d doesn't still 3d just is impossible on this screen. So do the 32x games work? No They can't because the 32x requires our DP input from the Genesis, which a retro duo simply can't provide but it works as a pass-through for regular carts if you have the 32x power plugged in so you're sure to enjoy the Tower of Power on your retro dual portable with the retro gen adapter 32x and a game genie for cheat codes while playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles This is as comfortable as holding the balls of God and is great for forearm exercises. And yes this setup really works No joke Oh and the super retro advanced portable Adapter can be used on your Super Nintendo to play Game Boy Advance games on your TV screen Same goes with the retro Jen adapter You don't even need a retro do a portable to use these if you don't want one both of these require an included AV cable Which plugs into the side of the adapter because the Super Nintendo doesn't have a video pass-through in Both cases you get composite video and stereo audio and if you haven't figured it out yet This is how a Game Boy Advance game looks while playing it on the Super Nintendo The retro Jen is even better because now you can play your favorite Master System cartridges cards or even 3d games on your SNES That's right. The 3d does work with this setup Just as long as you're plugged into a CRT TV light phaser games don't work Unfortunately mainly because there's nowhere to plug in the gun. Oh well. Oh, yeah that can play Genesis games, too It's kind of weird the way it maps out the Genesis buttons on the Super Nintendo controller, but I guess you know What else are they gonna do? Here's what all of this looks like on screen This is the amazing Castle of illusion on the retro gen plugged into a Super Nintendo Now here's Castle of illusion on a real Genesis, which was modified for s-video Oh Now here's R a stand for the Master System on the retro gen adapter everyone loved her a stand right? Well they should And Here it is on a real master system Honestly, I'm surprised at retro gen adapter is actually able to emulate as well as it does It's pretty impressive over all the adapters get a big thumbs up for me. I'm not really big into portable gaming So the retro du affordable itself. Yeah, I could take it or leave it And there you go, those are my opinions of the retro duo a portable which plays Super Nintendo Nintendo games yes Fairly valid points that you made there fairly valid. I mean, come on. Anyways. Well now that I'm holding this system I'm gonna talk about it Yeah, you have to be holding the system to talk about Oh get cosy grab yourself a nice hot chocolate or something I'm just gonna sleep for a while. Okay it possible See what you have to say it So this is the retro dual portable They call it the duo since it can play Super Nintendo and regular Nintendo games straight out of the box anyways as with any console or a handheld release these days it has its fair share of things that are great and things that are Not great Let's start with a not so great and then we can end this on a good note the first time I held this portable I thought to myself. Wow, what a chunk. The system isn't overall very wide, but it's pretty thick I realized that it needs to be able to accept Super Nintendo carts and adapters So I suppose that it has to be this way The problem is that when you're playing a game It can be kind of uncomfortable to hold the main source of the discomfort is the shoulder buttons Your two pointer fingers feel like they're out of their element stretching to reach these buttons the screen is okay but you have to be looking at it straight on or else it gets very hard to see and since it's a handheld it's not Always easy to keep the screen facing directly at your eyes all the time The speaker's feel underpowered and the audio comes out fairly weak the buttons feel a little cheap as if you give them a good workout They might break on you before too long I was playing Street Fighter 2 turbo and as you know as fairly button intensive I had a really difficult time with Kim throwing fireballs and doing drag and punches regularly Now I know what Jo feels like with his lack of fighting game skills. Loser Remember what I said about the shoulder buttons being uncomfortable Well, the SNES version relies on these buttons to do the moves in this game really shows how uncomfortable their placement is The system gets very tall when playing NES games when you have the adapter in and in NES game It's probably good ten inches tall My last real complaint is the compatibility The system is compatible with most of the games on all of the systems are replicates But here I try playing rad race or two for the NES and it didn't work and I was bummed rad racer 2 is twice As ready and I wanted to play it on the go Alright enough of the bad stuff. Let's talk about the good stuff It's pretty amazing being able to play games from four different systems on this thing I think it's really cool having a portable NES in a Super NES a portable. Genesis is cool, too But if you already have a Nomad then you don't need this thing unless you want to save a small fortune on batteries the system Has a rechargeable lithium ion battery, which is great as you won't need to replace batteries when it runs out of juice Just charge it back up and you're good to go for about eight hours It comes with the controller adapter and if you output the system's a/v to a TV you can play with two-player games with no Problem. I Really like some of the accessories that you can get which are sold separately The Game Boy Advance attachment is great and it worked without any problems. I like that You can stick this attachment into your real Super Nintendo and play Game Boy Advance games on there as well I find it strange though that you have to use the AVL on the cartridge adapter and not the SNES The Genesis adapter can be used on the Super Nintendo as well, but that's just silly Why would any Super Nintendo owner want to play Sega games? Unfortunately, you can't use the NES adapter on the Super Nintendo to play nes games And if you want to get some extra controllers with this thing, you can actually use those on your real Super Nintendo also Overall, they're OK and they have the same quality as the buttons on the retro to a portable itself But they're a bit more comfortable to hold It's a pretty cool little piece of tech, but it's not perfect If you like this kind of thing then by all means it's a worthy purchase and I'm sure you'll get many hours of gameplay out of it and There you go. That was Dave's opinion about the retro do app or like it. I guess they did bring up some valid points Thanks Joe for your honesty I did bring up some good points in hopefully they're you know good enough to help you guys make a decision Along with Joe's points and if you want to buy this if you think it's worthy of a purchase or not Yes, and we hope you enjoyed our look at the retro duo portable. I know I believe Multiple times now and in the meantime. Thank you for watching game sack All right, Dave I think that was pretty good for our Review of a product But you know, I don't know. Who do you think should keep this because it's a Nintendo stuff So I actually think it's it's more your thing cuz I'm a Sega guy. Well, yeah, you're right I am Super Nintendo Nintendo guy in general but since you don't really have a lot of that stuff, you should keep it cuz you know, it's something that you should What am I gonna do with it? I I don't know. It's portable lay in bed and play. I gotta go. Alright, it's yours Oh Joe no Mikey Mikey Joe Joe. Thank you my game Hello and welcome to game set we are talking about the sharp X68000. Yeah, this is a cool PC in Japan And when you're done doing all your word processing you can play some awesome video games you can and it was mostly meant for video Games actually instead of you know, it could do other stuff but mostly video games. That's awesome So well, why don't you just tell us all about it Joe since you know, yeah, it's dead. Check it out the sharp x68000 was released only in Japan in March of 1987 for three hundred and sixty nine thousand yen that was around three thousand US dollars The system gets a super creative name from its Motorola 68000 CPU which originally ran at ten megahertz This mighty computer tower runs games off of five and a quarter inch floppy Disks many near-perfect arcade ports were released as well as an almost unfathomable Amount of shoot-'em-ups since it's a computer there is a keyboard. And yes Even a mouse on the front was a standard joystick port but player two's port was Conveniently located in the back of the unit. The controller's only allowed the use of two buttons But many games came with their own special controllers. There is even a Capcom adapter that lets you use Genesis 6 button controller The system has over 65,000 colors and can be expanded to up to 12 megabytes of RAM you can also add an expansion card to enable external MIDI devices for improved music on certain games and Don't forget the external sound mixing board to get a need to hook all of this together and these days you might need a video Scaler like the my comp soft X PC for to work with a standard VGA monitor or a TV set later on sharp release upgraded models like the X 6803 this is the compact version here. It used super high-tech three and a half inch floppies for maximum power So what if you had a bunch of older games that you wanted to play and they just won't fit into the smaller new unit Simple just fold the floppies twice like so and they fit right in ready to play. Good job. Be smart like me the games often came in giant boxes and some of them were pretty elaborate you are gonna need a lot of shelf space for these the sharp X68000 was manufactured all the way through 1993 They're even rare in Japan these days, but you might be able to get a good starter unit from anywhere between 200 to $600 Alright man, I'm really high this x68000 is pretty freakin cool. You did a good job talking it up So I thank you for the compliment You're very anyway Now we wanted to do this like way back in July or August But the power supply on the system just kept failing and yeah Apparently it's kind of a common problem and that through a few power supplies. Finally got one really good one that works Yeah, I was really pumped I really will get to do the system episode and every time that damn thing started to fail I was really sad about it, but we got it. We got it. It works. Yeah, we got some awesome games to talk about Yeah, let's talk about the games Starwars attack on the Death Star as a wireframe game where you pilot an x-wing now I love this Star Wars arcade game by Atari So I had high hopes for this one since it looked pretty similar Boy was I let down you start the game flying around open space trying to take out a whole bunch of Thai fighters I really don't like it when Star Wars games start out like this. It's just so damn boring your little radar thing He doesn't really indicate if the TIE fighter is above or below you. It's almost useless Anyway, after you shoot down two hundred and fifty six thousand seven hundred and sixty eight Tie Fighters you proceed the stage two here You're on the surface of the Death Star and you're shooting down buildings. Well, at least I think they're buildings This part is actually kind of fun and it reminds me a bit of the Atari star wars arcade game Basically, you just need to get this number here down to zero after that you go into the actual trench Alright now this is gonna be awesome or not This part is super hard. Good luck avoiding anything here even uneasy this game is extremely unforgiving now I admire what they tried to do, but I wish they had just poured the Atari game instead. That was was a lot better Gradius was released alongside the X68000 this game is where the upgrade bar was introduced as you shoot certain enemies They'll leave behind a jewel looking icon Blue icons will clear the screen but orange icons will highlight your upgrade bar by one Once you get to the powerup, you want you select it But once you get hit you lose Everything and I mean even your speed you are super slow and you got to start collecting everything all over again This is where the hate for this style of system lies because it makes going forward almost impossible at times Other than this Gradius is great fun with some of the best music out there Salamander was released a year later in 1988 Konami tried a different weapon powerup system this time around and I almost liked it more than the first one Once you destroy certain enemies, they'll drop different types of power-ups this works Well, but maybe Konami felt this was too much like other games So as far as I know, this is the last game that used this style Salamander also differs from gratia says it's not strictly a side-scrolling shooter. You also have vertical scrolling levels as well I like this and it's one of my favourite entries in the series Once again, the music is great and the levels all have more of a fleshy bloody messy feel to them Gradius - was released in 1992 Oddly enough if you configure the system to the USA setting the title screen changes to Vulcan venture But everything else in the game is untouched. Does this mean that Spock is piloting the ship? It's still the same style of upgrade bar But this time around you get to choose from four different upgrade styles and two types of shield This is a great shooter, but the difficulty is way up there I'm not good at shooters, and I'm not afraid to admit this but damn this has got to be one of the hardest shooters I've ever played it's too bad too because I really like the graphics in this game Maybe it's the - - the announcer that keeps telling me that I need practice that really pisses me off God I wish I could turn that jerk off. Oh, well, at least the music is awesome If you can choose MIDI, it really enhances the already great music Nemesis 90 KY is a remake of nemesis 2 on the MSX with a complete graphical and sound overhaul And you guessed it it plays just like the previous games with the upgrade bar So, you know exactly what to expect here another great entry into the series from Konami I'm a bit upset. It never made it here to the USA. But at least I was able to enjoy it on the X68000 while I had the chance I Love me some super hang on and the X68000 version is pretty damn good for the most part It replicates the arcade experience pretty well, except for the choppy background scrolling and some questionable sprite scaling effects but overall the gameplay is pretty smooth since the X68000 only has two buttons the controls kind of weird button a is your gas and button B is the turbo if you press button B without Pressing button a at the same time It engages the break-even Selecting your track and your music is weird because the programmers just didn't think to use the d-pad or the joystick to do it instead You press the B button to select and the a button to confirm even inputting your name is a challenge you scroll with button B and let go when you get to the letter you want but watch out there's Momentum so when you let go of button B it'll still scroll for a couple of more letters and you can only scroll one way did I mention there's a time limit to put Your name in? obviously this was the first time these programmers had ever programmed any kind of venue in a game and couldn't quite figure out how to Do it but the music is great and it uses external MIDI though The difference in sound quality is not a big one still. This is the fun game to play even though it can be pretty tough Hamaji trakula is a great Castlevania game. It's really no surprise that I would like this game being the Castlevania Not that I am. So this game is supposed to be a remake of the first Castlevania game on the NES I can see it in some stages like the first stage which feels like a duplicate all the way down to the boss fight of Course there are graphical differences, but that's to be expected in a remake then There are other stages like this one here, which have been added to beefed up the game I guess when you first boot up the game you get to choose from three sound modules for the game soundtrack The music composition is all the same but each module sounds different. Here's the x68000 s internal FM synth and Here's MIDI with the roland CM 64 module And finally here's MIDI with a roland SC 55 module They all sound good, but I think the CM 64 is the most appealing to me I love this whole idea of a game having multiple soundtracks to choose from and it would be worth it to buy the extra module So I could have this choice other than that a few cool abilities were added to this game like the ability to turn in air while jumping Also, you can whip downwards, which is really cool, but I don't use it very often this is a really good entry to this series in since the X68000 version is hard to find Expensive and not really practical you can always get a good port of it on the ps1 with the Castlevania chronicles release I'm one of the few big fans of thunder force 2 on the genesis So, of course, I was really eager to play this one. It's actually surprisingly close to the genesis version But at the same time surprisingly different There's a few different weapons here and there and there's also a different stage which I couldn't get to you while recording this the Graphics here are definitely better with three layers of scrolling instead of just two the music sounds almost identical for the most part But some of the songs are reused from stage to stage It seems there are more voices here, but they aren't really any more intelligible than the genesis version This game is definitely harder though Your ship is smaller in the overhead stages and much bigger in the side view stages than they are in the Genesis They also move much faster. This does not help the difficulty at all I think the game knows just how frustrating it can be though because when you lose your last life Yep, you don't even have to get mad the game swears for you I really wish they had left that in the genesis version overall This is a great game. But I think the design of the genesis version is better and it plays better as a result So here you get better graphics and maybe slightly better music, but worst gameplay. Which one would you rather play? Here's a fun game called it while a princess a by exact. I know I'm jacking that name up, but I'm not French so, excuse me this X68000 exclusive game is an overhead running gun that plays similar to games like twinkle tail on the Mega Drive The game is fairly easy to control. You can move your character in eight directions, but you can only fire in four I don't understand this as it would make the game a bit more enjoyable if I could shoot diagonally Another strange thing is your life bar I guess it's so long that it all couldn't have fit on screen So they decided to coil it up like a snake or something. Oh well, as long as it's all there I really don't care what they do with it After you defeat a boss. You rescue another anime girl And usually you're able to play as this character in any stage after that you switch characters in the menu But you can only take three with you at a time as you probably already have guessed each character has their own attacks in magic Speaking of magic. This is done by holding down the attack button until the gauge on the bottom right fills in then releasing it You have the ability to jump so always be on the lookout to jump up to places to find more power-ups As you can see the character sprite is fairly large I kind of have a problem with this as it feels like the screen is zoomed in I feel like I'm not able to see very far in front of my character It's not a big deal that it's noticeable still This is a fun game with large colorful levels some great boss fights and music that adds to the overall enjoyment I'm really glad I got to experience this game Acqua Lee's or at least I think that's what it says is a damned awesome mech game Basically, you're running around the stage and attacking with your grappling hook you have other weapons as well and you can switch between them in The menu you do this by pressing both buttons and down at the same time Why didn't they just give the x68000 controller three buttons? Oh, well you jump from platform to platform and if you press jump in midair You can grapple onto the ledge above you. This will help you to reach new heights and access more power-ups Traversing the stages as a blast. This game is really fun to play it almost reminds me of target earth or cybernator, but this game is exclusive to the X68000. I like it a lot the graphics get the job done and the music isn't too shabby either all in all I think this Game could have been done on the Genesis, but that's certainly not a knock against it It's just too bad that very few people will get to play this game as it's rather obscure This is definitely one of the best games on the system, but unfortunately it resets after you beat the stage one boss Which is pretty lame I'm running this game off of an internal compact flash drive And I guess you need to use the real floppies for this one or I suppose you can just emulate it When I first read the title of Matt's Tucker I got to tell you that a side-scrolling beat-em-up came with a mech is the last thing that would have came into my mind But here it is and you know, what is pretty damn fun each stage is made up of you going through a level taking a minor enemies and then like all good games of this nature you Fight a boss. I like this game because it's not just your ordinary beat em up There's many different moves. You can pull off by doing Street Fighter style actions want to shoot your gun. Okay Just do a fireball motion and there you go The levels are all fairly long and usually have two or three scenes before the boss fight I really like the graphics here in the level of detail in each stage It's really fun watching people in the background running for their lives run sucker. You're gonna die I like all the neon lights in the background flashing and I like watching cars getting destroyed by a byproduct of your kicking ass Oh and the music is great, too. It's very catchy and is a great addition to the game I guess this game was released on the PC engine, but I haven't played it So, I don't know if it's the same or not It would probably be much easier to get a hold of that version This game is really nice and a much-needed addition to the x68000 library Perhaps the greatest game on the X68000 is the cockpit this fantastic bundle of entertainment from Compaq is the best real-time flight simulator of night landing that you will ever play Bar None this game embodies everything that the X68000 is about pick one of several exciting planes to land at one of several Japanese airports, and then the non-stop excitement begins Holy crap, this is amazing Don't worry about crashing because the game won't let you even if you very slightly off force or do anything Barely wrong the game will end That's because losers don't play the cockpit with amazing music and graphics that are only rivaled by the incredible f-16 Fighting Falcon for the Sega Master System the cockpit rises above the rest in fun and entertainment - not like the cockpit is - not like the X68000 and that is a fact Hey, what is this jumping flash on the ps1? Nope, is Geograph ceylon? X68000 if you paid any attention to previous game sack episodes then you know, I'm a big fan of jumping flash So it's a nice surprise to play this game Geograph seal plays very well for having to use a controller with only two buttons You do have to use different button combinations to do different things in this game like if you want to look up or down or aim your weapon up and down you have to hold in both buttons on the Controller first and then you're free to move the camera It doesn't take long to get used to and it works fine. The levels in this game are laid out fairly Well, you do have a map on screen, but it's almost useless as nothing ever shows up on it That's fine as the screen constantly beeps at you letting you know which direction you need to go to find an enemy or a target So the object here is to destroy three or four targets and then make your way to the boss fight as you destroy each target You collect a weapon powerup There are four different types of weapons in this game and they all have their uses in different situations each weapon has a bar that depletes as you fire them that Replenishes quickly when you don't you really have to keep an eye on this or your weapon will change on you when you aren't expecting it it's really amazing to see this quality of 3d on the X68000 the programmers really knew their stuff when it came to manipulating this machine. This is another great game for this system You Alright Joe I'm highly impressed with the system so far. It's got a lot of really cool games on it It does it really does and we're not done talking about the games yet I mean as you can see by the position of the timeline below or whatever and but we're gonna kind of shorten our Upcoming reviews just so we can squeeze a lot more games in because there are a lot of them to talk about Yeah, even though we have silky smooth buttery voices, you know, you're gonna want to see some more game action I'm sure yeah, so let's get into more games Genocide is kind of a weird net game by zoom. You basically just wander around the stage and destroy things and that's it I think I couldn't figure out how to get past the first area. The graphics are colorful, but they're not particularly Well drawn the controls are also very clunky Genocide - takes place 10 years later and everything is much better this time around but still not great I can actually clear the first area, but that's it. I can't figure my way out of the second area The controls are still really clunky but I really like how the little humans are fighting you with all their ferocity Like they can beat you or something Crossfire ax has nothing to do with crossfire on the Genesis instead It's a space shooter then kind of plays like galactic attack on the Saturn with the ability to attack things below you The graphics aren't anything special but the game is fun. And the music is great is the game too hard for you Well, there's no difficulty select here instead switch it to ten megahertz and reboot Suddenly the game becomes much easier due to the extra slow down Return of Ishtar is a dungeon crawler by Namco. It's the sequel to the tower of druaga The one thing I noticed about this game is that whomever owns this terror really likes to keep it clean I've never seen such a clean tower. Yeah, I'm in towers all the time Anyways, the whole point of this game is to kill find keys to unlock doors and progress back up the tower It's all done fairly well But it can get a little repetitive at times doing the same thing over and over Part of the problem is that the music is the same for every level still a decent addition to the x68000 library There's a port of afterburner - that's kind of okay, it won't work with the regular controller So I actually had to play this with a mouse amazingly it works pretty well and it felt natural Unfortunately, I couldn't control the speed of the plane which can make it kind of difficult to escape from the enemy The graphics are pretty sparse and the music is what you'd expect Of Course every system needs a version of space harrier and here it is This one looks fairly similar to the turbografx-16 version since the checkerboard floor has been replaced with the boring striped floor Here's the turbo version these two versions are the only ones that I know of with the striped floor Anyway, besides that it's not a horrible version of the game, but there's really nothing special about it Alien syndrome is another sega arcade port and as far as I can tell it's exactly like the arcade But I never even got to the boss of stage 1 in the arcade. So take that with a grain of salt I think I like this version better than the other versions I've played because I can actually make it to stage 2 also unlike the other versions It makes me want to keep playing. Anyway, you basically just go around rescuing cocooned humans shooting up aliens most of which were Inspired by the alien movies. It's certainly not a horrible game by any means Even cotton is on the x68000 about the only thing to really say about this game Is that the keyboard lights blink and sync to the game music? Other than that it's cotton Another cute little shooter with a which is a game called a kazoo can cha-cha cha at first glance the game looks like cotton with A little grill right in a broom and the experience bar at the bottom, but it has enough differences to make it different The graphics are great. Not as colorful as it kits. I liked the gameplay here as you destroy enemies You collect gems that fill your experience bar Once this bar is full your weapon gets an upgrade level 6 is as high as it goes But it's not easy to get there. There's enemies and bullets all over the screen at times in your character is pretty large So dodging isn't always easy One cool aspect I like is that when you aren't shooting a three ball force field rotates around your character This is super handy for destroying these lines of floating things You also have a screen clearing magic that is really helpful in tight spots And lastly you have these air-to-ground missiles, which makes it look like your character is giving birth to little kids that come out running That's got to hurt. This is a really fun game with some great music I would love to see this one get a release somewhere somehow here in the States Gemini wing is a vertically scrolling shooter by Tecmo in this one You can collect almost as many power-ups as you want and store them for later use behind your ship But other than that, it's pretty standard stuff I definitely recommend using the MIDI music by holding down the shift button as a boots It sounds a lot better than the default FM music which is pretty harsh Hi mark, I'm Maura otherwise known as ghouls and ghosts is pretty much arcade. Perfect But this version supports MIDI so you can get that fake Orchestra sound that you love on the Super Nintendo Only it sounds a little bit less fake than that Otherwise everything's here, but truth be told I still don't like how Arthur comes to a dead Stop with diagonals are accidentally pressed. It may not matter much if you use a joystick, but I'm not really much of a joystick fan Nye alice is another generic shoot-'em-up for the x68000 and believe me There are a ton of these like most of the other shooters This one doesn't really do anything to stand out Thankfully most of these games have really good music and this one's no exception It also has some trippy background effects from time to time. That's really all I have to say about this one Marble madness looks to be an exact part of the arcade game I played this game using the mouse and while I was able to control the game Okay, I lack the precision necessary to beat it and I always beat this damn game it's impossible to beat this game using the mouse as you keep on adjusting the mouse and end up just looking like a fool in the process I Guess there are other ways to play this game like with a different mouse that lets you turn it upside down and use it as A trackball but the mouse I used couldn't do that How come Joe how come still the game is Marble Madness and I am a fan of this. So this is good Stridor is also a nearly exact arcade port And since this is the japanese version strider makes a grunt every time he swings his sword every single time There seems to be maybe a bit more flicker than the arcade version in the stage 1 boss fight here Overall Strider is a fantastic game, but I think I prefer how the Genesis version handles over this one at least for the most part I Love Grenada on the genesis. So I was stoked to play this version. It's very very similar But in a lot of ways, it's almost like an arcade version in comparison it has a cool opening sequence as well as graphic stills between each level the stage layout seemed identical from what I can tell and It's just as fun to play you take your little tank around and blow up the required targets in each level I like the music here better though. It's the same music as the Genesis. It just sounds a bit better It's supposedly supports MIDI, but I couldn't get it to work without crashing the game also Be sure to run this game in 10 megahertz mode. Otherwise, you will get no music And yes, it does have a lot of slowdown. It's still a really fun game though Star trader is a horizontal shooter in this game You pilot a spaceship and he shoot things the game plays well enough and the graphics are adequate But I've got to admit that the reason I like this game has mostly to do with the music overall. It's pretty easy But at least you've got some great tunes to listen to as you breeze through the game Street Fighter 2 champion edition is on the system. What can I say? it's pretty much exactly like the arcade and it uses the Capcom adapter that Joe mentioned in the beginning of this show so you can use a 6 button Genesis controller the reason these Capcom games are so close to the arcade versions is because they actually developed a lot of their cps games using the X68000 that's pretty damn cool if you ask me, but you didn't so whatever Super street fighter to the new challengers is also hearing it says close to an arcade port is you're gonna get on a home system the game plays very well and It looks just as good as the arcade it's nice to have the ability to choose your audio from the X68000 or the MIDI module both sound finding and this is a welcome game for the system Thunder blade is on the x68000 and it's definitely the closest version to the arcade by far It's got lots of cool scaling and you can go up and down in the overhead levels and all that cool stuff Keep in mind that the x68000 doesn't have any Hardware scaling and rotation built in granted There's not as much on screen as the arcade version, but it's still really cool Unfortunately, it doesn't even play as well as Super Thunder blade on the Genesis or the PC engine version of this game I've never even been able to make it past stage 1 and the gameplay is so poor that I don't care to keep trying Supposedly this game supports MIDI, but I couldn't figure out how to engage it Think that soul feast is exclusive to the Genesis and the Sega CD. Well, you're wrong This version is pretty much identical with a few graphical enhancements here and there like the background on stage one I don't think that the default FM music is as good as the Sega CD or even the Genesis version It just sounds kind of gritty and thin But the game is compatible with MIDI modules this makes the music sound much much better though occasionally You'll hear an instrument or sound that just sounds a bit off But no matter how you listen to it the explosions sound very satisfying they make you want to shoot down even more enemies This is a pretty good horizontal shooter by wolfteam Final fight proves that the x68000 is more powerful than even my beloved Super Nintendo I can't believe I just said that check this out two players at once. Isn't that crazy? Oh and there's even guy and Cody in the same game My Super Nintendo must be jealous watching me play this I better go put a cover over it one thing That's probably not too jealous is my Sega CD even with the MIDI turned on the music here isn't as good as that one The color is certainly better overall, but I think I prefer the Sega CD game still great fun, though Arcus odyssey by wolf team is pretty much exactly like the genesis version in this game you roam around maze-like Areas with an isometric view if I recall you're looking for certain items that you need to obtain before you can leave the level It's been a while since I've played this but it looks and sounds pretty much like I remember the genesis version with perhaps a better Sounding grunt when you get hurt This game supports midi sound but honestly, I found the default FM sound was a lot better Overtake is one of the few racing games on the X68000. This one seems to be heavily inspired by super monaco GP on the genesis I mean, it plays almost identically you have a qualifying lap and then you race against your opponents What's cool is that you can make it so that the real races have music this helps the game to be a bit less boring Than super monaco GP Overall, it's not fantastic, but it's not too bad Undead line is another game. That's also on the Genesis or Mega Drive rather This is a vertically scrolling shooter slash running gun. You can choose from three different characters in this single-player game I like that you have a choice of characters here in this version As you're shooting down your enemies you can blast open treasure chests to get items and different weapons most of which completely suck a lot of people say that the Mega Drive version is the better playing game and I won't argue with them But honestly as cool as this game is I am a bit turned off by having to start so far back when I died that I really don't play any version for long the graphics and music are both great though And there you go, that's the X68000 for it's a whole bunch of games not even close to the all of them But still a lot of stuff like a good system. We should have a huge library and the only downfall to this library I thought was that there is just an overabundance of shooters on there which to a lot of people that's not a bad thing But you know when it's about 80 percent shooter 20 percent everything else. Yeah, that's a little too much But yeah, I don't think you're far off on that. If you like shoot-'em-ups, you're gonna love the X68000. So should you buy one? I mean that's up to you But you know, that's what we hope this episode did to help you perhaps to decide that if you want one or not They're not cheap No, no, and if you own one, let us know because I'd like to see how many people actually own one out yeah, what do you think of the X68000 let us know and in the meantime, thank you for watching gamesack So, oh hey Dave, I've got the Sega Dreamcast It's a video game system which takes up a relatively small amount of space This this is what I came all the way from my house to see I mean, how could anybody take this thing? Seriously, it's so small and I just got to go home like that. How you Suck What'd you call me back Joe, huh? Show me other stupid small system is probably just gonna get lost well, I've got a new system now Dave witness the x68000 Now this is more like it the X68000 leaves almost no tablespace available. Therefore, you know, the system is serious about the games of plays There are so many wonderful accessories and components to make the x68000 an even better experience that I almost can't believe it This is absolutely amazing and there are tons of great games that anyone would feel privileged to play The power consumption alone is probably more than any other appliance in the home. What a great system Joe. You're a great friend I want you to have your snatcher back
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 974,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, gameplay, videogames, retro, genesis, snes, nes, msx, sega saturn, twin famicom, sharp twin famicom, x68000, sharp x68000, neo geo x, neo geo x portable, retro duo portable, sega master system, master system, 32x, sega 32x, super 32x, sega super 32x, compilation video, game sack console reviews, game sack hardware reviews, hardware review, videogame console, videogame hardware, long video
Id: wXBanBIsuEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 31sec (10831 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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