Sega CD - Review video - Game Sack

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I love this channel. These guys know their stuff, they're not shills, and there's TONS of episodes.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/pixelSHREDDER 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

I never knew how expensive Keio Flying Squadron is. Still have it and Silpheed to play on my CDX.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dkomaran 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2014 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello and welcome to game sack we're talking about the Sega CD a much requested episode here we finally armed ya another Sega console episode of course no one we'd like do one of these every other month or something like that no well alright Joe well you got some convincing to do so you know give it to us alright well here's a little bit about the Sega CD itself the Sega CD welcome to the next level known as the mega CD throughout most of the world the Sega CD was released midway through the life of the Mega Drive / Genesis it was the second CD system released for a console after the turbografx-16 cd-rom it was introduced in the US and late 1992 at a price of $300 it attached to the Genesis via the expansion slot on the side and it required its very own power supply the original Sega CD had a motorized tray but the model 2 had a flip top lid to lower the price this model is generally more reliable as well there were even some all-in-one systems that had a Genesis and CD built into a single unit like the Wunder mega or X I from JVC Sega also had their own compact all-in-one unit called the CD X also known as the multi mega the Sega CD had its very own 68000 processor running at 12.5 megahertz and a stick to perform complex scaling at an 8-channel PCM sound chip most of the games came in extremely fragile oversized plastic long boxes in the US in order to stand out on store shelves the games themselves are of course on CDs which can feature over 4,500 mega power overall there were two hundred and ten games released for the Sega CD that sold over 2.7 million units worldwide [Music] all right Joe well that's pretty cool what you said and you know I'm slowly slowly coming around to this whole Sega CD thing but okay you know of course though it's good to be in the games what are the games all about are we gonna do all those FMV games I mean actually we've we've already done the episode with all the FMV games so let's focus on the non FMV stuff yeah the good stuff yeah so let's just get right on into it [Music] do you like Blade Runner you wish it were full of humor then snatcher by Konami is the game for you this here is one of the most sought-after games on the system and it's becoming more expensive all the time it's a cyberpunk digital comic and it really does live up to the hype and it's the only version of the game that's ever been released in English but then again I really love digital comic style game so maybe I'm biased anyway you play as Gillian seed who is a brand-new junker who conveniently has amnesia a Junkers job is to take down a snatcher and the snatcher is an Android who wears human skin kind of like The Terminator or maybe even a replicant from Blade Runner anyways Snatchers are running amok in the city of neo Kobe and people are fearing for their lives you see Snatchers kill their victims and take their place in society you progress through the game by selecting various texts commands you'll often have to ask the same question multiple times before the answer changes then the story can advance now this style of gameplay may not be for everybody but personally I love it I'd say that this Harry has put himself in a pretty dangerous there are also sections where you get to fight in sectors these are a little robot spider thing he's sent to try and stop you you can use the d-pad on your controller or you can use Konami 's justify your light gun I find the controller to be a lot easier but to be honest the gun is slightly more fun these things show up here and there is a simple means to give you some action sequences as limited as they may be overall this game has tons of atmosphere there's great little details all over the place and the graphics if you look hard enough one really cool part is inside the outer heaven club you'll see people dressed up as a bunch of different Konami characters even all of the various Japanese versions of this game aren't as cool as this one is inside of outer heaven there's lots of voices and almost all of them are very well done are you telling me says underground treatment facilities there's also some really cool music that sets up the mood and provides plenty of tension it even has your typical Hideo Kojima trademarks such as cutscenes lasting half an hour I greatly enjoy the story and it's easy to see that this game was inspired almost entirely by movies you've got Gillian seed and the snatchers themselves both from Blade Runner with the snatchers resembling the Terminator the post-apocalyptic setting and visuals are very similar to Akira and random han gyeo here is clearly sting from the runaway smash hit movie dune I've played through this game many many times since I bought it back when it was released I even bought the justifier to go with it on the same day it's such a great game and Konami did an excellent job here Gillian I read motion use extreme caution the signal is coming from outside the window it's Alice the dog is dead body temperature suggests it was killed about ten minutes ago no doubt the work of Snatchers here's the amazing spider-man vs the kingpin this is a really cool action platformer that's a completely different game from the cartridge version but parts of it are kind of strange it really didn't tingle my spidey senses I mean I really like how this game is set up you have an overhead map of New York and you can pick any level you want to play through the strange thing for me is that when I play through most of these levels I have no feelings of accomplishment you see when you pick a level you can basically go from the beginning to the end and not kill a single person and it'll be counted as complete you usually fight through a sublevel or two before your spidey senses alert you to the boss these fights are fairly enjoyable it's an interesting idea that you aren't locked into a screen during a fight for example if you're fighting Doctor Octopus and he's kicking your ass you can simply leave and find a health powerup and then go back and resume your battle I kind of like that Spider Man controls really well obviously he can cling to walls and ceilings he can use his webs to detain enemies or animals until you kill them and of course he can swing on his web this is a fun thing to do and it really feels good once you get going there's a lot of variety in the areas you traverse so the levels never get boring to look at some of them are almost maze like and I find myself wandering all over the place trying to find the exit being a seedy game you can expect animated cutscenes with lots of voice acting it's all really light-hearted and enjoyable but I'm not liking the art style here is it just me or does Spidey's I look sunken in there's also a decent soundtrack to this game by Spencer Nilson it's got a few really good songs and a couple of that I'm just wondering how they made it in with the rest of them I don't like hearing some dude sing and but Rock why I'm playing a game it it just isn't right all in all this is definitely a great game for the system and if you own a Sega CD then you really need to own this one [Music] aah three Thunderstrike is a cool helicopter game bike or it's called Thunder Hawk everywhere else outside of the US I don't know why we're so special this is an objective based game where you fly on missions to destroy certain things or to escort friendlies across a danger zone it takes place in the 3d world you can fly anywhere at any time well that is as long as you stay inside the large rectangular battlezone area leaving in this area ends your mission there's lots of things to blow up but the primary targets are all you really need to worry about once those are blown up your mission is usually complete your copter has pre supplied weapons like missiles and rockets but your main gun has unlimited ammo the control in this game is really good turning is smooth and quick and it's easy to avoid enemy attacks in fact the entire game is kind of easy but that's ok as there are around 50 different missions to complete so it's gonna take you a while it's really satisfying blowing stuff up and I spent a lot of time with it when I bought it back when it was new it puts the Sega CD scaling and rotation abilities to really good use unfortunately the colors do leave a lot to be desired but it doesn't detract from the fund the music's pretty damn good but sadly there's not a whole lot of it so you're gonna be hearing a lot of the same tunes again and again if you play through all 50 missions despite having a rather simple premise to the gameplay I really do recommend that you give this one a shot final fight CD is a great release for the system at the time this was the closest you could get to having the arcade version in your house the Super Nintendo version only had two playable characters this version did it right and had all three fighters available to choose from also unlike the Super NES version this lets you play two players at once did Sega pay Capcom to [ __ ] the Super Nintendo version or something anyways the game plays great for the most part there are some instances when I feel a slight lag when trying to do simple things like a jump kick it kind of sucks but you do get used to it in compensate for it as the game goes on it's not an easy game either it can be done but it'll take some practice and you'll definitely be using those continues the graphics look great the character and enemy sprites are huge the also all enemy really well hey at least they left poison and Roxy in the game this time although they are slightly censored and have more clothing on than they do in the Japanese version can show too much like I guess another feature that I always liked about this game is the bonus stage I like the thought of somebody totally in a car with his bare hands also included is the time attack mode pick your character and see how long you can last waves of enemies come at you and they just get stronger and stronger the longer you last it's a really fun side game and I like that you fight in different backgrounds so it doesn't get boring probably the best upgrade to this port is the music it's been given an all-new arranged soundtrack and most of it is really enjoyable they even voiced the intro to this game when I watch the opening sequence in other versions the voices I gave them in my head so nothing like the voices I'm hearing here stupid Sega can't even make the voices sound like I originally imagined now jessica my sweetheart since childhood anyways this is a great addition to the system's library and it's a library that's really lacking in quality beat em ups [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dark Wizard is a strategy RPG released by Sega in 1994 the ultimate goal on the game is to defeat the evil Dark Wizard felonies at the beginning you choose one of four different characters what's cool about that is that each character has their own perspective of the story to play through the game plays as your typical hexagonal strategy RPG you move your troops around and you fight battles when you're next to the enemies if you want you can watch these battles play out as animated scenes or turn them off and view them as texts now having text battles is nowhere near as satisfying but it greatly speeds things up so you're probably gonna go the text route shortly into the game you can also enter cities in order to talk to people buy stuff and progress the story your ultimate goal in most of the battles that the captured the enemy's castle and recruit new members which you have to pay for the graphics are fair I like the battles but I felt that they could have used some backgrounds of study just a plain black screen the super long cutscenes for the story are really nice the music is excellent there's a lot of different themes and they're all very well composed in fact it might even be the highlight of this game you can't really go wrong with dark wizard as it's a long in-depth and fun strategy game though there is another strategy RPG on the Sega CD which i think is definitely better hmm I wonder which game that could be [Music] shining forth CD is a special treat for Sega fans and even for people like me this is not an entirely new game it's actually a remake of the two Game Gear games shining for us guide in 1 & 2 it also has two new scenarios that are exclusive to this release the first two can be played right from the beginning once you complete these you'll unlock the third scenario the fourth scenario is unlocked after finding a hidden item in beating scenario 3 what's interesting is that you'll need a CD backup cartridge if you plan on playing the whole game as the internal memory isn't big enough to save all the files necessary to unlock the last scenario stupid Sega as you can see this is a strategy RPG game in my opinion the shining 4 Series has no rival when it comes to this genre sure Nintendo has the Fire Emblem series but they ruined it because once the character dies they're dead for the whole game I really don't like that not in Shining Force once the character dies he can just spend some money and revive them later anyway the remake of these game viewer games looks and sounds great on the Sega CD the reason I like this series so much is that they're not trying to be too deep in terms of gameplay as I've said before I really don't like spending more time messing around in menus than actually playing the game and this one has none of that it has just the right amount of gameplay versus time wasted and menus everything is straightforward and easy which in turn makes for a really relaxed game the way everything is set up is also really easy as you finish one battle you'll have a short scene with text and then you typically visit a town though it's not like the towns that are in the cartridge Shining Force games instead it's just a single screen but you can still buy weapons and accessories you can also heal yourself and revive the Fallen and of course the most important thing you can do is save your progress after that then you get put into the next battle scenario the battles are really fun and for as slow as they might seem they're really engaging there's a lot of strategy involved in traversing a map treasure chest can be anywhere and you'll want to seek them out because they usually have some awesome stuff inside this is a great game to play in small spurts as each battle can be anywhere from 20 to 50 minutes it really is one of the best games I've played on the Sega CD [Music] solstar is another cool Sega CD game by core and this one you fly a spaceship as you try to save the solstar system from the invading Merc wiser is some other such nonsense the entire game takes place in the third-person perspective you start out with Space Harrier style gameplay flying forward and blasting enemies eventually you'll get to the surface of a moon where you're taking out enemy defences then you're back flying towards the ship that you need to enter while taking down even more enemies once you get inside that ship your craft morphs into a different type of vehicle this one can move in three dimensions and you can go anywhere you want in this level but what you need to do is take out the core and then select a warp gate then it's more of the same again and again but that's ok there's even a cool mech sequence where you're wandering around on the ground shooting stuff up overall the game is fairly nice but it's a tad too hard for its own good I think it's really easy to get hit the life bar does not work like a normal life bar it goes down then back up the manual doesn't explain it clearly but I think that if you take another hit while it's down then you lose power so to my knowledge you can take an unlimited amount of hits just as long as none of them are right after the other and that is almost impossible to do the controls are perfectly fine except in the 3d roaming sections turning your craft in these stages requires that you press diagonally up in the direction you want to turn and you turn slow if you want to move your ship up or down in these stages you need to do it while holding the C button now this is fine and all but with the relentless amount of enemies attacking you it can become kind of cumbersome the graphics are amazing poor almost always did well on the Sega CD in fact this game might push the system's limits more than any other game everything scales and lots of stuff rotates and it does it all really really well the synthesized orchestral music is pretty good and it helps make the game feel epic if you enjoy playing good games while being slightly frustrated but like - oh and awe over the graphics then check this one out [Music] here's the Terminator which is an entirely different game than the cartridge version now you love to watch this movie a lot back in the day in this installment of the game you play as Kyle Reese the guy who is sent from the future to protect Sarah Connor it follows the movie fairly closely by showing cutscenes with short clips from the movie anyways the main draw is the gameplay itself this is all fine and it's actually pretty fun Kyle controls very well for the most part the only problem I ever had was going down ladders but I didn't let it bother me and finally found the exact spot you need to be in you start out in the future where Kyle is dressed in his uniform the action is solid the backgrounds look great and killing terminators feels really good eventually you'll be sent back in time and just like the movie you'll be wearing a trench coat and armed with a shotgun all the levels are pretty darn big and you'll be doing a bit of platforming going up and down and all around which is really fun if you want to you can explore a bit and find some hidden power-ups like life grenades and even 1ups if you don't want to explore that's fine because there's lots of power-ups for you in plain sight but it's really worth it to explore because you'll be shot at a lot and finding life refills will help you survive I like that they went to the effort of completely remaking the game for the Sega CD instead of just taking the car version and adding FMV and music to it and of course I can't do a review without mentioning the music the soundtrack was composed by Tommy Tallarico he's known for doing some great work in he doesn't fail here it's a truly great soundtrack worthy of a playlist in iTunes even though it's completely different from the movie Joe let me borrow this game for the review and I really had a great time playing it I don't think I want to give it back to him actually I'm pretty damn sure I won't find yourself an easy copy like I just did [Music] and there you go eight games so far but we've got a lot more to talk about mm-hmm yeah the eight games that we covered actually were really cool I liked a lot of those yeah you like snatcher especially snatcher yes it was an awesome dude yeah and like I said we've got a lot more to go so we're gonna shorten the length of our reviews by a little bit to get them all in there and well let's just get right back into it [Music] of course we gotta mention the working designs RPGs like lunar you play as Alex on his quest to become a dragon master of course other incidents present themselves and they need solving by you the battle takes place with kind of a 3/4 side view very similar to Final Fantasy it works really well I like the style of battling the game is very responsive and fast unlike most RPGs it's definitely one to pick up if you can find it at a reasonable price [Music] lunar eternal blue was a sequel that takes place a thousand years later this time were controlling Hiro and he's off to unlock the secrets of the blue spire and at least at first this game offered much improved cinematics and a lot more of them as well the speed which you wander around the overworld has been decreased but honestly it probably won't bother you you still wander around really fast indoors there's also a pay to save mechanic in here but honestly I've never even really noticed it as I played in my opinion this game is a lot better than the first and hardly anyone ever talks about VAE or VY as the game calls itself you are prints and/or and you're getting hitched but then some exit acts deal your bride and kill your parents now it's up to you to set things right Vey seems very primitive compared to the lunar games it's not a bad game but the random battle encounters happened way too often the battles take place from a third-person view they're pretty simple but they get the job done also the way the game ditches out experience points is inconsistent at best for example sometimes more powerful versions of enemies will give you less experience the graphics music and sound are all a bit below average still it's a pretty good game if you can put out with getting interrupted countless times and the other oddities [Music] Devastator is a really fun MEC game by wolfteam we probably should have covered this in our MEC episode it plays mainly as a platformer with a few shooter style levels thrown in to keep things interesting your mech controls really well and can upgrade and changes weapons by collecting power-ups throughout each stage of course you can't get to the next stage without defeating a boss these battles usually aren't very tough but they're still entertaining every level is well-designed looks good and is really fun to play to top it up this game has a really good soundtrack sadly this title only saw a release in Japan for the mega-cd it would have been a great original game for the US market [Music] there's even a version of cliffhanger on the system yeah yeah actually it's a fairly stiff beat him up that's not tremendously exciting in any way but what I want to show you is the Sega CD exclusive snowboarding scenes this certainly isn't the bunny slope it has some awesome scaling and rotation but you won't get a chance to admire it at all you'll be far too busy dodging tons upon tons of obstacles your timing has to be exact and there's never a moment of rest it's very easy to run into something and if that's not enough you have an avalanche chasing you even rocks will jump off the hills just to attack you this game sucks Ecco the Dolphin was also ported to the Sega CD you play as echo in your dolphin pod and lots of other sea life was sucked up by a vortex you search the oceans finding a way to rescue your pod and return peace to the sea you swim the ocean using sonar to speak with other dolphins and whales you can speed burst to eat fish and replenish lost health echo also breathes air so you got a surface from time to time to replenish your air gauge this isn't just a port of the Genesis version this one has some redesigned levels and best of all it has a new musical score by Spencer Nilsson it's a really great soundtrack that sounds new age and ambient there's also some educational FMV that'll tell you all about dolphins [Music] the sequel Ecco tides of time also got a release on this system as with the previous game little enhancements were made all throughout one cool feature I found our history glyphs that show CG cutscenes that tell the story from the first game they don't look very good today but back in 1994 this was something special it's a fun game with another great soundtrack by Spencer Nilsson there's also some cool teleportation stages where you swim through rings to go to distant waters these were fun levels trying to swim through the Rings some of them are on top of the water which makes them really tough to jump through back in 1995 or so I bought both of these games on clothes at a Toys R Us for $8 each the thing is I didn't even own a Sega CD at the time and had no intention of buying one either I bought these games specifically for the soundtrack and never regretted it I still listen to both of these from time to time as they're perfect for when you just want to chill out [Music] here's the Sega CD version of three ninjas kickback the main part of this game is an average platformer that appeared on the Genesis and Super Nintendo as well however the Sega CD got two exclusive 3d levels using its special hardware scaling these stages are pretty cool I honestly don't know what they're doing in a game like this but they're a breath of fresh air after playing the platforming segments that's for sure it's just too bad that most people will shut the game off before ever even making it to these stages [Music] battle core is a first-person mech game bike or pick one of three mix with varying attributes to battle robots that have been infected by a virus and then take back your planet this is a slow-moving game and the action never gets too frantic but keeps at a nice steady pace I really like how this game plays and the levels are all set up very well it will take a small amount of time to get used to how you control your mech but once you do you'll have a blast my only wish is that there would have been a jump button an astray feature those would have been very helpful in a few areas at this game anyways there's lots of great weapons here that can do some nice damage all this in a nice jazzy soundtrack make for a great game check it out [Music] SIL feed is a vertical shooter from game arts well I guess technically it's a 3/4 shooter due to the angled view but it plays like a vertical shooter you fly over cool-looking polygons and other effects while blasting tiny enemies and bosses I like how the voice proclaims that there's this huge craft approaching but this tiny little thing is what we get kind of reminds me of how Dave talks to girls between stages you can choose which weapons you want to attach to your ship the graphics are cool but unfortunately the game is mostly in space so that adds a lot of empty nothingness to the visuals the music is alright it's not bad it's a somewhat decent game for your Sega CD [Music] Android assaulted the shooter by human entertainment I know this title screen says bar yarm but trust me the box says Android assault and that's what it is I've gotta admit that I really like this game it plays well enough like any shooter out there where you have a handful of different weapon types you can power up your ship to the point that it will transform into a mech which is really cool the part that I like the most is being able to charge up your weapon as long as you aren't shooting you can charge up a bar at the top of the screen you then release it at any time for a much more powerful attack if at all possible it's best to let the bar charge up three times this is the most powerful attack and will even crush bosses quickly of course it's different depending on the weapon you have but I like this one the most your powered up attack releases a snake thing that'll go all over the screen and homed in on enemies it's totally awesome this is a really fun game with great graphics and a better-than-average soundtrack get this one if you can [Applause] [Music] power [Music] the ninja warriors is a port of a mediocre arcade game by Taito this version of the game never made it stateside you're a robot ninja and your mission is to assassinate the president and I am not kidding that is really what's going on here the soldiers are just doing their duty trying to stop you and you hack them up even patriotic dogs try to defend their country and you just slice them to death the graphics are pretty bland but the music is fairly good I could never figure out how to beat these stupid tanks this is by far the best part of the arcade on any platform but really who cares [Music] dungeon Explorer is an overhead dungeon crawler and I'll bet you can guess where this game got its inspiration from yeah I thought it looked and played a lot like gauntlet too luckily I really liked playing this game because you have to have a lot of patience in the beginning it's going to take a long time to level your character to where you can fight and don't have to do so much running away leveling up your character only gives them an HP boost to up your attack power and defense you need to buy armor and weapons I'm not used to this as normally when you level up everything gets a boost still it's enjoyable - these few flaws and adds a bit of diversity to the system's library and despite the name being the same it's actually not the same game as the dungeon Explorer on the turbo graphics 16 [Music] there's a few notable racing games on the Sega CD the first of which is BC racers bike or this one has Chuck rock and the gang racing around in a Kart style racer this game has appeared on several platforms but I feel that this is the best one since you can attack left and right instead of just to the right like in the other versions overall the presentation is pretty good if a bit underwhelming I'd say that this one is a good one for casual kart racing fans Jaguar xj220 also by core is pretty cool or for you Brits Jaguar anyway you Ray said sports car around a variety of different tracks in this early game the control is pretty good and the difficulty is just right the music is pretty laid-back and it helps keep your nerves calm you can even build and save your own tracks I wonder if this game was sold at Jaguar dealership or if you got a free copy of this game if you bought one of their cars better damn well hope so those cars are not cheap anyway it doesn't look like much but it's fairly enjoyable [Applause] formula1 beyond the limit is an f1 racing game by Sega of Japan this one's a lot more technical than Arkady I'm generally not a fan of f1 and definitely not the games that go into a full-on simulation mode the control here takes a lot of getting used to and the graphics make it be a lot better I mean things have a hard time even staying on the screen you do get to race against real drivers of the time however I recommend playing pretty much anything else unless you're a hardcore f1 fan and while not exactly a racing game The Adventures of Batman and Robin consists of only driving and flying sequences you try to catch up with the typical bad guys and avoid their weird traps there's also a timer which doesn't make things any easier this one also has an exclusive episode of the cartoon between the stages this game is extremely hard to win at so don't say we didn't warn you [Music] [Applause] [Music] popful mail is a platformer by Falcom it says action RPG on the cover but I'm finding a hard to feel the RPG elements in this game well other than the earning money to buy stronger weapons and stuff aspect and maybe the ADI members of your party aspect okay okay I guess it's an action RPG sort of luckily for us in the US it was brought over by working designs and you know that they just can't leave this game alone they have to add their special touches to the game which they did just the facts man the platforming is really fun and the action isn't too bad either there's only a few enemies on screen at any given moment so you can pretty much take your time there's a lot of story here and the action will pause for you to listen to some decent voices so you can keep track of what's going on these can get old fast but fortunately you can just turn them off and speed through the text at your own pace the best feature of this game is that you can save anywhere you want when you die you can continue fairly close to where you saved with really nice graphics gameplay and a good soundtrack this is a great title for the Sega CD I of the beholder is a game in the Dungeons & Dragons series in this one you create your party and start exploring underneath the city and then a beholder traps you in oh no it's a dungeon crawler 100% for sure and the tradition of Might & Magic and other games of that nature you roam around the dungeon find items open doors and fight enemies you even need to figure out how to disarm traps when you're worn down you can rest your party but it can actually take over a week or maybe even more to recover fully look at that the graphics are pretty choppy and they could have been animated much much smoother music is great though it was done by you so Koshiro obviously this has been ported from a computer platform and the use of a mouse is highly advised playing with the mouse the game is pretty fun but it can still get old pretty fast here's the ever-popular Sonic CD to me this game seems a bit harder than the other 16-bit games in the series it's not so difficult that it'll make you want to rage quit or anything but you might notice a bump in the difficulty as as usual with Sonic games the action is fast and the levels are all big with multiple paths the ability to time travel is a cool aspect and adds some meat to the gameplay the graphics are all really nice and I like the backgrounds to the 3d style bonus stages and you're treated to a great CD soundtrack by Spencer Nilsson this game has some of the best music I've heard in a Sonic game the Euro and Japanese versions have a different soundtrack which is also really good Sonic CD is definitely a strong title for the system's library [Music] there are a couple of more cyberpunk digital comic games like rise of the Dragon here and this one you play as blade hunter who starts out investigating the death of the mayor's daughter there's a very heavy interaction with items in this one you have to remember things like taking your ID card with you wherever you go basically you move items over your little guy to make sure he has them on this person also be sure to save often as it's really easy to abruptly come to the end of your mission there's a few flaws here and there like being able to get permanently stuck but otherwise it's a great game you better have a darn good excuse for standing me up blade I'll forgive you this time play there's also the space adventure Cobra from Hudson soft which will cost you nearly $200 more than rise of the Dragon in this one you play as the perpetually cigar-smoking Cobra he's got a big price on his head and he starts out looking for a colleague of course he quickly runs into trouble everything in this game is menu-driven by text it can get old fast but it's still a worthwhile game even though it's definitely not for everyone there's also some rather mature content in here well at least it was considered mature back when this game came out it's a good game but not quite worth the asking price forget everything you've seen here lucky for you go home have your mother tuck you into bed Keo flying squadron is a shooter developed and published by victor entertainment it's a very fun shooter that's in the queue time up side of the genre I think Joe doesn't like the term cute uma but whatever it fits I'm almost certain that I like these better than regular shooters I just love to wacky ourselves and hugely bright colors at this game and games like it have I mean just look at the Q factor it's amazing your character controls really well if you don't shoot for a couple seconds you can get two options that'll make the game much easier and you can even use them as kamikaze weapons a nice soundtrack helps ran out this extraordinarily expensive yet solid title for the Sega CDs library [Music] robo aleste is a fairly nice vertical shooter by compile it's supposedly the spiritual sequel to Musha and you can see it in a lot of ways however the weapons aren't as interesting and neither is the setting the game is placed in which is feudal Japan for some reason the graphics are kind of drab and not as inspired as mushas backgrounds and enemies the music is pretty cool though with some nice techno tracks it can get really hard really fast if you die so be careful worth it if you can get it for a good price [Music] another game by compile is panic and this one is messed up basically there's a computer virus and that means that every single button in the entire world every single one is messed up you need to press buttons and work your way to the central computer to destroy the virus and restore order in the meantime however get ready for some absolutely insane crap what happens as a result usually makes no sense whatsoever absolutely none I got this game when it came out and there are still lots of buttons I have impressed yet now this game can be freaking hilarious but really only in short bursts [Music] Batman Returns as a horrible action game but it's a great driving game the action sequences are straight from the Genesis released with new music and our average at best new to the CD version are the driving sequences these are all entertaining and have some great atmosphere the only problem is that they're not easy no sir not at all you'll be playing these sequences over and over again trying to figure out the pattern of each of the bosses the levels get much harder as you get further into the game it's all good though because as I said earlier it's really fun to play luckily for you you can turn off the action sequences and make this into just a driving game which is what the game should have been in the first place the game also has a better-than-average soundtrack with a few exceptional Tunes by you guessed it Spencer Nilsson if you need a version of Batman Returns on the Sega console get this one you can't talk about the Sega CD and not mention Road Avenger this is the only FMV game that we'll mention in this episode but it's the best one ever made on any system it's full of action and it's hilarious it's also very very road warrior ish I like to pretend that some awesome new game just came out and I'm racing to the store to pick it up and like always traffic stands out of my way so I've got to get creative with my shortcuts even traffic helicopters try to stop me from getting my game sorry about your accident man can't stick around and got places to bake this is the only FMV game that you absolutely need [Music] and there you go that's the Sega CD for you of course not every single game some of them I think I'll cover I'll wait till a left in Japan episode to cover yeah kind of interesting but overall what do you think of the Sega CD well actually I'm convinced I think it's actually a very good system I do I mean when I first went around inflated I wasn't too hip on it but now that I've played a lot of the better games for the system it's it's awesome you realize what do you guys think of the Sega CD let us know and in the meantime thank you for watching games Zack I don't even need to ask you because [Music] it's agency best Kings I'd ever seen [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Dave you ready to do this Sega CD episode you feelin all right Joe fine I hate it you don't look good you look like you're uh look like you're running about 12 frames for a second there I'm fine Dave see your voice is off to your your qualities about 16 kilohertz sirs it's fine can we can we just do this this is a big episode all right no no I've seen this before you you've got FMV Ebola don't you I do I do if it's the disease you get when you play too much Sega CD it you just it just happens Dave and you know what else know what it's contagious and you know what the cure is play Super Nintendo CD ROM and it doesn't exactly cut what's Nintendo gonna think I couldn't get out
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 615,976
Rating: 4.9158139 out of 5
Keywords: sega, turbografx, gameplay, snatcher, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, nes, master, system, batman, popful mail, lunar, silver star, eternal blue, soul star, terminator, mega cd, spider-man, final fight, dark wizard, vay, devastator, ecco, silpheed, dungeon explorer, eye of the beholder, sonic cd, rise of the dragon, cobra, keio, robo aleste, panic, road avenger, avgn, Sega CD (Video Game Platform), Sega CD - Angry Video Game Nerd, sonic the hedgehog, sonic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 22 2014
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