Copycat Games - Game Sack

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The reviewers on this channel seem super happy with life. i'm skipping through and even their negative points are countered with "but its still fun"

Edit: i'm so confused. Are the reviewers doing this in jest or they actually just this easy going?

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/onefootin 📅︎︎ May 29 2016 🗫︎ replies

The best gaming show on Youtube by far. Love Game Sack and I watch every single thing they upload right away.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/uptonhere 📅︎︎ May 30 2016 🗫︎ replies

Immediately recognised that sprite from master of darkness on the master system, loved that game and actually completed the thing too

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tgaDave 📅︎︎ May 31 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to games act this time we're talking about some games that may have taken just a little bit too much inspiration from another game yeah definitely the developers of these other games saw the high potential of mass selling popularity and decided they want some of that action and hey they want to get the cash oh absolutely so let's take a look at some of these games almost everyone knows about the original Legend of Zelda for the NES it was a great game that emphasized exploring and dungeon crawling you also needed to find specific items and dungeons or defeat all enemies in a room to escape I don't really think I need to explain much more about this one as we all know how it works but what about kids like me who never really went through the original Zelda since we had a Sega Master System instead well the good news is that we have some pretty cool ripoffs we could play first up is gold vilius from compile this has a very similar overworld where the screen snaps into place as you wander around on almost every screen there's a secret hole to discover these can be found by killing an enemy or two or just pushing something out of the way inside of these holes our people are things that will help you out it's always fun finding these the dialogue is fantastic you'll encounter such brilliant writings such as thou art a pinhead we art dine friends and more but all is not what it seems because you also get side-scrolling action stages that are pretty fun the character animation here is a little weird you don't even turn around but the control is pretty good and it's fun you also have forced scrolling overhead stages that are pretty entertaining the graphics are nice and the music is well is peppy if you have access to a Master System or a power base converter with an FM chip then it has an option for that as well I really like both the FM and the normal PSG soundtracks though I think I prefer the PSG version compiled did a really good job of expanding on the Zelda formula with this one Golden Axe warrior which is also on the Master System is definitely a more faithful ripoff now you might remember Golden Axe games being beat'em ups hell so do i but not this one you're looking to find nine crystals and then kill Death Adder you explore the land looking for dungeons to conquer inside the dungeons is also similar where you need to kill enemies and trigger switches in order to advance to the boss what's nice is that there are lots of places to save your game and also inns to stay at to restore your health the biggest problem is finding the damn dungeons in the first place but after defeating bosses you'll get things that will definitely help out like this ax to mow down bushes to reveal secret passageways there's also magic that you can use which will help you as you fight some of it actually looks pretty impressive but it's still too weak to take out a lot of the common enemies the graphics are far better than zelda in my opinion the music here is good but it's certainly nowhere near as epic and you can only hear it in PSG but that's fine this is a good game in its own right and I'm glad that Sega had absolutely no shame so I could enjoy it on my Master System you Crusader of senti on the Genesis is also another good clone this one was brought to the US by Atlas and is known as Holy Land ragna centi elsewhere the comparisons to Zelda are pretty obvious especially the mowing down of the vegetation similar to Link to the Past one simple thing that really sets this one apart is the ability to walk diagonally blast proccesing indeed you can also throw your sword pretty far away from you this can help you look around or even trigger switches that you can't reach you also acquire different animals throughout the game each of which do different things you can only equip two at a time so you got to choose carefully the gameplay introduces enough cool new things to help set it apart as its own game so you won't hear too many people declaring it as a blatant ripoff the graphics are generally Pleasant and the music is fairly decent sadly this one's getting pretty expensive and we can't forget about utopia for the turbo graphics 16 who look a girl is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a demon and guess who gets to rescue her this one follows the Zelda formula pretty damn closely you even have bombs that you use to blow up in walls to reveal rooms and whatnot there are a lot of people that can be found who give you hints about the story and also about the game itself it's all pretty standard fare but what it does it does very well the graphics are very colorful and sharp and the music goes well with the gameplay too this one doesn't take many chances but I definitely recommend it if you have a turbo graphics 16 of course that got a sequel called nutopia 2 you play as the son of the hero from the first game this one doesn't really do many new things however you can move diagonally and that is damn cool I like that it's a well playing game with some good graphics and sounds but I just wish there were more aesthetic improvements at least again it's recommended finally for this segment we have 3d Dot Game Heroes on the PlayStation 3 despite having one of the worst names for any game ever this is perhaps the best Zelda clone there is it takes place in a world that used to be 2d but the King decreed that it was the age of 3d and so it was now once again bad things are happening and you get to save it all despite being in 3d the gameplay is very faithful to the original 2d Zelda style perhaps a bit closer to Link to the Past though you'll get lots of gadgets to help you cross obstacles that you couldn't before the dungeons can get pretty complex and these are always really fun to figure out you're going to spend a lot of time in these the best part is that when you have full health your sword is ridiculously huge and this makes the game a lot of fun there's plenty of other stuff to do like having the blacksmith improve your sword collecting enemies for the best iary and lots of other fun stuff the visuals are amazing and I suspect that they're going to age extremely well there's a shallow depth of field and some cool physics going on when you kill an enemy like their pixel scattering all around it all looks very nice the music is just as good with some really memorable tunes this is an extremely overlooked game and you can't blame people for passing it up with a name like this so you're going to want to make sure to pick it up the forward escalation price it's worth playing through for sure and I think I might like it better than zelda itself smash brothers is a series of games that you usually either love or you hate as for me I just kind of like it back in the days of the n64 Nintendo released the first game in the series and it was something that nintendo fanboys went crazy for I mean how could you not like a fighting game based on characters from all over the Nintendo universe as the years went by each subsequent system from Nintendo saw a version of Smash Brothers these releases added new characters backgrounds music and all sorts of stuff to collect in the game there's always been a big argument over whether this is a real fighting game or not the people who hate the series of course don't think this is a valid fighter the people that do love it think it qualifies it's not the deepest fighter out there but I recognize it as a fighting game either way it doesn't matter because the series is hugely popular and Sony saw just how popular it was and said hey we've got tons of mascots so why don't we make a fighting game over own with all of a minute that's exactly what they did in release Playstations all-star battle rail for the ps3 and Vita this of course is a ps3 version here I'm a fan of a lot of Sony's franchises and I played enough smash to think that I'd have a good time with this game as well there's always room for more whacky fighting games as far as copy and Smash Brothers this game almost could have been developed by Hal laboratories as it feels that similar if you've played Smash Brothers before you can easily pick up battle royal and not have any issues the controls are just as basic Sony's game gives you one more attack button which is kind of nice controlling each character is pretty good just like in Smash I sometimes find myself facing away from my opponent attacking the air I won't fault that to the game but accepted that it's just me being too eager to start attacking before I'm facing my enemy instead of a smash ball like in Smash Brothers the game actually has a gauge you fill up for super moves there's three super moves that you can initiate that correspond to the super gauge level one super is weak level two is stronger and level three is unblockable you build up the super meter by landing attacks sometimes opponents will drop white orbs that when picked up will add to your super gauge as I played the game I was pretty satisfied by what I saw there's a lot of really fun characters to play like cray DOS and Nathan Drake other ones like Sackboy were really hard for me to control so I stopped using them until I felt like a challenge each one has their own storyline that is kind of entertaining but whatever there's also random items that will pop up on stage for you to use things like guns fish in food just like in smash you have backgrounds that are modeled after the included franchises each background has two different games that it represents all of them are really interesting to see and there were lots of times when I found myself staring at the background instead of the action you can turn background hazards off if you want to but it's kind of fun worrying about if you're going to get hit by something back there or fall into a trap and of course the music comes from the same games as the backgrounds the only real problem that I had with this game is that when the fighting gets spread out your character gets pretty small it makes it really tough to see what the hell's going on other than that I have a great time playing this game it's not quite as good as Smash Brothers but is still very much with your time though you can currently buy a brand new for eleven dollars at Amazon and is definitely worth that price all right now it's Drake time we all know and love the original Mega Man series on the NES okay well maybe not all of us but enough of us enough people like it that they even made a couple of sequels Megaman runs around shooting things going through each bosses unique stage and then defeating them he then steals the boss's weapon to use for himself talk about adding insult to injury often Mega Man will get equipped with other items from dr. light as well you can use these equipped items and weapons to help you get past certain parts of each stage if you like it's a fantastic series that Capcom has never ignored all right yeah the cry on conquest by vic tokai is a pretty decent let's say omage to Mega Man he star as a witch who's trying to save Earth from destruction in the futuristic year of 1999 she shoots projectiles from her wand in the similar fashion as Mega Man shoots from his arm there's no stage select here though the game is completely linear you can even shoot up as well as duck though you can't shoot any lower than your standing position you've got a bunch of different items that you can select from in the Start menu and you'll have access to all of these right away like in Mega Man you're going to constantly be interrupting gameplay to select a new wand type this is something that kind of annoys me don't design your game so I'm constantly switching to a different screen to select a different weapon or item this game is balls hardened it's gonna make you its [ __ ] in no time she even dies kind of like a Mega Man and look at the boxart this sure as hell doesn't look like an action game no wonder the sales were so bad the graphics aren't bad at all but the music doesn't have anywhere near the sophistication of any given Mega Man title this is an interesting game I've only ever seen advertised in magazines and I've never played it until now the Japanese version has continues and cutscenes that were removed from the US version because we hate stuff like that over here I guess lastly they're shocked man on the turbo graphics 16 the character you play as even kind of looks like a Mega Man villain the bosses are sure more interesting looking than Megaman bosses though however this boss fight right here looks like it could definitely be in a Mega Man game like the cry on conquest this is very linear the gameplay is pretty self-explanatory but nowhere near as complex as Megaman you don't have to worry about switching a lot of different weapons and items around however you can shoot upwards which is definitely cool and you can also duck which is also cool you might be tempted to turn on the rapid fire and blast away at your heart's content but that's really not a good idea in this game it'll actually make it a lot tougher you do have a charged shot similar to Megaman X but using this honestly can sometimes make the game too easy so what I personally do is turn on rapid fire during the stages and turn it off during the bosses there's even some non run-and-gun levels to play through to add some variety these stages are okay but I do feel that they're kind of tacked on there's lots of dialogue between and even during each stage to help you get into the gripping drama that is shocked man for the turbo graphics 16 overall while I think the game plays decently enough I don't personally feel that it's one of the standout titles for the system it's not horrible or anything but I think you can do better and I definitely think Mega Man is the better game it does have some pretty good graphics and slightly better than decent music though you alright there we are halfway through this thing and yeah I can definitely see the inspiration some of these developers took for their own game oh yeah do you think Zelda's been copied in app Joe I don't think so at least not on Sega platforms nothing's gonna be anymore yeah well that's true but I think it's been come on 3d Dot Game Heroes though you've got to try it out that is an awesome game yes anyway we've got more for you so hey here we go as many of you know God of War is one of my favorite series of games out there I bought a PlayStation 3 based on the fact that eventually God of War 3 was going to be released for it I'm well aware that the game's combat is very repetitive you do the same thing over and over again which is kill a room full of enemies move on kill another room full of enemies and solve a simple puzzle or two why don't I get sick of this I think it's because the series does so much right in the atmosphere of each game is right up my alley I love that it revolves around Greek mythology I love the creatures that you have to fight like centaurs - ours and Cyclops I like the stylized killing of bigger enemies with QuickTime button actions I know a lot of people don't like what time events but I do I could endlessly watch a centaur get split from neck to [ __ ] while his innards are falling out of its body I love that kind of detail Dante's Inferno came out right around the same time as God of War three it came out on the ps3 Xbox 360 and the PSP but I'm playing it on the ps3 here it's obviously based on Dante Alighieri book the inferno in the game you play as Dante who traverses the nine layers of Hell to get his wife back I'd heard that the game played a lot like God of War so I was pretty excited to see how close it was well it's damn close just like God of War you have a weapon that has a huge range and it can be upgraded with attachments you can kill enemies just with your scythe or you can grab them if you grab them you can choose to absolve them of their sins or punish them to hell I more often chose to absolve the sins I really like watching Dante's shoving a crucifix in the face of these demons while they struggle whatever you choose to do we will slowly fill up a meter once your meter reaches certain levels you can purchase attachments that will make fighting easier another thing that this game borrowed from God of War is the QuickTime events it's more or less reserved just for boss fights but it's here and it looks just as cool Dante also finds fountains along his path that will refill his life magic and give him souls which are used as currency this is very similar to Kratos finding treasure chests that hold the same types of items you can write beasts in both games and this is great as it adds to the overall experience and of course God of War had a fair amount of boobs in it so why shouldn't Dante's Inferno for a game that duplicate so much from another series I still feel they had enough of its own charm to keep it from being an exact copy the storyline is highly enjoyable and the action is solid the layers of hell that Dante go through are amazing to look at everything kind of looks like what I imagined hell would be really like bodies on spikes and laying around the ground deformed and just the feeling of evil is everywhere the inner circles of hell are supposed to be worse than the outer circles but it's all pretty miserable Dante controls every bit as well as Kratos and looks really cool I'd like to think that there could be a sequel to this game but I just don't know how this is one copycat game that really worked out well and I'm glad I had a chance to experience it the original Castlevania was one of the most popular games on the NES back when it was released and for a damn good reason - it combines solid gameplay in control with a tremendous but fair challenge not only that but the graphics had an extremely unique look to them it can be spotted from a mile away all the blocks used to construct a level the stairs just about everything and of course the music was just as unique as the graphics in quite amazing in its own right Castlevania is such a solid game that it should be introduced into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but about video games instead of rock and roll the first clone of source that I ever noticed of Castlevania was a ties from tax an on the NES I saw pictures of it in magazines and I thought to myself this sure does look a little too much like Castlevania and it does just look at the stage layout in the stairs gameplay-wise it really doesn't have much to bring to the table you're a falconer named Oren and your Falcon is named cut hrus Curtis I'll just call him Curtis anyway both you and Curtis have your own life bars and if either of you die it's game over you have a knife or a weapon and right from the start you're going to notice that your reach is just awful compared to your enemies most enemies take multiple hits and you'll more often than not get hit yourself in the process you can collect weapons like in Castlevania but here you can carry more than one at a time and cycle through them with the mighty select button instead of hearts you collect crucifixes to give your weapons ammo so Nintendo censors the crosses in Castlevania but not in a ties okay to wander from area to area in a stage on your way to the boss you need to find a switch to open the door and then make it to the door before it closes back up this can be harder than it looks in some places fortunately you can send Curtis out to do things for you like throw switches unfortunately Curtis is extremely hard to control the good news is that once you kill enough enemies they'll stop regenerating in that area speaking of enemies they've definitely been inspired by Castlevania these dumb birds have patterns like the Medusa heads only their trajectory is much wider and much harder to avoid they even have red skeletons here but you can kill them for good the good news is that there really aren't a lot of bottomless pits you can fall into the bad news is that I got stuck in this looping maze with no way out the graphics are ok but certainly not as nice as Castlevania and the music though varied really didn't tickle my ears I sure feel sorry for kids who got this one instead of Castlevania a lot of people think that Holy Diver by I RAM on the Famicom strongly resembles Castlevania well let's see you play as a dude who fires shots but with a short range so I guess this can be seen as a similar weapon to a whip however you can also shoot straight up the first stage kind of resembles Castlevania with its blocky structure but the later stages definitely do not you get new magic after you beat each stage which will help you progress along and this is pretty cool the graphics are quite frankly outstanding for the NES and the music is awesome as well I just don't feel that this one really borrows very heavily from Castlevania it's definitely its own unique game and I assume it was programmed by Ronnie James Dio if you had a sega master system instead you could have picked up master of darkness in europe or worldwide for the game gear in this one you play is the exciting character of ferdinand who's on his way to stop dracula because as we G bored told him to you start out with a stubby little knife very similar to a dice but you'll get weapons with the longer reach in no time instead of whipping candles you stab at floating masks which will give you power-ups the one that you really want is the ax without it almost every enemy takes multiple hits to kill you can also get sub weapons which are activated the same way which they are in Castlevania by pressing up an attack at the same time you don't collect hearts or anything like that but you can supplement your ammo by collecting more of the same sub weapon my favorite is probably the boomerang or the gun just looking at this game you automatically think about Castlevania and it could almost pass off as one with all of the newer Metroidvania x' that don't use a whip for a weapon Ferdinand could fit right in you break walls to find health items and try to make your way to secret area so it's pretty shameless in its homages sadly the game itself just doesn't evoke the same kind of eerie atmosphere I mean I'm playing as some dude from London named Ferdinand and you're fighting bosses like Jack the Ripper the game's visuals do a good job of representing the time period from over a hundred years ago though they also do a damn good job at looking like Castlevania and I mean a damn good job hell maybe a little too good don't you think the music is OK some of its really repetitive there's no FM sound option here still though I'd recommend you pick up the European version for your master system as it works just fine in a US model or even on a Genesis with the power base converter and if you're already in Europe then you don't need to worry about importing it you likely already have it and you love it stridor from Capcom is a great game this is the genesis version I'm playing here but it started out as an arcade game even though it's just your typical action game it has a great feel to it the way Strider controlled felt fresh and unlike anything else at the time it was released it was so cool to see that huge arcing slice from his sword and watching his enemies blow up as if they had a grenade in their stomach jumping was another cool thing well I mean the way Strider looked when he jumped was really cool I like how his body is stretched out and not balled up sadly you're not able to control him while he's in the air this led to a lot of accidental deaths for me but I learned to live with that and I eventually made my jumps at the right time having the ability to cling to walls and ceilings is great and it gave you more options to play through each level then Strider could slide under obstacles which was really cool all this made for a very memorable gaming experience Atlas must have liked it too because he borrowed several Striders techniques for run saber on the Super Nintendo now while this game is in a complete mimic of Strider is hard not to get the feeling that is definitely inspired by it but run saber is a pretty fun game on its own right the main play mechanics that it took from Strider are the sword action climbing and the sliding technique your hero feels a lot like Strider as you play through each level just like in Strider you can get an upgrade for your sword which makes it longer and stronger I'll let you make up your own joke for that one climbing on walls and ceilings feels exactly the same and it really adds to the gameplay one really fun mechanic they added was the ability to do a downward kick when you're in the air this is a pretty powerful move and it's fun to kill lots of enemies with it it works really well on boss fights too you also have a hyper bomb that you can unleash this does damage your enemies but it's really hard to see how much damage since you only see it registering one hit after it's done there's only five levels in this game but each one is fairly long and they all have multiple boss fights most are just sub bosses and end with a pretty big character to fight at the end overall it's a really fun game another game that is barred from strider is called osman and there was an arcade only released in fact several former capcom employees who worked on strider worked on this one this is a fun action platformer with loads of enemies and big sprites as you play through some of the levels it's hard not to think about Strider in fact the first level looks a lot like the layout from Striders first level climbing walls and killing enemies that are on the other side as your climbing is totally Strider even the way the enemies explode after you kill them is way too close to be a coincidence there's no sword action here but if there was Mitchell might have been served a lawsuit by Capcom for similarities the action is solid in the game progresses at a good pace so there's never a dull moment it's an easy game since I'm playing it on MAME and have unlimited continues if you only had a few quarters then it wouldn't be easy still this does deliver a fun experience all right so those are some copycat games for lack of a better term for you I'm sure those aren't the only games out there that take inspiration from other games no I did a lot of these ideas could be actually pretty subtle I mean let us know if there's some of them out there that you're like playing you're like oh man this this is not this reminds me that other game yeah you know stuff like that you know because we're interested in hearing about that exactly let us know and in the meantime thank you for watching games ah ghouls and ghosts I've had this since it came out one of my favorite games really means a lot to me did you say ghouls and ghosts means a lot to you it does yeah you know what means a lot ghouls and ghosts on the master system it means a lot of money ah Panzer Dragoon 2 zwei despite the redundant name I'm really glad to finally add this one to my collection you know some joint you're right that is a great cave it really is yeah but you know what's even better Panzer Dragoon saga and I've got it I notice you don't have it in your collection ah my first arcade game got to the diver to party time I mean you're not particularly fantastic or anything but hey I'm glad to finally have an arcade game of my very own yo that is awesome news you're starting to collect arcade games oh yeah you know what I am too but look at my first game is Golden Axe - The Revenge of Death Adder ha ha this game wasn't even released outside of the arcade is so awesome and I've got it damn that game
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 379,096
Rating: 4.8950515 out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, pc, engine, gameplay, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, nes, master, system, castlevania, master of darkness, god of war, dantes inferno, zelda, golden axe warrior, 3d dot game heroes, crusader of centy, golvellius, smash brothers, smash bros, playstation all stars
Id: IGPGE9e4cI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2016
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