Tumblr Memes Episode 169

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sorry but the amount of people who don't have an understanding of what dating means drives me nuts and i know this is highly debated but listen dating and being in a relationship are not the same you can date multiple people at once you can date without being exclusive dating is literally just when you're going on dates with someone a relationship is when you are officially a couple and it's defined by a label thank you i'm being informed that the youth now refer to going steady as dating and dating as talking i will now return to the nursing home where i belong you call it really bad adults i call it freestyle acupuncture sir i'm going to have to ask you to leave the bar my method of getting kids not to swear at camp was just to appeal to their sense of fairness child frick me hey i'm not allowed to swear in front of you guys it's not fair if you swear in front of me is it child i guess not sorry sometimes i'd work with teenagers and facilitate activities like giant swing or zipline which involve full body harnesses that get wildly uncomfortable in the crotch areas the younger kids didn't mind it but those burdened by more of the wonderful gifts of puberty had some things to complain about and complain they would i think my 15 year old boys are contractual obligated to shout this hurts my balls at the top of their lungs every time they are in a harness to combat this i'd warn them about the pain ahead of time and tell them that if they need to come down i'll help them down immediately however i don't get paid enough to listen to teenagers scream about their genitals for an hour if you have to scream we are gonna call them your honor okay teenagers screaming oh no my honor while swinging through the canopy hilarious nurse strip down to your underwear the doctor will be just a minute me still sitting on the crinkly paper 10 minutes later uh you're using an ad blocker we here at multi-billion dollar corporation work really really hard in our mom and pop shop to make this website and rely on ads for wars to operate fully will you whitelist us one yes i will i love you too no i'm a piece of crap bottom feeding scumbag who eats to do and picks my nose and i deserve to be publicly executed you're laughing the royal necromancer just lost their job and you're laughing he like his wife was a great-great-grandchild of queen victoria something a man just said on the bbc with a straight face i would like to meet you a lot of people feel that way i complain about grinder a lot for someone who 7 out of 10 times can't wait to respond like this me i'm that [ __ ] the cocky white gay says to himself as he tweets yet another screenshot of himself being rude to random men on grinder for his 500 twitter followers he's 31. the same memes but from 1918 me memes from 2018 this is the funniest crap i have ever seen reblogging for cultural enrichment about time i brought back the laurel and hardy flex tape i don't understand the stereotype that women are obsessed with shoes like have you ever met a high school boy oh no i got a single fleck of dirt on my two hundred dollar white or did a squik someone get me bleach and a toothbrush i don't think you people understand how exactly accurate this freaking post is it straight up smells like spiders in here arville the swift [Music] fitonia albivonus nerve plant will faint when they need something to be watered to be removed from the sun when they are too cold however they almost always recover quickly once their needs are met dramatic beach i want one are you not stimulated the other night i tried to make a curry and i got chili burns all over my face so i thought to myself hang on doesn't milks with chili burns it does and i couldn't google because i couldn't see so i just had to blindly feel my way to the fridge and pour out a bowl of milk and then plant my face in the bowl of milk anyway at that point the rice cooker went off and triggered a pow surge which turned my electricity off which i didn't notice at first because i had my face in a bowl of milk and when i did emerge from the dairy prison i thought i had gone blind with chili birds so now i don't really cook much the dk rap but it doesn't stop at the end it just keeps going naming new kongs that are increasingly obscure and scary until you get an absolute abomination come he has no mass he has no face this kang is a color out of space he can't be seen nor be displayed when you look at him your mind is flayed he doesn't exist and he isn't here the unknown kang has disappeared i have studied this show i'm not a fan i'm not a groupie i'm an academic me talking about cartoons on the internet what i would give to eat lunch with my friends in school and peel the sticker off my fruit and put it on their clothes and say you cost 60 cents or you're a pair i miss that you're going to health or laughing at prince philip's death i'm gay fam i'm going anyway big little nas x energy [Music] so i'm not up really caught up on royal drama why does everyone hate prince philip he faked his minecraft speedruns okay that has been enough historical events for at least the rest of the decade me thinks okay maybe one more ding dong the prince is dead i miss her so freaking much sits underneath this for two hours pretending to be a frog eight jiggly jello recipes that will blow grandma away eight gratifying gelatins that will blast nana's ass cheeks clean off they gave this to prince philip spring is just like wildly oscillates between feeling a gut-wrenching melancholy and happily basking in the sun like a cat the legality of paradise is so funny if you take a bit from someone's work without their permission it's illegal unless you make fun of them [Music] just took a dip in a pool past pool hours i'm a bad boy what bad boy thing did you do today i went to work lame next time try small acts of mischief [Music] that's what they wanted right homophobes all gays are going to hell lil nassak's slides down a stripper pole to holland gives a lap dance to satan homophobes wait this is beyond illegal [Music] when will minecraft finally add clowns players are a core aspect of the game this looks like a freaking pokemon battle british man down this post isn't about prince philip but it could be if you tried this post is about prince philippities oh no let's my shirt fall off my shoulders seductively i sure hope i don't get kidnapped by a forest nymph hikes up skirt that would be horrible the four-hour simmer begins like emotionally or are you making a soup a big baby well-fed almost a wiener a scientist actually wrote this and every day i'm thankful that they did i'm tired of being a non i just want to be loved get back to and on and keep sending me death threats you risk ruining the balance of all things [Music] i don't need to go to college i can learn anything i want through youtube tutorials open heart surgery okay gang let's start the bets on how it happened made t2 strong someone blew in his vicinity and he collapsed there was a wrong note in his private classical orchestra mi5 one granule of sugar in his tea too many dropping by super someone mentioned meghan markle [Music] prince philip going home [Music] this could be us but you've got allergies my job on the communist to eat the rats in the grain store houses also i give blue we already have enough cat boys here go away i got stuff that jayada knows world famous deep dish pizza can't get over these promotional insulated bags we have at my work [Music] a baby seal walks into a bar and the bartender says what'll it be the baby sea lances anything but a canadian club on the rocks it's a pup holder the f and frog stands for friendship the r in frog stands for respect the o in frog stands for optimism the g in frog stands for green babe wake up prince philip just dropped earth was being sucked into a black hole and we had like five days until our dem but everyone was just making crappy memes about it like that awkward moment when your whole planet is falling to the space-time rip but your society isn't advanced enough to stop it grimes accidentally breaks one of the cars oopsie the tesla factory oompa emerge from the shadows oompa loompa doopetty do ellen musk no not yet tesla room for loompas silently withdraw back into the shadows for now world heritage post clocks green aggressively shovels dirt into my mouth [Music] a fruit flavored red jelly bean is the crown jewel of all food a cinnamon jelly bean is there to teach you humility i however am eating starburst jelly beans which have no cinnamon flavor and therefore can kill god whenever i so please fruit flavored red jelly beans are soft when you bite them cinnamon ones have a harder shell and crack so if you want to test whether it's cinnamon or fruit without tasting it pinch it or just bite a little bit and see if it's soft or not keep the earth clean for them hashtag area 51 killing two birds with one stone funny how beer looks like this this says a lot about men in our society their honesty should make a beer where it's like just 10 piss why would i drink beer that has half as much piss as usual why is it that in the time i go on this god forsaken website you people are talking about this as they say in the bible let him who doesn't have a gif of the hulk freaking scarlett johansson as a header on tumblr.com throw the first stone i want to read but my brain is also like why would you stop computer for read little fool idiot watch youtube now you youngins with your crunchyroll and licensed subs on everything are missing out on the true weeb experience that were small sub groups doing whatever the hell they wanted with their translations translators note kikaku means plan just according to kikaku a nugget like this will never happen again head mt no thoughts i put our plastic shower curtain in the drying machine it's clean now it's clean now prince philip nightmare slain we got him boys breaking news prince philip the dad from the royal family is a nasty little thotty and he just died from making it clap on instagram [Music] walking around asked lagesl just cast opens a new browser window three are you okay bro how the frick is it april already me irl this is ebdb where the frick is this thing taking me ebdb thank you for your service you will be going to ebdb immediately you are so ugly i'm sorry don't apologize you didn't choose to be blind did you know your heart's beats mimic the rhythm of the music you hear 10 hours of absolute silence the original animal crossing go go to a furry con and give people fruit [Music] nervously calls crush bro sounds like music from a ziploc bag commercial this is one of the most brutal things anyone can say about music looks like we need a new car this one is no longer drivable why what do you mean boobs i'm married to a child feeling like the prettiest girl in the crawl space right now [Music] howdy folks i hope that you all enjoyed episode 169 of top tumblr memes if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel and if you're able to go the extra mile feel free to click the join button next to the subscribe button and become a channel member and current channel members feel free to renew your channel membership i know that a lot of those are uh coming to an end so if you already are already a channel member feel free to renew and if you're not a channel member feel free to become a channel member i greatly appreciate it i hope that you all enjoyed the top tumblr if memes stolen from tumblr it seems like a lot of you did the video was doing really well very positive feedback there is a community tab post about whether or not where you all can uh it's a poll where you all can put yourselves on a scale of liking to not liking the top tumbler meme stolen from tumblr and that will give me an indication of whether or not i should continue doing it um it will be probably it won't be a daily series but it could be something that i do every couple of days if it's something that you all really like so make sure that you have your voices heard there and then for oh i also i got mine got my avatar t-shirt on so go do the poll channel membership now for your question of the day oh man i had it oh oh it's uh what science fact terrifies you like what's something that you've learned that is just awful and scary uh put that in the comments i want to read those react to them and hopefully have conversation starters or trivia facts in my upcoming conversations with people so please put them put them in there i want to read them and i don't think anything else uh one time i dreamt version two will be coming out probably sometime next week it's all done except not all i mean i have the images and audio and stuff i just need to edit the video so should be done probably around next week and uh yeah i hope that you all have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time of day it is for you and i will see you all tomorrow with episode 170 of top tumblr memes peace out guys [Music] you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 12,059
Rating: 4.9602485 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Id: Ex432uG-WGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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