Tumblr Awards v27

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I just said I'm Melania from Montana you killed my father prepare to die and it actually took me a few seconds to realize that's not right my name is inigo montoya you were bought by boats sail across the world and returned the heart of Teti my name is marina Montoya you will board my father prepare to sail and die gator state wah becomes a divorce lawyer who finalizes all the documents with this you can say see you later alligator to their marriage and Miss Taylor keeps the car isn't that right mr. snappy if I leave my posse hanging off the bed will a demon eat it can you stop posting please oh no what is this facts I always have the urge to grab a pigeon but like what would I do if I actually caught it shipmate captain watch out we are headed straight for the lighthouse captain who is a moth [ __ ] yeah we are truth or dare dare order me a pizza I have been blind to the possibilities this has Michelle Obama written all over it I hate when teachers alike sorry if I'm grumpy I've had a class each period haha like what do you think students do concept Achilles comes across a razor scooter he starts doing tricks on it willing around boasting that his riding skill is so great that he can conquer any modern mode of transport he jumps off the scooter it swings around and hits him in the back of the heel killing him instantly a duck walks up to the lemonade stand what happens next click here to find out where do i click where do I [ __ ] click tell me how to compliment me say something nice about Turner Swift I personally really related to this post me as a crab lobster or scorpion snip why does this have over 100 K notes it's good post are the element of surprise someone added this to the periodic table in their chemistry book sashimi rolling they hate it this is honestly the content I'm here for every day people who just randomly meet band members on the street how do you do it step one go outside for once oh but the Outernet is scary the Outernet bathroom pass this is the baby leg we use in chemistry when we need the bathroom an artist has made glass shells for hermit crabs so he can watch what they are doing pervert if you're feeling uncomfortable polar it's just because your outfit is atrocious polar is dead now 60 year-old cocaine dealing grandma busted with 100 kilos I didn't do it for me I have 17 grandkids and I wanted to send them all to college so they won't have to sell drugs free abullah soluta gee when you see one this is my great-grandma's into gravy bowl and I just got yelled at for disrespecting it with pizza rolls which state is the loudest highly noise it's funny because the last part in Illinois silent silence is the loudest scream that was deep how long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archeology instead of grave robbing as an archaeologist I find this a very awkward question answer the question grave robber there could be a ghost aggressively breakdancing beside you right now and you'll have no idea you walk in a room to find that the only way to escape ease by writing a name of a real person on piece of paper this will kill that person ma'am ma'am you only need to write one name sir stop it I said stop you can't write your own name never forget that Australia's first ever Winter Olympics gold was won because the guy was coming dead last and everyone in front of him fell over a national hero where the [ __ ] do hamsters live outside of pet stores I always wondered that oMG wait OMG me I'm sorry someone what are you sorry for me gender-neutral terms to call your partner sneer sir snailed person snob miss male partner my stove smell love smell smell a one-hole this is the greatest thing I've ever seen on here I'm not even [ __ ] you the world's countries can be arranged to form a giant chicken oh my god the reason we are here chicken so the chicken came first pretty much tumblr in a nutshell get out throws the chicken nugget up to your window why don't you like me opens window can you throw another you pop open the glow sticks like gushers and you slurp out the glow if you name a child Gertrude they grow up to be a school teacher or a serial killer and there's no way to predict which wrong [ __ ] post buy peace and quiet parents Alex our rub my prostate you don't need her you need Jesus Jesus rub my prostate someone you okay me who can never be sure nunchucks are illegal in some states but guns are not so if you tie two guns together and create gun chucks it's neither legal or illegal can we talk about the fact that Turner swift dragged her fence to court made the Beast disappear took out Archduke Ferdinand and plunge the world into World War one she did no but are we just gonna wait around until she does reminder that my room mate once painted Alexander Hamilton as a ham I had a dream that he were my therapist but all you did was call me a [ __ ] [ __ ] dreams to come true he's the mechanic Lee's fixing it next time a block number calls you on sir like this gyms whorehouse you got the dough we got the hole why does this not have any notes lol no Nashville sperm bank you squeeze it we freeze it how may I help you Henderson's more you stab em we slap em this is a bull speaking Texas crematorium you kill em we grill in how can I direct your call your heart is a muscle the size of a rat SpongeBob SquarePants you haven't really fully lived in the Midwest until you've experienced the chaos and not comfort of playing in a pit filled with an incomprehensible amount of [ __ ] this isn't some Forks gothic [ __ ] post I'm being 100% serious porn ghouls are the best they are the best and 100% real and 100% not a plot for the corn to consume your children why do meth when you could do math why do meth when you could do crack I need math to solve for the slope of how quickly that escalated one knee rap hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah why isn't it evolving she already legendary things literally everyone regardless of gender looks good in suits lacy Len Cherie eyeliner full gowns battle armor blood of your enemies flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up glasses this post went from zero to ten back to zero real fast people in their twenties still refer to people older than them as adults when do you think they stop and realize they are adults I'm not an adult I'm a child with a drinking permit the terrible power of don't stop the leading as you don't even have to listen to it for it to get stuck in your head just hearing the name is enough I didn't even finish reading the person before it hit me like a midnight train going anywhere me when I meet a new person you are a friend of the frogs I not eat you how to sound hit for the onion Elon Musk about to tweet something embarrassing he lawn musk the feet in traffic is the ultimate boss battle three blog if teenage mitosis was literally so embarrassing for you Peter texting you don't have to sign your name on texts Steve texting dear Peter suggestion noted sincerely Steve Rogers I'm giving up alcohol for a month wait sorry that didn't come out right I'm giving up alcohol for a month ha ha ha good one Sharon tell the kids I say hi Andy wants to bring the snacks to the little league game on Saturday lol Bob's gonna love this one update on my mental state but internet ads in the mid-2000s click here for your free iphone internet ads today hot and hungry luscious girls are inside your house right now click here to track their [ __ ] blood scent you [Music] cow belly let's go the monetization is drowning going to stop the migration of trouble innovation and content creation an opposite rises only satyr has got inspiration to drop a new cake on top of your faces and lock interfaces o'clock is still raising there's impatient monster is laid off just escape news robbed like a feint you to be praying thought you would make a toast all the creator's who want to get paid for their wholesome creation so take the advice of a God in the bank oh my god - says calvetti TV gets more traffic than a metropolis yes [ __ ] that
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 879,646
Rating: 4.9543347 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, tumblr awards, tumblr, textposts, tumblr memes, fresh memes, best memes, funny textposts
Id: 3u84kxWC-as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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