Tumble Leaf - FULL Episode 1 | Prime Video

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oh hi I'm Victor Fox and this is my best friend stick it's a great day to play in town belief watch this whoo Oh something new is in the finding place let's go see what it is finding place I wonder what we'll find today won't stick it's a bag of coins I wonder what we can do with them hmm I know we can use them to make wishes at the wishing fountain let's go play good morning chickens look what I found in the finding place shiny new coins hey these pancakes are the same shape as my coins but they aren't as shiny oh hi maple morning peg my homemade syrup will make those pancakes shine just say when Oh okay that's enough maple hmm that's good thanks Mabel hey wanna go make wishes at the wishing fountain with these coins I found sure I love making wishes come on mate here let's go the wishing fountain whoo this is a long walk maple proof we're finally here you're right look the wishing fountain race your fig remember first you have to think of a wish but don't say it out loud and then close your eyes and say this rhyme with a splish with a splash grant my wish in a flash and then toss the coin in the water okay I'm ready with a spliff with a splash grande my wish in a flash whoa look at that light maple there on the wall Oh see it maple I do Oh maybe that means your wish will come true maybe no you go Mable I'm gonna make two wishes with a splish with a splash grant both my wishes in a flash look you're going to reflecting the light too maybe all three of our wishes will come true okay stick now it's your turn a stick whoa that's a lot of wishes dick look Mabel those coins are as bright as the Sun oh I get it that's because they're reflecting the sunlight that's what's making the lights on the wall oh well I still hope all our wishes come true me too what cuz we're out of coins we'd better head back home I think I still won last Queen you can say that for another day come on let's start walking this way whoo I'm getting tired why does this fountain have to be so far from home oh it's getting dark - ouch Figg are you okay yeah I'm okay whew I didn't see that rock in the dark I think we need some light to get home hmm let me figure this out hey little white rubble leave ee that's why gotcha hmmm I'm gonna get you come back your little light ha I caught it look again big I mean I thought I caught it you are sneaky little light does it tickle Fig hey what's so funny maple you're funny fig whoa the coin is reflecting the light from the moon it's shining on your coin and reflecting off of it to the ground well fiddle be fake you figured it out it's just like how the coins reflect to the sunlight at the fountain here try it I've got the hang of it now when I move the coin the little light moves to one - the moon is blue three four the coins light more Wow with a little light I see every rock perfectly blue hi do I know what to do let's use this coin to light our way home now that's a bright idea fig cow I didn't see that tree branch this light is too small don't give up yet maple let's try it again whoops woof you okay maple yeah I'm okay you okay fig yeah I'm okay you okay sick hmm well I guess that didn't work mmm let me figure this out if only the light was bigger hey hey oh whoa it's okay stick it's just a giant clam hello mr. giant clam oh sorry I sat on you I didn't see you huh hey where did that light come from wasn't she I think the light came from over here whoa I didn't see that seaweed Wow now I sure shine bright when you made that clam laughs dogfish now I figured it out a bigger light bigger thing to reflect the light and a bigger brighter way Koren small clam big big slim big light it's working I can't we need another clamp to shine more light no problem Mabel we'll just turn this clamp to end the way so we can find more clamps look good work Mabel Oh big find more clamps jellies and jams it sound more clams I have an idea that will really make them uh-oh we are I think we're almost home let's find more clams oh no I don't see any more plans and no clams means no life in hmm let me figure this out maple you still have the coin you can make one more wish what's the splish with a splash grant my wish in a flash my wish came true I wished for one more young but he laughs yeah look maple it stick we got the kids to later wait you sure did by wishing mr. coins and making a clam flap makes our wheel we figured you know way to make plastic took a bow stick thanks for playing with me and tumbly remove tumuli go play something new is in the finding place let's go see what it is to find a place I wonder what we'll find today oh boy stick look a flashlight whoa this flashlight sure is great look at all the colorful barnacles hello barnacles let's go play good morning chickens good I found in the finding place the flashlight hi rutabaga what are you doing you can't find your spatula it is really dark in here that I can fix out with my new flashlight watch this that's final you're looking for hit midnight hi everybody hi ed mmm yummy beat berry bagels thanks rutabaga thanks rutabaga oh wow figs what's that and two flashlights I found in the finding place hitch check this out whoa you know what having this flashlight means no I mean yes I mean no that's right stick we can use a flashlight to finally see what's in the deep dark cave come on hitch let's go to the deep dark cave oh the dark cave okay bye chickens oh look there's a deep dark cave I've always wanted to go inside this cave um meet you fig hedge this is gonna be great I wonder what we'll find in here me too Oh fig I can't see anything in here big I'm kind of scared of the dark it's okay edge my flashlight will help us look now I can see in the dark oh that's better thanks big foamy hedge I think I see something let's check it out whoa this rock looks like a chocolate cake with sprinkles look what's over there hmm Wow Wow these crystals are so sparkly can I try exploring with the flashlight fik sure see anything yeah edge fake I think there's somebody else in here above a big Sun buddy where there is oh let's do walls is playing in here run belief tumble leaf fig he just disappeared phew oh I wanted to play with him see if you can find him with the flashlight hedge are you sure we want to find him but if he's scary or grumpy don't worry head we have a flashlight and finding new things and friends is what exploring is all about oh okay oh no the big somebody's book back whoa he really is a giant giant hey mr. giant wanna play maybe he didn't hear me hello mr. giant mr. giant hello hello hey he waved it see it's okay hitch mr. giant is friendly let's go play with him wait don't go hey why do you run away from us well maybe maybe he's afraid of the light just like you're afraid of the dark hedge yeah maybe he is it's okay mr. giant don't be afraid it's just a flashlight Oh mr. Jones coming back to play let's play catch here mr. giant catch the shell hmm oh I guess he doesn't want to play catch maybe he wants to play hide and seek seeking seals we can use a flashlight to find the giant just like I found the spatula I see them I see them they're fake by that wall shine the flashlight over there I saw something there he is okay get it I don't see him anywhere phew he's too good at hiding can I give it a try sure hide all you want mr. giant but I'm a really good seeker I'm gonna find you found you go get it heads the giant is less giant what happened why is he getting smaller hmm let me figure this out look mr. giant has spiky hair like you hedge he does and he has a spyglass like you too he does just like mine hmm this giant sure is a lot like you hedge oh I know where's your arm like this now stand like this no hop now walk like a chicken cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck monkey shout I figured it out that giant is not a giant then are shadows the whole time look oh so when we block the light like this we make a shadow cluck cluck cluck cluck hedge check this out by using a flashlight to see things in the dark and playing with our shadows on the wall we figured it out the closer we are to the light the bigger the shadows are oh that's why we thought there was a giant look it's a great big evil and the shadows get smaller when we go away from the flashlight because we're not blocking as much of the light now the bird is smaller like an itty bitty butterfly let me try look it's a little piggy blank oink oink oink what's this hedge oh oh I know what it is it's uh uh it's a shadowy something or other you got it now try this one the Giant but I thought there were in any real Giants in here oh whoa it's stick and even his shadow looks big when he's so close to the light hey fib I love the dark now it's the perfect place for a shadow show this is the story of one fig and edge and stick meet the cave giant hello mr. giant I am the brave and heroic edge I'm not a giant I'm only your shadow thanks for playing with me I'm humbly wrong believe tumbling what do you want to play it you you
Channel: Prime Video
Views: 1,616,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kids shows, kids series, cartoon, cartoons, kids carotoons, cartoons for kids, prime video cartoons, cartoons prime video, tumble leaf, tumble leaf prime video, prime video tumble leaf, tumble leaf cartoon, tumble leaf show, tumble leaf clip, tumble leaf clips
Id: Ia65wG4HOAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2016
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