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dan here from died Salamanca welcome back to minecraft where today we are playing another custom map and this one is called the eight pages now if you're familiar with the slender horror games then you'll be familiar with this map it's I'm I'm guessing it's a clone of slender and it looks pretty good I'm really liking this menu looking very good indeed so lets us hit play and see what happens Green Bay Wisconsin 2nd of April 2011 that was 5 years ago which is insane oh oh cool look at this I'm recording I'm vlogging hey guys how's it going I'm just near my car I think my car has broken down I'm the tunnel as well I just came through that that was pretty cool like subscribing that's it thank you there we go I've done my vlog now which is awesome so uh let's let's go ahead and see what's going on why is there a shadow here oh it's moving something's moving something's moving ok let's just get out of here because I'm a little bit worried at least it's not too dark that's good can i sprint I can sprint ok I hope my camera has enough battery as well otherwise this video will end very very quickly oh oh there's another shadow that's moving who are you who are you show yourself I'm just gonna skip past you ok we've got a house which I'm guessing we need to go inside because we are blocked in that way ok let's go let's go let's see what's going down it's got the pathway hello I need help my car is broken down or I just got out my car I'm not really sure but hey hello anyone here kind of rude of me to just go into someone's house for no reason I should have knocked first really but um wow this is cool look at this is that like a cube of water that looks cool anyway someone anyone you in here oh man this kitchen it's amazing look at this a microwave a fridge a cook oh that's amazing like the lights won't work critten leave me alone Can I grab that I shouldn't have done that let me put that back oh geez no no no I'm gonna leave that in here sorry sorry actually I'm gonna take it with me just in case I do need it it says leave me alone I can't get in that door hello no signal does this work no none of the lights work the TV's working though can we just like watch Adventure Time or something that would be perfect absolutely perfect I can just chew in someone else's house use their kitchen and I'll be absolutely fine they've got a laptop and so they've got some YouTube videos oh this is working this says what does that say your crafting might be at risk but where for creepers that's clever I like that okay we have a key look at this key before there must be was it wasn't there a locked cupboard maybe it's a book here is this a it's a bathroom it's a bathroom of course it's a bathroom with no toilet actually it's a little bit worrying shower where's the noise oh it's at the toilet oh okay I'm out of here it's a little bit creepy okay so we've got a key we've got a lot I'm gonna go upstairs first just in case the keys not for that see if it works it's worth a try I mean it's actually worth trying anything in here okay this room is empty we can clearly see that that room is definitely empty hello poppy how you doing can you tell me what's going on please everything's working Oh too dark here yeah definitely definitely too dark I'm gonna close that door I'm gonna close this door it looks like someone's maybe like not even finished moving in maybe anyway I'm not too sure will this key work on this let's see oh it does it does a basement I thought it was like an under stairs cupboards you know how I feel about basements oh jeez are we cool down here at least it's not too dark it's not Oh a button hello button can i push you can you say hello to my vlog please energy was old oh nice okay that was that went better than plan that's a lot better than plan awesome so we should have all that energy back we should be able to watch TV and go on YouTube and stuff now what do I need to do though like why am i use house is this is this anyone's house in particular I don't feel like I need to be here anymore or do i right let's let's go outside and see what happens if I gather door and you around the corner you can get on the roof but I don't even know if I need to be on the roof let's go around this way instead let's go down here maybe the logs have moved no the logs haven't magically disappeared where else can I go maybe down here oh no I thought I could go down there then by God hello can I actually you climb up on the roof I can not sure if I'm supposed to be up here though really not sure if I'm supposed to be up here I'm gonna get down I shouldn't be up here okay don't hurt yourself there's got to be something else in this house that I'm missing there must be huh let's get me fridge Hey that that's a weird-looking fridge not gonna lie that's very weird anything in here in the cupboards the microwave Oh a tripwire hook I don't know if I'm gonna need that but I'm gonna take it anyway oh I need some food I'm running out of food no I don't know keep those on geez oh wait I've just realized oh I can do maybe I can go in this room cuz the lights are on now we've got this room and this room yeah oh geez there's writing all over the wall go away leave me alone die die die die die die I think someone wants this person to die oh geez oh geez die die die die it was him it was him I saw him I saw him hello find all eight pages okay he's caught me he caught me didn't he he caught me this is really dark okay don't panic you've played slender before you can do this just fine eight little pages it could contain a really nice little story another shadow I don't like these shadows I just need to find eight pages of a coloring book that that's what they're gonna be eight pages of a coloring book and we'll just color them in it'll be fine and and slender will join into with his long arms you can color from really really far away please don't hurt me slender please okay this doesn't look good this is like really long grass this map looks pretty big so I'm worried I'm really worried oh I don't like this especially because I know Slenderman is there now hello why is the grass so long down here oh warehouse okay this can't this can't be good yeah this really can't be good is anyone in the warehouse no one's at the warehouse I can't even get in how do I get in if you want a book for me like a page or something maybe I'm not sure can I get in this way this is probably the worst idea in a slender map though oh maybe not this switches what do I do here was I meant to find this I'm just going to turn them all on these crates no page though no oh man it's a dead end I thought I'd found something gold turns out I'm just lost I can't get in this place the warehouse is locked and I can't get around this way okay fine I don't want to go to the warehouse anyway oh I could hear him I just heard him where is he hello Slenderman I can hear him he must be close you must be close I'm in the trees the red leave me alone to repeat my blog do you want to be a weblog please don't hurt me he's gone well I hope he's gone anyway I don't like this no no no no no no no no no that sounds too loud the sun's still out go away go away it's okay it's okay I don't need you to be in my vlog I asked if you wanted to be in it I think you said no I think you said no oh there's a path and ends great okay oh here it is are you really a path or are you just trolling I'm gonna follow you anyway and see what happens I just need to I haven't even found one page yet how am I supposed to find ate cheese oh hello anyone in here please be a page in here please no there's no page in here just you oh my goodness I'm gonna leave that open so I know I've been here more plants more trees what has he done to me okay I can hear him I can hear yes Oh God was that what I wasn't supposed to do that was I all right what's supposed to yeah okay what have I found I've got chills I'm not gonna like my chills on the back of my spine are they're active they're active they're very LG's water that's not gonna be good if you find this near water is it I can hear big footsteps no I don't like that that makes me feel uncomfortable Oh what is this is this a bus or it's uh oh it's one of these I don't even know what that is but hello moon you've come in extra creepy tonight there's one ah give me give me give me there we go got to I've got two pages but the more pages like finds the more angry he's gonna get like really angry yeah yeah he's gonna get angry okay okay um please go away um back here oh jeez what could I what could I do here is there anything other pages all gonna be set or do they appear one after the other I'm not actually sure so I'm gonna check once more and see if there's anything around here I need me a page just one page of this coloring book please no no no no no no try to follow the path you maybe go off my path and I've lost dance led the man why go away I'm not even sure what you look like in this game oh hello you scared me okay what's this what if I come across now what's in here please be a page in here yes oh go on I'll go on I'll go out I'll go out please be up it would be nice if just like all of them were in there wouldn't it it'll be awesome can I go up here what's up here okay there might be a new pathway this way always the cave do I go in this I don't know if this is a good idea it's a good idea there's a page okay I've got four there's four left I'm halfway there but every time you find one it gets a little bit more angry so I'm not looking forward to this there is where is he where is he where is he good man no no no he's definitely way he's definitely I'm going the other way I'm not gonna bother you I promise there's what your page is nope nope nope nope nope nope no oh I want to go that way please I really want to go that way okay that's loud that's loud oh I feel like I need to go this way leave me alone thank you where am I where am I okay I'm near that cave again okay so he's like this way and I think he's yeah he's in the same position I kind of need to go that way though what am I supposed to do okay we have another waterfall I haven't seen this one yet though what is it going should I take the ride yeah okay maybe I have seen this I'm not too sure yeah I've definitely seen this if I'm correct then it will take me to a place around here if not then I'm lost again this map is so big I just don't know where I've been there's no like apart from the main landmarks there's no definitive points where you know that you've been so it's really tricky to know if you've been there or not oh I've been here what's this yes yes why is it gone why is it gone red why did it go red oh the chills are back the chills are back so I think the pathways are the best way to follow because I seem to be finding them all when I'm near the pathways so it's C please don't be this way I've got a good pathway going here I'm pretty so take me to somewhere I've already been please don't take me to somewhere I've already been okay let's follow this pathway back and then follow the pathway again I've only got three pages to find where's the path where the pathways apart I've lost it there it is where's the path out now I'm dying of hunger don't do this to me I'm dying of hunger really really after all this time I'm you're gonna kill me through hunger is that how this is gonna go okay I'm back here is there a page on here do they get a page from here before I don't think I did please don't kill me don't do it don't do it don't kill me okay he's this way but this is the pathway that I need to take oh that is scaring me he's definitely here it's a brunette but where which way is he oh my goodness I don't like this I don't like this at all am I gonna run straight into him am I gonna die I don't want to die please please leave me a half a heart don't do it okay it's left me one half I'm not gonna die there is he was right there I need to go that way oh my goodness I need to go this way I need to go this way and then around him he's right there he is right there right there Go Go Go Go Go Go full of pop for the party won't follow you follow with the path follow the path where two paths go okay the path is this way at least it's not gonna hurt me anymore jeez that was catching me off guard okay what if we go around here umm path don't leave me now don't leave me in the middle of nowhere it left me in the middle of nowhere didn't it yeah Wow Thank You path thank you the warehouse I'm back here again is there really nothing I can do if the warehouse it seems like it's a place where I'd find something because it's it's here but I can't get in if I peek through the door I can't see anything there and I keep going back here like there's gonna be something new but I know there's not going to be it's just a blocked off area with no Oh out of all the things I do I hit the ground what does this mean no no I dug cuz of that really really it's gonna take me ages to find all that I can new okay that's the first one that I owe six out of eight okay that's fine abandoned warehouse is now open now I just need to find where on earth that is again that's the warehouse I keep finding by accidents that haven't been meaning to find so this is full of I think the pathway leads there anything in here is there one on the back of this again I find it weird that I'm back to six pages I thought I'd have to do it all again no I'm good okay awesome I do need to be careful of you know old Slendy because he's gonna be after me he's gonna be angry very angry let me see if I can find this warehouse jeez I got an egg I got an egg get out of here hey I don't need you jeez oh isn't it he's in here he's in here I heard the buzzing I heard sund'ys buzzing Oh came near here I have no idea if the warehouse is near this or not ah I don't know what to do I'm just gonna go somewhere I'm gonna sneak board and see if he said oh he might be near there you know where it was last time well there is I'm gonna go this way by sandy I think the warehouse is near the tool grass if we can get near the tool grass not the tool flowers then we should be goods I'm back here again Wow back in the circle all right so grass okay let's see if we can find the warehouse near here pink flowers I think I'm going the wrong way so I'm gonna go this way I think this is where the warehouse is not a hundred percent sure though we just need to find those steps to keep on jumping skip one jump in this camera by the way has an insane battery yes about it insane battery life crazy hasn't even gone down once and I've been vlogging for ages okay now the stuff is about to go down of course the lights don't work of course they don't there's a door another door I just need two more pages hello this is slender man's bathroom um sir a page in here no pages what about in there I can't even see in there Slenderman I've lost my ability to run that it gave me so I hope that doesn't change anything lights now if only they could come on is it a prison this is a prison I think it's I think it might be a prison guys lights no please work oh there's gotta be two more pages in here there must be what's down here I don't like being down the one-block cavern that's not good this can't be good is this a maze don't make this a maze of this light down here please yes I found one okay I've got one more to go you please don't be in this because if he's in the one-block heaven there's no way I can get past him please be one more page in here it's gone very oh he got me did he did he get me where am I oh it was only a dream mom dad uh hello lights please oh great the lights don't even work in here it's so dark I can't see anything it's slender man my dad is that what's going on here sin demands my dad isn't he and my mom think about it for a sec hello anyone here I can't move very fast at all he always watches no eyes all of that he page is found I would feel happy about this but something about this doesn't I can't even move a car move I can't move a comic bar jeez oh my gudd oh my gudd game over that's it send him as my dad's he's my parents I don't want to play no more thank you oh my goodness guys how intense was that well I played quite a few slender remakes in Minecraft and that one was very very atmospheric so that was awesome guys if you enjoyed this then please leave big fat thumbs up that'd be awesome and also if this happens to be the first video you see mommy then please do consider subscribing to join team tdn today for daily gameplay videos now see you guys in the next one good
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,318,759
Rating: 4.8614912 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, minecraft 1.9, minecraft custom map, custom map, slender, minecraft slender, the eight pages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2016
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