I had a Minecraft DREAM..

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so when I my favorite minecraft maps' of all time is a map called asleep 1 & 2 mister what's their number 3 I can't remember but those are some of my favorite minecraft maps of all time and today I'm hoping that this one lives up to the same kind of reputation is called beautiful dreamer and I think I can take me and my Peppa Pig sweater I'm still wearing that but I'm hoping I can take this sweater through loads of different dreams because that is what this map has promised to do and apparently there's a nightmare mode to which I'm definitely not excited about but hey let's do it I think there's a story by over here an ordinary man was deep in his wildest dreams experiencing a series of thrilling events in the role of this character rushed into the fantasy of beautiful and diverse dreams see it kind of sounds the same what's in here many kinds of foods I'm just gonna sneak Lea take this you didn't see it maybe a cake actually I'm gonna take a cookie as a start beautiful dreamer oh it's made me super slow as well look how slow I'm walking I don't think I was supposed to see that let's keep going there's nametags everywhere to look at this bed this is not the kind of beds you would want to sleep in right why would you choose to sleep in a bed that has this above it I don't even know what that says any translations in the comment section down below you know what I've got my cookie I'm gonna go to sleep and see what happens why does wait oh jeez what have they done am i okay x'q wait ah execution day David broke fellow citizens of pigs guts oh this pigs everywhere King George the guards today below the shining Sun we are here for the penalty of this wicked thief David what did you steal look at these banners - are they're amazing as for his illness that was caused by his demonic plague that's been attacking our homes in the last seven centuries seven thousand years David what did you do sir Benton the B header is absent because of Oh No because of that I have hired an archer am i the archer am I gonna have to do this to David sir heroin of wood wood pulp is that me I think there might be me Satan's child David David oh no what see what's gonna happen to David oh no he's actually going up to the block I thought he was going up here this isn't a hanging this is a beheading Oh David I can't move I can't save you buddy I can't even give you your last meal I can't give you a golden apple or a cake cookies mind oh there's the archer up there oh no thanks oh no was that me it's me I'm the next one oh I was laughing him I want to go God please please I'll give you this I can't even give you it you blocked it with your force mind force powers oh geez um what did I do I didn't really do anything to you guys I may have killed a few of your kind in my day but sometimes you have to do that to survive it's not really my fault fine fine I'll do it be nice to me Archer Pig be nice to me this is so creepy garnon far away do we have to do King George God have mercy those are my last words can I have a cookie instead got me you never die in your dream so it's fine the lab oh I can get used to this yeah you never die in your dreams if you die in your dream apparently you die in real life I never had it happen to me to be honest because I'm still alive hold up this ain't look good Oh say they say looking like a lab what's good welcome to the lab in the lab you'll be put before three trials if you fail each trial you will be punished you may begin good luck oh dear what are the trials though first trial let's try let's see what's going down shall we it's very dark please if this is a maze angry so angry please don't be amazed cookie off me what just in case you suck a park or click equals tower home wicked as you can skip okay I feel a little bit better myself now splash potion of healing not sure while I need that welcome to your first trial parkour in this trial as your first there is no punishment you may begin on so pleased to go over here ok well already that's great ok let's let's think about this shall we really we're gonna do me like that huh is that even I'm pretty sure that's where I have to go yeah you know laughing at me now are you pumpkin this better not be tricky I don't feel like I've got too bad at parkour recently doing my grub Monday actually made me a little bit better but I'm not really showing that right now am I that wasn't even a hard jump I'm usually pretty good at the older ladder ones oh yes oh it's long it's really long I can't even zoom in to see what that says yes haha I did it okay okay this doesn't seem as bad I can shift on these ones we go down here I'm guessing I do only red blocks don't be an idiot I mean it's hard for me to not be an idiot right now oh okay this isn't nice why would you do this there is cake as a reward though and get a little bit hungry nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom I'm doing about you doing alright what do I have to go next over here okay yes okay I'll do it alright can I get over there I'm gonna try it this is the last job yes I get a lever oh my goodness back to the lobby I just did a parkour course I just did a parkour course I was this close to ragequitting but I'm good let's go down the next awfully dark corridor what's our next challenge the gladiator okay this doesn't sound as much fun we got Damon Erick and God Adonis he sounds like an absolute god it's your turn Ted TDM is this my armor you know even gonna give me good armor now get prepared fast oh jeez okay let's do it here we go [ __ ] me this thank you God bow and arrow don't mind if I do we done can we go pull the lever if you're ready I'm ready Oh who is gonna be my opponent there might be more than one opponent right who's he gonna be remember this is just a dream everything's going to be fine oh okay this morning this morning oh my goodness you could have at least given me some kind of shield the boss even though I've laughing he's got like a diamond sword and everything no this isn't fair this isn't fair I'm dead I'm so dead I wish I had the splash potions of healing now stop this you've got to be kidding how how am I supposed to do that welcome to your first punishment what is it I have to pull through that oh come on now this is gonna take forever Wow Wow for real I can't believe a girl wait for this this is genuinely a punishment you know I don't mind that was ridiculously ope you gave me iron armor for that you sickos it was still going how is this still going come we're close come on I can't even Crouch out of it what do I get the end so I get lever just for free I wonder what the other punishment was this would have been the first one I wonder what the next one is I guess I might find out because I do suck at this game give me this I'm out I'm out let's go can't be placed on a block of diamonds let's do this before you enter distance of 12 why and why that weird noises The Dropper okay I could deal with this welcome to your third trial in this drawer given eight lives if you fail or eight times you be sent to a punishment you may begin o stone pressure plates am I gonna die here oh I see oh dude look at this where is the water though if I wait hold up the splash potion of healing but I'm gonna die instantly no I think it's down here what is it is down there oh I keep my stuff okay that's fine always see why you only get eight tries as well yeah that was bad that was a terrible one it's definitely down there though Oh I'm not too bad at droppers - I feel like I'm okay at them let's just jump this way that was a bad idea I've only got three lives left after this oh I don't know if that's actually the best way we go this way No okay that was bad - two lives left let's go last life I really do suck I'm not gonna be able to do it I just it was so close right what's my punishment welcome to your second punishment you have 20 seconds to get through the maze you now begin why is there always some kind of maze huh I'm gonna get killed there's no way I'm gonna make it through this so 20 lg's 20 seconds let me guess the glass is gonna disappear I'm gonna burn my butt my legs my feet every little section of me is going to be burnt told you wait how do I get out of it I said what fire is this for 30 seconds why did I need to go oh that was so mean at least at least the maze wasn't too bad I'm just gonna gonna wait here till I die basically look at me just chilling are completing one trial and it was the farc or what there we go quick death this is the end of the lab good luck in your incoming experiences thank you at least this one is gonna be ranked pretty highly on my worst experiences for this map thank you a wintry experience look at me I look like an elf how amazing Oh as gods am I the king hello can I get pass please can I um can I go in here it looks interesting guess not fine be route guys be rude all this buttons we've got hints one two three four six hints what even is this hello forty garden what a name oh geez please ah no there's brewing in there ah why iron ingot for an iron hoe ah this is it's not a maze in there as well once again speak up he's not speaking up this is definitely some kind of brewing thing all jump boosts I don't think jump boost is actually going to help let's go up into the library and see what's going down is this a puzzle morgan LeFay once just an innocent girl yet now a ruthless killer full of anger and fury hold up that escalated pretty quickly betrayed by her only love she now desires revenge is i supposed to say she can still remember the smell of the beautiful flowers that her loved one gave her but only for more pain and suffering i want to put that book back that is not a nice tale that I like to be read before bedtime wait wait wait wait wait Morgan LeFay Morgan her phase upstairs she's upstairs a wee wee back oh no we're about to see a ghost she's a witch what are you doing here we have to put something in here to open this oh wait what was the clue the Queen was something this is a riddle once was an innocent girl now a ruthless killer she can still remember the smell of the beautiful flowers we need flowers how can we get flowers from this low I think we can get jump boost to go up I'll wait there's someone there there's heads what is going on here why would I need a hole as well oh there's nether warts but you don't need a hole for that do you there's also like a weird path that goes up there too I might try that actually let's see if this I'm pretty good at parkour now let's try the parkour course see told you smashing it oh I made it I'm on the roof and I'm not sure why ah okay so we need coal for something maybe all there's like a hidden chest not seeing anything in there I am so confused right now I don't have a pickaxe either all I've got is a sword can I kill the guards it's like a wolf banner oh there's a chest up there dude this is a weird dream not sure I'm a fan of this one let's see if we can kill one of the gods they're probably gonna not be very happy with us but let's try it anyway what okay they're immune never minds oh there's cobwebs so we have to find out how to get a flower and give it to the witch wait I can't even oh you can't get through okay we need to find something to cut these down I thought this would have been able to do it maybe we need shears dude I'm so confused this hint time paint number one - one thing a cave you say what are you talking about okay he's definitely saying something about this cave over here but how do I get in can I go up this way let's try this looks like the only way I can get in no no don't do this don't do this don't make me fall if I fall I'm dead how do we her I'll get up there there's something up here as well or maybe this is the cave they were talking about oh no oh no what is that whoa what okay chill she oh no I didn't mean it I didn't mean it haha I'm gonna die all right you're gonna die what's good bro are you doing I didn't mean any harm yet again oh no I've been on as a fatal shot a fatal shot to the neck I'm in trouble guys it doesn't even look like he's got a bow he doesn't have a bow what's wrong with these guys they just have pants I have never been smacked or punched by a skeleton before this dude though his name's like something the Impaler yeah he's definitely got a bow and arrow Vlad's was good buddy no no it's enchanted it's enchanted I'm so scared yes got him let's go let's go Vlad okay I'm back Vlad's I have infinite regeneration you're good shuffle give it is alright what did he have infinity and unbreakable okay that's not as powerful as I thought it was but still not bad let me grab this chest that was blown up before another arrow okay never mind so we got the cave nothing else in here I don't think anyway but why would we need an arrow I can't use it to shoot anything oh this buttons up here one sec what these buttons never got that one got that one yeah my braid is working now we can go to get coal but I'm not quite sure why we'd need that right I can break coal all of this but I really don't know why I need out of this obviously I'm gonna get cold I feel like I need something else I think this is the last bit there we go that's all the cold collected what do I need cold for I have no idea hey Morgan Morgan come down I'll shoot you in the back of the head we could you see the Flex arrows that's impressive I can't grab nether wart actually maybe it's something to do with iron ore can only break coal although right I'm going for another clue carpet to the roof done that one perhaps four to go there's something to offer yeah I know but it's not very helpful votes again like at all oh never mind I didn't check the furnace didn't need that clue well I guess I kind of did four to go and I will trade with you shortly sir madam I'm not quite sure you're bold got him right before to go and here you go I would like to trade you for all I can break nether warts so we must need a potion for something because this will allow us to make awkward potions give me all this I'm breaking you all down that's quite a lot actually if I need to eat it I will what potion does it wanted me to make I think I can make jump boost potion with this but I'm not quite sure where I need all oh there okay we need a jump boost potion okay let's take some water bottles we have some movement to mess this up which is fine I think we just need to do one of these and then we can extend it if we use the rabbit's feet like my brewing knowledge is very small as you can imagine I think to eat once again I'm kind of a little bit peckish over here umm I really wanted to eat oh it's done I really don't want to eat nether wart if I don't have to come on rabbits forgive me the job boost I don't know if you could you can multiply it as well but I'm not sure unless it's the glowstone I'm not sure how you do that might be a time extender actually I'm not sure this better work though a portion of leaping let's go we shouldn't need it for too much longer right I'm just gonna I'm just gonna try it now here we go yeah buddy okay this is a problem I still I still can't grab this why can't I why can't I grab this oh this isn't actually that high at all I can jump up to the tree are the poppies in there the poppies actually in there okay we can do this if we grab it quickly we can do this thinking it memories Oh figured out the puzzle water go and pleasure to meet you this was just a creepy room with heads in it fantastic hopefully I'm out of here now I don't know if I just cheated I don't even care if I did let's get this in the hopper and hopefully witchy lady won't hurt us here we go but yes hey Morgan oh are you gonna do Smee she's a killer remember she's a killer I see you have bought me something mortal Oh me oh no remember you can't die in your dreams you can't dine your dreams a flower okay the smell great I feel different perhaps I feel joy okay Morgan fantastic as a reward for bringing joy to my house after so many years what would you like me to do for you are you a genie I see I don't know what I said maybe she read my mind and then she's granted me one amazing wish okay she's doing it Oh can I have my life back I might have died to a pig Archer which was a little bit embarrassing what you're gonna do Morgan you're worrying me that's kind of cool actually where is it going though this is if I wish I didn't wish her purple smoke oh is it just to get out of here that's a lame wish kill the guards kill the guy that's my wish cool the guards please she just dissolved the gate is that all you did for me you suck you know what take this this they this ad you know on the bow back give me the boat you can take all the other stuff though I'm taking my things and getting out of here by Morgan glad you're feeling better now got a little bit of jump boost left as well look at me I'm crazy hey gods how you can jump the size of you I'm out of here you guys are so boring my goodness great I think I'm still stuck aren't I this isn't fun gods come on reveal why need to do I see didn't press the right button the end yes nightmare a nightmare come true wait we play some wolf where oh here the secret room I miss this what's in here secrets hey let's go stampylonghead log dot wait wait wait wait please please give me a door please give me a door I've not gone through all this nonsense to not get a door you know what never mind it's fine it's fine I don't mind That's not me that's James James what's good diamonds and thanks CEA's head you know what if I wear this I am thanks yeah perfect can I not do the nightmare dlc because now I've got James's head on he is now the one that is going to get scared by this I could be stampy as well or it could be I could be Tyler I'm going back to the lobby please let me do the nightmares oh it's not unlocked yet how do i unlock the nightmares I'm gonna have to figure this out that's a crazy portal I love it but I can't get in now I've turn into James my dream it's finally come true guys there you go that is was it called dreamless wonder beautiful dreamer that's what I meant that was a pretty fun map no kadalai I was executed by a pig we did we met a witch and she gave us all one wish which I wasted and I failed in the lab which is a little bit embarrassing considering I do actually have a legit lab license hey guys hope you enjoyed this random map if you did leave a like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you are brand new to the channel as well for more videos every single day and I see you all in the next one good [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,537,809
Rating: 4.9367394 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft map
Id: kD9VOuF83fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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