Tuesday Tips = Blue Tile Essential Kit

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone this is nicole here at be so creative and we are here for a tuesday tip i've i'm excited to talk to you guys about clear blue tiles kimber bell has come out with these amazing tiles that make quilting in the hoop a cinch now quilting in the hoop is nothing new we've all heard about it um if you look behind me sharon has done some amazing quilting in the hoop on her little things quilt and if you ladies have taken the class with her you've known you've done this whole thing without tiles so why do you want why do you need these they make it so easy um to quilt in the hoop and this is more of a final product normally when you applicate like with the little things you are doing a block by block method meaning you are quilting your piece of fabric you're adding your applique and then you're going to the next block and then you connect them at the end this is you can do the block by block method but where this is a game changer is when you have a completely finished product and you want to quilt something so maybe you have an orphan block that you've been wanting to turn into a table topper and you wanted to expand beyond straight line quilting or wavy line quilting i love serpentine quilting because you can't see if i wiggle around a little bit um so let's let's talk about this let's jump in and maybe you will want to quilt that little baby quilt that table topper that maybe pillow that you've had sitting um sitting waiting for quilting so what comes with clear blue tiles let me open this up and show you you're going to get a wonderful instructional manual with really great pictures um we can just kind of go through there you're also oh i flip through really quick you're also going to get this exclusive design to make these adorable um table runners table toppers dresser scarf whatever you want you could turn these into little placemats you're going to get the design to make this and i will tell you all of these little blocks are made in the hoop so that's really fun the other thing you're going to get is some kimber bell slap bands you're also going to get a usb with some exclusive designs and i'll show you that in a bit you're going to get some water erasable marking pins and then of course you're going to get the tiles let me pull out some tiles let me pull these little guys out you're going to get the tile system and these tiles are the perfect templates to mark your borders um there's there's blocks if you wanted to do custom quilting oftentimes we don't want to take a small little table topper to our long arm our long armor and say hey can i get custom quilting but you really want the look of custom quilting you're going to get all kinds of tiles to mark all of your different blocks if you want to mark your itty bitty blocks we've got itty bitty tiles if you want to mark borders we've got border tiles we've got pretty much every size tile that you're going to want to use so what do i do with these tiles nicole you're showing me these things and i don't know what to do with them let me show you but before i show you exactly how you're going to mark your quilts let me show you the quilting designs because these are beautiful designs that you can only get when you buy this system it's not available anywhere else so we've got some border loops if you have a project with borders and you want to custom quilt it and we've got border swirls we've got bitty blocks how cute are these bitty blocks um they call them like easter eggs because it's kind of finding cute little surprises in your quilt and those are perfect for cornerstones maybe you're doing a four patch and you want something fun in there and then we've got some different designs we've got a winter these beautiful snowflakes we've got springs with flowers and we've got some lovely swirls loops a summertime one with our little bees and a fall one with our candy corn and the great thing is regardless of what size tile you use all of these stay exactly the same so they're not going to shrink down when you do a smaller one and they're not going to get bigger if you use a bigger tile they're all consistent so let me show you how you would use this system you're going to get your orphan block or whatever you have this is one of my orphan blocks he's been sitting waiting for some attention and you need to decide what size hoop your you have and how you want to quilt this if i want to do custom quilting i will you know kind of decide exactly where i want everything and i'm going to use my tiles if i wanted to do an all over quilting which is what i'm going to do today i'm going to look and decide what's my biggest tube and look at my tiles and i will tell you if you've got you know the 6 by 10 hoop you can still do this if you have a smaller hoop you can for those ladies who have the really big hoop we have the expansion pack and these tiles you use them exactly the same they're just a little bit bigger for those maybe with your solaris you've got the great big hoop maybe you have the bernina and you've got the jumbo hoop these are going to be perfect for that but let's mark with our smaller ones you are going to get your favorite marking tool which it comes with one but i also had one behind me but let's just pop out our our marking tool we've got a great kimber bell water we're using a water soluble oh sharon's going to grab it for me so i'm not squeaking this guy out it comes with two kimber bell marking tools which are fabulous or water soluble if you prefer chalk you can use your chalk pins so what you're going to do you've decided i've decided on this one i want to do an all over quilting pattern so i'm simply going to lay my tile on here and i'm going to mark you want to mark your crosshairs and you want to mark this arrow because this lets me know this is the top of my project so i'm making all of my crosshairs the other thing you're going to notice is i've got a little size box here why do i have a size box so i know what file i'm loading into my design so i'm going to write in there 8 by 12 and this i will say if you're using chalk to mark everything else i would use the pen to mark this so i've marked all of my crosshairs i've marked my arrow at the top to tell me which way i'm going i've marked my block size the last thing you want to mark is your borders um or your edge marks so i'm going to mark this and i'm going to mark this why do i need to mark those that lets me know where i'm lining up my tile for the next one so this quilting it's not like some of the other quilting in the hoop that you've seen where you have to have perfect placement and match your points you are you have open-ended designs no one's going to be able to tell that anything isn't lined up exactly perfectly because we're not marking ends we are marking blocks so you don't want so much space in between your designs which is why it's really important to mark your tiles now if you're baby in the middle of a quilt you're going to want to mark your top as well i'm not because that's at the edge so you are just going to keep marking um all of your your crosshairs you're going to write in that size this is an 8 by 10 and your midpoint and you're just going to keep marking so as you can tell over here i've got just a tiny bit i'm not going to use my 8 by 10 to mark that i'm going to pick one of my smaller tiles and so once you have your whole quilt marked up what you're going to do is you're ready to quilt it you're going to hoop it so one thing though that you're going to want to do when i brought a jumbo hoop is you are going to want to line up your crosshairs when you hoop it now if you don't have your template guide um you can simply use your ruler and i'm just going to find the markings the top and bottom of my hoop and i'm going to match it with that and then i'm going to look at my crosshairs and of course i have not laid it down just right so now that i have i am lining up that crosshair is right on and it's absolutely perfect the last thing i wanted to talk to you about is my project this is way too small how am i going to hoop it look at all that my hoop can't grab on to that not a problem you're going to have backing and you're going to have batting and just like you would leave some extra when you quilt it on your domestic or you take it to your long armor you need to have some extra for this and you're probably wondering uh how much extra it depends on what size hoop i'm using a jumbo hoop for this so once i've aligned everything i'm going to look and see okay i need to have i would say at least maybe three inches of extra backing fabric over here i need a little bit more because my hoop is bigger this is more of an oval hoop so you're going to want to make sure that you can hoop at least your backing fabric if you're worried about your batting being too thick it's okay you can have your batting a little bit thinner it's okay if it's not hooped in we have wonderful tape that you can use to tape this down so none of it gets caught you can also tape your batting as well once you've hooped everything you are going to load the file and if you you're thinking uh oh what file guess what we wrote it all down every time if you're doing custom you've wrote down what block size that you're using so you'll just find the the tile that you use you'll go to your machine and you'll coordinate the number you wrote down with the embroidery file you'll hoop it and you'll get started and guess what in no time you will have your project that's been sitting waiting that orphan block waiting to turn into a table topper that baby quilt that your long armor is just a tiny bit too busy to get quilted for you you will be able to get that quilted and let me show you a project that we made using an all over design using the um the clear blue tiles this is that exclusive project that we showed you how adorable is that and guess what i didn't have to make any of those teeny tiny flying glees i didn't lose any points because all of that was pieced in the hoop for me if i would have done it i might not have so clear points so super cute um and let me show you that beautiful quilting on the back how beautiful is that this is one of those designs that is completely exclusive to the clear blue tiles you can't get this anywhere else you can't get this on the vault this is one of those beautiful beautiful designs and i will tell you i use different size clear blue tiles and look you can't tell if i used a big or small because all of those designs are exactly the same regardless of what size tile you use it for well i hope you learned about clear blue tiles i hope you're excited to open them up and get started quilting that project that's just been waiting thanks so much for joining us for tuesday tips have a great rest of your day [Music] you
Channel: Be Sew Creative
Views: 256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6gCaPdYz8ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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