How to Use the Kimberbell Clear Blue Tiles

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number one. Let's move on to thing number two. Two two two. Here we go. Oh my gosh. Alrighty. Um thanks Peggy. What you say? It says we we always make her smile. Hm. You guys. Now I use your minds. I kinda gave uh a little you know preview to this on Monday when I was on on Monday and I said on Wednesday I am going to talk about two things. One we're gonna talk about Christmas club. Yay. Because So, we've got that later on. But before we do, I wanna talk to you about another project that I've been working on at home and it was a Halloween project. Well, actually, you and I worked on this uh project together last week and then, I brought it back and I was gonna give it to my quilter and I thought, no, I'm gonna I'm gonna try out the clear blue tiles. Yeah, right? Now, if it were a big quilt, I definitely would. No. No doubt about it but this was a smaller quilt and I thought, you know I'm gonna try the clear blue tiles. Mm hmm. Now, we had a chance to try em out a little bit. Oh my god. During tug. Yes and. Can I just say? yeah, I never intended on buying them. Mm hmm. She had a sewing on em. Mm hmm. I need them. I need them. This is. And I'm a long armor. Right. Right. I still need it. But there are times when you just have even those smaller projects that you would love to just be able to quilt on your own embroidery. Who wants to tie up your long arm machine with the little projects. Mm hmm. When you can do it with that. Exactly and I have had much fun playing with these this weekend. Like II was I was texting Kim pictures. I'm like, this is so much fun. I love this so much. Look at what I'm doing. I felt like, I felt like a genius, Kyle . I felt like a genius. Genius. And so, this is the Clear Blue Tile. So, in a nutshell, basically, what happens is when you purchase this, this is for the embroidery machine. If you don't have an embroidery machine, that's okay. I want you to hold on tight cuz we're gonna be talking about Christmas club here in just a minute but um there there's a magnetic, first of all, the packag amazing. So, I don't have to go hunting everywhere for all the look at those cute designs that are included but then, all of the Kimberbell background designs, you can use with the clear blue tiles. So, um this is the essential set and when you open it up, this is what you're gonna see. Genius, okay? So, it has some marking pins, the USB stick, of course, a step-by-step guide on how this is all done. and so these are so much fun. Oh my goodness. Now let's take a look at what um well, should we look and see what I quilted? Yes. You need to show em that. Like so. They'll be so jealous. Okay. So, let me pull this back a little bit. Okay. Here we go. Oh. I'm very impressed. We did haberdashery. Oh, yeah. And this is um a little witch hat quilt with pumpkins. So cute. This was a kit. Uh yeah this is a kit we have and the kit we have was to make an entire quilt. But Kyle and I decided to make it a little smaller. So we need the white idea in size. Mhm. And um you can take. I love those pumpkins. So let me show you. If I were to put this up close. You can see look how there's little candy corns. Quilted in there. Swirls. Oh. And candy corn. Love it. I love the fact that you have one plain uh block in there. Mhm. Kinda gives that it's a kind of a busy quilt. So it gives the eye a chance to rest a little bit. Cute. And how many how many um hoopings? What is that? This took I believe it took me twelve hoopings. But. Not bad. No. Because what I need to explain is this. Is when at first some might think oh my goodness twelve rupees? That's crazy. Actually it's not. Because you're not having to put stabilizer. No. No. There's no stabilizer involved because you're using your batting as your stabilizer. Okay, the batting is a stabilizer. This allows you to quilt the front and the back at the same time. Where before, I'm like, with the Kimberbell background designs that you put your back on, had to put the back on afterwards and so you there were different ways to do it and it didn't quilt through all the layers because of the way it was digitized. Mm hmm. This allows you to do. It looks like it's a traditional quilt sandwich and you're able too. Look how cute. Oh my goodness. I love those hats. You're able to quilt this um as just as if it were on a quilting machine. Mm hmm. Okay. So, I won't go through all of the details because we do have a class, an online class that is october 8th and eighteenth, okay? So, the A direct the eighteenth. Yes and it will be recorded. So, if you're not, you know, if you're, if you can't make it live, that's totally fine. It's from ten to one each of those days. Three hours. Um Mountain Time. Mm hmm. Look at that math right there. And the first session we're gonna talk about how to do um overall and then the second session, we will talk about um the visual individual blocks and doing more custom quilting. Oh, that'd be awesome. Okay. So, the cost of the class is $30 and that is a six-hour class, 2 days divide amongst three. So, it's $25 an hour. Um but those of you who purchase your Clear Blue Tiles from us, the class is freed. It comes with this and club members, it's half off. Wow. That's the class. It's not the class. They're blue tiles. Correct. Correct. Um oh my gosh. Look how cute. Now, let me tell you something else. I, some people say, well, if you have one of those fancy machines like that have a camera, do you still need this? I have one. Guess what? I have one. I have I am lucky enough. I have a solaris. I was doing a at Sandy with the camera thing but I didn't need it. I would still use this all day long. All day long. I would use this. Mm hmm. Um even over the camera. So, it is so much simpler than I ever dreamed. It is. So, I'm gonna show you in a nutshell of how, how do you like that? So, that twice. Now, in a nutshell, I'm gonna show you basic how it's done. What is that? You have, I don't know. Hmm, that's kinda like beeswax. I don't know. Um so, we also made a little pillow with some of our leftover blocks and I have the Kimberbell batting right here. Oh. And. I love that padding. Let's see. Oh, yes and and Bill said, sure you do. It finishes back much better than using the camera. It it does. I mean, II like, I won't, this I wouldn once you try it. yes, you'll be like, well, that's genius. So, let me grab this Um Candy purchased the tiles from us and how do we get the free class? Because we have your Email, you'll receive a link. Cathy will be sending out a link for the free class. Okay, So, open this up. Mm hmm. So, it has a pen. It has a design files. Let's see. if I can get it out. I won't wear right now. The design files are on the USB stick. It has a little two slap bands to hold the extra of your uh. Yes. Quilt sandwich Okay. And then it has all these different tiles. Those are the blue tiles. Mm hmm. So, of course, you're gonna start out with the largest tile size you have. Now, this one, the essential set, Trying to take what it goes up to. Let me see. The essential set goes up to an eight by ten. Okay. Oh, that's pretty good. But if you have a larger hoop, you can buy the expansion pack that goes in addition with this. You still need the essential set cuz that's where all the designs are. But you can find the expansion pack and it will go up to a nine uh and a half by fourteen. So, what you do is you'll see right here that it has these channels and you're going to use this marking pen to mark your channels. So, basically, you can start in the center of your your project and then move out or for something small like this, I might even just do, look at that. Start at that. Start in the corner. And I would do, this would take four hoopings of an eight by eight inch size because these are a by eight inch blocks and I'm gonna go here. Nice. So, what I would do is place this right there and then, I'm gonna mark the center point and I'm gonna wash it on them. It is. I'm on the the black hat. So, you're not gonna see that very well. Um and so, I would, if I had a white marker here, I would use the white marker and then, you write in the little theme here, eight by eight. Now, that's really important. Yeah. Okay. The finish block size is right here. It says AX eight and you would mark on your quilt eight by eight so that when you go to pull the files, you know the exact file you need for this hooping. So, basically, you're like creating a map, a layout and you just go ahead and place these um so of course, I have one thing anywhere you want. Yeah. You didn't draw the line all the way out on your tile. You didn't need to. You just need a guidelines. I just need some guidelines. In fact, I don't even have to draw all the way out. I could have just done a little mark Boop, boop, boop, boop. Oh, one more scene. You're also going to mark your corners and it has all the directions. Of course, you know, Kimberbell, they lay it out so nicely but you mark all the corners. That way, you know where to place your next tile. Oh. Alright? Cuz you're just putting it to the side and now, all of these will look like they're connecting, alright? Now, let's say, let's say you, this is a small example. You have AA very large tile. Say, let's say I did us in the nine and a half by fourteen And then I had a little bit left on this side. So what I would do is I would pull out another tile and this is not as wide. Mhm. Right? And I would place it on here. So kind of the the way that Kim's taught has been teaching everyone. Is you think of this as a stamp. Whatever is underneath this is stamped the design. So it's like your stamping throughout the entire project Alright. So, I would go like this and I would um you know, mark my lines. I would say, oh, that's a four by ten. So, I'd write four by ten and then, when I go to poop, in fact, Kyle , could you grab me a hoop real quick? Um it doesn't matter what size. Since I'm not actually gonna be stitching out but um you would mark your lines and then everything is marked. That's all you have to do. Perfect. Alright. So, that is the marking part of it and I'll tell you, it's genius because everything no matter what size you do, it is all proportionate to the the size it's there. So, it doesn't matter if you're doing a small uh two by four or a four by fourteen or a seven by twelve. It doesn't matter. It's all proportionate with one another. So, now, in order to hoop this, what I would do is this is my backing hoop. This is the top of my hoop. I would place this down. This is also where if you have the grids, those are very very helpful because I would place this with the grid. Now, I didn't put a backing on here. I should have told you. This is my batting. If I were doing this for real, I would have the backing down as well and it would be larger than the front. So, I place the top of my hoop over center. So, this is center this way. It fills up with those arrows. Exactly. I'm lining these up with these arrows. Now, another tip I have if you're doing this, I like to use double stick tape on the back of my hoops, on the inner ring, the back of my hoops. So, I'd use a double stick tape. II use this hooping method for just about anything even for shirt if I'm embroidering on shirts, whatever I'm embroidering on, I love to use the double stick tape method to place right here. That way, I can just place it on. just kinda stick it down. It's gonna hold it in place while I take my bottom ring and slide it under. That's a good idea. Because if you've ever been trying to, you know, situate this, we all know it. You, if you've been embroiderying, you know what I'm talking about, right? And so you want to be able to, that's gonna slide around. You don't want that to slide around. So, that's why I use that and then, I'm able to put that on. Okay. So, once I've done that, I have this upside down. There we go. I'm going to just put this into the machine. Center it with my crosshairs. Center the needle with the crosshairs and out it will stitch. It's amazing. But these lined up here. But those are lined up there. Mm hmm. So, that's all you do. So, again, if you're not um hooping is no big deal because. I was not using stabilizer. I was afraid of hoops. Yeah. Uh you told me I had to rehoop. I was like, nope. Nope. I'm not doing the project. Right. It's not hard at all. No, I'm not afraid now. Keep that, keep that hoop loose, pop it in, tighten it up. Now, if you have a magnetic hoop. Oh, I see those are amazing. Incredible. In fact, I told Mike, guess what? I need I need a new magnetic hoop. because that makes it even easier. I mean, you just slide it up, put it in, and put the magnet on top. It's amazing. I'm thinking I need one. Christmas is coming. So, then you just go, there you go. Uh yeah, cuz magnetic hoops can be a little pricey. Yeah. For sure. Now, let me show you another thing that's really cool about this, Kyle . Okay. Let's take a look at let me find where my little mix up was. You had a mix up? I did. Wow. But now, I can't find it. Oh, yes. Now, I can find out. I do know where it was. Okay. Kyle , take a look at this block. Do you see anything that looks wrong on it? No. Okay, I know you guys probably can't see it as well because it's gray on gray but what II have to share this because this is one of those things that II discovered. Well, doing this project and I said, Kim, this is brilliant because guess what? Really? I, there's no, there's no mess ups. Okay. So, I had put in the the hoop. II put in the machine what size I wanted. Okay. Well, then when I went to my next hooping, I forgot to change my size. Yeah, yeah. And which I almost did that. Rookie mistake, right? Mm hmm. And I need to the the more you do this that well, it takes like two hoopings and then you're like, oh my gosh, I totally I understand this. This is so easy. Mm hmm. So, rookie mistake, I had AA edge tag design here and I had one here. But it ended up leaving this two-inch gap. Now, it wouldn't be the end of the world but my goodness, that drove me crazy that I had this two-inch gap right here. Oh, yeah and I didn't realize it until I was done and I went, wait a minute, what happened? Oh, I had used the wrong um file, a file. Oh. So, guess what I did? Ta da. I found my two-inch by six-inch clear blue tile. And took a look at it and I said, oh my goodness, look at this. It'll fit. It will fit right there. There's also one inch. In fact, on this one, I think I used the one-inch by seven-inch tile. There's all these different tiles in there and that swirl is the same kind of swirl. Exactly and so, with the one-inch by seven inch, I placed it right there. I could see in between where my gap was because again, if you think of this as a stamp, I know exactly where that design is going to go. So, I placed it there. I did a little marking. I did my little crosshairs right here. Oh. I wrote my little window one by seven. Uh huh. Pull it out. You did on purpose. Exactly And now you don't even know. And it's on your. You don't even know. Pretty plain. And this is on the plain one where it would really show. What a. And I was able to just quickly pop that into the machine. And it stitched exactly where I needed it to go. And you don't even know. There's no mistakes. Is that so cool or what? That is really cool. Um the same thing happened on my witch hat because again that that hooping. It was just right in this section that I had some and I was like, oh darn it. What did I do? Oh, this is what happened and so, I was able to take a different one I mean, you guys, I am just giddy about this. I cannot say enough. That's a lot of different uh tiles. There are a lot. So, this is the four by six. So, the witch hat didn't have any on it. Oh. Cuz I didn't need it. So, I took the four by six. I went, yup, this is exactly where I need to go. Drew my little crosshairs, put in the four by six file, boom and it is seamless. You don't even see where it began and where it ended. Nice. So, II just love it. I can't say enough good things. So, there's not just three sizes of tiles. There's a whole variety in there. There's a whole variety. So, that's kind of in a nutshell. How cool this system is and like I said, October eighth, we'll go more into depth. We'll, you know, go through it. Uh we want you to practice it. Um with us and of course, if you don't have them uh during that class, watch it. Oh yeah. And then go listen. Listen to all the instructions and then go back. That's what I need to do. I don't wanna be trying to miss and miss something. Exactly. I wanna listen all the way. Yeah, Christine says, it's good to know how to fix a mistake. Absolutely and it was it was a mistake on my part and I was like, oh darn. Darn it. Darn. Dang it. hate when that happens and yeah, Gloria says, ha ha, Kim warned us to all be sure to pick the right file, Ethiopian. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah and the good news is that I was able to fix the mistake because you have lots of different tile sizes. Don't panic. To do that. Don't take a break. Yeah. That's right. It's all, what is it? Figureoutable. It's all figureoutable. Yup. Yup. So, Judy asked, how do we access the free classes if we bought our tiles from MGQS? Um great Judy. Cathy will be sending out the Email links. Oh. For everyone who had purchased the tiles. Even before now. Yes. Yes. All if you have purchased the tiles from us, all of you will be receiving those Email links. Mm hmm. Yup. So great. Alright. Uh let's see. Okay, Linda said, Chris, will you be adding more designs for this? It's not um from me, it's from Kimberbell um and but yes, they they have so many different designs that you can choose. These are the. in fact, Sherry. Carol. Um it will you put a link to uh we do have a um an affiliate link for the Kimberbell Vault that if they purchase, if you go through that link and purchase designs, uh from there because they're all downloadables, um then, you can um build a mix and match. I mean, it's so much fun. You don't have to do the same design on every block. You could do a totally different design. So, it's each one. Be like custom. it's custom and it made me feel oh my gosh it made me feel so good. So Alice asked oh when I get somebody brings me over a table runner. Mhm. To quilt for them. Mhm. I could do a really cool design. Yes, you could cuz they're so cute. Oh my goodness. Oh my gosh. The designs are adorable. So, Alice asked, where do you begin your marking? The center or the edge? It depends. If I were working on a larger piece, I would start from the center and work on my way out. If I'm doing. So, that's what I did on one, the big haberdashery. I started in the center worked out on the pillow, I would start just from the corner. So. Okay, I got a question. So, you make sure your backing is a quite a bit bigger like uh two inches bigger than your top? Yes, you wanna make sure your backing is actually about five inches bigger than your back or than your top. Um in fact, I have a one of our Christmas club projects that I'm gonna show here in a minute. I also use clear blue tiles on which I'm very excited about. My backing wasn't as big. Okay. To fit into the hoops. So, all I had to do was I just cuts, I had old strips of fabric. I showed her and sewed them on with a basing stitch just so that it was large enough to go into the hoop and then afterwards, I just took it out. You can be in my club, the genius club. I like that. Alright. Um yeah, Lynn says be sure even with the magnetic hoop, you have to be sure it doesn't shift. Oh, absolutely. It would be with any hoopy. Oh, yeah. But I'll tell you the magnetic hoop makes it really, really easy. Yeah. Um I tried to hoop em at first and I didn't understand. Mm hmm. How important. Hi, Linda. It's great to see you. Um she's asking, can you mark the whole quilt? Yes, you could mark the whole quilt at once which is what I did and it just made it so simple. I was like boom, boom, boom, boom. Or you could do like one section at a time. It's totally up to you I could tell you're excited about it. I am excited because it it is actually so easy and sometimes we make things more confusing for ourselves then, they need to be. I first glance said it went, nope, nope, I'm out. Mm hmm. Too complicated but it's not. Hey, it's not. It's not. You loved it, didn't you? I did. I was so happy. I got to to work on the um tug pillows because now I'm not afraid. Mm hmm. And I will be getting a set. That's right. Barb and I both said that that way. Yeah. Well, all of us said it that night. We're like, this is easier than what we thought. Thank you, Janice. Um she said, Kim has a video that shows you how to make grids if you didn't get them with your machine. Yes, if you didn't get them with your machine, you can order them separately but you also, if you don't wanna do that, you're gonna, Kim shows you how to take cutaway stabilizer, be able to stitch out some cross hairs on it and you've now created your own grids. That's amazing. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So, definitely check that out. Puts that up. Yup. Alice said, learning how to use the grids was a game changer. Oh, absolutely Uh. Yeah. Good. So, I never use my grids. Right. I hardly even. But now we know why those grids are so wonderful, right? Don't throw em away. So, Deborah's was delivered last week. She's gonna work with them tomorrow. Um yay. Paula says she can't wait to start using hers. They're on their way. Teachers when you do it. Definitely. Absolutely. Okay, someone must have asked cuz Sherry answered. They recommend smaller quilts around sixty by sixty larger quilts start to get some warping in the design because of the weight of the quilt. Yeah. Yeah. So, you could do a very large quilt. You could. But you gotta make sure that there is absolutely no drag there. So, the best bet, if that would be an enormous amount of hoopings but the best bet is sixty by sixty or smaller but let me tell you, I'm loving it for all these smaller projects. Oh my goodness. Aren't those big quilts? You could do just line quilting. Just do the the um Kimberbell ones and the and then you could do lines on the outside of it. Definitely. Kathy said, how do you deal with the thread ins every time you start and stop? Um you could take one stitch, you know, um advance your machine by one stitch, pull it down, bring the bobbin thread up, and do it that way just kind of like you would do with um with regular long arm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Alright. Yeah, you could use a chalk chalk pencil. That's what I would definitely use if I had one right here by me. I would have used a chalk pencil. So, yup. rise around and then come back. I'm not sure, Courtney. Um on the the blue, you know, always always check and make sure with your fabrics that, you know, the blue pins will come off. Um if you spray it with water, it just automatically disappears. If you have some that come back, give it another try or always pretest and make sure that with your fabric depending on like if there's sizing or something added to the. Oh yeah. That might cause issues. I don't know. You do not wanna go halfway through your quilt and it doesn't come off and then you're like, ugh. Karen wondered what the slap bands were for. Yeah, it's for when you are rolling your quilt on um underneath the the bed of the machine. Uh huh. The throat. And then you put the slap band around it and it just holds it into play. Helps it so everything's not in the way. Mhm. And one thing, The part that's over your hoop, I saw somebody caught that. Mm hmm. In their embroidery. Mm hmm. I don't know who. It must have been Barb. It must have been. It was me. Of course, it was me. Yes, Lori. The the the this is free for those who purchased um the tiles from us. So, yup. Alright. Um I hope I I'm just kinda going through this really quick. So, um you can still take the class, Jules if you order them from someone else. It's just thirty dollars. Um class Club number six hours. But yeah for 6 hours, that's pretty good, right? Mm hmm. So, it's only $5 an hour. So, yeah. It's a good thing here. Okay. Not too expensive. Oh, I try. Try to keep things affordable. It's worth it. It's worth every penny. Yes, for sure. And like I said, some of you may decide, you know, I just wanna watch the class first. I don't wanna do it at the same time and that's perfectly okay. It's a great idea. That's why we record them. Mm hmm. Yeah. So, there we go. Okay. Anne Marie, the class is october 8th and October eighteenth. Okay Oh, good, Cindy. She's, here's the tie pin works really well for getting rid of the markers. Oh, I didn't think about that to give that a try. It's a good idea. Okay. So, that is the Clear Blue Tiles and um I'm just so excited about it, you guys. I, like I said, I've just, I'm just having so much fun. Mm hmm. And even Jessica was doing the. I saw. Yes, I saw that. And she was doing cute little bumblebees and she's like, mom, this is so much fun. I'm like, I know. I feel like, I just feel so accomplished having. Well, you've never start to move with skill. Absolutely. So. And you've taken it all the way from the beginning to the end. Mhm. That's very satisfying. Definitely. Alright. So, we've done thing number one and we've done thing number two. What time is it, Kyle? It's time for number three. Whoo Alright. So, what is the deal today? We've got a couple things cuz we're gonna be talking about Christmas club here in just a minute but. You guys are gonna lose your mind. The haberdashery quilt kit. If you would like to do this, it is 20% off. Oh. So, really? Yeah. Here we go. Fabrics. Yup and we have enough fabric for you to make an entire quilt. This is just. That's cool. One of the wall hangings and uh we did a swallow hanging or I think this would be really cute as a table topper too. Oh my gosh. We are table runner. Out of it. Yeah. So, Haberdashery Quilt Kit, twenty percent off. You can find it on our website. Go to My Girlfriend's Quilt
Channel: My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe
Views: 1,368
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Id: OTgUiMWWvpo
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Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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