What's new at Leabu with SnL - Kimberbell Clear Blue Tiles

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i did hello again we switched sides it's still tuesday it's still tuesday all the way from over here it's opposite afternoon so we are going to have some fun with a new toy we are because i like new toys do you like new toys of course heck yeah who doesn't like a new toy and a kimber bell toy and a kimber bell toy that was free it was free yeah even better so kimber bell hi mom um kimber bell sent us a sampler so we are going to show you how these cool new things work yeah because so it's super fun to be able to quilt in your hoop and since not everybody has the super super fancy dancing one with built-in quilting designs and even if you do have the super expensive one with the built-in quilting sometimes there's still only so many in there right absolutely so and you know this is really easy this is really easy so i like the easy road doesn't everybody why not yeah yeah so we're going to talk about the new kimber bell blue tiles yes clear view tiles look at that we're live which is not a test [Laughter] okay i know they're all thinking the same thing so um yeah we're gonna show you how easy it is to use those they should be coming sometime next month i believe is when the expected ship date is they are available for pre-sale on our website so you can click those if you are having trouble finding them the kimber bell tab the kimber belt tab has a pre-order and fill in the blank section and that's kind of where we put the stuff that's not in stock yet um also known as a pre-order pre-order so um also been a little confusing there are two options uh-huh for these clear blue tiles and everybody needs everybody if you decide you want to try these you have to buy the expensive one first because the non-expensive one won't do you any good unless you have the other portion so the um the main piece is the essentials set and that is the expensive portion right um and then the expansion set um is an extra piece that you can get that would give you for the larger hoop sizes so if you wanted to be able to expand hence expansion um you can get that one to be able to do for you if you have the larger larger hoops then um and you know you want to be able to quilt larger sections at a time with those hoops you can i like that big hoops i cannot lie and i cannot lie yep okay it's gonna be one of those weeks isn't that it is are you like vacation happy or something i'm ready you're ready to go okay i'm on i'm on my way to disney already don't ask me anything the mind has left the building it has yep oh well then this should be really interesting because sarah is going to do all the bulk of the work this afternoon so sorry i'm going to sit here and move the mouse and i'm going to play with the mice today and she's going to play with the toys yes over there so kind of there yeah it depends on which way you're pointing right on screen or off screen yes on screen off screen i'm just as silly as she is and i have to stay here so god help all of you and god hell paid and there you go he stuck with me alone for two weeks yes yes poor guy oh boy baby okay so should we jump in let's jump in yeah all right so we we didn't really uh talk about sewing or anything this morning but no sarah made some really cute shirts you told we should totally i'll show them shirts before you guys got to see these yes yes they're i'm i'm prepping for my disney for disney magic my scan and cut made some dizzy magic happen this weekend and some not so disney magic when i said bad words it came out and you like pound signs and squiggles and yeah i had transfer to failure [Laughter] and then the fun part i didn't get a phone call though no i knew what the problem was my problem was communicating it to my well-intentioned husband isn't it fun when they try to help you because they think they know how to fix it i totally get like where he was coming from he's like i've done this before and we've done it together many times i understand but i know how to fix it it should be go away and it's not but it's not this yeah he kept asking he's like this stuff that you bought isn't sticky maybe you put it on the wrong side there's only one side that's sticky and there's paper on it so you can't mess that one up not like the glitter which you can yeah you cannot mirror image and then it doesn't work as well that's right oh should we say hi to caitlin we shall not say hi to caitlin yeah turn that off before we get like we're going to get that's not i can't let's try over here when you have music that you don't have copyright yeah sorry my bad all right um let's um yeah we're gonna switch okay let's go to this [Music] look at that yay i succeeded with the mice okay all right so we have some samples here now this isn't the full monty so if you don't have everything we just have a little sampling it's just a sample so when you purchase your essential kit you're going to get a fancy dancy book and then you're going to get a usb stick oops get it in the right spot here that has the quilting designs on it and then you're going to get this really fancy slap wrist thing here but why do we actually get that we get i'll tell them okay it's a secret you no one can know you just get you get some bling just so you can get bling it's so you can smack yourself evidently or your neighbor or your neighbor okay um this is to help control the role of your um of your quilt that's the kind of role i need to control that's right yeah so that's what this guy is to help you um roll up and then contain that and then you're gonna have your fancy tiles so these are basically um plastic right and then they have markings on them and then you're gonna get a water soluble pen you definitely don't want an error soluble pen for this because uh it'll disappear before you finish your quilt that's one thing i can guarantee yeah so you could mark large areas at one time where if you had an air soluble you could literally like do one and then you'd have to stitch absolutely so essentially you need to know a couple of things about your hoops that you have and your quilt before you can kind of get yourself marked up and i want to do just a little bit of chatting about hoops here um sometimes we don't talk about this enough and it can be a little bit confusing so this hoop here is a hoop that is six inches by ten inches on the inside can you hand me that black tape measure i did grab a tape measure but of course i make it all the way over here no all right but when you actually measure the inside of this hoop it measures the inside measures 12 inches by like seven and a half inches but this is really only a six by ten hoop and the reason that it is only six by ten i'm going to pull this up a little bit so you can see it a little bit closer here um really hard to see yeah it doesn't say we gotta have something solid somewhere there we go so you can see the little grid inside and then you can see that extra space at the top so essentially all embroidery hoops have dead space the dead space is the space that the machine needs in order to effectively move around the hoop without stitching through the edges of the hoop so depending on you know here's your back of your hoop and your foot so you've got more clearance room down there and then it's got to come to the front and you don't want to hit anything so you've got all of this dead space and depending on your machine you may have a little bit more space on the left or the right stop then this particular version this would be what a grid guide looks like for a baby lock or a brother so the the place that we actually measure the hoopable area or the the stitchable area actually is on this grid okay and this grid works with this particular hoop so even though my hoop the inside of my hoop measures significantly larger than the actual size that i'm going to be working on that is the area that i have to work with so if i if this was my largest hoop i would need to make sure that i am working with template pieces here that are going to be under six by ten so i that's very important because if you start using pieces here for like an eight by 12 block or whatever because you think oh gosh it fits in there it's not gonna work so you do need to know but i want it to i know that we'll have to sell you a new machine and lisa and i are very happy to do that so i'm we're we're that kind of friend so uh we can make you happy just maybe not your pocketbook or your husband or your husband or your wife or your significant other that's right so when you look at your hoop and your grids you're going to notice that there's some words at the bottom this one says abc you want to make sure that when you're looking at this you've got abc towards you and that you can read it obviously you do not want it to be upside down and you're basically you're on this particular model the um your arrows or your notches they're actually not towards you so sometimes depending on the machine that you might have your arrows might be down at the bottom and that's where your abc will go but because this is how it actually slides into our machine this is how this particular brand works so the reason using the templates is important is because i'm not sure again how well you can see this let's try and make it but a lot of times we use those notches at the top and if you look really closely at the top there that purple line is actually to the left of where the line is on my hoop which means if i'm using those lines as my center mark i'm always going to be off just a little bit and if i'm doing a big block and it's taking up the majority of my hoop i don't have that extra nudge to scooch it over i need to be a little bit more precise when i'm doing that so these templates are going to make sure that you are using the correct placement each time so when you bring the design up into your embroidery machine and you line up your center you should be spot on so no matter which hoop you're using if you're going to use this particular method all right and you don't have a camera so uh ignoring if you have a camera you'll be able to scan and do your placements and that's a little bit different but for people who don't have the camera you're going to be using these templates to make sure that you have everything lined up when you go to hoop it so i'm going to set these aside here and we're going to talk about the types of quilting that you can do i think you should knock the camera off like i did i'll try that was so much fun so essentially when we are doing our uh quilting on our quilt we have two types of quilting that we can do we can do an all-over design or we can do custom quilting all right there's really only two options of quilting all over or custom so you could certainly do some sort of varied variation of the two um but we have custom quilting which means we're taking the time to make sure that the quilting in between like the block pieces and maybe my sashing pieces is completely different versus a pattern that is continuously repeated over and over and over the quilt now you can do both options with the tiling system that she has set up here you would just mark your quilt slightly different so if i was going to do custom quilting here are my template pieces and what i would be looking for are the template pieces that closely resemble the quilting that i want to use so um i would this is a really small one probably not use this one a lot she calls those bitty something so that you can personalize them and just add in fun little extras so either for like corner blocks yep or just because you want to add in a fun little something extra somewhere right on this particular quilt here um i don't have like a corner sashing piece here but in a lot of quilts you do end up with like a really cool piece that happens in your corners so that would be a really good place to do it but on this one we've got some longer pieces and so what i would be looking for are the different size pieces that would actually fit in to the space that i'm working with and so um here we go we could use this one here all right and keep in mind that these are designed for finished sizes because these are finished sizes um i hope that makes sense so this seam allowance is already included in these pieces so when we talk about the the pieces that we're going to be finishing we're talking about the actual finish size after you have pieced it together this isn't like a quilt as you go method it's designed to quilt after you've pieced the top and you have your batting lined up underneath it and then you have your backing behind it so we would pick the pieces that we want to use in the spaces that we want to use them in and then we would mark them so there's a lot of information that you can find on your tiling system here there are arrows so the arrow is important to make sure that you have the direction of your design going in the way that you want it so it will help you not twist it and turn it later on so for instance if i wanted this particular design to kind of flow all the way around my quilt then i would use this piece right here and i would draw my arrow so i would draw my cross hair draw my arrow going in that direction you could also draw your little circle in the middle and then this piece right here is to let me know what size i'm going to be using so that when i'm going to pull up the designs later on i can find them and so this is two by seven so i'm going to write that over here i realize it's probably very hard for you to see what i'm doing because it's tiny down here but i'm using the camera so that they can see that little box yep so there's that little square that's right underneath there that's where you're going to write the size so that when you come to the machine later on you know which design to match up with that particular piece and then you can see the um markings and the arrows that will mark the direction of up or not up depending upon which direction you're going so you would use them like so and that's what you would put in your on the quilt yes you put that in your fabric block there so then i would continue moving my pieces around until i've got all of the shapes inside keeping my arrows all going in the same direction all the way around my quilt so that's what i would do if i were going to custom quote this i would pick and choose the pieces that are going to fit and then i would lay them into the appropriate places and i would go ahead and mark those you also have a lot of border choices and then you also have block pieces so if i wanted to quilt maybe a larger section of this using a big block i could also do that i could also draw the giant piece here so if i didn't want to break this down into all those little itty bitty pieces i could do some bigger quilting around the outside pieces or i could do a little bit of both maybe i want to do a large trunk here and then maybe a couple of little accent pieces at the bottom so that's going to come into play dependent of course on how large of an embroidery hoop you have to play with that's right so if you have a maximum 5x7 hoop that's going to of course play into which tiles you can choose to that's right um and so on and so forth so roseanne has the question of um how oops sorry wrong mouse ha how do we use our dime snap hoop with these so once you have the pieces marked you would then hoop those specific areas and connect that to the machine so um at this point you wouldn't be using any hoop other than what's my largest tube size that i have available to use that's correct so um if i were going to be using the dime magnetic hoops for this particular process because now i i happen to know that roseanne has a camera so this is this is moot for her okay so she's going to use her camera to make sure that once she gets it in the hoop she is actually her design is actually fitting in the space that she wants it so uh taking that out of the account a lot of the dye magnetic hoops they do give you that tape um when you put them on it you're supposed to put like the um yeah there's a ruler ruler along the outside of that to make sure that you have your uh your position where you need it you are going to need either a a piece of plexiglass or not plexiglas plastic template stuff so um i have actually taken a larger piece of plastic it's it's kind of clear or frosted placed it over top of the top of my magnetic hoop trimmed it to the exact size and then drawn the lines because it stays on top and i just pick that up and use it exactly like i would pick this up and use it so i just i just kind of like you make your own i made my own hoop template taped it on the top because that because the top of the hoop is always on the top and your fabric is going between this piece and this so you would need to make yourself a template of the usable space that you have but that is how you would use the magnetic hoop to make sure that you're getting your pieces lined up as needed so that you're not going to end up hitting the hoop that's right when you're quilting so that makes sure that you are giving yourself plenty of um embroiderable area to actually hit the space that you need or actually not hit right not the hit the hoop um that's underneath in there so um basically um the stage that she's at right now you're just marking everything and as long as you're using that water soluble you can continue to mark the whole quilt if you wanted to absolutely um and then once you have everything marked then you would get out whichever hoop it is whether it's going to be a magnetic hoop or one of your standard hoops that come with the machine right whichever ones those would be um you certainly could just if you're magnetic i don't know about sarah but i like when i'm doing quilting i like to just take my top off and slide my hoop around or slide my quilt around and not take out my base i leave my base actually in the machine as many times as i can yeah absolutely so that i'm not shifting things around are you done over there yeah for the yeah for a little while i think unless somebody has any specific questions hers was the only question so far so so um the ex the the sizes um we just have a very small sampling of the different pieces right here um the actual sizes that will be coming with the essential set so you're going to get 2 by 2 2x4 4x4 2x6 4x6 6x6 2x8 eight six by eight eight by eight and then two by ten four by ten six by ten and eight by ten and then there's a bunch border tiles that come um there's like a one by seven a two by seven a three by seven a four by seven a five by seven a six by seven a one by ten a two by ten a three by ten a four by ten a five by ten and six by ten so i didn't have any of the one-inch ones over here um but that is this is it in our sample it wasn't in our sample pack we have just the twos right that's the size that i would have picked for that those specific quilts right pieces that we had here and then your expansion ones are gonna give you a um so a two a four and a six and an eight by twelve and then um a two a four a six and an eight by fourteen so bigger hoops and then um border ones will give you one two three four five six by twelve one two three four five six by fourteen as well so um if you have those uh that big magnetic hoop and the truth is um if you're doing custom quilting having a variety of sizes is great um if you're doing all over size you want to use the largest largest one you got available that you have available absolutely absolutely yep and it does appear like a variety of these are going to be usable with the kimber bell designs that she has on the website so um you're going to get a bunch of different designs with this particular cute little usb yeah the usb is really cute um there's a ton of designs that are going to come with it that are going to be exclusive to the set right so they will not be sold separately on the website um but there are going to be um additional designs right and then um for those of you who have seen a little bit of this before with the bella box the design that we got in the bella box was exclusive so you guys got a little sneak peek of what was going on there this is another little sneak peek and then everything that's in there won't be available as my understanding separately so all of those things are going to be exclusive to wherever they're at so the stuff that's available individually on their site will be um just as a digital download but you can use them with this system but the stuff that's in the system isn't necessarily going to be on their site available for um and i mean i don't know that for sure i'm just stabbing in the dark i that would make sense yeah that they're separate um a lot of the designs that they have on the website are not in finished sizes so it'll say like a one and a half by eight and a half because they're using them uh before pre-quilting concept versus uh once the quilt is done right but so i i imagine that they're gonna start adding some finished sizes uh in there as well so they'll either better they'll change the names and rewrite directions or something to that effect right so um i think it's gonna be yeah yeah i thought it was pretty cool when we got the little little bit of the taste of it i think it's really neat um because there are so many of us that not that quilting by check is is painful um and it's certainly way easy um definitely but a lot of us have large machines and even if you don't have one that has all the quilting stuff in it you've got a big hoop so you kind of feel like i've got all this shouldn't i be able to use it this kind of gives you the ability to be able to use it and i think what is it 130 29 what is the the essentials um 129 129 129.95 for the essentials so we're talking what like probably two quilts yeah probably something like that well it depends on the size of your quilt but roughly paying somebody twice to quilt for you and you have invested in being able to do it yourself is that like teaching somebody how to fish so they can feed themselves for their entire life instead of just giving them the future sure we'll go with that we'll teach you how to quilt so you don't have to pay the filter not that we don't like our quilters because we certainly do and that's and that there's a time and a place for everything absolutely you have a king size quilt definitely yeah but it is also especially when it's a gift that you're giving to somebody and you want it to be i made this you know and it's smacking my mic so sorry do that a lot i must have italian blood that's all i can say i'm gonna sit on my hands okay so literally i'm sitting on my hands see my mom taught me well so um i i think that you know it it really does say something to people you know i went to a um first birthday party and i made a um baby quilt and i it wasn't huge it was just a little thing and i gave it to them you know when the shower and she was like oh we use that all the time he's progressed to something or other in day queer and in daycare and they asked us to not sitting in my hands anymore they asked us to send in something and she was like so we sent in your blanket so it gets used you know and they and they even said oh how what a nice but you know and i'm like i she went out of her way to tell me you know how much they like it makes you feel good you know when you've done something like that so um it's it's nice to be able to say i did that versus oh yeah i had that done or something to that effect so it's nice to be able to complete a whole project on your own and certainly baby quilts are a nice stepping stone if you don't want to start with a king or even a queen that was my mistake no i that was my first quilt i did a queen size quilt yeah and i quilted it myself and then i said i don't like this i'm not doing it and i didn't do it for years because yeah it was awful well it's not i mean it's uh it's it's not necessarily that enjoyable because it's um it's a lot of it's tedious yeah i mean it's a lot to me and handle it is you know so you have to have the space and one of these isn't going to do one of them is not i get the impression though i think you get two um so at least these wouldn't do no but at least the the area of the net you know so you're using your hands again she's smacking me you guys saw it right she's smacking me um but yeah so if you have you know one in front of the neck and one behind the neck at least that area that's getting right by the needle can be contained um which was i think probably they got to start somewhere and you can buy those as a matter of fact you can not that specific one but you can buy those here you can buy the one that's not the test i think there's two that come in the um i think i saw that on the thingamajigger that you get two in the actual essentials kit you get two of those but um which again it's not a ton but it's it's certainly enough to give you the right by the needle area yeah maybe we also sell that those are the the stabilizer ones and the we also have on them plain ones that evidently i need to open the pack and smack sarah with them i didn't even spank you hard enough to make the bracelet work it didn't even it didn't even break it so it's it stayed straight oh but um does it but you saw it you guys all saw it it was off camera [Laughter] she's gonna get us in trouble with that totally i didn't do it on purpose caitlyn was like oh sorry i forgot i'm like i'm live stop [Laughter] oh you were on camera i was like not now i'm sorry um but yeah so uh we're uh we're gonna have these to play with so i think we'll physically do some stuff and we'll have them here if you guys want to come check those out um pre-orders are available online and act kathy i think it's you know certainly a feasible option but i don't know when it will be because we got to get them first so uh we'll we'll see about dates for something like that we'll check it out the um who knows time she's got two weeks coming up here you leave on saturday and she's gonna be gone for a couple of weeks and then she'll be here for a couple weeks and then i'm going for about i'm leaving on thursday so i'm leaving like a week and a half i'm taking two extra days so i'm doing a week and a half so yep i'm gonna be i'm going yep and uh then we'll be almost time for novi well we'll be coming up on that's always almost time for us it's almost time for something right and then we'll have um you know thanksgiving and then it's all coming up so so very fast you know i can't believe school started yesterday it's like oh and we're going to blink and it's going to be thanksgiving weekend and then christmas and we're going to be like what happened to the year i can't believe it's already basically september i mean yeah holy crap yeah we um i realized we've been doing this for a year now 52 weeks we've been doing this we haven't missed a beat no um so speaking of missing a beat right the next couple of weeks we're gonna try a little bit um different yeah stuff so next week um she's going to have a really interesting background we'll have to see what it's going to be because it'll depend i don't know where i'll be where she will be exactly she knows approximately where she'll be but not exactly where she'll be that's right um so she's going to pop in it's not going to be an hour it'll be a short um short live yeah i'm going to be somewhere in the magic kingdom so most likely because that's where we're going to be you have to make park reservations these days so i know what park we'll be at and i'm going to pop in and um say hello so i'll either be at the park or we'll be back at the camper waiting because we have our halloween party that night so you know i'm old and i can't stay up that late now i might need an afternoon now i'm gonna just not say anything so um we're going to next week yeah we're going to talk about some of our favorite tools so she's going to have her little stash of goodies and i'll have my little stash of goodies and we're going to just talk about our favorite tools and a few of our favorite things um these are a few of our favorite things you have to find a place that sings that isn't there like a sound of music places somewhere something like that that would be really great um so we're going to do that next week and then the week after that um we are going to talk uh we're we're not going to talk live no we're going to we're going to replay something that um a lot of you absolutely loved when we did it so we're going to re-hit it because it's something we get questions on all the time yeah so um we're going to be in a cheat we're going to yeah what what is that uh we're going to have a um a replay no what is it a rerun rerun it's going to be we're going to be running we're going to be in reruns for a week so that'll be in two weeks um is that that's what um that one will be but they'll it'll still be there um and of course uh i'll be here so if you guys have questions on what's happening you can always give this the shop a call that's right and um and you can always ask questions because i um there will be waiting in line time there you go so um that's that's what's going to be happening here for the next couple of weeks and of course and of course my phone's still going up and so um we have lots going on yet this week before you go yeah so um just in case you didn't know any more times we are going to be live tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon and then again on friday morning and friday morning is going to kind of be a a catch-all if you will so um we're going to talk embellishments we're going to talk borders are you freaking kidding me we're going to do a little bit of stitching live because the we're going to talk to it our we're going to be doing we're going to talk the pieces themselves that are just going to be tips and tricks on the quilt squares themselves and then friday we're going to stitch um a border and connecting it just to make sure you guys all understand how to do that and this is all going to be for the candy corn quilt shop in case anybody's like what are they talking why why are we what are we doing we just love to be live we we totally do yeah we we can't get enough of it can't you tell the whole world just heard you sigh tony i said the whole world just heard you sigh tony [Laughter] he's out running he ran over hazel man what'd she do to you [Laughter] just check out the dress form bam so um that's going to be um the border and then we will do um a quilt just just a little guy we'll do a quilting on um ways that you can quilt those extra pieces um so like the the non-embroidered pieces that are just like the fillers how you can make that work just in case somebody goes okay i don't get it you'll see it then you'll get it um and then we'll talk embellishments and answer any questions that you guys have up so that's what's happening the rest of this week and then we all have the weekend off yeah so um if you didn't already know we are going to be closed on saturday and on monday i'll be driving i'll be driving to tennessee with the two cats tennessee tennessee what was that we looked that up the other day and i don't remember now why totally drawn to blank but we had to look that song up we did and we were like somebody said tennessee or something and we were like tennessee and didn't know what we were talking about hayden looks as like you two are nuts yep pretty much so but we're a lot of fun to hang out with so there you go um there you go we will be talking about all of that kind of stuff but we won't be here over the weekend so on monday that's the weekend that so we'll be closing saturday and sunday monday um the shop will be closed however really cool news the road is open so um we can now drive north or south on south industrial yay i know with no doubt and um you can now turn left um on to south it was open but they still had cones all through the left turn lane off of eisenhower to get on on saturday i was like well that's not cool are you going to move those so um yeah it's hard to get good so yesterday i i still came in around because i was like if they're still there i'm not turning around and driving you know all the way around so when i went home they're like okay out of the way so i can turn in that way so you can um come in however you normally come in you can get there now so um we are all good there's still some other crazy stuff going on um you know there's random cones and they're cleaning things up and yeah whatnot there's still it still looks a little constructiony that's not a word but we're going with it but uh telling you totally a webster's girl right here i'm just gonna make some up every week and we'll see what gets put in the dictionary but um yeah so super fun knew what was going to happen before the football started but yeah maybe someday you'll say some really fancy word and then our video will just go viral it'll go viral and we'll just be the cool kids we're already here are the cool kids the whole world will know then and then our small group won't help to share us with a bigger people with bigger people with more people bigger people bigger people bigger people i know dave always says do you think saturday night out live is going to get mad i'm like i'm not yet we're still pretty small enough uh yeah i don't think we're on anybody's radar i don't think so either i get asked that to my family don't you think i'm like no it's the lowercase l we're not an uppercase l so it's okay we're good you think i'm like yeah totally yeah that's that's all the difference in the world totally so that's what i got you got anything else do you guys want to see my shirts i i you guys got to see these these are super cute so um excellent you're going to love them they're it's it really is a really great pack um you know i know what machine you have to miss kathy and so you have the ability to quilt but these really do make um things so so easy so i think you're really gonna love it so i'm excited for you so she's got i'm gonna switch yeah um so she has uh the current no now the old i guess disney machine disney scan and cut machine and she played some this weekend so did you make your husband's wife shirt yet i didn't no it's on the list so this one 99 sure she's a disney villain yep so tell them about what you're going to make your husband dave's shirt is going to say my favorite disney villain is my wife i think that's really funny and then i need this one totally need this one so very very cute and it says um what does it say at the very bottom it says coach established 1950 a land far far away and then rolling rolling in with my home but okay we'll go with that so aren't those cute so those are all glitter vinyls um and we're cut uh heat transfer vinyl that were cut on the scan and cut and then um basically ironed onto those t-shirts yeah aren't they adorable new um thin no it's not the thin final blade but it's the thin vinyl blade the new the new vinyl blade yes um it's not called thin vinyl blade it's not thin it's just the vinyl blade it's got a light blue top on it it's just the vinyl blade yeah it cuts much more intricate um so that was a lot of fun um yes i only um so the rolling with the homies one um was the last one that i did not the first one that i did and i forgot to mirror image that one so um the words are not legible so you just tack those off so i i just yeah i hack those off and i'm gonna and then dave's he's getting dave's homies are in reverse yeah gotcha yeah that's the nice thing about homies they don't care yeah he was pretty impressed yesterday he was he was cute he i the shirts were laying on the counter and he's like oh where'd you get this from and i'm like this girl i made him he's like those are pretty good i'm like get a little excited bye don't ya so you did succeed in getting the sticky on the camper uh not all of them are done i i i have to redo them so uh i i know lisa has talked about this before like transfer and how important it is that to have the right transfer tape works with your um your with the vinyl so i got some vinyl permanent vinyl to put some mickey decals on our camper and um we bought the transfer tape from them i did and it said works with so they had 12 different transfer different tapes to work right so i mean how do you know you just pick okay so i picked it and um when i was using it when i was putting it on there i was like oh man this is really sticky and i'm like it's been a while since i've done uh graphics for a vehicle so maybe i've just maybe maybe it's different now so dave also had to wash the vehicle hand wash the vehicle yes sorry he's scrubbing right and then of course so i go out there and i'm like it's not real you know like i i was thinking a little dirt might have done us a little good for this part right and i was like well i don't know if rubbing alcohol will be okay on the outside of this but that's what i normally would have put on there you know clean it off before you're ready right there and then make sure there's no like wax resin right sure everything so then i go to put it on and it go on and i i so i put it on and i squeegee it down and then i'm he's like getting ready to touch it i'm like no let's leave it for a second you know because it's it's not real hot so i in it i'm concerned so i left it for about five minutes and then i went to pull it back and i was like oh crap just all came right back off like 95 of it came right back off so there were like a couple of places where it was starting to stick and i probably could have like really started to peel and then fussed with it right but there they were such intricate lines on some of the places it was stretching it was just going to be a giant nightmare so then of course dave's like did you guys on the wrong side and i'm like there's only one side to cut it this way but no no i did not and so yeah then there was an argument and shoot and i sort of stormed off into the house and was like i said a bad word and then i went and i re-cut the design and i pulled out some old transfer tape that i had from a long time ago that was a little bit more like masking tape you know the not not clear yeah and i put it on the mickey and then i stormed outside and put it on the thing and i waited a minute and i pulled it right back off and looked i told you so so can you stop monkeying with that i told you so because it's making me crazy i'm like i know what the problem is um but yeah it would have been i should have videotaped that yeah the the sad thing is is i'm fairly confident that it's all already on video because we have a camera that points right to that position so um if dave were to say i didn't say that i probably could have said let's just rewind that but um that doesn't really get you anything in a marriage no probably wouldn't have helped the situation just have to walk away and we're about to spend a lot of time together so i mean i can actually move to the back of the camper but um it's it's it's probably just um better for us to let that go but um i re-cut uh one of the two pieces that didn't get put on yesterday and i just have to peel it and put it on so we'll be okay but um very nice chance for tape failure yeah nothing and then he's like so is there anything that we can salvage this from and i'm like it's not worth it and i'm like well i mean i could like put it on something and recut it so that there's clear transfer tape over top of the other stuff but no no i it's just just trash just trash at this point i mean it's just a little bit of tape and a little bit of vinyl there's what five ten dollars worth of nope that's just there yeah yep so there we go goodbye to it it's goodbye yes it's not any good but uh it's good to know the marriage survived mickey and minnie being applied to the vehicle i wasn't sure see my marriage wouldn't have survived me trying to put them on in the first place he would have been like oh heck no yeah well it was his idea so he wanted to like disney it up a little bit but um not mine yeah it was uh like it would have been a he double hockey sticks no big no uh but yes today will be better um but then later on he's like so did you get those disney masks sonja and i'm like i'm gonna punch you you know what i've been doing right i'm like yeah yeah i totally did that while i was fighting with you over this and dinner's ready too right yeah i did cook dinner in the middle of all that but too funny all right so that was our fun this weekend um yeah you can always tell when i can always tell when he's stressed over something because he's the over analyzer that something like as silly as this would be the thing that is the scale okay yeah and yeah i was just ready to string one and i love them so there's not very often when i'm i really want to strengthen this was this is why it's better now that when he does construction projects i don't help you don't help that's why we've stayed together because he is is definitely that type a right he wants it well yeah it has to be a very very special way of doing it and if i veer off of that um it's not good no no it is not so but yeah i did manage to get three shirts made and two vinyl decals decals applied applied yes that's not bad no some fails but way more successes so that's pretty good that's good i still cannot believe how quiet the scanner cut is it is crazy it's almost like didn't i push start oh look at that it's cutting yeah it's just it is such an awesome machine yeah if you're cutting on like my old silhouette it was so loud yes it was so loud you knew what was happening over there i can't tell you how many times i've thought is it done did i push start yeah and you walk back over and you're like oh no look at that it's going i will tell you though i do have like and now i know this will probably never happen but my wish list for the scan and cut would be like a running time of how much blade use has been used so that you really have an idea of like they recommend after like two hours of actually cutting your blade's pretty dull so you should change it or you should press yeah because you really don't know if your blade has gotten dull until you find out it didn't cut and i certainly um you know i did it when i was concerned i did a little bit of a test cut it was fine at the beginning but then it wasn't so great at the at the end at the end and of course i had already taken it off the mat yeah that is definitely one thing that i recommend to everybody is before you unload the mat check yeah so um for all of us because that is a case you know now that we have the auto sensing blades we assume it's all working magically fine you know the disney magic is happening at disney magic you know so you definitely want to double check before you unload the map as long as the mat is loaded in you can hit go and it will re-hit right and then if it didn't click or clearly cut somewhere it would go right on top of where it did if you unload there's no guarantee it's going to load back in in exactly the same position and you could get a shadow line or something like that but if you check and you're like oh it didn't do whatever over here unlike a time because of course i changed my blade i'm really good at changing my blade needle's another whole another story my scanning cup blade i have no problem with but you know i change that all the time and how would it know well it kind of you know it knows which carrier you have in right um so you know like on long but there would have to be a reset you know yeah there would have to be that but what i really want i wanted to be able to fast forward yeah to just say i just want you to cut this portion of my cut right that's what i want i think that would be a phenomenal i think feature both of those we need anybody listening out there we need these things okay we need a timer and we need a fast forward and reverse button to be able to say i just missed this spot please yes go here and now now cut that okay stop now i'm good yeah um because that would just save so many projects of you know i don't need the whole thing recut just a little bit um for whatever reason yeah you know maybe your mat is marred over there and so it needs a little extra help because i'm trying to make my mat last or whatever the reason might be so um if it makes you guys feel any better we have the same issues you know we oh crap we say things like that too so um lots and lots of fun to be had with um clear blue tiles and with your scanning cut so um i didn't use mine this weekend i was here a lot this weekend and then i did work on candy corn quilt that was the only other thing that i did this weekend so i stitched some extra squares and so i sewed sections together pretty proud that i did not have to call you i was able yeah i have watched you enough that i knew exactly what i was doing and when it failed i knew exactly why yeah i heard lisa say that once or twice or 50 the thing that took me the hardest that was the hardest thing for me to find was um after i grouped it uh i couldn't increase the size until i grouped the group um and you had to hit the button to actually group it to group it yeah yeah yeah outside of the red squares yeah then now what where's my actual group button yes yeah in my mind select all should have been good enough um and it's funny because on the old machines it was as soon as you hit okay it was right there on that same page on the new machines you have to go to another page to find that square you should change that too by the way yeah if anybody is out there listening to that too it should be on that same page it's silly to have to go to another page for that then i did it once and i didn't know how i did it so i was like where was that again but i know where it's at now i did it a lot lots of times yes repetition is definitely key yeah no no doubt i cut that darn minnie and mickey i cut mickey like 12 times so twice i cut him and when i was weeding because there's like a there's a big glump of space where there's of course solid black right and it needs to come off and then there's a couple of little lines well it got stuck to the little line it's done so it's just a little line so there's no pulling that back off so toss that one start it again you flip the hair while you're at it the hair right over my shoulder dave uh the cat was enjoying it because i just i literally did just toss it right over the couch because i was in the living room hanging out because the kitchen with this yeah yeah that was dinner it was dinner it was cooked on the stove it was yeah i used the stove for my uh for my press heat safe uh press yeah flat surface it it works glass top that gets hot so the iron was not hurting it there you go it was safe there you go it was a crazy week it was a crazy weekend that's right you guys should totally come craft with us because it's never dull it's not dull you just never know what we're gonna get into right or what or what we're gonna say that is so true that that's yes that's the entertaining portion of the afternoon evening middle of the night whatever it happens to be yep but uh yeah so now that we've rambled all the stuff that gets edited out no doubt all right guys well um next tuesday i will see you from the magic kingdom yes and for all of the rest of you we'll maybe see you tomorrow morning that's right all right so that's this one thank you for joining us this afternoon and we will see you whenever the next time happens to be yup take care bye
Channel: Leabu Sewing Center
Views: 559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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