Tuesday, April 20

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(upbeat music) Live from New York city, it's the Wendy Williams Show! (upbeat music continues) ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ How you doing Wendy, let's go ♪ Now, here's Wendy! (upbeat music continues) (audience cheering) ♪ How you doing ♪ Thank you for watching our show. Say hello to my cohost studio audience staffers. (audience cheering) And of course, the virtuals at home. (audience continues cheering) How you doing? How you doing? You tell me. Let's get started, it's time for "Hot Topics." (crowd cheering) (upbeat music) Well, in the spirit of the day I'm wearing a nice green dress. (audience cheers and claps) Happy 420 everybody. It is a national holiday where everybody smokes weed. Those who don't smoke weed, all you gotta do is take a deep breath and catch contact all day long. And I'm sure the gummy bears are delicious, the lollipops and everything like that. Here in New York, they are literally on the news giving out addresses where you can actually go. Like I know Washington Square Park, if you show you've been vaccinated, they'll give you a little vial, a little sumn' sumn'. Right? I know at Hunts Point, they turned up, up in the Bronx, they turned the whole place into like a, like you walk through and you see the different trees and that alone will get you high. (laughs) You know? All I know is after the show, I am going in the house and slamming the door and watching the day go by. (audience laughs) Of course I'll be well rested. (audience claps) Now, also happy birthday to my big sister, Wanda. Happy birthday Wanda! (audience claps) It's unfortunate she shares the holiday with 420 'cause, she has no idea. (laughs) Anyway, the good news here is that Andy Cohen is actually here, here. (audience claps and cheers) I used to have the biggest crush on him and I still... Every time I look at him, he gets more handsome every single year. It like he's, that's a handsome man. Yeah! (crowd claps) But, you know, he's a New Yorker, and he decided not to go virtual so he's here with me, and I'm going to ask him if he's ever met Teresa's new boyfriend, Louie. Because according to pay, I'm gonna ask him a lot, this as well. According to our page six, Louis allegedly is demanding sex from his exes. That's he's a demander. Like give it to me when I want it, how I want it, the way I want it. It's been alleged that he wants it from Tre up to four times a day. Ooh! This is all in page six. Although I've heard this. This one from a guy not wanting to be on TV, right? All of a sudden he's... Right. Yeah. Another... Okay. So now, the exes are coming up of Louis. There's an ex fiance who claims that she needed to be available for him according to what he wanted, whenever, wherever he wanted it. And if she ever objected, he'd be nasty and withdrawn from her. (laughs) Then he was engaged to a woman who actually... They were about to jump the broom, and she was like, "You know what? I can't." So Tre, there are two women who've come out and then you're there with Louie. And I know that you're a sexual being and you and juicy Joe used to have sex all the time I mean, stuff like that. But just 'cause you're a sexual being doesn't mean that you actually want sex, not even every day. Theresa, I know you're not gonna have sex with him four times a day. And, you know, if you continue with this relationship just know that people are gonna be staring at you like, "I wonder if they did it here or there, whatever." And then every time you say you had sex, people are gonna be thinking you're lying. Kind of sorta Suzanne. You know what I mean? Yeah, a little bit, maybe. Kind of sorta. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. 'Cause she's trying to keep up this thing. Yes, yes. She wants to act like she can handle it. No matter how much I loved a guy, this would absolutely be a deal breaker. Norman? Aha. Would that be a deal breaker? Now, would that be a deal breaker? Four times? No. I can do it four times. No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Sorry mom! Sorry mom! (laughs) I'm kidding. Just jokes, just jokes. You gotta get up in the morning, you gotta focus. Yeah. Plus you and me have children. Tre has four children. Yup. And a lifestyle to maintain. She's gotta tape the show, she's gotta maintain her beauty, she wants to do her yoga. You know? Mm-mm. That is a deal breaker. Oh, by the way, Joe, juicy Joe, Joe. (laughs) Well, that's him in Italy. Little do you know, he's allowed to go to The Bahamas. I know he's coming closer and closer to home. Okay. Joe had dinner with Theresa and Louie recently in The Bahamas. There they all are. The girls are there, and Joe did say it was kind of awkward. You know, what do you do? You walk into a room and there's your ex wife with her boyfriend. But I think this is good for the kids. It's good sacrifice for them to make that sacrifice. Joe, I'm glad you came over from Italy. The Bahamas is right around the corner. It's almost like a sixth borough. (audience laughs) You know? People up here go down there all the time. Joe, you should have brought your girlfriend though. Say, and then been rubbing on her and stuff, and then it'd be a rub off at the table. (laughs) But this is good for him 'cause you know, he's still living, Italy is his primary residence, and he's trying to have his reality show or whatever he's going to do with the rest of his life and-- That's his girlfriend, right? Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Well maybe she would leave with Louie, and then Tre and Joe would be sitting here like this. All right. So there's controversy over Demi Lovato. There's always something going on with her. Okay, so she's being criticized about this frozen yogurt shop. You probably heard this story, we haven't talked about it yet. She posted that she's upset. She got upset that they carry sugar-free options in the front of the store. Now I'm thinking, what's wrong with that? Well, well, because sugar-free triggers people who had eating disorders. So she put that on her social media for her millions of people to actually see this. Now this store is called Big Chill. I don't know it, but apparently it's big out there. Anyway, the yogurt shop got back at Demi and said, they're saying that they carry sugar-free options for their diabetic and vegan clients. This makes me want a pink berry, right before I get home. You go in there and they make it real nice, they show how many calories it is, then you get all the cherries and strawberries and stuff on top and the nuts and gummy bears on top, and the workers are real nice. I used to not have a taste for it, it's kind of tangy. It's an acquired taste. It's definitely an acquired taste. Once you acquire the taste, you can't live without it. No, not at all. Great. Anyway, Demi was slammed for trying to destroy the business. So what she thought was a good thing, turned out to be not such a positive thing because people went after her for trying to destroy this business that everybody loves. So last night she did an apology. Here she is, take a look. So I'm so sorry if it got misconstrued. I just... I don't always get this right. I speak my mind unopinionated, and then sometimes I get labeled as problematic. But I'm not coming after a small business as someone with a lot of followers. That's not what I'm doing here. I'm coming... I walked into a situation that didn't sit right with me, my intuition said, "Speak up about this," so I did. I'm not with it. I'm not with it. I think Demi, you know, you could have gotten in touch with these people behind the scenes. And, because now people are gonna think they can just walk into businesses, you know, with their problems and switch around the menus and stuff like that. She ended up walking out of the yogurt shop. She didn't buy anything there at that time. I don't like frozen yogurt much but I do like that pink berry. They mix it in the back, they put like something in it. I don't know what though. Anyways, so she says she has an opinion and she's gonna speak her mind. Well, so do I, NBA Youngboy followers. I know. Hey? Okay. All right, NBA. But at least he understand, I... Look, NBA Youngboy sent me a message from prison. He said, I have a good soul, he called me beautiful, he told me to count my blessings. Yeah, Cantrell, Cantrell. He's not mad for me talking about him because he knows that's my job, that this is my... This is what I do. (audience claps) If there was nothing to talk about, I wouldn't do it. Now he goes back to court today. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But there's more to the story, because he's been in and out of prison several times, I'll remind you. He's 21 years old with seven children, but he just has his eighth baby with Yaya Mayweather, whose Floyd Mayweather's daughter. No word on whether they're still together. I don't know. I don't know. I'm just here commenting. Now his whole squad is about to descend. The Youngboy fan club? Well it's 420, so maybe they're busy today. (audience laughs) Maybe they're busy, too busy for me. So he goes back to court today. Now what's he in for? I think he was trynna like flee the cops and he was arrested. There was a prior charge. Right. That's the whole thing. Yeah. Well, we'll see what the court system says. You know, in the meantime, I'm gonna keep talking if you keep watching. Thank you for watching. (audience cheers and claps) So Bow Wow, and Future's baby's mom, mother, Joie she wants to set the record straight and tell you that she is not a gold digger, she provides for herself and her children, take a look. I'm not. I'm not a gold digger. I don't... If that's the case, I just date everybody that tries to talk to me with money. I don't. I take care of my kids, I don't get any child support. Repeat that. I don't get any child support. I don't really need to ask for certain things for my kids 'cause I can do everything myself. If you know, their father wants to do things for them, and then they do that on their own time, if they want to, you know, hey, here's the money for this or that or you know, whatever. But I don't really ask for anything. I'm able to do everything on my own. I believe every word. The shocking thing is that, you know, and I do believe that Bow Wow will buy the kids sneakers or, you know, whatever clothing, take care of the time that they're together, put them on the plane, buy 'em pizza, and Future... Future's not even the father, it's Papa Russ. He's Ciara's. Oh, okay. That's Ciara's. I'm confused. Yeah there's a lot of stuff going on (indistinct) I'm confused. But Future... You know, this is the thing. It's too late for her, and Joie by the way is a successful woman on her own. She's got a workout line. You know, workout gear, it's very successful. I don't have any of it but Joie if you'd like to... See, I need that. So anyway, the thing is that you have to watch down who you lie down with, or watch out who you lie down with and have kids with because Joie can handle herself, and unfortunately she's had to get on social media to play both of these men out. 'Cause that was low keyed shady boots what she just said. And both of you men should be ashamed of yourself. (audience claps) And then Future does have several kids by several babies moms. Okay. So there's one called Eliza. (laughs) There's one whose name is Eliza Reign. There she is, number seven, right? So she wants to find out how much Future pays his other babies' moms, including Ciara. Okay. This is where Ciara fits in. Well, why would he pay Ciara? You know, Papa Russ takes care of all that, has adopted the boy as his own, and he calls Russ daddy. I don't think you'll ever find out how much he pays his babies' moms because now Joie said she doesn't get anything, and the other one's probably aren't talking, or they might talk, I don't know. To collaborate to make sure that her money is good. I don't know. Find out how much he makes on the tours. Find out how much he makes when he collaborates. And that's kind of difficult though, huh Sass? Crazy. Yeah. It's a lot. Yeah. Got the Future. (laughs) It's a lot of baby moms, a lot (indistinct). (laughs) Yo! (laughs) Did anybody blow anything in your face? It's still early. Okay. It's still early. Well, good luck Reign with your search for your money. (audience claps) You know, just when you think you have money problems through Reign, and you know, a lot of people watching and stuff, Robert De Niro's got money problems. Well, no, I know. According to his lawyer, he's forced to constantly work. Look, so he could keep up with his estranged wife spending habits. Now, this is Joy Hightower, Grace Hightower, and Grace is 66, and he's 77, but right now they're not divorced, so they're fighting over how much that she should be paid until they finally get divorced and then the prenup kicks in Once the prenup kicks in then she'll get a million dollars a year. Which to me, that's Robert De Niro, even that seems like a little tiny bit of money, but okay, you know. A million dollars a year, but right now, they're not living together or anything like that and she wants to have a lifestyle still that she was accustomed to having. Well, Robert De Niro's lawyers say that it's wrong that he has to keep, he has to keep taking every offer that he gets because he's got to afford to pay her, not to mention that 6 million in certain dollar back taxes bill that he has. Yeah. Yeah. Now how does that happen to Robert De Niro where you don't know that you haven't paid taxes? He's got some good restaurants though. Yeah. And he brought Tribeca Film Festival back to New York. You know, people will be out there. You don't even have to stay Mr. De Niro, just get on the red carpet pose and then go back to one of your restaurants and meet with your accountants and figure out what the hell is going on. Now, they charged for the Tribeca, as I can recall. But you do a donation according to what you could, what you would like to-- Right, and you get a pass, and you go see as many movies as you want and all that. Yeah. Well maybe you should start that at $25 a person. And then if you can afford 30, then put 30 in. Maybe it should be like that. And yet, you know, it could be going to your pocket to pay for Grace, but it's also, you know, you're one of the people who could help bring New York back to where it was. I mean, not back in the 80s 'cause we're already there, but you know, back to where it was before the pandemic. And he, okay. So here's what he promised her when they got married. You ready for this? She had $375,000 a month to spend on whatever she'd like. Can you imagine having that spending budget? And I love stuff, although I hate shopping, but I love stuff. But I couldn't imagine, what do you spend that on? After a while it gets boring. So then you take the money and you sock it away in an account or something like that. I don't suspect that... I mean, okay. Say she orders a premium bag and she takes a private jet over to Italy to pick it up 'cause it's being made in Italy. Well, that's like $80,000 right there, okay. Maybe she only wears La Perla lingerie, you know, a $200 a bra. She looks a little larger, that'd be $400 a bra. Talking from experience, I know stuff. They got these little tiny triangles of itchy lace over there and then, you know, like literally when you're a certain size literally everything takes time. And if you're a Grace Hightower, then they're gonna take time all right and take your money too. She's just out flinging credit cards. I don't feel sorry for either of them though. You know, you knew what you were getting into when you were dating this girl, and you knew what she wanted, and you know... Wait a minute! Hot Topics can't be over. I wanna talk about the edges. We don't have a lot of time, but we can. There's a perfect trend for your edges. Okay, it's the baby hair tattoo. Now, you know, I love baby hair. Yes, girls. Here's what you meant to. Here's what you do. Right? And she's demonstrating, and I wanted to tell you this because my wigologist, Jasmine is going to be my featured presentation on our after show today. (audience cheers and claps) I mean, I wouldn't wear that, that's not good for me, but that is a good invention, right? So I'll talk with Jasmine about my wigs, their wigs and everybody's hair. All right. In the mean time we got more great show for everybody. Up next, Andy Cohen is here. So grab a snack and come on back. (upbeat music) Please welcome Andy Cohen. (upbeat music) (crowd cheering) How you doing? (indistinct) So glad to be here. My God, you know I'm 20 blocks away. Shoe can please. Yes. Andy Cohen shoe can please. Yes, Ferragamo. Yes? Yes. That looks like you've had them for a moment. They're in need of a shine. No, no, no, no. We love a broken in-- Yeah, yeah. It's a nice broken in shoe. Yeah. Yeah. Happy 420. Yes. Happy birthday, Wanda. Yes! Happy birthday Luther Vandross, would have been 70 today. Okay. Yeah. All right. Now you live 20 blocks from here. So did you catch a contact walk or you were in the car? A contact tie? Yeah. It's you can feel it in the air. New York city is celebrating. It's nice to have you here. It's great to be here. I feel like a real person. Like things are happening. I mean, 70 degrees and sunny and spring is here and now we can dine until midnight. Yes, I'm ready! Yeah. Life is coming back. Seriously, I feel it. I think so. Yeah. I hope so. How's Ben doing? Ken is great, Ben is great. He's wonderful, there we are in matching PJ's. He's really good. He is a delight. I walk in in the morning to wake him up, and he's like, "Hey!" (laughs) Hey! Do you want more kids? I'm thinking about it. Yeah. I think it will be great for him. Yeah. Yeah. It's not so much for the parents, 'cause it's a lot. It's a lot. It's a lot. Especially 'cause you work-- Single dad, man. Yeah. It's not... Yeah, it's a lot. Well, you work so many different jobs though also. A lot going on right now. It's best that he stays here in New York. With nanny or something like that. And then you come back. So how is it being single? How is it being single? You're booed up, aren't you? Well, no, no, no, no. Okay. I mean, Mike and I are cool. By the way, you know, Mike and I had dinner at the Congressional Country Club with Ray and Karen. And the grand Dom? Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Wow. So that happened-- Just the other week. That's good. Wendy reached out to me asking for the grand Dom's phone number recently, and I thought, what is this gonna be about? And you all got together at the country club, I love it. Yeah. Double date. It was a great night. Yeah. (audience claps) But being single is okay. I mean, you know, I feel like I was a lot to handle when I wasn't a parent and now, meeting people, I mean, it's in my mind, is it so heavy? You're not only dating me but you're gonna date, you know, my son's in the picture. And so it seems like a lot. Well-- We'll see. I mean, use it or lose it, is what I say. You know? You know? Yes. Okay. I don't wanna lose it. (laughs) I do not wanna lose it. There's so many people here who've always had a crush on you. I still do. Thank you. I was very flattered when you said that. No, you're very, very good looking, man. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. I like the Salt and Pepper. Thanks. And I still would love to see you and Anderson hookup and be a couple. Anderson is killing it on Jeopardy right now. He's gastro stay on Jeopardy, he is killing it. And you guys did such a good job on new year's eve Thank you very much. I was right here watching. Thanks. I feel like he's, you're the noisy part and the quiet part when you have the same personality. We are like Ying and Yang, yes. Yeah, we work well together. Hey, have you met Teresa's boyfriend? You know, I did meet him actually. I did meet him and I saw your Hot Topics. You were reporting on the story that I read about too. I talked to her about it at the reunion I might add. Here's what you have to know, if you watch Jersey Housewives closely, Theresa said, she was looking for a man who would make love to her three times a day. She said it on the show. And so, if it is true, that this man wants sex four times a day, this guy maybe is made for her. I mean honestly. (audience clapping) She said it on the show Wendy. She said it. But we say a lot of things that we really don't mean. We do, but I don't know. You know, who knows? All right. All right, listen. I'm very concerned about the status of the Gorgon marriage. Oh, about Melissa and Joe. You know what I think that is, and I've talked to both of them about it, I think he keeps saying, you're, you know, you're busy and you're, you know, you're not around. I think it's the show. I think she has had so many opportunities as a result of the show and fame and he alludes to it, I think in this week's episode even more. But I think it's the red carpet thing and going out and there's a Us Magazine party and there's this. So I think that kind of played into this. See, I thought he kinda liked going out. They always seem like just such a wonderful couple. And it's really disturbing that at the hands of you, Andy and keeping these people on TV that they... I'm 50, 50, they might get a divorce. If I were Melissa, I wouldn't give up the career that I've worked for. Right. For him. And we'd be good co-parents. You would not give up your career? No. Right. Not based on where she came from-- I don't know that he's asking her too, by the way. I don't wanna see them fight on TV though. Can you turn the cameras off? Okay. Just saying. All right, okay. I love them as a couple. Yeah. I do. I do. (audience claps) And all the kids. Yeah. So, speaking of turning cameras off, I love how you were still able to get all the action going on in Atlanta. In Atlanta? Aha. I mean, when those ladies started turning those cameras off and then there were like two errant cameras in the corner, I was like yes! Yes! This is great. But I loved it. Listen, I think that the Housewives, one of the things that I love about The Housewives and this especially plays out in New York, a lot is how comfortable the women are with their sexuality, and they are sex positive people, and I think that is really cool. And I loved it that they went for it in Atlanta. It was a real bachelorette party for Cynthia and they went for it and I have absolutely no judgment on that. I think it's really cool. And I mean-- The Bolo? I mean, Bolo. Andy, I felt very uncomfortable and I'm very comfortable with my sexuality. We talk sex in the whole bit, but no, that was-- That was too much for you? Yup, yup, yup. All right. Yup. Okay. Yeah. All right. It was. Okay. I'm just saying. Yeah, it's you're right. And a lot of times I feel like when I watch the show, I feel like I'm watching something, everything that I've seen before and they know, that filming is down because of the pandemic. So you have to-- Yeah. I have to point out one thing that is true about, especially this season of Atlanta, we had to shut down several times production for a few weeks. There were so many stops and starts. So, it was rough. It was rough getting momentum there for a minute. I like Cynthia Bailey though. She's really sweet. I remember I was calling her boring and stuff. No, Cynthia is a keeper. I'm not a big fan of the lady Drew. Drew Sidora? I don't care. Really? No. Okay. I don't care. Okay. So are you looking to shake that cast up? I think we're always looking for, you know, how can we build on it? Yeah. I love Kandi. Kandi is great. I mean, Kandi is disgusting, but she's also a boss and I love Todd for Kandi. Disgusting? Yeah. Disgusting, filthy, filthy. Filthy? Oh yes. Okay. Too comfortable with her sexuality. Ooh, okay. All right. You know what I love about you? What? You're a little bit of a prude. Yeah! Yeah, you are. You are! Like I'm having fun dating, but I'm a girlfriend. Though I'm not a... Right, right. You maybe sit there with your knitting, watch and shaking your head. Well, not knitting. But I certainly do ring my hands back-- You ring your hands, I know, I love it. And change the channel and then come back and watch through my fingers. I love it. I love it. Okay. Erica Jane? Yes. She's divorcing? She is, among other things. Yes. Yes. She's got a lot going on. That all happened on our watch while we were shooting Beverly Hills. You see the entire thing unfold. Did you see the trailer of Beverly Hills? I don't know, I can't recall. It's really good. It's really good. It's a great series. She's divorcing the husband, she'll not be in the will, he's not giving her any money. She has no money. There may not be any money. I mean, we don't know. There's a lot of lawsuits there. It's shocking what's happening with him, and yeah, pretty surprising. Do you know Grace Hightower? I think I've maybe met her around. I saw that story on Hot Topics you just did. Interesting, right? Yeah. Yeah. I know Toukie. Yeah, yeah. I love Toukie. Yeah, yeah. Toukie Smith. I knew Toukie. Who was his first wife? Yes. Yeah, she's great. But she spent too. Toukie? Yeah, and he's very generous with his women. So he's got to now pay the wiper. Would you date De Niro? Yes. Yeah. And I would want my allowance. Yeah, you would want your allowance. Yes, I would. I don't think I'm his type though but yeah, I would. Right. Mm-hmm. I think you might be. (laughs) I've got everything for myself. All I wanna do is have free food at the restaurant. How about that? Is that your Housewives Tagline? Yeah, I love free food. Oh, I lost interest in Miami. Oh, you did? Yeah. Wendy was petitioning to be a friend of or be on the show, now you lost interest. What happened? Nothing's happened. Well, I was down there during Corona, then I got in touch with Larsa, and then Larsa was filming something or another, and then she said, "All right I'm gonna come by and pick you up, and we're gonna go out for dinner." So the time comes and she's not there. So I already called, then I called my own car. I'm like, "Okay, well I'm going out anyway. You know, I'm not scared to go out by myself." So when I finally got in contact with her, she sent me a picture of her feet, she's laying in bed, you know, sleeping. But here's the thing, my family is all consuming. So I don't even have time to be followed up. Like they're... Yes. Yes. Well, you also have 18 jobs yourself. Well, but they all, they're all out of New York. Yes they are. Okay, good. I didn't know how logistically that was gonna happen either. I'm glad you worked it out. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. The new show? The new show Wendy, you are gonna love it. If you guys love reality TV which I know you do, we've got Housewives, we've got the Kardashians, we have Bachelors, Mama June, on and on and on, all really lifting the veil and telling all the behind the scenes gossip of what has happened. We have a lot of producers of these shows, and you know, they're the ones who know where the bodies are buried. And it's on E every Thursday night after the Kardashians. And you know, I'm doing that big Kardashians Reunion Show. No, all right, congratulations on that. (audience claps) That's a big one. I love them all. I'm not gonna miss the show, because I know that they have their deal with Netflix or Hulu or something where we're gonna see them more, plus they're social media influencers. But it's still gone as a day going by. I know, I know. Andy, you're my perfect guest. Oh! Wendy, you're my perfect host. And you too Norman wherever you are. For Real, it's called For Real. The story of reality TV, it airs Thursday nights at nine o'clock on E. Up next, Trendy at Wendy. Happy 420 everybody! (upbeat music) (audience cheering) Hmm, it's time for Trendy at Wendy. Please welcome our friend, Melissa Garcia. Melissa. (audience clapping) How are you doing? Okay. Tell us about these great deals. Yes. So our best friends at Rue La La give us all of these amazing products starring Next To You. So, it looks like a regular floor mirror, right? But this is really cool. This is from Inspired Home and it's their storage mirror armoire. We've had this before and you guys loved it. So it's back. It's amazing. So you open it up, and it's basically a whole valet armoire for all of your jewelry, earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces. Even your ring can fit in there Wendy. Yeah, everything can fit in there. It's velvet, it's compartmentalize. It even has a lock. So again, most of our jewelry is really expensive and really valuable. So it keeps everything safe and secure. Has LED lights around the outside of the mirror-- How fancy? Yeah. It makes for great pictures. A robber would never know, a robber would never know. Never know. So look, these are the two colors that it's like silvery gold on the outside or black on the outside. Silver, black, and there's two other colors online, white and champagne as well. Okay. How much is this? So it retails for $545, but we are getting 75% off just $129.99. Imagine for mother's day or something. Yeah. Wow. Yes, this is great. So mother's day is right around the corner, believe it or not. If you haven't gotten mom a gift yet, this is perfect. So this is from Rena LaMarr. This is their 10 karat pearl necklace. We love a Pearl necklace here. (laughs) We love a pearl necklace. This one comes in two different styles, either the mom or the love style, it comes in... Yeah, it's pretty. It's dainty, it's delicate. She can layer it with any other necklaces she may already own. It's not just a mom thing by the way. A teen could wear this. This is like how you do pearls in a youthful refreshed way. Yeah. The Love one is perfect for that. Great for a graduation gift. It comes in either the 10 carat rose or yellow gold, retails for $319, but 37% off, $199.99. A really nice gift. Pearls. Nice gift. Oh, gosh. Okay, I love these. We had these on a couple of years ago and my entire family fell in love with this. So this is from Rejuvene, it's their bamboo weighted throw blanket. Lot of people think it makes you hot and warm, it's not. It's just heavy. So it comes in 12 or 15 pounds. It has a calming effect, study shows, so it makes for a great night's sleep. It has a quilted design to make sure the weight sits evenly distributed. Comes in either gray or green. And it also has this beautiful satin (indistinct) bamboo finish hypoallergenic. This is great. If you haven't tried one of these-- A lot of people like a weighted... I learned about this with you, through Trendy at Wendy. I like the weight of a man though. This is not for me. This is not for me. You like this for you. A man is better, but this could be your next best thing. So retails for $89.99. 44% off, just $49.99. Oh my gosh! A steal. You know who likes this? Kids like this because it... It is, it's great. My kids love these. More pillows. Okay, yes. So this is great. So this is from BioPEDIC and it's their set of four ultra fresh anti-microbial bed pillows. Now studies show you're supposed to swap your pillows out every year to two years. Most of us don't. We forget about doing that. (laughs) Someone out in the audience clearly do not, but I'm right next to you. So what's great about this is that you're getting a set of four pillows here. They're plush, they have a great inner firmness. It's a medium firmness so it's great for all types of sleepers. Has a polyester plush. These feel really good. Really soft and has a cotton exterior which is really soft. And they're hypoallergenic and you're getting four. So this price is amazing. Retails for $100, but we're getting 70% off, $29.99 for four pillows. Wow! It's under $8 a pillow. Wait, can you wash these? Can put them in the washer and dryer? That's a good question. I don't know. I dunno. I wash and dry my pillows at home. I'm sure you can, why not? All right. Mmh! Moisturizers. Yes. So this is great. One of our favorite skincare brands here is Predire Paris. This is a Black Orchid and Hyleronic Wrinkle Diminishing Routine. So they put together this exclusive package for us. You're getting amazing products here. We know that this brand has the most Lux ingredients. This is jam packed with collagen, retinol, hyaluronic acid, all those ingredients that reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, give you a youthful appearance. You're getting this great black orchid soap. It smells so good. You're also getting this 60 Second Black Orchid Wrinkle Eraser, and then you're getting their Signature 50X Hyaluronic Acid Serum. Okay. This is going to retail for over a $1000. Watch how much it is. Yes, you're absolutely right. How much? Retails for $1,835. How good is that smell? This smells really good. I haven't used the soap soap in a long time, it's normally gel, but I'm gonna take this home. 92% off, just $129.99 for a great package deal. See? Thank you Melissa Garcia. And thank you to our friends at Rue La La. Get these amazing deals before they sell out. Okay, go to wendysshow.com, go shopping, okay? We'll be right back. (upbeat music) Time for Pop Quiz. Nicole is in Florida. Nicole, how you doing? How you doing? Good, thank you. Okay Nicole, you ready? Who won the entertainer of the year award at this year's American Country Music Awards? Is it Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton or Luke Bryan? Luke Bryan? Yes! Congratulations! We're gonna send you a $100 gift card to Thrive Market and we'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) We've got a birthday shout out for Kiana. She's in Atlanta and she's 41 years old today. So, Kiana is dressing up for her girl's night out, celebrate, okay. Okay, she's going out with the girls, be kind to her Atlanta. We're gonna send you a tiara and happy birthday. If you'd like your birthday to be notified or acknowledged here on the show or outfit, go to wendysshow.com. We'll say happy birthday to you too. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) We want you to be a part of our virtual audience. It's a whole lot of fun. Just look the part, go to wendysshow.com to sign up. We'll be right back. (upbeat music) I'm just laughing 'cause Jasmine, my wigologist, she's gonna be on my after show, and she said, do you really want me to talk about that edge thing? You really want the truth? I said that's what we do. Tomorrow Real Housewife Margaret Josephs here. I love you for watching today, and I'll see you next time on Wendy. Bye-bye! (upbeat music) How you doing? (coughs) Nice!
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 213,562
Rating: 4.8496113 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, andy cohen, hot topics, trendy @ wendy
Id: 6WO7x9TRhJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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