Tucker: Democrats have abandoned their 'my body, my choice' argument

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It should be men have an option to legally opt out financially.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/No_Organization5188 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've never killed anybody, but I'm definitely entitled to an opinion on murder laws.

Anybody can have an opinion. It doesn't matter who they are. Explain why their opinion is wrong or GTFO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/woaily πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

At about 6 minutes in response to Jen Psaki.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mcnst πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight here's an interesting observation slash theory the slogans that yell the loudest are the ones they believe the least we've been noticing that recently volume is inversely proportional to sincerity maybe you scream it because you don't really believe it why do we think this well here's why the very same people who've told us for decades now that it's my body my choice and seemed to mean it when they said it those same people abandoned their own argument immediately when kovit arrived suddenly on a dime they turned and they were demanding that we wear the mask and get the shot but these were not optional suggestions they weren't deeply personal decisions to be made according to the dictates of individual conscience after consulting with family physicians and clergy they weren't between you your doctor and god no not at all these were mandates all of a sudden democrats were arguing that actually politicians do get to decide what you do with your body it's their choice not yours inject these powerful drugs whether you want to or not because we own you now whatever else that is that is not a pro-choice position to put it mildly so as we watched this happen we wondered what are these people going to say the next time so-called abortion rights get challenged in court and now we know the answer because last night the supreme court of the united states ruled on a new abortion law in the state of texas that decision came down by the way 5-4 that's the exact split that decided roe v wade almost 50 years ago so it's good enough to have meaning this time the court upheld a texas law that effectively bans abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected typically that's about six weeks into a pregnancy now this new law does not allow the government of texas to enforce the ban so no one's going to jail over abortion instead the new law let citizens sue clinics that commit illegal abortions so no matter how you feel about abortion it's kind of hard to argue this is an especially radical law intentionally stopping a person's heart from beating is the definition of killing government has a right to regulate that in fact deciding when it's okay to kill a person is on the most basic level the whole reason to have laws in the first place so whether it's right or wrong or whether you like it or not it's not a crazy statute it did however drive the media crazy here's cbs quote news last night it is nearly impossible to get an abortion in texas the most restrictive abortion law in the country went into effect after the u.s supreme court declined to act on a request to block it abortion providers say texas has essentially outlawed 85 percent of abortion procedures which will force many clinics to close amy hagster miller runs four clinics providing abortion services and is one of the plaintiffs asking the supreme court to intervene it's heartbreaking to deny them the care that our staff are fully trained and ready to provide so really most people are going to be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will the law signed by republican governor greg abbott bans abortion once a so-called fetal heartbeat is detected usually around six weeks how is an abortion service different from abortion why not just call it what it is but here's the best line from cbs a so-called fetal heartbeat imagine saying something like that out loud once they've decided you should die they won't even admit you have a heartbeat do the very worst people in this country go into journalism or does it just seem that way anyway you'll notice that cbs does not make a case for abortion no they didn't tell you why it's so important to stop fetal hearts from beating they just asserted that it is what they didn't do is say a single word of how this violates your physical autonomy but how it's your body your choice they can't say that now they're for mandating vaccines and masks so in that way over at cbs they're still a little bit smarter than the protesters you're seeing on your screen right now these are the people who gathered outside the texas state capitol in austin today you'll notice that many of them are holding signs affirming their physical autonomy you can't tell them what to do with their bodies politicians hands off my body but wait a second at the very same moment they're declaring their physical autonomy they're wearing their little obedience masks and you can bet money all of them are vaccinated why because they were told to get the shot so of course they obeyed they don't see the irony here on the other hand how could they see it so few sane people are left with big platforms in this country that you almost never hear a sensible logical rational argument about anything just hours ago for example the aclu the american civil liberties union released this statement and we're quoting far from compromising them vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties you have more civil liberties when they control your body you can just imagine the 1860s version far from compromising civil liberties slavery actually enhances personal freedom it's not even orwellian at this point it's post or well this is uncharted things are changing so fast that a lot of people on the left are having trouble keeping up with the shifting justifications for the policies they want poor gensake never a genius to begin with unintentionally blew herself up today at the white house press briefing watch this why does the president support abortion when his own catholic faith teaches abortion is morally wrong he believes that it's a woman's right it's a woman's body and it's her choice who does he believe then should look out for the unborn child he believes that it's up to a woman to make those decisions and up to a woman to make those decisions with her doctor i know you've never faced those choices nor have you ever been pregnant but for women out there who have faced those choices this is an incredibly difficult thing oh getting the sophomore year gender studies lecture from jen saki here at wesley and mr man men and girls don't get to talk about abortion you ever been pregnant before i don't think so you can't get pregnant because you're a man so abortion is a women's issue shut up they've been saying that for so long they forgot to update the talking points you'd think gensake when she does this for a living she should know that men get pregnant now the science people tell us that every day men get pregnant it's on the cover of magazines think it's on the cover of people magazine right now a dude who's pregnant now what does that mean it means that abortion is now a men's issue men are child bearers so men dudes have an equal right to choose to terminate their pregnancies and they have a right to weigh in on the policy itself it's not a women's issue anymore gensake she may get an outrage call from congresswoman corey bush of st louis who was on this early watch i sit before you today as a single mom as a nurse as an activist and as a congresswoman and i am committed to doing the absolute most to protect black mothers to protect black babies to protect black birthing people see cory bush is on this maybe she should be white house press secretary she knows it's not a woman's choice it's a birthing people choice so how is it an attack on women to ban abortion in texas a tough one they're not really sure so in msnbc they're not even trying to explain they just want you to know that if you're for this law in texas you're the taliban and we have a situation in texas right now tonight where the american taliban because that's what it is there's not an american evangelical right-wing movement there is an american taliban is weirdly similar in so many ways to the middle eastern islamist terrorists you just feel so sorry for these people america is again changing so fast that like people over 16 who weren't on tick tock half that they just can't keep up there was a time like two weeks ago when the taliban were bad before they were a critical member of the international community who were talking daily with the secretary of state the national security adviser and waiting for their american aid the american taliban no that's different unfortunately unlike the poshtune taliban no one in texas is getting tens of billions in free weapons from joe biden the national rights life is getting blackhawks or 360 000 ar-15s so it's a little different actually to be the american taliban but the taliban's still bad no they're good we need to update our talking points but still this msnbc anchor the most fiery in their lineup wants you to know that if you tell people what to do with their bodies you're a bad person unless you're tony fauci in which case you're america's doctor and a hero the whole thing she said reminds her of that book she once read maybe the only book she's read listen by next summer we could be living in our own version of the handmaid's tale where forced birth is the law in large sections of the country you know and senator warren you know people think it's hyperbolic uh when i tweet about the handmaid's tale coming to america but i don't think it seems hyperbolic now does it to you no it's like it's like the greatest question ever asked elizabeth warren does this seem hyperbolic to you is there anything you can say to elizabeth warren where she might reply that seems hyperbolic to me not you're going too far there slow down a little bit reign in your rhetoric [Laughter] but when msnbc trots out elizabeth warren doesn't matter what she says the point is she's there this is a serious moment cnn had to top it and they did they went farther even than msnbc to assess yesterday's court decision on abortion cnn found a man with personal experience that would be jeffrey toobin now tubin is most famous for masturbating on zoom that will define his obit unfortunately there may not be room for a much more relevant fact which is jeffrey toobin once impregnated a co-worker's daughter and then pressured her to get an abortion gene knows this topic cold now she refused but in the process of pushing her to get an abortion unsuccessfully jeffrey tubin learned what a lot of crappy men have learned over the years which is this is a great option if you're a married guy who doesn't want to pay for more kids with random women so jeffrey tubin means it when he tells you it's bad to ban it watch today is the first day that a state could legally ban abortion and roe v wade essentially does not exist at least in the state of texas and probably more it states to come texas has banned abortion in the state and the supreme court has done nothing about it that is immensely significant mostly for the women of texas 29 million people in total live in texas what does that mean for roe v wade i said it could effectively end roe v wade was that an overstatement i don't think so the point of roe v wade is that states cannot ban abortion it's immensely significant for the women he mansplains they've been telling you that for a long time when the truth is every person who lives here knows abortion is the best deal for the men who impregnate say the daughters of their coworkers because it allows them to skate without having to deal with the consequences abortion makes actual women the ones who until recently were having all the babies before dudes could get pregnant it makes them feel pretty bad about it if you ask women how do you feel about the abortion not many feel that great about it at all people like jeffrey tube and feel fine so it's his prerogative he's defending but whatever there he is lecturing us about roe v wade the sacred 5-4 ruling that invented the right to abortion out of nothing now here you have a duly elected state legislature right now in 2021 contradicting the five unelected judges who conduct concocted the right to abortion back in 1973 and jeffrey toobin is suggesting that's an attack on democracy when elected people contravene the judgment of unelected people who died decades ago that's what they're telling you these people can't even hear themselves but millions of normal americans do recognize this moment for what it is it's proof that democracy does still exist voters can decide what they want for their communities their states their towns and that courts would at least potentially respect that right it's called self-government the legislature in texas has realized this for months now they've passed laws banning vaccine passports homeless encampments racist struggle sessions in schools laws that block protests that prevent emergency vehicles from riding down the road etc etc laws specific to texas that the people of texas want and a lot of those laws are still on the books so that's not a bad thing how is that a bad thing why should texas have to be exactly like california the problem is if that kind of thinking goes national it gravely disempowers the people at cnn and the so-called civil rights organizations that think they're in control of everything in the other hand it might actually save civil rights for the rest of us and that might be a good thing hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 3,565,423
Rating: 4.82827 out of 5
Keywords: abortion, abortion rights, cori bush, jen psaki, supreme court texas, texas abortion, texas abortion law, texas law, white house jen psaki, women's rights, carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight
Id: A4eLwceKtpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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