Tucker vs. 'Electoral College Petition' founder

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welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight we begin with a Fox News Alert Electoral College voting is underway 538 electors gathered in their respective state capitals to cast their votes for president as per the Constitution just a short time ago Donald Trump surpassed that needed 270 votes to secure the White House it is now official but even at this late hour some are desperately trying to invalidate the results of November's election and find a way to elect someone other than Donald Trump Dana brezin off has been a leader in this effort he is the founder of the official electoral college petition to STOP Donald Trump and he helped organize today's protests he joins us now Daniel thanks ever coming on thanks for having me Tucker so here's the contradiction that I'm trying to figure out and have been for some time you're against the electoral college and you you make I think a pretty fair case that it's less democratic then straight up one-man one-vote voting and you've written a fair amount about that and I don't agree with you but I think it's a fair case and now you're trying to use that very institution in the electoral college to take the election away from Trump how does that work well well first of all the way you're framing it is not correct we're not invalidating or taking away anything the election was today today is when the electors voted for President November 8th we elected electors so we're not trying to invalidate anything the Constitution gives the electors to what the right to vote their conscience the idea that because I don't think the Electoral College is a good system means somehow I'm not allowed to use it or participate in the constitutional system that we have is absurd we can participate in the system we have while reforming it that's part of how democracy works no it's actually not absurd for this reason you're against the Electoral College at least you just said so when you've written about it because it's not as democratic as a one-man one-vote system a pure democracy which again I think it's a fair point you're now resorting to less democratic means putting the decision in the hands of even fewer people so over a hundred million people voted in November's election you say it wasn't democratic enough and now you're saying that 37 people should make the decision that ties the Constitution marjorine unfit president correct but it's less democratic though and I would think it's the it's the system we have this is the system that we have so I have every right as a citizen to exercise my free speech and petition the electors to get the result that I think is better for our Republican they're free to ignore me which most of them apparently did well sure we do know what's contesting your right to do that at least of all me I think you were right to say whatever you want that worse I just my question is why because you say you're for a more democratic system would you be pushing the system in a far less democratic direction well I don't I don't agree look democracy has a lot of different definitions when you have a president-elect who has threatened to rollback free speech the Free Press freedom of religion and and has advocated for torture preventing him from taking office is absolutely a defense of democracy okay so we hear the more you furthermore in Tucker okay furthermore Tucker the majority vote winner is not gonna assume the White House that's extremely undemocratic to install mrs. Clinton would have been more democratic right but as you said the system that we currently have it's about the electoral college I was well that's why we're in the it with your last it's not inconsistent at all I want to put up on the screen your problems with Trump you put out a video got a lot of views explaining why electors ought to vote against him and here I think are the key rationales here it is speaking of unfit leaders Donald Trump would be the first president ever in our nation's history who's never held public office he wants Americans to register with the government based on religion and he's promised to sue reporters who criticized that's a serious assault on our constitutional rights those are just some of the reasons that we're asking every electric the things very carefully about their vote this year vote their conscience cast their ballots against Donald Trump so those are the three reasons you gave in this widely disseminated video and I think that they're all wrong interestingly first he you know there have been five other presidents who weren't elected to anything before we come I didn't say elected Tucker I said never held public office he has never held public office there is no president who has never held public office it's like a natural distinction but let's get to the meaning really it's not a meaningful distinction wait a minute wait you're telling me being Secretary of the Navy or Undersecretary of Commerce or vice president or a general of all the forces in Europe and you think those are no different from being a real estate mogul no no no I'm not I'm not saying that I'm merely saying dude I'm just a resident we've had a number of presidents from outside the system but they've all gone public office you go out anything all held public office tucker public stops lying to your viewers I'm not like anybody I realize it's your mo but it's not gonna it's not gonna work on me it represents how public office okay I don't know what's fine I I don't know I got it I got it you're making this things between elected office in public office you want to say he wants Americans to register with the government based on religion yes I was answering Merkel's send them no worries yeah and I'm quoting he wants Americans to Americans to register with the government based on religion now I covered correct watch but really carefully at no time has he said he wanted Americans my room American was Muslims when did he say that well I don't have a date for you but I'll get back to you but it's on video and the whole nation saw it let's not pretend he didn't say it they want we know that it isn't he would manager based on religion he was asked about it afterwards and he said yes we have to look at a registry of Muslims yet who did and you know what trucker I don't gonna be here sitting since you or they just got a vote we don't register people based on religion in the United States of America citizens or not no one should wait maybe that may pop refinancing the meaningful distinction but in your video you save their once a hold on here I'm assessing a claim that you made and I asked what he said up I asked me to back it up and you can't you said there no video out there where he said that I don't know when and where it is and in fact there's not a video where he said that actually yes there is and my only fear is that I'll tell you what I'll tell everybody right now for you alleged well well I'll tell everybody right now if you go to Facebook / electoral college petition we will post it in the next 24 hours there is an avid that you're wrong okay when you're lying interview if you put if you post that I will apologize and the third point you Maine Canada - now he's promised to sue reporters who criticized him that's a serious assault on her constitutional rights yes so I don't know if you're making the case that threatening to sue people you believe it by the way I'm not pursuing a porter know the president was threatening to sue reporters were criticizing and withhold them but sort of was Canada at the time is shooing people for libel promised to do it as president Tucker fine he said when I'm pregnant we're gonna change the law that's fine we're gonna change the law for the first time in two hundred forty years in rollback Free Press are you in favor of that we didn't say he was gonna roll back to Free Press my question is simple one he certainly did suing off most that tonight to for Allah you have access to videos no one else's scene which is impressive everybody chill ah man you saw - yeah I did I must be very dishonest Tucker let all your beauty know I have dishonest you are i let me ask you this since you're so concerned with freedom of the press I wonder and you've lived in this country for some time if you notice that the current administration the Obama administration pulled the phone records of news organizations that it felt were hostile to them including the phone records of individual reporters and in one case James Rosen works right down the hall from me they pulled his parents phone records I don't remember you making any noise about that perhaps because you were an Obama support so how deep well commitment to address Tucker I'm a private citizen I've never been on your station before maybe if you haven't asked me my payment guy I could have shared it okay it's only the last few weeks that I have any national platform so you wouldn't know what I said about that I oppose that sort of behavior I don't carefully I'm a Republican does it I'm opposed to it is that clear or not right I don't know if it is I mean here's here's I guess my chance I say it again I'm opposed yeah how was that so let me just get this before we go and we're almost out of time if you can produce a video where Donald Trump in any context at all said Americans as you claim on your video that we just played for our audience need to register on the basis of religion I will be in awe because I just want to say once more will you have me on the show apologize absolutely absolutely if you don't get that video with him saying that you can come back on and if you can't I hope you'll apologize to the millions of people who you've misled will you bring me back on I'll apologize to you well you got access to Facebook yeah I don't have a pendulum email sure Irish it Daniels great to see you good luck you too Tucker take it
Channel: Fox News
Views: 225,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Elections, Democrats, Executive Branch, Presidential, Republicans, Transition, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Politics, Primary Politics, Fox News, News
Id: N5-hEscuoN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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