Gutfeld: They literally call everything racist

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and Sydney you're 14 years old when I was 14 if you please at ease I keep forgetting I'm president same here Joe [Music] welcome back oh we got a great show Martha McCallum is here which is amazing [Applause] given how bad her day went uh did she have a tough time getting up this morning oh my gosh thank God she's fine but uh her commute to work was a disaster oh Martha Martha just Uber it from now on it's just an embarrassing but you made it in so we're happy so do you feel like the two political parties don't matter anymore it seems like now the two competing factions are a malevolent media and the people they call racists the media makes it clear who they don't like and it's half the country the half that shows their love for their country because that means you must be a racist rube right Mara it was really Disturbed I saw you know dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with uh you know uh explicatives against Joe Biden on the back of them uh Trump flags and some cases just dozens of American flags which you know uh is also just disturbing because essentially the message was clear it was this is my country this is not your country I own this explicatives yes amazing so you know who else was disturbed by seeing dozens of American flags the Nazis at Normandy but I digress the New York Times rushed to her defense in a tweet saying she was irresponsibly taken out of context her argument was that Trump and many of his supporters have politicized the American flag and the attacks on her today are ill-informed and grounded in bad faith ill-informed and grounded in bad faith that should be the motto for our show again ah again how do you take something out of context when everybody can hear the full context her implication of course is that patriotism is political only if it's expressed by someone she doesn't like if it were a leftist waving an American flag it would be a different story mainly because it would be on fire thing about Mara it's divisive and racist to not agree with her even when she can't do the math oh you gotta remember this but you see it as a possibility if he wants to spend a billion bucks beating this guy he could do it absolutely um somebody tweeted recently that um actually with the money he spent he could have given every American a million dollars got it let's put it up on the screen it when I read it uh tonight on social media it kind of all became clear Bloomberg spent 500 million on ads U.S population 327 million uh don't tell us if you're ahead of us on the math he could have given each American one million dollars and have had lunch money left over it's an incredible way of putting it it's an incredible way of putting it it's true it's disturbing it does it does suggest you know what we're talking about here which is there's too much money in politics I never get tired of that I could watch that every day but let's face it that was unfortunate it's like the lady on the subway said to me last night you shouldn't do that in public [Laughter] sorry too much money in politics this is the problem it's not enough brains in the media I mean who did the math for her cat no of course it's obvious Bloomberg's 500 million would only give a million bucks to 500 people not a million each to 330 million people that would take 330 trillion bucks when Joe Biden heard that number though immediately announced a new 330 trillion dollar stimulus plan everyone gets a million bucks president Oprah fact is it's no surprise the media can't do simple arithmetic they're so bad with numbers Brian Williams still thinks he's on at six so the flag is evil the pickup truck is evil what American symbol could be next God forbid they go after apple pie that's as American as a GM Factory in China but as if On Cue in the Guardian newspaper food writer Raj Patel claims apple pie is racist for the dessert is linked to a vast and ongoing genocide of indigenous people they'd literally call anything racist as long as it's not a newspaper Raj claims that apple pie is deep roots in slavery and colonialism based on Stolen land wealth and labor which kind of sounds like China right now LeBron but also apple trees are racist too in Johnny Appleseed more like Johnny crapple seed yeah he's still got it he took the trees to Mark the frontiers of U.S expansion which destroyed the communities so yeah Johnny Appleseed was a bad seed but Raj isn't done yet so Grandma how do you get your pie crust so flaky oh that's an easy one honey two parts Crisco in one part slave labor yep Raj says the sugar in the crust was courtesy of the French slave trade better throughout those Kamala cookies I'd say she's the face of colonialism but as you can see there's no face there that's very creepy so just like everything else pie crust is racist I wonder how the angry white male feels about that [Music] you know what the guy makes some good points I don't want to make anyone angry no more apple pie for me after this piece of course hmm that's good you know what I don't know about this oppression is delicious a fraction is delicious how white of him angry blackmail anything to add [Music] so yeah so she finds it disturbing that people are driving trucks away with the American flags minding their own business a couple weeks after Memorial Day well I find it disturbing that they allow people to talk about things who can't pass basic math you know what else I find disturbing every time I go over my white friend's house and take a shower never have washcloths that's disturbing [Music] also his head's above the shower head which is amazing thank God for cicadas did you know that the White House Press Charter plane scheduled to leave D.C last night was delayed by the insect which had invaded the plane's exterior sections something about them being attracted to Jim acosta's cologne the plane was set to leave ahead of Joe Biden's first trip abroad but was held up for seven hours so how did they solve the problem they called in the one person who could save the day using only her mouth are you ready cheers actually I'm less scared of this oh the crunch Double Wing hanging out of my mouth yeah Brian has eaten so many cicadas that when the temperature hits 90 she emits a loud buzz now there's a true American hero so for the Fourth of July if you can't eat apple pie try the cicadas until we find out that's racist too thank you here he is welcome tonight's Gus she's dug up more dirt than CNN employees looking for bugs to eat the story anchored Martha McCallum he's so libertarian he just made a campaign donation to none of the above part of the problem podcast host Dave Smith and telemarketers hang up on her when she answers Fox News contributor Kat Tim and they gave him a group discount and he was dining Alone by Massive sidekick and host of an upset on Fox station Tyrus thank you welcome to the show Martha I'm glad you made it here in one piece thank you guys too look I mean after that morning it's amazing do you have a problem I don't know what what is I'm not pointing any fingers but this is the site of the American flag fill you with fear no I was thinking though you know like if people put a flag at their house is it are they saying like I own this it's not yours like yeah kind of you know kind of they are um you know I I thought that's true I think the reaction to New York Times is interesting they obviously circled the wagons around her wouldn't you love to be in the meeting because they obviously have so much stress when they're deciding are we going to circle the wagons or aren't we going to circle away it's like Barry Weiss was out the door that was by her own choice and then they you know ditched their science Professor uh who was a great covid-19 reporter for something that he said a few years ago at an outing that they had already settled between them right then when the Daily Beast wrote about it they got together again and said I'm so sorry you have to go and like Barry White says Twitter you know sort of runs their runs the business ultimately so but but she got lucky they decided they're gonna because of her math skills yes they decided they would keep her around no it is it just depends where you are on the spectrum of political ideology they will not save you if you are any any Pat any further right of left of center then you're You're gone so Barry Weiss gets to go the scientist gets to go she gets to stay because again she's really good at math um it's the media Dave just going down the America what all the things that America is good at and tracing them back to something evil is that the new the new game well at this point I don't think there's that many things that America's good at so they are they've made it pretty easy for them it is it's bizarre I don't know what angle to take on this one of the weird things obviously that was stupid and and judgmental and the craziest thing is that it's so snobbish yeah I mean like you know they they make the the so-called left I don't see this as being very left-wing actually it's very corporate but here's a woman a professional looking down her nose at people in what a pickup truck right but because she's decided she's Lefty and they're like white supremacists or whatever she gets to say they're the power fall but I almost wonder why are conservatives still flying the flag I mean it's like it's Joe Biden's government the media hates you yeah the the the war on terror has been focused in at right Wingers right and you Rubes are still out there waving the flag maybe you should put it down so you're saying they should become radicalized they should become the radical left that's what you're trying to say they should want Revolution at this point well they try some of them do things are a little out there Tyrus uh that was a I sympathize to you with you when you're taking a shower how could you possibly how do you say empathize I said sympathize sympathize I don't know that's very uncomfortable it is it is it's it's it's you know you just get used to it after a while but when I'm just I'm glad this whole racist thing's coming out about apple pie because I've had some issues and I'm glad we're bringing it up because you just can't stop at the apple pie no I mean yes that's the gateway to becoming a grand wizard but we gotta go a little further than that let's let's talk about water water yeah what were the overseers drinking while the rest of us were working water probably with an ice cube in it yeah so we got ice and water racist damn it you know what I want to see what it's like on the other side let me just it's cold nobody shoot me oh racist is good terrible what do we if we remove everything that's problematic based on its history we have nothing left all you're going to do is eat the skaters you have no nothing problematic is that it is descended from a time where bad stuff happened we will all be canceled and just have to lay around and starve right that would be the only thing that we can do and she gets to stay uh they called it racist by the way after people mocked her for the math thing right she said I had these racist attacks race had nothing to do with it bad faith attack here there was no faith involved I've seen a lot of Instagram memes that say faith is belief in something not seen or heard I both saw and heard what she said exactly there was faith of no kind yeah it it it's it's I don't know um but it's racist not to call it if I'm on here and I'm my math is off and none of you say anything to me like well he's doing the best he can that's right right by the way Brian Williams everybody made fun of Brian Williams he was the guy that brought it up they're both idiots together there's one giant they're a two-headed idiot hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 662,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: martha maccallum, woke, woke culture, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch, cancel culture, fox news cancel culture
Id: U82uX5JYOgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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