FLASHBACK: Tucker takes down man behind fake protest group - the Tullipso Interview

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evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight Friday's inauguration looks like it could be a protest event for the ages with thousands of anti Donald Trump agitators descending on the city and why wouldn't they advertisements posted more than 20 cities have been recruiting paid protesters to come here to DC help disrupt the inauguration the group demand protests which describes itself as quote the largest grassroots support organization in the United States says it will pay professional protestors $50 an hour in addition to a $2,500 monthly retainer to support their efforts we're joined now by Dom tulip so director of operations in Los Angeles for demand protests Tom thanks for joining us tonight yeah no problem Tucker so this is a sham your company isn't real your website is fake the claims you have made our lives this is a hoax let me start at the beginning however with your name dum tulip so which is not your real name it's a fake name well we ran you through law enforcement level background checks and that name does not exist let's start out with the truth tell me what your real name is it's Dominic - yeap so it's a / L sir silent that's a lie and you know it's a lie and we asked you for ID at the Los Angeles Bureau and you said you didn't have ID with you but Delos you have a wallet on you every grown man does hold up a credit card you can cover the number to our camera and show us any piece of documentation with the name Dominic - leap so on it and you can't because that's not sure we're sure sure a plea I'll do that in just a moment I might just begin with kind of wondering Tucker you're not accusing this me of being a hoax are you I'm saying that your name is fake and this company is fake and that the claims you've made on your website are false and so my question for you is only is this an out will to discredit the protesters at the Trump inauguration is it an effort to convince conservative news organizations to pick up the story and therefore highlight their gullibility what's the point of the ruse that you're perpetuating on the American news media sure absolutely great questions I'm basically there's no way that a legitimate news agency would have somebody on that didn't really know what they were saying or was just kind of talking out of their behinds there's a certain amount of vetting that goes on behind every news organization so I would assume that I wouldn't be given airtime on a national stage unless I was legitimate well I'm vetting you right now and I'm beginning by saying you are not legitimate you are lying we know that you have fooled other news organizations you did not fool us and my question is why are you doing it and and I guess let me just satisfy our viewers may be thinking well maybe we're miss calling this on your website you claim that you pay a retainer to 1817 operatives every month now if that were actually true that's fifty four million dollars a year you're spending just on retainers it's another thirty million a year if you're paying them for six hours a week work that's demonstrably yeah millon you're not doing that no we're actually doing 80 million a year so I don't know quite where you got those numbers but those are definitely obviously dated no one when mentioned the fact wait wait so although you're you're not exceeding that this is a hoax you're saying that this is a real company that's engaged in the activities you say it's engaged to have the you're hiring protesters the you have 1800 of them already on retainer for twenty-five hundred bucks a month and that you're affecting American politics by doing this yeah we actually changed her mind though about about we're no longer actually going after Donald Trump we're actually going after the protesters at the inauguration so we kind of changed our minds actually recently and that was a result mainly of the enormous amount of hate mail that we received people you know making death threats and they basically just really talked us into changing our position so what we're doing now is we're actually protesting the protesters okay with that next reason that didn't happen because you don't have a physical address because you don't have a real office your website was just put up your Facebook page same thing you haven't been receiving hate mail because you exist okay so if you do exist why don't you give me some evidence that your real beginning with your actual name which is not Dominic to leap oh and by the way your business partner doesn't exist either - let's just be aware I mean let's do a real yeah what is the real story here why are you doing this what point are you trying to make yeah the main point basically is that we are greatly greatly supportive of national treasures such as Julian Assange Edward Snowden Peyton Manning right and we really support their efforts to really get the truth out there and in the case of the current client that we have right now that client is very interested in releasing the roswell papers no it really so you're pretty supportive of Peyton Manning are you extremely yeah yeah you're not gonna be now this is performance art I will say you're pretty good at it when you convince papers like The Washington Times which ran this pretty straight to run your lies to run this host which I will concede is kind of amusing what was the point of that I mean beyond just amusing yourself are you trying to make a political statement I don't know I mean it's pretty pretty darn easy these days to just say whatever the heck you want on national TV and have it pass off his truth yeah and you know it's pretty I don't know it's just pretty incredible to me how easy it was to get the coverage we got by the way I'm not saying any of this is a hoax or any of this isn't true we've actually got one hundred thousand protesters going to Washington DC to fight anybody who is opposed to Donald Trump I mean the reason we shift another main reason we shifted from being against Trump to Trump about thirty minutes ago was basically we realized initially he didn't really like he didn't really like Julian Assange or Peyton Manning and when he kind of changed when the election and the Assange connection was made he essentially became a supporter of Assange and so we are now supporting Trump in the hope that the roswell documents from 1947 are finally released and put back to the hands of Fisher Stevens the critical Roswell documents all right we'll give my best to Peyton Manning and also to mrs. tilly Poe if you would thanks all for joining us leap Dom tree so Teebs the Hecker whoever you are get Philippe last question I'm sorry did you think that we were gonna fall I mean I'd be honest do you think you're in come on we're really I'm just surprised I'm you put me on that's what surprising because it's showed up all over across American media I'm reading this I was saying well that's not true who is this guy so I'm glad you came on to Stephanie explain well god god bless you for for fact-checking even if you did it when we were on the air oh no we knew ahead of time it's good to see anyway thanks a lot thanks
Channel: Fox News
Views: 968,266
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, FNC, Fox News, News, Latest News, Top stories, tucker carlson tonight, tucker carlson, tucker, trump, president trump, demand protest, tucker debates
Id: r4qQElJUYnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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