Trying WISH "interesting" Beauty Gadgets !!

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hi everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video today I have the part owner of this channel I only say that cuz she's in literally every video now I don't know why I think it's just cuz we hang out and you see the Lakers so why not put her in a video right and we are talking about liability you're welcome although she makes these videos difficult to edit cuz she laughs every four seconds I love having her on the channel I think so yeah I love being here okay but as you guys can see by the title today we are trying what would you call it Korean beauty hacks um facial actually what is their terminology let me check you're scaring me though because I didn't really know why I was here oh yeah okay and like this needs some background okay so my mom and I have what we would consider to be weak shin okay so we don't really have like we're prone to double chinning out I will often get a picture taken of me and it'll be like I have no chin I just don't know why cuz like I feel like I have one but every picture proves otherwise I noticed lately - you've been really interested in my chin thinking that you might get my chin and you've been like mom as the day goes on I get my chin but when I first wake up it's like gone like I don't know it's thinking I don't know anyway okay I don't want to talk too much about our looks because we got that any day it's not a no vanity but we're not the only people on the globe also having a struggle because there are a ton of different products that are specifically marketed to people who want to strengthen their chin and also slim their face because we are girls with round face and I guess some people would like to slim them down and not necessarily saying that all these products we want for ourselves but I kind of go out into a rabbit hole I started on the strengthening the chin and then I went on to the straightening the nose like it just spiraled so we got a lot of products to try today all of them our guests are you're supposed to use them continuously and then you're supposed to see results on your face I call baloney on pretty much all the products so I don't know if they've worked for you great but I just don't think like I think your face is the way it is unless you get like actual surgery done I don't think you would see a ton of change but I don't know prove me wrong we have the shape of faces that we were supposed to have and that's all good but everybody wants something that they don't have for some weird reason and honestly I've been juicing yeah I wouldn't change a thing about your face I love the shape of it but you're always gonna notice about yourself something else so testing products is so fun and that's what we're doing right yeah like just a dislike you use these products and they work great for you congratulations I personally think that they are a little bit funny especially the way they look on so we're going to be trying them out and seeing if we think that we could see ourselves using any of them okay okay the first thing I'm going to start off really tame by the way my mom knows nothing that we're trying you have seen this before this is the personal humidifier you know I have that pink one yeah I have one of these already and I use it on Instagram a lot and a lot of you guys asked me about it so I thought I would get one on the wish and show you guys because basically you just write in personal humidifier and they're like the funnest tool ever so hopefully this one's as good as the one I have for probably five years having water mist in my purse because like my face gets so dry that I just liked it and it kind of wakes me up just spraying it a bit to you so so we just pop the cap off do you think I'll be able to pour this in here this is my drinking water no there we go oh there you go look how steady you are pop it back on now it does have a charger but hopefully it a bit of a charge oh I love that see it's just a little humidifier it's literally like the cutest thing ever yeah and it's so fun like if you're ever feeling stressed I always dress up anytime too much is happening at one of us ladies you could put a drop in essential oil in there you would just like this is my quiet place I thought I would do this one first because a lot of you guys have asked me about this so basically just search personal humidifier and these little things show up and like they're so easy to use you just charge them so first product first gadget hmm love it nicely I give that a solid 10 out of 10 now you can have all right so I think that this is the product that I found that actually turned this video from like helpful beauty tools to like kind of just anything that I could find that I thought was kind of funny so mom open your eyes what is that also I accidentally bought buying like nine of them and I only needed two this actually sold to help the chin why don't you put this in your mouth and then you go like this I can I guess it's hard to close your mouth and it's supposed to strengthen your chin really actually really hard to close are you gonna love cuz here you know exactly look you like that I try to leave [Applause] [Laughter] it's impossible to say like please with these and so my homage trying to say Buffy her dog and she was a kid and I would say it sounds bad I don't think I would personally use these oh I didn't know if it did strengthen your chin I think it really might get you muscular cheeks yeah because it was hard to close really yeah it's actually very difficult I don't know I think I would rate this a not worth it out of time oh my goodness I'm afraid of what this could actually do I'm gonna say no I'm sure glad you have a lot of them now yeah I'm glad I got it I just need to grab some water before the next oh okay okay I'll be right back okay I'll just be here all right you guys functional beauty was kind enough to sponsor this video so I'm gonna be taking this little interruption to talk about hair I try really hard to keep my hair healthy what I expect from haircare that I use is basically immediate results like after I wash my hair I want my hair to feel that much more soft and look that much more shiny I have very picky hair and it tells me when I'm using bad hair care I feel like I'm not the best judge but this is the best judge I can tell right after using shampoo and condition if I'm going to like it and I've been using function of beauty and I've really been liking it I would consider my hair to be medium it's not like super thick but it's not like thin and also when it's not straightened because it's strained right now it is very wavy like when I wake up in the morning it's wavy if you've never heard a function of beauty it is a brand that creates custom shampoo and conditioner based on your hair type and your hair goals it's very easy you just fill out a two-minute quiz outlining your hair type hair goals personalized preferences choose your color and fragrance also it has no parabens sulfates GMOs toxins it's a hundred percent vegan and completely cruelty-free named it function of MIMO because you can literally name it anything so I was like that's funny so I'm gonna name it function of MIMO and I chose the scent of vanilla and shea butter oh my goodness if you guys want to have people complimenting the smell of your hair I don't know if that's something you want but if it is choose vanilla and shea butter because it smells so good and we can be twinning hair smells I love the way the packaging looks in my shower and also the easy to use pumps I really like that otherwise they make a big mess everywhere my favorite thing about these products is you can personalize it to match your goals and you don't just target one goal you can put like many for instance I did split ends volumize replenish to others so it's like we're not just zeroing in on one thing there's like many things that you can try and fix with your hair where I live it is very cold in the winter and very dry and honestly my hair is what takes the biggest toll but since using function of beauty like I have not noticed my hair being staticky it feels so smooth it's like the weather has no impact anymore and I really appreciate it it's currently available in the US Canada United Kingdom Europe Australia and New Zealand and many more if you guys are interested in trying function of beauty then go ahead and click the link in the description box to get 20% off your first order and then you fall and I'm like woah all right and now after that sponsorship we've got to move on with more stuff this is a neckline slimmer shape your neck chin and cheeks so what this is is it's kind of like a mechanism that you rest right here and you just keep pushing it down with your chin I've seen this before so I'm actually learning that this is a real thing because obviously people have put a lot of time into these gadgets because they saw that people wanted to work there Tim I didn't know it was a thing that people would try and work on yeah I mean like naturally with time and like gravity your skin is going to just stretch so I think people want to try and keep the elasticity in their skin okay discontinue use at any sign of jar neck pin and consult a physician you may just go to the doctor later I'm really much using it cause some damage here oh there oh I can feel it no pain no gain here oh and you're holding it up does that help probably dramatic results in just two minutes a day white yeah it says dramatic results in just two minutes a day take years off your appearance Wow Wow like with that in mind oh there is a before and after picture you guys look at this so it's not even that drastic but like here it's sagging just a little and then here it's so straight I'm totally can I try anything if for some reason you guys are interested in this like we are if you want to see us try any one of these tools for a month you can try one for a month and I'll try one from us so whichever two you're most interested in after the video is done comment down below and we will try it for a month to see if there's any results because now I'm actually before and after sold me yeah I got marketing she's sold on it right so these are not like any workout or anything like movement these are literally just like if you wear them for long enough you will see results so this one is like a nose one that works not always a nose lifter so like say you have like some droopiness your nose this is of the mindset it will lift your nose these ones are bridge slimming so like a sit you up a wide bridge it's supposed to be like if you put it on for long enough eventually the cartilage it of your nose will like shape shift weight just by muscle memory you can wear it driving sleeping watching TV so just like in any pastime you can use this one so there's three different types whoa what that is the real deal so it would lift the tip and slim the bridge oh I see when I was a kid and I would like had allergies and would always pull down on my nose my mom would say to take the Kleenex and push up that's just your mom looking over that so deep oh oh is it doing something I don't think this could do absolutely anything I feel like maybe we're just not getting the most out of this too huh could you imagine if I know slim with that much that would be that would be scary I couldn't breathe if you slept with these on oh oh she's gonna probably choke on it these nose ones I get a little bit more know but I just personally think you have to keep in mind what you're also doing up and that is your nose holes we have nose holes for a reason I would rather a big nose and be able to smell all the good smells all right after the little nose and not be able to smell i--once knowing things all right so I'm sure you've probably heard of cuffing so there's also facial cuffing and I don't know if we are trained enough but they sell them on wish so I was like anyone really could buy these and do these let alone you're probably not doing it correctly cause like there's like you're gonna give yourself a red mark oh really then you're supposed to be like move it around your face and like that promotes circulation oh wow that actually did pretty good on your face it's like sticking you probably duration apply jehovah oh well on your for your facial oh you know why has your face has to have oil and then it's Wilson gliding around yeah and promote the circulation okay okay and now and then it says to you that's why it's always a good idea to read the instructions first and stick on tempo brow bone and let's use a circular motion on the temple if we squeeze larger cups at the stick cheek bones do these steps five minutes we can't do it right now just cuz we have a full face of makeup but we can say that this set did come with everything and also I feel like it actually won't be too difficult I would actually say that this would be this one thing that maybe I would actually hold on to and try because I feel like cupping is good for your face all right next we have some facial shapers so these are very popular and there's so many different ones so this one is like a full face type of deal and I think it's supposed to be kind of just like based on compression and anti creating like anti-gravity like just reducing the way that your skin can say this is supposed to keep you having a slim face and these are all I believe Korean beauty so I guess we'll just put some on oh wow I think it's doing with something like - Lee is really and then you just have to wear this for 23 hours of them see no problem doing that it looks good it really pulls my gosh it's killing me oh wow that's tight hey it's tight okay I'm scared I think that ones might do something except it will flatten your nose see I don't want that I don't want a flat nose I can't why how this would work just because like it's Tora your day your skin is not able to stretch like it's staying tight because you have these masks holding him huh it's just like this is a really big commitment like imagine if you're wearing this and someone comes to the door yeah overtime to be a good thing I honestly think yeah I think it wouldn't hurt because it would fight against gravity yeah to the people who actually wear these because these are like you're supposed to wear them during the day but if not you're just supposed to wear em at night to the people who have like committed and at night like I hope that you H better than the rest of us like this is a really big commitment it is I don't think I could sleep like this alright so since we didn't really like the mouth piece this one is a little bit another slim mouth piece but it's a little bit less I don't know if you'd say intrusive but it's just like a little band and what your sisters used was like oh and it's supposed to us see and that's the thing we think it'll muscle build but these do say it slims your mouth there's one for you so like watch it Oh like that it's all wearing a different language so I don't know how long I'm intrigued by it definitely nicer more comfortable than wearing this oh yeah oh yeah I mind this one I'm kind of like intrigued by it all right mom I don't know if you've heard about these they are the blackhead sucking and Sherman oh now these were a big deal for a while and I don't know if they still are but I think will really like it I'm very prone to getting blackheads like this in general so this tool is literally again probably would be better if you didn't have makeup on but I think we could still try it at least and see if it works and then so you're supposed to put it on your nose and it it's like microdermabrasion because I for worthy where they just kind of vacuum your face with something yeah like that would be for that and then there's like other tubes there's smaller ones if you want to get certain spots but then I guess whenever I watch the videos on Instagram they'll do it with no makeup on and then they'll show it and there'll be a bunch like oh wow meet you oh yeah I think that came yeah right in there whoa what it's actually like doing things to your nose really if you do yours now okay like us something happening right there oh my gosh oh my oh yeah doing something happening I know yeah I don't know what it was but it's better it's really rather all right so after all these products you have to pick one that is your favorite oh my goodness I already picked oh yeah is that your favorite too um I am intrigued to try this oh is it on my chin like I I just want to see you if it does anything but a goodbye yeah I think I'm gonna love this yeah I think we'll actually use that one actually as this and if there's any two products you guys want to see us like some of the weird products to see if it actually does work please let us know down below and we will try them for a month but you guys this video is all for fun definitely I feel like the biggest thing of all is just to love your face because everyone has differences and I'm feeling the differences if everybody looked the same that would be so boring totally boring when someone has something unique or different it just makes their face so much better oh I agree yeah they don't all want to look the same or everybody has the same nose or everybody like age is the same it just would get born mmm-hmm I wouldn't go chasing these products but I understand the interest so if you guys want to see any of them let us know but at the end of the day it's all for good fun it is interesting that people create these products like kudos to them for putting some science behind it and creating some products for people but I personally don't think I would use really any of them and none of these were all really expensive I would find an issue if you were like feasting on the people that are insecure and trying to change it and like over making things overly expensive for them that would be bad whereas these are all pretty inexpensive if you just want to give them a try so yeah I thought it was love yeah it wasn't so much fun there are so many products like this to you guys if you want to see more videos this of us trying some products maybe for a different target area and thank you mom for being by the way we don't win on purpose this was literally by accident how does that happen thank you guys so much for watching and we will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 1,117,475
Rating: 4.9587259 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, wish,, beauty gadgets, trying wish beauty tools, trying products from wish, weird products from wish, Korean beauty from wish, trying Korean beauty, trying Korean beauty products, nose slimming tools, face slimming tools tested, trying to change our face shape, Korean beauty slimming tools
Id: rmQ0ez3-y40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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