SIRI PICKS MY MAKEUP ?! *siri doesn’t like me*

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everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be doing a makeup challenge concept that I haven't seen done before and now I didn't search it because I didn't want to see anything but I haven't seen it and actually this is not my own idea one of you guys actually requested to see this or suggested this idea on my last video you said hey Mia I love these videos so much I had to I had a video idea that maybe you should do you could do Siri does my makeup challenge so you choose for David lipsticks or something under them and then ask Siri to pick the number etc etc non say that maybe I should do like foundation one concealer to blush 3 it got a little bit confusing for me so I'm just gonna stick to the first concept idea where it's like I number all of the products and then ask Siri to choose a number and then I do that and just keep it in the normal makeup order it seemed like really fun at concept I don't know if she made this up or just thought this up or I've seen it maybe I'll go on YouTube right now and see Siri does my makeup oh my gosh it was a thing it is a huge thing Siri picks my makeup and it all looks like a year ago okay apparently it's a big challenge but either way I'm going to be doing it because one of you suggested it to me so if you have already seen this done before just forget everything you once knew because I have yet to see any of those video so I'm doing it the way that I know how I made this little tray she took much longer than it should've and I numbered it and then I am going to put like 6 of the products use a few products where it's a little bit less like setting powder there's only 4 and blushed there's only 4 but other than that I did 6 and for each thing I chose like 3 that I really liked and 3 that I don't like as much so then we will see how it all goes together if I get a bunch of products that I don't love as much or if I get all the products I really like and same with lipsticks I have like a blue lipstick a yellow lipstick and then a few like Pink's that I would normally wear so this really could go either way and lashes oh boy I got some crazy eyelashes to choose from Siri could really mess up my face today so yeah I don't really feel a huge need to explain at a time now that I already know that is it is a makeup challenge but since it is kind of an old challenge I hope you guys still enjoy seeing it sorry that I'm like really out of the loop and never know when things are like a trend or something but that being said let's get into this video of Syria chooses all my makeup products for a full face of makeup let's begin okay so I already showed you guys the first tray set up but this is in fact primers so we've got like the L'Oreal elf this color correcting one a setting spray primer or sorry a priming spray not a setting spray and we set it all up got the numbers right in front I taped everything down as you can see they're still wobbling they want to fall down and this tree is actually really happy let me ask Siri I don't really use Siri to be honest on my phone I always endeavor to do so I don't know what she's talking about Siri yes choose a number between one and six the answer is six all right number okay so six is the get ready with me makeup priming spray write the rest these are no-go okay so this first step should be very easy I just have to prime my whole face with a spray so let's do that yeah my wrist is cracking this is from Koki cosmetics never actually used this so it should be interesting to see how my makeup sits on it so yeah first one now on to foundation pay before foundation I just want to say that my face actually feels really amazing I wasn't expecting that spray to do all that much but it really feels like I've like a film of like I guess primer on my face it did what it was supposed to do and I'm surprised on do foundation here we go so we have my all-time favorite sadly I am obsessed with the Giorgio Armani foundation Oh guys don't get started on it it's so expensive but like honestly it is my absolute favorite foundation I have a few past favorites on here really really like this foundation I got in Japan also the Clinique when I wear that all the time in high school and then in the back I've got the wet and wild the flower and the Maybelline none of these I don't really like but I just don't use them that often so let's see what Siri thinks if she picks six again I'm gonna think something's up choose a number between one and six it's two - okay good I'm happy oh she listening thanks Siri that is the wet-and-wild photo focus foundation in nude ivory well it doesn't have to be nude ivory but my shade is nude ivory but okay so I've used this foundation once and I remember really really liking it so I'm excited to use it again I also think it will match me okay maybe not perfectly but let's see I think this is like a paddle there we go put it all over we'll see how it works with that primer I wonder how C reaches this because like a little calculator comes up like is it way more way more to it than I think this foundation is like super super affordable I think it's like four dollars or something and it's pretty great honestly it's got good coverage of course wet-and-wild is cruelty free so that gets a big thumbs up see one of the really nice things about challenges like this is it kind of pushes you to use products that you haven't used in a while and like this foundation I have not used I used it for a video and now it's just like why am i not been using this for so long it like looks really nice okay the foundation is on so far it's been pretty tame I mean it's just primer and foundation I think where it will really heat up is when we get into like the eyes and the lips I know it's the it's gonna hit the fan in that moment so let's do concealer probably gonna be tame again but let's do it oMG it's so wobbly okay concealers you guys got some fenty some Revlon some collection that I've never tried before it's so Tibia put like pieces of tape but it's still just having trouble so okay Siri healthy Siri choose the number between one and six it's far four okay where's four is that the Revlon Colorstay concealer oh okay and this is in the shade 0-1 fair now I have a bunch of concealers because I used to do videos where I would try seven different drugstore foundations concealers I was hoping to do setting powders that kind of thing but I kind of stopped doing that so if you guys want to see those videos again and if they were helpful because they were like a lot of work but I was hoping that they were like really helpful because I feel like when I was first starting with makeup would have been really really hate to use helpful for the fourth time in a sentence but helpful so if you guys would ever like to see those again and make sure let me know because I can definitely do them okay I think that looks pretty normal I usually would do a little bit of a lighter concealer just to bring like the highlight forward but no big deal okay so first setting powders I only have four because I honestly only have four and my all-time faves number four I'm rooting for that one even though we got four last time so it probably won't but who knows series crazy and then these ones I like them I'm not a huge fan of the airspun one I don't really want to use that one it flashes back a lot but we'll see it's not up to me series could you try again Siri choose a number between one and four that would be four don't mind if I do like I was saying number four is my all-time faves is the one I use on a daily basis I really really like the Laura Mercier setting powder it's my fave so no problems here okay I'm quickly going to just gel my eyebrows and do contour off-camera I only have one contour so there wasn't any to choose from so if I ask Siri to choose one but choose a number between one and one she's gonna choose one so I'll just do that off camera you know I'm two blushes I have four blushes here again I only have four I know you guys are probably like surprised like how do you only have four blushes because I do well I used to do a lot of like makeup reviews where I would get new ones but I do just donate them afterwards so these are the four that I have now I do like all of these to be honest I kind of don't want to use a cream blush right now I uh set my face so these two I'm not rooting for that much this is my baby I love it Milani we love her so okay let's see which I use Siri choose a number between 1 and 4 the answer is 4 okay I need to stop putting my favorites in the 4 spot I swear this I swear Siri is not working for me I did not make her say that that was random sorry but ok this is the Milani blush in 0-5 Luminoso love this blush I remember it was like a really big deal on YouTube like quite a few years back and I don't know I guess they just hit the trend late what else is new and yes there's no I broke it by accident ok now let's get into some fun products come on Siri alright this is where it's going to heat up a bit we've got lots of fun products here now these are the highlights this one's a little bit crazy it's got like a green glow back these two are very very tame and then these ones are crazy so this one's got like a lot of green coming back and then a blue and a lavender highlighter so as long as she doesn't pick 2 or 6 we've got some craziness going on right now glad you hearing Siri choose the number between 1 and 6 that would be 2 for some reason I'm like disappoint I feel like a lot of people would be trying to dodge these ones but like I'm obviously not going out today I just want something fun but here's the one Siri toes it's a great highlighter the wet wild mega glow highlighter this is in the shade crown of my canopy seriously these are so inexpensive and so great but like I wanted to use one of the fun ones and really like track my look now this highlighter is definitely too dark for me but I don't think it would be anything compared to like the green one or the blue one but ok so we're just going to put that post that we're just gonna post that up on our cheeks oh yeah it's definitely like too dark for me that's ok I don't think it's a huge deal and then of course I want to Boop the nose and also over my Cupid's bow and then I'm just going to like brush it off a little all right looking pretty tame like replaced this with a blue highlight we would have been getting into some pretty fun territory but ok come on Siri and blaming Siri for not like messing ok so now we are on to eyeshadow for this instead of choosing a palette I chose colors so I drew up this little thing see this was before I knew that this was like an actual makeup challenge tag on YouTube and I thought I was like hitting into some serious new ground so I made this so basically what this is is it is red green yellow brown so like a natural blue and then pink so it has the numbers beside it so I'm gonna ask Siri 1 & 6 and say she says 1 and then I have to do a red eye look so we'll see Siri choose a number between 1 & 6 the answer is 1 1 so I have to do a red eye makeup look oh my goodness I don't remember the last time I even used red eye shadow like period so this should be interesting alright it's heating up a little now I've just got to find some red eye shadow so I know there's a few red in this palette there any red in here ok these are like kind of like red right there okay so this should be enough let's get started first things first I'm gonna go in with this color right here it's kind of like a burnt red color and I'm just going to put that into my crease now when I use eyeshadow that is red you always expect your eyes to basically be red the rest of the week because I don't know but you guys but my skin gets died from red eyeshadow okay now whenever I get to this point I always have to decide am I gonna put dark in here or am I gonna hit the light in here it's hard to decide looks like don't really have a preference but I might do some more dark on the outside and then light on the inside so I'm gonna take this a very very true red color it's right here and I'm going to put that on the inside and outside of my eye I think I'm totally just winging it right here I'm gonna dot that in and then also I'm gonna take it in right here dipping into this other palette I'm gonna take the shade red velvet and I'm just going to deepen out the outer corner I don't know if this will even make too big of a difference to be honest a mix of this color in this color just to highlight in the center and in the inner corner and then I'll drag a little bit of the color down onto the lower lash line just to complete it all okay I look like a crazy person but here we go my red eyeshadow look yeah okay so that is the finished eye look it's got a lot of red very bold a lot more bold than I was initially going to do or would do on a normal day so I think that's a success good job Siri if she would have chose brown Dino would have done a neutral eye I would have been like oh no what is the point of this video now we have eyeliner now so I have quite a few islands I have a normal black and then I have purple Navy light blue gold and then also an emerald green so clearly a lot of those colors would clash with this eye look so let's see what Siri has to choose I'm not sure I understand choose a number between one and six the answer is three oh she's not chosen three yet okay so we've got this gold eyeliner now these are all crayon eyeliners because I only had black liquid eyeliners so let's see how these go here's the color that we've got to work with let's see it what we can do let's see if it even is like potent enough oh wow oh my gosh this is kinda like good together oh my gosh that's like kind of a fun look to have like this goldish copper eyeliner this pencil is awesome too it's like so easy to glide on okay so I'm actually really surprised because I feel like this gold color goes so well with the red but I never would have chose it to be together it's kind of weird because I usually think eyeliner is like darker than the eye shadow but this is almost like lighter okay so onto lip liner this one I kind of chose like three neutrals more and then three crazy ones so there's a dark green blue purple and then a pink a hot pink and then more like a darker brown or like a actually that's kind of like a light brown so we will see what she chooses basically if it's like a one two three it'll be neutral four five six it might be a little bit crazy so see reaches and number between one and six the answer is two - oh my gosh this is going to go so well together we are putting on liquid lipstick so it might get changed this is just the liner this is the color pop eyeliner in the shade heart this it's like hot pink oh my gosh you know what I just realized haven't finished my eyes I'm gonna put on mascara and then choose my eyelashes and then I'll do this I'm doing everything out of order okay mascara is on but now we need some lashes so this will be a turning point hopefully I've got the RuPaul crazy lashes with all the like rhinestones on them the tart and love lashes a bunch of different ones some that don't aren't you like as full so we'll see what series uses see reaches a number between one and six that would be two - okay we brought the Sephora collection lash Therese love is love oh wait this is not Tarte this is just Sephora collection okay I feel like these lashes are going to go really really well with this look honestly like I was expecting to look like really silly and I do kind of and here we go here are the lashes I like these because they kind of go from like short to long in a few spots I think that they'll be really pretty on so let's line them up all right first lash is on second lash about to be put on honestly so surprised with how I applied this like it looks decent Mia with huge eyelashes is here I always look absolutely insane when I have huge eyelashes on so today is not an exception but anyways I already chose the lipliner let's put it on hot pink to go with these red eyes and huge lashes what is going to fill this we will see okay the last platter of makeup to finish off this look we've got some crazy ones okay orange yellow blue and then some pinks and reds in the back Siri pick a number between one and six the answer is two are you kidding me this works perfectly you guys we had no drawbacks today I'm sad this is the color Siri chose it is watermelon soda alright guys so here is the finished look that Siri picked out I do not feel like myself at all like I don't feel like anything too crazy or too classy happen today although it is out of my comfort zone I will say I think Siri was fairly tame granted she didn't know what she was doing and I was just asking picking one through six um it was pretty tame like we got red eye makeup pink lipliner pink lips a normal highlighter normal blush all of that it was it's pretty tame I was kind of hoping for something crazy and outrageous but I hope you guys still enjoyed this video even though it didn't get too too crazy as always thank you guys so so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you're bored at home maybe you should try this with a couple of your makeup products even if it's just between two I think it's a lot of fun for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different with your makeup thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 718,939
Rating: 4.9558187 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, siri does my makeup, siri picks my makeup, i randomize my makeup, full face tutorial, makeup, talking with siri, using siri to choose my makeup, siri, what is going to happen next, random makeup, makeup tag, makeup challenge, siri makeup challenge, random makeup challenge, guess my makeup, makeup bingo, i let people chose my makeup, blindfolded makeup challenge
Id: flh4QbNn86Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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