5 Unusual CLOTHING Gadgets from Amazon Tested!

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[Music] hey everybody its Bunny and welcome to oh my god is not how this video is supposed to start I want to make you the star of today's show and this is what you do I really thought this off white belt would work to secure him off light not just for cloud chasers also for demon spawn this video really got off to an unintentional chaotic start I just sprayed perfume into my smoothie whatever he's gonna do also it's pouring in rain outside we are underneath a severe thunder the lights might go out that would be very exciting it's probably gonna hail today's video hear me out is going to be testing bra dances now I don't know what in the de monetization I was thinking thankfully we have a sponsor for today's video a huge huge thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring today's video but we'll hear more about that later let's go ahead and take a look at our first device this seems really helpful to me actually all the devices today seem really helpful to me if I didn't think they were gonna be helpful I probably wouldn't have ordered them but first we have the club but not just any claw we in fact have the cup claw so I don't know if this ever happens to you guys or not maybe it happens a little bit more to me than other people because listen if it doesn't have padding it doesn't touch my boobs those are the rules I have this thing that happens to me often where the pads inside of my bra will like twist around this is something that especially happens to me in a bathing suits so that is what I have to use as an example today but what this tool does is you're supposed to be able to reach inside like the cup area of your bra and either remove the padding or I think you're even supposed to be able to twist it around in there and get the cup to lay smooth again so that is what's going on here see what has happened all the padding is upstairs and there's nothing down here at all it's a mess it's it's an uncomfortable mess I mean is this a hundred percent necessary I feel like I could have just reached in here the things that tempt me at 3:00 a.m. odd Amazon so we are gonna reach in the air yes also maybe you could use tongs for this maybe you don't need such a fancy tool I don't know oh look cup extracted could just you know have a flat cup which I wouldn't want for my life your bra and bikini pads are not a problem anymore what you're supposed to do to put it back in the right way is to kind of like roll it up in here like so you guys hear the rain okay now we have made a tasty bra burrito we're gonna shove it back in here and then unfurl look at how much easier this is it's going so great it's going really well so easy okay so I have it positioned in there now and oh okay so it feels like I've got it kind of untangled this is kind of weird you guys maybe it's just hard because I'm trying to like hold it up so you guys can see what's going on and do it at the same time but that actually ended up working really really well I feel like this is a common slogan I say in all my videos where it's like oh you just have to try it a couple times a little practice makes perfect but I'm gonna say the same thing for this device I give up on you you're no longer the co-star should I kind of model it I bet I need to cake cake cake cake cake I need cake obviously off this camo coat nice smooth look and then this just looks kind of gross I don't know I don't want offense about this I mean I feel like it does really work so what the hey I'm feeling good about it today woman ah we're gonna give it two thumbs up I think it was a little crazy though I think it's about $20 so Before we jump in to the next full of items let's give a quick thank you and a quick shout out to today's video sponsor which is skill shape huge thank you to today's video sponsor which is skill share and you guys might remember me talking about skill share before they are an online learning community that offers you guys memberships with meaning I love taking courses from Skillshare dog man loves taking courses from skill share as well skill share really offers video tutorials and complete comprehensive courses like literally tons of different life lessons like you can learn about photography social media how to be more productive meet all kinds of different goals I even saw one the other day that looked really interesting that was about interior design so really if you're looking to learn a new skill in 2020 make this your year to explore new skills and deepen existing passions I actually just posted on Instagram the other day in a caption that I really want to get back on track with making my Instagram like bigger and better than ever this year posting a lot more beauty and fashion photos but maybe like branching out from just like posing in front of this backdrop and posting those photos like I would like to get out and about in the real world my best friend just moved to Texas so I feel like we're gonna be able to go out and explore and take photos in fun places I really want to learn how to take better more photographically pleasing Instagram photos and I actually wrote down the course name so that I could be sure and tell you guys which one I have been learning from lately it's called Instagram worthy photography shoot edit and share and this course is taught by Brandon woeful I hope I'm saying your name right Brandon but I really love how easy it is to follow along with the courses on Skillshare I feel like you're learning a lot of information but it's not presented to you in a language that makes it impossible for you to understand do you know what I mean it's like you can really Phin as a beginner and come out an expert Skillshare offers courses meant for real life they are in like little video lessons at a time you don't have to devote like a large amount of time each day to learn a new skill you can learn at your own pace and skill share is also incredibly affordable considering the price difference of how much it would cost for you to go in person to learn all these lessons versus just skill shares one big service skill sherry is giving away two free months of premium membership to help you explore your creativity all you have to do is click the link in the info box and after those two three months are up memberships are only around ten dollars a month so definitely be sure click the link in the info box down below check out Skillshare there is really so much information so much you can learn and spark your creativity with skill share so check them out down below back to the video the next item is the entire inspiration and the reason why I'm doing today's video today this is a fashion item that I have been taunted by online forever I kind of thought it was joke or just a runway piece is straight from eBay because I think it was released in like 2015 and it is from the designer brand called Helmut Lang and it is a bra bag a bra bag you can carry it like this maybe that's a little tacky but you know I'm not a runway fashion designer so who the hell am I to judge war I think it's actually is it actually wearable oh my god how does it work okay let's just figure out how it works it has all these like zippers let's see if we can unzip it how does this work is this a joke am ia joke to you it's supposed to come apart I swear this is the face of a very disappointed unamused person you guys I don't know what has happened is this like a fake was i duke it has a tag not like they couldn't make a fake tag but oh my god so I'm gonna insert a picture because this is what I thought I was getting like I literally thought that my life was about to get so easy and I was just gonna be able to like wear this probably only outside of my clothing so a weird like Madonna bra outside of your shirt moment and then just like zip and then put all this stuff it's like shoving money in your bra but actually like your bra is a bag okay those were my fantasies look it has straps like bra straps I know it's confusing that it has these straps too I thought it went like that and then across and then like these but it's joined it's joined at the bottom so I can't do that it's almost like I want to try and just like rip this apart cuz there's no reason for this to have a bottom here you guys because both of the cups do completely zip up so it would still be functional as a bra if I just didn't have the bottom should we do surgery on this designer bag let me know in the comments down below how can we recover from that disappointment I know something else equally as ridiculous and despicable so this item is called the wine rack I feel like it's such deep-seated cringe you guys have probably seen like the hairbrush flask or there's other like wearable like fanny pack flasks I think that the Camelback things you're really only supposed to put water in it so it's like a backpack with a straw in it anyway they literally present this as like oh it's like a push-up bra that's super comfortable but you can fill it with wine and drink out of your bra literally no instructions thank you so much you get two pieces this which is the pouch that you fill and I think that they said it would hold an entire bottle of wine we're gonna fill it with the sparkling grape juice because we are family-friendly here just not to family friend but family-friendly you also have this completely incognito straw that I'm sure no one would notice you drinking out of your bra and then you get this bra to hold it all in place so it has padding oh my god like super padded bra also a pocket on the inside to load our drinky pouch and then this looks like um like a weird thing in the front that we're gonna feed the straw through let's go ahead and open this which I'm like how does that happen okay this is good why why is this happening why I didn't shake it now let me my floor are covered in the sticky sticky sparkling grape juice oh my god it's cuz it's sparkling okay um I'm gonna mop myself up I have a funnel here I thought I would maybe need a funnel so I'm gonna open this up oh my god you probably don't need a funnel look at that um we're gonna use the funnel anyway because I'm feeling fancy how is this not gonna be super heavy that's what I want to know they can you imagine just carrying a bottle of wine on you booboo jizz okay here we go watch me just drop this whole pallet full of grape juice chug chug chug chug I am kind of nervous about the sparkling aspect oh there we go that looks delightful ohh oh my god the sparkling is creating quite a phase maybe if I pour slower and then don't shake it up afterward glug glug glug the sparkling was definitely a big oopsie it was trying to show you guys the sparkling nightmare on my lap a beautiful sparkling nightmare oh my God look though we almost have the whole a bottle of sparkling juice in here oh yes I am NOT regretting this at all I loved when juice just spills out all over my lap oh my god guys the weather just keeps getting weirder and weirder right along school right alongside this video all right we're gonna put a cork in it there it is now I'm gonna shake it up all right um this looks gruesome and grotesque like and it does feel as heavy as an entire bottle of liquid first we're gonna try and insert the straw Oh what my god this is so reading it like I do not know why they put padding inside of here when this like full of liquid is obviously going to be major padding now I already do have a bra on today but that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna just put it on over my shirt um okay that how would you wear this without a shirt under it or a bra under it oh it's so heavy and it's so like weird this is unreasonable oh my god okay at least I can like position it right hi guys does that look good I think that the description literally was like why pay for an expensive padded bra when you can buy this one and drink out of it this is not padding at least the straw part came wrapped listen to the rain oh my god and does it have a cap on the cap yeah okay hi Wow okay why is this happening why is this happening to me oh my god I really didn't know I needed to do this in the bathtub I told you guys the lights we're gonna go out thank goodness the generator kicked in um unlike singlehandedly just draining the city's power source right now grape juice all over the place look I see it I see it rushing up if I take this off it's gonna do it again grape juice don't disappoint me grape juice I am disappointed why does it do that science probably the force of my boobs I'm gonna give my boobs credit for this uh is shoving the grape juice it's probably like the sparkling stuff as well a little just like squirted into my mouth but it is just disappointing it's just hot boob juice I'm not enjoying it oh now now none wants to come out let's give them that realistic look okay it kind of works I regret this okay I'm gonna um clean myself up now just look at this just grape juice all over my feet all over the floor the grape juice I'm covered in grape juice I'm gonna go clean myself I'll tell you that I have wasted $20 before in my life on stupid nonsensical stuff but never have I had to hose myself off after with the other stupid stuff I don't know you guys if it's like a gag got a gag gagg gift gas joke is almost what is that if it's like a gag gift then I can definitely see where you could give this to somebody maybe for like a bachelorette party or something and it would be quite funny but in no way do I think it is practical I will be willing to say maybe I messed things up a little bit by filling it with sparkling grape juice versus wine which is what the product is intended for so that is probably why it was a little bit Messier and it like sprayed liquid everywhere but it just looks so silly so goofy something I never considered until I got into the thumbnail taking portion is the sloshing because the flashing very convincing that I'm just wearing the push-up bra right now right hi welcome to the laundry room where laundry I also just got a new light and it's really bright and I feel like I don't want to go like this the entire time I feel in this segment so I'm just Jack Nicholson now the next I don't know then we're gonna be testing for your bra it's called the bra baby and it says to serve and protect your bras also what is this eerie face oh my god look she's just watching her bras who washing in the washing machine can you imagine if I just did this the whole time just watching my brother watching you guys ha da bra baby bra baby I'm ready for Broadway here is the actual device Oh fancy I am actually really excited about the prospect of this product working because it's supposedly a safe way that you cannot wash your bras especially if you're somebody like me and you have the mega padded bra it is supposed to safely wash bras like this that are nicer more expensive special occasion have the big old puppy pads and then whatever you have going on personally but it's supposed to wash them without damaging the lace or the pads or anything else which would be great for me personally because I've never successfully washed a bra like this without it altering the fabric on the front and then just making the pad inside get all bunched up and then basically it becomes worthless what I'm about to divulge to you is disgusting but I have a policy here in this house with my bras called wear it and Erin you guys I just kind of wear a bra until I don't anymore so you can see how deodorant is very integral to my existence often just not noticed this is like my favorite bra and I've had it forever and I just noticed I freaking left the little like sizing tag on how have I worn have you guys seen this in videos before my life is just a string of embarrassment figure this out because you guys this is like a mission impossible puzzle it is so much more intricate than I thought that it was you have to first unlock this little latch like you twist it it locks and unlocks then you have to like I guess temporarily remove this so that you can open it you have to slide eight there's a lot of stuff going on I think you should probably read the instructions I should probably read the instructions also quite apparently they offer this product in a couple of different sizes so this regular size bra baby is for bra cups a through D and then for cup sizes like D and Beyond they have a different sized one so that at least seems really cool you are supposed to place these cups inside of these cups and it says that you hook the bra together this is hard to do you guys see anything is going by God the confusion it's going swell so I think that I haven't sandwiched in there pretty well they're basically just saying it is important for you to feed all of the like the back hook and strap and the bra straps inside the inner ball so that all is kind of exposed on the outer ball is the cups and the pads maybe now what you're supposed to do is put everything interval and your bra of course inside this larger mark larger outer ball I must admit I don't currently hold our ball buddy in very high regards it took longer than I'd like to admit to shut this thing up I've been sweating and struggling and it is kind of like an extremely intricate puzzle and I know what you're thinking it's not that hard it really does look easy but if you're somebody like me you don't have like a ton of strength it is just like a lot of moving pieces that you've got to intricately get I'm gonna stop complaining anyway it does say that you are supposed to wash it with a full load of laundry so that this thing doesn't just you know smash around in your washing machine and break the bowl we don't need any ball busters in here so I have put a full load of sheets and I chuck it in there and I'm just gonna put on like a light 15 minutes wash I have 1/3 sanitization in here and so I think that's going to be great so we are locked and loaded and I will see you guys in 15 minutes all right you guys 15 minutes have passed and I just opened the washer so now we get to play a game called where is my bra a little fat it smells like plastic okay now the intricate game can i unlock this okay so it actually seems to maybe get a little easier the more that you lock and unlock it spoke to you soon there we go tah-dah let's give you an up-close shots so here it is a side by side before and after and I have to admit I am pleasantly surprised the pads don't seem rippled or messed up or damaged everything still feels as it was I also wanted to sample with this one because it really has a lot of this intricate lace detailing and I was curious like what would happen to it and I'm really pleased to report nothing like all of the back lace seems intact I am going to give this product a ten out of ten I do recommend next are some things that I actually just found I forgot I ordered these but here they are so I used to have magical bra straps like this a long time ago Victoria's Secret actually used to make all kinds of interchangeable bra straps so that you could like buy the kind of bra you needed but then you could like switch the bra straps I know I've had this discussion before I can't be the only one who used to always think bra straps were accessories they were like part of your look that had to be a thing that was like going on in the early 2000s otherwise why was Victoria's Secret doing that so like you could have hot pink bra straps or whatever else kind of brought my favorite kind that's what I was about to say my favorite kind were clear plastic bra straps with rhinestones embedded into them I'm kind of sad that they don't do that anymore so I found these little things from Amazon and they are called divas bra straps and these looked so what pretty to me I was actually trying to like relive my magic moment of finding like some clear plastic ones with rhinestones on them I couldn't find them but these looked so shiny and sparkly and amazing and so that is literally what it is you can take off your existing bra strap and put these on instead and I'm glad to see that there is like a lobster clasp here so that is how you lengthen or shorten the bra strap if you need it you know higher or lower so I'm gonna turn off the camera for a minute I'm gonna do a little bra shushing and we'll see how it looks all right you guys hopefully y'all can see let's give it a zoom-zoom-zoom yes look at that glamorous bra straps but I didn't even have to adjust them actually they are kind of like the perfect length just as is but yeah I really like these and it literally just took about two seconds to install so yeah I don't know I am totally down for making bra straps fashion accessories again if we can find some cool and colorful bra straps that is it for testing up weird bro gadgets I feel like we had some successes and a lot of failures and just weird stuff going on but I think I should go now before the power goes out again thank you once again so so much - what skittle shared we're sponsoring today's video don't forget check them out in the info box down below also a huge huge thank you to you guys who are watching and hanging out with me today it's because of you guys here watching me and supporting me that I get to have all this fun and test out all of these crazy products so I'm gonna go wash the sticky sticky grape juice off of my body and go to sleep it's raining I love you guys so so much thank you so much for watching if you're not already and you'd like to be hit up and down below subscribe become a member of the SWAT family and give it alligator its wings I love you guys so so much and I will see y'all again really really soon
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 272,006
Rating: 4.9350271 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, eye, eyes, vlog, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, starbucks, jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, mystery box, makeup mystery box, supreme box, supreme, shane dawson, shane dawson palette, lip plumping, easy lip plumping, challenge, makeup challenge, 2020, hair dye, hair dying, amazon, best amazon
Id: fNKWOM3lvaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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