Trying to Smoke Brisket at Home - An Experiment

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I wonder what kind of spices you could put on a piece of meat like that..

Or perhaps a marinade?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OGisaac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really enjoyed watching this. Would be great to get an update if Jamie finds any new techniques.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toriaray πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello Bonjour guten tag hola welcome that's all the languages I know actually so today is quite an interesting one today we're doing a whole day of barbecue recipes which is going to form a week of fridge camp because of this I have been chosen to cook up a brisket not just cook smoke a brisket now this is something that we explored in Austin a couple years ago the lost and hungry tour I completely and utterly fell in love I'd never tasted anything as amazing as this so last year I bought myself a smoker and I started to try and see if I could replicate any of the flavors and any of that experience that we had was very Gnostic and I just think it was too bad and you're going to follow my journey and see how it goes the most important thing the smoker I've got a break from smoking grill I think in betrayed this is called an ECB el cheapo Brinkman it's one of the cheapest or most populous Muslims in America supposedly I've done a few modifications to it from things I read online legs mounted on the outside this means that we can raise the fire up we can get it higher into the smoker and we can put it underneath talking about fire here's my fire pan I've drilled holes in it that's going to let the air flow through consistent feet this is our fire started so basically going to get the charcoal started in this half now before we need them chuckling into the fire pan that's going to help keep a consistent temperature so we don't just have to keep replacing fire every round half with cold coals speaking of the coals lovely big bag here these should last quite alongside which will be great two other important things we've got with us today number one a remote meat thermometer this thing's that I can keep an eye on the temperature in your beverages cooking and secondly some insulation to wrap our smoker in this is purely because it doesn't actually get that hot in the UK and I'm not expecting it to be very hot today so to keep a consistent temperature I think we're going to have to insulate it a little bit but we'll see okay so number one is going to be the fire so I've got my fire pad with my drilled holes in it found a couple of bricks we're going to rest a fire pan on top of that which is going to let egg in underneath hopefully give the best fire suppose that goes on top we want the five handling right up in there then we can put the grills in now let's start our fire kill your chimney with as much good quality shot College you can get your hands on the best stuff is going to be the local stuff it's more sustainable if Esther is likely to burn too long [Music] underneath we want to put a load of newspaper paper scrunched up like that and what that's going to do is basically start the fire and they'll get the coals burning and we want to wait about half an hour until they're up to temperature pop them into our fire pan and then we're ready to start cooking so whilst our coals are heating up let's have a look at the real star of the show oh hello this is about three-and-a-half pounds worth of brisket now one of the things we discovered in the UK over the last couple of years is that actually brisket here means something different to what it means in the u.s. so we've had to work quite hard when so where is it the ginger pig to get a boneless brisket from them in Borough Market hopefully this will give us the result of looking for now there are lots of conversations and discussions and debates and arguments as to what you should do for a rub for your brisket and I went through lots of different options to look for things like Franklin Salt Lick DJ BBQ and what a lot of the top restaurants are doing everybody who does barbecue has their own way of doing a rub but because we don't really know how this is going to work I thought why don't we go simple so we're literally going to go for salt pepper and a little bit of cayenne pepper that's it now this could be the best thing that I do or the worst thing that I do but we're going to have to wait about eight hours to find out let's some and I'm very sorry about this expression let's worry about me [Music] and hope is a good number of hours smoking and cooking away in the barbecue they should get a really nice box in it by Bart relieving that kind of like crusty outside bit that's the bit where as far as I'm aware you can come over to burnt ends and flavor now when it comes to smoking as well as having your charcoal you need some wood chips now I have three different varieties of wood chips to reproduce today I've got some apple chips some cherry chips and some whiskey and chips and obviously I'm going to go for our whiskey take off have a whiff of that la smells so good prep these we're going to pop them into some warm water for about 30 minutes before they go on our cards okay so you can see the coals on the top and now starting to go gray and the cheek that means it is ready to put into the smoker so I have got nice bowl of water to go in we're going to pop our fire into here get the smoker on top it should be good to go I don't think I reckon that's image is pretty ideal long let's get the wood chips into the charcoal and get the meat on the ground [Music] [Applause] now there's lots of estimates of how long that would take I reckon anywhere anywhere between 7 and 11 hours the only thing about doing some filming day is that there is other filming going off and it's not what's happening here we're going to go down to a beach I know what that means is I might not be here and the hour and a half comes up to put my new coals in the fire so what I've done instead is insulate my Spokane baby and hopefully that will keep it warm up that's about another latency right back from filming at the beach the smoker is warm not ideal yeah we might miss it a little bit long I've already got my next set of charcoals going that's floating away about 20 to 30 minutes I'll be ready to put in and we can get back to different temperature so here we have my brand new meat thermometer which is actually remote it's got two separate prongs and it works on Bluetooth so I can put it on my app and that means I don't have to sit there and watch it all the time supposedly I should be it's my third batch of charcoal ready but if we have a look it's actually still on the top side of ideal it is time to attach my thermometer Oh baby for about seven hours in and we are nearly there okay so we need that to be same 93 degrees Celsius that's about 200 degrees Fahrenheit that should be ideal apparently smokers 107 degrees Celsius that is about 250 that is also perfect disaster what not a real disaster but the internal temperature of the meat is actually going down not up to where it was 90 a few minutes goes now gone down for 89 there is a chance I'm going to have to add some more coal to it possibly I don't know of the temperature of the smokers not doing great either ah I didn't think I'd have to put any new cars on so I didn't get anything started and so I've now quickly rushed got some new coals on and only half a chimney and yeah it's going to delay things a little bit but hopefully the last seven hours haven't all been wasted hurry up hurry up oh yeah pops up the way up hurry up just how we up starry Harley hurry yet this grace you cannot wait [Music] they're a little bit early but you can tell on panicking of it [Music] that's so much laughter hundred degrees under the two degrees 27 yeah just stop oh that's fine honey this one's great because of ten - huh the meet at 92 degrees it was at 93 degrees I pulled it off I didn't want it to pull it off the flame I didn't want it to be too hot so are you ready are you steady now looky here [Music] my let's show this I want to try some just to make sure that I'm not going to poison me buzzer Iseman oh dear oh dear what there is no way anybody else should eat now right so this is the brisket that we've ended up with I'm going to put my thing in it honestly that is that is so good in my opinion it's good it's not Texas good it's not good restaurant food but it is really really good it was an experiment I didn't know if it was work I'm happy with that result I can improve upon that and I'm going to continue to improve on that I think that's brilliant I'm going to feed the boys but you're not going to see that until big night in so make sure you come back on Sunday for big night in don't forget to come back tomorrow because the guys are off making chimney cake yep you know as much as I do and check that out check out big night in on Sunday I love barbecue week we should make every week barbecue week bugs you month I'm doing barbecue month I said I've done where they'll start box the channel I'd love to hear from you guys as well you've watched me make brisket what did I do wrong what could I have done better I know if you changed your brother I could have Adam ops or but technically what things could I and should I have done better to make that brisket better than it already is I want to go out to Texas level of quality I don't think I'd see much bigamy is for more muscle highlight and more brisket click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our faces [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 562,351
Rating: 4.9505754 out of 5
Keywords: brisket, simple beef brisket, brisket gordon ramsey, bbq beef brisket, indoor smoked brisket, brisket recipes, bbq recipes, bbq beef, brisket sortedfood, sorted food, sortedfood, food
Id: Y3hadbEcp8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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