Trying out your AWFUL mod ideas...

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a while ago I asked you guys to come up with dumb mod ideas and boy did y'all deliver I asked my Moder Lily Lambda to choose eight goofy ideas and I'll make him come to life so that me and my pal EDM could go into I'm blind here's how it went just go random characters just go a random character and we'll we'll figure it out also I'm almost at 300K Subs so if you want to subscribe to help me reset my Milestone that would be great thank you so much bye okay all right that seems normal yeah that was interesting okay I got a flower on my head what oh let's go baby no that's just regular pup was that a coin okay I think it's like random why why I think it's just random I think it's just random no that's just a skill check yeah skill check you said right [Music] there we go why oh my God yeah no I was right every here has a random status effect okay okay I'll take big j a little Joker J man yeah there's some people have said I look like him so this this is perfect for me oh I'm getting cooked what did that do that didn't do anything okay I'll take it [Music] thank you okay that's broken cheating hello modern hope jay baby okay all right what do you rate this mod out of out of ten I would rate this mod like a 7.5 yeah I I really like that I thought it was funny I give it I give it a nine this was a good choice good choice apparently we are recommended to play a heavy for the first round I mean I am expand our man so I gotta play dog who knows yeah yeah [Music] this guy no I have no College yet but what's it called I'm curious I feel like I jumped higher he does not jumped this High interesting that's all I've noticed so far we jump high oh wait I'm way faster I feel we're zooming ah this is not why are we supposed to go Heavies again I'm confused it's the only gimmick that we we're fashion bro I think so kind of mid kind of mid no what what the stinky feet field drift is what got me there oh okay everyone has zero suit Samus movement stats bro well here's my kick flip I'm gonna play that character where you're like God if they were faster they'd be so good dude I thought you were picking Ganon this feels like a up version of Smash Bro I feel like I'm cheating well you kind of are that's true oh my God I got up there so quickly yeah [Applause] I have time normally it would take like three business days for incinerary to get up there but he's up there exactly I'm gonna go on one character I feel like would benefit the most from this time for your medicine Nick oh but the other the other half look that kind of ruins everything I had hoping with Kirby I don't know why I went down here man oh man all right okay oh my gosh all right idiom what do you give this mod out of 10. I would say this one's like a five yeah yeah this may be like like a five like a five like some characters will be super fun but even then it'll probably get old kind of soon so we're Flying Blind who should I play for this one okay we need a character apparently that has a projectile emphasis on knees so pick your poison I'll pick a cool one I'll pick a I'll pick one all right let's see what these bullets do baby all right yeah I'm excited well actually young Link is kind of good in this because no that looks strong though that looks strong so I'm kind of scared to jump okay whoa what's up what what the f we didn't even shoot a projectile why don't we both die bro what does this have to do with projectiles what the what no way what is going what okay is something wrong wait is it if we touch each other if we make contact with each other we die no way oh that's why we have to play with the projectile character what the that's amazing dude I was so confused all right we gotta just embrace the cringe I guess no bro I'm actually yeah too much percent bro it was building up no I feel like this is just regular Olimar sandwich gameplay bro honestly I can't tell the difference no way we'll play this one oh no sorry it's because it's poor priority what why authorities skill issue bro I don't know what to tell you I'm just better oh man yo we got ta have to tell my wife to you know we may need to stay you need a one-time pass okay awesome oh let's go baby wait how am I supposed to refill MP oh wait I could do it you can't oh no wait bro chill okay okay we're cooking we're cooking I can't grab you roll bro all right we'll play it out we'll play it out what you gonna do what you gonna do idiom what you gonna do what you gonna do a victory bro the bounce the brain on this guy okay for me I give this a 10 out of 10. this is hysterical I love it very creative that's a solid nine that was a fun fun lot dude that that was very clever hats off to the editor I mean the the modder okay for this one we do not have any specification as to who to play so whatever you want bro we're just gonna go random I'm gonna heart of the cards baby he's a safe man all right you know what I'm not gonna do that oh God damn the EDM Lucario I'm curious dude the only thing that's gonna cook is me because I'm so bad have you noticed anything no I haven't noticed anything there's something we're missing here it's just gonna be so obvious we're gonna look through it and then be like oh no I feel like this is not obvious oh nice all right I guess I give up here I don't I really do no no no we gotta figure this one out I feel like it's gonna be cool we just have to play the right character all right if we don't figure it out by the time you take the stack of checking do you zero indication I had like no like yeah I was gonna say was that part of the mod oh wait a piece yo wait wait oh yo oh chill chill chill oh interesting yo excited to give a lot better bro oh no oh oh are you trying to give me without me or something I was trying to kill you with upbeat but it was not working okay wait let's see what it actually is oh no special fall after recovery moves all right we gotta find the right character to make this work yeah oh I was like what is he doing yeah okay okay Innovative already [Music] I thought I think only the other oh it takes forever that's a thing actually unbeatable as well come back I can't even go up that fast bro get away from me [Laughter] ah dude the dock is too fun you know what let me let me try one more let me try one more character I think I you're right in that it's like the specific character needs to be good oh the the mains bro we're trying we're sweating bro no I play DK DK's the main now I can do this oh [Music] what dude I can't it's Ken there's too much end like he's terrible oh oh wait show me wait show me try Okay I'll jump from the double double jump up B there I go yo that's actually awful so it's like it's like this regular ass it's Ken versus super Lucina all right all right this Lucy Nicky may have bumped it up a tad bit I'll give it my score is actually going down after I saw him I'm going down to like like a four I'm so angry because doc was just like zooming Ken was just cheeks it really depends on the character and they're at night so yeah I'll give it a four I'll give it bro I'm so sad if I could have mashed for you that would have been so nice yeah for real do you have any inclination or hints on what this mod might be no no modder gave me nothing so we just I don't know part of the cards was that what it is part of the cards baby hopefully I get someone cool fun and awesome none of the above oh I don't like where this is going I think everything sucks wait this is gonna probably be a murderer oh dude projectiles are broken I feel like characters with single hit moves are gonna benefit more yeah Simon's gonna do really well oh Jesus oh come on that would have been amazing Nana get the over here oh no I'm sorry I'll help you no stop bro that's how you know he's a true homie he only sucks so much and I you know I'm an awful human being because I would never help you suck multi hits are awful multi hits our cheeks yo yo I take it back I take it back well that was awful bro that was oh man Ice Climbers are tough oh boy oh my gosh it's broken it looks so cool oh please I want something come on please give me some juice oh no double knee I'll take it I'll take it baby no you you won you won your scream was so genuinely horrified [Music] oh wow oh it's not long enough some moves just get butchered completely oh [Music] baby combos oh my gosh that it's so much oh that was clean that was clean I gave a lot we can still cheat even with much yeah oh oh my God that just made it so much more painful it really did you have to watch yourself knowing what's gonna happen next [Music] you know what wait I think I have an idea is this really what your heart told you to do oh no you're gonna up baby you piece of you figured it out listen if you were Daisy maybe I would have had any sense of Mercy but here we are bro he's cooking oh no no oh my God okay okay optimal do it again oh my God bro so easy it's too easy with Luigi bro stop oh my God no please come on come on dude this is so scary oh no what editor can we play that in slow motion I can see why the it didn't hit oh Lord oh please oh you got one he got it you got it oh whoa no way oh my God it's good that was good I can't even be mad oh my God stop oh my God oh Jesus crazy this is fun okay all right we gotta control ourselves we have to move on this is such a good mod I don't want to move on I Gotta Give it like a 9.5 nine point yeah it's really there's so much potential can you imagine this competitively like if they had like a rule set that would be something like oh the potential dude Luigi would go crazy I think if you play it long enough it has the most longevity staying power I give this one 9.5 9.5 I really like the idea that's that's a great meme I mean what'd you say that's a great mod that's a great mod all right idiom this one is different from the ones before apparently we got a play of character with a Teleport at least in round one or else we're not gonna have fun I know who you're thinking of and I'm gonna pick someone else yeah but you didn't I thought you were gonna pick Zelda and just like completely grind me all right wait let's let's teleport it's like a full there's like a floor every oh there's a ceiling everywhere we can't get down only okay I think if you're jumped you're basically Whoever has a low ground kind of wins here okay this is so straight I actually don't know like like there seems to be walls but no way bro what the ceiling of safety we can't do Aerials it's all just grounded moves get up bro being on the same plane is so rare I got attack no no Smash Bros but the air is ground I hate it here the motto let's try without teleport yeah okay let's just random I feel like it's gonna happen is We're not gonna be able to hit each other oh Little Mac wait little guy gets buffed like crazy dude nah this is Criminal I want my money back what do I do here yeah that's actually kind of broken and I can't get down there either I'll jump I'll jump I'll jump oh wow what a guy I would have stayed there for a minute dude this is awesome no no I can't go down there I'm so cute dude it looks like you're wave dashing wait wait wait chill chill get over here bro get away from me come on bro where am I well I'm a true G all right I'm gonna come up I gotta use the thing on the right to see you all right I'm above you are you oh I see it yeah are you even you're going on more stuff dude you're gonna be too high up that mod is hilarious but yeah I don't think I could give it anything higher than like a like a three and a half or something yeah but it was it was really fun but I just like it turns into Red Square Blue Square like fighting game like on the top right yeah all right yeah these falling ones have no directions so we can just part of the cards baby oh holy dude okay I'm gonna do it right now okay you ready no hell did you see it that's crazy easy I feel like at one point whoever loses a stock and the other person's a high percent it becomes a thriving game you pull oh a train oh did you not notice I thought it just healed you no it's Rage that's so interesting that is very interesting thanks for the help Sucka oh it's the Pummel yeah it's the Pummel yeah you didn't mention that uh-huh bro are you the only one who gets the puzzle wait did it not work for you wait why does it work for you let's go bro broken mod let's go wait the theory is that maybe it's the range grabs that don't work now do the bubbles no oh wow EDM is cursed okay okay we can do this if I win this game I'll give it a five no what's gravy all right yep three out of ten that was the final score bro I am so salty about this mod I gave it a zero no question I'm giving it a zero it hasn't helped me at all I keep getting my but I like the idea I like the idea I think it's fun but it has to work for both players all right here we got the last one hopefully ends with a bang any prerequisites for this nothing nothing at all all right let's see it dude this is a hype ass matchup yo this is what one percent okay interesting one of the biggest toughest dudes out here bro we should be killing each other yeah what the every hit there's a one percent oh bro what is that maybe sometimes it just does one percent it's randomly one percent yeah okay oh whoa that was uh maybe sometimes it's a crit too I can't wait for like the one percent to come in in a really clutch ass play oh all right well you guys got a good one what the hell was that so I feel like there's like a lucky like super one that we have not seen much at all oh let's go oh yep yep there's a super one there's no silver one you have two uh okay yeah so one-fourth of a chance of being a weak hit of Mario update and 1 16th chance of being uh Falcon knee oh my God we're playing with fire here bro the rapid Jabs are gonna do numbers let's go oh boy he's figured it out why it's only cool when Bowser does it no please dude that's so broken wrapping Jabs bro what dude the rapid Jabs are crazy all right bus two out of three damn it oh bro that's crazy wait I just remembered something [Music] okay a lot of those did like one percent but the final one at least killed one of them was there bro how much damage did you take from there oh my God as long as it didn't have the coin hitbox it was guaranteed what do you give this one out of ten you know I feel like this one's fun but I feel like it is kind of character specific I would rate this like a six the rngs are fun I I give it a round of six it was pretty fun though yeah I think six is fair the RNG is always fun well that's all eight your ideas were as terrible as I expected but some of them were pretty good I can't even lie so you know what good stuff fellas thanks for the free content and yep foreign
Channel: TCNick3
Views: 622,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu, smash ult, persona, persona ost, smash ost, smash bros ost, mario, captain falcon, bros, tcinick, tcnick, tcnick3, elite, elite smash
Id: y2jgzv_aMOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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