Ranking EVERY SPIKE in Smash Bros Ultimate

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well i'm not a pro by any means i feel like i got a lot of credibility when it comes to spikes so today i decided to rank them all the crunchier the effect or the stronger the knockback feels the higher it's going to be however it should also be feasible to land if it's a spike that we rarely see because of the strictness of the timing or if it kills you in order to land it it's not going to be that good of a spike at the same time if it's undeniably broken i'll probably put it pretty high up so overall the spike is going to be ranked based on if it feels nice if it's risk for attempting is worth the result and if it's swag so with this in mind we advance first we start with the cringe tier which has the most embarrassing spikes in the game and are not worth going for almost ever okay here we uh i don't think this one even counts uh not sure i went for these grounded spikes or cringe let's move on mega man reflected up air i have to add reflected specifically there because this move does not spike normally no it takes a lot of dumb luck like maybe if it were an incredibly strong spike or even had a satisfying noise it'd be a slightly higher but no the animation even looks wonky just tornado going down yeah this one definitely belongs this low gain inside me is next and no no i'm not talking about again inside i'm talking about this yep that's a spike it doesn't work on the edge of the stage since the opponent insta grabs a ledge no you gotta do it on some moving platform or on a stage with no ledges in short it's ass not satisfying since it's super weak and you'll probably never land it intentionally on one hand the key rule up smash spike has the stupidest hitbox and timing in the game while marth and lucina have a one frame spike hitbox as well at least you can visually see where you're supposed to hit it you know at the tip k-ro if i know just at some random point where he falls here dumb awful one of the worst moves i've ever had the displeasure of landing on the other hand it's pretty hype if you land it not hype enough that it's worth it though and not hype enough that it's not bottom five i hate how pyro upbeat is considered a spike i could probably breathe downwards and have more knockback than this move weak as hell you will die first every time if you go for this move you can't even clutch a double with it it's just a bad spike me brawler onslaught is stupidly specific in how it spikes because it's so specific and has a tiny hip box it's pretty ah overall and it's also weak as so not even rewarding if you do land it when i hit a little mac with me brawler faint jump at like 150 and he could still recover i knew this spike was dead to me me sword fighter upbeat goes way too comically high for it to be any good at sniping recoveries not only that but is weak as alan doesn't even connect into the spike hitbox reliably ass this move might actually be the worst down air in the game period first of all just look at the animation these chicken legs are not intimidating at all then you see the hitbox and yup you're right and assuming there's no threat here absolutely pathetic move banjo takes the cake for the second shittiest down there pretty much same thing as ridley but at least it has a better hitbox i guess if you want a spike that simply boops you take this move if you want the good spike look literally almost anywhere else i hate how diddy side b is considered a spike because it's definitely not like yeah sure it sends you downwards but also at the speed of a feather and has zero juice meter to it bad spike previously the worst upbeat spike on a traditional character before pyra came along this bike is not only incredibly weak but also not even consistent in landing so yup it sucks next we got the mid spikes spikes that exist and will send you downwards but it's not going to be something you see often from this character plant down air is the second worst traditional spike down air in the game just for some reason it's incredibly hard to spike with this move like the hitbox doesn't even look that bad but i guess plant is just destined to be mid another spike that is deceptively hard to land is inkling downair wow this move is garbage england has so many fast moves so the fact that down air takes 10 years to come out while also having a shitty hitbox just makes this move not good me gunner down there is basically a slightly slower version of inkling down there but also slightly stronger i guess so you can chill here i feel like you really only land falco's scythey by accident it's too weak to style with for the most part like sure you gotta semi-respect it off stage but i've always viewed it as falco trying to compensate for something all final smashes are in this tier when you do land them they're hype but a majority of them only work with a big ass hole in the middle where there's only like three stages this will work in after further investigation i have found this is not true bridget belden midgar and gar planes all have big ass holes in the middle but the final smash just kind of skirts around it and ignores it so you do in fact need a cringe custom stage in order to ever see the spike great design honorable mentions to gannon for being the best one since you don't need the hole and dishonorable mention the cloud for dying first when he lands it dk side v is definitely my least favorite dk spike i barely even remember its existence it's great for when you truly want to let your opponents know they mean absolutely nothing to you but for the most part it doesn't even feel like good to land so the fact you can to frame with ridley's upbeat and not die is the reason it's not lower you can only really use it while waiting at the ledge here since it takes a second for it to come out but if it does it'll murder so yeah it's good here the bowser bomb can not only break your shield but spike the out of you if you jump too much pretty satisfying to land but not worth it when it takes 10 years for the hitbox to come out and only last for like two frames the actual spike portion for this move takes 10 million years to come out and you basically have to sd going for it however it's only saving grace is that it's kind of chat as if you land it richter and simons down there are pretty okay as this bike you know feels more satisfying that you get to recover than actually landing this bike shows you got balls and you get to live for it so a pretty fair deal i'd say this is actually a good segue into mentioning that sd down airs are incredibly annoying frustrating spikes to have yeah they can make a clip saucier but 9 times out of 10 you want the spike that doesn't kill you too especially since it becomes useless if you're down to stock a lot of them are very similar so here's my least favorite to most favorite corn down air fedo down there chic down there min min down there tone link down air sephiroth down air if you haven't guessed by now i hate sd down airs but this one is the most worth to go for the fact that it spikes the whole way through makes it the gold standard for all the kicks me brawler head-on assault has the same idea but goes straight down so it's a bit easier to land at least game and watch down there greninja down there greninja down b and sonic down there you can all live if you go for off stage for the most part so it makes a little bit better but overall still wack bowser down there got the most oomph to it so i leave it here at the top this move feels like an accident when you land it nana is the only one that spikes so if she dies ggs no more spikes allowed and if she's alive she probably won't land it anyway because popo is a greedy i feel like incineroar or upbeat is definitely one of the weaker of these that drag you down not in the sense of strength since it you know kills that zero but more so that it can be hella inconsistent for some reason i have no idea when this move will work or not and so i can't quite see it as a reliable pal next we got the acceptable tier where the spikes start being things you'd go for not necessarily your first option but it'll do the job the devs really went all out and making duck hunt as lame as possible this down air spike is not it might be strong enough but why the hell they make it a two-parter inconsistency is the devil and for that reason i'm out i forget that shulk has a spike because this move is so ash to land another two-parter and it's so tough to use consistently i guess it's strong but it takes centuries to come out and overall not that great robin upbeat is another one of those spikes that just exists for some reason but no one actually goes for it offers decent style points but it's harder to land than you think and given robin has limited book juice and can't even use it all the time makes it mid we fit forward air is the kind of spike that makes it impossible to not yell got em if you spike people with it it's weak and isn't out for too long but nifty enough to be here me short fighter down air feels more like a drag down than a spike it's good for what it does but there's definitely no oomph to it or swag meter just any sword fighter spinning on top of you which is just more disturbing than anything pit and dark fit down there definitely have one of the most embarrassing down airs that are actually meant to spike not strong at all and i'm kind of glad since the pits can come back from anywhere so if they can spike from anywhere it'll make it kind of busted so yeah not good for a reason i really don't like this spike too much on chrom if i'm being honest i get the sour spot way too much with it and what's worse is that it sends upwards so it saves them instead of getting spiked like down air it's pretty much the same as croms can be a good hail mary but overall not the best spike roy's down there similar to ice and chrome but it's on fire so it makes it a little cooler kazia's near is not too strong but at least it's pretty fast you know just kind of does its thing at least you get the flex that you got the only neutral air in the game that spikes i personally hate rob down there as good as other people say it is the delay in when the spike comes out messes with my timing so much no other spike has this weird ass animation it just feels so clunky me gunner uppy is a decent upbeat spike it's good for reversals and strong enough that it does a good job orangey in my spikes kinda cringe while all three variations do spike i value a spike with a consistent hitbox the most even with monique attached i just don't feel the oomph from all of mars down here it just feels so flimsy which is the opposite of what you want when dealing with a spike you want that feeling of power and decisiveness which all in the world doesn't quite deliver isabella's down here is more consistent than villagers since it's always two turn ups but nothing crazy doesn't have much oomph to it since it's isabel you know she doesn't want to hurt you too badly why this move spikes i have no idea i kind of hate it since the ball can get in the way sometimes and so you got to preemptively time it but also it gives you crazy style points to land decent enough and here we have zss downbeat i'll take i know probably because i suck at this character but i feel like css downbeat is way too hard to land for casuals like me yes even with the setups and the guides blah blah i ain't got time to research this like look at the size of the spike hit box and tell me it's not a little strict i don't like this bike i'm leaving it here falcon uphill is the og spike that you can use on stage and hope for the best it's decently strong and there's not much downside to using if your opponent is chilling at the ledge you probably won't land it too often but if you do it always feels nice as hell now we're in the good tier these spikes are good i enjoy the fact that these characters have these spikes might not be the swaggiest but respectable nonetheless wolf down here is flashy looking but i never felt much um from it considering scyby exists knowing that it just makes this feel like the secondary spike to one go for this move always me up visibly i still cannot process in real time the fact that it's her leg that spikes and not her staff anyway good move but nothing spicy just another bunk ken down air rio down there terry down there these three all have pretty much the same down air with ken and ryo's actually being the exact same it doesn't have much range but it's a fast movement works well in these fellas kits so yep they're here we fit down there is strong and works well but i just kind of hate the way it looks as good of a posture it is it's also just kind of ugly i really like the motion of samus down here the way samus just reaches down to smack your ass it's pretty funny it does its job well so it belongs here in the ranking depending on what material steve got this can either be cringe or quite not worthy overall i'm not the biggest fan of it because that has a pretty awkward range of motion but i can't deny that it's pretty good hot take rosa's down air is a pretty nice spike to land it's like a shot of ginger compared to the other savage spikes it's a nice little halo effect that isn't too strong but it's pretty big and it gimps pretty effectively the gimmick works well for her and so rosa's chilling up here terry power dunk is a very interesting move on one hand people who've never played terry or shout outs will probably never land this move since only the input version spikes making it kinda annoying if you don't play him often on the other hand it connects frustratingly well from a forward tail then if you position yourself you can surprise your opponent at the ledge also bonus points for having one of the most unique trajectories in the game i think it belongs here this move is pretty hard to land but when you do it's pretty worth it the only bad gear in the game that could spike for two entries in a row this is still a very unique spike that definitely gives lucas a boost for greenness factor our send down here is a really strong move but i don't really like how it's a two-parter this creates infinitely more chances of failure don't get me wrong it's good and strong as hell but like i've been saying consistency is king and so that's why it's not higher i feel like i rarely ever spike with charizard because that's ivysaur shot but the down air charizard has is pretty baller the singular foot stomp looks a little goofy but it's powerful and feels super satisfying to land similar to charizard down here but mewtwo's reaches way lower and has a cool effect going on so he gets brownie points here luigi down there isn't too strong but it feels perfect for luigi it does its job well and makes luigi to a cool spinny move so yep props taco there is also a pretty cool spinny move not the strongest but quick enough and works great on falco bayo downsmash is one of the sickest looking spikes in the game very very situational you're never going to hit anyone that's literally not in this zone right here but at least it's low commitment and feels good as hell to land kazia down smashes the same idea as baoz and while less aesthetically pleasing and has smaller range the sound effect it has and being able to see your opponent just incinerate in front of your eyes puts this one above diddy kong down there but cringe because it's on to me down here that's cool because it's on a monkey this swing downward with all this might makes it actually one of the strongest downers in the game too so overall very solid mode mega man's down here is really interesting one of the most unique spiky moves in the game it doesn't feel particularly spicy to land but the fact it's a few message from above makes it that much better yoshi's forward air is like mario forward air but yoshi uses his head instead of his fists for some reason it's a pretty solid spike kind of underrated i feel since the range is good and usually has stupid air mobility so it makes it easy to land king ddd down there is a classic spike that's pretty strong but is slow i feel like i hit the sour spot more often than not with this move but all things considered it feels kind of nice to land and isn't hard enough that it does well here the towers are powerful on down air k-rool has deceivingly long range because of them the move is strong and pretty fast considering k-rool does the fastest flip you've ever seen in your life in order to land it now we move on to the great tier these are either really clutch-ass spikes to have or something i will always go for when i play these characters luigi's downtown is admittedly iconic and dank as hell but let's be real it kind of sucks 45 frames a startup and is only active r1 frame but the iconic sound effect it comes with and the hilarity factor definitely makes up for it i feel quite skillful when landing this move as i always do so on purpose as well the fact i can combo from up b2 is hilarious it spikes the whole way through and can clutch the out of some games it has its charm so it goes here promzo b is the same dealio as ike just looks a little cleaner because chrome sword is shinier as much as i think the miser cranes i admittedly think me brawler's soaring actually is better than the other past two because of how fast it is and that the spiking hitbox is surprisingly more generous here i like climb hazard the most out of the spiking of these not only is it the cleanest looking but it actually feels like a spike as opposed to a drag down while this is one of my favorite ganon moves to land it's just unfortunately too impractical for it to be much higher but don't get me wrong the juice level of this move goes hard robin there is an underrated spike not the freeze to land but the juice factor from the levin sword is actually kind of nice if we consider it alone without the existence of baby sword it's a pretty great spike but unfortunately since we can't always land with it it's a bit lower than otherwise might be picho and pikachu thunder are strong as hell and such an interesting mechanic the spike itself isn't too easy to land though and i don't mean the actual cloud portion nine times out of ten it connects to pikachu and p2 as intended so it's not the easiest to land but when it does it's pretty much over i didn't like zelda's downer as much initially because the sweet spot is legit one frame but once you get used to zelda's forward air and back here it's not so bad besides at least the shower spot also sends downward so you can still get the job done if you don't destroy them with a sweet spot the link down air spike is when you must have certain duke to land since if you run off down there you'll die but if you land it you'll live do you got what it takes to go for it i use hero down here all the time but damn this is actually strong as hell satisfying to land and looks like an upside down useful version of up smash this and p2 spike are the only spikes with an electric property so it's pretty sick kind of that is a ground hitbox but this is a spike video so i will refrain from unnecessary hostilities it's good it's satisfying it's strong yeah this kind of has everything you want in the spike this bike is like pikachu's but it's stronger and hurts you a little bit and also it has a grounded hitbox all i can think of when landing lucinas down here is i nailed a one frame window and it makes me feel kind of crazy satisfying strong i'm not biased the only thing that sucks is that it's hard to hit but it kind of makes it more rewarding every time you do there's something about nest down here that i can't quite put my fingers on but that is mad nice to land it's like an orb of death and destruction on the tip of this man's converse is it's a good spike this kind of spike where cloud just thrashes a big sword in front of him is not only hysterical but also coolish the range and power it has is great and it's pretty clear where the spike hitbox is meant to be good spike the k rule back here is strong as hell and doesn't have too much startup lag one of the only backers that spikes and it's much juicier than lucas is so yup new king and down baby this move has reversal cheesed me probably more than any other move in the game the kills at like seven percent for some reason and doesn't even need to be used on purpose you can just use it to want to recover and poop you're dead however we're considering it only from our perspective and so we have no sympathy from our opponents which is why it's pretty high up here clouds down there is like they took links down here but made it kind of sexy landing it is so satisfying the big sound effect is one of the most beautifully designed sounds in the game so it can be hard to land since most time you'll die from it at least you can kind of do this motion and hope for the best dk's forward air is strong as hell has a lot of range although it's kind of slow the fact you can combo it from like a dash attack at 30 and kill from it is pretty hilarious also feels satisfying as hell to land this movement dk does makes it seem like the ultimate bunking tool next we have the amazing tier where these spikes are phenomenal every character can benefit from either having a spike or they will increase their swag meter tenfold this move kind of cheats you can just throw it out and if you get caught by at least one of the hits it'll connect them to the final one and spike you not too strong but the fact it's so active is what makes it and pretty great overall pilot's upbeat spike is kinda cracked the only reason this move is so high is because the amount of times i snatch some ass and spiked the out of my opponents by accident because i was trying to desperately get back to stage is much higher than it should be the idea of a move that stretches out to grab you and physically drag you down is the coolest concept as well i think this spike is sick after the buffs this move became a staple in the spikes game those legs actually murder now and consistently too big range big hit this incineroar spike is one that i actually like going for this is donkey kong's best bike for a reason the move has a deceiving amount of range and it comes out quick as hell like dk might have other flash air spikes but at the end of the day this one is old reliable there are some moves that i think about how much it would get sucked to hit by in real life and violet down air is definitely one of them the strength she throws down that meat hammer at is astounding and is one of my favorite spikes to land even if it is a little slow since the oompha has way more than makes up for it dr mario's down there is nothing crazy animation wise just you know mario's little stubby limbs going for a stretch however the move is strong as hell and quick enough that dr mario out of all characters can run off into it easily one of the best additions to smash ultimate donkey kong uses both his arms to spike cloud uses his buster sword snake uses a single leg the same one that up tilts your ass to the heavens i love the range this move has and how it spikes the whole way through and the fact it's incredibly strong makes up for the fact it's a bit on the slower side overall very swag probably my favorite dk spike down being the air has a spike it box throughout the entire thing so if you land it you are gifted a spike bonus boys do for just having one of the rawest animations in the game wolf's ivy is very situational but it is one of the most badass spikes you can go for the fact that murder so early while also being able to murder you makes it a careful tool for styling the out of your opponents badass feels like crack to land what more could you want and don't answer living the legend itself the mario forward ariel is as satisfying as ever i think it's the fact that mario is literally punching you and telling you to get the down is what makes it great the big mario fist also for some reason has one of the crunchiest sound effects in the game and it's not always free to go for you know like you can definitely die if you miss time the move so a weapon you must earn the right to use and finally the goaded tier some of these next spikes are legally obligated to be up here because they are too broken and stupid and free some of them are here because i really like them feel free to guess which is which i don't have much time in this video left fella so i'll let this image of ivysaur's down here hitbox speak for itself you should not be surprised pirate down air is up here it's actually stupid just looking at the hitbox makes me mad there's so many times when i think that spike even when i'm playing this character it's just something else this curvy move is incarnate i hate it it's one of the biggest reasons i despise carvey because why would they give such a long lasting spike on a character with six jumps out of all these characters i have more than one double jump maybe three have above average spikes because you know that sounds balanced but kirby didn't get the memo does what he wants and i just legally can't put him anywhere below top tier as much as i hate this move come on you knew this was going to be up here not only is it one of the strongest spikes in the game but one of the juiciest as well that effect of pure power that ganon conjures up when he lands the move is half the reason you'd meet this character it's like the world stops moving for a fraction of a second when you land it too which just ups the um factor exponentially top tier spike free and finally we have the most goated spike in the game the falcon stump it's too iconic it's just way too gratifying for how simple it is a swift motion of falcons driving his legs downwards and ending your soul it's fast the timing is incredibly straightforward it's consistent it feels great what's not to love yeah it might be vanilla compared to the other spikes we've seen but honestly it's what all spikes should strive for and that's it fellas every spike in the game this took me far too long so if you liked what you saw feel free to give it a like and let me know what you agreed or disagreed with down below for now though i'll catch you guys later see ya
Channel: TCNick3
Views: 1,167,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu, smash ult, persona, persona ost, smash ost, smash bros ost, mario, captain falcon, bros, tcinick, tcnick, tcnick3, elite, elite smash, spikes, spike, spiking
Id: D9gw4Tt2fKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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