Trying On a 110 Years Old Dress

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👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ArcadianDelSol 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's awesome, very cool enthusiasm for the dress. Fits like a glove!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/alphatangosierra 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think this girl and reviewbrah would get on quite well.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/benowillock 📅︎︎ May 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nineteen O’Ten means this dress is actually from 17,000 years in the future.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/31TonBallZack 📅︎︎ May 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
Hi there meme children, it's your meme mom I haven't used that one for a while in case you were wondering no This is not how I walk around my home though. It is today. I'm basically wearing something like Edwardian undergarment because I bought this Hundred and eleven years old dress that I want to try on I kind of have a feeling it's not gonna fit I've tried it once before Without any undergarments and I have a feeling my corset is gonna add that extra like couple of millimeters Which is gonna make it impossible to wear it. Usually I don't do it I don't wear garments that are more than 100 years old neither should you. Not a good idea. Did someone just open a window? but this one is so good and it's in such a good condition that I thought I'm just gonna give it a try. I'm gonna be very delicate with it If I hear anything breaking I'm gonna stop and this video's gonna be pointless. So the dress I got is it was labelled as 1905 but judging by the shape of the skirt and the shape of the I'm thinking it's closer to like 9 1908 or 1909 It also has a matching cape which is kind of also The reason why I decided to spend an obscene amount of money on this and also it's in a really good condition It's a little bit dusty, but I didn't have the nerve to try and clean it. I'd rather have it Dirty did not have it at all. This is the dress. I'm dying. It's so beautifully made Basically, it just makes me want to wear edwardian clothing every single day. Can you see the cape? Oh my god If I ever do get excited over stuff it it's antique clothing because damn this girl is fine Like just look at the tiny details on the cape who in the world like who in their right mind Would care about things like that. No one I'm telling you, No one. Can you imagine someone at H&M or Zara going like well We might need to have some hand-sewn details here and there because otherwise this dress is like too plain No, no one cares anymore With this one though. Oh my goodness. And also what totally sold me this dress Is the fact that it has a kind of under layer with like a tiny frill on the bust to make the bust look fuller and I was like Am I really going to spend that much money because of it? Yes I am. So here it is! Here is my dress and I'm broke. But who cares I invest in art. So basically I'm gonna take the cape off just so we can see the dress in its full glory to be honest the cape is what makes it look a bit earlier but like the sleeves and Generally the construction and the fact that the detail on the skirt is asymmetrical Screams like later in the decade for me So I'm not gonna say it's like 1905 because I honestly believe it's later Especially that the dress the skirt is kind of straight. So this is the dress boy I'm gonna die. Can you see the tiny details? You can't obviously because the camera is not zoomed in silly silly me. You can't see it, but it's gorgeous So it has an over like an outer layer It has a lace layer that I think was probably at some point lined with silk But it uh the lining just got just fell apart. So then you have an inner layer check this out It's like a ughh. It's like a matryoshka here check this out. So it has an inner layer with a frill Oh my god, just the construction of it. I'm I'm about to faint Like can you see the boning? It has boning inside the bodice Like why would anyone care you're gonna wear a corset anyway But no Edwardians were like we need a better construction all the pleats and it's funny because Inside it's not like modern haute couture where everything is like, you know finished and detailed inside they just don't care and it's so Typical for like antique clothing when it comes to the outside is like super detailed and you know, everything is thought through But when it comes to the insides as long as no one sees it they just don't care Here is like a piece of fabric That's just hanging loose and I have no idea where it comes from another one, but you can see it's hand-sewn. The pleats are just Even the bloody collar is boned like it has bones inside the collar So the thing is it is a bit short. It has a really large hem So if I really wanted to wear it I might undo the hem and just have it Probably about the length it should be but I'm not gonna do that because it's an antique piece and I don't feel like doing that So far like I only just got it, so I don't want this I don't want to destroy it right after and the other measurement I'm a bit worried about is definitely the waist because it just seemed a bit tight So we're gonna see if I'm even gonna fit in as I said I've tried this before but that was without all the undergarments that I feel might make it a bit trickier So we'll see if it works and the skirt is double layered It has an overskirt which is asymmetrical and it has an under skirt, I guess? Which is pleated and that's again where I was kind of worried of washing the Dress because I don't want the pleats to go away Because it's gonna be a pain to like re-do them So I just left it as it is and I'm hoping there are no bugs living in it because that would be a disaster There is a front lace panel like an asymmetrical one that is slightly to the left There is the front brooch something piece Which is sewn on so it's not really a brooch and there is a couple of holes like literally Minimal damage and the rest of it is like a mint-condition It basically looks as if no one has ever worn it Even the hooks are nice are look they look new whereas I bought stuff from this decade before and they were all rotten and basically like falling apart when you touch them so I think It's really incredible. So okay. Yeah, I'm gonna try and put it on at some point. I'm gonna have to ask my sister to Help me out because I'm thick I kind of feel afraid of just Touching it because I don't want the weight of the fabric to pull and hit threads But at the same time it's very exciting to handle it this way. Okay, I'm gonna try and put it over my Intricate opportunit to me like a minute and it's messy as hell. Oh my god. Am I really gonna do it? Okay Here is where I need to be really really careful I don't want to speak because I don't want to move too much. Okay, it doesn't look great so far. Yeah, there is no way I'm gonna close it with all the undergarments on I guess but I already love the look of it It's kind of fits. Okay. Now if I manage to close it without giving it any damage. I'm gonna be very grateful But I think just uh, yeah, I think just a corset itself is like another layer that probably should not be there it actually should but like not on me because I'm just thick and then it's interesting because of my waist is like 65 Centimeters which is like what 20? 26 inches and It's still too big for an antique dress. Though this one? It's not super short, though So that lady must have had a good waist. I wonder what happens if I take the corset off Oh it actually can you see the silhouette? Oh My god, oh my god. I have like a pigeon breast without even trying Oh, this is so goddamn Downton Abbey hell yeah Lady Crawley move away cuz I'm coming for your man I like I really like the puffiness and most of it. Is that chief bite, uh frill I just showed you there is like my boobs are around here So this this thing was made purely to achieve that like pigeon breast shape that I absolutely love and that's the thing like this is why I don't believe this one is from 1905 because in 1905 all of the puffiness would be around here. Whereas this one already gives off more of like 1908 to 1910 vibes it's interesting how well it fits Considering it was not made for me. I always had this with antique or vintage clothing. It just fits me so well Even though it was made for someone that lived 70 years ago and it fits so much better than all of the like modern Clothing. I don't know why because obviously neither of those those things were made for me, but for some reason vintage clothing is always so well tailored and Modern clothing is not now. Let me try on the cape so the Cape from what I've noticed is missing the Lining that I used to have it's kind of like really raw and at first I was kind of eager to believe they actually made it like this because as I said, They basically if anything was underneath they really don't care but I've noticed some remains of silk lining so I'm guessing it was There so it's it's embroidered in this like lovely suitage and then it has those tiny swirls I think the Cape from all of the dress the cape is in the worst condition because it has a couple of holes I wanna live in Edwardian era dammit so this one is definitely more of an outer garment and it's also kind of decorative I was wondering like what sort of belt or anything they wore with it because it's kind of loose and Like fluffy and I think it's supposed to be like that so in that case, it probably had some sort of like maybe not a belt but maybe like Who can I oh, oh, there's actually oh my god. They're actually um, Yeah, this one I wonder cuz it's quite high up here so it probably would have been closed that's really interesting I didn't notice that before. So yeah, this is if this is supposed to be closed and probably be like this though I kind of like them more open look It's funny because I feel like a fashion blogger except it's like a hundred and ten years old dress and it's surreal Because I'm like, oh here's this coat I got I don't know how I'm supposed to wear it But I guess I should wear like that. There's something odd going on here It's broke because my neck is super naturally tall. It also has a label Basically says oh oh Au louvre Paris rayon something like 61 and then T A I L L E 44 probably a size. I guess. I'm gonna have to show the whole thing to you because the skirt is really interesting, and I'm really excited To have this piece even though it's probably the last time I'm wearing it because as I said, it's very vulnerable though I might wear it for a photoshoot someday because it doesn't really show a lot of damage and it's really sturdy But I just don't want to risk it. So it's really interesting seeing how it's made all the details that went to it It's obviously it must have been an expensive piece back then because it's made professionally By a by like by like a fashion salon There is a lot of details embroidery and hand sewing which obviously made it more expensive at the time I love I absolutely love the silhouette as good because it's like I'm not doing anything It's just doing stuff for me. Like it basically makes me look like my waist is small whereas I'm it's not but I'm gonna have to try it on without the corset and I might I might do it now just to check if it's gonna Close up though. It is Easter time and I've eaten eight slices of cake today. So Chances are pretty small So I took the corset off and it closed it and it fits and it looks so good it I was baby crying so like Just to give you an idea Here is what I look like without a damn corset and I still look like an Edwardian lady should look like ah I I'm really careful though because the belt is kind of tense now So I'm trying not to breathe too deep so I don't break it but still just oh the feeling is amazing It's like I don't have to do anything. The silhouette is there on its own thing. That's what Edwardian clothing was like Really like rich and expensive one. It was kind of like you just put it on it does the job for you? it's like you don't have to worry about all the undergarments to give you the silhouette because the clothing itself enhances it so well, oh We're really trying not to breathe too deep because it's stressful but I'm gonna try and show you the whole dress because I feel like what you're seeing right now is like just a snippet of It but damn it feels well, and I'm definitely where it to my first all-stars if I ever recall There's no oh, it feels so good. I don't even know what to say. I'm obsessed with it and I only could wish People made this clothing nowadays so you could get it because it's really hard to recreate all those methods this one is just like taken straight from a hundred ten or eleven years ago and Put on a modern body and it just feels boy. Have you ever eaten pizza? Because the feeling is kind of similar Like you just feel like you're in heaven and you want to die So I'm gonna have to go and show you guys the whole thing because it's amazing Please don't try antique clothing on and unless it's in a really good condition for safety reasons. Do not try to copy anything Which appears on the following program obviously with pieces like that. They're really unique. There aren't much left in the world So I'm gonna have to try and preserve it instead of like wearing it as I kind of feel like doing but I'm not gonna because it's old and it's unique and it's a piece of art and history, and I'm just so happy that I could get it and Now I'm just gonna stop doing that because this video is gonna turn into this really long and boring praise of my latest Purchases so to avoid that I'm gonna stop here. Yeah, that's it. Thanks for watching See you in the next video. Oh My god lady violet I'm coming Karolina being beautiful as always :)
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 1,465,934
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: edwardian, 110 years old, 1909, edwardian dress, antique, antique dress, 1900s, trying on, downton abbey
Id: Ep16kibILa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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